Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil Engineering Department
Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil Engineering Department
Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil Engineering Department
Table of Contents
1.1 General
1.1.1 Definition
There are a large variety of hydraulic structures to serve the many purposes for
which water resources are put to use. The most important type of hydraulic
structures is given below.
Table 1.1
No. Type Purpose Structure
1 Storage structures To store water Dams, tanks
2 Flow control str. To regulate the quantity Spillway, outlet, gates,
and pass excess flow valves
3 Flow measurement To determine discharge Weirs, orifices, flumes
4 Diversion structures To divert the main course of Coffer dams, weirs, canals,
5 Conveyance to To guide flow from one Open channel, conduits,
guide location to another sewers
6 Collecting structures To collect water for disposal Drain inlets, infiltration
7 Energy dissipation To prevent erosion and str. Check dams, surge tanks
structures damage
8 Shore protection To protect banks Dikes, groins
Levee is a natural or artificial structure, usually earthen, which parallels the course
of a river. It functions to prevent flooding of the adjoining countryside. However it
also confines the flow of the river resulting in higher and faster water flow.
Weir is a small overflow type (designed to be overtopped) dam commonly used
to raise the level of a small river or stream. Water flows over the top of a weir,
although some weirs have sluice gates which release water at a level below the
top of the weir.
Detention structure is a structure used to detain flood temporarily and reduce
flow velocity and control soil erosion.
Diversion structure is a type of structure that diverts all or a portion of the flow of
a river from its natural course
The first modern dam of the world was perhaps constructed on the Nile River, in
Egypt at Aswan. It was completed in 1902 and was a major engineering project.
The Aswan dam was primarily designed to control the flooding of the Nile River to
promote irrigation in the Nile Valley, and to further navigation along the river. The
site was chosen because the river at Aswan is shallow and has a granite bed on
which a firm foundation could be erected.
The next famous dam of the world is completed in 1911 on the Salt River of
Arizona (U.S.A) and was called Roosevelt dam.
Aswan dam was constructed with stone, while the Roosevelt dam was
constructed with solid blocks of concrete which is known as „Solid Masonry
Gravity Dam‟ which simply means that it was built with solid blocks of concrete,
which hold back the water by sheer weight. This dam was built with out
benefiting from 19th century engineering advances in design and stress control
which makes it very expensive.
This dam was fascinating advancement but was soon overshadowed by other
vastly greater dams, such as Hoover dam and Bhakra dam which are solid
concrete gravity dams.
- Material of construction
1. Classification based on purpose
Dams are of numerous types, and type classification is sometimes less clearly
defined. On the bases of construction material of which dams are made an
initial broad classification into two generic groups can be made.
1. Concrete dams are constructed of mass concrete. Face slopes are
dissimilar, generally steep downstream and near vertical upstream, and
dams have relatively slender profiles dependent upon the type.
2. Embankment dams are constructed of earth fill and/or rock fill. Upstream
and downstream face slopes are similar and of moderate angle giving a
wide section and a high construction volume relative to height
The principal types of dams within the two generic groups are identified in table
Table 1.2
Group Type
Embankment dams Earth fill
Rock fill
Concrete dams(including masonry dams) Gravity
Multiple arch
1. Topography
Topography dictates the first choice of the type of dam. For example:
The foundation has to carry weight of the dam. The dam site must thoroughly
surveyed by geologists, so as to detect the thickness of the foundation strata,
presence of faults, fissured materials and their permeability, and slope, etc. The
various kinds of foundation generally encountered are discussed below:
3. Availability of Materials
Availability of certain materials close to the site will affect considerable reduction
in cost if the type of dam selected utilizes these materials in sufficient quantity.
Sometimes, good soil is easily available, which naturally calls for an earthen dam.
If sand, cement and stone are easily available, one should think of a concrete
gravity dam. If the material has to be transported from far off distance then a
hollow concrete dam (buttress) is a better choice.
The capacity of the spillway needed depend on the magnitudes of the floods to
be by-passed. The spillway will, therefore, becomes much more important on
streams with large flood potential. On such rivers, the spillway may become
dominant structure, and the type of dam may become the secondary
Size, type and natural restrictions in location of a spillway influence the choice of
dam. A large spillway requirement indicates the adoption of a concrete gravity
dam. A small spillway requirement favors the selection of earth fill or rock fill dam
even in narrow dam sites. When the excavated material from a site channel
spillway can be used in a dam embankment, an earth fill dam is advantageous.
The practice of building a concrete spillway on earth and rock embankments is
being discouraged these days, because of their conservative design
assumptions and the vigil and watch that has to be kept during their operations.
5. Earthquake Zone
If the dam is to be situated in an earthquake zone, its design must include the
earthquake forces. Its safety should be ensured against the increased stress
induced by an earthquake of worst intensity. The type of structure best suited to
resist earthquake shocks without danger are earthen dams and concrete gravity
4. A suitable site for spillway should be available in the near vicinity. If the
spillway is to be combined with the dam the width of the gorge should be
such as to accommodate both.
5. Material required for the construction should be easily available, either
locally or in the near vicinity, so that the cost of transporting them is as low
as possible.
6. The reservoir basin should be water-tight. The stored water should not
escape out through its side walls and bed.
7. The value of land and property submerged by the proposed dam should
be as low as possible. The environmental impact of the construction of the
dam on the nature of the river and the vicinity must be as low as possible.
8. The dam site should be easily accessible, so that it can be economically
connected to important towns and cities by road
9. Site for establishing labor and a healthy environment should be available
in the near vicinity.
2.1 Definition
Basically, Gravity dams are solid concrete structures that maintain their stability
against design loads from the geometric shape and the weight and strength of
the structure. Generally, they are constructed on a straight axis, but may be
slightly curved or angled to accommodate the specific site conditions. Gravity
dams typically consist of a non-overflow section and an overflow section or
spillway. They are constructed with masonry or concrete but of late conventional
concrete or roller- compacted concrete are popular.
Fs FH'
Heel FOD Toe
H = Head water depth
H’ = Tail Water depth
FWA = Wave pressure force
FH = Horizontal hydrostatic force
FS = Silt/sediment pressure force
FEQ = Earthquake/Seismic force
FW = Wind pressure force
FH’ = Tail water hydrostatic force
W = Weight of dam
FOD = Internal pore water pressure
FU = Uplift pressure force [base of dam]
FV = Weight of water above dam [u/s]
FV’ = Weight of water above dam [d/s]
FH = ½ wH2 (kN/m)
Fv = w A1 (kN/m)
In the presence of any tail water above the plane considered will similary give
rise to the corresponding resultant forces FH‟ and Fv‟
2. Dead Weight
For a gravity dam the weight of the structure is the main stabilizing force, and
hence the construction material should be as heavy as possible.
Structure self weight is accounted for in terms of the resultant, W, which acts
through the centroid (center of gravity) of the cress-sectional area. The weight of
the structure per unit length is
W = c * A (KN/m)
Where: c is the unit weight of concrete
A is the cross-sectional area of the structure
The unit weight of concrete may be assumed to be 24 kN/m3 in the absence
specific data from laboratory test trials. For final designs the specific weights shall
be based on actual test data. Where crest gates and other ancillary structures or
equipments of significant weigh are present they must also be accounted for in
determining the weight of the structure.
It is essential to make sure that the actual specific weight obtained for the
construction material is more than or at least equal to that assumed in the
3. Uplift Pressure
Internal water pressure is the force exerted by water penetrating through the
pores, cracks and seams with in the body of the dam, at contact surface
between the dam and its foundation, and with in the foundation. It acts
vertically upward at any horizontal section of the dam as well as its foundation
and hence it causes a reduction in the effective weight of the portion of the
structure lying above this section. Such an uplift force virtually reduces the
downward weight of the body of the dam and hence, acts against the dam
H Fu1
w .H ' K d w .H w. H '
Where Kd is function of drain geometry (i.e. diameter, spacing & location
relative to the u/s face).
K = 0.33 (USBR)
Kd = 0.25 Tennessee valley Authority
Kd= 0.25-0.5 appropriate to the site by the U.S crops of Eng‟s
w .H '
w.H w.H '
drainage gallery
H' +1/3(H-H')
static reservoir level used in determining FWV. According to Molitor the following
formula could be used to determine the rise in water level, hw
hw 0.763 0.032 vf 0.271 f 1 / 4 for f 32km
hw 0.032 vf for f 32km
Fwz 2.0 w hw2
where: hw in meters
v wind velocity in km/hr and
f fetch in km
3. Thermal
Cooling of large pours of mass concrete following the exothermic
hydration of cement and the subsequent variation in ambient and water
temperatures combine to produce complex and time dependent
temperature gradients within a dam.
4. Wind
When the dam is full, wind acts only on the d/s side thus contribute to
stability. When empty the wind can act on the u/s face but insignificant
compared to hydrostatic load. For buttress dams load on the exposed
surface has to be considered.
5. Ice load
Pice =145 KN/m2 for ice > 0.6m thick, other wise neglected
ii. Reservoir empty condition: the worst case occurs when the
earthquake acceleration moves towards the d/s direction and
the corresponding inertia force acts in the u/s direction.
The horizontal force due to the earthquake is equal to the product of mass M of
the dam and horizontal acceleration
Fh * h * g , The force is assumed to act at the center of gravity of mass
Fv * v * g W * v
If the vertical acceleration acts downwards, the inertia force acts upwards, and
the effective weight of the dam and water decreases; hence the stability
reduce, because in a gravity dam the main stabilizing force is the weight of the
dam and vise versa.
Since the vertical acceleration does not alter the volume of the concrete in the
dam and the water in the reservoir, the modified weights of the dam and the
water may be used in the analysis.
W ' W (1 v )
Cm y y y y
C 2 ( (2 ) and C m 0.735 1
2 H H H H 90
where Ф is angle in degree the upstream face of the dam makes with
the vertical
It was further stated, that if the upstream face is partly nclined which does
not extend to more than half the depth of the reservoir it can be taken as
vertical. If the slope extends more than half the depth, the overall slope
up to the whole height may be taken as the value Ф in equation above.
The design of a gravity dam is based on the most adverse combination of the
loads/forces acting on it, which includes only those loads having a reasonable
probability of simultaneous occurrence. The combination of transient loads such
as those due to maximum flood and earthquake are not considered because
the probability of occurrence of each of these phenomena is quite low and
hence the probability of their simultaneous occurrence is almost negligible.
The loads discussed in the preceding section have different but individually
distinctive operating envelopes in terms of probability of occurrence, intensity
and duration. Individual load maxima which can reasonably be anticipated to
act in concert under service condition can be grouped into a structured
sequence of defined load combination for design purposes. Thus for the design
of gravity dams the load combinations are specified below;
I. Load combination 1 (construction condition or empty dam condition): Dam
completed but no water in the reservoir and no tail water.
II. Load combination 2 (empty dam with horizontal earthquake condition): Dam
completed but no water in the reservoir and no tail water and horizontal earthquake
force acting.
III. Load combination 3 (Normal operating condition): Full reservoir elevation (or top
of gates at crest), normal dry weather tail water, normal uplift, ice and uplift (if
IV. Load combination 4 (Normal operating with earthquake condition): Full reservoir
elevation (or top of gates at crest), normal dry weather tail water, normal uplift and
Fo = ∑M+ve /∑M-ve
It may be noted that ∑M-ve is inclusive of the moment generated by uplift load.
Seismic loads are excluded from overturning calculations on account of their
transient and oscillatory nature. Values of Fo ≥ 1.5 is desirable.
6. Fv .e
F 6.e
1 b
v v
bx1 b b
frequently. A tensile crack by itself does not fail the structure, but it leads to the
failure of the structure by producing excessive compressive stresses.
In order to ensure that no tension is developed anywhere, we must ensure that
Pmin is at the most equal to Zero.
6. Fv .e
F 6.e
1 b
v v
bx1 b b
F 6.e
b b
Pmin 0 Or e = b/6
If the plane is inclined at a small angle α, the expression is modified to
H tan
1 tan
permitted to rise to 0.9 under the extreme load combination and for the irregular
rock surface foundation. Planes of low shear resistance will require a significant
reduction in the permissible maxima limited to 0.5 or less on some limestone, and
similar low-strength foundations.
Where, S is the maximum shear resistance which can be mobilized.
Where, Ah is the area of plane of contact or sliding (Hh is the thickness, T for a
two-dimension section)
Substituting in Fsf equation above the standard expression for shear friction
factor, i.e.
In presence of a horizon with low shear resistance, e.g. a thin clay horizon or clay
infill in a discontinuity it may be advisable to make the assumption that S=0.
In presence of a horizon with low shear resistance, e.g. a thin clay horizon or clay
infill in a discontinuity it may be advisable to make the assumption that S=0.
Where τf is the shear strength available, and τ is the shear stress generated under
the applied loading.
C n tan
Recommended minima for limit equilibrium factors of safety against sliding are
and FLE=2.0 in normal operation, i.e. with static load maxima applied and FLE=1.3
under transient load conditions embracing seismic activity.
6. Fv *e
F 6.e
1 B
v v
6. Fv *e
F 6.e
1 B
v v
F 6.e
1 B
Pmin 0 Or e = B/6
z V M *. y '
Ah I
For rectangular 2-D plane section of unit width Parallel to the dam axis & with
thickness T normal to the axis:
z V 12 V .e. y'
B B3
And at y’=B/2 , z
V 1 6.e
Where e is the eccentricity of the resultant load, R, which must intersect the
plane d/s of its centroid for the reservoir full condition and the sign convention is
reversed for reservoir empty condition.
The eccentricity is determined by evaluating the moments, ΣM* given by
M *
Where Σv - excludes uplift
For e > b/6, at u/s face –ve stress is developed, i.e. tensile stress. In design, tensile
stress has to be permissible, but difficult to totally eliminate low tensile stress in
gravity dam. Total vertical stresses at either face are obtained by the addition of
external hydrostatic pressure.
It is normally sufficient to establish the boundary, i.e. u/s and d/s, τ values. If the
angles between the face slopes and the vertical are respectively φu u/s and φd
d/s, and if external hydrostatic pressure, Pw, is assumed to operate at the u/s
face, then
Between the boundary values given by the above equations, the variation in
shear stress is dependent upon the rate of change in vertical normal stress.
The u/s and d/s faces are each planes of zero shear, and therefore planes of
principal stress. The boundary values σ1 &σ3 are then determined as follows,
i) Graphical method or
ii) Analytical method
In the graphical method, the entire dam section is divided into a number of
horizontal sections at some suitable intervals, particularly at the places where the
slope changes. For each section the sum of the vertical forces and the sum of all
horizontal forces acting above that particular sections, are worked out and
resultant force R drawn, graphically. This is done for each section and a line
joining all the points where the individual resultant cut the individual sections, is
drawn. The line represents the resultant force and should lie within the middle
Hydraulic Structures I Lecture Note 29
Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil engineering Department
third, for no tension to develop. The procedure should be carried out for the
reservoir full case as well as for reservoir empty case.
a. Considering unit length of the dam, all vertical loads are determined the
algebraic sum of all vertical forces is calculated, V
b. Considering unit length of the dam, all horizontal forces are determined
and their algebraic sum calculated, H
c. The sum of the righting moments and the sum of overturning moments at
the toe of the dam calculated, M
d. The location of the resultant force from the toe of the dam is also
calculated by following, x
_ M
e. Find out the eccentricity of the resultant force by:
B _
e x
f. Determine the normal stress at the toe of the dam by:
V 1 6.e
g. The normal stress at the heel is determined by
V 1 6.e
h. The principal and shear stresses at the toe and heel are determined from
1 p v . sec 2
( p v p). tan
j. The factor of safety against sliding is calculated by:
V B.q
S .F .S
The free-board and top width for roadway should be selected as follows:
1. Freeboard. The margin between the maximum reservoir level and
top of the dam is known as freeboard. It helps in protecting water
spilling over the dam due to wave action. This can also help as a
safety for unforeseen flood.
Freeboard= 4 - 5% of the dam height
2. Top width. The most economical top width without considering
earthquake forces has been found by Creager to be equal to 14%
of the dam height. Its useful value varies between 6 to 10m and is
generally taken approximately equal to H1/2, where H is the height
of maximum water level above the bed.
U/s face flare: the u/s face of a gravity profile is frequently modified by the
introduction of a significant flare. A flare is advantageous in that it serves to
lengthen the base contact, and so considerably enhances the contact area
available at foundation level to distribute stress and resist sliding.
Design of small dams associated with provision of‟ standard‟ triangular profile of
u/s vertical face & d/s slope of 0.75 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. In the case of large
dams a unique profile should be determined to match the specific conditions
applicable. Two approaches are possible; the multi stage & single stage.
Single stage: is based on definition on a suitable & uniform d/s slope. The apex of
the triangular profile is set at or just above DFL & initial base thickness T is
determined for each loading combination in terms of satisfying F0. The critical
value of T is then checked for sliding stability & modified if necessary before
checking heel & toe stress at base level.
For no tension to occur at u/s vertical face
The multistage approach defines a profile where the slopes are altered at
suitable intervals. Design commences from crest level, & descends downwards
through profile stages corresponding to predetermined elevations. Each stage is
proportioned as to maintain stress level within acceptable limits, e.g. no tension
under any condition of loading.
The resulting profile allows marginal economics on concrete, but more expensive
to construct than the single –stage. Multi-stage profiles are now seldom
employed, even on large dams.
Division of Gravity Dam Cross section into Zones: Figure below indicates
typical sections of a solid, non-overflow dam. The section of the dam may be
divided into a number of zones, as indicated, it being necessary to design
each zone in accordance with a different rule or combination of rules.
Zone III: Below the bottom of zone II, the d/s face must begin to batter to
conform to the middle third rule, reservoir full. The resultant, reservoir empty,
still being within the middle-third, the u/s face may remain vertical until at
some plane, 7-8, the resultant, reservoir empty, intersects at the u/s extremity
of the middle third. That portion of the dam between planes 5-6 and 7-8 in
which dimensions are determined by middle third rule, reservoir full,
constitutes zone III.
Zone IV: Below the plane 7-8 the u/s face must begin to batter to conform to
middle third rule, reservoir empty, and for a distance the position of each
face is determined by the position of the resultant, reservoir full or empty as
the case may be. This portion of the dam constitutes zone IV.
Zone V: The lower limit of zone IV is fixed by the condition of limiting inclined
pressures (inclined compressive stresses). The maximum permissible unit stress
is reached at the d/s face first, and for a distance the length of the joint must
be determined by this rule for reservoir full and by the middle third rule for
empty reservoir. This portion of the dam constitutes zone V. In this zone the
resultant, reservoir full, intersects well within the middle third and, for reservoir
empty, the resultant continues to intersect at the u/s extremity of the middle
Zone VI: The bottom of zone V is fixed by the condition of limiting inclined
pressure at the u/s face, below which level the slope of the d/s face is
determined by the maximum permissible stress, reservoir full, and the u/s face
by the same rule, reservoir empty. The portion of the dam thus controlled by
these rules constitutes zone VI.
Zone VII: As the dam increases in height, the batters of both u/s and d/s
faces increase. Consequently, at some elevation, the value of sec2_d may
become so great that conformity with the permissible stress rule is
incompatible with the design assumptions. This portion of the dam in which
this condition prevails constitutes zone VII. It usually must be eliminated by
revision of the entire design.
2.8.1 Diversion
Before the construction begins the water of the river must be temporarily
diverted. It is advantageous to use the low flow period for diversion and dam
construction. The diversion of the river water can be accomplished in either of
two ways:
1. Diversion tunnel. If the geological and topographical conditions are
favorable, a diversion tunnel or a diversion open channel may be
constructed to carry the entire flow around the dam site. The area, in
which construction work has to take place, is closed by cofferdams.
2. Two stage construction. The dam is constructed in two stages. The flow is
diverted and confined to one side of the channel by constructing a
semicircular type of a cofferdam. The construction can be done in water
free side. When the construction in this side of the channel gets
completed the remaining half width of the channel is closed by
cofferdam and the work will continue in the second side.
2.8.2 Galleries
Galleries are the horizontal or sloping opening or passages left in the body of the
dam. The size of the gallery will depend on the size of the dam and the function
of the galley.
1. Foundation Gallery. Serves to drain of water which percolates through the
foundations. Drain holes are drilled from the floor of this gallery after the
foundation grouting has been completed. Its size varies from 1.5mX2.2m
to 1.8mX2.4m. The size should at least accommodate drilling machine.
2. Inspection Gallery. The water seeps through the body of the dam is
collected by means of a system of galleries provided at various elevations
and interconnected by vertical shaft interior of the dam for inspection.
However, galleries in dams are seldom provided for purely inspection
The size of gallery depends on the function and the size of the dam. The provision
of a gallery in the dam body, change the normal pattern of stresses in the dam
body. Stress concentration may, therefore, occur at corners, and hence in order
to minimize this stress concentration, the corner must be rounded smoothly.
Proper reinforcement must provided to counteract the tension and compression
called blocks with keys or inter-locks that link adjacent blocks as well as
structural steel connections.
The process is much like constructing a building except that the dam has
far less internal space; surprisingly, however, major concrete dams have
observation galleries at various levels so the condition of the inside of the
dam can be observed for seepage and movement. Inlet and outlet
tunnels or other structures also pass through concrete dams, making them
very different from fill dams that have as few structures penetrating the
mass of the dam as possible.
2.8.7 Appurtenance
The other structures that make the dam operational are added as soon as
the elevation of their location is reached as the dam rises. The final
components are erosion protection on the upstream (water) side of the
dam (and sometimes downstream at the bases of outlet structures),
instruments along the crest (top) of the dam, and roads, side-walks,
streetlights, and retaining walls. A major dam has a full-fledged roadway
along its crest; small dams will have maintenance roads that allow single-
file access of vehicles only.
Away from the dam itself, the powerhouse, instrument buildings, and even
homes for resident operators of the dam are also finished. Initial tests of all
the facilities of the dam are performed.
2.8.8 Completion
The final details of constructions are wrapped up as the dam is put into
service. The beginning of the dam's working life was also carefully
scheduled as a design item, so that water is available in the reservoir as
soon as the supply system is ready to pump and pipe it downstream, for
example. A program of operations, routine maintenance, rehabilitation,
Hydraulic Structures I Lecture Note 36
Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil engineering Department
Valleys suited to arch dams are narrow gorges. The ratio of crest length to
dam height is recommended not to exceed five. To determine the site
suitability for an arch dam the following equation of canyon shape factor
(CSF) is proposed:
B H (sec 1 sec 2 )
Where Ψ1 and Ψ2 are the angles the sides of the valleys make with the
vertical, b is valley base width and H the height. Usual values of CSF are
from 2 to 5. The lower the CSF value the thinner the section.
The arch dam should be properly laid out to improve the stability and
reduce the stresses. The dam layout should take advantage of the
favorable conditions afforded by curved shapes, and gradual transition.
The rock mass at the abutment should be sufficient and the resultant
thrust at the abutment should be directed well inside the abutment to
avoid sliding.
Arch and cupola dams transfer their loads to the valley sides than to the
floor. Overturning and sliding stability have little relevance here. If the
integrity and competence of the abutments is assured, failure can occur
only as a result of overstress. Arch dam design is therefore, centered
largely upon stress analysis and the definition of an arch geometry which
avoids local tensile stress concentration and/or excessive compressive
Associated with saving may also be realized in foundation excavation &
preparation, but the sophisticated form of arch dam leads to very much
increased unit costs. In case of complex geology of abutment, saving can
also be negated by requirement of ensuring abutment integrity under all
Arch dams may be grouped into two main divisions: Massive arch dams
and multiple arch dams.
Massive arch dams in turn are divided into the following types:
i. Constant radius arch dams,
ii. Constant angle arch dams
iii. Variable radius arch dams
iv. Double curvature or Cupola arch dams
v. Arch gravity dams
Loads on arch dams are essentially the same as loads on gravity dams,
except that temperature changes, which usually are not important
considerations in straight dams, cause important deflections and stresses
in curved dams. The principal dead load is the concrete weight. The
principal live load is the reservoir water pressure. Uplift forces are less
important, if no cracks occur it can be neglected.
w hrc w hri
t or t
all 0.5 w h all w h
Improvement in thin cylinder theory was made by the considering the arch as
thick cylinder. The compressive horizontal ring stress, σh, for radius R is given by,
Where Ru and Rd are u/s and d/s face radii of the arch element
Ring stress is maximum at the downstream face. Ring thickness, Tr = Ru - Rd,
is assumed uniform at any elevation. Hence, with pw = γwz1,
In theory, arch thickness should diminish towards the crown and increase
close to the abutments. In practice it is usual to maintain a uniform
Hydraulic Structures I Lecture Note 43
Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology Civil engineering Department
H 6M
t t