Scheme For Rehabilitation of Poor Widows, Divorced, Destitute and Single Women
Scheme For Rehabilitation of Poor Widows, Divorced, Destitute and Single Women
Scheme For Rehabilitation of Poor Widows, Divorced, Destitute and Single Women
Scheme for Rehabilitation of Poor Widows, Divorced, Destitute and Single Women
The Ministry of Women and Child Development implements two shelter based schemes, namely, Swadhar and Short Stay
Home for providing emergency outreach services to women in difficult circumstances who do not have societal/family support
or independent means of income. Under these schemes free shelter, food, medical care, counseling etc. are being provided to
the beneficiaries. Vocational training is imparted to the beneficiaries with a view to rehabilitate them.
The schemes seek to improve the life of women who are in difficult circumstances thereby making them self reliant by
providing vocational training. The scheme could benefit 35959 women in 2009-10 and 38241 and 40270 women during
2010-11 & 2011-12 respectively. Considering the positive impact of the schemes on the target group, the Ministry has decided
to merge both the schemes into “Swadhar Greh” scheme with better financial norms and extend the coverage to all the
districts in the country during the 12th Five Year Plan.
Under these schemes, funds are released directly to the implementing agencies which include State Government agencies and
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The year-wise funds released under these schemes to the implementing agencies in
various States and the number of women benefitted, calculated on the basis of sanctioned capacity of the Homes, during the
last three years are as under:
4. A&N 4.35 - - - - -
8. D&N - - - - 7.21 -
9. Daman & - - - - -
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14. Himachal - - - - - -
19. Lakshadweep - - - - - -
24. Meghalaya - - - - - -
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This was stated by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister for Women and Child Development in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha
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