Single Variable Optimization
Single Variable Optimization
Single Variable Optimization
Single variable optimization – An example
No Arbitrage Condition
Optimization with constraints
Single choice variable
Profit maximizing
Max π (Q)
s.t. 0 ≤ Q ≤ Q
where Q is the capacity of the firm.
Optimal solution: Q *
Impossibility of finding an improvement -- No Arbitrage
Marginal analysis -- No Arbitrage Locally -- FOC
Infinitesimal change -- dQ -- marginal analysis -- Calculus
Optimal solution ==> No Arbitrage locally
Second order (sufficient) condition – SOC
Local optimum – neighborhood
Local maximum vs. local minimum
d 2π
π ''(=
Q) Q =Q* < 0 ==> Q * Local maximum
dQ 2 Q =Q*
d 2π
π ''(=
Q) Q =Q* >0 ==> Q * Local minimum
dQ 2 Q =Q*
Global optimum
d 2π
Single peaked -- concave everywhere: π ''(=
Q) 2
≤ 0 for all Q
stationary points from FOC ==> Global maximum
The Optimization Problem
The optimization problems take the form:
Max f ( x)
s.t. x ∈ S
• f is the objective function (utility, profit, …)
• x is the choice variable (consumption bundle, input combination, …)
• S is the constraint set (the set of feasible actions)
Suppose that the value x* solves the problem above. Then f (x*) ≥ f (x)
for all x ∈ S. We say that x* is a (global) maximizer (or maximum
point) of the function f subject to the constraint.
f (x*) is the (global) maximum (or maximum value) of the function f
subject to the constraint.
1. Existence?
2. If it exists, how to identify it?
Extreme Value Theorem
Extreme value theorem
A continuous function on a compact interval attains both a
maximum and a minimum on the interval.
compact -- closed and bounded
− x2
Max f ( x=
) ( x − 0.5) e 2
s.t. x ∈ [−2, 2]
Minimization problems
A global minimizer (or minimum point) and a local minimizer (or
minimum point) are defined analogously.
minimum (or minimum value) of f
That is Min f ( x)
s.t. x ∈ S
is equivalent to
Max − f ( x)
s.t. x ∈ S
Then apply the results for maximization problems.
First-order condition
Max f ( x) =2 + ( x − 3)3
s.t. x ∈ [1, 5]
FOC: necessary condition
Inflection point
Example Max f ( x) = 1 − x
s.t. x ∈ [0,1]
FOC: no stationary point!
A global maximizer is not necessarily a stationary point.
However, if interior points are max or min points, then the maximum
First-order Condition -- example
max x f ( x) =( x − 1)( x − 2)( x + 3)
s.t. x ∈ [−5,5]
FOC f '( x)= 3 x 2 − 7= 0
7 7
x1 = x2 = −
3 3
14 7
f ( x1 )= 6 −
3 3
14 7
f ( x2 )= 6 + f (−5) =−84 f (5) = 96
3 3
Corner solution: x*=5, where f '( x) x =5− > 0
− x2
Exercise Max f ( x=
) ( x − 0.5) e 2
s.t. x ∈ [−2, 2]
Second-order condition -- local optimum
Suppose we find the stationary points from FOC.
How can we tell whether a stationary point is a local maximum, a
Second-order condition -- local optimum
Example maxx f (x) = x2 + 3 s.t. x ∈ [−1, 1]
Sufficient conditions for global optimum
Single peaked – concave everywhere
stationary points from FOC ==> Global maximum
Recall that for twice-differentiable functions over an interval I
f ''( x) ≤ 0 ⇔ f concave
f ''( x) ≥ 0 ⇔ f convex
Single peaked – concave everywhere: f "(x) ≤ 0 for all x
Procedure for finding the maximum -- a differential
function f defined on an interval I
Step 1. Find all the stationary points of f (points x for which f '(x) = 0)
Step 2. Check the Second-order condition -- sufficient condition for
global optimum. If it is satisfied, we are done!
If not, continue to the following steps.
Application -- Profit Maximization (Monopoly –
linear demand and quadratic cost)
Suppose a monopolist sets its price p, when the (inverse) market demand is
p = 1200 − 2q
where p is market price and q is quantity demand. Its cost function is
C(q) = 100+ q2
where q is the output of the monopolist. In addition, the capacity of the firm
is 1000, which means q≤1000.
(a) Find out the optimal output level, the market price, and the profit of the
Profit-maximizing markup (price-cost margin): Lerner Index,
Monopoly ==> Perfect competition
(c) Suppose the entry barrier for the industry is removed. There are
more firms entering this market such that the industry becomes a perfect
competitive one. Assume all firms (including the previous monopolist)
have the same cost structure, i.e. C ( q=
i) 100 + qi 2 . Find out the number
of firms in this perfect competitive industry and the market price.
In perfect competitive industry, all firms are price taker.
Comparative Statics &
Envelope Theorem
[SHS] 13.7
Example -- Profit Maximization (Price Taker)
If a firm is a price taker, i.e., it has to take price as given, its profit
function is then π (Q) = R (Q) − C (Q) =PQ − C (Q)
Assume C ′(Q ) > 0 and C ′′(Q ) > 0 .
s.t. Q ∈ [0, Q]
FOC π ′(Q ) = R ′(Q) − C ′(Q) =
P − C ′(Q) =
Marginal Revenue = Marginal Cost
Suppose interior solution exists ( Q is sufficiently large): Q* ∈ (0, Q) .
Q* is implicitly defined by the FOC: P − C ′(Q*) = 0.
SOC π ′′(Q ) = −C ′′(Q) < 0
Maximum amount of profit: π (= Q*) PQ * −C (Q*)
If price changes, …
P − C ′(Q*) =0 ⇒ Q* = Q * ( P)
π (Q * ( P)) =PQ * ( P) − C (Q * ( P)) =π * ( P)
Comparative Statics
Comparative statics is comparison of two different economic outcomes,
before and after a change in some underlying exogenous parameter.
1. How does Q*(P) change as P changes?
2. How does π*(P) change as P changes?
Q* is implicitly defined by the FOC: P − C ′(Q*) = 0
Implicit differentiation, take the derivative of FOC with respect to P.
dQ * dQ * 1
1 − C ′′(Q * ) =
0 ⇒ = > 0
dP dP C ′′(Q*)
Law of supply
Envelope theorem df ∗ (r ) ∂f ( x, r )
= x = x∗ ( r )
dr ∂r
The change in the maximal value of the function as a parameter changes
is simply the change caused by the direct impact of the parameter on the
function, holding the value of x fixed at its optimal value.
Envelop Theorem
Envelop Theorem
df ∗ (r ) ∂f ( x, r )
= x = x∗ ( r )
dr ∂r
df ∗ (r ) ∂f ( x∗ (r ), r ) dx∗ (r ) ∂f ( x∗ (r ), r )
dr ∂x dr ∂r
The indirect effect on f through x ∗ The direct effects on f
∂f ( x∗ (r ), r ) ∂f ( x, r )
0+ = x = x∗ ( r )
∂r ∂r
… the change in the maximal value of the objective function f(x,r) as
parameter r changes is simply the change caused by the direct
impact of the parameter r on the objective function f(x,r), holding the
value of x fixed at its optimal value x*(r) …
the indirect effect, resulting from the change in the optimal value
of x*(r) is zero.
Comparative Statics -- Optimal input choice
Example: A firm is a price taker, who pays w=2 for each unit of labor input.
It obtains the revenue p for each unit of output that it sells. Its output from l
units of the input is l .
(a) For what value of l is its profit maximized?
(Assume the upper bound of labor input usage is sufficiently large, such
that we have the interior solution.)
(b) If the parameter p changes, how does the optimal choice and maximum
value of the profit function change accordingly (in the marginal sense)?
max l π (l , w) = l − wl s.t. l ∈ [0, l ]
where w is a positive constant.
(a) Find out the optimal choice. (Assume the upper bound of labor input
usage is sufficiently large, such that we have the interior solution.)
(b) What is the effect of w on the optimal choice and maximum value of the
objective function (in the marginal sense)?