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Field Study 2 - Modules 2

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College of Teacher Education

Modules in Field Study 2

(Participation and Teaching Assistantship)
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Bachelor of Elementary
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Fourth Year

Module Title: Module 2

Topic: Learning Teaching Through Participating

1. Participating in Maintaining Instructional Routines

2. Participating in Maintaining Management Routines
3. Participating in Maintaining Order During Instructional & Co- Curricular Activities
4. Participating in Guiding Learners during Transitions or Group Activities
5. Participating in Conducting Intervention Activities
6. Participating in Supervising Learners in Co- Curricular Activities

Module Introduction:
Field Study 2 is an endeavor to be experienced by the teacher interns in their experiential learning that they have started in Field Study 1. Its
program provides for outcome-based experiential tasks that prospect teachers go through increasing opportunities for experience from simple observation
until assistantship will happen. The Field Study Program draws its rationale from the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). This module
focuses on the learning teaching through participating. The expected outcomes will be attained through a set of experiential tasks and reflection triggers
that prospect you as teacher intern. It has on going to have hand-on tasks and activities to be undertaken.
Reflection triggers serve as jump-off point and provide structure for you to process the learning experience starting from simple to complex tasks.
They further motivate you as student intern to exert more effort in making full use of the field-learning experience through assistantship.
In this module, there are lesson presentations divided into three that each presentation has tasks to be accomplished until the end of this
module. This is a good start in your part as teacher intern as you travel for your experiential learning in relation to participation inside and outside the
classroom activities.

Module Outcomes: The learners are expected to;

1. Participate in maintaining instructional routines.

2. Participate in maintaining management routines.
3. Participate in maintaining order during instructional and co- curricular activities
4. Participate in guiding learners during transitions or group activities
5. Participate in conducting intervention activities
6. Participate in supervising learners in Co – curricular activities.

Lesson Presentation 1:

1. Participating in Maintaining Instructional Routines

2. Participating in Maintaining Management Routines

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Participated in maintaining instructional routines.

2. Participated in maintaining management routines.

ACTIVATE: (Module 2 Task 1- A)

A. Observe carefully the different instructional routines taking place in the classroom during teaching- learning engagements. List them down below. You
may ask as well your CT regarding his/her instructional routines used inside the classroom.

List of Instructional Routines in the Classroom






B. Note down the classroom management routines. Observe very the what, when, and how of these routines.

What routine? When it is done? How it is done?

Example: Saying fervently the” Morning Offering
Morning Rituals Before the first period class
Greeting teacher & classmates “ Good

Leader saying aloud “ present classmates by

ACQUIRE: Read and study the text below.

The main objective of this Field Study is to expose and provide teacher interns with some authentic hands. On participation in the teaching-learning
experience in the classroom. Engaging teacher interns in classroom practices will help them with gradual development of practical knowledge and wisdom
that they bring along when they become teachers.

Successful teaching-learning events have always been every teacher’s dream yet not all of them become successful especially if the subject or
content area is difficult or less interesting for some learners.

Your task as a teacher intern is very crucial in participating in your Cooperating Teacher’s challenge of making the learners gain academic content.

Prepares FS 2 for PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcomes:

Domain: Learning Environment Establish instructional routine to assist learners in

gaining academic success.
Strand: Management of classroom structure and activities
Establish management routines for ensuring smooth
Support for learner participation functioning of the classroom

Promotion of purposive learning

Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Trigger

1. Exposure

Know and understand instructional routines

Note down classroom management routines

2. Participation How do instructional routines contribute to the students’

leaning of content areas?
Observe instructional routines at work

Categorize classroom management routines

3. Identification

Do instructional routines

Participate in implementing and maintaining management routines

4. Internalization
What management routines do I need to establish to
Reflect on the usefulness of instructional routines make a better classroom?

Review success and failure of management of routines

5. Dissemination

Create instructional routines for useful teaching -learning

Commit to adopt management routine strategies for a smooth sailing

teaching - learning events

Instructional routines are research-based,interactive modes intended to engage students and increase their chances of successful learning by
reducing the effort required to learn a procedure that otherwise may vary by the day, teacher, or lesson.
Here are some definitions of instructional routines:

Instructional routines or tasks enacted in classrooms that structure the relationship between the teacher and the students around content in ways
that consistently maintain high expectations of student learning while adapting to contingencies of particular instructional interactions.

Instructional routines refer to all of the elements of teaching/learning events other than the specific content to be taught and the specific materials
used in teaching.

Here are some common instructional routines which your CT might have been doing during his/her class.

1. Buzzing Bees - students mimic the buzzing sound to find a partner in group discussion ( specific instruction will come from your CT)

2. Think Pair Share - students individually think about an issue,then refine or broaden understanding through discussion with a partner and then
share to the big class their understanding ( specific and refinement of the routine will come from your CT).

3. Warm up Routine- ( Who’s the Next) - students share understanding of concept by taking turns and saying: You're the next ______( name of

Establishing predictable routines is a crucial part of the classroom management. Keeping good management practices makes the class runs
smoothly. A lot of the failure of the teacher to establish management routines and the failure of the students to follow them.

Key words:

1. Instructional routines

2. Research - based

3. Interactive modes

4. Predictable routines

5. Management practices
APPLY: (Module 2 Task 1- B)

Classify the classroom routines that the teacher (video) nor your CT has been doing in the teaching-learning events.

Before the start of the learning events During teaching-learning events At the end of teaching- learning events

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6.

ASSESS: (Module 2 Task 1 – C)

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the problems you noticed why instructional routines failed to facilitate the teaching-learning process?


2. What are some of the difficulties in maintaining management routines based on your own personal observation & experience?

Lesson Presentation 2:

1. Participating in Maintaining Order During Instructional & Co- Curricular Activities

2. Participating in Guiding Learners during Transitions or Group Activities

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Participated in maintaining order during instructional and co- curricular activities

2. Participated in guiding learners during transitions or group activities

ACTIVATE (Module 2 Task 2 – A)

Write down all the activities done by your Cooperating Teacher during instruction and co-curricular activities and classify if learners need
them for just a short term or long term need.

1. Instructional Activities Short Term Need Long Term Need

A. Before the Instruction Ex. Having a partner Ex. Seating in the proper seats




B. During the Instruction




C. After the Instruction





11. Co-curricular Activities Short Term Need Long Term Need

A. Before the Co-curricular Activities




B. During the Co- curricular Activities




C. After the Co-curricular Activities





ACQUIRE: Read and study the text below.

Being a teacher is very rewarding but there are times that being a teacher is also very stressful not only because of mounting workloads but also
because of the diverse learners in the classroom. The challenge of accommodating diversity and maintaining classroom order during instruction and related
activities is indeed great for every teacher.
Maximum learning and productive use of instructional time do not always come easy unless the teachers set guidelines to keep students focused
and not restless, calm and not noisy or disorganized, and learning objectives are realized.

Your task as a teacher intern is to participate with your cooperating teacher in guiding learners during transition or group activities to increase

time for learning. Engage yourself with your Cooperating Teacher in the implementation of standards to observe your learners during instruction and

co-curricular activities. The following can serve as your guide in keeping order during instruction and co-curricular activities.

1. Model the behavior your CT wants to achieve among the students.

2. Use positive presence by moving around and making frequent eye contact with students who show signs of misbehaving.

3. Help in enforcing the rules and students’ compliance with your CT’s directions or instructions.

4. Assist in helping students to gain confidence in doing seat work, project or activity sheets.

5. Participate in giving motivational support like stickers,points, or very good remarks during instruction or co-curricular activities.

Prepares FS 2 students of PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcomes:

Domain: Learning Environment Participate in meeting the short term and long term needs of students for
order, safety and positive development during instruction and co-curricular
Strand: Support for learner participation activities.

Management of classroom structure and activities Participate in implementing smooth transition and group activities

Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Trigger

1. Exposure

Review classroom instruction & co-curricular activities

Observe transitions and group activities

2. Participation How can I put order in my classroom so learning can take place and co-
curricular activities can be implemented?
Record rules in maintaining order during instruction and c0-
curricular activities

Walk through the transitions and group activities

3. Identification

Participate in observing classroom standards during instruction and

co- curricular activities
How can I smoothly guide my learners during transition or group activities?
Chart transition and group activity by class episodes

4. Internalization

Infer the benefits of maintaining order during instruction and co-

curricular activities

Put transitions at work

5. Dissemination

Design a flowchart of instructional and co-curricular rules for an

orderly classroom

Make my own creative transitions and group activities

Key Words:

1. Transitions

2. Diversity

3. Maximum learning

4. Transition activities

5. Co-curricular activities

APPLY: (Module 2 Task 2- B)

Chart the transition and group activity strategies of your Cooperating Teacher below.

A. Transition Songs

B. Transition Routines
C. Group Activity Procedures and Guidelines

ASSESS: (Module 2 Task 2- C)

List down below the effects to the students of the different participation tasks that you employed.

A. Participation Tasks in Maintaining Order During Instruction Effects on Students’ Learning Achievement
B. Participation Tasks in Maintaining Order During Co-curricular Activities Effects on Students’ Learning Achievement

Lesson Presentation 3:

1. Participating in Conducting Intervention activities

2. Participating in Supervising Learners in Co - Curricular Activities

Lesson Outcomes: The learners are expected to have;

1. Participated in Conducting Intervention activities

2. Participated in Supervising Learners in Co - Curricular Activities.

ACTIVATE (Module 2 Task 3 – A)

A. List down your CT’s account of learners who need special attention and assistance when your cooperating teacher identifies the students who need your
participation in providing intervention activities.


Student Name Academic Social Behavioral

Example: Lacks basic skills in reading Does no want to mingle with Can not keep attention during
classmates classes
1. Theodore Dela Cruz Cannot multiply numbers
Wants to be alone Goes out of the classes often
B.Students’ activities outside of the classroom.

1. Do students have activities after class hours? What are they?

2. Do students have membership to various organizations/clubs? List down the different academic,religious,socio-cultural,or special interest clubs.
3. Do students have regular meetings outside the regular class hours? Note them down.

ACQUIRE: Read and study the text below.

Teachers play a vital role in the learners’ academic success. The teachers’ main objectives are to make everybody learn and to help those who
need more assistance in acquiring new knowledge or in developing fluency in skills. Students’ academic success does not happen at the same time and at
the same pace. Therefore, every teacher must be an interventionist with an expertise and intentional strategies so that s/he can support learners who are
demonstrating academic social, and behavioral struggles. Intervention starts with having detailed documentation of students’ progress and an
acknowledgment that there are learners that need additional assistance.

Your role as a teacher intern is to participate in providing support to learner who have learning difficulties with your cooperating teacher.

Students do not only learn with in the four walls of the classrooms. There are programs and learning experiences that complement in some
ways to students’ learning in the classroom. These are experiences connected to the academic curriculum. Therefore, these are co-curricular activities
because they are extension activities of the formal learning experiences held outside the classroom or maybe outside of the school for outside school
sponsored activities.

Prepares FS 2 Students for PPST: Your Intended learning Outcomes:

Domains: Diversity of Learners Carry out intervention activities for students with learning needs.

Learners Environment

Strands: Learners with disabilities giftedness and talents Make responsible supervision of co-curricular activities.

Learner’s gender needs, strengths,interests and experiences

Support for learner participation

Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection Trigger

1. Exposure

List learners who exhibit academic ,social and behavioral struggles

Familiarize with co-curricular activities How can I develop my skill in giving intervention activities as a future
2. Participation

Get acquainted with intervention strategies

Identify variations among co - curricular activities

3. Identification

Determine the importance of academic intervention tasks

Facilitating supervision of co-curricular activities What character traits of a teacher do I bring when I supervise learners
for their co-curricular activities?
4. Internalization

Participate in doing intervention activities

Plan for appropriate and responsible supervision of co-curricular


5. Dissemination

Learn insights from participating in the conduct of intervention activities

Secure the experiences through insightful sharing of thoughts

Key words:

1. Participation

2. Co-curricular activities

3. Intervention activities

4. Supervision activities

5. Assistance

APPLY: (Module 2 Task 3 - B)

Confer with your Cooperating Teacher his/her expectations on your participation in the supervision of co-curricular activities. Take note of all
her/his suggestions/comments/expectations and also remember the limitations that your CT sets relative to your supervisory roles.

My supervisory Roles in Co-curricular


My Limitations in my Supervisory Roles in Co-curricular Activities


ASSESS: (Module 2 Task 3 - C)

Answer the question below.

1. When you become a teacher, what will be your plan to make sure that you will accord your learners with appropriate and responsible supervision?


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