Final Year Report
Final Year Report
Final Year Report
I hereby declare that this is my own work and it has never been submitted to any
other institution for any award. All the sources of data and ideas quoted directly or
paraphrased have been cited in this report. Therefore, this is submitted for marking
Signature: …………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………….
This research report by AMANI THOMAS BONIFACE has been undertaken under my
supervision and is submitted to the Department of Engineering and Environment as a
partial fulfillment requirement for the award of Bachelors of Science in Civil and
Environmental Engineering.
Signature: ……………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………………………………….
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ 2
APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS .......................................................................................................... 8
1.4 PROJECT SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.1GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE ........................................................................................................... 9
1.4.2 CONTENT SCOPE..................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY ............................................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1 SOIL ................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 EXPANSIVE SOILS ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 SUBGRADE...................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 SOIL STABILIZATION ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 MECHANICAL STABILIZATION................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2 CHEMICAL STABILIZATION ......................................................................................................... 14 CEMENT STABILIZATION ......................................................................................................... 14 LIME STABILIZATION ........................................................................................................... 15
2.4 SULPHATES ON LIME STABILIZATION....................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 STABILIZATION OF EXPANSIVE SOILS. ................................................................................. 18
2.3.4 PREVIOUS STUDIES ON STABILIZATION OF EXPANSIVE SOILS..................................................... 19
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................... 22
3.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 22
3.1 MATERIAL ACQUISITION AND PREPARATION ...................................................................... 22
3.2 EXPERIMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 22
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Globally, expansive soils are considered to be one of the most problematic soils as
they cause damage to various civil engineering structures because of their high
swelling and shrinking potential when in contact with water (Anjan, 2019).
Expansive soils behave differently from other normal soils due to their tendency to
swell and become plastic in the presence of water, they shrink when dry and expand
when exposed to frost (Ankit et al., 2003) posing a serious threat to the stability of
structures built on them.
One of the methods for soil improvement is that the problematic soils are replaced by
suitable soil and compacted however compaction alone is often not enough when it
comes to stabilizing fine-grained expansive soils. The cost involved in this method has
led researchers to identify alternative methods like soil stabilization with different
additives which has proved to be effective (Arpan &Rishabh, 2012).
The concept of stabilization is 5000 years old. McDowell 1965 indicated that stabilized
earth roads were used in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and that the Greeks and
Romans used lime as a stabilizer to increase in soil strength, durability stiffness,
reduction in soil plasticity and swelling/shrinkage (Ali et al., 2017). However, recent
heaving and premature pavement failures in lime and cement-treated subgrades
containing sulfates led to questioning the validity of calcium-based stabilization. The
failure is due to loss of stabilizer over time, or the stabilizer being ineffective in some
soils while other soils with the same index properties respond well to that stabilizer
(Little, 2000).
The studies reported in the literature show that the addition of lime increased the
optimum moisture content and strength and reduced the plasticity index and
maximum dry density of the soil (Guney et al.,2007). The use of natural pozzolana in
association with lime for stabilization of cohesive soils needs to be investigated. As
soil is a good source of alumina, the effects of lime treatment can be enhanced to a
great extent if the apparent shortage of silica can be adequately supplemented by the
addition of natural pozzolana, which is high in reactive silica content (Ghrici et
The stabilized soil with lime indicated brittle behavior and is subjected to tensile
stresses for various reasons including traffic movement on pavement, soil shrinkage,
temperature changes, as well as wetting and drying if placed in the pavement sub-
grade (Reddy et al.,2019; Shekhawat et al.,2018). The stresses can severely damage
the stabilized soil, while stabilization with lime in areas under more repeated wet-dry
cycles is not very efficient due to the leaching of stabilizing material and volumetric
changes in soil due to swelling and shrinkage (Shekhawat et al.,2018; Behnood 2018).
The addition of volcanic ash is considered to be appropriate solution for the created
tensile stress, providing greater durability of the stabilized soil.
Volcanic ash is not soluble in water, very rough and corrosive. The content of silica is
the main constituent element in the forming of cement, therefore the volcanic ash
has the pozzolan characteristic. The pozzolan characteristic has the behavior of
binding other minerals that exist in clay so that it hardens in a certain period of time.
The content of silica that is found in volcanic ash is 82.4% and calcium is
5.10%(Sarkar., 2020; Sun 2018).
What are the properties of expansive soils?
What are chemical composition of volcanic ash?
What effect does volcanic ash have on formation of entrigite in lime stabilized
soil lime?
What optimum mix design of volcanic ash on lime stabilized soils?
The scope of this study is the Manafwa-Bududa road connecting Manafwa district to
Bududa district. It is geographically bound by latitude 2° 49’ N and 2° 55’ N, longitude
34° 15’ E and 34° 34’ E.
Stabilized soils can be extremely useful construction materials in many countries of
the world, especially if they can be produced from locally available resources.
Volcanic ash is found in many part of Uganda and lime deposits are also available. The
use of natural lime and volcanic ash as stabilizers in soil stabilization can reduce
construction costs and can provide an environmentally friendly means and reduce the
cost of sub-grade construction (Hossain, 2000). Limited research had been conducted
to investigate the suitability of using volcanic ash in soil stabilization in association
with cement and natural lime.
In addition of stabilizing material like volcanic ash, Silica and alumina of volcanic ash
mixed with water will establish paste which ties clay particles and covers soil pores.
The pore holes are surrounded by cementing materials which are difficult to infiltrate
by water so that the mixture of soil- volcanic ash will not be sensitive against water
absorption so that its plasticity decreases.
This study is aimed at improving the strength characteristics of lime stabilized soils
with addition of volcanic ash for the purposes of pavement construction since areas
with expansive soils cause difficulty in their construction. Therefore, when the
research is completed it will complement the work done by other researchers and
promote volcanic ash, lime stabilization as alternatives for stabilization of expansive
2.1 SOIL
Soil is any un cemented or weakly cemented accumulation of mineral particles formed
by the weathering of rocks, the void spaces between particles containing water and
air. Soil can be dry, partially saturated or saturated. When soils are dry, the voids are
full of air, when the soils are saturated, the air voids are full of water, when they are
partially saturated, the air voids are full of water and air. Soil composition differs
from one location to another. Solids which exhibit plasticity characteristics during the
presence of clay minerals are termed as cohesive soils (soil mechanics, Geotechnical
Engineering Sub department by Dr. Gilbert J Kasangaki).
The more water they absorb, the more the volume increases hence expansions
of 10% or more are not uncommon and their shrinkage can remove support from
a structure and cause damage. Fissures in the soil develop and facilitate the
deep penetration of water when moist conditions or runoff occurs. This cycle of
shrinkage and swelling places repetitive stresses on the road structure and
damage worsens over time, so this kind of nature represents the clayey soils
with a depleted bearing capacity and an elevated compressibility level. Thus, in
order to support the road structure, the bearing capacity of these soils always
requires improvement and several soil improvements such as soil replacement
and chemical stabilization are done. However, some of the methods are harmful
to the environment so, efforts to achieve soil stabilization ought to make use of
materials that are environmentally friendly (Ali et al., 2016). Thus, the use of
molasses and a stiffener such as cement to improve on the engineering
properties of these expansive soils as well as suppress environmentally
unfriendly nuisances such as dust.
In transportation engineering, the subgrade is the native material underneath a
construction road, pavement, or railway track. It is also called formation level.
The subgrade performance depends on; load-bearing capacity, moisture
content, additional base layers and strength, stiffness of subgrade soil.
Drain ability
Drain ability is also an important property of the subgrade. The subgrade must
have excellent drain capacity otherwise it affects the strength of the pavement.
Good drainage is necessary so as to prevent excessive moisture retention and
minimize potential frost action.
Ease of compaction
Soil stabilization may be defined as the alteration or preservation of one or more soil
properties to improve the engineering characteristics and performance of a soil.
Stabilization can increase the shear strength of a soil, control the shrink-swell
properties of a soil, thus improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to
support pavements and foundations (Tamardhert et al., 2007).
Soil stabilization can be accomplished by several methods however the methods fall
into two broad categories namely mechanical stabilization and chemical stabilization.
Mechanical stabilization includes compaction, and fibrous and other non-
biodegradable reinforcement of geomaterials to improve strength. Chemical
stabilization includes use of chemicals and emulsion aids to soil s, as binders and
water repellents, as a means of modifying the behavior of clay.
The major types of chemical stabilization are by use of cement and lime as described
Both the ion exchange reaction and the production of cementitious materials increase
the stability and reduce the volume change within the clay fraction. The swell may
even be reduced from 7% or 8% to 0.1% by the addition of lime. The production of
cementitious material can continue for some time but the materials and the
environment will influence the strength developed. (Soil Stabilization of Roads and
Airfields, 2012).
Organic carbon reduces lime-soil reactions. Also, poorly drained soils tend to have a
better reaction to lime treatment than well-drained soils. Calcareous soils (soil that
has calcium carbonate CaC03) have good reactivity. Depending of the depth of the
problematic soil and the type of geotechnical application.
In general, smaller amounts of additives are required when it is desired only to modify
the soil properties such as workability and plasticity. When it is needed to improve
the strength and durability significantly, larger quantities of additives are used. The
National Lime Association in the USA gives a general context about lime treatment
procedure. Lime in the form of quicklime (calcium oxide – CaO), hydrated lime
(calcium hydroxide – Ca OH2), or lime slurry can be used to treat soils. Quicklime is
manufactured by chemically transforming calcium carbonate (limestone – CaCO3) into
calcium oxide. Hydrated lime is created when quicklime chemically reacts with
It is hydrated lime that reacts with clay particles and permanently transforms them
into a strong cementitious matrix. (LIME, 2004). Hydrated lime is the most used in
chemical stabilization application, whilst quicklime stabilization represents only 10
percent of the lime used in stabilization procedures.
Most lime used for soil treatment is “high calcium” lime, which contains no more than
5 percent magnesium oxide or hydroxide. On some occasions, however, "dolomitic"
lime is used. Dolomitic lime contains 35 to 46 percent magnesium oxide or hydroxide.
Dolomitic lime can perform well in soil stabilization, although the magnesium fraction
reacts more slowly than the calcium fraction. Nelson and Miller recommend a
percentage of 3 to 8% of the weight of the soil mass of hydrated lime to be added to
the top several centimeters of the soil. Ismael (2006) recommends a percentage
between 3-5%, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) percentages of 2, 4 and 6%. Thus, we conclude that the percentage of lime
depends on the properties of the treated soil, the final destination of the site and
therefore the desired change in geotechnical parameters of the treated soil
Lime interacts with the clay by a strong alkaline reaction, causing a base exchange,
where calcium ions displace the potassium, sodium and hydrogen cations. This causes
a decrease in plasticity of the clay soils by the appearance of flocculation and
aggregation. On a long term basis, the pozzolanic reaction is defined by the
appearance of the silicate rich hydrates groups by the interaction of the calcium from
the lime.
• Decreasing the plasticity index (PI) and Augmentation of the plasticity limit
The presence of soluble sulfate salts can present problems when soils are with any
stabilized with any calcium-based (lime, Portland cement, fly ash). Sulfates in the soil
combine with calcium and alumina from clay, and with water, to form the minerals
ettringite and thaumasite in a highly expansion reaction. The formation of these
minerals after compaction can result in significant pavement heaving and loss of
Traditional stabilizers such as lime and Portland cement have been the most
widely used of the chemical additives to alter the characteristics of clay mineral
and reduce its potential for swelling. Lime is perhaps the most effective of all
the chemicals used to stabilize the expansive soils. The major limitation of its
routine use is the application of the chemical to sufficient depth. Conventional
techniques generally limit the depth of treatment to approximately 8 to 12
inches. Many projects have been stabilized by mixing the soil and lime (1% to 5%
hydrated lime) to depths varying from 1 foot to 3 feet with varying degree of
success (Ahmad Ardani, Colorado Department of Transportation, 1992). Lime
stabilization will effectively seal and reduce the swelling potential if adequately
mixed with the soil to a proper depth. According to some of the literature
reviewed, a thorough understanding of lime-soil interaction is still lacking. Soil
lime reactions are complex, so more research is needed in this area to identify
the depth of treatment for various expansive soils and proper amounts of lime.
In Uganda, stabilization of expansive clays has been carried out on many roads
including the Nansana-Busunju rehabilitation road project where the existing
subbase poor soils on some sections were treated with 30% graded Crushed
Stone CRR and lime
In a study by (Pandian and Krishna, 2003), Class-F fly ash (FFA) up to 100% was
added to expansive black cotton soil at an increment of 10%. They found out
that the CBR values increased up to the 20% addition of FA, then after initially
decreasing upon further FA increments, it showed an increase to attain an
optimum value with 70% FA content.
Also, waste products from industries such as the food industry have been
researched as suitable soil stabilizers. (Ahmad et al., 2008) investigated the
effect of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and POFA- cement mix on clay properties.
They found that the addition of POFA significantly reduced the plasticity index
and optimum moisture content. The cement-POFA mix produced better
improvements in the UCS than the pure POFA.
This chapter mainly contains the methodology that will be used to achieve our study
objectives. The methodology describes the procedures and details on how the
research will be carried out(Kothari,2004).
The physical and mechanical properties of the expansive soils will then be determined
using the following experiments:
Dr Jamil A Noji “the use of lime to stabilize Grannular Volcanic Ash materials for road
Mahmood Reza Abdi and Leila Shafiei Chafi “Journel of rock mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering Vol3, issue 4, 2021; An investigation in to the effects of
lime on compressive and shear strength characteristics of fiber reinforced clays”.
Asadey Adnan “Influence of lime on low plastic clay soil used a subgrade”