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The Influence of Body Shaming Toward FISIP Airlangga University Students Behaviour Pattern

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Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 11 No.

02, July - December 2019, page 16-24

The influence of body shaming toward FISIP Airlangga University students

behaviour pattern
Trisna Sugiati
Department of Anthropology
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga
Address: Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya 60286
E-mail: angelfishy50@gmail.com

Globalization era as if giving new standards in society, including in the mindset of society. In the end, the
standard is used to achieve perfection, one of which is in terms of beauty, which is now one of the highlights of
society. Body shaming arises in society because society gives certain standards that must be achieved by an
individual. Individuals who cannot reach this standard will receive body shaming treatment from other people in
the neighborhood. Body shaming itself has a meaning as a physical assessment of someone who is done by
someone else who generally has a negative connotation, so that the person will feel ashamed of the physical
possessions. The purpose of this study is to determine how the body shaming treatment and its impact on the
behavior patterns of Airlangga University students. This research uses a mixture of qualitative and quantitative
research methods with a sequential explanatory model, the data will be presented in the form of results diagrams
from questionnaire techniques and tables from the results of interview techniques. The distribution of
questionnaires was addressed to Faculty of Social Sciences students of Airlangga University with a total of 50
respondents. The results showed that body shaming treatments were received in the form of insults, ridicule,
innuendo and made as a laughing stock. The treatment caused various impacts in the behavior of Airlangga
University Social Sciences students such as being stressed, embarrassed and not confident, insecure and so on.
Nevertheless the impact of body shaming is not too disruptive to activity in the environment.

Keywords : body shaming, behaviour, FISIP Airlangga University’s students

Globalization era gives a new and interesting perspective in the society. A various media content
brought and channeled in the globalization realm has a certain standards which applied to almost
everything, for instance in fashion or even in terms of beauty.
Beauty standard has an enormous attention recently both for men and women with different intensity.
Beauty standard is a massive subjective judgement in the society. In general a person labeled to be
beautiful if she has a nice figure, tall, has a white skin and long hair, as for men, he is consider
handsome if he has an athletic body, tall and white skin (Damanik 2018). For people who has reached a
beauty standard in the society will be treated as if special from the society, nevertheless for the people
who has labeled as less beautiful, they will be underestimated or ignored by the society.
incompetency in reaching beauty standard category in the society due to the physical difference of
human and it is impossible to make it in one category for instance height and skin colour difference.
These physical differences sometimes become an interesting topic to talk about. this narrative then lead
to the emergence of body shaming terminology.
Body shame is a shame feeling occurs when someone judgement doesn’t meet individual expectation in
terms of ideal physical appearance (Damanik 2018). In this case, body shaming means giving other
people or individual judgement related to the physical appearance in a negative way which make the
person involved feeling inferior toward themselves. Body shaming in general is a manifestation of
hurting words or mockery about someone else body and indifference attitude to the person involved
(Duarte et al. 2015).
Sugiati: The influence of body shaming toward FISIP Airlangga University students behaviour

In the practical level, body shaming also gives an impact to the individual. We can see the impact in a
behavioural pattern. Behaviour is a manifestation of reaction as a consequence of a trigger (Mahyarni
2013). The behavioural pattern can be seen explicitly due to body shaming in the society. Several
examples of those behaviours are stress, depression, anxiety, inferiority or even anti-social (Thahir
2015). The victims are likely to avoid social contact as much as possible due to there inferiority and
fear of social judgement and negative response of others such as critics or mockery (Duarte et al. 2015).
Women internalise these social perspectives which intended toward them so they will feel shy and
likely to have stress of their own physical appearance in general (Yen et al. 2014). They will feel
dissatisfied or even feel guilty because they can not meet the social expectation as well as social
standards in the society (Kessler 2010). The people who experience body shaming will always feel
there is a lack in their life even though they have perfectly normal life.
Body shame is strongly related with the comparison social theory by Dorian & Garfinkel (2002), this
theory explains that someone will compare their condition with someone else condition which they
think ideal (Thahir 2015). This comparison activity will lead someone to think negatively about
themselves. They will get used to oversee and control their physical appearance. In addition,
Objectification theory by Noll and Fredrickson (1998) also explains that in the case of body shaming
where it says that body shaming means judgement on themselves, this theory internalise someone
perspective into their own and how someone else will judge them instead (Damanik 2018).
Body shaming is mostly experienced by teenager and this will make them feel inferior and anxious
about their appearance and their physical look (Moya-Garófano et al. 2019). This research four on the
body shaming in teenagers. The teenagers here are college students in the Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences Airlangga University. As we know that the students in Airlangga University has
various backgrounds and difference physical appearance. This condition will likely triggers a body
shaming practice especially students that will influence their academic performance. The author
analyses how body shaming experienced by the students is being accepted and how is the impact of
body shaming toward the students of behaviour pattern Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Airlangga University. As we know that the students in Airlangga University.

In the research the influence of body shaming towards students behaviour pattern Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences Airlangga University as the main subject in this research, the author limit the
respondents as much as 50 people. The location of the research is in the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences Airlangga University. This research uses combination method which is the combination
between sequential explanatory quantitative and qualitative model. The method with this model has
several data collecting as well as data analyses steps using quantitative questionnaire technique. The
next step is interview step to amplify the questionnaire step before.
The first step of this research uses questionnaire instrument. The data collecting step using this
questionnaire start with making structured question list using google form then disseminate in a group
chat through social media such as Line and WhatsApp. The questions in the questionnaire intended
only for student in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Airlangga University.
After having the response as mention in the target which was designed in the collecting data step, the
next thing to do in the sequential explanatory model is interview to the first five informants. The
informants are student from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Airlangga University. They are
three students from Anthropology Department, one student from International Relation Department,
and one student from Political Science Department. The reason why the author choose these students
are based on the high quality questionnaire related to the research aspect so that it can support the

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 11 No. 02, July - December 2019, page 16-24

previous data. The result of collecting data technique is manifested in numerical data chart and
interview result table from five informants then completed with explanations below.

The Research Result and Discussion

Diagram 1. Diagram 2.
Response towards respondent gender Respondent responses of body shaming victims

Based on the questionnaire result which was disseminated online, the author got data from 50
respondents in total with 12 males respondents as much as 24% and 38 female students as much as
76%. From the chart above the author also asked their experience about body shaming. The result
shows that most of the respondents (96% tau 48 people) stated that they have ever experienced body
shaming while the rest of the respondents (4% or 2 people) said that they never experienced body
shaming. From this result it can be concluded that almost all of student in the Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences Airlangga University have ever experienced body shaming. Body shaming which
related to the appearance relatively common among teenagers both male and female (Moya-Garófano
et al. 2019).

Diagram 3. Diagram 4.
Respondent response about the shape of Respondent response about body
body shaming they have experienced shaming the have experienced

Sugiati: The influence of body shaming toward FISIP Airlangga University students behaviour

In other word body shaming is another manifestation of bullying. Body shaming is a passive bullying
by shouting a bad name or certain nick name (Yen et al. 2014). There are several negative calling for
body shaming category such as diatribe, mockery, satire, jokes, neglected or neglect which is come
under body shaming category (Duarte et al. 2017). According to the data in the chart above, it can be
concluded that body shaming in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Airlangga University
mostly in the form of mockery and jokes as much as 54% or as much as 27 people. The second largest
body shaming is jokes about the physical appearance as much as 32% or 16 people. the next body
shaming in the faculty is satire as much as 18% or 4 people and the least body shaming occurred is
mockery as much as 6% or 3 people. The shapes of body shaming will surely got responses from the
students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Airlangga University. Most of the students
respond this phenomena indifferently as much as 52% or 36 people. The act indifferent because they
think that this is only a jokes so they don’t want to take it very seriously even in the context of body
shaming. In addition, some of the student feel upset about this body shaming activities as much as 30%
or 15 people. Whilst, the rest of the respondent feel sad as much as 18% or 9 people. They feel sad
because they got the body shaming in the form of mockery, satire or ridicule.

Diagram 5. Diagram 6.
Respondent responses toward the Respondent responses toward the influence
influence of body shaming of body shaming consequences

Body shaming experienced by the students has a certain impact for those who has experienced. From
50 respondents, as much as 64% or 32 people admitted they feel an impact because of this body
shaming. As we know the impact of body shaming could be a stress, depression, vulnerable and fragile
feeling, anxiety and inferiority, or other disruption such as anti-social or emotional disorders (Thahir
2015). As much as 50% or 25 respondents stated that the direct impact of body shaming is feeling shy
or inferior. Body shaming directly could affect individual perspective by feeling disappointed with their
body that can could affect their psychological condition (Yen et al. 2014). Body shaming indeed can
cause inferiority feeling because they feel that they are not interesting enough in the society, that is why
body shaming happened (Duarte 2015). Besides can cause shame or inferiority as much as 18% or 9
people respondent admitted that they feel upset whereas 4% or 2 respondents admitted that they feel
stressful and avoid physical contact after experiencing body shaming. In addition to the shame feeling,
body shaming can influence emotional condition such as more sensitive, stressful, and also can
triggered them to avoid direct contact because they don’t want to be the object of body shaming
(Moya-Garófano et al. 2019). The rest of the respondents as much as 28% or 14 respondents stated that
body shaming caused nothing in their life individually.

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 11 No. 02, July - December 2019, page 16-24

Diagram 7. Diagram 8.
Respondent responses toward how often they Respondent reponses of their physical
got body shaming from others appearance

According to the Objectification Theory proposed by Noll and Fredrickson (1998), living in a society
that has certain standards encourages a person to always try to adjust to his environmental standards by
internalizing existing community views for self-assessment (Kessler 2010). These standards are formed
on the basis of public perception that the physical is a center of attention, which then the community
will impose body shaming treatment for those who cannot adjust (Damanik 2018). With this statement,
someone tends to compare himself with other people in the community (Social Comparison) which he
considers ideal and in accordance with the standards in the community according to what was stated by
Dorian and Garfinkel (2002) in Thahir (2015). According to the questionnaire data of 50% or as many
as 25 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Airlangga University stated that sometimes they
compare themselves with others who are in their environment. 20% of respondents or as many as 10
people claimed to often compare themselves with others and as many as 30% or 15 people claimed not
to compare themselves with others.
Comparisons that they make to others sometimes reap anxiety in themselves due to their appearance
(Kessler 2010). They will think what if their appearance is not in accordance with the standards in
society or what if their appearance is not like other people. Such anxiety can lead to feelings of stress
for individuals. Feelings of stress even to self-hatred are related to self comparison after the body
shaming received (Duarte et al. 2015). From the responses of 50 respondents it can be concluded that
56% or 28 people stated that they felt a little stressed if their appearance was not appropriate in the
community. 16% or 8 people stated that they were very stressed if their appearance did not match what
was expected in the community. And 28% or 14 people claim there is no sense of stress even if they
suit their appearance in the community. Anxiety and stress experienced by respondents is a negative
consequence of self-observation of the physical if the individual fails to meet standards in his
environment (Kessler 2010).

Sugiati: The influence of body shaming toward FISIP Airlangga University students behaviour

Diagram 9.
Respondent responses of barriers due to body shaming

Of all the effects of body shaming felt by respondents both feeling stressed, being embarrassed and not
confident, influencing someone's emotional and so on, of course, can affect individual behavior and can
even hamper activities carried out by FISIP Airlangga University students in their lives. Feelings of
shame and lack of confidence cause individuals to become moody and closed, reluctant to participate in
their environment and often avoid and do not want to interact with others. According to the data
diagram there are 62% or as many as 31 people stated that body shaming received did not hamper their
activities. 32% of respondents or 16 people stated that body shaming slightly hampered their activities.
And 6% or 3 people say this shaming body does affect their activities. From the responses of
respondents, it can be concluded that even though almost all respondents had experienced body
shaming and caused impacts such as inferiority, sadness, and others, the body shaming treatment
experienced did not significantly affect individual behavior in activities. Body shaming received is
considered by individuals as a stimulus to try to excel in other fields.
In addition to the quantitative data in the form of results diagrams from questionnaires, there are also
qualitative data in the form of interviews with four speakers, namely Faculty of Social Sciences
students of Airlangga University and presented in table form as supporting data for questionnaire data.

Table 1.
Respondent interview

Respondent Question Answer

Dana What kind of body shaming “So, I used to be fat before, actually I got that calling
Student did you get regarding your from my own father, like you are so fat go get some
physical appearance? exercise and loss a lil bit of weight so that you will not
get any difficulty finding clothes. Besides, my father
always angry at me whenever I eat a lot. For instance if
I bought too much foods (but I always finish it off) my
father will definitely angry to me and take away my
food from me. If my father buy food and I eat it, he
always angry. It was all because I was fat. And
whenever there is get-together I will be the mockery
and teasing object. My father will do that in front of
everyone. He said that Dana is super fat because she
never stops eating”.

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 11 No. 02, July - December 2019, page 16-24

Respondent Question Answer

What was your reaction to “ Since then my relationship with my father was worse
be treated that way? What is and we aren’t close anymore and I tend to be shut him
the impact that treatment to down. Whenever my dad said something I never
you? response. I don’t feel inferior around my friends but my
father. So, when I was fat I don’t dare to eat a lot in
front of my father. And since I diagnosed with Fatty
Liver and do not allowed to take any medication the
only thing I can do is diet. That also the reason to stop
my father from judging me. When I heard about the
diagnose, my dad also angry to me, that was stress me
out even more and force me to do diet.”
Because of your physical “Yes, I always compare myself with others (even now I
appearance and what your ams till doing it even though people said that I am
father did toward you, do skinnier, I still feel fat). If I am skinny I can wear
you often compare yourself anything and it will look good, but if I am fat there is
with other? limit to explore and try clothes.”

What is the influence of “Me and my dad are not close until now, it is not
body shaming the you got because I don’t want to socialise because my friend
so far? is there any impact always support me. But inferiority inside me is still
or consequences in your there especially when I see someone else is skinnier
daily activities? and better body than me. I had even wore the same
clothes with my friend, but since she has skinnier body
it look better on her. But, it doesn’t look good on me
because I was fat, and I feel more inferior.”

Table 2.
Respondent interview

Respondent Question Answer

Vea What kind of body shaming “like a scolding, but I can not give a clear example”
Student did you get regarding your
physical appearance?
So, what was your reaction “ I am more like introvert person, so I rarely make a
after you got that mocking? friend especially with new people or join gang, and I
what is the effect of that for tend to be more careful when it comes to make friend”
Do you often compare “ I do compare but not taking it seriously and I have
yourself to others? even feel inferior.”
Is there any influence “I am tired of listening people talking, and I become
because of body shaming even closer to people”
that you got? Is body
shaming cause you trouble
in doing your daily activities?

Sugiati: The influence of body shaming toward FISIP Airlangga University students behaviour

Table 3.
Respondent interview

Respondent Question Answer

Risma What kind of body shaming “ The body shaming that I got was more like mocking.
Student do you got regarding your They said I am too skinny as if I am having
physical appearance? malnutrition.”

So, what was your reaction “That mockery was somehow a motivation for myself
after you got that mocking? so that I could gain weight. Actually I never take that
what is the effect of that for seriously because I consider this is as a joke but
you? sometimes I feel hurted too because I feel bad for

Do you often compare “ Yes, I have ever once, because I think why someone
yourself to others? else has that kind of body even we do the same thing,
is there any problem with body in terms of growth and

Is there any influence “I never take it seriously, and I think that was just a
because of body shaming jokes that can motivate me to change myself so that
that you got? Is body my friend will not gonna do that to me again.”
shaming cause you trouble in
doing your daily activities?

Table 4.
Respondent interview

Respondent Question Answer

Mesakh What kind of body shaming “Sometimes they said I am Dugong. But it was just a
Student do you got regarding your jokes, they said that I am fat, somebody have ever said
physical appearance? that I look like rhino, buto, because I have such a big

o, what was your reaction “Actually I do not feel disappoint or anything like that
after you got that mocking? because I consider that as a jokes but sometimes I
what is the effect of that for think to myself why am I fat. There was a time when I
you? feel shame that’s why I did diet.”

Do you often compare “Sometimes yes, I am wondering how can they are so
yourself to others? skinny”

Is there any influence “Yes, because of my body sometimes I feel inferior.

because of body shaming Why am I so fat. So, whenever I go I always feel the
that you got? Is body clothes that I am wearing is not fit, even it was a good
shaming cause you trouble in cloth. and because of that it was a lil bit disturbing me
doing your daily activities? because I am a college student and I feel inferior
because I am not good looking.

Based on data obtained from four FISIP Airlangga University students, three of the four respondents
stated that the body shaming they received was a mockery. As we know in society, ridicule looks like a
general and ordinary thing that is done in the community whether it aims to joke or there is a certain
purpose to hurt. Whereas the respondent's fault stated that the body shaming he received was a scolding.
The body is indeed considered as an object of evaluation from the community, which is then

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 11 No. 02, July - December 2019, page 16-24

considered unattractive if it is not in accordance with the standard, and friends who are in the
environment have a lot of strong influence in delivering the assessment (Damanik 2018). Family
members are also likely to do body shaming to other family members even though it is a little rare to
find because usually the wider community tends to do body shaming (Damanik 2018).
As it is known that body shaming received can cause a variety of effects and can even cause disruption
in the activities undertaken in the environment. Of the four speakers stated that the body shaming they
received caused an impact in the form of stress because of the ridicule that was always accepted and
also required him to diet, not confident and inferior in a friendship environment, to be more closed and
a little indifferent to other people even to the point of relationships family is not too good. However,
uniquely of the respondents looked at the body shaming as a motivational reference to change
themselves and outperform them in matters other than physical. Even so, the four speakers stated that
the body shaming received was not too hindering their activities.

From this study it can be concluded that Body shaming has been experienced by almost everyone.
The form of body shaming that is accepted by the Faculty of Social Sciences of Airlangga
University also varies but most assume that body shaming in terms of jokes is normal because
the goal is not the intention to hurt. But some body shaming like satire, ridicule, and insults are
clearly expressed with the intention of hurting. The body shaming received has an impact on
behaving such as being embarrassed, insecure, stressed, etc. but even so the effects of body
shaming do not really affect Airlangga University's students in their activities.

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