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Transportation Planning: By: Dr. Seyed Mohammadreza Ghadiri

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Transportation Planning


By: Dr. Seyed Mohammadreza Ghadiri , April 2021

Trip Interchange Model
❑ The trip interchange model considers system level of service
▪ In-vehicle travel time
▪ Excess (i.e., walking and waiting) time
▪ Travel costs
▪ Economic status of trip makers
Trip Interchange Model
Note the inverse relationship;
I transit is numerator to determine
proportion of auto travel
Trip Interchange Model Example
❑ Suppose the data shown in table 12.21 show travel data between a
suburban zone S and a downtown zone D. The exponent value for the
impedance factors is 2.0 and the median income is $24,000.
Determine the expected percentage of auto and transit trips.
Trip Interchange Model Example
Trip Interchange Model Example

▪ Therefore, 58.3 percent of travel between the zones S and D is

expected to be via transit.

Consider Air transportation between Boston and New

York. What are the level-of-service variables that you
would consider to be important? What measures you use
in evaluating this service?
▪ Travel time
▪ Type of Aircraft
▪ Frequency of flights (average waiting time..?!)
▪ Access time
▪ Fare
▪ Comfort
Level of service variable

Level –of-service variables and units

Variables Units
Travel time tt Minutes
Access time ta Minutes
Waiting time tw Minutes
Fare F $
Comfort H “Hugs”
Level of service variable

You have several variables and units. We need to measure the

level of service in unidirectional way. We need a way of
collapsing these variables into a single variable.

❑ So, we define a measure called “utils” for “utility”. We

can convert all those level of service variables measured in
different units, to utils.
Level of service variable

Let’s define a variable U, which is the utility of a travelers’

choice in utils: (in some references it is called V instead)

U = a0 + a1 tt + a2 ta + a3 tw + a4 F + a5 H

❑ Coefficient a1, …, a5 help to convert all the units to utils. a0 is in

utils, and it is a constant that use to calibrate the utility equation.

❑ Coefficients can be negative or positive.

Mode Choice & Utility

Suppose we have three possible modes of travel from Boston to

New York – air, train, auto- and you could measure each of the
level-of-service variables for each mode. We could compute the
utility of each mode,

Uair , Utrain , Uauto

The mode with highest utility
is one you would choose!
Mode Choice & Utility

Much modern in utility theory uses a probabilistic approach. For

example, the probability a traveler selects the air mode is as

Pair = 𝑈𝑎𝑖𝑟+𝑈𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛+𝑈𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜

𝑒 𝑈𝑎𝑖𝑟
Pair = 𝑒 𝑈𝑎𝑖𝑟 + 𝑒 𝑈𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 + 𝑒 𝑈𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜
• The probabilistic approach is intended to reflect the fact that people have
different utilities, and perhaps we have not captured all LOS variables in our
Mode Choice & Utility

❑ Mode Choice Models are used to try to predict travelers mode choice
❑ Contemporary models are based on using UTILITY or DISUTILITY

❑ These functions are meant to express the level of satisfaction (for

utility functions) or dissatisfaction (for disutility functions) with a
given mode

❑ Once the utility function is calculated for each mode, the probability
that a given mode will be chosen can then be calculated
Mode Choice & Utility

Some of factors the can affect mode choice include:

1. Type and purpose of trip

2. Car ownership status
3. Cost (mostly out of pocket cost)
4. Door-to-door travel time
5. Convenience/service/comfort
6. Prestige
7. Availability
8. Accessibility of mode
9. Land use characteristics of start and end point

❑ Obviously, not all of these factors can be effectively incorporated into

a quantitative model of mode choice. We need to be cognizant of
those factors that are important in influencing choice but are not fully
accounted for in mode choice models.
Utility function

In general a utility function takes the following form:

uk = ak + a1 X1 + a2 X2 + ….. ar Xr + ε0


uk – utility function for mode k

ak – modal constant
Xr – variables measuring modal attributes such as cost or time of travel
ar – coefficient associated with each attribute
ε0 – error term
Logit Models
❑ The logit model considers the relative utility of each mode based on
various modal attributes.

Logit Models
❑ The choice of a mode is expressed as a probability distribution.
❑ If auto (A) and Transit (T) modes are being considered, the
probability of selecting the auto mode A can be written as:
Mode Choice & Utility

If utility function, uk, is assumed to be a Weibull Probability

Distribution then the Multinomial Logit Model is used to calculate
the probability that a traveler will choose a given mode.

Multinomial Logit Model:

p(k) = e uk /Σ e ux

The Weibull distribution is a continuous probability distribution named after Swedish
mathematician Waloddi Weibull. He originally proposed the distribution as a model for
material breaking strength, but recognized the potential of the distribution in his 1951 paper A
Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Applicability. Today, it’s commonly used to assess
product reliability, analyze life data and model failure times. The Weibull can also fit a wide
range of data from many other fields, including: biology, economics, engineering sciences, and
hydrology (Rinne, 2008).


PDF: Probability density function

Mode Choice & Utility
The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of
the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828, and is the
limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity. It can also be calculated as the
sum of the infinite series.

The natural log at (x-axis) e, ln(e), is equal to 1

e = 2.7182818284 5904523536 0287471352 6624977572 4709369995

9574966967 6277240766 3035354759 4571382178 5251664274 ...
Mode Choice & Utility

Example: The mode available between Zone I and J are:

(i) Passenger car (PC), (ii) Bus
Find the market share for each mode given the attribute table for
the modes.

o Suppose the utility function is as following:

uk = ak – 0.025 X1 – 0.032 X2 – 0.015 X3– 0.002 X4

x1 – access plus egress time (min)
x2 – waiting time (min)
x3 – line haul time (min)
x4 – out of pocket cost (cents)
ε0 – error term
Mode Choice & Utility

The attribute table for each mode is given below:

x1 x2 x3 x4
PC 5 0 20 100 aPC = +0.00
Bus 10 15 40 50 aBus = -0.10

U(A) = -0.625
U(B) = -1.530

Probability of selecting PC,

p(A) = e(-0.625) / [e(-0.625)+e(-1.530)] = 0.71


The mode available between City A and City B are: Passenger car
(PC), Bus, Train, and Airplane. Find the market share for each
mode given the attribute table for the modes. Suppose the utility
function is as following:
Uk = ak – 0.015 X1 – 0.025 X2 + 0.03 X3 – 0.002 X4 + ε0
X1 – Travel time (min)
X2 – waiting time (min) LOS Variables
X3 – Comfort (Hugs)
X4 – out of pocket cost (cents) Available Mode X1 X2 X3 X4
ε0 – error term (Negligible) Passenger car 12 0 40 100

aPC = 0.00 Bus 15 25 20 50

aBus = -0.10 Train 10 15 25 40
aTrain = -0.10 Airplane 5 30 30 150
aAirplane = -0.01
Logit Model Example
❑ Data has been obtained for travel between an additional suburban and
downtown zone. The logit model has been developed to estimate the
mode share between private automobile and public transit between
these two zones:

Logit Model Example
❑ Travel and cost data for each mode is provided in the following table.
Logit Model Example
❑ Use the logit model to determine the percent of travel in the zone by
auto and transit.

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