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Emptech Prelim&Midtermexam 2

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NAME: __Marites B.

SCORE: ___________
GRADE & SECTION: _______11- Aguila_________________________________ DATE:
__Feb. 23, 2021__________

D.1. Which refers to the collection of technologies in the field of hardware and software
that enable communication from on point to another over long distance?
a. Telephone system c. World Wide Web
b. Internet d. ICT
D.2. Which period in ICT history includes drawing symbols and images to communicate?
a. Mechanical c. World Wide Web
b. Premechanical d. Electromechanical
C. 3. Which of the following was the first electronic and general purpose computer?
b. IBM d. Slide Rule
B.4. Who is the American electrical engineer that invented the IC?
a. Blaise Pascal c. Samuel Morse
b. Jack Kilby d. Charles Babbage
A. 5. Which of the following laws protects an individual’s privacy online?
a. Cybercrime Prevention Act c. Republic Act 10628
b. Anti-Bullying Act d. Republic Act 9292
A. 6. Which refers to the transmission of unsolicited messages from various origins
via the Internet?
a. Spam c. Malware
b. Phishing d. Virus
C.7. What was the first programmable device ever created?
a. Telephone c. ENIAC
b. Analytic Engine d. UNIVAC
B.8. Which of the following is the ICT period when solid state devices were made?
a. World Wide Web c. Mechanical
b. Electronic d. Premechanical
B.9. Which technology anchored the development of modern-day ICT?
a. Telegraph c. Telephone network
b. Internet d. Morse code
A.10. What do you call a software tool that is used to produce multiple documents with a
given template?
a. Mail Merge c. Animation
b. Hyperlink d. E-mail
B.11. What was the first method of communication of humans?
a. Internet c. Pictures
b. Telegraph d. Telephone
A.12. The first written symbols were written in what type of media?
a. Stones c. Books
b. Paper d. Newspaper
C.13. What type of Web to use as the “read and write Web?
a. Web 1.5 c. Web 2.0
b. Web 3.0 d. Web 1.0
D.14. Which is a term that describes the manners or etiquette of an individual when using
the Internet?
a. Behavior c. Policy
b. Etiquette d. Netiquette
A.15. The number system, system of counting and mathematics started in which period?
a. Premechanical c. Mechanical
b. Electronic d. Today
C.16. What is the solid state equivalent of vacuum tubes?
a. Telegraphs c. Transistors
b. Programs d. Computers
A.17. Which of the following is a manually operated computer or calculator?
a. Abacus c. ENIAC
b. Slide Rule d. Fingers
B.18. What type of Web is referred to as the “Semantic Web”?
a. Web 1.5 c. Web 2.0
b. Web 3.0 d. Web 1.0
C.19. What is the era when devices were controlled by steam and gears?
a. Premechanical c. Mechanical
b. Electronic d. Today
D.20. What application that grew with Web 2.0 aimed to communicate and socialize with
other users?
a. World Wide Web c. Mobile phone
b. Computer d. Social networking
B.21. Which of the following terms describes the person who is a member of an online
a. Community c. Social media
b. Netizen d. World Wide Web
A.22. Which of the following is a calculator invented during the mechanical era?
a. Pascaline c. UNIVAC
b. ENIAC d. Abacus
C.23. Which refers to as the transmission of unsolicited messages from various origins
using electronic messaging systems such as e-mail and chat messages?
a. UBE c. Spam
b. Virus d. Phishing
A.24. The effectiveness of a social media application can be measured by which
a. Likes c. Posts
b. Virality d. Share
B.25. Who invented the first mechanical computer?
a. Alexander Graham Bell c. Charles Babbage
b. Blaise Pascal d. Samuel Morse
A.26. What are programs designed to search information on the internet called?
a. Social media c. Websites
b. Search engine d. Research index
A27. What software or program is used by an attacker to obtain personal information?
a. Phishing c. Spam
b. Virus d. Malware
A.28. Which law prohibits the use of an individual’s private information to disgrace him
or her online?
a. Cybercrime Prevention Act c. Republic Act 10628
b. Anti-Bullying Act d. Republic Act 9292
B.29. What is defined as a software or a program used by an attacker to obtain personal
a. Spam c. Malware
b. Phishing d. Hacker
D.30. Who is known as the “Father of the Computer”?
a. Blaise Pascal c. Samuel Morse
b. Jack Kilby d. Charles Babbage
D.31. In what period did the telegraph become popular?
a. Premechanical c. Mechanical
b. Electronic d. Electromechanical
C.32. Which of the following is a computer software sent by online attackers to inflict
chaos on the computer operation and processes?
a. Spam c. Malware
b. Phishing d. Hacker
C.33. Which of the following refers to a program created by developers that can be
modified or reprogrammed by other users?
a. Platform c. World Wide Web
b. Social media d. Spam
C.34. What communication device dots, space, and dashes for communication over long
a. Computer c. Telegraph
b. Internet d. Telephone
C.35. What was the first programming platform?
a. C language c. FORTRAN
b. Java d. Google
D.36. What is a device that is used to transmit sound over long distances?
a. Computer c. Telegraph
b. Internet d. Telephone
A.37. Who was granted the patent for the telephone?
a. Alexander Graham Bell c. Charles Babbage
b. Blaise Pascal d. Samuel Morse
D.38. What is a set of governing protocol or rules on how software elements should
a. World Wide Web c. Program
b. Software d. API
C.39. What is a type of API that is running in a remote machine but the programmed
applications are uploaded to it?
a. Access API c. Mobile API
b. Plug-in API d. Runtime
A.40. What is the successor of a vacuum tube, which is a lightweight device used to
control electricity?
a. Transistors c. Mobile phone
b. Telephone d. Telegraph
A.41. What are miniaturized transistors grouped to create a small circuit that performs a
specific function?
a. Vacuum tubes c. Integrated circuits
b. Transistors d. Computers
D.42. Which of the following is referred to as the “read-only” Web?
a. Web 1.5 c. Web 2.0
b. Web 3.0 d. Web 1.0
D.43. Who invented the telephone?
a. Blaise Pascal c. Samuel Morse
b. Charles Babbage d. Alexander Graham Bell
B.44. What is a switching device and the main component of ENIAC?
a. Integrated Circuit c. Transistor
b. Vacuum Tube d. Wire
A.45. What is a type of API that runs in the user end?
a. Access API c. Mobile API
b. Plug-in API d. Video API
C.46. Which of the following is an online storage application developed by Google?
a. Wix c. Drive
b. Prezi d. Dropbox
C.47. Which is a type of API that runs in a remote machine and the application will access
it remotely?
a. Access API c. Mobile API
b. Plug-in API d. Video API
D.48. Who invented the World Wide Web?
a. Alexander Graham Bell c. Jack Kilby
b. Samuel Morse d. Tim Berners-Lee
B.49. Who was the American inventor who introduced the first working telegraph?
a. Alexander Graham Bell c. Jack Kirby
b. Samuel Morse d. Tim Berners-Lee
C.50. What did Samuel Morse successfully introduce?
a. First telephone c. First single circuit telegraph
b. First e-mail transmission d. First IC
NAME: _______Marites B. Indoy____________________________________________
SCORE: ________
GRADE & SECTION: _______11 Aguila_________________________________ DATE:
__Feb. 23, 2021_______

TEST 1 Choose your answer from the box below. Identify what types of social media are
defined in each number. Write your answer on the space provided below.



_blogs and forums__________________ 1.Sites that allow you to site and manage links to
various websites and resources. These sites also help to get your blog
posts indexed more quickly and increase your website traffic. One
example is Twitter.
______convergence_____________2.Synergy of technological advancements to work on a
similar goal or task. It is a platform that can create multiple tasks. For
example, besides using your personal computer to create word
documents, you can now use your smart phone.
___________________social networks3.Sites that allow you to connect with other people with
the same interests or background. The most popular are Facebook
and LinkedIn.
_________________Bookmarking sites__4.Sites that allow users to post their own news items
or links to other news sources. A good example of this site is Reddit.
_microblogging___________________5.Sites that focus on short updates from the user and the
most popular are YouTube and Flickr.
_____media sharing_______________6. Sites allow you to upload your photos, videos and
audio to a website that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
You can then share that media with the world or just a select group of
REPUBLIC ACT 10627____________________7. This law includes protection of individuals
from bullying through electronic means.

_____Netiquette_______________8. The set of professional and social etiquettes practiced and

advocated in electronic communication over any computer network. It
represents the importance of proper manners and behavior online.

____Netizen_______________9. This refers to the person who is a member or a part of the

online community.

___social news_______________10. This is a collaborative movement led by international

standards body the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 


DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on the space provided below.

C.1. Which of the following generally refers to someone using internet services or
software to defraud or take advantage of victims, typically for financial gain?

A. Internet Robots B. Cyberstalking

C. Internet Scam D. Cyberbullying

D.2. What kind of offense which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic
communication to harass an individual, group, or organization. It may include false
accusations, defamation, slander and libel?

A. Spoofing B. Cyberstalking
C. Pharming D. Cyberbullying

C.3. What type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software and can be
employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems?

A. Trojan Horse C. Worms and Virus

B. Spyware D. Ransomware

A.4. Which of the following software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over
the Internet and perform tasks that are simple and repetitive, much faster than a person
A. Internet Robots B. Cyberstalking
C. Internet Scam D. Cyberbullying

C.5. What form of online fraud involving malicious code and fraudulent websites that the
Cybercriminals install malicious code automatically directs to bogus websites without
the knowledge or consent on computer or server?

A. Spoofing B. Cyberstalking
C. Pharming D. Cyberbullying

D.6.  Which of the following is used by an attacker on the Internet to send an irrelevant
and unsolicited message to large numbers of recipients for the purpose of commercial
advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.?

A. Internet Robots B. Spoofing

C. Internet Scam D. Spam

A.7. What is a fraudulent act in which communication from an unknown source is

disguised as being from a source that is known to and trusted by the recipient?

A. Spoofing B. Cyberstalking
C. Pharming D. Cyberbullying

B.8. Which of the following makes a secure connection by establishing an encrypted link

between the browser and the server or any two systems.

A. http:// B. https://

C.9. What is the law that provides rules of conduct and standards of behavior for the use
of the Internet, computers, and related digital technologies, and the actions of the public,
government, and private organizations; rules of evidence and criminal procedure, and
other criminal justice matters in cyberspace?

A. Republic Act 10627 B. Republic Act 11479

C. Republic Act 10175 D. Republic Act 11469

C.10. What is the type of social engineering attack often used to steal user data,
including login credentials and credit card numbers?

A. Pharming B. Spam
C. Phishing D. Spoofing
C.11. What type of malicious program is designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the internet or local networks or data storage like
flash drives and CDs?

A. Adware C. Worms and Virus

B. Spyware D. Ransomware

A.12. What harmful online programs are designed to send you advertisements, mostly
pop-up ads?

A. Adware C. Worms and Virus

B. Spyware D. Ransomware

B.13. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal

A. Adware C. Worms and Virus

B. Spyware D. Ransomware

D.14. What is ransomware based on?

A. Fear of hackers C. Fear of spyware

B. Fear of the Internet D. Fear of losing important files

A.15. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?

A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look
like an email from someone reliable.

B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick
users into entering their login information.

C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has won a

D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using their

B.16. Which of the following must NOT be done if you received an embarrassing picture
from your friend?

A. Tell your parents or teachers

B. Send the picture on to other friends
C. Talk to your friend about its negative outcomes.
D. Discourage your friend from sending pictures like that.

D.17. What is a flame in cyberspace?

A. A person who follows the rules of Netiquette.
B. An expert programmer.
C. An online chain letter.
D. A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism.

B.18. What is considered shouting over the Internet?

A. Screaming at your computer.

B. Writing in all CAPS.
C. Putting a lot of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
D. Not answering a friend request on Facebook.

A.19. To avoid being cyber-bullied you should always...

A. Restrict is one tool designed to empower you to discreetly protect your account.
B. Strike first - post mean things about other people on your Wall on Facebook.
C. Observe proper netiquette rules.
D. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online.

B.20. How are you judged in cyberspace?

A. No one can see you, so no one can judge you.

B. You are judged by what you do on the Internet and how it looks - by your
spelling, grammar, and netiquette.
C. You are judged by your intent - if you didn't mean to hurt someone's feelings, then it
is okay.
D. You


______1. Social Network a. It aims to understand user’s preferences

______2. Web. 3.0 b. Sent by attackers to inflict chaos

______3. WWW c. It envisioned a smarter access of hypertext files

and a version that would enable a wider
range of search in a fast manner

______4. ICT d. The technology in which a database and

interface will be implemented to associate links in a
readable document
______5. Malware e. Sites allow us to connect with other people with
the same interest.

f. deals with the different communications


TEST III ESSAY Answer the questions brief and concise (15 points)

1. What type of social media do you use the most?

2. Are there any instances when you or other people misbehaved online?
3. How do you think you should behave now that you have learned netiquette and proper
behavior on the World Wide Web?

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