Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-2
Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-2
Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-2
6. The line of light that appears across the face of a CRT screen is called
the: (Choose two.)
a. Horizon line.
b. Base line.
c. Beam line .
d. Sweep of sweep line.
7. The first pip to appear at the left side of the CRT screen represents the:
a. Initial pulse.
b. Discontinuity.
c. Back-surface reflection.
d. Sweep.
10. The distance between the front- and back-surface reflections displayed
on a CRT screen represents:
a. Specimen thickness.
b. Pulse amplitude.
c. Distance trave1ed by the transducer.
d. Discontinuity thickness.
11. The amplitude (height) of a pip on the CRT screen indicates the relative
size of the discontinuity.
a. True
b. False
12. In contact testing, the initial pulse on a CRT Screen also represents the:
a. Specimen front-surface reflection.
b. Specimen back-surface reflection.
c. Discontinuity location.
15. Markers can be expanded, but not contracted. to fit the distance
between the front- and back-surface pips shown on a CRT screen.
a. True
b. False
20. Adjusting the sensitivity, or gain control, adjusts the gain of the
receiver amplifier thus changing the amplitude (height) of the pips on
the CRT screen.
a. True
b. False
24. When used in conjunction with the sweep length control, the sweep
delay control makes it possible to expand a small segment of the test
specimen to cover the entire width of the CRT screen.
a. True
b. False
25. In immersion testing, the initial pulse. or main bang, can be moved off
screen by adjusting the:
a. Sweep delay control.
b. Sweep length control.
c. Horizontal centering control
d. Sensitivity or .gain control
26. The pulse repetition rate (PRR) control regulates how often a pulse of
ultrasonic energy is applied to a test specimen while the pulse
length(width) control determines how long the pulse is applied.
a. True
b. False
28. In flaw. latmlgating circuits, the gate delay control: (Choose two.)
a. Determines the starting point of the gate.
b. Determines the end of the gate.
c. Moves the entire gate to the left or right on the CRT screen.
d. Expands or compresses the gate.
31. More than one area of the sweep can be gated at the same time and
different sensitivity setting used.
a. True
b. False
32. The DAC (distance amplitude correction) control adjusts the instrument
sensitivity so that discontinuities of the same size will generate. pips of
the same height, regardless of the depth of the discontinuity in the
a. True
b. False
35. A C-Sean recording can be either positive or negative: that is. the
discontinuities may be represented by lines on a blank background or
by blank spaces on a Lined background.
a. True
b. False
37. The front- and back-surface reflection signals are eliminated from the
C-Scan recording by:
a. Sweep adjustment.
b. Marker circuits.
c. Gating circuits.
d. Suppression controls.
38. The carriage (bridge) on an immersion testing tank provides for the
_____ and ___ motion of the transducer.
a. Angular .
b. Longitudinal
c. Transverse.
d. Vertical.
39. The manipulator on the immersion tank bridge regulates the _________
and ______positioning of the transducer.
a. Angular.
b. Longitudinal.
c. Transverse.
d. Vertical
40. The device held by the manipulator on the immersion tank bridge is
called a:
a. Scanner tube.
b. Vertical probe.
c. Wand.
41. During automatic scanning, the c-Scan recorder paper and helix drum
speeds are synchronized with the transducer movement.
a. True
b. False