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Lesson 1 Doing History

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Lesson 1

Historical Revisionism

Confronting Disinformation

Doing Historical Research

Local History
The reinterpretation of a historical 3 Types of Historiographic Revision
record. It usually means challenging
the orthodox views held by 1. Evidence-driven revision results
professionals about a historical event, from the discovery of new
or introducing new evidence, or of evidence.
restating the motivations and 2. Significance-driven revision results
decisions of the participant people. from changes in what historians
(Krasner, 2011) consider significant in history.
3. Value-driven revision highlights
2 Forms the unique set of values that
1. Positive Revisionism historians employ in order to
2. Negative Revisionism evaluate historical events and its
many facets.
Positive Revisionism
Scholarly practice of reexamining historical facts and theories.

❑ When owing to newly uncovered historical evidence, current theories and

conclusions must be reassessed to verify their validity.
❑ When governments disclose previously banned documents or information to
the public
❑ When ancient language are deciphered, making it possible to study ancient
writings in greater detail
❑ When new technologies enable analysis of the age and authenticity of old
documents and artifacts
❑ When cultural and other changes make it possible to examine historical
events with new perspective
(Diokno, 2021)
Negative Revisionism How to distort History
A consciously falsified or distorted 1. Omit evidence that goes against
interpretation of the past to serve your perspective or argument
partisan or ideological purposes in 2. Present known forged documents
the present as genuine
(McPherson, 2003) 3. Attributing his or her own
conclusions to books and sources
Relies on therapeutic values and reporting the opposite;
usually compliment political motives. 4. Manipulating statistical series to
1. Deny historical guilt, support the given point of view;
2. Promote self-respect 5. Deliberately mistranslate texts to
3. Eliminate a sense of alienation suit your purpose
and absurdity 6. Invent facts
According to Evans(cited by Diokno, 2021)
David Irving versus Penguin Books
Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt .
Negative revisionism is harmful
❑ Lipstadt labeled David Irving a
because it misleads people to believe
Holocaust denier.
in narratives that are largely based on
❑ Irving filed a case in which he
questionable/contentious/manipulate claimed to have been defamed by
d facts, a product of a false analysis
Deborah Lipstadt.
of data, and/or directed towards
white-washing and myth-making. Result:
The verdict was clearly in favor of the
Potential Actors in Negative Revisionism

1. Perpetrators (those who committed abuse, plunder, violated rights) aiming to

protect and advance their self-interest, retain or recover power.
2. Perpetrators allies seeking to protect and advance their political interests or
attain or remain in power.
3. Educational system, including textbooks, on grounds of neutrality or
objectivity, national policy, fear, weak research, or misconceptions of history.
4. Media (traditional and social) that either believes falsehood or is paid to
propagate lies.
5. Historians who are not scholarly, sell themselves.
(Diokno, 2021)
Claim No. 1 For No. 1
[Martial Law] “was one of the best Martial Law during the Marcos era was
things that happened in Philippine characterized by killings, torture,
disappearances, and censorship.
history. It was a peaceful provision to (Gaby Baizas, 2019)
ensure peace for our country.
Imelda Marcos For No. 2
“Isa itong malinaw na pagkutya at
Claim No. 2 pagbabaluktot sa katotohanan. Wala itong
“Who is doing revisionism? Nilagay ibang layunin kundi ang tuluy-tuloy na
pagtakpan ang di-mabilang na mga paglabag
nila sa libro, sa textbook ng mga bata sa karapatang pantao at katiwalian sa ilalim
na ang mga Marcos ganito ang ng diktadurang Marcos mula 1972 hanggang
ninakaw, ganito ang ginawa.” 1986.”.
Bongbong Marcos (Ratziel San Juan, 2020)
The Claims and Controversy
1. Go cited a theory of Abraham
2. “The former East Kingdom of
Sulu, who guards the 7,107
islands of the Philippines,
requested Lapulapu to be vigilant
after foreigners were seen near
3. Lapulapu as a Tausug
4. “From Sulu, Lapulapu brought
Rappler. (2021). FACT CHECK: Senator Bong Go
claims Lapu-Lapu is from Mindanao [YouTube
with him several Tausug warriors
Video]. In YouTube. on board some boats.”
Fact Checking Note:
1. Abraham Ibarani-Idjirani is a Some countries have criminalized the
spokesperson of the Sultanate of negationist revision of certain
Sulu. historical events.
2. East Kingdom of Sulu was not
mentioned in the account of For example
Pigafetta Where Holocaust denial is a crime
3. The Philippines actually has Austria France Israel
7,641 islands Germany Poland Brazil
4. Lapulapu is not Tausug and not
from Mindanao In the Philippines, there’s no law
5. Lapulapu led the native forces against negative revisionism.
What is Fake News?
Information deliberately fabricated and published with the intention to deceive
and mislead others into believing falsehoods or doubting verifiable facts.

3 Types of Information Disorder

Dis-information Mal-information
Information that is Mis-information Information that is
Information that is
false and deliberately based on reality,
false, but not
created to harm a used to inflict harm
created with the
person, social group, on a person,
intention of causing
organization or organization or
country. country.
3 Types of Information Disorder

Dis-information Mis-information Mal-information

Emmanuel Macron’s
emails were leaked just
before the run-off vote

A photo suggesting that the tes/default/files/f._jfnd
Marcelo Fernan Bridge in Cebu is an _handbook_module_2.
infrastructure project of the Duterte
administration . pdf
Source: Source
https://www. https://rappler.co
ifla.org/publi m/technology/fak
cations/nod e-news-quiz
Refers to the use of
primary historical data to
answer a question.
(Historical Methods, 2011)

The process of critically

examining and analyzing
the records and survivals
of the past.
Louis Gottschalk,
Understanding History

Source: http://www.begbiecontestsociety.org/historicalmethod.htm
Project Gutenberg Internet Archive
An electronic library of public domain A non-profit library of millions of free
works that have been digitized, or books, movies, software, music,
converted into e-books, by volunteers websites, and more.
and archived for download.

Google Scholar Official Websites
Shows citations to articles, reports, Website/s that may be used for
online books, and other materials historical research.
that show up online.

http://musingsaboutlibrarianship.blogspot.c Source: http://malacanang.gov.ph/77043-
om/2014/06/8-surprising-things-i-learnt- official-calendar-ph/
State University and Colleges Online Repositories
Bicol University Library PARES (Spanish Archives Portal)
Facebook account:
National Agency
National Library of the Philippines UST Digital Collection
web.nlp.gov.ph/nlp/ http://digilib.ust.edu.ph/

NHCP Library Library of Congress

https://nhcp.gov.ph/ https://www.loc.gov/

Private Museums and Libraries SOAS Digital Collection

Ex. Lopez Museum and Library https://digital.soas.ac.uk/
1. Corcuera, Joshua. (2020). Historical revisionism and historical distortion.
2. Gaby Baizas. (2019, September 20). Martial law “peaceful”? Netizens debate severity of Marcos regime.
Rappler; Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/martial-law-2019-social-media-reactions
3. Guiang, F. J. P., (2020). Historical Revisionism: Concept and Practice - Bulatlat. Bulatlat.
4. Israel, D. G. (2021, April). Dubious claim, blooper mar Lapulapu tributes. INQUIRER.net.
5. Information Disorder. (2014). Freedom of Expression. https://www.coe.int/en/web/freedom-
6. Historical Revisionism. (2011). Google Books.
7. Human Rights Violations Victims’ Memorial Commission. (2021). Essential Truths on the Martial Law
Years(Day 1) [Webinar]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/hrvvmemcom/videos/1549993195349936
8. Martial Law Museum. (2016). Martial Law Museum. https://martiallawmuseum.ph/manindigan/laban-
9. McPherson, James. (2003). Revisionist Historians | Perspectives on History | AHA. Historians.org.
10. Petrović, V. (2021). From Revisionism to “Revisionism.” Openedition.org.
11. Ratziel San Juan. (2020, January 18). UP history profs slam Bongbong’s call to revise Martial Law in
textbooks. Philstar.com; Philstar.com. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2020/01/18/1985651/history-profs-
12. Tucker, A. (2021). Historiographic Revision and Revisionism. Openedition.org.
13. Wardle, C., & Derakhshan, H. (2018). MODULE 2: Thinking about “information disorder” MODULE 2 Thinking
about “information disorder”: formats of misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information.
14. VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Website posts FALSE CONTEXT of corruption claim on PNoy - Vera Files.
(2019, November 3). Vera Files. https://verafiles.org/articles/vera-files-fact-check-website-posts-false-
15. VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Photo misleads; 22-year-old Marcelo Fernan Bridge NOT a Duterte project -
Vera Files. (2021, September 13). Vera Files. https://verafiles.org/articles/vera-files-fact-check-photo-

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