Bear REW RePhase Tuto
Bear REW RePhase Tuto
Bear REW RePhase Tuto
1. Averaged measurements
The idea behind averaged measurements in REW is to get rid of over-corrections which
validity is limited to the exact place where the microphone has been setup in case of a
single measurement. There is a wide corpus of technical information pertaining to
interference of sound waves and various physical phenomena which affect the perception
of the sound within very short distances from one point to the other. In order to make a
correction which takes into consideration the main interaction between the loudspeakers
and the room, it seems appropriate to make multiple measurements and to average them in
order to extract the significant signal from the averages and to avoid the unnecessary
noise. This has been remarkably illustrated by Floyd E. Toole, Ph.D. then Vice President
Acoustical Engineering Harman International Industries, Inc. in a series of lectures named
“The Science of Audio”
The procedure is simple: you take the same equipment which would be necessary to make
a single measurement and you repeat the procedure of measurement at the edges of a
parallelepiped, located around the heads of the listeners at the listening position. You
number the measures L1..L9 for the left channels in case you make 9 measurements, and
R1..R9 for the right channels (8 measurements at the edges and a 9th measurement, at the
center of the parallelepiped).
Once you have made all the measurements, you should have 18 measurements in your
REW folder (9 for each channel).
a) The next step is to make sure that all measurements are time aligned prior to making
any kind of algebra on these measurements. John Mulcahy, the author of REW, has
made this very easy: you just need to select the corresponding measurements inside
the ‘All SPL’ tag of REW and use the ‘Time Align’ function in the Control window.
b) Once you have time aligned the measurements for both channels, you can average
them. Prior to doing that, you need to check whether you have selected a default FDW
in your preferences of REW. If so, you need to be aware that the algebraic functions will
be conducted with this FDW applied at each step. This is not a problem, but you should
be aware of this.
In this example, and to show how powerful the averaging technique is, I will not apply
any FDW to the averaged measurements at this step.
Again, John Mulcahy has added a special function to make this step a ‘piece of cake’:
all you need to do is select the measurements you want to average in the ‘All SPL’ tag
of REW and use the ‘Vector Average’ function inside the Control window.
You will execute this averaging process once for each channel.
c) At the end of the process, you should have one averaged measurement for each
channel. If you compare these averaged measurements to each and every individual
measurement, you will notice that the averaged measurement has got rid of most of the
early reflections of the signal against the walls/ceiling/obstacles aso. You can use this
averaged signal to calculate an appropriate correction and have a better listening
experience when seated than with individual measurements.
Please note that, at this stage, as the averaged measurement contains all the information
from the individual measurements, you can decide to smooth the curve, using FDW or
smoothing tools from REW, in order to generate the filters. The smoother the curve you use
to calculate the correction, the less filters will be generated by REW… In this example, I
have used 1/6th octave smoothing and 15 cycles FDW to generate the correction filters and
avoid ‘micro-managing’ the amplitude and phase corrections.
Save the filters to a file with an appropriate name. Export the corresponding averaged
measurement as text.
Generate the corresponding correction impulse and import it inside REW and apply the
convolution of this correction to the averaged measurement:
At this stage, you have generated the amplitude correction impulse and applied it to the
averaged measurement. The result is an amplitude corrected measurement, which will be
used to generate the phase correction.
We will again use a new feature provided by John Mulcahy, the author of REW, to generate
a minimum phase correction inside rePhase.
Minimum phase systems have a lot of interesting virtues which are described in the REW
3. Calculate the excess phase and make the time domain correction
With the amplitude corrected measurement generated above, simply generate the excess
phase of this measurement inside REW:
The excess phase, which has been generated, can now be exported as .txt to rePhase,
where it will serve to make the time domain correction. The goal is, through Filters
linearization and Phase EQ to have a phase curve close to flat at zero.
Please note that, in order to avoid generating pre-ringing, you should avoid correcting the
phase bellow 100Hz, which is not useful anyway.
4. Correction finalization
Once you have finalized the phase correction, you can import the initial averaged
measurement in rePhase and apply the REW filters. The result could look like this:
The results of the correction applied should look like this (please note a phase close to the
minimum phase on most of the range):
and a clean impulse, with a very good step amortization: