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A risk-based model for inspection and maintenance of railway rolling stock

Chapter · September 2016

DOI: 10.1201/9781315374987-175


2 1,756

3 authors:

Fateme Dinmohammadi Babakalli M. Alkali

University College London Glasgow Caledonian University


Mahmood Shafiee
University of Kent


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A risk-based model for inspection and maintenance of railway rolling
F. Dinmohammadi, B. Alkali
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian
University, United Kingdom
M. Shafiee
Cranfield University, College Road, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom


Railway engineering is currently confronted with

various problems caused by premature failures of
railway assets that require costly and time-consuming
maintenance work. The railway assets in general are
categorized into two types: the rolling stock which
includes assets that can move on railroad and the
infrastructure which consists of fixed assets. Regular
inspection and maintenance of these two types of
assets is essential to ensure network availability and Fig. Rolling stock components
reliability, and passenger safety and comfort. To this For the purpose of clearly illustrating the proposed
aim, the decision-maker(s) must determine the most analysis approach, a case study of the Class 380
appropriate type, frequency and degree (quality) of train’s pantograph system operating in a Scottish
maintenance for railway assets such that the total cost company is provided. The performance the proposed
incurred over the life span is minimized and/or the risk-based inspection and maintenance method in
reliability of the rail network is maximized. An terms of life expectancy of rolling stock, whole life
effective approach to reduce railway maintenance cost and reliability is evaluated and compared with
costs is to prioritize and schedule the maintenance the currently used inspection methodologies such as
tasks on a criticality basis using the risk analysis run-to-failure, periodic renewal, and reliability
methods and tools. The risk-based inspection and centered inspection. The model presented in this
maintenance management of railway infrastructure paper not only provides the capability to assess the
has received a reasonable attention to date, however current maintenance practices within the railway
few studies have focused on rolling stock assets. transport industry but also helps the maintenance
The current study presents a modelling engineers to propose or initiate improvement actions
methodology aimed at planning the repair and when needed.
maintenance tasks of rolling stock components based
on risk measures. A quantitative model is developed
to evaluate the time-variant risks associated with REFERENCES
different types of failures in rolling stock assets. The
major failure modes of various components as well as Dinmohammadi F, Alkali B, Shafiee M, Berenguer C, Labib A
their common root causes are identified through an (2016) Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis of
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importance analysis, and a probabilistic method is
International Conference on Railway Technology: Research,
proposed to estimate the likelihood of occurrence of Development and Maintenance, April 5–8, Cagliari, Italy.
failure. The consequences of failures are modelled Scarf, P., Alkali, B., Cavalcante, C., Berrade, M. D. and Tait, C.
using a discounted cost criterion that involves costs (2012). A study of the efficacy of inspection of railway
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