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The 8 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) Cognitive

Functions: Your Personality, Explained

Jenna Birch

When most people hear "Myers-Briggs," they think of the personality test, and the four letters
associated with their resulting personality type: introverted (I) or extroverted (E), intuitive (N)
or sensing (S), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or perceiving (P). But these traits only
tell part of the story. Did you know you also have four key MBTI functions that correspond to
your type?

Psychologist Carl Jung (essentially the father of typology) talked a lot about the cognitive functions,
which Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers then utilized to create the MBTI system
we use today. These eight functions are critical to understanding how you operate in the world,
and are worth knowing as a tool to help you delve deeper into how you and anyone else ticks.
Using descriptions of the MBTI cognitive functions is also how I’ve learned to get a sense of
people in real life, without them needing to take the personality test first.

There are eight total MBTI cognitive functions; let’s break down what makes up each below.
(These eight functions are critical to understanding how you operate in the world, and are worth
knowing as a tool to help you delve deeper into how you and anyone else ticks.)

The 8 MBTI functions

1. Extroverted Sensing (Se)

Extroverted sensing is using taste, touch, smell, sound, movement and sight to easily absorb
information in the physical world. As strongly observant, these people pick up on details other
people do not notice, and some even have a photographic memory. They love excitement,
spontaneity, new experiences, and material goods.
Dominant extroverted sensors are ESTPs and ESFPs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
this function are ISTPs and ISFPs.

2. Introverted Sensing (Si)

Introverted sensing is understanding the world through past precedent and experience. People
who are introverted sensors thrive using routine, tradition, organization, and rules. They are
often very attuned to their bodies, and have specific ways of doing things that work for them in
order to get the job done. They are responsible, reliable, and cautious.
Dominant introverted sensors are ISTJs and ISFJs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
this function are ESTJs and ESFJs.
3. Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Extroverted thinking is outwardly conveying thoughts using logic, reason, and analysis.
Extroverted thinkers are clear and concise, direct, and unmoved by emotional appeals. They are
often strong orators and writers, who have thoughtful, well-researched arguments and
theories. Extroverted thinkers like to convince people of their thoughts and implement new
Dominant extroverted thinkers are ENTJs and ESTJs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
this function are INTJs and ISTJs.

4. Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Introverted thinking is a function that seeks to understand personal ideas using a deeply
specified framework. Introverted thinkers are constantly mining their own thoughts in an
attempt to be rational and reasonable, slowly ruling out other ideas before coming to their own
firm conclusions (and they're often guarded about how they got to these conclusions).
Dominant introverted thinkers are INTPs and ISTPs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
the function are ENTPs and ESTPs.

5. Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

Extroverted intuition often means noticing patterns, symbols, and connections in the world that
others may not see. Extroverted intuitive live for possibility, often expressing themselves
through a tumble of ideas, or a constant external brainstorm. They may talk about many things
they want to do, but not ultimately follow through. For them, it’s all part of the process to get
to the best idea.
Dominant extroverted intuitive are ENTPs and ENFPs. Those who also have a strong affiliation
for the function are INFPs and INTPs.

6. Introverted Intuition (Ni)

I once heard introverted intuition described as “knowing without knowing how,” as well as
“thinking without thinking.” It’s the most mystical of all the MBTI functions. People with this
function tend to reach conclusions without having a clear idea as to how they got there. They
are wise, convicted, and always have a plan to work toward a bigger picture and seek to build
and understand complex systems. Introverted intuitive are always processing in the
background, and regularly have “a-ha!” realizations when answers simply come out of
Dominant introverted intuitive are INTJs and INFJs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
this function are ENFJs and ENTJs.
7. Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Extroverted feeling is concerned with harmony, bringing people together, and caring.
Extroverted feelers are great at reading the emotions of others; they are big empathizers,
absorbing the feelings of others around them to the point that they sometimes cannot tell
which feelings are their own. They easily squash and step around conflicts, and they are
typically very social.
Dominant extroverted feelers are ENFJs and ESFJs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
the function are INFJs and ISFJs.

8. Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Introverted feeling is a function concerned with authenticity, individualism and values.
Introverted feelers know what they believe, have a strong sense of self, and can easily identify
their personal experience of emotion. They are often outspoken activists, and love to help
those in need. They don’t have stronger feelings than others who utilize this function, but they
do have more mastery over them and can put them toward change—of self, of others, of
Dominant introverted feelers are INFPs and ISFPs. Those who also have a strong affiliation for
the function are ENFPs and ESFPs.

Understanding the MBTI functions as the 16 types

Now that we're clear about the eight MBTI functions, we can better understand how they
correspond to each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. Each type has four functions,
ordered in a stack from strongest to weakest.

Dominant function
The first function in the stack is called the dominant function, the strongest one you use so
often, you may not even realize you are doing it.

Auxiliary function
The second function is called the auxiliary function, which assists the dominant function in
conveying ideas and is also relatively strong in your personality.

Tertiary function
The third function is the tertiary function, which may be slightly under-developed, but does
start to manifest in your type more prominently as you age.

Inferior function
The fourth function is your inferior function, which is challenging to access and often only
comes out under stress.

Let’s look at the types and their functions. Here are the magic codes:

INTJ: Ni > Te > Fi > Se

INFJ: Ni > Fe > Ti > Se
ENTJ: Te > Ni > Se > Fi
ENFJ: Fe > Ni > Se > Ti
ENTP: Ne > Ti > Fe > Si
INTP: Ti > Ne > Si > Fe
INFP: Fi > Ne > Si > Te
ENFP: Ne > Fi > Te > Si
ESTP: Se > Ti > Fe > Ni
ESFP: Se > Fi > Te > Ni
ISTP: Ti > Se > Ni > Fe
ISFP: Fi > Se > Ni > Te
ISFJ: Si > Fe > Ti > Ne
ESFJ: Fe > Si > Ne > Ti
ESTJ: Te > Si > Ne > Fi
ISTJ: Si > Te > Fi > Ne

To take a closer look, let’s break down what this means for just one of the types. Say we’re
analyzing the ENFJ’s personality. To do this, we consider the four cognitive functions that
correspond to the respective personality type in order to get a deeper understanding.

ENFJ: Fe > Ni > Se > Ti

ENFJ is warm, empathetic and inviting, able to make friends with just about anyone. That's
unsurprising given it’s the characteristic element of their personality (dominant Fe). But they
are also wise, highly planed, and constantly working toward a higher goal (auxiliary Ni). They
are also usually comfortable in the physical world, probably enjoy working out and traveling,
and value being seen as a stylish and trendy person (Se). That said, they may not be inclined to
truly break outside their comfort zone with extreme sports or dangerous destinations.
The ENFJ’s inferior function (Ti) may only be noticed when they are under stress or in the
problems they deal with often, especially considering the inferior function is often the opposite
of the dominant function. ENFJ is adept at processing others’ emotions and creating harmony in
social settings; they may struggle to analyze their own thoughts in a rational way, and tend to
be overthinkers.
3 ways to use MBTI functions IRL
There are many observations about cognitive functions worth noting that may be useful to you
as you go about your life. Below, find three of them.

1. Assigning Types to others

A lot of people are interested in assigning types to friends, family, celebrities, kids, bosses IRL—
and I'm one of them. When I do this for people who have not taken the MBTI test, well, the
functions spell out the exact characteristics I look for. (Remember, extroverted functions are
the easiest to spot, so don’t jump to conclusions about a type before you have time to get a
sense of them).

2. Rethinking E versus I
While we’re on the subject, let’s also talk about introverts and extroverts, terms that have less
to do with how social you are, and more to do with the orientation of your dominant cognitive

ENFPs and ENTPs often feel like introverts but process the world through
extroverted intuition (Ne), which means outwardly focusing toward their physical
reality, making them dominant extroverts.
For instance, ENFPs and ENTPs are often solitary for long periods and are deep thinkers. They
often feel like introverts, but the way they process the world—through extroverted intuition
(Ne), noticing patterns in the universe, seeing what could be—is outwardly focused toward their
physical reality instead of toward their internal experience, making them dominant extroverts.

3. Using inferior functions

Inferior functions are often displayed in our vices or behaviors under stress. For instance, an
INFJ or an INTJ may lean into excess and materialism (the inferior Se). An INFP or ISFP might
lash out with verbal criticisms or order people around (inferior Te), even though they are
normally “live and let live” types. Learning to engage with your inferior function in a healthy
way is a lifelong pursuit.
Ultimately, cognitive functions act as secret MBTI codes that can help you understand yourself
and others in deeper, more interesting ways. Now that you know all about ‘em, too, it's likely
you won't be able to help but start noticing them action.
Breaking down Shadow Functions for Each Type by an INFP

Similarly to my last post about communicating with each type, let me acknowledge my
understanding that there is no "one size that fits all” when it comes to personality profiles. And,
once more, there will naturally be some overlap between types with similar function stacks; any
one of these “profiles" is basically a portrait of a person who has, for whatever reason, failed to
thrive within their most natural, “useful”, and productive state(s) and has deferred to less
developed aspects of their psyche (some more “active” and teased out than others). This could
describe long term or temporary personal failure which has resulted in an “inversion” of the
core personality or, perhaps more aptly, acute state of overcompensation for perceived lack.
Aka: externalizing the internal and/or internalizing the external, due to a lack of time, space,
resources, social acceptance, mental health or even self-awareness.
What I have attempted to do is break down the internal, partially unconscious narrative of each
“failing” and overcompensating type through the lens of their opposite function stack; each of
these profiles represents the result of a highly destructive inferior grip, and explains (somewhat
vaguely) how each function naturally precedes and activates the next thing in a given "stack".
Take this stuff with a grain of salt, of course. :) We all know that people are far more complex
than this, and that there are too many differences even within types for a post like this to
account for everything, but it might still be interesting to think about.

- Shadow Ti: I will find loopholes and use systems to my advantage. I will gain knowledge
toward my ends, which I will use purposefully. For me, knowledge is at once a tool and a
weapon, allowing me to get ahead.
- Critical Ne: I will leave no stone unturned. I will search anything and everything. My mind is a
trove of secrets, trivia and advantageous information.

- Blindspot Si: I am, for the most part, unaware of my deeply rooted need for security.
Unconsciously, my primary desire is not, in fact, to get ahead, but rather, to never “fall behind”.
I am very concerned with maintaining my sense of personal integrity.

-Demonic Fe: I will use my social power/influence to manipulate others. I will work within the
established social structure in order to get what I want. Anything is better than losing my place
within the tribe.

- Shadow Te: My sense of logic is challenged by what appears, by my reckoning, to be
erroneous information; the externally generated Te is in conflict with my Ti understanding, and
I am, thus, failing to reconcile the discrepancies.

- Critical Si: I am highly skeptical in all regards; I will actively distance myself from anything
which conflicts with the status quo of my activities, opinions, understanding, etc. I am
extremely uninterested in changing my mind without hard proof.
- Blindspot Ne: Though I’m not overtly aware of this, I am hostile toward new information and
harbour a strong confirmation bias towards things which enable me to feel consistent,
grounded and organized, and do not give due consideration to alternative possibilities; this is
because change frightens me when I’m convinced I am right.

-Demonic Fi: I do not feel as though my opinions have been fully considered, and at the core of
my being, I secretly feel rejected and alienated by others. I would rather isolate myself entirely
than participate in a society which callously marginalizes or outright dismisses what I deem to
be proper and rational. Anything is better than conforming for the sake of conforming.

- Shadow Fe: I will grow impatient if my emotional needs aren’t acknowledged by the group. I
will cease to put effort into communication beyond perfunctory motions. I will potentially
become passive aggressive and/or self-deprecating. I may allow others to steamroll me until I
can find a way to avoid interacting with them. I will manipulate if I need to.

- Critical Si: I am secretly holding on to my negative experiences and allowing this to tint my
judgements to an exaggerated degree. I am reluctant to give additional chances to people or
situations which have disappointed and frustrated me to such a degree that my preferences are
growing increasingly narrow and exclusive
- Blindspot Ne: Though I’m not fully conscious of this, I am feeling trapped emotionally. I can’t
perceive a way to change my situation and my emotional wellbeing is deteriorating as a result. I
am stagnating and brooding. I am secretly longing for new insights, but I don’t even know what
to look for.

- Demonic Ti: I have withdrawn emotionally. I have become overloaded emotionally and have,
thus, entered power saving mode. Anything is better than personal degradation.

- Shadow Ni: Restricted from, or otherwise unable to draw satisfying conclusions from my Ne
gathering, I have turned my attentions inward; I am seeking order within chaos. I am seeking
(and often perceiving) patterns virtually everywhere I look. This is especially true in emotionally
complex scenarios.

- Critical Fe: In particular, I find myself recognizing patterns in social behavior: these seem to be
inherently meaningful. I get compulsive urges to externalize my findings and to share my
unique perspectives and opinions. The more patterns I discover, the more passionate I grow in
regards to my beliefs. Unconsciously, I have chosen to assume the role of an advocate,
honoring and/or preserving that which I deem to be rightful. I am anxious when others disagree
with me and I long to get everyone on the same page.

- Blindspot Ti: Unconsciously, I feel that I know what is best for myself and others; this aspect of
my psyche does not experience any particular need to cross reference these feelings with facts,
external input or other extraneous details; these are mere blips on my radar, contrasted with
some incredibly strong signals which, unbeknownst to me, originate from within me. I do not
analyze this, however, perceiving that if I feel something strongly enough, then it must be true.

- Demonic Se: I will take drastic actions if absolutely necessary. I must have a platform for self-
expression, and my ideas need to be heard. I have to draw attention to myself, or take matters
into my hands in other ways. Anything is better than feeling stifled.

- Shadow Fi: I feel as though I have failed to connect with others in a meaningful way. Because
of this, beneath my exterior, I am secretly very afraid and lonely. I am afraid others do not
perceive me as valuable. I am struggling to feel motivated without encouragement from others;
I'm trying desperately to look within to discover a deeper meaning for my existence which
does not involve the tribe. I secretly long for other people to be interested in what I’m doing,
since this augments my sense of identity in a deeply gratifying way.

- Critical Ne: Everything is possible! Don’t say no to anything! I have to believe or it won’t
happen for me. Everyone should be open to opportunities and experiences or I might never find
what I’m looking for, so I need to get them motivated. I need others to believe in things and
perceive possibilities. I need others to brainstorm with me. If they aren't interested, or at least
curious, I have a harder time staying interested. I’ve made it my task to inspire and motivate

- Blindspot Si: Lurking beneath the surface is a monster I am seldom aware of; it causes me to
fret whenever I feel a loss of control- which, for me, is feeling as though I have no purpose or
function within the group. My experiences thus far have steadily impressed upon me an
unconscious expectation that others will not be interested in harmonizing with me or taking my
insights to heart.

- Demonic Te: Fine. I’ll just do everything myself. Step aside and let this miserable, uninspired,
unappreciated robot do its thing. I might not be doing anything that feels fulfilling or
meaningful with my time, but at least I’m involved/included in something. Anything is better
than meaninglessness.

- Shadow Fe: My autonomy is threatened by the demands of my society. Since I cannot actively
care about what they wish for me to care about, I will instead either opt to impress upon them
my own moral and ethical ideals, or simply withdraw from those who cannot speak my
emotional language.

- Critical Ni: In an effort to stick to my internal compass while simultaneously meeting the
expectations of my group, I am at all times seeking inobvious patterns and, generally, ignoring
the obvious ones. I am looking between the lines and second guessing myself at every turn. All
externally generated input now seems dubious.
- Blindspot Se: I am so caught up in my restless internal narrative that I find it difficult to
interpret the world within the confines of what is physical, actual and literal. My internal world
has become so real to me that the external world grows increasingly irrelevant.

- Demonic Ti: I have a strong confirmation bias which ignores everything which feels
incongruous with my personal emotional needs, values and/or intuitive impulses. I must come
up with a system to resolve this menacing internal conflict. I will isolate myself entirely if need
be, shutting out the world for as long as necessary. Anything is better than being at war with

- Shadow Te: I am out of my depth and am, thus, forced to defer to external judgement. This is
highly irregular and I am having a difficult time managing my skepticism. No apparent pattern is
presenting itself and I am failing to interpret the mechanics of the present situation.

- Critical Ni: I seek order to an extreme degree. External chaos threatens the painstakingly
curated fabric of my perceptions and I need to make sense of it all. I will augment my
perceptual lenses and hone in on patterns more readily to prevent myself from wasting further
time and energy on shuffling through pointless trivia.

- Blindspot Se: In spite of my accumulated wisdom/existent mental frameworks, the data

currently being explored remains inherently meaningless to me; sensory input
alone certainly cannot resolve this conflict. This activity makes me uneasy and restless because
there does not appear to be any established means of parsing the data which works for me.

- Demonic Fi: This situation has threatened my sense of personal integrity. I am deeply
frustrated by my inability to parse the data and the tribe's apparent inability and/or
unwillingness to help me break down the data on my own terms. I have failed utterly to work
within this system, and secretly, this enrages me. Anything is better than working within a
pointless, illogical system.

- Shadow Si: I am unable to get novel emotional gratification via external sources; my sensory
experiences have been unsatisfying. I will thus attempt to control my own experience of the
world so that I can feel free and normal. I will attempt to customize the delivery of my
stimulation. I will either increase my external intake of positive experiences or remove myself
from sources of stimulus that have a strong likelihood of being unpleasant or unsatisfactory. I
will try to focus my efforts with trusted sources to maximize my “good" experiences.

- Critical Fe: I must assert my need for emotional gratification. I must convince my tribe to
accommodate my Fi needs. I am feeling empty and am, thus, compelled to receive feedback,
validation and emotionally stimulating experiences from others. I am all too often bored and
restless when left alone.
- Blindspot Ti: Because I am not currently aware of the complexity of my psychological situation,
I am having extraordinary difficulty seeking my happiness in a logical, procedural manner.
Though I try to understand my own psychology, I am too distracted by my current emotional
turbulence. My need for stimulation and emotional gratification has grown so intense that it’s
almost impossible for me to analyze the inner workings of my mind in a fruitful manner; I am
seeking to immerse myself in the external world to an extreme degree.

- Demonic Ne: I will simply have to act with or without sufficient reason. I will even opt for
replete, directionless spontaneity in the absence of the stimulus I am craving. I will take
whatever forms of stimulation I can get. Anything is better than monotonous, suffocating

- Shadow Se: I am hyper focused on what is real and immediate. I am seeking results above all
else. I do not care very much about the details unless they’re directly related to the situation at
hand. I am extremely interested in cause and effect
- Critical Ti: I strongly crave perfection within systems. I will rigorously screen for errors and
pare away everything which, by my own reckoning, is not immediately useful within a given
context. I will narrow down my findings through the use of clinical, detached logic.

- Blindspot Fe: The emotions of others are largely irrelevant to me unless they relate to what I
am currently focusing on. My Fi does not extend into my Fe during moments of critical Ti. I find
dealing with the emotions of others to be a fruitless, irritating waste of my time.

- Demonic Ni: My need for a logical pattern has intensified to such a degree that I’m drawing
conclusions out of thin air to explain discrepancies in my various external input. Anything is
better than a glaring logical fallacy.

- Shadow Fi: I am deeply concerned with the way other people see me/feel about me. I feel a
sense of sorrow whenever I think too deeply about who I am, because, truthfully, it depends
almost entirely on my position within my society/how my loved ones regard me on all levels.

- Critical Se: Deep down, I’m craving tangible evidence of what others are feeling about me. I
may try to find ways to keep them in closer proximity to me. I am eagerly
expecting actions from my loved ones. I may even keep tallies of gifts and favors.

- Blindspot Ni: I don’t know who to trust or what the truth is when I’m looking at myself. I do
not have a strong, static sense of “truth” in regards to my insecurities. As far as I
know, anything could be true and that frightens me profoundly.

- Demonic Te: I will use whatever devices are available to me in order to keep tabs on people,
and encourage them to stick around. I will become rigid and exacting, expecting regular
communication and tangible forms of social maintenance. Anything is better than

- Shadow Ne: Inwardly, I am feeling directionless. My mind is wandering aimlessly and most
things seem arbitrary to me. I have a paradoxical sense of purposefulness and purposelessness.

- Critical Ti: I am tempted to nitpick and am rarely satisfied with myself and others; I am a
perfectionist to such a degree that it is difficult to get any work done. I am reluctant to engage
with others when they are unwilling to speak in precise, logical terms. I overanalyze and
overthink constantly.

- Blindspot Fe: I am so single minded that I can barely keep track of what other people are
feeling. The emotions of others are neither particularly apparent, nor relevant.

- Demonic Si: Deep in my unconscious mind there is a monster. This monster wants control,
power, order and rigid, consistent truth. I am secretly feeling powerless and out of my depth. I
feel as though I lack the ability to alter my external reality, thus I seek to control my inner
experience as much as possible. Anything is better than chaos.

- Shadow Si: My external sensory experience has impacted me negatively to such a degree that
I have retreated inward. This is somewhat unnatural for me, and I am feeling unfulfilled and
frustrated as a result.

- Critical Te: In pursuit of the action and stimulus I crave, I am resorting to alternative means. I
am pouring myself into my work/hobbies. I am experiencing my interests indirectly: engaging
with them by proxy. I will research, collect and/or maintain the things I care about.

- Blindspot Fi: I am unaware of how desperately unnatural my experience/lifestyle truly feels. I

am suppressing and/or repressing my emotions to such a degree that I am clueless as to what
I truly need/want.

- Demonic Ne: I am looking for satisfaction in all the wrong places. I am drowning out my inner
pain and discomfort with many kinds of external distractions. Anything is better than

- Shadow Ne: I am inquisitive to such a degree that I can be nosy and prying. I am constantly
trying to stay in the loop. I am in a perpetual mode of vigilant “seeking”.

- Critical Fi: I am feeling disrespected and/or unconsidered. I perceive that I am left out. I am at
times tempted to assert my emotional needs in petty or passive aggressive ways. I am at times
feeling woebegone and as though no one really cares.
- Blindspot Te: I am not aware that my overly emotional behavior is often illogical and
unproductive. I am ignoring the plain facts due to an overwhelming sense of insecurity, which I
am having difficulty tuning out.

- Demonic Si: My inner experience has become too real and I’m finding myself unable to trust
external input. I am judgemental and skeptical of new ideas and am quick to shut out unwanted
stimuli. Anything is better than getting hurt.

- Shadow Se: My bluntness is intensified and I am prioritizing action over thought. I have grown
impatient and am focused almost exclusively on the present. I am willing to take matters into
my own hands and may do so in a pushy manner if I feel it’s necessary.

- Critical Fi: My need for peace is in conflict with my personal values. I may behave in mean
spirited ways, chastise others or become spiteful, overly critical or demanding in order to have
my way and maintain social order simultaneously.

- Blindspot Te: I do not have a good sense of how well my actions are working. In situations
where I am unable to rely on my preferred methods, I may grasp at straws in an attempt to get
things done in a procedural manner.

- Demonic Ni: I am deeply afraid of what I do not understand and am jumping through
psychological hoops to inwardly maintain the illusion that I am on top of things. Anything is
better than feeling helpless and ineffective.

- Shadow Ni: I am seeking expansion within my own mind in part due to a sense of frustration;
my outer world currently feels small and limited, and I desperately need to explore new
possibilities; I will create these possibilities if necessary.

- Critical Te: I am eager to follow through with my plans in order to gain the experiences I crave.
I am not particularly restrained or hesitant.

- Blindspot Fi: I am somewhat lacking in emotional direction and have no real sense of personal
responsibility within the confines of my inner world. My "inner being” is overly flexible, since
my Fi cannot keep it in check as well as my Fe normally keeps my Ne in check.

- Demonic Se: My Si has failed me, and thus, there is a very real possibility that my impulsive,
unchecked “inner” exploration will spill out into my outer life in destructive and damaging
ways. When I am bored, restless and uninspired, I am not very attuned to the consequences of
my actions. Anything is better than monotonous stagnation.

- Shadow Ti: My Te/Si has inverted, and thus, instead of relying on established protocol and
firm planning, I am inclined to implement unique solutions, for which there is little available
- Critical Se: My inverted Si inclines me to act in impulsive ways. I am likely to experiment with
Ti systems in tangible, yet unpredictable ways.

- Blindspot Ni: I am not particularly adept at envisioning the results of my actions, as I am

ordinarily used to relying on tried and true methods. However, I secretly feel the need to prove
my value. I’m willing to brush off external input in order to implement my plans.

- Demonic Fe: Unconsciously, I’m aware that my actions are, presently at least, neither logical,
nor helpful to others in the larger picture, but I have an uncontrollable urge to contribute.
Anything is better than feeling useless.

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