Q10 Setups: - A Tutorial Manual in The Use of Unique EQ Effects and Tools
Q10 Setups: - A Tutorial Manual in The Use of Unique EQ Effects and Tools
Q10 Setups: - A Tutorial Manual in The Use of Unique EQ Effects and Tools
Q10 Setups
— a tutorial manual in the use of unique EQ
effects and tools
However, filter design is a skilled art, and it can take hours or days of work
setting up the 60 equalizer control values of the Q10 to achieve a complex
equalization effect purely by trial and error, and many more tedious hours of
work to “tune” the effect to cope with the requirements of different input signals.
Both the pressures of commercial production work and the spontaneity
required in creative music do not normally permit the time to optimize such
For this reason, Waves is making available a range of setups for the Q10 to
achieve sophisticated and easy to adjust effects. The setups as they stand
already produce a large number of highly useful and many unique effects, but
users can use these setups as a starting point to arrive at the precise effect
required for each case in minimum time.
This manual describes the methods of getting the most out of the setups
provided. It is intended both to describe methods of adjustment of individual
effects, and to give useful hints and insights into the use and subjective
optimization of EQ effects. This manual has been termed a “tutorial manual”
because it does more than give minimal instructions - rather it helps users
unlock the considerable power of the Q10 to achieve EQ effects of greater
subtlety and nicer sound than was hitherto possible with previous parametrics.
It can truly be said that with these setups, the Q10 becomes far more than just a
conventional parametric equalizer. Rather, it becomes a unique effects unit
capable of extraordinary effects unlike anything else on the market.
All effects (with a few noted exceptions designed for use with sample rate
conversion) will work at both 44.1 and 48 kHz sampling rates.
While getting the most out of many of these effects requires detailed study of
how to use and adjust numerous individual effects, initial effects that can be
used for useful results without any hassle are provided in the "Try These First !”
Q10.setup.e-book Ch.1 - Introduction Page 2
folder. Just put these setup files in your Sound Designer II folder, and then load
them into your Q10 to hear (and see on the graphical display) the effects.
Intended for use with stereo sound files whose two channels are identical
mono signals, (although the effect can be auditioned in preview and playback
modes on mono files - but not processed), this produces a “pseudostereo”
effect with different frequencies of sound panned to different positions across
the stereo stage. This help provide a stereo effect from mono sounds to “liven
up” and make a more spacious presentation in stereo. These are carefully
tuned to minimize any tonal changes from the original mono.
The input and output gains of setups are generally adjusted so that the overall
energy gain is unity to permit direct A/B comparisons between sounds in
effected and bypass modes in preview. However, be warned that with audio
files running to near peak levels, this can sometimes result in outputs that clip
or overload, causing distortion. Any overloads will be registered in preview and
after processing by the overload indicators above the level meters. You may
wish to reduce input levels by say 3 dB to reduce the risk of overloads.
If overload has occurred on a processed audio file, you should undo the
processing, reduce the input gain, and process again.
Except where specifically stated otherwise, the effects here were devised
primarily for use with audio files sampled at 44.1 or 48 kHz, and many of the
setups will not work in the intended fashion at lower sampling rates such as 11
or 22 kHz multimedia sampling rates.
In the older Q10 version 1.0, the setups will not load correctly at sampling rates
below 44.1 kHz, and the graphical display will be incorrect.
Pseudostereo setups
Steepcut lo- and hi- pass filters
Psychoacoustic noise filters
"Supernotch" filters
Baxandall equalizer
Superparametric equalizer
Graphic equalizer
Multimedia tools for 22kHz and 11kHz
Brickwall crossover effects
Harmonic comb filters
Distortion effects
Psychacoustic stereo panning
Detailed descriptions of each category
A wide range of that turn mono files into spacious or spread stereo sounds,
with minimum tonal degradation. Some of these effects are similar in sound
(although using different signal processing methods) to the well-known
pseudo-stereo effects devised by Bob Orban, whereas others provide a more
dramatic and spacious effect. Different pseudostereo setups provide quite
different sounding stereo stages, varying from a subtle broadening of the
original mono image to dramatic separation of different strands of the original
mono sound into different stereo positions. Hitherto, such effects have been
available only from dedicated pseudostereo processors, and some of the
control facilities in these setups have never been available before.
Q10.setup.e-book Ch.2 - Setup files in the Library Page 8
PS10reverse.setup, PS10narrow.setup, PS10revnarrow.setup,
PS10Xreverse.setup, PS10Xnarrow.setup, PS10Xrevnarrow.setup,
Steep cut low-pass and high-pass filters. These filters are useful
for removing unwanted frequency extremes. For example, the quality of speech
can often be enhanced, especially for reproduction over cheap consumer
equipment, by removing extreme bass and or extreme treble. Unwanted rumble
noises can be removed from music recordings by sharply cutting off bass just
below the lowest useful musical frequencies. Such filters are ideally flat out to
the cut-off frequency when they “nose-dive” rapidly. Several designs are
provided, whose cut-off frequencies are adjustable, and which provide various
rates of cut-off. Presets include a “telephone” quality filter confining frequencies
to between 300 and 3000 Hz - great for simulating a telephone effect on
speech, and a “speech” quality filter confining sound to the range 130 Hz to 10
kHz, ideal for much multimedia and many broadcast applications. Besides use
in production, such filters can also be used to monitor the sound playback
quality of a mix as heard over say an AM radio bandwidth of 100 Hz to 5 kHz. In
this way, simply by playing back a file through a restricted bandwidth filter, one
can check whether anything important is lost in the end result heard by
consumers. A “Broadcast” filter limits bandwidth to the 30 Hz to 15 kHz used for
FM radio and TV work.
noisefilters1.setup, noisefilters2.setup.
and also in
Baxandall equalizer. A digital version of the classic bass and treble tone
control devised by Peter Baxandall (who is still active in audio today) in the late
1940's. Still widely used to this day because of its subjectively gentle and
smooth tonal modifications.
PS14band.setup, PS14reverse.setup.
Tools for 22 and 11 kHz multimedia use. Tools for 22 and 11 kHz
multimedia use. It is common to do basic production work for multimedia 22 or
multimedia22.setup, multimedia11.setup.
crossover2octave.setup, crossover3octave.setup, crossover4octave.setup,
crossoverLCR.setup, crossoverLCR2.setup,
crossoverLC.setup, crossoverCR.setup.
E-guitar1.setup, E-guitar2.setup,
E-guitar1flat.setup, E-guitar2flat.setup,
E-guitar1PS.setup, E-guitar2PS.setup,
HalfLeft.setup, HalfRight.setup,
HyperLeft.setup, HyperRight.setup.
If you are not familiar with select-and-drag control and editing on the Q10, the
following describes this powerful EQ control method. Although it can be used
with most setups, it is described in connection with the setup EQtools.setup.
To load this setup, first ensure that the Q10 window is open, click the “load”
button, select EQtools.setup, and click the “open” button. The screen shown
above should appear.
In the following descriptions, Q10 bands will be numbered from the top of the
display, band 1 being the top band, band 2 being the second band down, and
so forth to band 10 at the bottom of the display. Later versions of the Q10 have
this band numbering to the left of the in/out buttons as shown above. Many of
the setups use several Q10 bands to achieve a single filtering effect.
tone controls
Select & drag
Supernotch supernotch Q
Low-pass filter
Showing the select and drag options and controls of the EQtools.setup.
Each group of Q10 bands used to provide a single effect is called a bandgroup.
In the example of EQtools.setup, bands 1 and 2 form the bandgroup for the
Baxandall equalizer, bands 3 and 4 provide the bandgroup for the
“supernotch”, bands 5 to 7 provide the bandgroup for the high-pass filter and
bands 8 to 10 provide the bandgroup for the low-pass filter. Each bandgroup
may be adjusted independently of the others.
To “select” a number of buttons, click the mouse in the area adjacent to the
buttons just outside the area to be selected, and then holding the mouse key
down, drag the mouse till the displayed rectangle intersects or encloses just the
desired set of buttons (which will be highlighted in color). Then release the
mouse key.
The settings of the selected buttons may now be altered. If the selected buttons
are In/Out buttons, clicking an any of the selected buttons will alter the state of
them all from on to off or vice-versa, and the buttons will continue to be selected
for further switching. For example, if the In/Out buttons of Q10 bands 3 & 4 of
EQtools.setup are selected, then clicking on either button will switch the
supernotch filter in or out, and A/B comparisons of the sound with and without
the supernotch may be performed as often as one likes by clicking over and
over again on one of the selected buttons. In a similar way, the low-pass,
high-pass and Baxandall filters may be switched in or out by selecting the
In/Out buttons of the respective bandgroup, and then clicking within one of the
selected buttons.
Clicking the mouse anywhere outside the selected buttons (except on preview ,
bypass and playback), however, de-selects them.
If several parameter value windows are selected, then their values may be
altered by clicking and holding down the mouse button within any one of the
The frequency of the high-pass filter (Q10 bands 5, 6 & 7) may similarly be
altered by selecting the frequency value windows of these 3 bands, and then
click-and-dragging the frequencies to either side from within one of the
selected value windows.
In all select, click and drag operations, the operation is applied to both stereo
channels provided that strap mode is selected. If strap mode is not selected,
then the operation is only applied to the channel (left or right) selected at that
In the EQtools.setup, the frequency of the low-pass filter (Q10 bands 8 to 10)
may be altered by selecting the 3 frequency value windows and the three Q
value windows of these 3 bands 8 to 10, and then click-and-dragging (to either
side) the frequencies and Q’s simultaneously from within one of the selected
value windows. For the low-pass filter, dragging frequency alone will not give a
flat response before cut-off as the frequency is varied.
Such copying and pasting of Q10 bands can be within one setup, or can be
from bands in say setup A to bands in say setup B, by clicking the setupA or
setupB button before doing the second selection. If the strap is off, one can also
switch to the other stereo channel before doing the second selection to transfer
a setup from one channel to the other.
For example, in the EQtools.setup, one may wish to use two supernotches at
different frequencies, but no Baxandall controls. If so ensuring first that
channels are strapped, one can select the whole of Q10 bands 3 & 4, press “c”
Select and paste methods of editing setups means that effects occupying
different bandgroups in different setups can be edited and compiled into a new
setup containing just the precise effects you need for a particular task. Select
and drag can then be used to tune the values for your specific requirements.
For example, you may paste say 6 bands of pseudostereo from 6 adjacent
bands of one of the 10-band pseudostereo setups, say PS10band.setup, and
combine it with say 2 Baxandall EQ bands pasted from EQtools.setup and a
superparametric presence peak pasted from 2 Q10 bands of PresenceA.setup
or PresenceF.setup. The resulting setup can then be saved for future re-use
and modification.
All the pseudostereo setups are intended for use with mono files, or with stereo
files where the two channels are identical, designed to minimize tonal changes
in the original mono sound by retaining a flat total energy response from the
two stereo loudspeakers. If used on stereo mixes, then the pseudostereo
effects will work properly only for sounds in the center of the mix, with a risk of
unpleasant tonal alteration in sounds to either side of the stereo stage.
However, the pseudostereo effect may sometimes work well applied to stereo
mixes where all the important sound sources are near the center and where the
stereo components are mainly reverb ambiences or spread sounds such as
crowd noise, stereo rain sounds, or electronically double-tracked sounds
where the direct and delayed sound is applied at similar levels to opposite
channels. Whether this will work can be determined only by listening to see
whether a pseudostereo effect works on an individual stereo mix, listening for
possible losses of frequency components in sounds at the two sides. The
chances of success when applied to stereo mixes is increased if the “narrow“
versions of pseudostereo setups are used, although these will provide a less
Q10.setup.e-book Ch.4 - Pseudostereo effects Page 20
dramatic spread of central mono sounds in the mix.
The principles of pseudo stereo are simple. Different audio frequencies are
panned alternately to the left and the right, so that different frequency
components are split between the two stereo channels. This is done by cutting
the frequency components in one channel and slightly boosting the same
frequency component in the other channel to compensate for the loss of
While the principle is simple enough, adjustments need to be very precise, and
it is very easy to ruin the general tonal balance by even small misadjustment in
the equalization in the two channels. Therefore, unless one has plenty of time
and experience to do fine tuning, it is not recommended that the tonal controls
of the pseudostereo effects be adjusted individually, but that adjustments be
confined to the select-and-drag adjustments recommended in the following.
These provide a wide range of alterations in the pseudostereo effect while
retaining the best available tonal neutrality.
There are many basic varieties of pseudostereo effect provided, each of which
is also provided in a stereo reversed version.
Pseudostereo effects historically gained a very bad reputation, due to the very
poor sound of most early attempts at this effect.
Gain settings and overload. As provided, the input and output gain
settings of the pseudostereo setups are such that the overall energy gain from
input to output is unity, which permits a direct comparison between the bypass
mode and the pseudostereo mode without gain changes. However, because
the pseudostereo effects pan some frequency components mainly to one
channel rather than splitting equally between two, this can sometimes result in
channel overloads on the output in that channel. Generally speaking, these can
be avoided by pulling down the output gain faders together, by selecting both
and then dragging them down. A further gain reduction of 3 dB will almost
Narrow and reverse setups. The reason for providing narrow, reverse and
reverse narrow versions of setups is that these variations are often useful. For
example, if a dominant frequency component is panned to the wrong side of
the stereo stage, using the reverse version of the setup will pull it over to the
other side. Also, if two mono sounds are both pseudostereo processed with the
same setup, the result will simply be the same as the pseudostereo effect
applied to a mono mix of the two, whereas if one is processed with a reversed
pseudostereo setup to the other, the “diversity” of a true stereo effect will be
largely retained. It is a good idea when processing several sounds in a mix with
pseudostereo effects not to use identical pseudostereo processing on all, but to
use reverse setups and different numbers of bands to create more variety of
effect. Narrow setups are particularly recommended for material where an
exaggerated spread should be avoided, notably speech. Narrow setups also
tend to give a lower “phasiness” and better mono compatibility.
PStunableA.setup, PStunableAreverse.setup,
PStunableB.setup, PStunableBreverse.setup,
PStunableC.setup, PStunableCreverse.setup,
Very highly tunable pseudostereo where individual bands can be panned to
the left or the right to customize the stereo panning of different sound
PShistoric.setup, PShistoricreverse.setup.
A 10-band pseudostereo effect, panning each of 10 bands alternately to the left
and to the right of the stereo stage. Not adjustable in frequency, giving a
diffused sound. This setup has good mono compatibility. It also provides 4
bands for normal EQ effects, which are preset as hiss and rumble filters for
PS14band.setup, PS14reverse.setup,
A 14-band pseudostereo effect, panning each of 14 bands alternately to the left
and to the right of the stereo stage. This gives a diffuse pseudostereo effect,
and reasonable mono compatibility, but is not spectacularly wide and tends to
sound rather more colored than other effects. Not adjustable in frequency. A
Baxandall equalizer is also provided.
PseudoStereo18.setup, PS18reverse.setup,
An 18-band pseudostereo effect, panning each of 18 bands alternately to the
left and to the right of the stereo stage. This gives the most diffuse
pseudostereo effect, and reasonable mono compatibility, but is not
spectacularly wide and tends to sound rather more colored than other effects.
An adjustable pseudostereo effect where the spread is concentrated on the
vocal frequency band
Some of the pseudostereo effects also are also provided with “narrow” and
“reversed narrow” versions which are essentially the same as the above
versions except that the degree of stereo spread effect is reduced, for use when
a more subtle effect is required. Narrow setups are particularly recommended
for speech, where the normal spread generally sounds unnaturally wide.
All ten Q10 bands are used as a processing "bandgroup" in providing the
pseudo stereo effect for the tunable, Vocals, 7, 10X, 10 and 18 band varieties.
Be sure to ensure that the two stereo channels are strapped when the any
adjustments are made to pseudostereo effects.
All pseudostereo effects with the exception of the historic, 10X, 14 and 18 band
cases may have all bands moved up and down together. The procedure is to
select and drag all the “frequency” value windows only of the bandgroup (i.e.
all Q10 bands in the tunable, 7-, and 10-band designs, and Q10 bands 7-10 in
the 2-band designs). In this way, the operating frequencies of the pseudostereo
effect may be moved up or down, This gives a change in the pseudostereo
effect without altering its tonal balance. This often allows fine tuning to match
the effect to particular program material, so that the stereo stage and the
positions of frequency components within it are well balanced.
Additionally, the tunable, 2-, 7- and the 10-band pseudostereo setups allow
separate control of individual pseudostereo frequency bands. The details differ
in these three cases, which are dealt with individually.
Be sure to ensure that the two stereo channels are strapped when the following
adjustments are made.
In this case, Q10 bands 1 to 6 are not used for the pseudostereo effect and may
be used for additional conventional equalization. As set up in the setup file, it
provides a 6-band graphic EQ with band centers from 40 Hz to 12 kHz, and
band gains may be adjusted up or down from the provided 0 dB flat setting.
The pseudostereo in this case is provided by Q10 bands 7 to 10. To switch the
pseudostereo effect in or out, select and click the 4 In/Out buttons of Q10 bands
7 to 10.
Be aware, however, that the pseudostereo effect will remain tonally neutral only
so long as the bass and the treble bands do not overlap too much. The graphic
display will tell you this - correct pseudostereo operation will occur if and only if
the two curves cross over at about a 0 dB level. If the cross-over point level is
significantly below 0 dB, the two bands overlap too much and tonal quality will
be altered.
The two types of 2-band effect differ in the steepness of crossover between left,
center and right positions, with the “band2” effect giving a less rapid crossover.
The “7band2” effect differs from the “7band” effect only in that frequencies of left
and right panning are rather more widely spaced apart. By contrast, the
PSVocals case has the bands packed together over a narrow vocal frequency
Be sure to ensure that the two stereo channels are strapped when the following
adjustments are made.
The 7-band cases may also be used as the basis for a more flexible adjustment
of pseudostereo effect. The effect is divided into 4 bandgroups: Q10 bands 1-2,
Q10 band 4-6, Q10-bands 7 -9 and Q10 band 10. Any number of these 4
bandgroups may be switched in or out separately, and their frequencies
individually adjusted by selecting and dragging all frequency value windows
within a bandgroup, provided only that the bandgroups do not overlap too
much (i.e. provided that the crossover of left and right graph curves does not fall
significantly below 0 dB)..
Generally speaking, this 10-band pseudostereo effect is the most subtle and
diffuse variety having wide flexibility of adjustment, recommended for when the
frequency components should not have marked stereo positioning, but just a
broad spread.
Be sure to ensure that the two stereo channels are strapped when the following
adjustments are made.
The pseudostereo in this case is provided by all ten Q10 bands. To switch the
pseudostereo effect in or out, select and click all ten In/Out buttons of Q10
bands 1 to 10,.
In these setups, the spreading effect may be confined to parts of the frequency
range only by switching out one or more bands. Any number of adjacent bands
may be switched out at either end of the frequency range, and an even number
of adjacent bands anywhere in the middle of the frequency range may be
switched out. Remaining adjacent groups of switched in bands may be varied
in frequency by selecting and dragging their frequency value windows. Tonal
neutrality will be retained provided that the bands do not overlap too much (i.e.
provided that the crossover of left and right graph curves does not fall
significantly below 0 dB)..
PStunableA.setup, PStunableAreverse.setup
PStunableB.setup, PStunableBreverse.setup
PStunableC.setup, PStunableCreverse.setup
Q10 bands 1 & 2 : narrow frequency band panned to left (right for “reverse”
Q10 bands 3 to 5 : wide frequency band panned to left (right for “reverse”
Q10 bands 6 to 8 : wide frequency band panned to right (left for “reverse”
Q10 bands 9 & 10 : narrow frequency band panned to right (left for “reverse”
The A, B and C versions of the setups differ only in the chosen initial
frequencies and in which bandgroups are initially switched in. Since, apart
from the initial center frequencies, their bandgroups are identically set up, they
can all be used with frequency tuning to achieve identical effects, but this it is
easiest to choose the version closest to what one is trying to achieve as a
starting point.
The A versions of the tunable pseudostereo setups are ideal for achieving a
2-band pseudostereo effect, where one wishes to be able to select using a
narrow or wide frequency band after tuning the pseudostereo panning in
frequency. In the A version, only two bandgroups are switched in when loaded
- the wide frequency bands. By selecting all 10 In/Out buttons and switching,
the wide bands are switched out and narrow bands tuned to the SAME
frequencies are switched in. The idea is to tune the frequencies of bands 1 to 5
TOGETHER by selecting all their frequency value windows and dragging. One
similarly tunes the frequencies of bands 6 to 10 TOGETHER by selecting all
their frequency value windows and dragging.
Having chosen the frequencies at which the desired sounds are panned to left
and to right, one can then choose whether to have narrow or wide frequency
range for the panning by selecting the In/Out buttons of bands 1 to 5, and
clicking on one of them. This will alternate between a narrow and a wide band
at the same frequency. The same procedure can be used independently to
select a narrow or wide frequency range for the panning in bands 6 to 10.
In the B versions, the lowest and highest bands have narrow frequency range,
and the mid-low and mid-high bands have wide frequency range. In the C
versions, the lowest and highest bands have wide frequency range, and the
mid-low and mid-high bands have narrow frequency range.
PseudoStereo10X.setup, PS10Xreverse.setup,
PS10Xnarrow.setup, PS10Xrevnarrow.setup,
PShistoric.setup, PShistoricreverse.setup
PS14band.setup, PS14reverse.setup
The 18 band setups provide a very diffuse sound, but not the widest stage, but
have fairly good mono compatibility, and is suitable for use in broadcast
applications when a general-purpose pseudostereo effect is required, but is not
confined to that application.
The 14-band setups are similar to the 18-band case, except that they only have
14 pseudostereo bands. However, the pseudostereo algorithm now uses as
bandgroup Q10 bands 3 to 10, which leaves Q10 bands 1 and 2 free for
conventional equalization. As loaded, bands 1 and 2 are configured as
Baxandall bass and treble controls, and alterations of their gains provides
respective adjustment of bass and treble. This setup should be used where one
wishes to do EQ and pseudostereo processing in one pass.
The “historic” setups are similar to the 14- and 18-band pseudostereos, except
they have only 10 pseudostereo bands, implemented by Q10 bands 5 to 10.
This leaves Q10 bands 1 to 4 free for conventional equalization, when the
power of a 4 band parametric EQ is needed. As loaded, band 1 is configured
as a high-pass filter for filtering out bass rumble, and Q10 bands 2 to 4 form a
bandgroup for a tunable psychoacoustic hiss filter. By selecting the frequency
value windows of bands 2 to 4 and dragging, the frequency of action of the hiss
filter may be varied. As loaded, therefore, this setup may be used for old historic
mono material both to achieve a pseudostereo effect and to filter hiss (or 78
rpm record scratch noise) and rumble in one EQ pass. The hiss filter has been
designed for minimum subjective tonal degradation for a given degree of hiss
HINT: In the historic and 14-band setups, you can see the EQ effect on the
graphic display by selecting the bandgroup In/Out buttons of the pseudostereo
bandgroup and clicking on one of them. This will remove the pseudostereo and
allow you to see the EQ effect. Clicking again will bring in the pseudostereo
effect again.
The crossovers are designed so that simply selecting all ten frequency value
windows & dragging moves the crossover frequency or frequencies up and
Note that all adjustments of “crossover” effects must use strapped channels. If a
file is to be processed, the file should be a mono signal copied as a STEREO
file, since stereo output files can only be generated from stereo input files.
This simply splits the incoming signal into a brickwall low-pass filter on the left
channel and a brickwall high-pass filter on the right channel. This setup uses
as bandgroup Q10 bands 1-5, placing bass on left and treble on right. As
loaded crossover frequency is 700 Hz, but it may be select and dragged to any
other frequency up to several kHz, to tune what band is fed to each channel.
crossover2octave.setup, crossover3octave.setup,
These use all 10 Q10 bands as a bandgroup, and put low and high frequencies
on the right channel and middle frequencies on the left. The two crossover
frequencies are about 2, 3 and 4 octaves apart in the respective setups, with
the middle band centered at 1 kHz. The overall frequency may be moved up or
down by selecting all ten frequencies and dragging.
crossoverLCR.setup, crossoverLCR2.setup
These setups put low frequencies below a first low crossover frequency on the
left, high frequencies above a second high crossover frequency on the right,
and everything between the two crossover frequencies in the center at equal
levels in both channels. The LCR setup has the spacing between crossover
The response of each channel steps down 3 dB over the middle band to
ensure that the total energy of the 2 channels remains constant.
Please note that at middle frequencies, the phase response on the 2 channels
is not identical, so that there will be some “phasiness” effects and imperfect
mono compatibility.
crossoverLC.setup, crossoverCR.setup
These two setups are identical except that the channels are the opposite way
The LC setup when opened has bandgroup Q10 bands 1 to 5 in, and
bandgroup Q10 bands 6 to 10 out. It has the effect of putting frequencies below
a first crossover frequency on the left, and frequencies above that crossover
frequency in the center. The crossover frequency may be moved up or down by
selecting the 5 frequency value windows of Q10 bands 1 to 5 and dragging.
If all 10 in/out buttons are selected and clicked, so that Q10 bands 6 to 10 are in
and bands 1 to 5 are out, then the LC setup has the effect of putting frequencies
above a second crossover frequency on the left, and frequencies below that
crossover frequency in the center. The crossover frequency may be moved up
The CR setup is identical except that panning to the left is replaced by panning
to the right throughout.
speech2.setup. This setup provides slightly less sharp cut-offs at 130 Hz and
10 kHz, and a flat response in between. However, Q10 bands 1 and 2 allow
extra equalization to be provided. These two bands are set to flat as provided,
and if their gains are altered, they provide Baxandall bass and treble controls.
These three setups all allocate the Q10 bandgroup bands 1 to 5 for the
high-pass (i.e. bass cut) filter, and the Q10 bandgroup bands 6 to 10 for the
low-pass (i.e. treble cut) filter.
The high-pass filter and low-pass filter may be used individually or together.
High-pass filter. This uses the bandgroup Q10 bands 1 to 5. To switch the
high-pass in or out, select the 5 in/out buttons of Q10 bands 1 to 5, and click on
any one of these buttons. To adjust the frequency of cut-off of the high-pass
filter up or down, select the 5 frequency value windows of Q10 bands 1 to 5,
and click and drag the frequency on any one of them.
Low-pass filter. This uses the bandgroup Q10 bands 6 to 10. To switch the
low-pass in or out, select the 5 in/out buttons of Q10 bands 6 to 10, and click on
any one of these buttons. To adjust the frequency of cut-off of the high-pass
filter up or down, select the 5 frequency value windows of Q10 bands 6 to 10,
and click and drag the frequency on any one of them. Note from the graphical
display that the frequency range over which the brickwall lowpass remains
reasonably flat varies with the cut-off frequency setting, and for best results it is
advisable to start with the setup with the low-pass cut-off frequency closest to
the one desired.
These three setups all allocate Q10 bands 1 and 2 to the respective bass and
treble of a Baxandall tone control, and allocate the Q10 bandgroup bands 3 to
6 for the high-pass (i.e. bass cut) filter, and the Q10 bandgroup bands 7 to 10
The high-pass filter and low-pass filter may be used individually or together.
High-pass filter. This uses the bandgroup Q10 bands 3 to 6. To switch the
high-pass in or out, select the 4 in/out buttons of Q10 bands 3 to 6, and click on
any one of these buttons. To adjust the frequency of cut-off of the high-pass
filter up or down, select the 4 frequency value windows of Q10 bands 3 to 6,
and click and drag the frequency on any one of them.
Low-pass filter. This uses the bandgroup Q10 bands 7 to 10. To switch the
low-pass in or out, select the 4 in/out buttons of Q10 bands 7 to 10, and click on
any one of these buttons. To adjust the frequency of cut-off of the high-pass
filter up or down, select the 4 frequency value windows and the four Q value
windows of Q10 bands 7 to 10, and click and drag the frequency and Q
together on any one of them. Dragging frequency alone will not give a flat
response before cut-off as the frequency is varied. In practice, the low-pass
filter will work well for “-3 dB” cut-off frequencies in the range 2 to 13 kHz
Alternative low- and high-pass filters with a slightly gentler cut off rate are
provided in EQtools.setup. In this case, the high pass filter uses the
bandgroup of Q10 bands 5 to 7, and may be switched in and out by selecting
and clicking the 3 buttons of this bandgroup, and the cut-off frequency may be
varied by selecting and dragging the 3 frequency value windows of this
bandgroup. In this case, the low-pass filter uses the bandgroup of Q10 bands 8
to 10, and may be switched in and out by selecting and clicking the 3 buttons of
this bandgroup, and the cut-off frequency may be varied by selecting and
dragging the 3 frequency value windows and the three Q value windows of this
bandgroup. For the low-pass filter, dragging frequency alone will not give a flat
response before cut-off as the frequency is varied.
Hiss filtering. The above low-pass filters can be used to reduce hiss on hissy
material, but the user is cautioned that this is generally not the most effective
form of filtering for reducing audible hiss with minimum side effect. This is
because the ears are most sensitive to the frequency region around 4 kHz, with
a low sensitivity to very high frequencies. A low-pass filter removes all the very
high frequencies, despite the fact that the ears are less sensitive to hiss at
these highest frequencies. A better strategy is to use filters designed to reduce
or remove only those frequencies at which hiss is most audible, and to leave
lower and higher frequencies alone. Such filters are provided in other setups
as described below.
Conventional parametric “bell” boosts and cuts not only boost and cut the
desired frequency band, but they also affect frequencies well away from the
desired frequencies. This side-effect at more distant frequencies is a cause of
unpleasant coloration and tonal effects with parametric equalization.
Several setups provided here provide “superparametric” boosts and cuts that
are more precise in their action, affecting only the desired frequency range and
having virtually no effect well away from that range. When used to cut a desired
frequency band, the result is less tonal dulling of other frequencies, and when
used to boost a desired frequency band, the result is less tonal alteration of the
rest of the sound.
To vary the center frequency, select all frequency value windows and drag the
frequency to either side as desired - the value windows show the selected
frequency. To vary the width of the superparametric EQ, select all Q value
windows and drag the Q to either side as desired.
A defect of the previous setup is the crude set of values of gain provided -- only
6 values (including flat 0 dB) in 3.1 dB steps. If a finer and wider range of
values is desired, presenceF.setup may be used instead, although selection
of gain is much less straightforward. Here also only a limited range of gains is
provided, but other gains may be achieved by switching two or more
bandgroups in. The gain may by altered in 2 dB steps between -12 dB and + 12
To vary the center frequency, select all frequency value windows and drag the
frequency to either side as desired - the value windows show the selected
frequency. To vary the width of the superparametric EQ, select all Q value
windows and drag the Q to either side as desired.
When a deep notch is required as a noise filter, one can use the supernotch
(Bandgroup Q10 bands 3 & 4) of the EQtools.setup . This may be adjusted in
frequency by selecting the 2 frequency value widows and dragging to either
side as required, and may be adjusted in width by selecting the two Q value
windows and dragging to either side as required.
Superparametrics used in this way can be very effective hiss filters - far more
effective than using low-pass filters. However, one warning is in order. Some
less good monitoring speakers may well have prominent emphasis frequency
bands, and there is a risk with superparametric dips or notches that one may be
tuning out a loudspeaker resonance rather than a true peak in the audible
noise. Use of good neutral monitoring loudspeakers will minimize this risk, but
it is a wise precaution sometimes to check the results of mixes done with
superparametric filters in other good monitoring situations.
This provides a deep narrow tunable notch with about 46 dB attenuation, using
as bandgroup Q10 bands 1 to 4. Its frequency may be tuned by selecting the 4
frequency value windows and dragging. The bandgroup Q10 bands 5 to 8
provides a second similar supernotch tuned to twice the frequency, which may
be switched in if there is a second harmonic present, or tuned to a second
independent whistle frequency. The bandgroup Q10 bands 9 & 10 provides a
15 dB attenuation supernotch set to three times the frequency for the case
where a third harmonic component is also present, or where another
frequency requiring less attenuation needs to be removed.
All frequencies may be dragged up and down together if all 10 frequency value
windows are selected.
The lowpass hiss noise filter uses bandgroup Q10 bands 8 to 10, and its
frequency may be altered by selecting the 3 frequency value windows and
dragging to either side as required, and the low-pass filter may be switched in
or out by selecting the 3 In/Out buttons of bandgroup 8 to 10 and clicking on
one of them.
The high-pass bass noise filter uses bandgroup Q10 bands 5 to 7, and its
frequency may be altered by selecting the 3 frequency value windows and
dragging to either side as required, and the low-pass filter may be switched in
or out by selecting the 3 In/Out buttons of bandgroup 5 to 17 and clicking on
one of them.
HarmonicComb1.setup, HarmonicComb2.setup,
HarmonicCombOdd.setup, HarmonicComb5.setup
These effects are comb filters designed to notch out the fundamentals and first
few harmonics of a particular frequency, such as a 60 Hz line power frequency
interference or an acoustic “whine” due to high-speed motors.
The comb filters have some tonal effect on the sound, and are provided as an
occasionally useful emergency “sound cleanup” method. They will not work
when the pitched interference is a “buzz” with mainly very high harmonics.
22.05postcomp.setup, 22.254postcomp.setup,
These setup files are intended to compensate for the non-flat frequency
response of the sampling rate conversion algorithm provided with Sound
Designer II when converting to the multimedia sampling rates of 22.05 kHz
Measurement in the digital domain shows that the Sound Designer II sampling
rate conversion from 44.1 kHz to 22.05 kHz causes a frequency response
which is about 1 dB down at 7 kHz, about 3.5 dB down at 8 kHz, about 11 dB
down at 9 kHz and around 30 dB down at 10 kHz. This rolled-off frequency
response will cause a dull sound in multimedia applications. These frequency
responses occur an octave lower when a further sampling rate conversion is
made from 22.05 to 11.025 kHz sampling rates using the Sound Designer II
sampling rate converter.
These setups are intended to compensate for this droop by post-processing the
sample-rate converted files at the final sampling rate.
(i) Use one or more stages of Sound Designer II sample rate conversion to
convert your original audio files to the desired sampling rate of 11.025, 22.05 or
22.254 kHz. If you need to use more than one stage of conversion to get to the
desired rate (the Sound Designer II conversion will only go down by a
maximum factor 0.5 in one stage of conversion), arrange that first you convert to
twice the desired sampling rate, and then convert by a ratio 0.5 as the last step.
This minimises any effects of cascaded frequency response defects when
doing several stages of conversion. For example, when converting from 48 kHz
sampling rate to 22.05 kHz, convert to 44.1 kHz in the first stage and from 44.1
to 22.05 kHz in the second stage. During this process maintain the file resoltion
at 16 bits.
(ii) Then equalise the final converted file using one of the above 3 setup files,
i.e. the one with the indicated sampling rate in kHz. For example, use the
22.05postcomp.setup to equalise files converted to 22.05 kHz sampling rate.
Use of these setup files after sampling rate conversion on Sound Designer II
will extend the frequency response to be flat to above 9.9 kHz at sampling rates
of 22.05 or 22.254 kHz, and to 4.9 kHz at a sampling rate of 11.025 kHz. This
improves the -3dB bandwidth by about 25%, e.g. from about 8 kHz to above 10
Warning: these setup files are matched to the frequency response attributes
of the Sound Designer II sampling rate converter, and should not be used with
any other sampling rate conversion process, or at any sampling rates not
recommended above.
You will find that these setups produce very little improvement in sound when
played back over the Sound Designer II playback system. This is because
Sound Designer II playback of files not at the standard 44.1 or 48 kHz sampling
rate has an extremely non-flat frequency response, typically falling rapidly
above 3 kHz for 22 kHz files. This, however, is not a fault in the files
themselves, and the improved frequency response will be heard if files are
monitored via any decent multimedia playback system.
For this reason, you are advised not to make quality judgments on files at
sampling rates other than 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz when monitored via the Sound
Designer II playback of these files. For this reason, you may prefer to do all but
the final stage (i.e. peak level adjustment) of post production at a sampling rate
of 44.1 kHz, at which rate, Sound Designer II monitoring is not misleading.
You may monitor your 22 or 11 kHz files properly by simply saving the file in the
SDII format (and make it an 8-bit file, either through Save As... or Save a
Copy... in SDII 2.7 with the Dithering Off (Use Dither should be unchecked), or
use WaveStrip to truncate the file so that it is an 8-bit file). Using SoundHack,
you can then open the file and export it as a .sfil file, which is a standard Mac
sound file that you can doubleclick to hear through the Macintosh.
multimedia22.setup, multimedia11.setup
The “22” setup file is simply a brickwall low-pass filter cutting off between 10 Hz
and 11 kHz. It is essentially flat up to 10 kHz, but falls away very rapidly above
that frequency. The “11” setup is similar except that it is essentially flat up to 5
kHz and falls away rapidly at and above 5.5 kHz. These setups have two
(i) to monitor the sound of files at 44.1 or 48 kHz as they will sound when
passed through the bandwidth of a 22 or 11 kHz multimedia sampling rate, and
(ii) to limit the bandwidth of a 44.1 or 48 kHz sound file before subsequent
processing for the case when it is intended to be converted to a 22 or 11 kHz
sampling rate after further processing. This is a useful thing to do for two
reasons: (1) the sound heard at all subsequent stages of processing will have
the multimedia bandwidth, so that better production decisions on sound can be
and (2) the bandlimiting will generally improve the sound of any sampling rate
conversion subsequently used by removing high “aliasing” frequencies that
can degrade the sound.
These effects produce distortion of a kind that works particularly well with
electric guitars, although creative experimentation is encouraged with this
effect on keyboards, bass lines, or even vocals! As loaded, the first E-guitar
effect produces a distortion effect that retains a lot of the clarity of the original
sound, whereas the second E-guitar effect is much more dirty and “heavy
The E-guitar distortion effect is highly adjustable and tunable. The actual
distortion itself is produced by bandgroup Q10 bands 1 to 4, and the
high-frequency content of the distortion is tamed by a lowpass filter bandgroup
Q10 bands 5 & 6.
The distortion quality is adjusted by selecting and dragging the frequency value
windows of Q10 bands 1 to 4. This selects the frequencies in the original sound
that are subject to distortion, and may be tuned to get the most desirable effect
from a particular instrument or sound. With bass guitar, for example, generally a
frequency in the low hundreds should be used, whereas electric guitar works
best with from a few hundred to two or three thousand Hz, depending on the
desired effect.
The filter may be separately tuned in frequency by selecting and dragging the
frequency value windows of bandgroup Q10 bands 5 and 6, and adjusted for
less or more “toppy”, or treble, distortion.
The distortion may be switched in and out without affecting the filtering by
selecting and clicking the in/out buttons of Q10 bands 1 to 4.
Q10 bands 7 to 10 are available for any additional EQ of the user’s choice.
If one likes the distortion quality but wishes to reduce its amount, reduce the
input gains, and increase the output gains to obtain the required level.
E-guitar1flat.setup, E-guitar2flat.setup
These effects are guitar distortion effects similar to the previous ones, except
that the low-pass filtering is applied only to the distortion, leaving the original
undistorted part of the guitar sound with a flat frequency response.
This effect uses all 10 Q10 bands, and the distortion-producing bandgroup is
bands 4 to 7.
The distortion quality is adjusted by selecting and dragging the frequency value
windows of Q10 bands 4 to 7. This selects the frequencies in the original sound
that are subject to distortion, and may be tuned to get the most desirable effect
from a particular instrument or sound. With bass guitar, for example, generally a
frequency in the low hundreds should be used, whereas electric guitar works
best with from a few hundred to two or three thousand Hz, depending on the
desired effect.
If one likes the distortion quality but wishes to reduce its amount, reduce the
input gains, and increase the output gains to obtain the required level.
The kind of distorted telephone sound one hopes not to get in real life! Useful
for simulating historic “aircraft cockpit speech” and the like. Works best if the
sound file has been first processed to compress the dynamics and maximize its
HalfLeft.setup, HalfRight.setup,
HyperLeft.setup, HyperRight.setup
These setups process a double-mono stereo signal, i.e. a stereo signal whose
channels are an identical mono signal, to provide a stereo file in which the
mono signal is panned to the chosen position. If you start with a mono file,
convert it to a double mono file by selecting “Save a Copy...” in the file menu,
then selecting Sound Designer II, 16 bit, stereo mode, entering a new file
name, and then clicking the “Save” button.
The HalfLeft and HalfRight setups pan sounds half-way from center to edge
across the stereo stage, but with extra width in the bass to give greater
spaciousness of effect.
The HyperLeft and HyperRight setups pan sounds at the edge across the
stereo stage, but with extra width in the bass to give greater spaciousness of
effect, beyond the stereo loudspeakers.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These two setups make use of the Q10 version 1.1's
polarity invert function, and will not work on the older Q10 version 1.0.
Many of the Q10 setup files are NOT compatible for use with audio
files sampled at sampling rates below 44.1 kHz.
Please note that NO setups are compatible with 22.05 kHz sampling rate audio
files with the Q10 version 1.0 (or beta versions of the Q10 version 1.1.) All
compatibility statements are with reference to the released version of Q10
version 1.1 only.
The following setup files in the Q10 setup library should work
substantially correctly in the Q10 for audio files at all sampling
rates between 22 and 48 kHz:
HalfLeft.setup, HalfRight.setup
HyperLeft.setup, HyperRight.setup
HarmonicComb1.setup, HarmonicComb2.setup,
HarmonicCombOdd.setup, HarmonicComb5.setup,
PresenceA.setup, PresenceF.setup
PStunableA.setup, PStunableAreverse.setup
PStunableB.setup, PStunableBreverse.setup
PStunableC.setup, PStunableCreverse.setup
PseudoStereo2.setup, PS2reverse.setup
crossoverLC.setup, crossoverCR.setup
E-guitar1.setup, E-guitar2.setup
Q10.setup.e-book Appendix A - Use with low sample rates Page 56
The following files will work at 22 kHz provided that the low-pass
bandgroup is SWITCHED OUT, so that they provide only high-pass
Noisefilters1.setup, noisefilters2.setup
AMradio.setup, speech.setup
A few setups are provided specifically for operation at 22 kHz sampling rates,
which are indicated by [22] being added to the setup name. These provide at or
around 22 kHz sampling rates similar functionality to the ordinary setups with
same file names at 44.1 or 48 kHz.
PseudoStereo10X[22].setup, PS10Xreverse[22].setup,
PS10Xnarrow[22].setup, PS10Xrevnarrow[22].setup
PseudoStereo18[22].setup, PS18reverse[22].setup
[N.B. This simulates the brickwall bandlimiting of the 11.05 kHz sampling rate
on files sampled at a 22 kHz sampling rate - and can be used also as an
antialiasing filter for sample rate reduction from 22.05 to 11.025 kHz.]
Setups in this manual were developed by Michael Gerzon for Waves, with
technical support and advice by the Q10 development team: Meir Shashoua
and Shai Spharim and additional support by David Ball. Manual written by
Michael Gerzon with contributions and editing by David Ball.