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Empowerment Technology Unit Plan

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Empowerment Technology Unit Plan

Unit Author
Author's E-mail Address
Course Name(s) Technology in Teaching and Learning 1
Course Number(s) 3 units
Course Section(s) BTLED ICT 3-A
School City, State, Zip
Instructor Name(s): Ms. CONNIE FAYE BIYO

Unit Overview

Unit Plan Title Why do we need to learn about technology?

Curriculum-Framing Questions
How has technological innovations changed the way we live our
Essential Question
daily lives?
1.How should technology be used?
2.What are the basic technological tools (both hardware and
3.How does technology change thinking?
4. What are the competencies that we can acquire through the
integration of technology in learning.
Unit Questions 5.How has technology increased human productivity?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?
7.How does technology affects learning?
8. What are the netiquettes in using technology?
9. How does technology changed the world?
10. How does technology affects our living?

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Unit Summary
In this unit, the students define what is technology and its uses. The proper usage of
technology will be also discussed in this unit. The students will have the opportunity to assess
their lives on how technology affects their daily living. The advantage and disadvantages of
technology will be discussed in this unit.
Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply)
Technology and Livelihood Education
Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply)
K-2 3-5
6-8 9-12
ESL Resource
Gifted and Talented Other:      

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

For Science
Students will be able to:
1. Define what is technology.
2. Differentiate the uses of input and output devices.
3. Assemble the computer hardware parts.
4. Identify the different functions of Microsoft Office soft wares.
5. Execute the basic reformatting.
6. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to label different parts of the computer..
7. By the end of the lesson,students will bw able to understand the purpose of online
platforms and know the basics of using them.
8. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to show how to manipulate images using a
simple image editor.
9. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to assess the dangers of the internet.
10. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to create a web page using MS word.
For Technology
Students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of copying & pasting text between two programs.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethics of copyright by producing a “Works Cited”
document for each project.
3. Use a computer in a collaborative project to create a PowerPoint Presentation,
newsletter and web page.
4. Use the Internet effectively to collect information about coral reefs.
5. Use a scanner to scan in photos and illustrations (PowerPoint, Publisher).*
6. Save various image files and paste where needed.
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7. Import images from files into other programs.
8. Use email for correspondence.
* optional
Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks
Refer to: BEC Science Curriculum, Grade 5: Animals
5. Explain the importance of coral reefs
5.1 Describe coral reefs
5.2 Identify the importance of coral reefs
5.3 Discuss practices that cause destruction of coral reefs
5.4 Predict what will happen when coral reefs are destroyed
5.5 Identify ways of saving coral reefs
5.6 Participate in efforts to save coral reefs
Day 1
1. Students are introduced to coral reefs using teacher multimedia presentation given by
the teacher.
2. Students do Activity 1 “Coral Reef Pie Chart” and engage in a class discussion.
Using a paper plate representing the Earth, pupils will construct a pie
chart showing the land (1/4) & ocean (3/4) fractions of the Earth. The
ocean fraction shall be divided further into two, one part representing the
coastal zone where food from the ocean can be obtained. The fraction of
the coastal zone where photosynthesis takes place shall be represented
by dots. Coral reefs are located in this zone. After doing the pie chart,
pupils shall locate on the globe the 25º North and South of the equator
where these coral reefs are found.
Day 2
3. Students view a video about coral reefs and reflect on coral reefs by writing a poem or
short essay.
4. As homework, students read up on existing laws and articles on fishing methods and
reasons for choosing the correct fishing methods on the part of the fisherman.
Day 3
5. Students view a video on human practices that destroy coral reefs.
6. Students do Activity 2 “Coral Consequences” and engage in a class discussion.
Students will brainstorm on the possible consequences resulting from
continuous practice of dangerous fishing methods, soil erosion due to
deforestation, and heavy fertilizer use.
Day 4
7. Students do Activity 3 “Do Your Part (Role-playing)” and engage in a class discussion.
Students shall think of ways to protect the coral reefs while playing the roles
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of: beach resort owner, lawmaker and fisherman.
Day 5
8. Students listen to a talk by an expert on effects of deforestation, soil erosion and
heavy fertilizer use on coral reef productivity and engage in an open forum.
Day 6
9. Students view the multimedia presentation on formulating an advocacy campaign and
clarify steps in an open forum.
Days 7-8
10. Students divide into groups to brainstorm on their advocacy plan to save the coral
Days 8-9
11. Students, in groups, write down their advocacy plan.
12. Students prepare a multimedia presentation of their advocacy plan.
Development of a Student Multimedia Presentation,
a. Students use a PowerPoint template to guide them through the presentation.
b. Students cite all sources used.
c. Students present their PowerPoint presentations to the class.
Day 10
13. Students present their advocacy plan per group.
14. Students discuss and decide on one plan incorporating selected activities for class
implementation (e.g. creating a website, publishing a newsletter, brochure).
Days 11-15
15. Students work on their specific tasks under the plan.
Development of a Student Web Site
a. Students use the Internet for researching on the content of the web site.
b. Students write articles for the website.
c. Students use Microsoft Publisher to create their web site.
d. Students search the Internet for appropriate photos/pictures.
e. Students cite all sources used.
f. Students use the Yahoo Geocities for free hosting of their web site
Development of a Student Newsletter/Brochure
a. Students use the Internet for researching on the content of the
b. Students write articles for the newsletter/brochure.
c. Students use Microsoft Publisher to create a newsletter/brochure.
d. Students search the Internet for appropriate photos/pictures.

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e. Students cite all sources used.
f. Students publish their newsletter/brochure on paper.
g. Students prepare distribution plan for the newsletter/brochure.
h. Students also publish their newsletter online. This can be one of the links in
their web site.
16. Students use print and non-print materials as needed.
Day 16
17. Students launch their advocacy campaign.
* At the end of the 1st week of implementation (if launched) or at the end of the Unit,
students reflect on what they learned using the Student’s Reflection Sheet.
Approximate Time Needed
16 days, 1 hour per session
Prerequisite Skills
Computer Technical Skills:
1. Basic use of saving information to various drives (A, file server, desktop, C)
2. Basic use of search engines (e.g. AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, Google)
3. Basic use of a CD Rom encyclopedia (Microsoft Encarta, etc.)
4. Basic keyboarding and computer skills
5. Basic use of a word-processing program (Microsoft Word)
6. Basic use of a multi-media program (PowerPoint)
7. Basic use of a printer
8. Basic use of edit function in programs for cutting and pasting from one program to

Communication Skills:
1. Use of notes and note taking skills
2. Basic skills in planning an advocacy campaign
3. Basic knowledge in journalistic skills (e.g. news writing, editorial writing, features
writing, photojournalism)
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.)

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Camera Laser Disk VCR
Computer(s) Printer Video Camera
Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip.
DVD Player Scanner Other:      
Internet Connection Television

Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)

Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development
Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing
E-mail Software Multimedia Other:      
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

Printed Magazines, Journals, Newspapers, Books, Encyclopedia, Photos *

Materials *optional

Newsletter/Brochure/Stickers/: Bond paper, printer ink, sticker

Supplies T-shirt: silkscreen, paint
Activities: paper plates, ruler, pentel pen, globe, costumes (e.g. coat and tie for
congressman, kamisa de chino for fisherman), scratch paper and pen

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 Reefpix web site: http://www.reefpix.com.au/
 Ecocean web site: http://www.ecocean.org/whalesharks01.html
 Oyster River Cooperative School District web site:
 Sea World Adventure Parks web site:
 Coral Reef Alliance web site:
 Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources web site:
 Kent Russel’s home page in Dalhousie University web site:
 Jeff’s Nudibranch Site and Coral Reef Gallery: http://www.divegallery.com
 Haribon (Philippines) Foundation web site: http://www.haribon.org.ph/Articles/2003/

Internet  CyberDyaryo in Countrywide Development-Wide Area Network (Philippines) web site:

 Reefbase global information system of coral reefs:
 World Resources Institute web site: http://newsroom.wri.org/advisories.cfm
 International Coral Reef Information Network (ICRIN) web site: http://www.coralreef.org/
 Reports Online Magazine in International Development Research Centre web site:
 Underwater Photo Gallery of in Scott “Gutsy” Tuason’s web site:
 Lesson Plans in Utah Education Network web site: http://uen.org/lessonplan/upload/95-
 Coral information in Enchanted Learning web site:
 Klaus Jost web site: http://www.jostimages.com/galerie/unterwasserwelt/korallen.html

Others Resource speaker/s, classroom activities, field trip to coral reefs if possible
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Eliminate advocacy planning and implementation. Concentrate on hands-on
activities and viewing of videos and multimedia presentations. Add more
drawing activities instead of class discussions and writing exercises.

Supplement with exposure trips to coral reefs if feasible. Encourage them to

Gifted lead, plan and implement a school-wide Coral Reef Week; organize a local club
Student (i.e. ProREEF). Encourage more creative work like literary portfolios, art
exhibits, songs and drama/plays.

Students may go to actual coral reefs and survey the different organisms
Coastal thriving there (by zone) to come up with an organisms density in the surveyed
Area zones of the reef. The class can also interview fishermen on what fishing
method they practice and their reason for choosing it.

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Non- coastal In lieu of coral reef and/or Marine Institute visits, the teacher may borrow or
area & no procure more video materials to enrich their learning.
Student Assessment
Students shall be graded according to:
Self-evaluation and peer evaluation 20%
Advocacy Plan per group (per group: initial presentation) 30%
Plan (mechanics, content) 25%
Multimedia Presentation 5%
Incorporation of technology (refer to specific group) 50%
Website group
Newsletter group
Brochure group
T-shirt and sticker design & production group

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