Selam Report
Selam Report
Selam Report
ID NO- 0666/02
I have been functioning since October 25/2013 to February 7/2014 at water works design and
supervision enterprise (WWDSE) for the site project due to my internship time. I was performing
all the given the tasks in proper and peace way having good relationship with all ‘senior’ workers
and engineers. I gained more experience over the site work. Based on those experiences I gained,
I wrote this report paper due to the requirement of the campus.
Student Name:-
Selamawit woldeamanuel
Above all, I want to present my deepest thanks to GOD who supported me in all my careers
and I would like to thank my family that helps me in different aspects (especially Bezawit and
I am very much great full to appreciate Haramya University institution of technology for
the chance specified for me to attend the field practice which is a crucial factor for my future
I would like to give my special thanks to Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise
(WWDSE) for accepting my request letter for this internship field practice. My big respect and
my great full thanks goes to Resident Engineer Teshome Sidala for his willingness and
intellectual guidance during our internship work and he gave me excellent explanation about the
site work. I would like to express my appreciation to site engineer Temesgen Workineh,
Simegnew Tadege, tsegaye Amisew, and Aklilu yoinas and I am great full to them.
Finally, I would like to thank the head of school of natural resource and environmental
engineering Mr. abebe.
Executive summary
During the four month of the internship period of time I have practiced in site construction
of water supply project at akaki well field. In this project 24 ground water wells are needed to be
drilled to ensure 70,000m3/d water supply demand. This report contains the background of my
internship hosting company that is WWDSE, its main service and customers, as well as its
overall organization and work flow. The report includes the overall internship experience as well
as our work task, the challenges that we have faced and the measures we have taken to overcome
those challenges. The report also states the overall benefits that I have gained from the internship
and my suggestion for the company.
Table of contents
1.2 Vision................................................................................................................................11
1.3 Mission statement
1.4 Scope of services
1.5 Over all organization and work flow.................................................................................13
4.2 recommendations……………………………………………………...…………53
5) REFERENCES….......................................................................................................54
6) APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………...........54
Water Work Design and supervision Enterprise has been constructed to recourse development in
the study, design, construction and supervision of water resources which on the other hand builds
the capacity that can assure a sustained development for the future as well.
It is improved during and supervision enterprise adhering government priority and programs has
been providing significant contribution to address the national challenges in the water sector.
The authorized capital of enterprise was birr 35.23 million when it was established in
1998.However,in view of building the enterprise’s capacity to meet the ever increasing
development in the section, now a day the capital raised in to birr 200 million.
The enterprise started its commencement by 15 project and earned 8 million after fifteen years
by improving its capacity the total income including by 205.98 million on 2012/13 physical
years WWDSE delivered quality consultancy service for 19 study and detail design as well as 53
constructing supervision and constrict administration project.
The enterprise effort has been seen in the study, detail design and construction supervision of
Kuraz sugar development project, Wonji sugar expansion project, Tendaho and Kassem sugar
development project as well as other water supply project.
Currently the enterprise is the leading and the largest consulting firm in the water section
consulting business in country.
WWDSE posses’ highly professional skill man power with variety of displaces in water resource
development engineering science currently, the enterprise runs about 601 staff, of which 327
permanent and 274 contracts excluding free land professional working on the part time bases.
1.2 Vision
The enterprise has a vision “to became a reputed international consulting firm” in the industry.
The mission statement of the enterprise is to deliver quality consultancy service in water
resources development such as domestic and industrial waste water, water disposal, irrigation
and drainage, hydropower, flood control, dams related structures, basic development master plan
study, etc to government, NGOS and privet investor through building and construction
1.4.1 VALUES
The core value that governs WWDSE’s professionalism are sound ethics, integrity, fast track to
occur innovation, quality dominated, nonstop of planning...etc to excel customers derive and
Water work design and supervision enterprise key importance for capacity enhancement and
hence, welcome active and strong collaboration and partnership with private, corporate and
public entities including academic and research institution with in and abroad working on water
resources development .it strongly believes that such alliances brought synergic impact on
Delivering quality consultancy services as well as accelerates the socioeconomic advancement of
the society.
WWDSE possesses highly professional and skilled manpower with variety of disciplines in
water resource development engineering science.
An authorized capital of the WWDSE is birr 153.3 million of which birr 38.98 million is paid up
in cash and kind.
WWDSE is equipped with material facilities and resources as well as with several years of
experience that enable it to provide a comprehensive service. It provides:
Laboratory facility: - comprising three different sections that are specialized in water
quality test, soil fertility (including plant analysis), and material testing (soil and
rock mechanics, concrete).
Geotechnical and Geophysical investigation services.
Hydrogeology service
Topography surveying facility
The main activity of the organization is aims at the design and supervision on dam, irrigation,
water supply projects as well as Hydrological and geological studies.
Water minister
Dry port service
Regional governments
Transport minister
Sugar factories
should have passed through, in the campus. And I just arrived to WWDSE; Mr. Gelana assigned
me in water supply project located near kaliti and I just started my project work.
My working section of the company was at akaki well field phase III (water supply project).
As the first week as I contact them, I got information about all over the advancement of the
Location-Addis Ababa, suited in the valley of Ethiopia’s central altiplanes, with 2350
meters altitudes above sea level, is the highest capital city in Africa. The north of the city
is Entoto Mountains with 3,000 meters altitude above sea level. The city is located in the
foot hills surrounded by mountains. The city’s terrain is formed by hills, valleys, rivers
and many streams. As Ethiopian’s capital as well as the head quarters of AU and the
organization of Africa unity which was predecessor of AU, Addis Ababa is a state-level
special city.
Population--The population of Ethiopia is about 80,000,000(figures in 2010). As the
capital Addis Ababa also has lots of nationalities. Major nations are Amharic (48.3%),
oromia (19.2%), gurage (17.5%), and tigray (7.6%). Meanwhile other ethnic population
accounts for 7.4%.According to the announcements of static’s from Ethiopia central
bureau, Addis Ababa’s estimated total population in 2010 is 309 million with estimated
scope 530kms, so the population density is 5800 people per square km.
Climate--Addis Ababa is located in the tropics, but due to high altitude, the climate is
mild in most areas with day average temperature 20-25ᵒc and the annual average
temperature at night of 7ᵒ-11ᵒc. usually the temperature from November to the next
January is lower. The period from October to next may is the dry season while the period
from June to September is the rainy season. And the wettest months are July and august.
Average precipitation is 1,200mm.
Ethiopia is rich in mineral and water resources. There are many rivers and lakes which make
Ethiopia known as "water towers in east Africa” Blue Nile originated here, but the utilization
rate of it is less than 5%. Most of proven mineral resource such as oil, natural gas, coal, gold,
platinum, copper, potash, zinc, iron, nickel are undeveloped. Proven natural gas is 250 billion
cubic meters. In addition, Ethiopia is one of the countries who have the most abundant
geothermal resources.
Due to rapid and unpredictable growth of population & unforeseen development of the
city, currently Addis Ababa is in a severe problem of water shortage.
There are 2 surface water works in Addis Ababa. The first major source of water is Gefersa dam
located about 17KM to the north western side of the city supplying 30,000m cubic water.
Legedadi & dire dam supplies 165,000 meter. These two water works are in charge of supplying
water for the northern part of the city.
As so far the southern part of city is supplied sourcing from akaki and fenta ground water well
fields with capacity of 46,000 meter.
The akaki ground water supplying project with scale of 83,000 meter is under construction. The
73,000 meter part of the project will be delivered to the down town by 17km transmission on
main (DN600 - 800).Another 10,000 meters part will be supplied to the north western area near
Evaluation of the amount of water available and amount of water demanded by the public are
primary tasks in designing any water supply system. Demand of water is the amount of water
required to meet all the needs of the people, which the system serves. It is expressed as per
capital per day (l c d). In planning the water supply system, it is necessary to find out not only
the total yearly water requirement but also to access the required average rates of flow and the
variations in these rates.
According to the related materials from water works design & supervision Enterprise and Addis
Ababa water supply & sewerage authority, deep ground water has been considered as a major
water resource for water supply purpose in the near future by AAWSA.
Ground water demand= Demand by population + physical water loss demand + contingency
Additional water demand = current Ground water demand - the previous year water demand.
Ground water is an important source of water supply throughout the world. Its use in irrigation,
industries, municipalities & rural schemes continues to increase ground water occurs in many
types of geologic formations known as aquifers. An aquifer is a formation that contains sufficient
quantities of saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water.
The main purpose of this study area is to identify the ground water of the area and to evaluate the
feasibility of ground water resource in akaki well field number 2. Our company conducts the geo
physical investigation work and study the general geology of the area.
Main objective
Determine the depth, thickness and lateral extent of potential aquifer in the area.
Locate the site for the wells which will be drilled.
Find wells which can produce the required amount of water.
Akaki well field number 2 is one of highly potential ground water resource area which is located
(found) in the south west of the city of Addis Ababa, near Akaki River is one of the tributary of
Awash River.
The main regional hydrological structures which are found in akaki ground well field are
comprise of impact layer, the upper basalt aquifer, water resisting layer, rough surface rock and
the aquifer at the lower part basalt.
In akaki area ground water prospective site, ground water level depth increases from North West
to south east. The ground water depth is shallow on the north western part of the site and it
ranges from artesian condition to 10m deep, to the south east direction, this is the regional
ground water flow direction, the ground water depth increase to more than 100meters deep.
Aquifer parameter
Groundwater in akaki area prospective site exists in fracture of vesicular basalt and scoraceous
basalts and in the pores of scoria. The percent of the total volume of the aquifer occupied by
these openings Or pores is called the porosity.
The porosity determines the total volume of water that can hold but does not determine how
much water may be obtains from the aquifer for use.
The storability, the storage coefficient in confined aquifer, is a measure of the ratio of the volume
of water that drains because of elastic deformation to the total volume of saturated aquifer.
Transmissivity is the rate at which water of the prevailing kinematic viscosity is transmitted
through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient and equals the hydraulic
conductivity multiplied by the thickness of aquifer.
The potentiometric map shows that akaki area ground water shows a homogenous aquifer
with similar gradient except that this indicates that the aquifer within the prospective area is
similar except that the depth of penetration to the aquifer could be variable locally.
Aquifer thickness
The aquifer of the prospective site is very thick and relatively homogeneous. The thickness is
investigated by vertical electrical sounding (VES).
Ground water recharge and discharge and approximate exploitable ground potential.
The major sources of ground recharge for akaki area ground prospective site is regional as
subsurface seepage from the fracture openings of the basaltic volcanic rocks, Abay plateau and
upper Awash River catchment. According to Darcy equation average annual ground water
recharge will reach 185MCM (507,500m3/d).
Q=T ×I×L×365
I=hydraulic gradient
T= transmissivity in m3/d
Water samples are collected at the end of continuous pumping test from each drilled well
and analyzed in laboratories. Results of all analyzed chemical elements, including fluoride,
are within the acceptable level of WHO’s recommended standard for domestic uses.
After several times of reconnaissance and careful considerations, it is affirmed that there
are five ground water prospective sites which rich ground water resource. The five one which
will develop and utilized are:
Water treatment
At present commonly used disinfection in water purification industry are chlorine dioxide,
sodium hypochlorite etc. chlorine dioxide has several advantages like bactericidal effect, less
amount with quick effect. Sterilization of long duration, and little influence in PH value.
It does not produce bromochlorophenol and trihalomethane to heavy polluted water and
water with phenol. However, on site preparing raw materials for chlorine dioxide (such as
chlorite or chlorate, etc.) are explosive so safety problem is very prominent. Meanwhile, as
the by- products content up to STD issue has not resolved, this project does not use chlorine
dioxide as the disinfectant.
Chlorine disinfection has the characteristics of simple operation, better disinfection effect
and low cost. Chlorine disinfection is still the world most widely used disinfectant for water
treatment plants. This project has fine source water quality and low oxygen consumption
together with ammonia nitrogen amount. By-products caused by chemical risk are relatively
low if we use chlorine as a water disinfectant. AAWAS has much experience on the aspect of
chlorine disinfection. Therefore, this project chooses chlorine as the disinfectant.
Although the effect of chlorine is better than that of sodium hypochlorite, it is much
convenient and safe to operate to convey and to use.
This project will set disinfection facilities at CT2 pump station with the chlorination room of
In order to protect the environment around clear water pumping station, conservation area
needs to be established in the area 200 meters around pumping stations. It is rigorously
prohibited to build or expand enterprises which discharge pollutants; especially polluted
emissions are not allowed to build. A green belt 30 meters around pumping station needs to be
established by planting more trees.
All concerning land is vacant, which is for municipal public works. After the acquisition, there
will be no bad effects on the city.
Impact on traffic
During the construction, transportation of earth works and construction materials will cause
traffic surge and traffic jam.
Impact of dust during construction.
During the construction, earth excavated is usually piled up on the construction site until earth
covering, due to this flying dust will cover the buildings and plants which greatly influence the
city and land escape.
Impact of noise
Noises during the construction come from mechanical operation of pipe and pumping station
building, transportation construction materials, the roar of the motor vehicles and horns.
Impact of household garbage
During construction, workers will live in the construction area. If the water, electricity and
household garbage in temporary accommodation area are not properly disposed they will
severely affect the sanitary conditions of construction area and make the workers sick.
Impact of underground water
During construction plenty of sewerage, garbage and ashes will be produced. The infiltration
of sewage and sewage may cause pollution of ground water.
Impact on trees
During the excavation process, many trees and grass land are removed or moved elsewhere and
some plant died and damaging the green space.
Peak hours should be avoided on roads with heavy traffic such as transporting at night.
Reduce the dust
During the construction, deserted dust should be watered on sunny days to avoid dust flying,
and do not transport overloaded to avoid falling dust.
Deserted earth and scattered materials on roads around construction, site need to be swept
away promptly.
Reduce the noise
To reduce the noise, constructions are not allowed in the area 200m away from residence from
11pm to 6am. At the same time the use of low noise machinery should be maximized.
Water disposal and anti-seeping measures on construction site
To protect underground water, anti-seeping measures should be taken to handle with waste
from temporary accommodation area, such as sewage pipes, toilets, septic tanks.
Environmental protection after construction
Pumping station of this project is far away from villages and cities, which will not
greatly affect the environment.
Sewage from pumping station is disposed after secondary treatment in buried sewage disposal
Safe use of chlorine and leakage prevention
Disinfectant in pumping station is chlorine, which is toxic and will cause serious problems
once leakage happens.
Water and soil conservation
During the construction of pipes and pumping stations, a large amount of cubic meters of earth
and stone will transform the purpose of land use, destroy local vegetation, damage balanced
water soil conservation and reduce the capability of soil and water conservation. All these lead
to soil and water erosion. In rainy season, exposed surface of the excavation results in landslide
and collapse, which will endanger the project and personal safety. When the cubic meter of
earth and stone is piling up it out efficient measures against water and soil erosion, surface
erosion and gully erosion will be penetrated and lead to poor drainage .
Project of water and soil conservation must be designed, built and put into use at the same time
is project of construction work, which will greatly improve the environment around
construction site and provide advantages for sustainable development and improving
investment environment.
Prevention plan for water and soil erosion
Prevention areas in pumping station
The main task is to prevent and protect exposed working surface, earth works and temporary
bull dozers field. After construction, roads and vacant land in factory floor are going to be
leveling up and afforested.
The following activities are completed at CT2 pump station
Walling and plastering of pump house, operators dwelling room, generators
house, transformer house, chlorine room, and toilet and guard house are
Concrete work of 2000m3 reservoir completed.
Distribution pipe line work lying of 8.02km distribution piping lying and
pressure test is completed.
Transmission pipe line work is on progress and 22km pipe line is completed.
Water source of this project is part of akaki basin’s upstream, located at south west of Addis
Ababa, longitude east 380 44’00’’–38049’ 18.79’’, latitude north 80 47’25.50’’ – 80 53’ 6.23’’.
The ground elevation is within 2110 - 2050 m, with furi hill at south west and Guji Mountain at
After intake from ground water wells at water source, through pipes along the planned roads in
west Addis Ababa, the water is transmitted to high level water tanks in central and northern. It
mainly provides water supply for south and south western area, and at the same time
supplements water supply in central areas.
To ensure 70,000m3/d water supply demand, 24 ground water wells are needed to be drilled.
Wells group are located in WF-02 and WF-03. After water intake, it is concentrated to high level
tank at CT-3 and then due to gravity flowing, it is automatically transmitted to tank CT2.
Consequently the water is lifted by pumps in pumping house and transmitted to tank k4
(keranyo) which is the destination of the transmission water. They set two water distribution
pipes from k4 to Alem bank with the length of 2.5 km. And the other is from k4 to Army hospital
with the length of 8 km.
In CT2, hana and dertu pumping stations setup clean water tank, lifting pumping houses,
power distribution, automation and other ancillary equipment. Drug house and the central control
room should be built in CT2 pumping station.
CGC overseas construction Eth.Ltd is one of the companies actively participating in the field
of water supply, drilling and study. It has been conducting water sector activities in the various
regions of the country since 2004.
According to the contract agreement signed with Addis Ababa water and sewerage authority
and CGC overseas construction Eth.Ltd for Addis Ababa deep wells water supply project phase
III in Akaki well field No. 2, CGC overseas construction Eth.Ltd has completed the drilling and
the construction of the well SL-PW-18.
The world comprises drilling, casing installation, gravel packing, developing, testing and
completing of deep production water wells as per their specification a total of 24
production water wells will be constructed under this project in Akaki well field No.2 and
No.3 located at southern part of Addis Ababa city.
The contractor shall fulfill all the requirements and obligation under all clauses of the
specification. Neither the following clauses of the specification and description there in nor the
quantities shall limit the obligations of the contractor in the condition of the contract. Where
items are not included in the bill of quantities for any such requirements or obligations. The cost
of such requirement or obligation shall be determined to be spread over all the items of the bill of
quantities. The drilling crew consists of hydrologist, chief drillers, drillers, mechanics and
The drilling rig deployed Tianjin Exploratory Machine, Model SPC-1000.
This drilling machine is capable of drilling with mud rotary or DTH drilling methods.
- This rig is designed to drill up to 1000m with a maximum diameter of 505 mm.
- Generator set for light facility
- Water tank and fuel barrels were deployed for haulage of water and fuel respectively.
- Light vehicle, double-cup Toyota was also assigned for this site.
The project area is found at Akak well field 2, which is found in the South-West of the city of
Addis Ababa, near Akaki River, geographically located at 0477023E, 0973986N and 2087m
above sea level.
The major source of Ground water recharge for Akaki area ground water prospective site is
regional as sub-surface seepage from the fracture opening of the basaltic volcanic rocks, Abay
plateau and upper Awash River catchment.
According to Darcy equation average annual ground recharge will reach 187MCH per year or
507,500 m3 per day.
Q= Average annual ground water recharge will reach 185MCH/year
I= hydraulic gradient
T=transmissivity in m2 per day
Drilling and construction operations were carried out from 25/09/2012 to 24/01/2013 using
the mud rotary drilling method and air system method. The total penetration depth is 503m
below ground level of which the first 25m was drilled with 24” rock bit and installed with 22
half” surface casing. Drilling down the well is continued with 20” up to 250m and from 250m up
to 503m with 12” rock bit, finally 14” & 8” blind and screen steel casing installed.
- The compressor should capable if under taking the drilling with DTH or air or mud
rotary or reverse circulation drilling method 1 well development work and relevant
required works.
- The aquifers shall be drilled through with minimum damage from clogging of pores
which make possible the permeability of the aquifer.
- Polyphosphate shall be provide to remove the clay material during the development
- Direct placing of pellets of mud into the well is totally prohibited
- The type of mud used for drilling media shall be in standard of Bentonite or natural
-At this interval electrical conductivity and temperature of the pumped out water and the
discharged water of DTH method of drilling shall be measured and recorded in data
Rock and soil cuttings (samples) collected at 2m interval during drilling for casing
The lithological sequence encountered through the whole length of the drilling depth.
Geophysical logging
Before casing installation, geophysical borehole loggings were conducted to arrange the
appropriate place of the screen casings. Up on the completion of all the operation, electrical
logging comprised of SP and R curve and gamma logs together with their interpretation shall
- The casing arrangement was set by cross checking the lithological logging with the
result of the electrical resistivity logging data and its graph.
- Casing shall be installed after the completion of drilling depth or as directed by the
supervision depending on the local geological and hydro- geological condition.
- 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 inches permanent casing internal diameter blind and screen steel
casing are supplied depending on the final depth of well desired diameters.
- All materials to be built permanently built-in shall be new and accompanied by
manufactures certificates and shall comply with equivalent ISO standards that can
resist the lateral earth pressure.
- Surface casing and plain end well casings shall be joined by welding using DC arc
welder with 250 ampere.
- Its purpose of the observation pipe is for water level measurement during pumping
test and for future water level monitoring.
- Should be preferably 1’’ diameter galvanized steel pipe.
- 150 meter length observation pipe is installed in between the wall of the well and the
steel casing before the gravel pack.
- After the completion of casing installation, the annular space between the wall of the
well and the casing is packed with 30m3 of selected river gravel.
- The selected river gravel is clean, well rounded grains of uniform size ranges between
9-12 mm and free from soluble materials.
- Gravel must be sorted by sieving and then washed.
- Must be filled in slowly and carefully by hand and controlled by continuous recording
the amount of gravel and final level shall be determined by supervisor.
- This is used to maintain the good quality of ground water, to protect sand from
passing into the screen and also to give strength to the borehole by supporting the
- Is a work carried out after the completion of drilling and before installation of casing
and gravel pack of the well and prior to pumping test to remove the mud cake or
drilling film that coats the borehole, increase the natural porosity and permeability of
the formation in the vicinity of the borehole.
- The well is developed for a total of 54hrs using air compressor method until the
water from the aquifer was sand/silt free and become pure ad possible.
- The compressor and pumps to be used should have sufficient capacity to develop >
400m deep borehole with a 0 -100m static water level.
- Testing is a commence (begin) after complete development is achieved (after bore
hole produce entirely clean water)
It is a critical task where very important information and data are collected regarding the
overall ground water condition of the given area. I.e. in evaluating hydraulic properties of the
well and aquifer system. So in general pumping test is conducted for the following advantage:-
Flow measurement shall be made by means of a standard circular orifice on standard size pipe
and flow measurement by water meter will not be acceptable.
3) Constant test
Constant rate test is conducted persistently for about 72 hrs with a constant
discharge rate of 66.17lit/sec. The main purpose of constant rate test is to determine
sustainable abstraction rate, aquifer parameters and the physical limitation of aquifer.
4) Recovery pumping test
Immediately after the termination of constant rate test, recovery test was proceeding
for about 12 hours to verify the accuracy of the pumping data and assist to confirm the
results of the aquifer parameters determined by the constant test.
After pumping test operation was completed, the well is grouted at a depth of 1m above
the gravel with mixed cement grout.
Well is sealed and capped with a lid of 5mm thick steel plate to assure that no foreign
object fall into the well before the well starts giving the intended service.
The final part of the well construction is the well head, to protect the stick up above
ground from breakage and movement during pump installation.
But most importantly to avoid the rescue of pollution and for sanitary purpose with
special care will be taken for the mixing ratio and quality of sand, water, cement and
aggregate used for the construction of the well head.
This will be carried out after the completion of drilling project and during civil work
The completion report is submitted to engineer within five days of completion of pumping test
and it includes:-
The label was comprised of stated date, time and the depth from which the sample
was taken and handed over for laboratory chemical quality analysis.
The laboratory chemical analysis results of the well is by far very less than the
maximum limit of the guide line of WHO standard concerning to all major physic-
chemical parameter. And in general the chemical quality of the water is fit to
Ethiopian std for house hold use.
Considering higher pipe transmission pressure in this project, the alternative pipes are ductile
iron pipe and steel pipe.
Ductile iron pipe has the strong tensile strength and elongation and due to its toughness, anti-
corrosion, anti-oxidation, high pressure-resistance as well as easy connection, it has been widely
used in water transmission and distribution projects. Applications of pipes with in diameter DN
1000 have more advantage.
2) Steel pipe
steel pipe has the best mechanical strength. It can withstand high external pressure. The
weld ability of its piping facilities manufacturing of various pipe fittings. It can adapt to
complex terrain and use in the demanding pipes. However, with power supply
equipment and long construction period, the construction demand is fairly high.
Meanwhile the welding interfaces quality and anti- corrosion steel assurance are the key
concerns in use.
The maximum pipe pressure in this project is 2.5mpa. Due to the need for long-distance water
pipe’s anti corrosion, cathodic protection of steel should be adapted for steel pipe and it will be
most costly. Besides, the problem of power supply for the cathodic protection along the pipe is
difficult to solve. Comparatively, the ductile iron pipe is corrosion-resistance and widely used.
Local water affairs department has experiences in the ductile iron pipe’s quality, management
and maintenance.
Based on the above analysis of the two pipes, taking the comprehensive factors such as
safety, utilize, service life and price of water distance, pipes into account, combined with the
actual situation of this project, it is suggested to mainly use ductile Iron pipe with spigot –socket
flexible joint. However, in some poor geological areas or poor construction situation, it is
suggested to use steel pipe instead.
D = √ 4 Q/ Ve (m)
C=Hazen-William coefficient
Design parameters
1) Hazen-Williams coefficients, C=120
2) Minimum design flow velocity ≥ 0.60 m/s
3) Maximum design flow velocity ≤ 2.0= 2.5 m/s
Of the 24 deep wells, 9deep wells located in WF-03, after intake, the water is collected to the
high level tank at CT4 using DN2500-DN600 Collection pipes. 15 deep wells located in WF-02,
after intake, the water is collected to the high level tank at CT3 together with gravity flow pipe,
using DN250-DN800 collection pipes.
1) CT3 to CT2:- ground elevation of CT3 is 2100m, which is 30 m higher than that of CT2. The
water can take advantage of topography through gravity flow to the CT2 .the design adopts
DN800 ductile iron pipe, with the pipe length of 2981m , the flow velocity of 1.61m/sec and the
total pipe loss of about 13m.
2) CT2 to Hana:- ground elevation of CT2 is 2070m which is 150m lower than that of hana lift
pumps must be set to lift water with pressure and transmit to hana. Use DN800 pipe as pressure
transmission pipes with the pipe length of 5,920m, the flow velocity of 1.61m/s and the total pipe
loss of about 26m. The height of pump elevation is about 180m.
3)Hana to Dertu:- ground elevation of hana is 2,220m, which is 120m lower than that of dertu.
Lift pumps must be set to lift water with pressure and transmission pipe with the pipe length of
3,600m, the flow length of 1.61m/s and the total pipe loss of about 16m and pump lift of 140m.
4)Dertu to k4(keranyo):-ground elevation of dertu is 2,340m, which is 160m lower than that of
keranyo. Lift pumps must be set to lift water with pressure and transmit to keranyo. use DN800
pipes as pressure pipe, with the pipe length of 13,786m, the flow velocity of 1.61m/s and the
total pipe loss of about 60m and pump lift of 225m.
After disinfection, the row water of the deep wells will be delivered to tank k4 with elevation
of 2500m by 3 pump stations, and then to the distribution network. In this project, dual DN600
pipe lines will be allocated from tank k4.
One will start from tank k4 to the 1000m3existing tank near Alem bank with the elevation of
2433m, and the distance will reach 2,500m long. Another one will extend from tank k4 to the
2,500m3 existing tank k3 then to the 10,000m3 existing Army forces Hospital tank with the
elevation of 2,376m. And the distance will be 3km and 5km respectively.
Valves: - valves are installed throughout water system, treatment plants, pumping stations, pipe
networks and storage reservoirs.
All valves should be protected by suitable valve boxes (usually cast iron, concrete or high-
density plastic) and located so they will not be affected by normal street or high way maintance
operations. Types of valves are listed below:-
1) Gate valve:-has solid sliding gate that moves at right angles to the direction of flow by a
screw – operated stem. They are widely available, relatively low in cost, create a very
little head loss in the fully open position and effectively stop flow in the fully closed
position. They are, however, of only limited valve for controlling flow and not only
usually used for such purpose.
2) Butterfly valve:- a butterfly valve has a moveable disk that rotates on a spindle or axle set
in the shell. The main disadvantage of a butterfly valve result from the disk always being
in the flow stream, restricting the use of pipe-cleaning tools. On the other hand the
advantages of this valve are tight shutoff, low head loss, small space requirement and
throttling capabilities.
Discharge air during changing of the pipeline( they are installed at these
location to discharge the trapped air)
3) Check valves: - A check valve is a semi automatic device that permits water flow in one
direction. It opens under the influence of pressure and closes automatically when flow
ceases. Usual installation is in the discharge pipes of centrifugal pumps to prevent
backflow when the pump is not operating, and in conjunction with altitude valves in
connections between storage reservoir and the distribution network.
4) Maintance valve: - set maintance valves in pressure pipes in the proper position with
spacing of around 1.5km. Use butterfly valves with the valve well.
5) Exhaust valve: - set exhaust valves in fluctuation peak as well as the necessary horizontal
position in the pipe. Use clean water composite. Exhaust valves is determined by pressure
pipes diameter and service pipe length.
6) Discharge facilities: - set discharge facilities in pressure pipes at inverted siphon, river
crossing point and the lower site. Up on pipe maintance, open wash out valves and water
enters wet well then the pump sucks a nearby water body.
7) Buttress:- set buttresses in spigot-socket flexible joint pressure pipe at vertical, horizontal
and tee position .usually buttress is made of concrete and its size as well as supported
ways is determined by calculation according to pipe diameter, turning angle, pipe
working pressure and joint friction.
8) Road-crossing and River-crossing: - with in the engineering service range, it is necessary
to cross Roads and Rivers. Based on the different actual situation, pipe bridges and
inverted siphon can be adopted.
Buried depth of the pipe: - for pipes buried under the road of besides road, designed
minimum covering soil depth is 1.2m. For pipes buried in open areas, designed
minimum covering soil depth is 0.8m. For the pipes which can’t guarantee the
minimum covering soil depth need to be packed with square concrete package for
Pipe trench backfill:- usually fine-grained soil is used for backfill. The backfill can’t
be mixed with organic humus, rocks and muddy soil.
Construction measures:-effective maintance and drainage measures should be taken
in pipe construction when the foundation trenches are excavated for sandy- based
land construction. Foundation trenches in pipe construction must take effective
protective measure to protect nearby existing buildings and various underground
Generally, we saw soil mechanic tests, and , permeability test, consolidation test, Atterberg limit,
buoyancy apparatus, hydrometer test, sieve analysis, compaction test of soil and CBR (California
bearing ratio) test , soil strength test (triaxial and direct shear test), LA test and AIV(aggregate
impact value) test for rock test.
2) Physical
▪ Instrumental method
▪ Tetrimetic method
It is also used for water treatment and waste waters from industry also used here in water
Samples are taken based on the WHO = because WHO have maximum allowable
value( 1.5mg/l)
Gravimetric method:- it uses total dissolved salt( TDS) that it only have only dissolved salt and
Total solid( TS) that it have suspended and dissolved (both) and we only oven dry it for 24 -16
hour then water outs from it and salts left there.
Titration method: - we work for alkalinity, hardness, chloride. And they have their own indicator.
Calcium and magnesium measure hardness.
Volumetric analysis of titration: - we will get the volume then we will change to mg/l of total
Photometer: - it absorbs light (Fe, Mn), floride) but it differ in wave length (read only
As concentration ↑, absorbance also ↑so they have direct relationship) but in fluoride it decreases
so absorbance ↑ as concentration ↓ (inversely proportional) but in others it is linear relation like
So4, No4.NH4, Fe) as color ↑, absorbance ↑, concentration ↑. 2 types of photometer
1) Spectro:- reads all parameters
- Cost advantage
2) Flame:- it reads light material (G-1) not heavy metals
- Cheap and less effective
- If PH< 8.2, it has no phenophytil alkalinity so the color will change from
pink to red.
Buffer: - hardness of mg of ca and it is used to increase PH, until changes comes we titrate it by
Ethylin Diamine Acetic acid (EDTA).
This agriculture test differs from engineering test is that in Ag. Test we just shake it and put it
for 2 hours then we will read it but in Eng. test we may read after 2 minute, 6 minute, or 15 min
used to know compaction how much water it use.
Classification of soil
1) Index property :- use atterberg limit
When we were gone to the site to see phases of water supply project like deep well (drilling),
pump test….etc, I take a note when my supervisors explains about the project they run. I raised
question that is not clear for me and the supervisor (site engineer) helped me by discuss it with
me. The resident engineer gave me a project report and book; I read it and discuss it with my
I had good work activity because when I have any question I ask them without frightened
them and they gave me a realizable answer. I mostly concentrate on things that are related to my
work activities. For me, to know more about water supply project, the courses which we have
taken in the class room helps me to easily understand the work. Generally, the activity was very
good and I developed it from time to time.
My over all internship practice was for four months and during this period I faced so many
challenges like :-
Get out from home early in the morning before the crowded part.
Shape myself to the weather (I took jacket to protect the cold weather and take it off
at day time to protect the sunlight).
Throughout the four months of my internship period I had gained more advantage in terms
of practical skill in the field works of water supply project. This internship helps me that it
changes my theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge. Some of them are the following:-
Generally, the internship helped me to develop my theoretical knowledge that I had learned in
my campus.
It is a skill of a person to work with other people co- operatively. My work co-operated me
with my friends and other people and I am good at it. Even though each work task was done and
completed as a team.
I was worked with my friends who they were assigned with me in the same project work. I
have seen that it is better to work together than by myself; the reason behind this is it minimizes
work load and helps to finish the work in a short period of time, it increases confidence in a
group member to raise any questions and to discuss about it. Generally, we developed our team
skill in a good way.
A person who is in the position leadership seeks optimal solution to problems and should be
smart enough to manage these individual whom he/she is leading and it is a critical management
skill. Some of the benefits that I gained are:-
Generally, I saw the profitable results of good leadership and also recognized how to become a
good and well-built leadership.
Interpersonal skill takes many forms such as speaking, writing, and listening and the
advantage is to handle information, to convince people and to improve relationship with others.
Improving learning to listen , take time to listen carefully and talking with other
people( stuff members)
It helps me to avoid frightened of others during communication and it increase my
confidence to communicate with other.
In general, I realized how to communicate with office manager and other stuffs members as well
as what types of approaches were important to make easy different work tasks throughout my
internship time.
Having a good ethics make good outlook, more responsibilities and better position. It has
its own benefits: -
This type of skill is an ability to create your own share company with others. Some of
them are:-
Management skill ( time, money, energy)
Facility to network and make contacts with others.
Self –motivated and disciplined.
Able to coordinate (organize) effectively and ability to multi
The ability to work both as a part of team and by yourself.
So, in my internship time I have tried to increase my entrepreneur skill to cope up with this
changing environment of work, to improve my life and to develop my country
During my practice I understood that the structure of water supply system and their function. I
am also benefited from this practice in understanding everything, what I knew before
As the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa has a population of about 3,000,000 people. Its urban
water demand is nearly 448,700m3/d, while the actual water supply capacity is only 301,000m3/d
with water supply coverage of 67%. There are 1,000,000 people who are not supplied with safe
and healthy drinking water, due to shortage of water resource, limitation of water supply
equipment, pipe lines which can not totally reach to each house and other related problems.
According to existing water supply capacity in Addis Ababa, per capital comprehensive water
consumption index can only reach 100L/cap/d, which is rather low. After the completion of this
water supply project, water supply capacity will be increased by 70,000m3/d. Based on the water
consumption of 110L/cap/d, 636,000 people will benefit, accounting for 20% of urban
4.2 Recommendation
Throughout my internship experience period I have been seen some positive and
negative sides about the internship hosting company. In this part of my report I will try to
suggest some ideas for my internship hosting company, for akaki well field (water supply
project) and for the university.
Internship hosting company (water works design supervision enterprise)
The enterprise should overcome the problems of transportation in the project site in
which to formulate the activities that must be accomplished to reach a certain goal or
Unexpected lack of computer access.
On pipe line work the contractor is late to rectify (correct) damaged roads and
ditches, the contractor is not able to hire site and office engineers for the civil work
even though noticed with letter and on weekly meetings.
There are areas which not yet handed over to the contractor even informally,
example: - pipeline area between CT2 and hana partially. So the recommendation
here is , On the regular meetings and with letters the contractor has been noticed to
speed up the civil works, drilling and pipe laying as per the schedule and to accept
the advice by the client representative, And also the client is noticed and is now on
process to hand over remaining sites.
Having an internship offers a list of advantages to the students. As mentioned above, for
instance it helps me to grow my practical experience, social skill, knowledge related to my
academic and career goals. Because of this advantage above, I recommended our university to
keep giving this great chance for the students.
Feasibility study book of akaki well field project.
Technical specification book of akaki well field.
Ground water report.
Water supply handout and exercise book.
- M………………………………………..meter
- M3/S…………………………………..meter cube per second
- L/S………………………………………liter per second
- C………………………………………degree centigrade
- ‘’………………………………………...second
- ‘………………………………………….minute
- In………………………………………..inches