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JUMAHALI (BEED-1B) Activity 15 Vision of The 21st Century School

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Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 15 Vision of the 21st Century School

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Directions: Envision your present or future classroom of the 21st Century School. Visualize your
classroom setting. List appropriate management procedures that will create positive
learning conditions.

Classroom Management Techniques Procedures/Activities

A. Management of Instruction 1. Listen carefully.
2. Pay attention.
3. Create learning stations.
4. Use task cards.
5. Use arrows for directional purposes.
B. Management of Discipline 1. Arranging the desks to encourage
2. Avoid asking question in the middle of
discussion. In order to practice proper listening.
3. Award merits for good behavior and demerits
for inconsistencies and lapses.
4. Develop patience, compassion, genuine
respect, and care for the students.
5. Use varied teaching techniques.
C. Management of Relationship 1. Allow students to share/express their feelings
and misgivings.
2. Conduct an activity that involves groupings in
order for the students to have interactions with
their classmates.
3. In class discussion, use reality examples that
students can relate in order for them to feel
4. Take note of positive and negative interactions
with students.
5. Conduct a private one on one brief conference
regarding in various problems of the students
once a month.
D. Management of Physical Environment 1. Assign students for everyday monitors.
2. Before leaving the classroom, students must
check their desk for cleanliness purpose.
3. Address student’s needs.

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education
4. Employ class-building games and activities.
5. Celebrate success such as recognition party
E. Management of Time 1. Remain involve with the students during class
2. In case you finished the lesson ahead of time,
make use of the remaining time by letting the
student discuss about what they have learned.
3. Give time for students to prepare their
materials before starting an activity.
4. After lunch break, upon entering to the
classroom students should use comfort room in
order to prevent from going out that sometimes
it cause interruption in the middle of discussion.
5. Provide enough time for everything you expect
to happen.
F. Management of Routines 1. Before starting the class period, one must lead
for the prayer.
2. After lunch break, upon entering to the
classroom students should use comfort room in
order to prevent from going out that sometimes
it cause interruption in the middle of discussion.
3. Before leaving the classroom, students must
check their desk for cleanliness purpose.
4. Avoid asking question in the middle of
discussion. Instead ask questions after the
5. Upon entering the classroom, boys and girls
should form their line separately to check for
attendance purposes.

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 16 Improving Discipline through Lesson

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Task: Improving Discipline Through Lesson Management

Classroom management and instructional management affect students’ behavior in
school. It is very important to give detailed instructions on how lessons are planned, organized
and executed, in order to maintain appropriate students’ behavior and keep students engaged
implementing fluidity in lesson delivery can minimize misbehaviors.

Ms. Alba has been having difficulty in her sixth grade students during cooperative group
work. The students are assigned to specific groups to do certain activities. They know where to
go and with whom they will be working, but she is struggling with the rotation transitions as
students prepare to move from one group to the next. During instruction, Ms. Alba has no
problem with smooth transitions and uses a variety of strategies (such as a bell, a five-finger
countdown, and a patterned clap) that signal students to finish one task before starting the
next one. When it comes to group transitions, however, she is not as smooth as in getting
students to rotate from one task to the next.

How do you approach the problem of Ms. Alba? Consider the diversity of her students (special
needs, learning style, language ability, etc.) when answering this question.

 In order for Ms. Alba to have a smooth transition when it comes to groups. She can
do the ff.

 Every group must work as one/as a team.

 Every group must rotate as one.

This can help Ms. Alba to have a smooth rotation transition as her students prepare
to move to the next group.

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 17 On Task behavior Designs

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Task: Design a seating arrangement for 40 students that maximizes on-task behavior and
minimize disruption on the following varied teaching modalities.

Teacher lecture Teaching Style Small Group debate

Discussion Teaching Style Online Modality

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 18 Classroom Management Techniques

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Directions: Give possible classroom management technique to the following misbehaviors of


Misbehaviors Classroom Management

1. A Grade 5 students who interrupts small  Classroom Management of Relationship
group work during an online session due *Call the attention of the student and tell her to
to connectivity. not bother attending the class. Assign someone
to record the whole class session then sent it to
her in order for the student to not miss the

2. A Grade 6 student who continually makes  Classroom Management of Relationship

noises during class activity.(Face to face) *Give students the free to explain/express
agitate feelings and misgivings rather than to
censure them right away.
*Have a private one on one brief conference.
Use non-verbal gestures

3. A Grade 4 student who threatens to beat  Classroom Management of Discipline

up another student after class outside *Render different forms of assistance by
the campus/ cyberbullying. providing class meetings or students to have an
opportunity to examine the ideas and feelings that
influence value judgment.

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 20 Comparison and Contrast Matrix

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Directions: Review the Philippine Enhanced Basic Education and compare with any of your
chosen country. Establish your comparison of similarities and differences on
curriculum structure, content, framework or design. Use the Description Cluster.

Philippines K to 12 Program Country of Choice (Thailand)

Based from the curriculum, Thailand has Kindergarten + six

Philippines has Kindergarten + years in elementary + three years in
six years in elementary + 4 junior high school + three years in
years in junior high school + 2 senior high school (Pre-school +
years in senior high school 6+3+3).
(K+6+4+2). Similarities

Philippines K to 12 Program Country of Choice (Thailand)

The basic education students in Thai students study more of their

the Philippines have lesser History, Arts and Culture (including
learning time than Thais. Religion) than their Filipino
Additionally, Filipino students counterparts. Thais are receptive
study less in Science, to different languages.
Mathematics and Technology. Differences
The Philippines just adopted the
use of mother-tongue as a
medium of instruction.

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.
Republic of the Philippines
Western Mindanao State University
College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Activity 21 Comparison and Contrast Matrix

Name: Jumahali, Fatima-Raiza T. Date: Nov. 15, 2021

Directions: Using comparison/contrast matrix, fill in the table with similarities and differences
of the K to 12 curriculum. The features for establishing the similarities and
differences are given.

K to 12 Curriculum Program

Malaysia Philippines Singapore Korea

National Standard- National Competency- Nursery,

Based Curriculum
Based Curriculum Kindergarten 1 & 2

National Standard- 2002 Basic Elementary Covers 6 years. The curriculum differs
Elementary from grades 1–2 to
Based Curriculum Starting 7 years old.
Curriculum grades 3–6.

2010 Secondary High Covers 5 years.

National Standard-
Education Curriculum Starting 13 years old.
Based Curriculum School

National Standard- K-12 Curriculum Junior College beyond

Based Curriculum
Junior- 16-17 years old.
Senior High

Activity Sheets Mjdj20

PED 100 SY Ist Sem 21
The Teaching Profession, Adriana Publishing Co.

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