EE609 Lect-6-2023 Horn Reflector
EE609 Lect-6-2023 Horn Reflector
EE609 Lect-6-2023 Horn Reflector
Lecture-6 (2023)
Helical and Horn Antennas
Kushal R. Tuckley (Cell: +91 9869069155) 1
Horn Antennas: Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
1.Easy construction 1.Directivity dependent on the flare angle.
2.Easy interface with waveguide 2.Bulky: as the flare needs to be large
3. No resonant elements, high bandwidth 3.Spherical wavefront: Limited Gain
4. Impedance matching ≈ decade bandwidth. Applications
5. Highly directional higher directivity.
1. Moderate gain operations (< 20dB)
6. It offers less internal reflections 2. Mainly as a feed for reflectors and gain
7.Lower strength of sidelobes calibrated antennas
Common Types of Horn Antennas
Exponentially tapered horns are desired to have constant
impedance over a large bandwidth (≈20:1)
Horn Antenna With Feed From Rectangular Waveguide
Maximum Directivity is obtained when b1= 2λρ1 Maximum path difference @ y’=(b1/2)→𝑏12 Τ8ρ1
→flare decides the directivity Maximum phase error→2π 𝑏12 Τ8λρ1
For Maximum directivity, substituting (b1= 2λρ1 )→ Max Phase Error (PE)= π/4 (45⁰). This leads to low efficiency and higher
spill over radiation. Acceptable PE= π/4 → b1= λρ1 , Less Flare and D≈(Dmax-1.5dB) (See Slide 15.8, Antenna Concepts and Design)
Illustrations are reproduced from: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.5, 15.6 5
Design of H-Plane Sectoral Horn
For Maximum directivity, substituting (𝑎1= 3λρ2 )→ Max Phase Error (PE)= 3π/4 (135⁰). This leads to low efficiency and higher
spill over radiation. Acceptable PE= π/4 → b1= λρ1 , Less Flare and D≈(Dmax-2.38dB) (See Slide 15.12, Antenna Concepts and Design)
Illustrations are reproduced from: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.9, 15.10 6
Pyramidal Horn Antenna
Same Phase Center for E and H Plane Electric Field
Co-Axial Feed to
Pyramidal Horn
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.13, 15.14. 15.15 7
Pyramidal Horn: Optimum Dimensions and Radiation Pattern
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.20, 15.21
Conical Horn Antennas
Diameter for
Maximum Gain
𝑑𝑚 = 3λ𝑙
Maximum phase 2
difference 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
Electrical Plane
Substituting the dimeter
value for Maximum gain,
the maximum phase error
goes to unacceptable level
of 3/4π= 135⁰
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.31, 15.32. 15.33 9
Conical Horn: Optimum Dimensions and Radiation Pattern
Magnetic Plane
Electrical Plane
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.34, 15.35
Dual Mode Horns
Typical Design: Introduce a step suitable for other mode
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.39,15.40, 15.41
Circular Corrugated Horn Antennas ≈
Corrugated Chokes
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.42, 15.43, 15.46
Dual Ridged Horn Antenna
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 15.47, 15.48, 15.49
Why Do We Need Reflector While Constructing Antennas?
Reflectors (metal) are most economical solution for high gain antennas
20depth%20is%20%CE%B4,for%20Various%20Conductors%20and%20Frequencies 14
Understanding Reflector Geometries
Prime Focus
Corner Reflector
Reflector (Paraboloid)
Hyperboloidal Ellipsoidal
Sub-reflector Sub-reflector
Cassegrain type sub-reflector Focal offset Gregorian sub-reflector Gregorian, Split- reflector
(Laurent Cassegrain, French Teacher/ Priest) (James Gregory, Scottish mathematician, astronomer)
Main Types of Sub-Reflector Assemblies
Typical Cassegrain assembly: Small Blockage is Inevitable Gregorian assembly: Blockage removal with Offset
Cassegrain assembly: Small Blockage is Inevitable
Offset Sub-reflector Antennas
Corner Reflector (CR) Antennas
z z
l l l l
s g
h h
y y
x φ
α α
Corner Reflector Antennas CR Antenna Reflects back in Wire Grid realization (g<λ/20)
Isometric View
Basic Geometry the Incident Ray Direction
• Due to its simple
• The property of the reflection towards construction, the
the same direction as incident Corner Reflectors are
radiation is seen when the angle used as Antennas
between the planes is 90⁰ • Typically with Dipole
• Therefore, the shape of the corner feed and different
reflectors are made either Trihedral valueas of angle
or Dual-Pyramidal angles
Corner Reflector as Antenna Array
Corner reflector produces images (in a similar manner as Kaleidoscope)
Illustrations are reproduced from : Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.12, 17.13, 17.14
Radiation Pattern of Corner Reflector-Antenna
Radiation Pattern for α=90⁰ = 𝐴𝐹 θ, Φ =2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑘𝑠 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ𝑐𝑜𝑠Φ − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑘𝑠 𝑠𝑖𝑛θ𝑠𝑖𝑛Φ
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.15, 17.17
Radiation Pattern of Corner Reflector-Azimuth Plane
The Beam Splits when S> 0.7 λ
Broadside null occurs at S= λ
Limits for Single lobe Pattern
S=0.7λ for α= 90⁰
S=0.95λ for α= 60⁰
S=01.2 λ for α= 45⁰
S=2.5λ for α= 30⁰
Source: Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.16, 17.18
Parabolic Reflector Antennas
The path lengths are matched
(at the plane indicated by Y axis)
→ OP+PQ= 2f (Constant)
→ OP=r’ and PQ= r’ cos θ’
→ R’ (1+ cosθ’)=2f
Reproduced from : Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.19 22
Parabolic Reflector Antennas
Mathematical Expressions for basic design Factors contributing to the aperture efficiency
Reproduced from : Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.20, 17.21 23
Qualitative Factors Affecting Efficiencies
Reproduced from : Girish Kumar, Rinkee Gupta, Hemant Kumar: Antennas Concept and Design- e-Book. Slide 17.23, 17.24 24