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Auro Headphone Plug-In User Guide

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Auro Headphone Plug-in User Guide

Plug-in Version 1.09

July 12 2018
Auro Technologies NV
Kievitstraat 42
B-2400 Mol

Phone: +32 14 31 43 43
Information: info@auro-technologies.com
Technical support: support@auro-technologies.com
Web: www.auro-technologies.com

2 - © 2016 Auro Technologies NV

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Auro 3D ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Auro 3D Formats .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Auro Headphone Plug-in ..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Quickstart guide .................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Auro Headphone Plug-in parameters Overview ................................................................................... 9
4. Additional notes .................................................................................................................................. 12

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1. Introduction
1.1 Auro 3D
Welcome to Auro-3D®, the next step in sound evolution brought to you by Auro Technologies. Audio
reproduction has evolved from a point source or mono, to a single dimension or stereo, to two-
dimensional surround sound, i.e. 5.1 or 7.1. To produce true three-dimensional sound, a reproduction
system must include a vertical Z axis (top-to-bottom), in addition to the existing X (side-to-side) and Y
(front-to-back) planar axes found in current systems. Auro-3D’s three-layered approach, namely the
Lower, Height and Top layers, completes this evolution by creating a realistic three-dimensional
1.1.1 Auro 3D Formats
The Auro-3D 9.1–11.1 formats are based on, and compatible with the 5.1 Standard. They include the
following additional channels:
 Auro 9.1: 5.1 + four Height channels, one above each side channel.
 Auro 10.1: 9.1 + Top channel, aka Voice of God.
 Auro 11.1: 10.1 + Height Center
The Auro-3D 11.1b and 13.1 formats are based on, and compatible with the 7.1 Standard. They include
the following additional channels:
 Auro 11.1(7+4): 7.1 + four Height channels: 2 above the front speakers, Height Front Left and
Height Front Right channels. And 2 above the side surround speakers, Height Back Left and Height
Back Right channels.
 Auro 13.1: 11.1b + Height Center channel + Top channel
Auro Technologies developed a plug-in for Audiokinetic Wwise to allow three-dimensional sound
reproduction in the context of a game.
1.2 Auro Headphone Plug-in
The Auro Headphone Plug-in presents the user with a binaural simulation of a multi-channel speaker setup
in a virtual room. The dimensions and the reverberation characteristics of that virtual room can be
configured by the sound designer. The Auro Headphone Plug-in visualizes speaker sources associated with
each input channel, placed inside a virtual room, rendered over a pair of headphones.

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The Auro Headphone Plug-in is inserted on an Audio Bus in the Master-Mixer Hierarchy to create a
binaural signal from multi-channel input. The plug-in configures itself according to the host bus Channel

Note that the Auro Panner Plug-in is no longer included because the Wwise default panner will handle all
of the same functions, effectively rendering the plug-in a redundant tool within Wwise. We recommend
using the Auro Headphones plug-in and the Wwise default panner as the best Spatial Audio chain.

When the Auro Headphone Plug-in is active, it will output the generated binaural audio signal on the
Left and Right channels, and it will mute all remaining output channels.

5 - © 2016 Auro Technologies NV

2. Quickstart guide
This section presents steps to get a basic Wwise project up and running with the Auro Headphone plug-
 Create a new project (adding the Auro Headphone presets)
 Add a child Audio Bus to the Master Audio Bus, and give it a name. See Figure 2.1.
 Select an Auro channel configuration in the General Settings tab of your new Audio Bus. See
Figure 2.2.
 Insert the Auro Mixer plug-in in the Mixer tab of your new Audio Bus. See Figure 2.3. If the
Mixer tab is not enabled, enable it as depicted in Figure 2.2.
 Insert the Auro Headphone Plug-in in the Effects tab of your new Audio Bus. See Figure 2.4.
 Route a Sound Object to the newly created Audio Bus. See Figure 2.5.
A 3D position can now be specified for this Sound Object, which will be rendered by the Auro
Headphone plug-in as intended.

Figure 2.1: Create child Audio Bus

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Figure 2.2: Choose desired Auro channel configuration

Figure 2.3: Insert Auro Mixer Plug-in on newly created Audio Bus

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Figure 2.4: Insert Auro Headphone Plug-in in the Effects tab

Figure 2.5: Route a Sound Object to the newly created Audio Bus

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3. Auro Headphone Plug-in parameters Overview

Figure 4.1: Auro Headphone Plug-in user interface

Bypass the effect. When Bypass is enabled, the processed stereo output will be replaced by a normal
stereo downmix of the multi-channel input. The Bypass offset parameter can then be used to offset the
gain of that stereo downmix. This bypass behavior differs from the default Wwise Authoring application
bypass behavior. The default bypass behavior outputs multi-channel sound as defined by the channel
configuration of the host bus. Note that both the Level and Bypass offset parameters affect the output
level when Bypass is enabled.
Toggle button to enable-disable room reverb. When reverb is disabled, CPU load will lower due to omitted
calculations and irrelevant controls are disabled (see Figure 4.2).
Output gain. Range: [-inf , 12.0 dB]

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Figure 4.2: Auro Headphone Plug-in user interface with reverb disabled

ER level
Gain of early reflections. Range: [-inf , 12.0 dB]
LFE level
Gain applied to the incoming LFE channel before sending it to both ears. Range: [-inf , 12.0 dB]
Bypass offset
Applies a gain offset to the global output when the Bypass option in the Auro Headphone Plug-in user
interface is enabled. Allows balancing the processed and bypassed gains, it helps with comparing
renderings without energy gap. Range: [-inf , 12.0 dB]
Speaker dist.
Distance of the speaker sources, in meters. Each input channel is mapped into a virtual speaker inside
the virtual room. This setting controls their distance to the listener. Range: [1.00 m, 3.00 m]
Left Right Bottom Top Front Back
Distance to the respective walls, in meters. Influences the delay-times for the early reflections. All 6
walls can be positioned relatively to the listening position. To prevent unwanted room modal response,
try to use unrelated (mutually prime) and asymmetrical values for the walls distances. Range: [1.00 m,
10.00 m]

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Delay factor
Sets the delay factor for the reflections, it allows delaying all early reflections by a given factor. A value
of 2.00 means that all reflections are heard just like if the walls where two times farther, but with no
extra attenuation. Helps for monitoring and setting the early reflections. Range: [1.00 , 4.00]
Pre delay
Sets the reverberation pre-delay value, in milliseconds. Range: [0 ms, 125 ms]
Tr 60
Sets the reverb duration, in seconds. Represents the time taken for the signal to drop by 60dB. Range:
[0.00 s, 2.00 s]
The Alpha parameter represents a measure of damping in the reverberation algorithm. It models the
frequency dependent absorption when reflecting sound of a wall, and absorption due to traveling
through air.
Range: [0 , 1]
Alpha = 0 - maximum damping is applied
Alpha = 1 - no damping is applied.
Damping includes the use of a low-pass filter to model absorption of sound energy, shaping the
frequency content of the reverberation over time. The FCut parameter controls the cutoff frequency of
this low-pass filter.
The Alpha parameter can be seen as the mix between low-pass filtered signal and the unfiltered signal.
Cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter used for damping. Also see the description of the alpha
parameter. Usually set in the 2-8 kHz range. Range: [500 Hz, 20,000 Hz]

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4. Additional notes

If the wall distance for a particular wall is smaller than the speaker distance, the algorithm will not
generate early reflections for that particular wall.

The purpose of the plug-in is to simulate binaural hearing for a multi-channel input, thus for mono (1.0)
configuration of the host bus the plug-in will be in bypass.

To prevent an unwanted room modal response (i.e. unpleasant resonances), try to use unrelated
(mutually prime) and asymmetrical values for the wall distances.

Tom Todia posted an Audiokinetic Blog related to using Auro Headphone in the context of Wwise.

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