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Hadha-Hurbu Dam Final Detail Design Report F

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Hidha Hirbi Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Redesign Report






Oromia Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise

Tel: + 251 11 439 2162/11 439 2467
Fax: 251 11 439 2008
P.O. Box: 870/1250
E-mail: owwdse@ethionet.et


Oromia Water Works Design & Supervision Enterprise 1

Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report


TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ I

LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................... IV
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... V
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROJECT LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY ........................................................................... 2
2 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS ............................................................................................ 3
2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 DIVERSION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................................. 3
2.3 IRRIGATION OUTLET .......................................................................................................... 4
3 HYDROLOGY ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 PROJECT AREA .................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 ANALYSIS OF CLIMATE DATA ........................................................................................... 6
3.3.1 Rainfall ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 STREAM FLOW................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 SEDIMENT RATE ................................................................................................................ 8
3.6 FLOOD AND FLOOD ROUTING ............................................................................................ 9
3.6.1 Flood estimation ....................................................................................................... 9
3.6.2 Design flood selection ............................................................................................... 9
3.6.3 Flood Routing and spillway sizing ......................................................................... 12
4 GEOLOGY AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION .......................................... 15
4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 15
4.2 GEOLOGY OF PROJECT SITE .............................................................................................. 16
4.3 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURES .................................................................................................. 17
4.4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................... 18
4.4.1 Geophysical Investigation ...................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Interpretation .......................................................................................................... 19
4.5 SEISMICITY OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................................................... 28
4.6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS INVESTIGATIONS ................................................................. 30
4.6.1 Background............................................................................................................. 30
4.6.2 Clay Borrow area ................................................................................................... 30
4.6.3 Sand Borrow site..................................................................................................... 33
4.7 SAND FOR CONCRETE....................................................................................................... 33
4.8 QUARRY SITE ................................................................................................................... 34

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4.9 WATER SUPPLY ............................................................................................................... 36

5 DAM SITE AND TYPE SELECTION ........................................................................... 37
5.1 DAM SITE SELECTION ...................................................................................................... 37
5.1.1 General ................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 DAM TYPE SELECTION ..................................................................................................... 39
5.2.1 General ................................................................................................................... 39
5.2.2 Selected types of dams ............................................................................................ 40
6 DAM DESIGN .................................................................................................................. 41
6.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.1 Topographic Features............................................................................................. 41
6.1.2 Alignment ................................................................................................................ 41
6.1.3 Dam Axis and Spillway Geologic Features ............................................................. 41
6.1.4 Available Construction Materials ........................................................................... 42
6.2 FOUNDATION CONDITION AND PREPARATION .................................................................. 43
6.3 SEEPAGE CONTROL MEASURES THROUGH THE DAM FOUNDATION .................................. 43
6.4 DAM DESIGN SECTIONAL ELEMENTS ............................................................................... 44
6.4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 44
6.4.2 Dead Storage Allocation ........................................................................................ 44
6.4.3 Determination of useful life .................................................................................... 45
6.4.4 Water demand Analysis .......................................................................................... 46
6.4.5 Berms ...................................................................................................................... 53
6.5 FOUNDATION OF THE DAM SITE ....................................................................................... 53
6.6 EMBANKMENT SLOPE DESIGN ......................................................................................... 56
6.6.1 Upstream Slope ...................................................................................................... 56
6.6.2 Downstream Slope .................................................................................................. 56
6.6.3 Filter Materials....................................................................................................... 56
7 DAM SLOPE STABILITY AND DEFORMATION ANALYSIS ............................... 63
7.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 63
7.2 LOADING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... 63
7.3 STATIC STABILITY ANALYSES ......................................................................................... 63
7.4 FACTORS OF SAFETY ....................................................................................................... 64
7.5 STABILITY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 65
7.5.1 General ................................................................................................................... 65
7.5.2 End of Construction Loading Condition ................................................................ 65
7.5.3 Rapid Drawdown .................................................................................................... 71
7.5.4 Model Output .......................................................................................................... 73
7.5.5 Pseudo-static Analysis ............................................................................................ 77
8 SPILLWAY WORKS ...................................................................................................... 81

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8.1 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................... 81

8.2 SPILLWAY INFLOW AND OUTFLOW DESIGN FLOOD ........................................................... 81
8.3 TYPE OF SPILLWAY AND SELECTED SCHEME ..................................................................... 81
8.4 LOCATION AND ALIGNMENT OF SPILLWAY ....................................................................... 82
8.5 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF SPILLWAY ................................................................................... 82
8.6 SPILLWAY EXIT CHANNEL ................................................................................................ 86
9 DESIGN OF OUTLET WORKS .................................................................................... 87
9.1 LAY OUT OF OUTLET CONDUIT AND RELATED WORKS .................................................... 87
9.2 IRRIGATION OUTLET ....................................................................................................... 87
9.2.1 Hydraulic Design of Intake/Inlet .......................................................................... 88
9.2.2 Irrigation Conduit Hydraulics .............................................................................. 88
9.2.3 Type and sizes of Regulating Valves ..................................................................... 93
9.2.4 Energy Dissipater Design ..................................................................................... 93
10 COST ESTIMATES AND OPTION COMPARISON ................................................ 94
10.1 COST ESTIMATION ...................................................................................................... 94
11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 104

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Table 3-1 Mean Monthly Rainfall Data of Finchewa Station ...................................................... 7
Table 3-2 Dependable Flow ......................................................................................................... 8
Table 3-3 Size Classification of Dams ......................................................................................... 9
Table 3-4 Hazard Potential Classification .................................................................................... 9
Table 3-5 Recommended Spillway Design Floods (USACE) ................................................... 10
Table 3-6 Recommended Spillway Design Floods .................................................................... 10
Table 3-7 Ethiopian Committee of Large Dams (ETCOLD) Recommendation ........................ 11
Table 3-8 Flood Routing ............................................................................................................ 13
Table 3-9 Summary of Peak inflow, Outflow and Elevation for 1000 years flood.................... 14
Table 4-1 Sand Laboratory gradation test result ........................................................................ 33
Table 5-1 Comparison of Dam site options ............................................................................... 39
Table 6-1 Dead Storage level. .................................................................................................... 45
Table 6-2 Irrigation water demand ............................................................................................. 47
Table 6-3 Daily Livestock Demand ........................................................................................... 48
Table 6-4 Monthly Livestock Demand (Mcm) .......................................................................... 48
Table 6-5 Demand Summary...................................................................................................... 49
Table 6-6 Supply Summary ........................................................................................................ 49
Table 6-7 Reservoir Requirement computation ......................................................................... 50
Table 6-8 The parameter adopted for the seepage analysis foundation material ....................... 57
Table 6-9 The parameter adopted for the seepage analysis embankment material .................... 58
Table 7-1 Recommended Factor of Safety ................................................................................. 65
Table 8-1Hydralic parameter of the approach channel .............................................................. 82
Table 8-2 Hydraulic calculation on the spillway ........................................................................ 83
Table 8-3 Hydraulic calculation of chute (a) .............................................................................. 83
Table 8-4 Energy Head basin calculation of the chute .............................................................. 85
Table 9-1 Peak Discharge Estimation ........................................................................................ 88
Table 9-2 Intake /Outlet Pipe size calculation ............................................................................ 91

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Figure 3-1 Mean monthly Bimodal rainfall pattern of Finchewa ................................................ 8
Figure 3-2 Inflow - Outflow Hydrograph 15 m spill way .......................................................... 14
Figure 4-1 Regional geological map .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 4-2 an outcrop of Gneiss along stream bed ..................................................................... 17
Figure 4-3 apparent resistivity pseudo-depth section that runs across Hada Hurbu River. ....... 20
Figure 4-4 Geo-electric section map .......................................................................................... 22
Figure 4-5 Aapparent resistivity pseudo-depth section of the right side spill way line. ............ 23
Figure 4-6 Geo-electric section map of spill way ...................................................................... 24
Figure 4-7 geo electric section along the proposed spillway site .............................................. 25
Figure 4-8Geo electric section along right intake site ................................................................ 26
Figure 4-9Geo electric section along the proposed left intake site ............................................ 27
Figure 4-10 Seismic hazard zonation map of Ethiopia. ............................................................. 29
Figure 4-11Seismic hazard map of Ethiopia (Ethiopian Building Code Standards, 1995) ........ 29
Figure 4-12 Clay borrow site 1 ................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-13 Clay borrow site 2 ................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-14 proposed sand borrow site ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-15 proposed quarry site ................................................................................................ 35
Figure 4-16 Location Map construction material ....................................................................... 36
Figure 5-1Reservoir Characteristics Option 1 ............................................................................ 37
Figure 5-2 Reservoir Characteristics Option 2 ..................................................................... 38
Figure 5-3 Reservoir Characteristics Option 3 .......................................................................... 38
Figure 6-1 Dam layout................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 6-2 Reservoir capacity curve........................................................................................... 45
Figure 6-3 Recommended Dam section at the center ................................................................. 56
Figure 6-4Seepage amount and drain alignment ........................................................................ 58
Figure 6-5 Dimensioning of Horizontal Drain ........................................................................... 58
Figure 6-6 Approximation for estimating reduction in permeability of narrow size-range
aggregate caused by turbulent flow (courtesy of John Wiley and Sons155) ............................. 60
Figure 6-7 Gradation of foundation and embankment material ................................................. 61
Figure 6-8 Filter Gradation ......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 7-1 Problem configuration and setup .............................................................................. 66
Figure 7-2 Undrained strength varying as a function of elevation ............................................. 67
Figure 7-3 Foundation E-modulus varying as a function of elevation ....................................... 67
Figure 7-4 Undrained strength profile during loading ............................................................... 68
Figure 7-5 Ei profile during the embankment loading ............................................................... 68
Figure 7-6 Vertical settlement profiles along centre line of structure. ....................................... 69
Figure 7-7 Settlement along original ground surface ................................................................. 70
Figure 7-8 Deformed mesh ......................................................................................................... 70
Figure 7-9 End of construction D/s slope stability ..................................................................... 70
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Figure 7-10End of construction U/s slope stability .................................................................... 71

Figure 7-11 During of construction U/s slope stability .............................................................. 71
Figure 7-12 The problem configuration. .................................................................................... 72
Figure 7-13 Entry and exit locations for the slope stability analyses ......................................... 73
Figure 7-14 Steady state condition ............................................................................................. 74
Figure 7-15 Changing positions of the piezometric line after instantaneous drawdown ........... 74
Figure 7-16 Piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1 from the instantaneous
drawdown analysis. .................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 7-17 Instantaneous drawdown Factor of Safety vs time ................................................. 75
Figure 7-18 Piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1 from the slow drawdown
.................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 7-19 Slow Drawdown Factor of safety vs Time ............................................................. 76
Figure 7-21 Pseudo Problem configuration ................................................................................ 78
Figure 7-22 Excluding seismic forces ........................................................................................ 78
Figure 7-23 None (conventional pseudo-static) ......................................................................... 79
Figure 7-24 Effective stress (equivalent undrained) strengths ................................................... 79
Figure 7-25 Duncan et al. (1990) undrained strengths ............................................................... 80
Figure 8-1 Longitudinal profile of spillway and chute ............................................................... 86
Figure 9-1 Outlet cross section ................................................................................................... 93

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Hadha Hurbu Earth dam project is located in Oromia Regional State, Melka soda District of
West Guji zone. The zonal capital town is Bule Hora. This town is located along Finfinne-
Moyale main highway road at about 475 km from Finfinne. West Guji zone is established as a
zone recently in which some districts including Melkasodda are administered under Borana
zone and the others under Guji zone where the centers are at Yaballo and Negelle respectively.
The capital of Melkasoda district is Melkasodda itself and it is located at about 59kms from
Bule Hora. The specific project is located at around 5 km from Melka soda town in a local
administration of Hadhagora

Hadha Hurbu Irrigation project comprises of 14.55 m high Homogenous Earth fill Dam on
Hadha Hurbu river for impounding inflows of the river during the Rainy season. The stored
water will be diverted into canal system on both the right and left bank for providing water
through a network of canal system for irrigation. The project was designed to develop a net
irrigable land 100 ha.

Hadha Hurbu Irrigation Project was launched by Oromia Irrigation Development Authority
(OIDA) with the aim of solving or mitigating the food self-sufficiency and rural unemployment
problems of the people of Melka Seda Woreda by binding the Hadha Hurbu River at a
suitable location and utilizing it for irrigated farming.

The current study was conducted on the above stated location for the development 600 hectares
of land at completion. The evaluation on the hydrology indicate that Hadha Hurbu River is an
intermittent river.

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The dam site is located 1.2 km upstream from the confluence of Hadha Hurbu River and
Alkille River near Hirba at a Geographic coordinate of 457104 E and 601419N Adindan 37
zone projection. The altitude at the center of the dam axis was found to be 1254masl


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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report

The Principal components of the Works which will be covered under this feasibility and detail
design are those stated here under but further components will be included during the detailed

a. Main Dam (Homogenous Earth fill Dam with Horizontal drains and Filter);
b. Spillway (incorporating Approach Channel, Chute and Stilling basin) and;
c. Irrigation intakes, conduits and outlets

The main dam body is designed with homogeneous earth embankment with horizontal drain
based on the seepage developed at the downstream faces (end or horizontal drain). For there is
no any shell or pervious material around the project at the nearby distance considering other
option makes uneconomical except for the consumption of the report. In such condition it is
practical to design homogeneous earth dam with drains at the end, Horizontal and Horizontal
with inclined one. However, for this specific project Drain at the End and Horizontal are
compared but for the sake of safety the Horizontal drain in order to protect migration of soil to
drain through seepage water and make smooth transition from fine to coarse textured drain
materials a Filter is Designed.

Excavation is necessary to remove some areas of alluvial deposit on the left and right bank of
the valley having weak shear strength

Side Chanel Spillway along with Chute control section was designed to discharge a routed a
maximum flow of 29 m3/s corresponding to 1000 years return period. However, the dam crest
level is fixed not to be over topped with this routed outflow. The total crest length of the
spillway is 10m. The crest level is fixed at 1270m and the maximum water level corresponding
to 1000 years routed outflow is 1271.4m i.e. with a maximum water depth over spillway of
1.4.m. The structure comprises an approach channel, chute and terminal structure. The spilled
water leaving the terminal structure will join the natural river channel.


The construction of Hadha Hurbu Dam might take one or two years to complete. The
construction will take place in the dry seasons. Therefore, it is not possible to completely
block the river flow rather to create provisions for safe passage of the river flow during the
rainy and dry season.

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The followings are considered the main components for the diversion system during
construction of the dam.
• Up and down stream cofferdams,
• Dry season conduit with an inlet and out let channel, and
• Wet season diversion i.e. the existing river course.


The main purpose of the Hadha Hurbu project is for irrigation. It is planned to develop the
command area estimated to around 100ha downstream of the dam. The construction of the
project was intended to be completed within two to three years period. Therefore, some
arrangement has to be done for the release of runoff during the rainy season of the year during
the construction.

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The hydrological analysis was undertaken to be primarily used for the design of the proposed
dam. There is no flow data at the dam site. However. in order to estimate climatic and flow at
the dam site, the meteorological and flow of nearby station was used and then transferred to the
project at point of interest with an appropriate procedure following similar projects developed
in ungauged catchments.


Hadha Hurbu micro earth dam Small Scale Irrigation project is located in Melka Soda district
of West Guji zone. The core objective of the Study and Design agreement of the stated project
was mainly to bring the available rainfall and land potential through suitable water harvesting
system for ensuring the benefit of targeted community.

Accordingly, Climate and Hydrologic study of the project was conducted to collect, evaluate
and analyze all essential data of hydrologic, meteorological and physiographic nature so as to
determine river's catchment: irrigation water potential, expected different years return period
runoff for designing structures, assessment of water quality and other related outputs crucial for
realization of the irrigation project. In order to reach to this level of outcomes, review of
previous studies, collection of primary and secondary data, evaluation and analysis of data with
various methodologies and softwares has been conducted.

Accordingly, based on meteorological data of nearby Finchewa station: the mean annual
rainfall derived from the summation of mean monthly rainfall values was 811mm. The rainfall
pattern of the stations shows Bimodal type where gradual increase from March to May as the
main rainy season and from September to November. The Annual mean maximum and mean
minimum temperature computed from the Yabelo station data was found as 26. C0 and 14.37
C0 respectively. As the station of Finchewa records rainfall only, the next nearby Yabelo station
data of temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and sunshine duration has been utilized for
computing evapotranspiration of the area using FAO modified Penman-Monteith equation. As
per conducted computation, an annual evapotranspiration of 1447.7mm has been obtained as an

From computation of runoff for this ungauged stream by using weighted average of Rational
method, SCS and Gauged data transferring methods, 50-year 100 year and 500 years return
periods peak discharges were estimated as 97m3/s, 110m3/sec and 125m3/s respectively. Mean
monthly flow of the river has been generated by HEC-HMS software as there is no stream
gauge besides to its seasonal flow. The stream has no dry season flow except the rainy period

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generated runoff. Two peak rainfall seasons have been identified form 20 years daily rainfall so
as to run the model. From mean daily precipitation of the site, those days with rainfall amount
above the initial abstraction amount subdivided in to season one comprising 55 days from 29th
March to 21st of May and the second season covers a duration of 35 days from first of October
to 4th of November. From conducted analysis at normal condition, the result revealed the
possibility of getting water to be stored for the intended irrigation project. As a water
harvesting scheme, the quantity of water to be obtained is highly dependent on the annual and
seasonal variability of the natural rainfall over the catchment. Moreover, the sustainability and
water holding capacity of the storage dam is highly dependent on maintaining the current
vegetation and woodland cover of the catchment in general and storage area periphery in
particular. Unless protection measures are taken to minimize intrusion of sediment including
currently deposited sand in to the reservoir area, the live storage gets minimized and may lead
to complete abandonment.

Based on undertaken study, the stream has a runoff potential to be harvested for intended
immediate dry season irrigation provided that adequate rainfall is obtained on the catchment. In
relation to water quality, laboratory analysis was not conducted for there was no flow during
the study. However, as it is direct runoff collected from a vegetated catchment soil suitable for
pasture development, the river water can fulfill the standard criteria set for irrigation water.


3.3.1 Rainfall

The evaluation of recorded data of nearby Finchewa meteorological station indicate that the
mean monthly rainfall of the area ranges from 11.9 mm in February to 188.3 mm in April. The
average annual rainfall derived from the summation of mean monthly rainfall values of many
years indicated below is 825mm., during the months of April, May, October and November the
area receives more than 100mm mean monthly rainfall depth. In other words, almost 71% mean
annual rainfall is received within these four months.

As seen on the table and graph below, average monthly rainfall graph of the area on monthly
bases, there is bimodal increment season compatible to the national classification. The rainfall
pattern follows relatively a gradual increase from March to the peak in April as first season and
for the second season, the rainfall peaks in October starting from September followed by a
recession afterwards for respective seasons

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Table 3-1 Mean Monthly Rainfall Data of Finchewa Station

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Figure 3-1 Mean monthly Bimodal rainfall pattern of Finchewa


Daily flow data at dam site is necessary for design of dam and its appurtenant structures to
estimate maximum design flood for a given return periods, dependable flow required for
estimating reservoir capacity and low flow useful for estimating the base flow and decide
environmental flow for the downstream environment according to the evaluation an estimation
made at the dam site the dependable flow at different provided at Table 3.2. But the dependable
flow of 80 % was adopted for this study for it is a common practice in the country. For detail
analysis refer the Hydrology Report

Table 3-2 Dependable Flow


Different approach is adopted with site level observation for the analysis of sediment load at
the dam site, the detail is presented in the Hydrology report. And found that, the annual
sediment load estimated becomes 20,600 tons for design purpose. If 50 years is proposed as
design period of the dam, the overall sediment load expected becomes 1.03million tons.

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3.6.1 Flood estimation

In order to evaluate the values of design flood flows different alternative methodologies were
applied. The Probable maximum flood is estimated from probable maximum precipitation and
it is transformed into PMF using unit hydrograph convolution techniques. In addition to the
PMF, flood design discharges for various return periods at the dam site are evaluated using
different candidate probability distributions and parameter estimation techniques.

3.6.2 Design flood selection

The USACE has published guidelines for selection of spillway design flood by classifying
dams by height, volume impounded, and hazard potentials in the downstream areas in the event
of dam failure. These provisions are described in Tables 9 to 11.

Table 3-3 Size Classification of Dams

Category Height (m)* Remark
storage (MMC)*
Small 0.67-1.23 7.72-12
Intermediate 1.23-61.7 12-30.5 Hadha Hurbu Dam falls here
Large >61.7 >30.5
Hadha Hurbu Dam falls under intermediate size with height and volume ranges of 12- 30.5 m
and 1.23 - 61.7 respectively as shown in Table 3-3

Table 3-4 Hazard Potential Classification

Category Loss of life (extent of development) Economic loss
None expected (no permanent structures for human Minimal (undeveloped to occasional structures or
habitation) agriculture)
Few (no urban development's and no more than a Appreciable (notable agriculture, industry, or
small number of inhabitable structures) structures)
Excessive (extensive community, industry, or
High More than a few

In the case of the proposed Hadha Hurbu Irrigation Dam for SSIP, the category of the hazard is
low to significant with less or none as there is no any inundated village or town with the breach
of the dam due to the impounded incoming design flood as per the definition set in Table 13. In
addition, the recommended spill way design flood (as per USACE) (SDF) for low hazard is
intermediate sized spillway able to accommodate SDF having frequency of 100 yr to 1/2 PMF
as categorized in Table 3-4.

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Table 3-5 Recommended Spillway Design Floods (USACE)

Hazard Size Spillway design flood (SDF)
Small 50- to 100-yr frequency
Low Intermediate 100-yr to 1/2 PMF
Large 1/2 PMF to PMF
Small 100-yr to 1/2 PMF
Significant Intermediate 1/2 PMF to PMF
Large PMF
Small 1/2 PMF to PMF
High Intermediate PMF
Large PMF

Similarly, the Forest Service of the US Department of Agriculture recommends selection of

spillway design flood criteria as shown in Table 3-5.

Table 3-6 Recommended Spillway Design Floods

Hazard potential Size class Spillway design flood
C 1/2 PMF to PMF
D 100 – yr to 1/2 PMF
Moderate B 1/2 PMF to PMF
C 100 – yr to 1/2 PMF
A 1/2 PMF to PMF
Low B 100 – yr to 1/2 PMF
C 50 – to 100 – yr
Source: Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture

The recommended design flood for the current dam project is in the range of 50 to 100 years or
flood occurring once not more than 100 years return period to less than 1/2 PMF if 1/2 PMF is
larger than 100 years return period as seen in Table 3-6.

Administrative. Classification of a project for administrative purposes, based on height and
➢ Class A projects. Dams with 100 ft high or more, or impounds 50,000 acre-ft or
more of water.
➢ Class B Projects. Dams with 40 to 99 ft high, or impounds 1,000 to 49,999 acre-ft
of water.
➢ Class C Projects. Dams with 25 to 39 ft high, or impounds 50 to 999 acre-ft of

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➢ Class D Projects. Dams that are less than 25 ft high and that impound less than 50
acre-ft of water. The inclusion of structures less than 6 ft high or impounding less
than 15 acre-ft of water is optional with the approving officer.
Hazard Potential. Classification of a dam based on the potential for loss of life or damage in
the event of a structural failure under clear weather conditions with normal base inflow to the
reservoir and water surface at the elevation of the uncontrolled spillway crest:
➢ Low-Hazard. Dams built in undeveloped areas where failure would result in minor
economic loss, damage would be limited to undeveloped or agricultural lands, and
improvements are not planned in the foreseeable future. Loss of life would be
➢ Moderate-Hazard. Dams built in areas where failure would result in appreciable
economic loss, with damage limited to improvements, such as commercial and
industrial structures, public utilities and transportation systems, and serious
environmental damage. No urban development and no more than a small number of
habitable structures are involved. Loss of life would be unlikely.
➢ High-Hazard. Dams built in areas where failure would likely result in loss of life or
where economic loss would be excessive: generally, areas or urban- or community-
type developments that have more than a small number of habitable structures.

Table 3-7 Ethiopian Committee of Large Dams (ETCOLD) Recommendation

Design Flood return
Potential Impact Check Flood return period, T (yrs)
period, T (yrs)
1 (Low) 500 1000
2 Moderate 1000 10000 or 0.5 PMF
3 High 10,000 or % of PMF PMF

However, for the currently investigated project, Hadha Hurbu Irrigation Dam, OWWDSE
selected the maximum flood to be for 100 year's return period, considering that the risk/hazard
due the dams are low due to their locations away from human residence and economically
viable assets are not affected as a result of breach. Thus, the decision of the current dam size
and design flood determination was based on the recommendation stipulated in Tables 3-3 to 3-
7. The resulting Hydrograph is shown in Figure 3-4

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Inflow Hydrograph
2.2, 110.00


Q (cms)




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Time hr

Figure 3.4: Inflow hydrograph corresponding to 100 years return period

3.6.3 Flood Routing and spillway sizing

The flood hydrograph developed at the dam site was then routed over the reservoir. The Full
Reservoir Level (FRL) is fixed at 1265.8 masl and a broad crested weir type spillway crest is
adapted. Accordingly using the capacity curve and SIF (storage indication factor) for
uncontrolled spillway length of 15 m with C=1.7 is computed and presented in the table and
graphed in figure below.

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Detail Design Report

Table 3-8 Flood Routing

inflow(t) (2*S(t)/dt - O(t)) SIF Outflow(t) Elevation
time (hr) storage m3
(cms) (cms) (cms) (cms) (m)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1265.80
0.27 1535.06 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.00 1265.80
0.54 6140.24 1.71 3.41 3.41 0.00 1265.80
0.81 21893.03 7.05 12.16 12.16 0.00 1265.80
1.08 73490.49 22.43 40.02 41.63 0.81 1265.90
1.11 151192.60 23.83 81.72 86.28 2.28 1266.00
1.36 263173.97 47.11 139.76 152.66 6.45 1266.20
1.38 404498.57 49.70 212.87 236.57 11.85 1266.40
1.65 580426.52 79.87 302.48 342.44 19.98 1266.65
1.92 816775.95 102.87 422.32 485.21 31.45 1266.95
2.20 1063185.16 110.00 546.13 635.18 44.52 1267.30
2.47 1255705.43 98.00 641.09 754.14 56.52 1267.50
2.97 1334037.11 63.62 679.55 802.71 61.58 1267.60
3.24 1308751.47 45.50 665.50 788.67 61.58 1267.60
3.51 1227327.92 27.37 625.33 738.37 56.52 1267.50
3.78 1107767.12 11.94 566.22 664.63 49.21 1267.35
4.05 973197.19 2.51 500.67 580.66 40.00 1267.15
4.32 845381.61 0.00 436.14 503.18 33.52 1267.00
4.59 735659.31 0.00 381.26 436.14 27.44 1266.85
4.86 647084.03 0.00 337.72 381.26 21.77 1266.70
5.14 575050.55 0.00 301.23 337.72 18.25 1266.65
5.41 512394.26 0.00 268.10 301.23 16.56 1266.55

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Detail Design Report

Inflow-Outflow Hydrograph
2.2, 110.00


70.00 3.2, 61.581

Q (cms)




10.00 Outflow(t)

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Time hr

Figure 3-2 Inflow - Outflow Hydrograph 15 m spill way

The routing exercise was conducted for total length of 10m, 15m ,20, 25, and 30m width
ungated spillway. Summary of the analysis result is presented in Table 3.5.

Table 3-9 Summary of Peak inflow, Outflow and Elevation for 1000 years flood

Weir length Depth over Spill

Max Elevation (m) Max Q Out (m3/s)
(m) Way (m)

10 1267.85 49.898 2.05

15 1267.6 61.581 1.8
20 1267.45 72.062 1.65
25 1267.3 74.206 1.5
30 1267.15 79.996 1.35

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Detail Design Report


According to the regional geological map / Ageremariam shet NB37-10, 1994; the area is
characterized by the Precambrian basement rocks, Cenozoic volcanic and Quaternary cover.

The Precambrian basement rock unit is found exposed and covering extensive part of the area.
It is the Precambrian high-grade gneisses exhibit early granitization and migmatization of
varying intensity. They are generally metamorphosed middle to upper amphibolite facies, with
pockets of granulitic rocks in the west. Weakly developed E-W folding followed by prominent
N-S folding affected the high-grade rocks.

The latter event is believed to correspond to the Mozambique orogeny. The narrow N-S
trending Adola low grade belt, mainly consisting of strongly deformed but weakly
metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks, occurs in the eastern part of the map sheet.
These rocks are thought to be younger than the surrounding high-grade gneisses and may be
correlated with the upper Proterozoic rocks of the Arabian-Nubian shield. Various igneous
plutons of Precambrian age are also exposed in the map sheet.

Cenozoic volcanic rocks are widespread in the northern and western parts of the map sheet.
They are mainly basaltic flows with lesser felsic rocks. The volcanic rocks are subdivided into
pre-rift, rift and post-rift volcanic. Volcanic activity has been present in the region since middle
Eocene (45 Ma).

Quaternary eluvial and alluvial sediments and lacustrine deposits are well developed in the
western part of the area, where Cenozoic faulting and rifting were significant.

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Figure 4-1 Regional geological map


The project area is characterized by alluvial soil overburden deposit and the basement
metamorphosed rock unit

Alluvial deposits

The deposit is found overlaying the volcanic rock units in the area. These are mainly organic
soil material and River deposits. The organic soil material is found covering extensive part of
the project area mainly covering the poorly drained plain land mass of the project area. Such a
deposit is black to dark brown silty clay soil material of high plasticity. It shows desiccation
cracks due to the constituent minerals and high degree of plasticity. As inferred from the
geophysical survey done at the project site, thickness of the material is greater than 10mts. The
river deposit is found along the course and banks of stream. It is commonly silty, sandy and

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The basement rock

The basement rock unit is found exposed mainly along prevailing Hadha Hurbu Stream course
and bed. The rock is greyish dark fresh to moderately weathered and jointed / fractured
GNEISS. Mode of occurrence is commonly in the form of boulder blocks and massive beds.

Figure 4-2 an outcrop of Gneiss along stream bed


Fractures and fault zones as well as the open faults and intersections of faults are significant in
the basement metamorphic and basaltic rock units in the area.

The crystalline basement has been subjected to several phases of orogenic deformation in the
Precambrian time and subsequent extensional tectonics related to rift forming geodynamic
processes during Phanerozoic Era. The faults are running in the north-south direction in the
metamorphic basement rock units.

The area is characterized by the Precambrian basement rocks, Cenozoic volcanic and
Quaternary cover. The Precambrian basement rock unit is found exposed and covering
extensive part of the area. It is the Precambrian high-grade gneisses that exhibit early
granitization and migmatization of varying intensity. They are generally metamorphosed
middle to upper amphibolite facies, with pockets of granulitic rocks in the west. Weakly
developed E-W folding followed by prominent N-S folding affected the high-grade rocks.

The latter event is believed to correspond to the Mozambique orogeny. The narrow N-S
trending Adola low grade belt, mainly consisting of strongly deformed but weakly
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metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks, occurs in the eastern part of the map sheet.
These rocks are thought to be younger than the surrounding high-grade gneisses and may be
correlate able with the Upper Proterozoic rocks of the Arabian-Nubian shield. Various igneous
plutons of Precambrian age are also exposed in the map sheet.

Cenozoic volcanic rocks are widespread in the northern and western parts of the map sheet.
They are mainly basaltic flows with lesser felsic rocks. The volcanic rocks are subdivided into
pre-rift, rift and post-rift volcanic. Volcanic activity has been present in the region since middle
Eocene (45 Ma).

Quaternary eluvial and alluvial sediments and lacustrine deposits are well developed in the
western part of the area, where Cenozoic faulting and rifting were significant.

Main structural elements in the area consist of metamorphic foliation, folds, lineaments,
primary igneous layering/structure, joints/fractures and faults. Besides, there are numerous
lineaments concordant or across the main fabric elements of the different types of lithologies.
Both brittle and ductile Precambrian faults occur in the map area. Some of these appear to have
been reactivated during the Cenozoic, particularly in the western part of the map area

Rifting took place in the middle to late Miocene, resulting in the formation of the Amaro horst,
and the Chamo, Segen and Gelana basins


The geotechnical investigation of the current study is made with the method of vertical
electrical sounding (VES) is proposed to be implemented in the project area of Hada Hurbu
medium scale dam for irrigation purposes. The vertical electrical sounding (VES) data are
analyzed using appropriate software like RESIST, IP2Win, and were presented using the
plotting software like SURFER and Auto CAD. Consequently, curves and maps are produced
and interpreted to arrive at the objectives of the project.

4.4.1 Geophysical Investigation

The Vertical Electrical Sounding data are acquired scientifically along traverses which were
selected to collect a representative and detailed information about the area along the dam axis,
spill way and intake. Totally 18 VES was surveyed. Accordingly, six VES were collected
across the dam axis; six VES were collected along the right and left side spill ways and the rest
five VES were collected along the intake line of the study area. The VES orientations of the
dam axis were E-W (Figure).

Vertical Electrical Sounding Data Processing

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The vertical electrical sounding data is processed using IPI2win and Win RESIST software and
the maps are developed using Surfer and IPI_res3 software. First the layer parameter are
developed by processing the apparent resistivity data in IPI2win software with the help of
interactive graphics and by changing the model continuously, until a model that best fits to the
curve is attained. Furthermore, pseudo-depth section map is developed using Surfer software
from the apparent resistivity collected at field (raw data) and the distance between the measure
points and geo electric section map is constructed with the help of IPI_res3 and surfer using the
layer parameters generated by IPI2win software for the eight vertical electrical sounding points.

4.4.2 Interpretation

Interpretation is made based on integration of results from the vertical electrical sounding, and
a borehole log data. This chapter includes interpretation of pseudo-depth section map, and geo
electric section. The detailed interpretation of the study goes as follows: -

Profile one along Dam Axis

As mentioned in the earlier sections vertical electrical sounding data were collected at six
sounding points all lying along the proposed dam axis (Figure). The VES points are spaced at
about 150 m spacing and have been conducted with half current electrode spacing (AB/2) of
200m-350 m. The individual VES are interpreted to get the layer parameters (resistivity and
thickness of the subsurface layers) as given in the Figure the VES data are presented in the
form of apparent resistivity pseudo depth sections and geo-electric section and discussed
separately in the following sections.

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Pseudo-Depth Section Map

The apparent resistivity pseudo-depth section (Figure) is prepared from the VES surveys
carried out along Profile-1, which is the place where the dam foundation will rest. Pseudo-
depth maps that are prepared by taking raw resistivity data show resistivity variation of the
subsurface both in lateral and vertical directions without introducing the bias of data filtering
and interpretation software.

Figure 4-3 apparent resistivity pseudo-depth section that runs across Hada Hurbu River.

A. Right Abutment

The first layer which extends up to 3.73m depth of AB/2 has higher apparent resistivity value
that ranges from 293Ωm-398 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz
with compacted clay soil layer. The second layer which ranges in between 3.73m and 5.18m
depth of AB/2 has high apparent resistivity value that ranges from 117Ωm-185Ωm. this
resistivity value is the response of highly compacted clay soil. The third layer which ranges in
between 5.18m and 37.3m depth of AB/2 has moderate resistivity value that ranges from
117Ωm to 185Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of weathered mica-schist. The fourth
layer which ranges in between 52m and 139m depth of AB/2 has high resistivity value that
ranges from 341Ωm to 398Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of fresh amphibolite.

B). River Center

The first layer which extends up to 2.86m depth of AB/2 has high apparent resistivity value that
ranges from 215Ωm-251 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the medium grained
highly compacted dry clay soil layer. The second layer which ranges in between 2.86m and
10m depth of AB/2 has moderate apparent resistivity value that ranges from Ωm117-185Ωm.

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this resistivity value is the response of silty clay with mica contents. The third layer which
ranges in between 10m and 52m depth of AB/2 has moderate resistivity value that ranges from
63Ωm to 85Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of fractured and weathered bed rock
which may contain groundwater bearing aquifer. The fourth layer which ranges in between
52m and 139m depth of AB/2 has high resistivity value that ranges from 117Ωm to 185Ωm.
This resistivity value is the response of fresh bed rock.

C. Left Abutment

The first layer which extends up to 3.73m depth of AB/2 has higher apparent resistivity value
that ranges from 293Ωm-398 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz
with compacted clay soil layer. The second layer which ranges in between 3.73m and 5.18m
depth of AB/2 has high apparent resistivity value that ranges from 117Ωm-185Ωm. this
resistivity value is the response of highly compacted clay soil. The third layer which ranges in
between 5.18m and 37.3m depth of AB/2 has moderate resistivity value that ranges from
117Ωm to 185Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of weathered bed rock. The fourth
layer which ranges in between 52m and 139m depth of AB/2 has high resistivity value that
ranges from 341Ωm to 398Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of fresh bed rock.

Generally, this map shows that the right abutment and left abutment of the dam axis comprises
subsurface formation which has high resistivity as a result of basement rock and dry compacted
clay soil. Hence, it is good for foundation purpose. Most of the central part is covered by a
formation which has moderate resistivity value. This moderate resistivity values are the
responses of relatively weathered and fractured formations due to water bearing aquifer. In the
pseudo-depth map there is a distinct lateral resistivity variation at depth between VES – 5 and
VES – 6, and also on VES_2 as indicated in the map by dashed lines. This lateral resistivity
variation could be the response of a structure.

Geo-electric Section

The geo-electric section (Figure) is constructed from the interpreted resistivity and depth values
of the five VES conducted along profile-1 of the dam axis. The geophysical investigation has
identified four major layers and their characteristic is presented with respect each layer as

A).Right Abutment

The layer mapped at the top of right abutment having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value
of 1543 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil
layer. The second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and compacted clay soil,
has resistivity value 120Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This layer extends
in depth up to 5m.

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Figure 4-4 Geo-electric section map

The third layer has a resistivity value of 112Ωm. This moderate resistivity value is a response
of the weathered mica-schist. This layer extends in depth up to 27m. The fourth bottom layer of
this formation has higher resistivity values 889Ω-m. This high resistivity value is a response of
fresh amphibolite.

B). River Center

The layer mapped at the top of River center having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of
310 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of highly compacted dry reddish clay soil layer.
The second layer, which is over lain by the compacted reddish clay soil, has resistivity value
174Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica contents layer. This layer extends in depth up to 5m.
The third layer has a resistivity value of 58Ωm. This resistivity value is a response of the
weathered and fractured amphibolite. This layer extends in depth up to 42m. The fourth bottom
layer of this formation has higher resistivity values 1112Ω-m. This high resistivity value is a
response of fresh amphibolite.

C). Left Abutment

The layer mapped at the top of left abutment having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of
2670 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil
layer. The second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock with dry clay soil, has
resistivity value 109Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This layer extends in
depth up to 5m. The third layer 104Ωm resistivity formation is weathered mica-schist having a

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depth of 27m. The fourth bottom layer of this formation has higher resistivity values 1319Ω-m.
This higher resistivity value is a response of fresh amphibolite.
Profile two along Spillway Structure

The spillway line is designated to be located on both the right and left side of dam abutments
where they follow the flat land downstream to finally terminate at the meandering bank of the
Hada-Hurbu River.

Pseudo-Depth Section Map both right and left side spill way line

A).Right side spill way line

The apparent resistivity pseudo-depth section of the right-side spill way line (Figure) is
prepared from the VES surveys carried out along Profile-2, which is the place where the right-
side spill way line foundation will rest. Pseudo-depth maps that are prepared by taking raw
resistivity data show resistivity variation of the subsurface both in lateral and vertical directions
without introducing the bias of data filtering and interpretation software. Accordingly the map
(Figure ) indicates that the top most part of the study area has higher resistivity value that
ranges from 658Ωm to 811Ωm.

Figure 4-5 Aapparent resistivity pseudo-depth section of the right-side spill way line.

This is expected to be the response of the biotitic-gneiss with compacted clay soil. Furthermore,
the is also another resistive value are also shown starting from 3m -4m depth covering the area
below all VES points. The cause for this response could be the slightly weathered basement
rock. Below the above resistivity formations have moderate resistivity value. These areas have
a resistivity value ranging from 123Ωm to 231Ωm and this could be the response of the water
saturated weathered and fractured basement rock. A bottom resistive value >351 Ωm covers the
area at deep depth beneath all VES points. This resistive formation is the response of the
massive basement rock.
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Geo-electric Section of the right side and left side spill way
A). Right side spill way
The geo-electric section (Figure) is constructed from the interpreted resistivity and depth values
of the three VES conducted along profile-2 of spill way on the right side of the dam axis.

The layer mapped at the top of right-side spill way having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity
value of 1018 Ωm to 6048 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with
compacted clay soil layer. The second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and
compacted clay soil, has resistivity value from 126 Ωm to 395Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with
mica content layer. This layer extends in depth from 3m up to 6m.

Figure 4-6 Geo-electric section map of spill way

The third layer has a resistivity value ranging from 147 Ωm to229Ωm. This moderate resistivity
value is a response of the slightly weathered and fractured amphibolite. This layer extends in
depth from 29 up to 39m. The fourth bottom layer of this formation has higher resistivity
values ranging from 1448 Ωm to 4630Ω-m. This high resistivity value is a response of fresh

A). Left side spill way

The geo-electric section (Figure) is constructed from the interpreted resistivity and depth values
of the three VES conducted along profile-3 of spill way on the left side of the dam axis. The
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layer mapped at the top of left side spill way having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of
1144 Ωm to 2717 Ωm.

Figure 4-7 geo electric section along the proposed spillway site

This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil layer. The
second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and compacted clay soil, has
resistivity value from 19 Ωm to 229Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This
layer extends in depth from 3m up to 6m. The third layer has a resistivity value ranging from
40 Ωm to110Ωm. This moderate resistivity value is a response of the weathered and fractured
amphibolite. This layer extends in depth from 29 up to 42m. The fourth bottom layer of this
formation has higher resistivity values ranging from 6024 Ωm to 17356Ω-m. This high
resistivity value is a response of fresh amphibolite. Geo-electric Section of the right side and
left side intake

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A). Right side intake

The geo-electric section (Figure) is constructed from the interpreted resistivity and depth values
of the three VES conducted along profile-4 of intake on the right side of the dam axis. The
layer mapped at the top of left side intake having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of
128 Ωm to 667 Ωm.

Figure 4-8Geo electric section along right intake site

This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil layer. The
second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and compacted clay soil, has
resistivity value from 45Ωm to 140Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This
layer extends in depth from 3m up to 6m. The third layer has a resistivity value ranging from
28 Ωm to153Ωm. This moderate resistivity value is a response of the weathered and fractured
amphibolite. This layer extends in depth from 33 up to 36m. The fourth bottom layer of this
formation has higher resistivity values ranging from 1432 Ωm to 13391Ω-m. This high
resistivity value is a response of fresh amphibolite.

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B). Left side intake

The geo-electric section is constructed from the interpreted resistivity and depth values of the
VES conducted along profile-5 of intake on the left side of the dam axis. The layer interpreted
at the top having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of 553 Ωm.

Figure 4-9Geo electric section along the proposed left intake site

This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil layer. The
second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and compacted clay soil, has
resistivity value from 32Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This layer
extends in depth from 5m. The third layer has a resistivity value 46Ωm. This moderate
resistivity value is a response of the weathered and fractured amphibolite. This layer extends in
depth up to 33m. The fourth bottom layer of this formation has higher resistivity values
36592Ω-m. This high resistivity value is a response of fresh amphibolite.

Generally, From the results of applied geophysical method in this work, the following
conclusion and recommendations are forwarded: -
• The subsurface geophysical response obtained from Hada-Hurbu dam site indicates that
the abutments are strong and stable.
• Based on the studies it is concluded that the area is situated in seismically less active
• Geo-electrical resistivity maps that the dam axis with thin overburden thickness
correspond to area with high resistivity values which regularly correspond to the area
with bedrock ridges, more so, the bedrock (fresh) along the dam axis is poorly saturated
(low porosity and permeability).
• The uneven nature of the basement topography is a potential threat to the stability of
engineering structures. As a result, the site was considered unsuitable for concrete dam

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but suitable for earth dam. If the dam will however be constructed, proactive measures,
such as deep excavation and grouting must be taken against the structural and geological
• The subsurface geophysical response obtained from right side spill way indicates that it is
relatively strong and stable than the left side spill way.


Seismic tremors occur at a rate of several hundred per day around the world. Small earthquakes
occur and are recorded so frequently around tectonically active areas such as the Main
Ethiopian Rift Valley. There occur earth quacks of different magnitude in several places within
the rift and vicinity. Ground fissuring occurs in various parts of the rift, such as the site near
Lake Ziway which is recent phenomenon. The complicated mechanisms of this fissuring are
basically co – seismic in Afar and a seismic in the rift valley lakes region.

The project area lies at the southern flank of the main Ethiopian Rift. Based on the Seismic
zonation map of Ethiopia (see fig. below), the project site lies within the vertical ground
acceleration of < 0.05. The project site lies away from the main Ethiopian Rift where there is
active earth movement / tremor.

The volcanism is related to current development of a new rift referred as Ririba fault belt by
Mohr (1974) in Davidson (1983).

The project site is stable considering earth movement associated to rifting phenomenon
Consequently, there would not be adverse impact that could affect the intended structure to be
imposed at the proposed project site.

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Figure 4-10 Seismic hazard zonation map of Ethiopia.

Contours show peak vertical ground acceleration (After Kebede and Asfaw,1996)

Figure 4-11Seismic hazard map of Ethiopia (Ethiopian Building Code Standards, 1995)
Location of the study area (shaded box)

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4.6.1 Background

An investigation has been conducted to identify, evaluate and delineate potential sites of
construction materials in the project area. The natural construction materials required for
construction of the intended dam and appurtenant structures.

Clay borrow material is extracted for use as construction of the central impervious core.
Sand borrow sites have been identified and delineated for use as a source of filter and drain
material, as a source for construction of concrete and masonry structures. The rock
quarry sites are envisaged mainly for use as source of rock fill, Rip rap and as a source for
construction of mason and concrete structures

4.6.2 Clay Borrow area

Clay borrow material is extracted for use mainly as construction of the intended embankment
dam construction.

For the embankment dam, the material shall be water tight / will have low permeability but, as
is typical for such materials, will have relatively low strength. Availability of suitable
embankment material is quiet in excess at the project site. For these reasons the entire dam can
be made out of this single zone, which is known as a homogenous dam.

As far as seepage through the dam, it is generally desirable to obtain full head loss near or just
downstream of the dam centerline. Depending on the material used to construct the core, this
may be achievable by the material itself. If not, and also to ensure that the head loss is
achieved, drainage zones are provided on the downstream face of the embankment dam, also
known as a chimney. These zones are included in the cross section

The most suitable material for embankment clay / core material is that (USBR 2011)
• The soil should have low permeability in the range of 10-7 to 10-9 cm/sec.
• The soil should be non-dispersive i.e. the soil as part of the dam body should not exhibit
• The material must not consolidate excessively under the weight of superimposed
embankments and must not soften upon saturation.

Accordingly, potential Clay borrow area that is assumed to comply the requirement has been
identified and delineated close to the project area (see table below).

It is important to note that the soil material is found exclusively covering the project area.
Hence, if need arises the material can be extracted elsewhere apart from the selected sites
outlined below.

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Sample Location (UTM) Estimated reserve

Easting Northing Remark
ID (m3)
Found adjacent to the dam site
SCB1 457749 601578 200,000 Accessible
No overburden
Farm land
Found roughly 800mts SW of dam site
can be accessed
SCB2 456055 601132 120,000
no overburden
farm land.

Figure 4-12 Clay borrow site 1

Figure 4-13 Clay borrow site 2

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Table 4 Summary lab test result of clay borrow material

Grain size analysis
Clay (%) 18 33 15 23 35 31 33 33 47
Silt (%) 29 54 19 47 16 25 34 14 28 25
Sand (%) 30 28 48 38 38 40 35 40 39 28
Gravel (%) 41 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0
Atterberg Limit
LL (%) 40.4 39.3 32 40 47 39 38 36 34 47
PL (%) 26.39 26.39 17 21.18 21 25 20 22 19 26
PI (%) 14.01 12.91 14 18 14 18 14 14 20

Free Swell (%) 15 15 25 20 25 20 15 15 15 50

Specific gravity
Bulk Unit Weight (gm/cc)
Dispersion by pin hole
Proctor test
MDD(gm/cc) 1665
OMC(%) 16.2
Direct Shear
C(KN/m2) 19 20 20 28 18 17 19 19 22 19
Phi (degree) 30 28 30 21 28 22 23 21 18 18
Organic matter(%)
Natural moisture cont.(%) 2 5.8 8.9 4.8 1 3.6 2 3.7 4

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According to the lab test Atterberg Limit test result the material sampled from three of
proposed borrow sites indicates the following
• LL 32% to 47% ,
• PL 19.% to.26%,
• PI 14 to.20%
The material falls above the "A" line of PLASTICITY chart being "CL". This implies that it is
of low PLASTICITY. Consequently, the material can be considered as slightly compressible.
This is in favor of workability that may not cause problem in workability during construction of
the intended core membrane and as an embankment fill. Total reserve estimated is in the order
of 130,000m3.

4.6.3 Sand Borrow site

It is recommended that all new embankment dams, regardless of size or hazard classification,
be designed with protective filters (USBR 2011) as a result a Potential sand borrow site has
been identified and delineated for use in the project area. Such sites are found along certain
stream course and banks situated within the project area.

Table 4-1 Sand Laboratory gradation test result

Sample ID Gradation Remark
SDSB1 Fines (%)
Sand (%) .
Gravel (%)
SDSB2 Fines (%)
Sand (%)
Gravel (%)
SDSB3 Fines (%)
Sand (%)
Gravel (%)


Sand is required for concrete work of major structures to this requirement it is necessary to
locate suitable sand borrow sites that could fulfill reasonable quality and quantity requirements
Accordingly, potential sand borrow site has been identified and delineated for use that is
situated close to the dam site. It is located roughly 1km SW of the dam site along the stream
course of Hadha Hurbu. It is located centering at the geog. grid ref. 0455806E and 0601147N
UTM. The deposit is in excess that can meet more than the demand of required construction

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Figure 4-14 proposed sand borrow site


Rock quarry that can be used as source of mason, aggregate and Rip-rap were assessed in the
project area.

Quarry site selection criterion considered during the present investigation includes among
i. A source which can produce rock fragments in suitable size and quality
ii. Available volume at least two times more than the required volume to be used for the
intended construction,
iii. A source which can produce hard, dense and durable to withstand destructive forces
during placing, wave action, weathering, servicing, etc.
iv. Nearby site to reduce haulage distance
v. hydrologic and ground water impacts for producing the material
vi. Environmental impact

The Criteria for rock material generally require the rock to be sound. The Soundness of the
rock quarry depends on the resistance to water absorption and abrasion

Accordingly, potential source of Quarry site has been identified and delineated for use to the
intended purpose. The site identified is located at a distance of 1km SW of the proposed dam
site. It is located centering at the geog. grid ref. grid ref. 0455242E & 0601543N UTM.

Such selected and proposed for use is fresh to slightly weathered and jointed GNEISS. It is
found exposed along prevailing stream course and banks.

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When evaluating the quarry site selected in reference to the aforementioned site selection
criterion are among others:
• The source of quarry site selected is located within stream course and banks.
Consequently, there is no farming and settlement that can affect production
• The material is found well exposed at the site being well jointed. Hence it can produce
rock fragments in suitable size and quality pending on demand
• Available volume is in excess relative to the intended purpose.,
• The material is fresh to slightly weathered granite GNEISS. It is well known fact that
granite is among those best preferred types of sound rock material for use as source of
construction material. Hence, it can be considered as a source which can produce hard,
dense and durable to withstand destructive forces during placing, wave action,
weathering, servicing, etc.
• It is found at relatively close distance of the proposed dam site. This reduces haulage
• it can be accessible
• No shallow ground water occurrence and run off affecting production of the rock.
• No adverse environmental impact associated to extraction / quarrying the rock

Field observations as well as laboratory tests were carried out on the proposed quarry sites. The
laboratory test has been conducted on the representative sample collected from the rock unit
The laboratory test conducted was water absorption test. As inferred from standard literatures,
water absorption test is an excellent indicator of soundness and durability of rocks. The test has
been conducted at the central soil and rock laboratory of the Oromia Water Works Design and
Supervision Enterprise (OWWDSE).

Based on the test conducted, the water absorption result is found to be less than 1. Such a value
according to existing standards for soundness is categorized under an excellent grade so that it
can be used to the intended purpose.

Figure 4-15 proposed quarry site

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There is no water supply source at project site. The relatively closer water supply source is a
ground water well that is found roughly 2kms SW of the proposed dam site. Such ground water
well has been drilled for use to the villagers which is motorized with distribution scheme.

Figure 4-16 Location Map construction material

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5.1.1 General

A successful planning & design of a reservoir project begins with assessing all the available
sites for the construction of dam, identifying the sites basic physical features and a final
selection of the appropriate site after a comprehensive evaluation of all the factors related to
dam site selection.

In this regard, two dam sites are identified as it is shown in the Table and figure below which is
2km apart. The proposed Dam site is relatively found to be the best with respect to the
narrowness stability of the embankment availability of construction material and water
harvesting the yield of the above catchment. However, from the topomap it is observed as it is
shown in the figure below

Figure 5-1Reservoir Characteristics Option 1

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Figure 5-2 Reservoir Characteristics Option 2

Figure 5-3 Reservoir Characteristics Option 3

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Table 5-1 Comparison of Dam site options

SN OP1 OP2 OP3 Remark
1 HW Location 457127E, 601455N 456896E, 598617N 457240E, 599782N

Estimated dam 17 12 17
height (m)
3 Crest length (m) 800 615 677

Reservoir Area 103 118 103

Sustainability of Lesser reliable as it is Less reliable as it is Relatively
5 inflow located on u/s side located on u/s side sustainable as it has
additional tributary
Reservoir capacity Less as it misses the Less as it misses the Relatively Larger
6 d/s tributary d/s tributary
Availability of All sites have similar spillway site thus need
7 suitable spillway artificial channeling
Construction All sites have clay materials in the nearby area
8 material (within 10km radius)
Reservoir impacts no covers the proposed covers the proposed
9 on farmland command area command area
Potential irrigable 100 50 75
area (ha)

From the above comparison table observed that option 2 have relatively better advantage with
respect to dam high and length but much higher reservoir area. But from the community
interest point option one is selected.

From technical point of view the option one is capable of irrigation with high potential irrigable
area with 5 m head increment with respect to option 2. Therefore, due to the above stated and
tabulated reason option one is selected and also accepted with the beneficiary


5.2.1 General

The geological and geotechnical investigations show that, the unconsolidated soil overburden
deposit is Alluvium. Such a deposit is characterized by very stiff reddish-brown silty clay soil.
Thickness of the material as inferred from excavated exploration holes/pits and geophysical
survey is greater than 3mts which according to USBR indicates impervious foundation
material. This material is equivalent and even greater in strength than the proposed soil
embankment structure since it is in naturally dense and compact state unlike the remolded
embankment structure to be imposed on it.

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The material underlying the soil overburden deposit is highly weathered / decomposed bed
rock. Which is found at relative shallow depth. Such bed rock unit is relatively greater in
strength and hence the bearing capacity is compatible to support the intended embankment
dam. Consequently, foundation is recommended to be at such material the overlaying silty clay
soil material is characterized by poor hydraulic conductivity. This could not cause excess
leakage. Therefore, this type of foundation is basically suitable for embankment dams and not
for either gravity or concrete dams. Besides naturally available materials for construction of the
dam and its appurtenant structures were assessed and the identified sources are, Hadha Hurbu
river as sources of water with some storage arrangement; Silty clay impervious material
sources, in two quarry area sources with maximum distance of 3-4km from the dam site as
embankment material with limited amount of pervious material. The homogeneous
embankment fill material is selected. However, for the control of seepage, horizontal drain is

5.2.2 Selected types of dams The homogeneous- type dam

This type of dam is recommended only where the lack of free-draining materials make the
construction of a zoned embankment uneconomical, with the further qualification that for
storage dams the homogeneous dam must be modified to include internal drain age facilities.
This drainage facility is provided to perform its function of lowering the phreatic line and
stabilizing the downstream portion of the dam. According to USBR this horizontal blanket is
provided that the horizontal drainage blanket start at the downstream toe of the embankment
and extend upstream to within a distance equal to the height of the dam plus 5 feet from the
centerline of the dam. This will afford an ample blanket, yet keep the length of the path of
percolation within desirable limits. The distance of height of dam plus 5 feet is selected on the
basis that this will place the upstream limit of the horizontal drainage blanket at the
downstream edge of minimum core that required for dams on deep pervious foundations
without positive cutoff trenches.

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6.1.1 Topographic Features

The topographic maps produced for the present study shows that the river bed is as wide as
40m with average river bed level of around 1254masl, relatively steep hilly escarpments on both
abutments ends.

6.1.2 Alignment

The dam axis has been aligned nearly perpendicular to Hadha Hurbu River considering the
suitability of the abutments that ensure the stability of the dam. The final alignment of the dam
is shown on Figure 6.1.

Figure 6-1 Dam layout

6.1.3 Dam Axis and Spillway Geologic Features Left Abutment

The left abutment is composed of top soil and weathered/ fractured basalt rocks. The
topography is relatively steep and is slightly gentler compared to the right abutment. River Channel and main river valley

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The geotechnical investigation indicated that, the layer mapped at the top of River center
having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value of 310 Ωm. This resistivity value is the
response of highly compacted dry reddish clay soil layer. The second layer, which is over lain
by the compacted reddish clay soil, has resistivity value 174Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with
mica contents layer. This layer extends in depth up to 5m. The third layer has a resistivity value
of 58Ωm. This resistivity value is a response of the weathered and fractured amphibolite. This
layer extends in depth up to 42m. The fourth bottom layer of this formation has higher
resistivity values 1112Ω-m. This high resistivity value is a response of fresh amphibolite.
According to USBR manual, foundation over burden material greater than 3 m considered as
impervious material. Right Abutment

The layer mapped at the top of right abutment having a thickness of 1m has a resistivity value
of 1543 Ωm. This resistivity value is the response of the biotite-quartz with compacted clay soil
layer. The second layer, which is over lain by the top basement rock and compacted clay soil,
has resistivity value 120Ω-m is mapped as silty clay with mica content layer. This layer extends
in depth up to 5m Spillway alignment

The spillway is aligned on the right side by excavating the right abutment. The excess water
passing over the spillway will be conveyed to the main river course with the necessary
components of the chute spillway. Figure 6.1: Layout of the dam and appurtenant structures

6.1.4 Available Construction Materials

As described in Section 4.6, the available materials at Hadha Hurbo project site include but not
limited to the following: Impervious material

Potential impervious material sources have been identified and delineated within the project
area at geographical locations of 0457749E, 0601578N and 0456055E, 0601132N. The
proposed material is Silty clay, according to the laboratory result interpretation the material can
be considered as slightly compressible. This is in favor of workability that may not cause
problem in workability during construction of the intended core membrane and as an
embankment fill. The physical property of the material is annexed in the Geology report. Rock materials

Potential source of Quarry site has been identified and delineated for use to the intended
purpose. The identified site is located at a distance of 1km SW of the proposed dam site. It is
located centering at the geog. grid ref. grid ref. 0455242E & 0601543N UTM.

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The identified rock material is characterized by fresh to slightly weathered and jointed
GNEISS. This type of material is among those best preferred types of sound rock material for
use as source of construction material. Hence, it can be considered as a source which can
produce hard, dense and durable to withstand destructive forces during placing, wave action,
weathering, servicing, It is found exposed along prevailing stream course and banks.

Based on the laboratory test result, the water absorption result is found to be less than 1. Such a
value according to existing standards for soundness is categorized under an excellent grade so
that it can be used to the intended purpose. Sand for filter and other purposes

The source of sand for all purposes of the project is located at geographic grid ref. 0455806E
and 0601147N UTM in SW direction of the dam site at a distance of 1km.

The material is sampled and analyzed in the laboratory and found suitable for the intended
purpose with a required quantity for the lab result refer the Geology report Water
There is no water supply source at project site. The relatively closer water supply source is a
ground water well that is found roughly 2kms SW of the proposed dam site. Such ground water
well has been drilled for use to the villagers which is motorized with distribution scheme.
However, the water source for construction will be the flood water coming from the catchment
by making some storage arrangement.


The dominant lithological units around the foundation area are overburden with 6m thick
top soil is silty clay as it is stated in the previous section with underlying with weathered and
fractured amphibolite. This layer extends in depth up to 42m. This implies that the foundation
material is suitable for the selected homogeneous embankment fill dam for detail refer
Geotechnical report.


In order to minimize seepage through the foundation, provision of seepage curtailing measures
are necessary. But from the Geotechnical evaluation of the dam foundation point of view, the
foundation material is overburden silty clay for over 3m, this indicate that the foundation is
impervious according to USRB manual. Therefore, there is no need of controlling/ reducing the
seepage but based on the computed rate the necessary seepage curtailing measures in the
foundation will be considered.

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6.4.1 General

This section describes the dam design procedures undertaken for Hadha Hurbu dam. The basic
consideration in the design of Hadha Hurbu Dam has been to achieve safety consistent with
economy. As indicated in Chapter 5, homogenous embankment dam has been considered for
this study.

A Chute spill way with appropriate approach canal, control section and energy dissipation is
designed in order to protect the danger of overtopping. This spillway with chute on the right
bank has been selected for Hadha Hurbu dam site. The following criteria have been
considered in the Hadha Hurbu Dam design:
• Under all conditions of construction, reservoir operation, and seismic activity, the
embankment, foundation, and abutments must remain stable with recommended factor of
• Seepage through the embankment, foundation, and abutments must be properly
controlled and collected to prevent excessive uplift pressures, piping, sloughing and
removal of material by solution or erosion of material by loss into cracks, joints, and

6.4.2 Dead Storage Allocation

According to the analysis made on the sediment load and recommendation given the annual
sediment load estimated becomes 20,600 tons for design purpose. If 50 years is proposed as
design period of the dam, the overall sediment load expected becomes 1.03 million tons. For
detail refer the report of Climate and Hydrological Study.

The incoming sediment is not totally deposited in the reservoir. Some amount of suspended
sediment can be passed over the spillway. Therefore, to allocate the dead storage volume from
the total volume of the reservoir, estimation of the trapped sediment by the reservoir is

The quantity of sediment, which would be trapped in the reservoir, shall be computed using the
well-known Brune’s curves and the reduced capacities due to sediment accumulation in the
years of operation.

Sediment load/year in 20600 tone /yr is which is equals to 12692m3/yr assuming the density of
sediment to be 1623 kg/m3. Collected from the Hydrology report which is estimated to be
12692 m3/yr. using Brune’s equation or curve Full reduced level is computed using the table
below. According to the result for the design period of 50 years the total sediment deposited

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will be 0.635 Mcm as shown in the Table below. The reduced level from figure below will be
1261.Therefore the Dead storage level is 1261m asl.

Table 6-1 Dead Storage level.

Time Capacity (Mm3)- 85% Annual Capacity: Trap AVERAGE Sediment Cumulative
(Year) from reservoir inflow (Mm3) Inflow efficiency Trap efficiency deposited (Mm3) sediment
contour Design Yield. ratio (%) From (%) Sediment deposited
calculation. (col2/col3) curve (Col5i+col5ii)/2 yield/100*(col1ii- (Mm3)
0 5.884 0 0 0 0 0
5 5.884 126.36 0.0466 75 37.5 0.063 0.063
10 5.821 252.72 0.023 62 68.5 0.063 0.127
20 5.757 505.43 0.0114 50 56 0.127 0.254
30 5.63 758.15 0.0074 44 47 0.127 0.381
40 5.503 1010.87 0.0054 38 41 0.127 0.508
50 5.377 1263.59 0.0043 31 34.5 0.127 0.635

Figure 6-2 Reservoir capacity curve

6.4.3 Determination of useful life

The useful life of the dam can be fixed using the equation below.

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𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒

Hence useful life, n = in yrs
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
n=12692 𝑚3/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟=50 yrs
This computed value may be less due to trap efficiency effect at each interval. However, if the
catchment is treated more, the useful life of the reservoir may rise to more years. It can be also
possible to compare the 1st MDDL and the last MDDL totally fill by the sediment after n years
respectively, if the catchments are untreated. But if the catchments are treated, the expected
filling time of MDDL’s by the sediment may be longer.

6.4.4 Water demand Analysis Irrigation Demand Analysis

From the Agronomy Design report the monthly Demand is collected for 2 phases with project
efficiency of 50% as shown table below.

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Table 6-2 Irrigation water demand

Parameter Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Project efficiency 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Project summary
Proposed irrigation hour 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Days in month 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
Irrigated area 100 100 85 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
First Phase
Project supply (l/s/ha for 12 hours 1.96 2.4 1.44 0.08 0.16 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.28 0.24 0.6 0.84
Irrigated area 0 0 0 0 0 90 90 75 35 0 0 0
Second Phase
Project supply (l/s/ha for 12 hours 0 0 0 0 0 1.08 1.36 0.92 0.12 0 0 0
Project Demand (cm) per Hectare 2624.83 2903.04 1639.18 5.18 21.43 1420.42 1810.60 1100.82 220.32 32.14 77.76 1124.93
For 100 ha (Mcm) 0.26 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.11
Cumulative Demand 0.26 0.55 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.86 1.04 1.15 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.30

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report Water demand for Livestock
Water is an essential nutrient for all animals. It is important for both animal welfare and business
profitability that livestock have an adequate supply of good quality water. Amount and quality of
water required vary between species of livestock, between classes of stock within the species, and
in response to the environment in which the stock is running.

The estimated water demand for livestock considering the number and types of livestock’s available
surrounding the reservoir shall be estimated per each month using the table below, the number of
livestock is collected from Socioeconomic Study and the demand from Dam Guideline and
computed as fallows

Table 6-3 Daily Livestock Demand

Number Found
Type of Demand Demand
No Malkasoda Hadhagora Local
Livestock Factor l/day/head m3/day/head Demand m3
District administration
1 Cattles 0.7 149915 15841 60 0.06 665.322

2 Sheep 0.1 60818 7497 6

0.006 4.4982
3 Goats 0.1 125114 13434 6 0.006 8.0604
4 Camels 1 34675 7472 120 0.12 896.64
5 Horse 0.7 208 20.8 45 0.045 0.6552
6 Donkey 0.7 13490 11 45 0.045 0.3465
7 Mule 0.7 1200 13954 45 0.045 439.551
8 Poultry 0.1 137889 13788.9 0.2 0.0002 0.275778
Demand m3/day= 2015.349078

Table 6-4 Monthly Livestock Demand (Mcm)

Item Month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days in Month 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
0.062 0.056 0.062 0.060 0.062 0.060 0.062 0.062 0.060 0.062 0.060 0.062
Demand Mcm Loses in the dams

Evaporation loss
For a lack of a complete set of meteorological data in the given location, it would be very difficult
to estimate the actual evapotranspiration losses in an irrigation scheme. In such cases the
evaporation loss from the reservoir water can be estimated using U.S geological survey method as
shown below.

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E = (4.57*T+43.3)/1200 (U.S geological survey method)

Where E = Monthly evaporation loss in m

T = Mean annual temp. (0c)

Table 6-5 estimation of evaporation loss

Description Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Min Temp 12.7 13.8 15.3 15.9 15.4 14.4 13.9 14 14.6 15.4 14.3 12.7
Max Temp 28.4 29.3 28.6 24.4 24.9 24.4 23.9 24.7 26.1 25.4 25.5 26.4
Mean Temp 20.55 21.55 21.95 20.15 20.15 19.4 18.9 19.35 20.35 20.4 19.9 19.55
0.114 0.118 0.12 0.113 0.113 0.11 0.108 0.11 0.114 0.114 0.112 0.111
0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11

Table 6-5 Demand Summary

Demand Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Irrigation (100 ha) 0.26 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.11 1.30
Livestock 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.74
Evaporation 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.61
Total Demand 0.38 0.40 0.28 0.11 0.12 0.25 0.29 0.22 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.22 2.64
Cumulative Demand
(Mcm) 0.38 0.78 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.54 1.83 2.05 2.18 2.30 2.42 2.64 2.64

Table 6-6 Supply Summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days in month 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
70 % dependable flow 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.01 0.00
(m3/s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Available supply
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.03 0.00
Cumulative Supply
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.06 2.08 2.08

As it was observed from Table 6-4 and 6-5, The available annual water supply was not sufficient to
supply the annual demand 2.64 Mcm for the crop, Livestock and evaporation losses from the
reservoir. Therefore, this project was intended for irrigation as well as to overcome the losses, for
the losses are inevitable, If the beneficiary want to use for the local population of livestock use, the
project only serves for the use of 56 ha irrigable land and for the livestock. However, this project
was designed for the development of 100ha of irrigable land the rest for livestock

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Table 6-7 Reservoir Requirement computation

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days in month 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
Assumed Reservoir Capacity= 1.397 Initial storage Si= 0.95
Available supply (Mcm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.03 0.00
Total Demand (Mcm) 0.31 0.34 0.22 0.05 0.05 0.19 0.23 0.16 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.16
Reservoir Water Balance 0.64 0.29 0.07 0.98 1.40 1.21 0.98 0.82 0.74 1.14 1.11 0.95

From the above Table the project requires 1.4 Mcm live reservoir capacity for the satisfaction of the
demand with minimum water in the reservoir to be 0.07Mcm. However, in order to utilize the water
available in good years the live storage of the reservoir was considered to store the available 70 %
dependable flow 2.08Mcm.

Taking the dead storage volume computed previously 0.60 Mcm the corresponding Normal pool
level for the corresponding volume 2.68 Mcm from figure 6.2 equals 1265.8

Dam height (H)

Dam height (H) = Normal pool level (NPL) above river bed + water head over the spillway
crest + free board + settlement allowance

Normal pool level (NPL) above riverbed determined by

Height of normal pool above the lowest riverbed = NPL- Lowest riverbed level
1265.8 - 1254=11.8 M

Water head over the spill way crest

As shown in the flood routing the maximum water head over the spillway crest
corresponding to 100 yrs design flood and 15m spillway width from Table 3-9 found to be
1.8 at the level of 1267.6 m.

Free board

Free board is the margin above the estimated reservoir level at high flood, to be provided against
wave splash, spray, seiches and wind set up etc. and to give margin of safety over and above these
factors. And the free board is calculated as shown below.

Fb = hw + R + S The Molitor Stevenson formula

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hw= (0.32√𝑉𝐹) + 0.76 − 0.27∜𝐹 for F<32km

hw= (0.32√𝑉𝐹) for F>32km

V = wind velocity (km/hr) found to be 7.54 km/ hr (From Adola Station)
F = Fetch length at maximum reservoir level (km) from topography and pool level =
R = wave Run up = 50 % of hw
𝑣 2 ∗𝐹∗𝑐𝑜𝑠∅2
𝑆= 6200∗𝐷
Fb = Free board (m) above spillway crest level
V = wind velocity (km/hr) found to be 7.54 km/hr (From Adola Station)
F = Fetch length at maximum reservoir level (km) from topography and pool level =
R = wave Run up = 50 % of hw
S= wind set up
ɸ = Angle between the wind direction and the fetch =00
D =Average Reservoir depth in meters over the fetch distance and found to be 8.87m
hw= (0.032√7.54 ∗ 1.742) + 0.76 − 0.27∜1.742 =0.566m
7.542 ∗ 1.742 ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠02
𝑆= = 0.002𝑚
6200 ∗ 8.87
R=0.5*0.566= 0.28m.


Dam height excluding settlement allowance will be

Hdam = H + Ds + Fb
Hdam = Height of Dam excluding settlement
H = NPL-RBL= 1265.8-1254= 11.8 m
Ds= maxWL-Spillway Crest level= water depth over spillway= 1.8 m.
Hdam = 14.5 m
Settlement Equations for Normally Consolidated Clays

Embankment compression (st1)

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Embankment compression According to USBR Earth and Rock fill dam’s manual is estimated
using the following formula.

St1 = 0.001* (Hdam)3/2

St1 = 0.001* (14.5)3/2 =0.05m

The Total Dam Height will be 14.5+ 0.05 =14.55m

Crest Width

The crest width is often governed by the working space required at top of dam for transport during
construction of the dam and traffic across the dam after construction completion and requirement of
future needs like public highway.

a) The width of dam at crest as per IS 8826 - 1978 "Guide lines for design of large earth and
rock fill dams" should be fixed according to the working space required at top and the crest
width should not be less than 6.0 m.
b) According to USBR 'Design of Small Dams' the crest width to be adopted in case of small
earth fill dams is given by

H 
W =  + 10
5  in ft
W = Width of crest in ft
H = Height of dam in feet above river bed,
In case of Hadha Hurbu Dam
Dam height = 14.5 m=47.73 ft
W = 19.54 ft= 5.95 m

US Army Corps of Engineers Manual on “General Design and Construction consideration for Earth
and Rockfill Dams” EM 1110-2-2300 dated 30 July, 2004 provides that minimum top width of an
earth and rock fill dam, depending upon the height of dam, should be between 25 ft (7.62 m) and 40
ft (12.19 m)

c) Crest width is commonly represented by the formula:

𝐵𝑡 = √𝐻


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Bt = crest width in m
H = height of dam in m= 13.65m
Bt =6.36 m

Robert and Jensen in their book has mentioned of providing crest width of 25.0 ft (7.6 m) for
allowing for general weathering, traffic wear, cracking and damages in extreme events.

The Japanese code of 1957 specifies crest width as

= 3.6 x H1/3 - 3
=5.78 m

Larger crest width is provided in seismic areas to resist the larger acceleration near the top. Keeping
in view the above considerations, the top width of crest has been adopted as 6.0 m. The dam crest
details are shown in drawing No AD-D-MDAM/03

6.4.5 Berms
Berms shall be provided for serving the following purposes:
• For providing level surface for construction and maintenance of the dam section.
• For reducing the surface erosion in case of downstream slope and breaking the
continuity of the slope;
• To protect the lower edge of the riprap and from preventing it from undermining in case
of the upstream slope.

For this project since the dam height is small no berm was provided


According to the geotechnical report the foundation material is characterized by as follows

• The subsurface geophysical response obtained from Hada-Hurbu dam site indicates that the
abutments are strong and stable.
• Based on the studies it is concluded that the area is situated in seismically less active zone.
• Geo-electrical resistivity maps that the dam axis with thin overburden thickness correspond to
area with high resistivity values which regularly correspond to the area with bedrock ridges,
more so, the bedrock (fresh) along the dam axis is poorly saturated (low porosity and
• The uneven nature of the basement topography is a potential threat to the stability of
engineering structures. As a result, the site was considered unsuitable for concrete dam but
suitable for earth dam. If the dam will however be constructed, proactive measures, such as
deep excavation and grouting must be taken against the structural and geological defects

The bed rock unit is found being exposed mainly along prevailing stream course and banks. Such
bed rock unit is the basement metamorphosed granitic GNEISS. This bed rock can be described as:

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Grey coarse grained gneissose fresh to slightly weathered jointed to massive GNEISS

Even though no strength test was done on such rock unit, based on field in - situ strength testing
methods such as hammering, the material is found to be Very STRONG. Correlation with standard
literatures on similar type of material, the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the intact
rock unit is estimated to be in the order of 150 to 200Mpa. A conservative value of UCS for the
intact rock unit can be taken as 150Mpa and such a value may be adopted for an outline design
purpose. However, the rock mass strength will be far less than the intact rock strength due to effect
of fracturing and jointing. To this, considering degree of jointing and fracturing effect the rock mass
strength of the rock unit characterizing the site can be estimated to be in the order of 75 to 100Mpa.
A conservative value of the rock mass strength 75kN/m2 may be considered for an outline design

The rock unit is massive to well joint. The joints however are tight joints that are not deeply
penetrative. Considering such an effect and based on correlation on standard literatures, hydraulic
conductivity value for such type of material is estimated to be in the range of <10-6 cm/s. A
hydraulic conductivity value of 10-6cm/s can be adopted for an outline design

Accordingly, for there is a limitation on the availability of pervious shell and gravel material, which
makes the transportation relatively makes un economical, as a result, the homogeneous- type dam is
recommended moreover the key trench is extended to the impervious strata recommended by the
Hydrogeology investigation to minimize the seepage rate as shown the figure below

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General. -The design slopes of an embankment may vary significantly depending on the
character of the materials available for construction, foundation conditions, and the height of
the structure.

The embankment slopes, as determined in this section, are the slopes required for stability of
the embankment on a stable foundation. For stability against seepage forces, pervious
foundations may require the addition of upstream blankets to reduce the amount

6.6.1 Upstream Slope

The upstream slope may vary from 2:1 to as flat as 4:1 for stability; usually it is 2.5:1 or 3:1.
Flat upstream slopes are sometimes used to eliminate expensive slope protection.

The upstream slope is often steepened above the elevation where water is stored; that is, in the
surcharge range. For this particular project the available borrow material is impervious material
is silty clay with scarce pervious material as a result relatively a flatter upstream slope of 2.5:1
is recommended and the stability is checked for a storage dam subject to rapid drawdown of the
reservoir should have an upstream zone with permeability sufficient to dissipate pore water
pressures exerted outwardly in the upstream part of the dam. The detail analysis is presented
section 7

6.6.2 Downstream Slope

The usual downstream slopes for small earth fill dams are 2:1 but depending the embankment
material the slope will be varied. But for this particular project using the available material and
staring slope of 2:1 is adopted then the stability is checked for the recommended factor of
safety in all loading condition for the detail analysis refer section 7.

Figure 6-3 Recommended Dam section at the center

6.6.3 Filter Materials

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Design of Vertical (or Inclined) and Horizontal Drains

The vertical and horizontal drains are required to control seepage through the embankment by
preventing material eroded through a crack in the core impervious part from washing into the
downstream shell by seepage water under reservoir head. Moreover because of the often-
variable characteristics of borrow materials, it is frequently advisable to provide vertical and
horizontal drains within the downstream section of the embankment, in order to ensure
satisfactory seepage control.

Filter Requirements
Vertical and horizontal drains should be designed as filters. If crushed rock is used for the drain
material and the material to be protected is dispersive, or material to be protected contains
cracks, filter tests will be required. Well-graded materials are internally unstable and should not
be used as filters when Cu > 20.

Discharge Requirements.
The drains must have sufficient discharge capacities to remove seepage quickly without
inducing high seepage forces or hydrostatic pressures (Cedergren 1977). When drains are
designed and constructed with ample discharge capacity, the line of seepage will not rise above
the drain zone. Since drains are small compared to the overall dimensions of the earth dam, it is
difficult to construct accurate flow nets within the drains themselves. The total quantity of
seepage from all sources that must discharge through the drain should be evaluated from a flow
net analysis in which it is assumed that the drains have an infinite permeability.

Accordingly, the seepage rate is computed using GeoStudio 2018 for the assumed designed
assumption and cross section of the dam at the critical stage when the reservoir is full with
steady flow analysis. The embankment and foundation material permeability are considered
with maximum permeability.

Table 6-8 The parameter adopted for the seepage analysis foundation material
Soil Texture (%) Strength Soil property
Desc C Ø ( Ƴ Ksat
Gravel Sand Silt Clay Sp.Gr Ꝋ LL PI Ꝋsat
(KN/m2) Deg) (KN/m3) (mm/hr)

SDSP-1 - 41 20 39 19 30 13.1 19.4 40.4 14.01

SDSP-3 - 28 54 18 20 28 2.7 16.3 19.2 39.3 12.91
SDSP-5 - 38 47 15 18 23 2.34 16.3 15.6 39.8 18.27 22 46
SDSP-6 22 38 16 23 18.27 28 2.4 16.6 18.9 47.7 18.83

Foundation 36.3 23.8 18.8 27.3 15.6 16.0 260 mm/d

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Table 6-9 The parameter adopted for the seepage analysis embankment material
Soil Texture (%) Strength Soil property
Desc C Ø( Ƴ Ksat
Gravel Sand Silt Clay Sp.Gr Ꝋ LL PI Ꝋsat
(KN/m2) Deg) (KN/m3) (mm/hr)

SCB2 - 4 3 40 14 33 19 22 2.52 16 14.9 36.5 14.6 4.57

SCB2 - 5 - 39 28 33 22.16 18 2.49 17.4 20.2 34.5 14.88 4.73 0.46
SCB2 - 2 - 35 34 31 20 23 2.62 16.1 18 37.9 17.19 5.8
SB1_Bulk - 28 25 47 25 24 2.4 16.4 20.5 47 20.58 0.811 0.48
Embankment 25.0 21.8 16.5 16.8 19.5mm/d

Figure 6-4Seepage amount and drain alignment

The result of evaluation indicates that the seepage before joining the drain is found to be 0.194
m3/d per m length of the dam. Therefore, the horizontal drain is capable of discharging this
amount of water. And also.

Figure 6-5 Dimensioning of Horizontal Drain

Since the drain is to be designed so that the line of seepage does not rise above the drain zone,
the allowable maximum head in the horizontal drain can be no greater than its height. The
required minimum permeability from Darcy's law is calculated

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𝐾𝑏 =
𝐿𝑏 𝐴𝑏
Lb Drain length = 16 m
hb Drain Depth to be determined
Ab = Lbxhb
Qd seepage amount = 2.2453*10-6 m3/ s

𝐾𝑏 = ℎ m3/day
𝑏 ∗ℎ𝑏
To design the horizontal drain, select a drain height and calculate the required minimum
permeability. Apply a factor of safety of 20 to the calculated permeability and select a drain
material from available aggregates. Select a drain height of 1m.

The required minimum permeability becomes

Kb= 3.1 m/ day

The designed Kb design will be 20* 3.1=62.08 m/day= 0.718 mm/s

This permeability could be obtained by screened fine gravel (3/8-in. to 1/2-in. size) which has a
permeability of about 30,000 ft/day or 10.6 cm/sec, (Cedergren 1977). Seepage in coarse
aggregate is likely to be turbulent and a reduction factor should be applied to the permeability.
The hydraulic gradient in the horizontal drain is Lb
𝑖= = 0.0625

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Figure 6-6 Approximation for estimating reduction in permeability of narrow size-range

aggregate caused by turbulent flow (courtesy of John Wiley and Sons155)
From figure above, for screened fine gravel (3/8-in. to 1/2-in. size) with i = 0.0625 the
reduction factor for permeability is 0.9

K = 0.9 * 10.6 cm/s= 9.54 cm/s

The permeability of the screened fine gravel (3/8-in. to 1/2-in. size) reduced for turbulence is
greater than the required permeability for design: 9.54 cm/s>0.0718 cm/s.

Therefore, it should be adequate when properly placed and compacted to conduct seepage
water through the horizontal drain. The screened fine gravel (3/8-in. to 1/2-in. size) will be
protected top and bottom with a 1-ft-thick clean washed concrete sand filter. Since the seepage
from the foundation must flow across the fine filter to enter the coarse drainage layer, the fine
filter must be permeable enough to allow the water to enter the coarse drainage layer freely
under only a small hydraulic gradient (0.5 or less).

Clean washed concrete sand with a permeability of 10 ft/day should allow seepage from the
foundation to enter the coarse drainage layer without restriction. As a result, the designed
horizontal drains would have to meet the filter requirements provided under.

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Design of Filter
Blanket drains were included in embankment designs both to collect seepage from the
foundation and to provide an outlet for seepage collected by a chimney filter/drainage zone.
Since a blanket is at the interface between the embankment and foundation, it could be
classified as either an embankment or foundation element but in this project case it is to be
called foundation element for the foundation material gradient is finer than the embankment.
As it is observed in the figure below

Figure 6-7 Gradation of foundation and embankment material

Therefore, for this project the base material is that of Embankment, As it is observed on the
gradation curve the Base material have no any particles larger than the No. 4 sieve, as a result
computationally re-graded is not necessary and also the according to USACE, Reclamation,
and NRCS guidance the base material is categorized under Base material category 2 for which
The maximum D15F should be ≤ 0.7 mm unless soil is dispersive, in which case the maximum
D15F should be < 0.5 mm., accordingly the base soil is assumed to be not dispersive and D15F
was taken to be 0.7mm

To satisfy permeability requirements, determine the minimum allowable D15F:

• Minimum D15F ≥ 5 × maximum D15B (Reclamation)
• Minimum D15F ≥ 3 to 5 × maximum D15B (USACE)
• Minimum D15F ≥ 4 to 5 × maximum D15B (NRCS)
• Minimum D15F is computed prior to any re-grading, if any, and should not be smaller
than 0.1 mm.

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Since the base material have no any D15B as a result the minimum D15 F should be 1/5 of Max
D15F but not less than 0.1mm, therefore minimum D15F will be 0.14 which is greater than

To limit the amount of fines and oversized material, the minimum D5F and maximum D100F
will be determined according to the following table:

Base Soil Category Maximum D100F Minimum D5F

≤ 2 in. 0.075 mm
ALL categories (51 mm) (No. 200 sieve)

Therefore, D100F and D5F will be 51 mm and .075 mm respectively

To limit segregation potential, the maximum D90F is determined from the table: for a Minimum
DF of 0,0.5 it is found to be D90F=20mm.

Figure 6-8 Filter Gradation

As it is observed in the above figure the available sand specially from borrow area 2 fulfill the
requirement but from borrow area 1 needs to be washed to remove the finer particle size
0.075mm and to use for filter.

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Variations of the loads acting on slopes, and variations of shear strengths with time, result in
changes in the factors of safety of slopes. As a result, it is necessary to perform stability
analyses corresponding to several different conditions reflecting different stages in the life of a
slope. As conditions change, the factor of safety against slope instability may increase or


An embankment and its foundation are subject to shear stresses imposed by the weight of the
embankment and by pool fluctuations, seepage, or earthquake forces.

Loading conditions vary from the commencement of construction of the embankment until the
time when the embankment has been completed and has a full reservoir pool behind it. The
range of loading conditions encompasses the following conditions at various stages from
construction through the operational stage of the completed embankment:

• End-of-Construction
• Sudden drawdown
• Partial pool with steady seepage
• Steady seepage, normal pool
• Earthquake
• Appropriate flood surcharge pool


Various analytical methods for evaluating the static stability of an embankment dam exist. The
method utilized should be consistent with the anticipated mode of failure, dam cross section,
and soil test data.

Many methods of stability analyses exist that use the same general approach of employing the
"limit equilibrium method" of slope stability analysis. In this type of approach an estimate of
factor of safety can be obtained by examining the conditions of equilibrium when incipient
failure is postulated, and comparing the shear stress necessary to maintain equilibrium with the
available shear strength of the soil.

In analyzing both force and moment conditions of equilibrium it becomes apparent that the
problem of determining the distribution of the effective normal stress or consolidation stress on

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the failure surface is statically indeterminate, that is, there are more unknowns than there are
equations of equilibrium.

An approach to this situation is to make assumptions to reduce the number of unknowns in

order that the problem is statically determinate, such as is done in the "limit equilibrium"
·analysis procedure.

Different procedures use different assumptions. Some methods do not satisfy all conditions of
moment and force equilibrium. Typical slope stability analysis results of for static loading is
presented at end of respective sections. The software calculates the minimum factor of safety
with four method of analysis i.e. Morgenstern-Price, Spencer, Bishop and Janbu. However, for
comparison and reporting purposes the Spencer method is selected which accounts both the
force and moment equilibrium.


The factor of safety provides a margin of safety to guard against ultimate failure, to avoid
unacceptable deformations, to reduce the risk of progressive failure, and to cover uncertainties
associated with the measurement of soil properties, the loading, or the analysis used. In
selecting a minimum acceptable factor of safety an evaluation should be made on both the
degree of conservatism with which assumptions were made in choosing soil strength
parameters, pore water pressures, and loading conditions; the consequences and the influence
of the method of analysis which is used. The latter concerns the method of calculation in which
side earth forces are considered and how assumptions of directions of side earth forces affect
stability analysis results. It also concerns assumptions relative to the dissipation of shear-
induced pore pressures and whether anisotropic consolidation is accounted for in the
determination of undrained shear strength.

Minimum factors of safety generally required by FERC are listed in Table 1. The minimum
Factors of Safety given in this table are to be used in conjunction with analyses using peak
shear strengths. If certain wedges involving foundation shales are analyzed using residual or
near residual strength, then lower Factors of Safety than those given in Table 1 for the static
cases are generally acceptable. The specific values being dependent on the percentage of the
failure surface assumed to be at the residual strength.

Final accepted factors of safety will also depend upon the degree of confidence in the
engineering data available. In the final analysis, the consequences of a failure with respect to
human life, property damage, and impairment of project functions are important considerations
in establishing factors of safety for specific investigations.

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Table 7-1 Recommended Factor of Safety

Minimum Slope to be Shear Strength
Loading Condition
Factor of Safety Analyzed Envelope
upstream and
End of construction condition 1.3
Sudden drawdown from maximum pool >1.1* upstream
Sudden drawdown from spillway crest or top of
1.2* upstream
upstream and
Steady seepage with maximum storage pool 1.5
Steady seepage with surcharge pool 1.4 downstream
Earthquake (for steady seepage conditions with
upstream and
seismic loading using a pseudo static lateral force > 1.0


7.5.1 General
As outlined in Section 7.2, an embankment may be subjected to several loading conditions
during its life, ranging from construction to full pool operation. The loading conditions for
which an embankment must be analyzed and the shear strength values appropriate for use in the
analyses are presented in detail in the following paragraphs.

7.5.2 End of Construction Loading Condition

At the end of construction, an embankment dam may still be undergoing internal consolidation
under its own weight. For homogeneous dams or for zones in dams constructed of impervious
materials, pore water pressures will be built up during construction if the rate of consolidation
of the embankment materials is slow compared to the rate of fill placement. Low permeability,
natural foundation layers which are too thick to consolidate a significant amount during
construction will also develop excess pore pressures caused by the weight of the embankment.

Therefore, Slope stability during and at the end of construction is analyzed using either drained
or undrained strengths, depending on the permeability of the soil. Many fine-grained soils are
sufficiently impermeable that little drainage occurs during construction. Model input

The stability analysis for this condition is analyzed using GeoStudio 2018 software, using
Elastic plastic model when,

• The undrained strength of the foundation varies with depth (elevation)

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• The soil stiffness of the foundation varies with depth (elevation)

• The soil stiffness of the foundation material varies with the overburden stress (Y-stress)
• Elastic plastic model is used for the fill material with a constant stiffness E

The fill is placed in six 2. m successive and one 2.55-metre lifts. And configured as it shown in
the figure below.

Figure 7-1 Problem configuration and setup

The initial (in situ) stresses are developed prior to the fill placement using a linear-elastic
material model for the foundation soil. Prior to the fill placement the water table is assumed to
be at the ground surface. Consequently, effective-drained parameters are required in the insitu
analysis in order to get the correct insitu stress conditions. The effective-drained parameters are
required so that pore-pressures will be considered in the insitu stress computations.

A total stress undrained behavior is assumed for the foundation; that is, the strength is specified
as Cu and the E-modulus is considered to be a total stress modulus. The embankment material
is assumed to be a well compacted soil with a relatively high stiffness. Figure 7-2 shows the
undrained strength used for the foundation the undrained strength varies from a minimum of
57.11 kPa at the surface to a maximum of 116 kPa at depth

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C function of elevation

Elevation (m)





50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Total Cohesion (kPa)

Figure 7-2 Undrained strength varying as a function of elevation

The E modulus varies from a low value of 5000 kPa near the ground surface to about 12,000
kPa at depth.

E function of elevation


Elevation (m)





5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000
Total E-Modulus (kPa)

Figure 7-3 Foundation E-modulus varying as a function of elevation

The fill material is assigned a constant undrained strength of 330 kPa and the stiffness is
assigned a constant E of 12000 kPa. Result of the analysis

The following graph shows the Cu profile for the foundation for all load steps. The legend has
units of seconds (sec), which is equivalent to load step number in this particular case. Notice

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that the profile is the same for all load steps, as it is intended to simulate the undrained
behavior. This is also the case for the initial modulus Ei as shown in Figure 7.4

C profile

0 sec
1 sec
Y (m)

2 sec
3 sec

1,255 4 sec
5 sec
6 sec
1,250 7 sec

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Undrained Shear Strength (kPa)

Figure 7-4 Undrained strength profile during loading

E(i) profile



0 sec
1 sec
2 sec
Y (m)

1,258 3 sec

4 sec
5 sec
6 sec

1,252 7 sec


5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000

E (initial) (kPa)

Figure 7-5 Ei profile during the embankment loading

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The vertical settlements along a profile at the center-line of the embankment are shown in
Figure 7-7. Of significance is that the largest settlement is not at the dam crest.

Displacement profiles along the original ground surface are presented in Figure 7-8. Naturally,
settlement occurs under the central part of the embankment and heave occurs near the toe area
and outside the foundation footprint.

The foundation soil is treated as being undrained inferring that it cannot undergo any volume
change (v = 0.49). Consequently, any settlement under the dam has to be reflected in heave
beside the dam. This is also evident in the deformed mesh shown in Figure 7-8

Vertical settlemnt profile



0 sec

1 sec
2 sec
Y (m)

3 sec

4 sec
5 sec

6 sec

1,250 7 sec

-0.08 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0

Y -Displacement (m)

Figure 7-6 Vertical settlement profiles along centre line of structure.

Ground surface settlement and heave



0 sec
Y-Displacement (m)

0.005 1 sec

2 sec
3 sec
4 sec

-0.01 5 sec

6 sec
7 sec


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

X (m)

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Figure 7-7 Settlement along original ground surface

Figure 7-8 Deformed mesh

The factors of safety corresponding the end of construction was evaluated and presented as the
following figure in both cases the slope factor of safety is greater than 1.5 and above the
recommendation the stability result is indicated in Figure 7-9 to 11

Figure 7-9 End of construction D/s slope stability

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Figure 7-10End of construction U/s slope stability

Figure 7-11 During of construction U/s slope stability

7.5.3 Rapid Drawdown

When an earth embankment has retained a reservoir with a fairly constant water surface
elevation for a long time, the seepage conditions within the embankment will likely reached a
steady-state. If it is necessary to drain the reservoir quickly, the pore-water pressures within the
embankment may remain relatively high while the stabilizing effect of the reservoir’s weight
along the upstream side of the embankment is removed and can cause instability of the
upstream face of the embankment.

A SEEP/W water transfer analysis can be used to evaluate changing pore-water pressure
conditions after the reservoir has been drained. In the worst case, it is assumed that the
reservoir has been drained instantaneously. More realistically, the reservoir will be drained over
a period of time. This analysis presented how rapid draw down condition are modelled with a
water transfer analysis, and used in SLOPE/W to determine the influence of instantaneous or
gradual drawdown on slope stability.

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The analysis involves an embankment that is approximately 71.5 m wide at the base and 14.55
m high (Figure 7-12). The embankment has a horizontal drain located at the toe to prevent
water from exiting along the downstream slope face. The head in the reservoir before
drawdown is 11.8m.

Figure 7-12 The problem configuration.

There is a total of 5 analyses in the Analysis Tree, with a steady-state water transfer analysis
acting as the Parent to the remaining analyses. The first water transfer analysis represents the
steady-state conditions within the embankment given the presence of the reservoir for a long
period. The initial water table is drawn from the reservoir to the toe drain, and a constant head
boundary condition (11.8 m) is applied to the upstream face of the embankment, representing
the initial water level within the reservoir. The toe drain is simulated using a zero-pressure head
boundary condition applied to the toe drain region. The results from this Parent Analysis act as
the initial conditions for the two scenarios: ‘Instantaneous drawdown’, and ‘Slow drawdown.

After the water in the reservoir is drained, the relatively high porewater pressures within the
embankment will cause groundwater movement out of the embankment, creating a seepage
face along the upstream side of the embankment. The size and position of the seepage face are
not known. Moreover, the seepage face will change with time after the drawdown occurs. A
SEEP/W analysis can incorporate the seepage face along the upstream side of the embankment
using the ‘Potential Seepage Face Review’ water rate boundary condition.

The second water transfer analysis is a transient simulation of the reservoir undergoing
instantaneous drawdown, with the level of the reservoir changing from 11.8 m to 7 m. The
instantaneous drawdown is simulated using a zero-pressure head boundary condition at the toe
of the upstream slope and a potential seepage face boundary condition along the upstream slope
to the height of the original reservoir level.

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The slope stability analysis child of this transient water transfer simulation helps determine the
influence of this instantaneous change in the pore-water pressure conditions within the
embankment on the factor of safety over a period of 30 days following drawdown. The pore-
water pressure results from all time steps in this analysis are used in SLOPE/.

The final water transfer analysis simulates gradual drawdown of the reservoir over a period of
90 days. with the level of the reservoir changing from 11.8 m to 7 m. The changing water level
of the reservoir is defined using a head function boundary condition. This boundary condition
is applied to the upstream slope of the embankment to the point representing the highest level
of the reservoir. The potential seepage face review option is also activated to allow flow to
leave the upstream side of the domain. As with the rapid drawdown scenario, the pore water
pressures from the gradual drawdown water transfer analysis are used in SLOPE/W to
determine the resulting factor of safety.

Both of the slope stability analyses use the Spencer analysis type, with the slip surface defined
using the entry and exit method in the right to left direction. The potential entry location of the
slip surface is defined at the top of the embankment, with the exit defined along the lower toe
of the slope (Figure 7-13).

Figure 7-13 Entry and exit locations for the slope stability analyses

The global element size has been set to 1 m. But the mesh size was refined to 0.5 m for the
water transfer analyses. The transient analyses have a total duration of 90 days, with 10-time
steps increasing exponentially from an initial time step of 6 hours.

7.5.4 Model Output

The long-term, steady-state conditions established using the Parent analysis are shown in
Figure 7-14. After instantaneous drawdown, water stored within the embankment gradually
drains from areas of high pore-water pressure. Thus, the piezometric line changes position over

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time, as illustrated Figure 7-15. This means that the seepage face also changes over time,
gradually decreasing in size.

Figure 7-14 Steady state condition

Figure 7-15 Changing positions of the piezometric line after instantaneous drawdown

Figure 7-16 shows the location of the piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1
from the instantaneous drawdown water transfer analysis. The colored circles on the upstream
face show which nodes are H nodes (red) and which are Q nodes (blue). Water is flowing out
of the bottom portion of the upstream face at the H nods (red). These will change with each
time step.

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Figure 7-16 Piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1 from the instantaneous
drawdown analysis.

The Factor of Safety versus time given instantaneous drainage of the reservoir was shown in
Figure 7-17. The factor of safety for this project greater than 2.0 at the beginning of the time for
the first 20 days then after it keeps constant

Factor of Safety vs Time


0 20 40 60 80 100
Time Days

Figure 7-17 Instantaneous drawdown Factor of Safety vs time

Figure 7-18 shows the piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1 from the slow
drawdown water transfer analysis. Here the velocity vectors show that less water is leaving the
domain via the upstream slope, and more of the water is flowing out of the toe drain, due to the
continued presence of water in the reservoir. As the reservoir level decreases over time, flow
from the upstream face increases.

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Figure 7-18 Piezometric line and velocity vectors at the end of day 1 from the slow drawdown

When the reservoir level is drawn down slowly instead of instantaneously, the stability of the
embankment is substantially different Figure 7-19. As with the instantaneous drawdown
analysis, the factor of safety decreases when the reservoir is drawn down. However, the factor
of safety for the slow drawdown analysis does not drop below 1.0.

Factor of Safety vs Time


0 20 40 60 80 100
Time Days

Figure 7-19 Slow Drawdown Factor of safety vs Time

Generally, the instantaneous drawdown scenario is a conservative approach for assessing

stability of an embankment during reservoir drawdown; however, it likely represents unrealistic
conditions as it is difficult to drain a reservoir over a very short period. The second scenario
includes a gradual decline in the reservoir’s water level so it is more realistic, and therefore,

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provides a more reasonable evaluation of the embankment’s factor of safety during drawdown
and satisfies the recommended FOS for this kind of loading condition.

7.5.5 Pseudo-static Analysis

Analyses for earthquake loading should begin with simplified procedures and proceed to more
rigorous methods of analyses as a particular situation may warrant. Projects with well
compacted embankments and dense foundation soils located in all confirmed low hazard
potential zones, projects, may be evaluated by the pseudo static method using the seismic
coefficient assigned to the seismic zone in which the project is located. Therefore, this project
was evaluated with Pseudo static analysis for it is found in hazard potential zone with 0.15
seismic coefficient refer Geotechnical investigation report.

It is generally assumed that during a seismic event the loading is so rapid that there will be no
change in the shearing resistance along a potential slips surface. In other word the soil will
behave in an undrained manner. The seismic loading may increase the total stress at the base of
a slice and there may be an equivalent change in the pore-pressure, but the effective stress will
remain unchanged, and consequently the strength will remain unchanged. A staged pseudo-
static analysis can be adopted to consider this scenario. Two options are available for
calculating the undrained strengths prior to the application of the seismic forces. Staged Pseudo-Static Analysis

A staged pseudo-static analysis involves the completion of two stability analyses for every
single slip surface. The first stage is completed without applying the seismic forces so that the
effective stresses can be obtained at the base of each slice. The effective stresses can then be
used to calculate the strengths at the base of each slice, which are subsequently used in the
second stage when the seismic forces are included.

SLOPE/W has the above stated two options for calculating the strengths from the effective
stresses obtained in Stage 1. One of the options calculates the strength according to the Mohr-
Coulomb strength law and the effective stress strength properties. The resulting effective stress
strengths are treated as equivalent undrained strengths in the second stage of the analysis. The
other option uses the undrained strength calculations proposed by Duncan et al. (1990). The
undrained strength calculations of Duncan et al. (1990) require both the effective stress strength
properties and those corresponding to the undrained R-envelop. These two strengths envelop
are used to compute an equivalent undrained strength at the base of each slice. The “None”
option results in a conventional, single stage, pseudo- static analysis.

The analysis was defined with 14.55m high water retention embankment with 2.5:1 side slope.
On the upstream and 2:1 side slopes The material is defined according to the Table 6-7

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One trial slip surface is considered for illustrative purposes. The specified pseudo-static seismic
coefficient is 0.15. Four analyses were completed: 1) a conventional analysis excluding seismic
forces; 2) a conventional pseudo-static analysis; 3) staged pseudo-static analysis using effective
stress strengths; and, 4) staged pseudo-static analysis using undrained strength calculated
according to Duncan et al. (1990).

Figure 7-20 Pseudo Problem configuration Results of the analysis

The factors of safety corresponding to each analysis is shown in the figures below

Figure 7-21 Excluding seismic forces

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Figure 7-22 None (conventional pseudo-static)

Figure 7-23 Effective stress (equivalent undrained) strengths

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Figure 7-24 Duncan et al. (1990) undrained strengths

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The proposed Dam is homogenous embankment dam with horizontal drain. This type of
dam needs sufficient spillway capacity. The safety of the dam cannot be secured only with
provision of sufficient discharging capacity of the spillway; the hydraulic design of the
spillway must also be adequate to convey and dissipate the energy associated with water
passing over the spillway.

The spillway crest elevation is at 1265.8 masl and the following main design criteria have
been considered for the design of the spillway:

• There should be complete dissipation of energy of spillway flow before it enters the
• The dimension of the control section (chute), have been fixed such that it could pass the
maximum routed flood with a design discharge head (surcharge);
• The spillway must be hydraulically and structurally safe;
• The spillway and chute in general should be erosion resistant to withstand the high
scouring velocities; and

The spillway design is accomplished in a manner that minimizes cost subject to the following:
• Sufficient crest length to convey the design discharge.
• Acceptable minimum pressures acting on the crest boundary.
• Acceptable maximum energy head on the spillway crest.
• Acceptable velocities and flow characteristics through the spillway system.


As indicated in section 3.4.2, the design discharge for the spillway is fixed based on the
evaluation presented in section 3.6.2. Accordingly, the inflow hydrograph considered is 100
years return period and its peak discharge is 110 m3/s. For the selected total crest length of 15
m, the routed outflow discharge is 61.58 m³/s.


Spillway type selection can be governed mainly on type of dam, site condition (i.e.
topography), and flood discharge, simplicity for construction and adaptability for foundation.
Broad crested spillway with Chute and approach channel have been considered. For which the
topography favored. Similarly, in order to create flow access towards the control section of

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the chute spillway it needs approach channel excavation with relatively smaller depth of
excavation is considered. To minimize the length of an approach, channel a curvature was
provided at the upstream side of the approach channel so that an optimal length and depth of
excavation is achieved. Therefore, by considering all factors listed above, un-gated broad
crested spillway with chute control section is selected to convey maximum routed outflow
discharge i.e. 61.58 m³/s.


Primarily, the location of the spillway is dictated by the safety of the dam, economic
considerations, construction difficulties, and the possible interference with the layout of outlet
and canal structures of the project. In addition to this, topography and geology of the area are
among the main considerations guiding the choice of spillway location.

For Hadha Hurbu dam the spillway site is selected or proposed on the right abutment by
excavating the top end of the abutment. Naturally, the spillway route has an excavated
approach channel, relatively mild slope before the start of the spillway and control chute
section and steeper slope before ending at the energy dissipater. The dissipated flow will join
the Main river course.


The main components of the spillway include, Broad crested spillway, approach channel,
control section/ chute section, terminal structure and exit channel. In this section the
hydraulics aspects of the mentioned components will be presented.

Table 8-1Hydralic parameter of the approach channel

Description Designation Unit Value

Basic Input Data
Chainage at Start of AprChanal Ch. Ch.St m
Chainage at End of Apr Chanal Ch. Ch.En m 140.000
Design Discharge Q m /s 64.428
Manning Roughness n 0.035
Approach Chanel Water depth do m 2.20
Approach Chanel Water Level U/s WL m 1,267.635
Exit Chanel Water depth d3 m 2.20
Hydraulic Radius AprChan Ro m 2.20
Velocity at section app_Cha V0 m/s 1.79
Length Of App. Chanel L m 140.00

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Table 8-2 Hydraulic calculation on the spillway

Description Designation Unit Value

Approach Canal Hydraulics
Velocity head at Section 0 hv0 = V02/2g m 0.163
Head loss in Approach Chanel hf= n2v2L / R4/3 m 0.191
Level of U/S TEL U/s TEL=U/s WL+hv0-hf m 1,267.606
Spill way Hydraulics
Water Depth Over Spill Way Hd m 1.833
Spillway Crest Level m 1,265.802
Head over Crest He m 1.996
Spillway Length L m 13.500
Coefficient Of Discharge Cd m 1.700
Discharge over spillway Q m 64.711
Cd not affected If (hd+d)/He> 1.7 m 3.393
Max. apron elevation EL A=TEL-hf-(hd+d) m 1,264.022
Let apron length La m 15.000
Discharge intensity downstream of spillway q m 4.793
Initial depth d1s m 3.284
Velocity V1 1.459
Specific Energy A Toe SW He*1.7 m 3.393
Specific Energy A EA = d1s + (q/d1s)2/2g m 0 3.393
yc yc = (q2/g)1/3 1.328
Vc Vc = q/yc 3.609
Water area Ac = bc*yc m2 17.928
Wetted Perimeter Pc = bc + 2*yc m 16.156
Hydraulic radius Ra = Aa/Pa m 1.110
Critical Slope Sc=(nVc /R2/3)21.00 272.178 0.004
A slope of Basin 1/100 is provided in 15 m (but in no case less than the
critical slope,)
Bed level at the End of slope 1,263.872
Weir height above apron h m 1.78
TEL m 1,267.27
Froude number F = V1/(gd1)1/2 m 0.257

Table 8-3 Hydraulic calculation of chute (a)

Description Designation Unit Value

Design of the Chute or Discharge Carrier Chute
Chainage at Start of Chute Ch. Ch.St m 200.000
Chainage at End of Chute Ch. Ch.En m 430.000
Elevation at Chute Start Ch. Ch.St m 1,263.865
Elevation at Chute End Ch. Ch.En m 1,251.215

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Discharge Q 64.711
Manning Roughness n 0.018
Chute Bed Slope Sc m 0.055
Length of Chute Lc m 230.000
Drop in Bed Dc m 12.650
Bed Level Start of Chute m 1,263.865
Chute Width bc = m 13.500
Depth Critical dc m 3.284
Unit discharge q = Q/bc m3/s/m 4.793
Critical Velocity Vc = q/dc m/s 1.459
Velocity head hvc = Vc /2g m 0.109
Water area Aa = ba*da m2 44.340
Wetted Perimeter Pc = bc + 2*dc m 20.069
Hydraulic radius Ra = Aa/Pa m 2.209
R4/3 2.878
Sf Sf=(n2v2)/R4/3 for n=0.18 0.0002

2. Energy at Section (C) Z = EL.A - EL.B m 12.65

EC = dc + hvc +Z m 16.04
TEL Ec + Ch. Ch.En m 1,267.27

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Table 8-4 Energy Head basin calculation of the chute

Description Designation Unit Value

3. Energy at Section (1)
Depth Assessed d1 m 0.484
b1=bc m 13.500
A1=b1d1 m2 6.536
V1=Q/A1 m/s 9.900
hv1 = V12/2g m 4.996
P1=b1+2d1 m 14.468
R1=A1/P1 m 0.452
I1 = (nV1/R2/3)2 m 0.092
Im =(Ic + I1)/2 m 0.046
hf1 = Im.L m 10.563
E1 = d1 + hv1+hf1 16.043
E1 = Ec = 16.043

4. Conjugate depth after jump

Froude number F = V1/(gd1)1/2 m 4.543
Conjugate depth d2=d1/2((1+8Fr2)1/2-1) m 2.878
5. Stilling basin
a. Length for Fr<5 L =3.5*d1Fr11.5 m 16.41
b. Length for Fr>5 L =8*d1Fr1 m 17.60
Adopt 16.00
c. Width Adopt 13.50
Provide the basin tail water depth, 5% more than the conjugate
depth, as the Froude number is large, or at a depth
Tail Water Level 1,253.42
Basin Level 1,250.00

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Figure 8-1 Longitudinal profile of spillway and chute


The downstream exit channel will convey the spilled water for about 70m before it joins the
natural river course. The spilled water is made to join small stream which joins the Main river
course. The size of the stream is small and hence its existing cross section will be modified to
convey the spillway discharge at least the flood corresponding to 1:100 routed outflow
discharge. Accordingly, a modified cross section is proposed for the whole reach with an
appropriate treatment measure.

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The outlet work system covers mainly the irrigation outlet and provisions made to pass the dry
season during construction. the construction is planned to be finished in two years and hence
during the first year of construction the wet season flow will pass with the existing river course;
however, foundation excavation of the main river course will be finished during the dry months
of the first-year construction. Therefore, simple temporary dry season outlet is proposed to pass
the minimum flows during the dry months.

The main purpose of this outlet system is for irrigation. However, during emergency cases it
will be used to evacuate the volume of water above it. The control mechanism will be upstream
and downstream control, the downstream control was provided in order to control the seepage
but the upstream to regulate the head. The water entering the small intake will be conveyed
towards upstream and downstream with a conduit crossing the dam body. The current dam
design concept did not encourage provision of conduits within the dam. Though locating
conduit outside the dam is the safest approach, there are also several dams in which their outlet
system crosses the dam body. For this project special consideration has been given in most part
of the dam to be embedded in excavated trench along the rocky staff and also provision of filter
thus minimizes potential failure. Water leaving the dam will be dissipated before it joins the
main canal. The centre line of the irrigation conduit is maintained to be along 1261 m contour.


The proposed net command area for Hadha Hurbu project is about 100ha. The required design
discharge considering including the demand for livestock is summarized in the table below

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Table 9-1 Peak Discharge Estimation
Demand Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
Irrigation (100 ha) 0.26 0.29 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.11 1.30
Livestock 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.74
Evaporation 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.61
Total Demand 0.38 0.40 0.28 0.11 0.12 0.25 0.29 0.22 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.22 2.64

Cummulative Demand
(Mcm) 0.38 0.78 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.54 1.83 2.05 2.18 2.30 2.42 2.64 2.64

Annalysis of Peak Demand

Days in the month 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 hr/day
Livestock (m3/s) 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 4
Irrigation (m3/s) 0.196 0.24 0.122 4E-04 0.002 0.11 0.135 0.082 0.017 0.002 0.006 0.084 12
Daily Demand (m3/s) 0.336 0.38 0.262 0.14 0.142 0.25 0.275 0.222 0.157 0.142 0.146 0.224
Max= 0.38

Accordingly, for the calculated peak Demand for 12 hour and 4-hour supply for the daily
Demand found to be 0.38 m3/s as a result the outlet capacity was designed to be 0.4m3/s. The
main purpose of this outlet is for irrigation. However, where there is a need it will be used to
evacuate the reservoir water above 1254m which accounts to be about 0.60Mcm. The
Irrigation outlet is designed to have a small inlet, trash rack, circular conduit, flow regulation
gate at the upstream and downstream with an energy dissipater at the downstream.

9.2.1 Hydraulic Design of Intake/Inlet i. Intake/Inlet opening
The proposed design discharge is 0.4m3/s and an opening pipe diameter of 500mm ductile iron
pipe is provided.

9.2.2 Irrigation Conduit Hydraulics

A. General
The conduit is designed to pass the irrigation flow and environmental release. Further the outlet
will evacuate the reservoir water above irrigation outlet which is about 0.6 Mcm in volume.
The size of an outlet conduit for a required discharge varies according to an inverse relationship
with the available head for producing the discharge. This relationship is expressed by the
following equation:

𝐻𝑇 = 𝑘𝑇

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HT= total available head needed to overcome the various head losses to produce the
discharge (m);
Q = required outlet works discharge (m3/s);
KL = loss coefficients;
A = required area of the conduit (m2); and
g = acceleration due to gravity 9.81(m/s2). Head loss computation for various parts
of the structure is discussed below.

B. Pressure flow in the irrigation conduit

The valves fitted downstream will basically control the flows and hence the conduit is always
under pressure. The flow in a closed conduit pipe system follows Bernoulli’s equation which
is written as:

HT = hL + hv2

HT = total head needed to overcome the various head losses to produce
hL= Cumulative losses of the systems, and
hv2 = Velocity head at the valve.

The above equation is expanded to include the system losses of the outlet structure as follows:

HT = (ht + he + hf + hg) + hv2

ht= Trash rack losses,
he= entrance losses,
hf= friction losses and
hg= gate or valve losses.
For the discharge at the outlet,
HT is measured from the reservoir water surface to the centerline of the outlet

C. Head loss computation

i. Trash rack Losses

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The trash rack consists of 16mm thick mounted at the inlet and its head loss is almost
negligible because the trash rack is placed on the top of the box horizontally.

ii. The other loss computation is shown in table 1 below (Entrance, Friction and Valve
losses) in pipe size calculation

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Table 9-2 Intake /Outlet Pipe size calculation

Item Symbols Formulae Units Main

Diameter D mm 500.00
Number of pipes N Nr 1.00
Design discharge Qd m3/s 0.40
chez C 100.00
Pipe roughness coefficient f 0.01
Inlet loss coefficient ξin 0.50
Outlet loss coefficient ξout 1.00
Pipe length L m 19.00
Acceleration g m/s2 9.81
Hydraulic radius R D/(4*1000) m 0.13
Flow section area W PI*((D/1000)^2)/4 m2 0.20
Pipe velocity v1 Qd/(N*W) m/s 2.04
Length loss coefficient ξL f*v2/2g*(L/D) 0.06
Discharge coefficient Cd 1/Sqrt(ξin+ξout+ξL) 0.80
NPL 1265.80
Minimum water Level 1261.00
Water level difference Z m 0.50
Water level in intake tower 1260.50
Entrance loss 0.5* V2/2g 0.11
Head loss through Gate 0.2* V2/2g 0.04
Trash rack loss m 0.10
Heff 0.25
Q=Cd*A*(2*9.81*H)1/2 0.49
Q=A*(2*9.81*Heff )1/2 0.44
Calculated discharge Qc N*Cd*W*Sqrt(2*g*Z) m3/s 0.49
Difference Qd - Qc -0.09
V1 2.51

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Partial Flow Hydraulics

Assumed Ø m 0.50
H For 0.80 0.40
H/r Ratio of D m 1.60
β=A/r From Table m2 2.69
α=R/r From Table m/s 0.61
V2 m 2.92
R m 0.15
Pipe Length m 61.00
n 0.010
I2 = (nV1/R2/3)^2 m 0.01
hf2 = I2.L m 0.64
HT m 1.16
Water level in the stilling basin m 1259.34
Pipe invert level in stilling
m 1258.94
Discharge Capacity at MWL m3/s 0.49
Maximum Discharge
Length loss coefficient ξL f*v2/2g*(L/D) 0.27
Discharge coefficient Cd 1/Sqrt(ξin+ξout+ξL) 0.75
Maximum Water level
Z m 6.36
Calculated discharge Qmax N*Cd*W*Sqrt(2*g*Z) m3/s 1.65
Structural Dimension
Height of Basin H m 1.35
Width of Basin W m 1.80
a m 0.90
b m 0.70
c m 0.90
d m 0.30
e m 0.15
t m 0.15

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Figure 9-1 Outlet cross section

From the above Table-9.2 the main outlet was designed based on the peak demand discussed
in table 9.1 for the right-side command and livestock. This capacity was designed based on the
minimum water level but the outlet can discharge a maximum capacity of 1.65 m3/s when the
reservoir is full which can help to reduce the flood intensity

9.2.3 Type and sizes of Regulating Valves

The selected types of flow control structure was sliding gates at the upstream and downstream .
The gate should withstand all the loading condition as specified in the specification as well as
in the bill of quantity.

9.2.4 Energy Dissipater Design

Before water is conveyed to the main canal from the outlet, the flow energy should be
dissipated so that downstream erosion will be avoided. Therefore, at the end of the outlet pipe a
stilling basin is needed for energy dissipation. It is designed to safely dissipate the maximum
energy i.e. when the reservoir is full and discharging the maximum flow. Accordingly Impact
type stilling basin was recommended and the dimension was shown in Table 9-1

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The estimate of quantities presented at this final feasibility and detail design report
considers the permanent works. The unit rate adapted for cost estimation is taken from
other similar projects with some adjustments. All rates are presented in Ethiopian Birr
(ETB) only. Accordingly, the investment cost of the project 121,321,615.65 including 15%
vat as presented in Table 10.1 below.

Table 10.1 Cost summary

SN Description Total Cost (ETB)
1 General Provision 2,150,000
2 Camping 1,964,295
3 Access Road 2,412,759
4 Dam body Earth 86,435,806
5 Spillway works 9,662,791
6 Outlet works 1,931,474
7 Dam Instrumentation 939,932
Total of carried to summary 105,497,057
VAT 15,824,559
Grand Total of Project Work 121,321,615.65

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Table 10-2: Hadha Hurbo dam BOQ and cost estimate
Item Item Description Uni Ethiopian Birr
Nr. t Rate Amount
1 General Provisions
Mobilisation of Contractor's Equipment and Manpower 1,800,000.
1.1 LS 1.00 1,800,000.00
including transport to Site, erection, maintenance. 00
Preparation and submission of Contractor's working
1.2 LS 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
drawings and AS-Built Drawings
Preparation and submission of Operation and
1.3 LS 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
Maintenance Manuals
Temporary access and haul roads. 500,000.0
1.4 LS 0.00
1.5 Survey and setting out LS 1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Running cost for water and power supply Mo
1.6 nth 12.00 20,000.00 240,000.00
Camp (Staff residence (3m x 13.85), office (3m x
2 13.85), Café & Kitchen (6x4x2), Store(5x5x2), Toilet
& Shower (4x2x2) and guard house
2.1 Residential rooms & office
2.1.1 Earth Work Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 mm m2 116.34 26.88 3,127.22
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 29.80 140.23 4,178.98
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 36.00 26.85 966.72
distance not exceeding 1km
Supply and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with crushed stone to m2 99.70 238.57 23,785.30
a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.1.2 Concrete and Block Work 0.00
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below ground m3 10.30 1,889.45 19,461.31
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above ground m3 10.00 2,086.90 20,869.04
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm) C-15. m2 91.40 317.86 29,052.70
2.1.3 Carpentry and Walling 0.00
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post m 63.00 124.08 7,816.77
of length 3 m with span length of 1.2m
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 150.00 78.58 11,787.69
nailed into eucalyptus truss

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into Eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 263.00 667.15 175,460.13
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately)
Supply and fix 8mm thich chip wood internal wall m2 150.00 926.02 138,903
cover. Price shall include 4 x 5 cm wooden buttons
2.1.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia eucalyptus
upper and lower roof truss members of a given length m 88.60 124.08 10,993.10
and span price shall include the application of three coats
and external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia eucalyptus
diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span m 158.00 78.58 12,416.37
price shall include the application of three coats and
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in eucalyptus wood size diam 8cm nailed into eucalyptus truss including three coats of anti - m 317.00 78.58 24,911.32
termite external treatment
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into Eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 217.00 546.60 118,611.51
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately)
Supply and fix 8 mm chipwood ceiling. Price shall m2 45.00 917.89 41,304.83
include 4 x 5 cm wooden buttons Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 8.00 750.36 6,002.90 Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 8.00 1,948.86 15,590.86
2.1.5 Finishing 0.00 Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick (1:3 mortar) m2 73.12 308.84 22,582.53
Sub total 687,822.16
2.2 Store
2.2.1 Earth Work Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 mm m2 65.00 26.88 1,747.20
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 15.00 140.23 2,103.52
and 0.4 m depth.
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 16.90 26.85 453.82
distance not exceeding 500m.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 60.00 238.57 14,314.13
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.2.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500mm thick high trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below ground m3 5.20 1,889.45 9,825.13
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above ground m3 5.20 2,086.90 10,851.90
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-15 m2 50.00 317.86 15,893.16
2.2.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall m 150.00 124.08 18,611.35
post of length 3 m span
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 200.00 78.58 15,716.92
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 156.00 667.15 104,075.21
headed galvanized nails
2.2.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia eucalyptus
upper and lower roof truss members of a given length m 63.00 124.08 7,816.77
and span price shall include the application of three coats
and external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia eucalyptus
diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span m 125.00 78.58 9,823.08
price shall include the application of three coats and
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in eucalyptus wood size diam 8cm nailed into eucalyptus truss including three coats of anti - m 317.00 78.58 24,911.32
termite external treatment
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 130.00 546.60 71,057.58
headed galvanized nails Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 2.00 750.36 1,500.73 Supply and fix CIS doors size 2.0x2.10m No 2.00 3,897.71 7,795.43
Sub total 2.2 316,497.23
2.3 Cafe , Kitchen and Workers living room
2.3.1 Earth Work Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 mm m2 36.48 26.88 980.58
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 10.00 140.23 1,402.34
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 13.00 26.85 349.09
distance not exceeding 1km.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 37.00 238.57 8,827.04
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.3.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below ground m3 4.00 1,889.45 7,557.79
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Supply and construct 500 mm thick high trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above ground m3 4.00 2,086.90 8,347.62
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-15 m2 33.30 317.86 10,584.85
2.3.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3 m span price shall include the external anti- m 117.00 124.08 14,516.85
termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 120.00 78.58 9,430.15
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 121.00 667.15 80,725.00
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately)
2.3.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia eucalyptus
upper and lower roof truss members of a given length m 105.00 124.08 13,027.94
and span price shall include the application of three coats
and external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia eucalyptus
diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span m 150.00 78.58 11,787.69
price shall include the application of three coats and
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 125.00 78.58 9,823.08
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 79.00 546.60 43,181.15
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately) Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 4.00 750.36 3,001.45 Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 3.60 1,948.86 7,015.89
2.3.5 Finishing 0.00 Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick, (1:3 mortar) m2 32.83 308.84 10,139.90
Sub total 240,698.42
2.4 Shower and Toilet
2.4.1 Earth Work Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 mm m2 24.00 26.88 645.12
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 77.00 140.23 10,798.05
and .4 m depth
Cart away and deposit excavated surplus material to a m3 100.10 26.85 2,688.02
distance not exceeding 1km.
2.4.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below ground m3 28.80 1,889.45 54,416.08
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Slab for the toilet including reinforcement bar , form m3 2.40 3,442.63 8,262.32
work and concrete C-20 with 150mm thick
Mass concrete fill on floor slab (150mm) for shower, C- m3 1.20 3,178.63 3,814.36
2.4.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3.5 m span price shall include the external m 50.00 124.08 6,203.78
anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 100.00 78.58 7,858.46
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 156.00 667.15 104,075.21
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately)
2.4.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia eucalyptus
upper and lower roof truss members of a given length m 33.00 124.08 4,094.50
and span price shall include the application of three coats
and external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia eucalyptus
diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span m 120.00 78.58 9,430.15
price shall include the application of three coats and
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 160.00 78.58 12,573.54
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 62.00 546.60 33,889.00
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately) Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 6.00 1,948.86 11,693.14
Sub Total 270,441.73
2.5 Laboratory (8x6)m2
2.5.1 Earth Work Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 mm m2 38.40 26.88 1,032.19
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 12.00 140.23 1,682.81
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and deposit excavated surplus material to a m3 15.60 26.85 418.91
distance not exceeding 1km.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 18.72 238.57 4,466.01
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.5.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below ground m3 12.00 1,889.45 22,673.37
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above ground m3 12.00 2,086.90 25,042.85
level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-10 m2 57.60 317.86 18,308.92
2.5.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3 m span price shall include the external No 62.40 124.08 7,742.32
anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 150.00 78.58 11,787.69
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix Wall cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 193.60 667.15 129,160.00
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately)
2.5.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10 cm dia.
eucalyptus roof truss of a given length &span price shall No 33.60 124.08 4,168.94
include the application of three coats and external anti-
termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia eucalyptus
diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span m 120.00 78.58 9,430.15
price shall include the application of three coats and
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 200.00 78.58 15,716.92
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized
iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin with dome m2 120.00 546.60 65,591.62
headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge cover
measured separately) Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 2.00 750.36 1,500.73 Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 2.00 1,948.86 3,897.71
2.5.5 Finishing Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick, (1:3 mortar) m2 52.50 308.84 16,214.21
Sub total 2.5 338,835.36
Fence 2.0m height & 15cm φ eucalyptus poles placed
2.5.6 every 2m with barbed wire at 20cm vertical interval & m 200.00 550.00 110,000.00
erected in 0.6m depth embedded with concrete
Sub total 2.5 .6 110,000.00
Bill No.3: Dam Body
3.1 Earthwork & Excavation
Clearing the dam site from bushes, stones etc and top soil
3.1.1 removal, 25 cm and place the removed material in the d/s m2 41,758.80 20.44 853,453.49
of the dam

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to a
3.1.2 m3 32,327.13 65.56 2,119,300.92
deprth of 1.5 m
3.1.3 Cut of trench excavation (Soft Rock) m3 23,270.00 269.47 6,270,457.84
Sub total 9,243,212.25
3.2 Compacted fill
Selected fill with clay material and compactions of the
core Section as shown in the drawing and specification,
3.2.1 m3 281,357.31 230.00 64,712,181.30
includes production of fill material, transportation and
compaction complete in all aspect
Sub total 64,712,181.30
3.3 Filter
Sand filter-Construction of filter (F1) with clean
washed,concrete sand as shown in the drawing and
3.3.1 m3 13,556.60 350.00 4,744,810.00
specification, includes production of fill material,
transportation and compaction complete in all aspect
` Sub total 4,744,810.00
3.4 Down stream dam toe drainage
3.4.1 Drainage trench Excavation (Toe of Dam) m3 1,802.73 65.56 118,183.32
Construction of drain with clean screened fine gravel,
3.4.2 includes supply of gravel material, transportation and m3 1,802.73 330.00 594,900.90
compaction complete in all aspect
` Sub total 713,084.22
3.5 Slope protection
3.5.1 Upstream slope protection
Supply, place and spread stone riprap of 0.5m thickness
3.5.2 m2 16,948.30 284.74 4,825,794.31
on the dam body as ordered by the Engineer
3.5.3 Downstream protection 0.00
Supply and placing of 20 cm top soil on the downstream
3.5.4 m2 20,337.96 82.70 1,682,004.32
face of the dam body
3.5.5 Sodding m2 20,337.96 20.00 406,759.20
Protection of the dam crest (Selected materials for
3.5.6 m3 1,080.00 99.96 107,960.35
preferable for Dam crest)
Sub total 7,022,518.18
4 Dam Instrumentation
Supply and install piezometers in embankment 120,555.0
4.1 Nr. 3.00 361,665.00
Supply and install Deformation Monitoring Monuments 135,744.9
4.2 Nr. 3.00 407,234.70
in embankment 0
4.3 Produce and install concrete Bench mark Nr. 6.00 1,000.00 6,000.00
Supply and Intsall water level staff in the irrigation
4.4 Nr. 1.00 55,093.66 55,093.66
intake structure
Supply and install Seepage measuring weir (V-Notch) 109,939.0
4.5 Nr. 1.00 109,939.00
supply and installation 0

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
5. Spillway Bill of Quantity
Bill No.5: Spillway
5.1 Earthwork & Excavation
Site clearance/Striping and removal of top soil with
5.1.1 m2 11,702.78 20.44 239,177.90
bushes & trees to a max. depth of 20 cm /m²
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to a
5.1.2 m3 16,764.65 65.56 1,099,056.41
deprth of 1.5 m
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock to
5.1.3 m3 81.95
depth from 1.5 m to 3.0 m
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock to a
5.1.4 m3 131.12
depth more than 3.0 m
5.1.5 Soft Rock excavation m3 4,191.16 269.47 1,129,372.88
5.1.6 Back fill from excavated material behind retaining walls m 3
929.77 66.76 62,069.61
5.1.7 Back fill from imported granular material m 3
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a
5.1.8 m3 26.85
distance not exceeding 1km.
Sub total 2,529,676.79
5.3 Concrete work
5.3.1 10 cm thick blinding concrete m3 54.60 2,300.20 125,590.96
15 cm thick C 25 reinforced concrete in top of the weir
5.3.2 and d/s inclined face with a minimum cement content of m3 941.77 3,706.63 3,490,784.24
360 kg/m3 including formwork.
12 mm deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to
5.3.3 structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending, kg 16,474.60 115.08 1,895,869.51
placing in position and tying wire
5.3.4 Formwork supply, fixing as per the drawing m2 1,565.60 1,013.11 1,586,131.58
5.3.5 Dry Stone pitching m 2
122.00 284.74 34,737.81
Sub total 7,133,114.11
6. Outlet Bill of Quantity
Bill No.6: Outlet
6.1 Earthwork & Excavation
Site clearance/Striping and removal of top soil with
6.1.1 m2 244.00 20.44 4,986.80
bushes & trees to a max. depth of 20 cm /m²
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to a
6.1.2 m3 207.40 65.56 13,596.72
deprth of 1.5 m
6.1.3 Soft Rock excavation m3 51.85 269.47 13,971.78
6.1.4 Back fill from imported granular material m 3
130.90 99.96 13,085.19
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a
6.1.5 m3 26.85 0.00
distance not exceeding 1km.
Sub total 45,640.49
6.2 Masonry Work
supply and 40 cm Hard core in retaining wallsterminal
6.2.1 m2 238.57
structure below cocrete

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Hadha Hurbu Earth Dam and Appurtenance Structures Final Detail Design Report
Masonry wall with plastering in terminal structure in
6.2.2 m3 2,086.90
basin depth
Sub total
6.3 Pipes & Fitting
supply and fix in position 50 cm Steel pipe of 6mm
6.3.1 m 102.00 11,000.00 1,122,000.00
thickness with full accessories
500mm diameter Butter fly valve with full accessories 235,000.0
6.3.2 Pc 2.00 470,000.00
Sub total 1,592,000.00
6.4 Concrete Work
C 25 reinforced concrete in in the intake tower frame
6.4.1 with a minimum cement content of 360 kg/m3 including m3 22.63 3,706.63 83,885.73
6.4.2 C25 concrete pipe casing and collars m3 10.00 3,706.63 37,066.33
6.4.3 10 cm C25 concrete in terminal structure/stiling basin m 3
4.50 3,706.63 16,679.85
12 mm deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to
6.4.4 structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending, kg 1,190.10 115.08 136,954.72
placing in position and tying wire
Bars for trash rack dia.16mm @150mm C/C spacing
6.4.5 (bending, cutting, placing and welding) on the top of the kg 53.20 115.08 6,122.17
Installing of Trashrack in intake tower 10cmx10cm
6.4.6 m2 3.75 3,500.00 13,125.00
opening with 12mm dia. steel reinforcement
Sub total 293,833.79
7 Access Raod 6 m width
Clearing and grabbing works in areas including
7.1 interceptor drain & working areas as specified by the m2 9185.14 14.19 130,363.28
Excavation cut/fill earth works of the road section in
7.2 m3 7254.36 65.56 475,581.12
normal soil including side drains
7.3 Spreading & compaction for camber formation m2 45925.71 20.00 918,514.29
Fill and compaction works of 210 mm thick selected
6.4.5 m3 4,230.00 210.00 888,300.00
gravel wearing material

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Hadha Hurbu Dam & Appurtenant Structures Design Report


The catchment area at the dam site is about as 17.1km2. According to the reservoir simulation
exercise the Hadha Hurbu reservoir can irrigate about 100ha with full live storage capacity of
2.08Mcm. The proposed dam will have maximum dam height of 14.55m above river bed and
730 m crest length.

The dam design is carried out with considering the geological and geotechnical investigation
made at the dam axis, spillway and partly the reservoir area. The geological features derived in
this study phase are basically based on surface observation, Pit sampling, geophysical survey
along selected investigation routes and few laboratory test results with regards to top
foundation condition and construction materials. An attempt was made to extract as much as
possible information required for design purposes from the limited investigation indicated

The project area is situated within the main Ethiopian Rift. Accordingly, it is found being
characterized by volcanic rocks that are affected by closely sited faults associated to the rifting
phenomenon. The lithological units are overlain by unconsolidated sediments of varying
thickness. Accordingly, to the geophysical survey the majority of the middle valley is overlain
by a material with low resistivity value which interpreted as highly fractured and weathered
basalt probably may contain ground water bearing aquifers. This layer extends in depth from
52m and 139m.

For a successful detailed design, the detailed investigation of geology and geotechnical
investigation makes the design more reliable. But for the scale of study and size of the dame the
expected loss due a foreseen problem will be seepage that may reach a maximum value to be
0.134Mcm within 3 months storage period, this amount was evaluated based on the sampled
borrow and foundation material.

The Dam is evaluated against all the causes of failure and found safe specially, Piping,
Overtopping, Settlement / liquification and Stability against different loading condition

Sedimentation is the main concern in this project as a result a due attention has to be given for
soil and water conservation practice in the catchment area to increase the project life of the dam

Generally, one thing is evident the estimated 2.08Mcm is the annual estimated water yield that
could be harvested in the two seasons for the area is bimodal rainfall pattern. Therefore, if there
is a possibility of any yield rather than the estimated could be handled by the designed reservoir
capacity for it is designed to hold the yield as if it is harvested at one season

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Hadha Hurbu Dam & Appurtenant Structures Design Report

▪ Cedergren, H. R., (1977). Seepage, Drainage and Flow Nets, 2nd ed., Wiley, NewYork.
▪ FEMA, (2011), Filters for Embankment Dams, Best Practices for Design and
Construction, U.S Department of Homeland Security, USA.
▪ Geo-slope International, Ltd., Canada (2009). Dynamic Modeling with QUAKE/W,
QUAKE/W Engineering Workbook.
Jibson, R.W. (2011). Methods for assessing the stability of slopes during earthquakes— A
retrospective: Engineering Geology, v. 122, p. 43-50.
▪ Novak, P., Moffat, A.I.B., Nalluri, C., and Narayanan, R., 2007. Hydraulic
Structures, 4th ed., Taylor & Francis, London
▪ U.S Army Corps of Engineer manual EM-1110-2-6053
▪ USBR (2014). Design Standards No. 13 Embankment Dams, Chapter 7:
Riprap Slope Protection Phase 4 (Final)
▪ USBR (1987). Design of Small dams, A water Resources Technical publication, 3rd

Engineering Corporation of Oromia (Consultant) Page 105

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