Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Ferrous Sulfate Iron combines Used to treat or • Constipation • Monitor hemoglobin, hematocrit,
with porphyrin prevent low blood Nausea iron levels.
and globin chains levels of iron (e.g., • Urine • Monitor bowel movements as
to form for anemia or discoloration constipation is a common
hemoglobin, during pregnancy). • Vomiting adverse effect.
Fer-In-Sol which is critical Stomach pain
for oxygen • Diarrhea
delivery from the
lungs to other
Malunggay NATALAC Tonics Malunggay Natural health Moringa is LIKELY • Explain the purpose of the
(Moringa oleifera (Moringa supplement for SAFE when the medication
Lam.) oleifera Lam.) has nursing mothers leaves, fruit, and • Explain the action of the
gained acceptance especially those seeds are eaten as medication
as food with inadequate food. Moringa leaf • Explain the indications
supplement to help lactation. and seeds • Assess if patient has allergies
stimulate milk let- are POSSIBLY
down, improve SAFE when taken by
milk flow & milk mouth as medicine,
production due to short term. Products
its safety and containing moringa
efficacy. leaf have been used
with apparent safety
for up to 90 days.
Obimin Multivitamins Nutrof Multivitamins, This product for Pre and post-natal • Nausea • Monitor the side effects
Minerals, DHA pregnant and supplement for • Vomiting • Explain the side effects
and EPA lactating women adequate supply of • Diarrhea • Explain the purpose and
has vitamins, vitamins, minerals, • Bloating indications of the vitamins
minerals and the and omega-3 fatty • Abdominal
omega-3 fatty acids, discomfory
acids, DHA and docosahexaenoic • Constipation
EPA to help acid and
provide adequate eicosapentanoic
supply of nutrients acid, during
essential during
pregnancy and pregnancy and
lactation lactation.