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Episode 4 FS1

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4 Understanding the Learners


For BEED Students

 They can group things that belong


 Children begin to read and write

early in middle childhood and
should be skillful in reading and
writing by the end of this stage.

 They can think through their

actions and trace back events that
happened to explain situations.

 Children learn best when they are

active while they are learning
rather than just listening to an
adult explain rules.

 Children can focus attention and

take time to search for needed

 There is greater memory capability

because many routines are
automatic now.


For BSED Students

1. Adolescents can “group and classify
symbols, statements, and even theories.”

2. Adolescents can “follow and

formulate arguments from premise to

3. Adolescents can hypothesize -

thinking of “what might be” / “what if” and
the possibilities that can come out.

4. Adolescents can “perform mental

operations with symbol which may not
naturally exist in their own world”.

t5. Adolescents can “understand,

appreciate, and produce metaphors and
other figures of speech”.


Observing learner’s characteristics/behaviors while in class.
Table 4.1 Observed Evidences of Cognitive Abilities
(Concrete Operational)
Cognitive Abilities (Specific student behavior/ action
/response/work sample)

• Children can classify or group things  The students raise their hand when
that belong together. they know about the types of
orchard farms.
 The students can identify where
come from the type of orchard.
• Children begin to read and write early  The students are quiet when the
in middle childhood and should be teacher is explaining in front of the
skillful in reading and writing by the end class.
of this stage.  The students have different
reaction about the activity.
• Children learn best when they are  The students raised their hand if
active while they are learning rather they wanted to ask questions.
than just listening to an adult explain  The students shared their own
rules. opinions and ideas to the lesson.
• Children can focus attention and take  The students know the sequence
time to search for the needed oof orchard farms.
• There is greater memory capability  The students understands that
because many routines are automatic there are type of orchards that have
now. unique names.

Grade Observed: ____6___ Subject Area: _____EPP____ Time: ___8:15 to 9:15___________

Subject Matter: EPP 6 - PROPAGATING TREES AND FRUIT TREES____________________
Lesson Objective: Identify the types of orchards farm and poultry__________________


For BSEd
Table 4.2 Observed Evidences of Cognitive Abilities
(Formal Operational Stage)
Grade Observed: ___7___ Subject Area: English Time: _8:00_to _9:00______________
Subject Matter: English 7- Writing and Speaking______________________________________
Lesson Objective: To enable the learner to communicate effectively and
appropriately in real life situation.
Cognitive Abilities Evidences (Specific student
1. Adolescents can "group and classify  The students can identify what
symbols, statements and even theories." emotions are involve in the
sentence or phrase of the poem.
 Students differentiate two persons
in the poem.

2. Adolescents can "follow and  A student responded that they are

formulate arguments from premise to a product of the environment what
conclusions". they said is what they do.

3. Adolescents can hypothesize-  The students said their opinion

thinking of "what might be" / "what if" about the picture.
and the possibilities than can come out.  The students try to predict the
possible correct answer.

4. Adolescents can "perform mental  Students think hypothetically

operations with symbols which may not questions.
naturally exist in their own world".

5. Adolescents can "understand,  A statement said something about

appreciate, and produce metaphors and “Maretoke and grades mo” and
others figures of speech". they laugh after it


Validating the age-typical characteristics of learners through observed behaviors.
For BEEd
Table 4.3: Consolidated Evidences by Grade Level
(Concrete Operational)
Cognitive Abilities Number of Evidences by Grade
Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 Gr4 Gr5 Gr6

• Children can classify or group things that belong _4_ _5_ _7_ _9_ _10_ _12_
together. 31 33 32 34 38 40
• Children begin to read and write early in the middle _3_ _5_ _7_ _6_ _9_ _11_
childhood and should be skillful in reading and 31 33 32 34 38 40
writing by the end of this stage.
• They can think through their actions and trace back _2_ _4_ _5_ _6_ _9_ _9_
events that happened to explain situations. 31 33 32 34 38 40
• Children learn best when they are active while they _5_ _7_ _8_ _9_ _9_ _7_
are learning rather than just listening to ab adult 31 33 32 34 38 40
explain rules.
• Children can focus attention and take time to search _5_ _8_ _9_ _11_ _12_ _15_
for needed information. 31 33 32 34 38 40
• There is greater memory capability because many _4_ _6_ _7_ _6_ _9_ _8_
routines are automatic now 31 33 32 34 38 40

1. Were there evidences gathered for all the listed cognitive abilities? Which
characteristics were the most observable (i.e., most number of evidences)?
Yes, it is listed as cognitive abilities, All the given characteristics are most likely
observable except the grade 1 that can’t stay focused a long time unlike the higher
2. Which were not so observable? Any reason why?
Grade 1, because of the age appropriateness on their attention span, they can
focus between 15 to 18 minutes only.
3. Do you notice any pattern in your observation? Is there a relationship between the
grade level and the number of gathered evidences? What grade levels have displayed
more abilities? less abilities?


Grade 1 shows less abilities and Grade 6 shows more abilities while the rest of
the grade levels displayed all the cognitive abilities, also we can consider is also the age
For BSEd
Table 4.3: Consolidated Evidences by Grade Level
(Concrete Operational)
Cognitive Abilities Number of Evidences by Grade
Gr7 Gr Gr9 Gr10 Gr1 Gr12
8 1
• Adolescence can classify “group and classify symbols, _4_ _5_ _7_ _9_ _10_ _12_
statements and even theories.” 42 39 40 41 38 39
• Adolescence can “follow and formulate arguments _3_ _5_ _7_ _6_ _9_ _11_
from premise to conclusion.” 42 39 40 41 38 39
• Adolescence can hypothesize – thinking of “what might _2_ _4_ _5_ _6_ _9_ _9_
be” / “what if” and possibilities that come out. 42 39 40 41 38 39
• Adolescence can perform mental operations with _5_ _7_ _8_ _9_ _9_ _7_
symbols which may not naturally exist on their own 42 39 40 41 38 39
• Children can focus attention and take time to search _5_ _8_ _9_ _11_ _12_ _15_
for needed information. 42 39 40 41 38 39
• Adolescents can understand, can understand, _4_ _6_ _7_ _6_ _9_ _8_
appreciate, and produce metaphors and other figures of 42 39 40 41 38 39

1. Were there evidences gathered for all the listed cognitive abilities? Which
characteristics were the most observable (i e., most number of evidences)?

Yes, evidences are gathered for all cognitive abilities. But most likely the most
observable that has more evidences is the Grade 12 because they are already big
enough and has already a lot of abilities.

2. Which were not so observable? Any reason why?

In Grade 7, because they are just freshmen and don’t have a lot of abilities not the
same with other grades levels, the higher grade the more abilities, the lower grade the
less abilities.


3. Do you notice any pattern in your observation? Is there a relationship between the
grade level and the number of gathered evidences? What grade levels have displayed
more abilities? less abilities?

Yes, I have noticed. The grade 7 has less abilities and the Grade 12 has more
abilities, therefore the higher the grade the higher abilities.

Drawing generalizations from observation of learner’s behaviors

1. Are all the learners in a given age range (i.e., middle childhood or adolescence)
capable of performing all the cognitive abilities? Give reasons for your response.

Yes, even if the learners came from a diverse world, they are humans, and
they have that reasoning in their minds to perform their cognitive abilities.
However, learning is incomplete unless they face challenges and obstacles. I
believe we are all given mental gifts that will change over time; it is a process.

2. What cultural factors can enhance the cognitive development of learners?


Cognitive development of learners can be culturally enhanced when the

learners are surrounded with individuals which can contribute to increased their
level of comprehending, understanding, and balancing which one is right for
them to adopt. Additionally, there are three interrelated ways that culture
contributes to cognitive development of a learner:
 Social processes that support and guide learning,
 Participation in everyday activities, and
 Symbolic and material artifacts that support and extend thinking.

3. What factors can hamper development? Illustrate.

 Environment
The physical surroundings can affect the child’s interests and activities
majorly, while the mental and emotional surroundings will affect how the child
surrounds themselves when they grow up. Something to remember is that the


kind of environment you create for young children during their developing years,
is the kind of environment they will unconsciously engage in, all their lives.

 Family and Social Life

The family environment and social life will be the building blocks of their
adult lives, hence contributing greatly to their growth and development. More
than material things, what affects the growth and development in children is the
love they receive.

 Nutrition
Nutrition is a key factor affecting growth in children, if they develop the
habit of eating healthy while they’re growing up, not only will it positively affect
their growth and development, but will also follow them into their adult lives for
good health.

 Education
The kind of education children receive will greatly affect the growth and
development of the child. And not only the education and learning they receive at
school, but it’s also important what they constantly learn at home.

 Physical and Mental Health

Another factor we’re all well aware of is how physical and mental exercise
or well-being affects children. A healthy lifestyle that includes moderate amounts
of sports, and exercise is important for their physical well-being and can
contribute greatly to their growth and development.

 Cultural Nourishment
The kind of culture they’re exposed to will greatly contribute to the
growth and development of your children. So, make sure you give them exposure


to wonderful things that will inspire them, such as nature and cultural
documentaries from around the world, the music you love and why you love it,
art and cinema that could produce wonder in young, curious minds.

Giving suggestions on how teachers can develop the cognitive abilities of learners.

Activities to Enhance Cognitive Development of my Learners

Grade Level: ___________6__________ Subject Area: MATHEMATICS______________________

As a future educator I think puzzles are an excellent method of fostering cognitive

development of a learner such as:

Rebus puzzles

These fun puzzles require the individual to determine a common phrase or saying through
the use of letters, words, pictures, or numbers.


Sudoku is an activity where the player completes a grid using numbers or symbols. This
captivating game encompasses many cognitive benefits. Symbol-based puzzles offer a
significant effect on the logical thinking of students in the dimensional stage of cognitive
development, and number-based puzzles benefit students in the vectorial stage of cognitive



In this lesson, it is all about understanding the learners. Therefore,

you need to observe the abilities that your students have; in other words,
you need to know their level of knowledge, because it is important,
especially in the teaching profession, in order for you to become efficient
as a teacher. Also, to teach them the necessary knowledge and to
encourage them to learn more in school.

Conducting this study gave us a lot of knowledge about being an educator.

We learned that as a teacher, you need to know every aspect of being a
true teacher to your students. You need to know their abilities by
cooperating and communicating with them and giving them challenges
such as tests, performance tasks, or other written tasks to measure their
own abilities and what they are capable of, so that you as a teacher can
provide them with the knowledge they deserve.

We concluded that being a good teacher can help you identify and
know more about your students' abilities and their level of knowledge so
that, as a teacher, you can teach them about things that they need to know
and become successful in the future.


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