Research Project B Subject Outline For Teaching in 2021
Research Project B Subject Outline For Teaching in 2021
Research Project B Subject Outline For Teaching in 2021
This subject outline has been reaccredited for teaching at Stage 2 from 2017
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1
Subject Description........................................................................................................................... 1
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowledge, Cultures, and Perspectives.....................1
Learning Scope and Requirements.................................................................................................... 2
Learning Requirements.................................................................................................................... 2
Content................................................................................................................................................ 2
Assessment Scope and Requirements.......................................................................................... 10
Evidence of Learning...................................................................................................................... 10
Assessment Design Criteria......................................................................................................... 10
School Assessment........................................................................................................................ 12
External Assessment..................................................................................................................... 14
Performance Standards................................................................................................................ 15
Assessment Integrity..................................................................................................................... 18
Support Materials............................................................................................................................... 19
Subject-specific Advice.................................................................................................................. 19
Advice on Ethical Study and Research.......................................................................................19
Stage 2 Research Project is a compulsory 10-credit subject. Students must achieve a
C–grade or better to complete the subject successfully and gain their SACE.
Students enrol in either Research Project A or Research Project B.
The external assessment for Research Project B must be written. Students can choose to
present their external assessment for Research Project A in written, oral, or multimodal
Research Project B may contribute to a student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank
Students choose a research question that is based on an area of interest to them.
They explore and develop one or more capabilities in the context of their research.
The term ‘research’ is used broadly and may include practical or technical investigations,
formal research, or exploratory inquiries.
The Research Project provides a valuable opportunity for SACE students to develop and
demonstrate skills essential for learning and living in a changing world. It enables students
to develop vital skills of planning, research, synthesis, evaluation, and project management.
The Research Project enables students to explore an area of interest in depth, while
developing skills to prepare them for further education, training, and work. Students
develop their ability to question sources of information, make effective decisions, evaluate
their own progress, be innovative, and solve problems.
The learning requirements summarise the knowledge, skills, and understanding that
students are expected to develop and demonstrate through their learning in
Stage 2 Research Project B.
In this subject, students are expected to:
1. generate ideas to plan and develop a research project
2. understand and develop one or more capabilities in the context of their research
3. analyse information and explore ideas to develop their research
4. develop specific knowledge and skills
5. produce and substantiate a Research Outcome
6. evaluate their research.
Stage 2 Research Project B is a 10-credit subject.
The content of Research Project B consists of:
developing the capabilities
applying the research framework.
The capabilities enable students to make connections in their learning within and across
subjects in a wide range of contexts.
In Research Project B, students develop their capability for literacy by, for example:
communicating with a range of people in a variety of contexts
asking questions, expressing opinions, and taking different perspectives into account
using language with increasing awareness, clarity, accuracy, and suitability for a range of
audiences, contexts, and purposes
accessing, analysing, and selecting appropriate primary and secondary sources
engaging with, and reflecting on, the ways in which texts are created for specific
purposes and audiences
composing a range of texts — written, oral, visual, and multimodal
reading, viewing, writing, listening, and speaking, using a range of technologies
developing an understanding that different text types (e.g. website, speech, newspaper
article, film, painting, data set, report, set of instructions, or interview) have their own
distinctive stylistic features
acquiring an understanding of the relationships between literacy, language, and culture.
Intercultural Understanding
In Research Project B, students develop their capability for intercultural understanding by,
for example:
identifying, observing, analysing, and describing characteristics of their own cultural
identities and those of others (e.g. group memberships, traditions, values, religious
beliefs, and ways of thinking)
recognising that culture is dynamic and complex and that there is variability within all
cultural, linguistic, and religious groups
learning about and engaging with diverse cultures in ways that recognise commonalities
and differences, create connections with others, and cultivate mutual respect
developing skills to relate to and move between cultures
acknowledging the social, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of a nation, including
that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies in Australia
recognising the challenges of living in a culturally diverse society and of negotiating,
interpreting, and mediating difference.
Examples include: a recorded dance performance with notes and a director’s statement.
Students negotiate with their teacher suitable forms for producing their Research
All Stage 2 subjects have a school assessment component and an external assessment
The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in
Stage 2 Research Project B:
School Assessment (70%)
Assessment Type 1: Folio (30%)
Assessment Type 2: Research Outcome (40%)
The specific features are as follows:
D1 Development of the research.
D2 Analysis of information and exploration of ideas to develop the research.
D3 Development of knowledge and skills specific to the research question.
D4 Understanding and development of one or more capabilities.
The specific features are as follows:
S1 Synthesis of knowledge, skills, and ideas to produce a resolution to the research
S2 Substantiation of key findings relevant to the Research Outcome.
S3 Expression of ideas.
The specific features are as follows:
E1 Evaluation of the research processes used, specific to the research question.
E2 Evaluation of decisions made in response to challenges and/or opportunities specific
to the research processes used.
E3 Evaluation of the quality of the Research Outcome.
consider and define a research question, and outline their initial ideas for the research
consider and select research processes that are likely to be appropriate to their research
question (i.e. valid, ethical, and manageable research processes).
Evidence could include:
a mind map
guiding questions
a written statement
an oral discussion
a multimedia presentation,
that may lead to the development of, and its incorporation in, a management plan.
Research Development
develop the research, including knowledge and skills specific to the research question
organise and analyse information gathered
explore ideas
understand and develop one or more capabilities.
Refer to the subject operational information on the Research Project minisite on the SACE
website ( for details about materials to be submitted for moderation.
Students submit their Research Outcome to the teacher and, if they choose, present it to a
broader audience (e.g. other students or community members).
Evidence of the Research Outcome must be:
a maximum of 2000 words if written
a maximum of 12 minutes for an oral presentation
the equivalent in multimodal form.
For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to all
specific features of the following assessment design criterion:
The following specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject are
assessed in the external assessment component:
evaluation — E1, E2, and E3
synthesis — S3.
The performance standards describe five levels of achievement, A to E.
Each level of achievement describes the knowledge, skills, and understanding that
teachers and assessors refer to in deciding how well a student has demonstrated his or
her learning on the basis of the evidence provided.
During the teaching and learning program the teacher gives students feedback on their
learning, with reference to the performance standards.
At the student’s completion of study of each school assessment type, the teacher makes a
decision about the quality of the student’s learning by:
referring to the performance standards
assigning a grade between A and E for the assessment type.
The student’s school assessment and external assessment are combined for a final result,
which is reported as a grade between A and E.
P1 Consideration and some D1 Considered and mostly S1 Considered synthesis of E1 Considered evaluation of
B refinement of a research resourceful development knowledge, skills, and the research processes
question. of the research. ideas to produce a used, specific to the
resolution to the research question.
P2 Considered planning of D2 Some complexity in research question.
research processes that analysis of information E2 Some complexity in
are appropriate to the and exploration of ideas S2 Substantiation of most evaluation of decisions
research question. to develop the research. key findings relevant to made in response to
the Research Outcome. challenges and/or
D3 Effective development of opportunities specific to
knowledge and skills S3 Mostly clear and the research processes
specific to the research coherent expression of used.
question. ideas.
E3 Considered evaluation of
D4 Informed understanding the quality of the
and development of one Research Outcome.
or more capabilities.
P1 Basic consideration and D1 Development of some S1 Basic use of information E1 Superficial description of
D identification of a broad aspects of the research. and ideas to produce a the research processes
research question. resolution to the used.
D2 Collection rather than research question.
P2 Partial planning of analysis of information, E2 Basic description of
research processes that with some superficial S2 Basic explanation of decisions made in
may be appropriate to description of an idea to ideas related to the response to challenges
the research question. develop the research. Research Outcome. and/or opportunities
specific to the research
D3 Superficial development S3 Basic expression of processes used.
of some knowledge and ideas.
Online support materials are provided for each subject and updated regularly on the SACE
website ( Examples of support materials are sample learning and
assessment plans, annotated assessment tasks, annotated student responses, and
recommended resource materials.