Intensive Written Communication Practice (IWCP) 1: Hizbullah, M.PD
Intensive Written Communication Practice (IWCP) 1: Hizbullah, M.PD
Intensive Written Communication Practice (IWCP) 1: Hizbullah, M.PD
Supporting Lecturer :
Hizbullah, M.Pd
By :
NIM : 180107164
Class : 3C
Absen : 04
A. Introduction
Also the notion of writing is one of the most important things you
do at school. Good writing skillswill greatly affect a person’s level of
success in schoolboth in terms of writing reports, writing proposals or
doingwork at school.
Meeting 1
a. Opening
The meeting two was carried out every Wednesday, September, 1, 2021. It
was started at 02.30 pm. through an online meeting using Google meet. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson. He then delivered the topic of lesson
to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. So students
could ask what they did not understand from the material or responded to an
explanation from the lecturer. Then the lecturer gave some examples related to the
material that students more understand about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered student questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 2
a. Opening
The meeting two was carried out every Wednesday, September, 8, 2021. It
was started at 02.30 pm. through an online meeting using Google meet. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students attendances.
He then delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the
lesson. The last step for opening class was explained the benefit of the lesson to
the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials on Google meet screen. For the second meeting students discussed the
material about Part of Speech. Then the lecturer delivered several theories in
writing and explained the material to students. Students had to attention to the
lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily do the
assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained the
material, students could record points that were considered important and points
that they did not understand so that the students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. So students
could ask what they did not understand from the material or responded to an
explanation from the lecturer. Then the lecturer gave some examples related to the
material that students more understand about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were three students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered student questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 3
a. Opening
The meeting two was carried out every Wednesday, September, 15, 2021.
It was started at 02.30 pm. through an online meeting using Google meet. Lecturer
greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students attendances.
He then delivered the topic of lesson to the students and the objective of the
lesson. The last step for opening class was explained the benefit of the lesson to
the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials on Google meet screen. For the third meeting the lecturer gave an
exercise of Part of Speech. Then the lecturer delivered an exercise in writing and
explained how to answer it to students. Students had to pay attention to the
lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily do the
assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained an
exercise, students could record points that were considered important and points
that thet did not understand so that the students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice an exercise. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the
lecturer gave homework for students as an exercise of the material that had
explained and students had to collect the assignment at the next meeting.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 4
a. Opening
The meeting four was carrried out every Wednesday, September, 22, 2021.
It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson
and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. Before presenting new material, lecturer checked the last
homework that was given to student yesterday and discussed it in the class. For
the fourth meeting students discussed the material about Modifiers. Students had
to pay attention to the lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and
easily do the assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer
explained the material, students could record points that were considered
important and points that they did not understand so that the students could be
asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the
lecturer gave some examples related to the material that students more understand
about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were five students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about their
feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 5
a. Opening
The meeting five was carried out every Wednesday, September, 29, 2021.
It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson
and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the fifth meeting the lecturer gave students an Exercise
of Modifiers. The lecturer explained an Exercise of Modifiers. Students had to pay
attention to the lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily
do the assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer
explained the material, students could record points that were considered
important and points that they did not understand so that the students could be
asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and to practice the material. In this
step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t understand or only made
clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the lecturer gave homework for
students as an exercise of the material that had explained and students had to
collect the assignment at the next meeting.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 6
a. Opening
The meeting six was carried out every Wednesday, October, 6, 2021. It
was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and
checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the sixth meeting students discussed the material about
Subject and Verb Agreement. Students had to pay attention to the lecturer's
explanation so that students could understand and easily do the assignments that
could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained the material, students
could record points that were considered important and points that they did not
understand so that the students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and to practice the material. In this
step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t understand or only made
clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the lecturer gave some examples
related to the material that students more understand about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 7
a. Opening
The meeting seven was carried out every Wednesday, October, 21, 2021.
It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson
and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the seventh meeting students discussed the material
about Types of Sentences. Students had to pay attention to the lecturer's
explanation so that students could understand and easily do the assignments that
could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained the material, students
could record points that were considered important and points that they did not
understand so that the students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and to practice the material. In this
step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t understand or only made
clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the lecturer gave some examples
related to the material that students more understand about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were theree students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 8
a. Opening
The meeting eight was carried out every Wednesday, October, 27, 2021. It
was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and
checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the eighth meeting Lecturer gave an Exercise of Types
of Sentences. Students had to pay attention to the lecturer's explanation so that
students could understand and easily do the assignments that could be given by
the lecturer. When the lecturer explained an exercise, students could record points
that were considered important and points that they did not understand so that the
students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and to practice the material. In this
step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t understand or only made
clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the lecturer gave homework for
students as an Exercise of Types of Sentences that had explained and students had
to collect the assignment at the next meeting.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 9
a. Opening
The meeting nine was carried out every Wednesday, November, 3, 2021.
It was started at 02.20 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson
and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main activities
In this meeting, Lecturer provided a middle test and the lecturer gave
students several themes to make paragraphs of essay by choosing one of these
themes. The several themes such as describe about I love my house, some reasons
why I love/don`t love watching Korean movie, why do I choose English
department, some reasons why I love using mobile phone, and what are your
favourite subjects and why. The descriptive paragraph could be make at least 100
After that, the lecturer gave themes randomly according to the student’s
seat. The lecturer gave 45 minutes to work on the paragraph of essay and the time
could be started after all of students get the themes. Students could be open the
dictionary that they had brought according to the rules that had been made by the
c. Closing
After completing the assignment, the lecturer asked students to collect it.
Lecturer asked students about their feeling during teaching and learning process.
Then, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and tried to understand it
well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturers closed the meeting by saying –“Thank You
For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting, Wassalamualaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 10
a. Opening
The meeting ten was carrried out every Wednesday, November, 10, 2021.
It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson
and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the tenth meeting students discussed the material about
Paragraph and the lecturer explained about it. Students had to pay attention to the
lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily do the
assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained the
material, students could record points that were considered important and points
that they did not understand so that the students could be asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and to practice the material. In this
step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t understand or only made
clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the lecturer gave some examples
related to the material that students more understand about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There was two students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered student questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about their
feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 11
a. Opening
The meeting eleven was carried out every Wednesday, November, 17,
2021. It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the
lesson and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson
to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For eleventh meeting students discussed about Transition.
The lecturer explained and students had to pay attention to the lecturer's
explanation so that students could understand and easily do the assignments that
could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer explained the material, students
could record points that were considered important and points that they did not
understand so that the students could be asked directly.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were theree students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 12
a. Opening
The meeting twelve was carried out every Wednesday, November, 24,
2021. It was started at 02.30 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the
lesson and checked the students attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson
to the students and the objective of the lesson. The last step for opening class was
explained the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the twelve meeting students discussed the material
about punctuation and the lecturer explained about it. Students had to pay
attention to the lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily
do the assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer
explained the material, students could record points that were considered
important and points that they did not understand so that the students could be
asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the
lecturer gave some examples related to the material that students more understand
about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were more than one students who had
question. Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions
about the lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students
about their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 13
a. Opening
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the twelve meeting students discussed the material
about Descriptive paragraph and the lecturer explained about it. Students had to
pay attention to the lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and
easily do the assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer
explained the material, students could record points that were considered
important and points that they did not understand so that the students could be
asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the
lecturer gave some examples related to the material that students more understand
about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were two students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about their
feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 14
a. Introduction
b. Main Activities
Lecturer selected the book or other sources and Lecturer presented new
materials to the class. For the twelve meeting students discussed the material
about Argument paragraph and the lecturer explained about it. Students had to pay
attention to the lecturer's explanation so that students could understand and easily
do the assignments that could be given by the lecturer. When the lecturer
explained the material, students could record points that were considered
important and points that they did not understand so that the students could be
asked directly.
The lecturer asked students to respond and the lecturer asked students to
practice the material. In this step, students could ask the lecturer if they didn’t
understand or only made clarification about what the lecturer said. Then the
lecturer gave some examples related to the material that students more understand
about the material.
c. Closing
In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that, lecturer gave
time to students to ask question. There were four students who had question.
Then, lecturer answered students questions and gave some conclusions about the
lesson. The lecturer and students did reflection. Lecturer asked students about
their feeling during teaching and learning process.
After doing this step, lecturer again asked students to analyze the next and
tried to understand it well at homes. At 04.30 pm, lecturer closed the meeting by
saying – “Thank You For Your Attention And See You Next Meeting,
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.”
Meeting 15
Senggigi beach were one of favorite a tourism place in Lombok which is well-
known among domestic and foreign tourists. This tourism place attraction offers
stunning panoramic beauty. Not a few tourists from foreign countries who took
the time to visited this beach. Having a long coastline, this beach offers gradations
of beach sand color with sea water that is from black to white. In addition, the sea
water is also very clear, clean, and has waves that are not too big.
There were many reasons why Senggigi beach is one of the favorite tourist
destinations among fans of foreign travel. The students who visited Senggigi
Beach prefer to spend their time swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, or just
playing on the beach.
Sea water on this beach which is very clear make students had to able to
directly seen the herd of fish freely. This is an attractive water attraction for
tourists who loved the sea as a choose for travel destinations. A trip to this beach
also provided a tourist experience that is believed to make students miss visited
this beach.
The life of coral reefs on this beach is still maintained today. This has become
one of the reasons students attractions on the island of Lombok is a snorkeling
destination that is in demand by various groups. This is supported by sea water in
Senggigi where the waves are not too big so students didn't have to worry about
being swept away during snorkeling. Diving in the underwater world of Senggigi
Beach very impressive. So that students had to find the beauty of the underwater
world which is very natural.
In the afternoon, students had to let go of fatigue while relaxing by the beach
while enjoying the panoramic sunset on this beach. Of course this panorama is too
bad to miss.
Meeting 16
The meeting sixteen was carried out on Wednesday. It was started at 02:20
pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the students
attendances. In this meeting, students collected a final assignment. Lecturer asked
students about their feeling during teaching and learning process. Then, lecturer
again asked students to analyze the next and tried to understand it well at homes.
At 16.30 pm, lecturers closed the meeting by saying –“Thank You For Your
Attention And See You Next Meeting, Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Learning activities in the classroom. The lecturer was explaining the material of
IWCP lesson.
This picture was taken after the student visited to Senggigi Beach in West
Lombok with his friends.