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Topic Title 2: Understanding The Arts: NAME: Jeffrey B. Olivar Jr. Section/Cluster: 3

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Topic Title 2: Understanding the Arts

NAME: Jeffrey B. Olivar Jr.


Activating Prior Knowledge

What is an art?
(What You Know) (What You want to Learn) (What You Learned and
Still Want to Learn)
An Art as far as I know, is a I want to learn about the I learned that arts teach more
work that a person makes deep meaning about arts, than the meaning of life, and
out of imagination. how they make how they art is a type of knowledge
plan and how they compose superior to experience
their minds to create such a according to Aristotle.
Reading the Book of Nature

The Book of Nature, one writer declared, has pages “written over with large print or fine print, and in a
variety of language,” Most of us read the large type more or less appreciatively, but fail to decipher the
fine lines and footnotes.”

However, artists who, most always, are lovers of nature, decode the obscure signs and read between the
lines. And from that, they draw inspiration for their creations.

Before he sits down with paint and brush, Arnel Azurin, a nature painter for example, immerses himself in
Nature, to explore its very heart, to probe its secrets of life- and to realize how all these falls into a large,
universal pattern.

Other artists also find inspiration in every little aspect of Nature, reading in each a sense of life, a
threshold opening into a realm of mystic meanings. In one instance, a poet, writing a poem, saw in the
driftwood a metaphor of the human spirit: that though battered in form, it prevails through time and

The artist develops an acute sensitivity to Nature’s shapes; leaves in varied forms, gnarled branches and
twigs, rounded hills and mountain peaks; to Nature’s texture: flower petals, ripened fruit, rocks and
stones; to Nature’s colors the carpet of emerald green moss, the yellow of ripening grain in rice fields, the
deep blue see sea and sky.

Most artists interpret and imitate Nature in its utmost beauty. How best to sum up Nature’s splendor
except through colorful flowers, scenic landscapes, lush forests, vigorous animals, and graceful human

Painters, poets, sculptors, and musicians too, find inspiration in Nature. Anyone, for that matter, if he
takes time out to pause and read closely enough the Book of Nature, will discover in it an exhilarating,
bewitching something that inspires the sublime in the human spirit.
-The New Dimensions in Learning English (Manual)

After reading the selection, try answering the given questions below. 9 pts.

Guide Questions:

1. What is the image of Nature described in the passage?

The nature is described based on its appearance or what an artist sees,
through its outmost beauty.

2. In what way does the image confirm Nature’s artistry?

Artist confirms it through varied forms, color of leave, the curve of the
mountain’s peaks and more.

3. What feeling or emotion is evoked by the image?

It evoked stunning feeling, amazement, mind blowing emotions because
and of course by the glorious art of nature. That is indescribable piece of
art. By God.

1. Select at least five (5) artworks which you consider important to you, then explain each of
them. 10pts.

Artworks Explanation

1. Human Because God created

us in His own image,
therefore we were not
just something to be
thrown away, we are
a piece of art.

2. The Philippine Flag It symbolizes our

country’s freedom.

3. Monument of Dr. Jose The hero who just

Rizal wrote in peace,
against the Spaniard
and set as free.

4. Rice Terraces It projects or feature

the diligence of the
native Filipinos

5. Baro’t Saya Because it signifies

the message of
women dignity on
our history of
1. Give a situation where an artist could make use of nature in producing an artwork.
2. Identify a work of art in your community that is still very much admired and treasured
today. Is the message conveyed by the artist universal? Explain your answer.

Artwork Message Photo

The Holy Cross Parish The faithful and God-
fearing people of
Ballesteros, the Church that
stands in the middle of it.

1. Is the message conveyed by the artist universal? Explain your answer.

Yes, because whenever these people go, they go with their faith. Not just because that they
leave behind their Church it doesn’t mean that they’ll stop their beliefs, and also because its
not the church that they praise but God who encumbers there.
Score: _______

I. Read the following questions below, then answer each of them briefly. Each question
will be treated 5 points. You will be graded based on substance (3points)
grammar and organization (2 points).

1. How does art involve experience?

Everything you've gone through in your life has shaped how you look at things, how you see them, and what
details you pay attention to, as opposed to how someone else looks at the same things. Because no two people
are alike, your experiences shape all of your art, while others are shaped by theirs. Knowledge or insight into
the topic area they're presenting, whether acquired or innate

2. Why is art message universal?

Because art is visual (or musical) rather than linguistic, this relies largely on the type of art in question. It
connects people ideas on just a piece of cultures, races and civilizations through piece of work that passes to
generations to generations until human lives.

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