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PSK Lab Manual

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Aim: To Study Phase Shift Keying on Matlab

Apparatus: Matlab Software

Theory: PSK is the digital modulation technique in which the phase of the carrier signal is
changed by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a particular time. PSK technique is widely
used for wireless LANs, bio-metric, contactless operations, along with RFID and Bluetooth

BPSK Modulator

The block diagram of Binary Phase Shift Keying consists of the balance modulator which has
the carrier sine wave as one input and the binary sequence as the other input. Following is the
diagrammatic representation.

The modulation of BPSK is done using a balance modulator, which multiplies the two signals
applied at the input. For a zero binary input, the phase will be 0° and for a high input, the
phase reversal is of 180°.

Following is the diagrammatic representation of BPSK Modulated output wave along with its
given input.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering DCOM Lab

The output sine wave of the modulator will be the direct input carrier or the inverted
180°phaseshifted input carrier, which is a function of the data signal.

BPSK Demodulator

The block diagram of BPSK demodulator consists of a mixer with local oscillator circuit, a
bandpass filter, a two-input detector circuit. The diagram is as follows.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering DCOM Lab

By recovering the band-limited message signal, with the help of the mixer circuit and the
band pass filter, the first stage of demodulation gets completed. The base band signal which
is band limited is obtained and this signal is used to regenerate the binary message bit stream.

In the next stage of demodulation, the bit clock rate is needed at the detector circuit to
produce the original binary message signal. If the bit rate is a sub-multiple of the carrier
frequency, then the bit clock regeneration is simplified. To make the circuit easily
understandable, a decision-making circuit may also be inserted at the 2nd stage of detection.

Procedure: 1. Open Matlab Software

2. Click on New Script and Start to write a Program
3. After wrote Save and Run Program
4. Command Window will open
5. Give the Following Input to generate PSK modulated wave.
6. Enter frequency of Carrier Sine wave: 60
7. Enter Message frequency: 10
8. Enter Carrier & Message Amplitude (Assuming Both Equal):3

Circuit Diagram/Block Diagram/Flow chart/Program:

clc %for clearing the command window
close all %for closing all the window except command window
clear all %for deleting all the variables from the memory
t=0:.001:1; % For setting the sampling interval
fc=input('Enter frequency of Carrier Sine wave: ');
fm=input('Enter Message frequency : ');
amp=input('Enter Carrier & Message Amplitude(Assuming Both Equal):');
c=amp.*sin(2*pi*fc*t);% Generating Carrier Sine
subplot(3,1,1) %For Plotting The Carrier wave
m=square(2*pi*fm*t);% For Plotting Message signal
title('Message Signal')% Sine wave multiplied with square wave in order to
generate PSK
subplot(3,1,3) % For Plotting PSK (Phase Shift Keyed) signal

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering DCOM Lab


Conclusion: Hence we studied Phase Shift Keying successfully on Matlab


Viva questions:

1. What does Phase Shift Keying means?

2. Why PSK is preferred in many application?

3. What are the application of PSK?

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering DCOM Lab

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