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A Theoretical Review of Creativity Based On Age: Articles

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Papeles del Psicólogo / Psychologist Papers, 2019 Vol. 40(2), pp.


Karen Johanna González Restrepo1, Cristian Camilo Arias-Castro2 y Verónica López-Fernández3
Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá. 2Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática en la literatura científica existente sobre la creatividad en función
de la edad, haciendo especial énfasis en las diferencias que se presentan entre cada etapa evolutiva del desarrollo humano,
comprobando si existe disminución de esta capacidad a lo largo de la vida. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases
de datos, Web of Science, Scopus y PsycINFO, tomando en cuenta publicaciones realizadas entre 2010 y 2017 en español o
inglés. Se seleccionaron 25 artículos que se analizaron en base a diferentes características como los instrumentos empleados.
Los resultados muestran heterogeneidad en los hallazgos y se discuten los resultados tratando de arrojar luz sobre la
comprensión de los mismos.
Palabras clave: Creatividad, Pensamiento divergente, Edad, Desempeño.

The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the existing scientific literature on creativity based on age,
with special emphasis on the differences that occur between each evolutionary stage of human development, checking whether
there is a decrease in this capacity over a lifetime. A literature review was carried out using the databases Web of Science,
Scopus and PsycINFO, taking into account publications produced between 2010 and 2017 in Spanish or English. We selected
25 articles that were analyzed based on different characteristics such as the instruments used. The results show heterogeneity in
the findings. We discuss the results, attempting to shed light on their interpretation.
Key words: Creativity, Divergent thinking, Age, Performance.
EVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY ACCORDING TO AGE essential process that occurs in different areas of the brain and

D Creativity is a complex skill that allows the generation

of original and innovative ideas in resolving various
situations in the daily lives of human beings, and is, thus, an
requires the development of cognitive functions and higher
order thinking skills to identify problems and present alternative
solutions to achieve a final product (López-Fernández & Llamas-
essential skill in the process of adaptation of the individual in a Salguero, 2018). It is a transforming capacity, originator of
rapidly-changing society (Cassotti, Camarda, Poirel, Houdé, & successful and transcendental alternatives that build and create
Agogué, 2016). Creativity, in a broad sense, is framed in the the subject and objects (Lara-Coral, 2012).
creation of unique and authentic products, with a high value Creative processes are expressed in different ways in each of
thanks to their usefulness and applicability (Kapoula et al., the evolutionary stages, so children manifest creativity in a
2016). The individual is constantly developing this skill different way from adolescents or adults (Woodel-Johnson,
throughout the whole of their life and in a different way in each Delcourt, & Treffinger, 2012). Therefore, depending on the
evolutionary stage, thus, the development of this capacity mastery and interest that the subject has in a particular skill or
depends on the chronological age and the cognitive functions, subject, creative production will be higher, even regardless of
since there is a significant relation between neuropsychological
the age of the individual, although there are theories that
maturity and creativity (Ramírez Villén, Llamas-Salguero, &
creativity diminishes dramatically in old age as found in Wei
López-Fernández, 2017).
and Weihua (2013). However, creativity may be activated
Experience, education, and social environment, among other
taking into account aspects that favor it, such as cognitive bases
aspects, may cause the subject to have a greater capacity for
consolidated by experience and time, which may well result in a
creativity. Therefore, each evolutionary stage presents its own
qualitative characteristics during the development of the creative reformulation of problems and present new and appropriate
processes (Artola et al., 2011). Creativity is a complex and solutions (Melendez, Alfonso-Benlliure, Mayordomo, & Sales,

Received: 19 July 2018 - Aceptado: 26 February 2019

As can be seen from the comments made, the studies carried

Correspondence: Karen Johanna González Restrepo. Secretaría

out show heterogeneity regarding the relationship between age

de Educación de Bogotá. cll 33 n 38-101 bq 16 apt 503. 250051

and creativity. Undoubtedly this is because creativity is a

Soacha Cundinamarca. Colombia.

complex construct, which includes different skills such as, for

E-mail: kgonzalez1@educacionbogota.edu.co
example, the central ones proposed by Guilford: fluency,
originality, flexibility and elaboration.

Articles creativity based on age

Understanding how creativity develops throughout the life creative processes to be measured. Thus, in the samples there
cycle is relevant in order to stimulate and enhance it. Alfonso- are participants in the stages of childhood, adolescence, youth,
Benlliure and Romo (2016) establish that the development of adulthood, and old age.
creative skills is essential in the school stages of the child, noting, The studies are presented in two tables where the sample,
however, that specific studies have not yet been generated with instruments, and results are shown. The data presented in Table
regard to the development of creativity in the different 1 show the main data of the studies, such as author, year,
evolutionary stages that allow us to affirm the form in which this sample and instruments used. Table 2 presents the results based
process takes place throughout life. on age and the variables that affect the creative processes,
Taking into account the neuropsychological aspect of the taking into account the context as an important factor in the
development of creativity, it is important to note that the development of the creative processes in the different
prefrontal cortex has a predominant role in the generation of evolutionary stages and recognizing that this aspect has an
this capacity, which takes into account relevant aspects such as important influence in the results of the studies.
cognition, motivation and socio-affective factors (Kapoula et al.,
2016). However, it is noteworthy that, as a complex process, DISCUSSION
creativity requires several brain areas to converge (López- Each evolutionary stage of the subject has certain
Fernández & Llamas-Salguero, 2018). Thus, depending on the characteristics with regard to the performance of creative tasks.
neuropsychological maturity and the experiences of the subject, Thus, this performance is not the same in the child as in the
creativity presents higher percentages at each evolutionary adult, and in turn there are differences between similar ages,
stage, which must be taken into account at all times. since experience provides more elements to produce more
Based on the above, the objective of this study was to conduct elaborate and innovative alternatives, although these could also
a systematic review of the scientific literature on creativity based be due to the use of different strategies (Privodnovaa & Volf,
on age, taking into account the different characteristics (such as 2016). On the other hand, it is shown that creativity can
instruments, context, etc.) used in the studies themselves, in order decrease significantly during old age, although not before 70
to shed light on the relationship between creativity and age and years since it is during the period between 40 and 70 years of
the circumstances in which this relationship is evidenced or not. age where divergent thinking is stabilized. Even when creative
productivity does not have this measure, it is recognized that
METHOD during old age the overall creative performance may decrease
A literature review was carried out in the Web of Science, (Palmiero et al., 2014), although this also depends on variables
Scopus and PsycINFO databases, taking into account the filter such as health, cognition, attitude, type of task, educational
years 2010-2017 in English and Spanish, with “creativity and level, mastery, etc. (for example, Elisondo & Donolo, 2018).
age” as the main search criteria. However, aspects related to While performing tasks focused on the core skills of creativity,
creative thinking such as “divergent creative thinking and age” there are some differences, so for example originality is greater
were also taken into account. Additionally, the evolutionary in children that are 4-5 years of age than in those aged 10
stages were also related, using the terms “creativity in (Delveccio et al., 2016), and in people older than 65 years, this
childhood, adolescence, adults OR young and older adults”. characteristic also stands out over other ages (Madore et al.,
Experimental investigations that emphasize the development of 2016; Kuo & Yeh, 2016).
creativity based on age were taken into account, selecting With regards to fluidity and flexibility, some studies find that
articles within the social sciences domain. there are no differences according to age (Madore et al, 2016;
The selection criteria of the articles included those that focus on Palmiero et al., 2014) but others do find favorable differences
creative performance in the evolutionary stages, and special in older subjects (Alfonso-Benlliure & Romo-Santos, 2016). Even
attention was given to studies that explicitly reveal possible the study by Cassotti et al. (2016) shows lower scores in older
comparisons between the stages with regards to creative subjects, but in circumstances in which subjects are given a
production processes, or that present results of creative concrete example. In this sense, Meléndez et al. (2016) argue
performance during certain phases of life. Articles that did not that in subjects aged between 55 and 84, the differences may
make such comparisons were eliminated. Using these inclusion depend more on variables such as cognitive reserve and
criteria, 25 articles were obtained, which are analyzed in this openness to experience than on age, particularly in verbal tasks.
study. And this is the case even regarding other variables such as
This method of bibliographic review establishing inclusion having a learning difficulty, such as dyslexia (Kapoula et al.,
criteria has been used in recent studies such as Lisbona 2016).
Bañuelos, Palací Descals and Castaño (2016). As for imagination, it seems that the ages of 6 to 10 show
better results (Delvecchio et al., 2016), no differences being
RESULTS found between young and old adults (Madore et al., 2016).
The articles reviewed focus on certain stages of the Adolescence may stand out for the characteristics of
evolutionary development of a subject, taking into account their processing and transformation (Gundogana et al., 2013)
performance in carrying out different tasks that allow their probably due to the increase in the visuospatial domain

Karen Johanna gonzález restrepo, cristian camilo arias-castro and
verónica lópez-Fernández


Authors Journal and year of publication Sample Instruments

Delvecchio, Li, Frontiers in Psychology 538 (from 4 to 10 years) 1)APS -Extended version (pretend play) Organization
Passiagli, Lis, & (2016) elaboration, imagination, comfort and affect (Delveccio
Mazzeschi et al., 2016)
2) Use of 6 objects: flexibility and fluency (Guilford, 1967)

Kuo & Yeh Frontiers in Psychology Two experiments: Unusual uses for common objects
(2016) 1) 64 individuals with mean age of 23.95 years CAP, ZAFC & Hearts and flowers task (Williams, 1980)
2) 32 over 65 (two groups: free and

Meléndez, Alfonso- Creativity Research Journal 135 from 55 to 84 years Interview

Benlliure, (2016) PIC A (Artola et al.,2010)
Mayordomo, & Sales

Simon & Bock Human Movement Science 25 young people and 24 elderly people -Alternative Uses Task (AUT) (Guilford, 1967)
(2016) -Sensory-motor adaptation tasks

Kapoula, Ruiz, Plos One (2016) Dyslexic and non-dyslexic children, adolescents, Torrance Test of Creative Thinking
Spector, Mocorovi, and university students (Torrance, 1974)
Gaertner, Quilici, &

Cassotti, Camarda, Thinking Skills and Creativity Two studies Egg task
Poirel, Houdé. & (2016) 1) 19 people from 9 to 11 years and 20 people
Agogué from 18 to 22
2) 32 children and 32 adults with control and
experimental groups
Alfonso-Benlliure & Thinking Skills and Creativity 1,491 pupils from 6 to 12 years (six school years) Test de Creatividad Infantil [Child Creativity Test] (TCI)
Romo-Santos (2016) (Romo, Alfonso-Benlliure, & Sánchez-Ruiz, 2008)
Drawing visual area

Krumm, Filippetti & Acta Psiquiátrica y 432 people from 15 to 26 years TTCT (Torrance, 1974)
Aranguren Psicológica de América
Latina (2015)

Palmiero, Di Giacomo, Creativity Research Journal 70 participants, 35 from 19 to 22 and 35 from 57 TTCT (Torrance, 1974)
& Passafiume (2014) to 82 years

Ra ki Društvena Istraživanja (2015) 885 participants Inventory by Željko Ra k (Ra ki, 2015)

Palmiero High Ability Studies (2015) 150 participants AUT (Guilford, 1967) and the CMST (Finke, 1990)

Agogué, Poirel, Sciencedirect (2014) 142 participants Egg task

Houde, Pineau, &

Woodel-Johnson, Academic Onefile (2012) 109 participants YBRAINS (Chua, 2004)

Delcourt, & Treffinger

Wei & Weihua The Journal of Creative 140 elderly people

Behavior (2013) DAC (Hultsch, Hammer & Small, 1993)

Madore, Jing, & Memory & Cognition (2016) 24 young adults and 24 older adults
Schacter AUT (Guilford, 1967)

Leon, Altmann, Creativity Research Journal 30 young adults and 30 older adults
Abrams, Gonzalez (2014) AUT and AF (Guilford, 1967)
Rothi, & Heilman

Bijvoet-van den Berg Developmental Psychology 24 children TCP (Torrance, 1966)

& Hoicka (2014)

Robson & Rowe International Journal of Early 30 children Analyzing Children’s Creative Thinking (ACCT): creative
Years Education (2012) inference through behavior

Gündoğana, Educational Sciences: Theory 1,000 children between 9 and 14 years TCI (Gündoğana et al.,2013)
Yalınkaya, Arib, & and Practice (2013)

Articles creativity based on age


Authors Journal and year of publication Sample Instruments

Kleibeuker, De Dreu, Developmental Science 98 participants The Snowy Picture Test (Eckstrom, French, Harman, &
& Crone (2013) Dermen, 1976), RAT (Mednick, 1962), AUT and CAT
(Guilford, 1967)

Wei & Dzeng Psychological 1,055 participants Creativity Test and Scoring Scale, People-drawing Test
ReportsEducational (2013) Scorings Scale, and Free-drawing Test and Scoring Scale
(Lin & Wei, 2012)

Privodnovaa & Volf Human Physiology (2016) 160 participants AUT (Guilford, 1967)

Hui, Yeung, Sue- Developmental Psychology 594 individuals CPS (Cheng, 2002)
Chan, Chan, Hui, & (2014)

Kleibeuker, Stevenson, Developmental Psychology 32 participants AUT (Guilford, 1967)

Van Der Aar, (2016) LGT (Kleibeuker et al., 2016)
Duijvenvoorde, &

Stevenson, Kleibeuker, Frontiers in Human 71 adolescents and 61 adults Creative ideation

De Dreu, & Crone Neuroscience (2014) AUT
Combined Alternative Uses/Ordinary
Characteristics Task
General ideation (Guilford, 1967)


Study Results

Delvecchio et al. (2016) The highest scores in originality and elaboration are in the range of 4 to 5 years.
The highest scores in imagination and comfort are in children aged 6 to 10.

Kuo & Yeh (2016) The older adults in the free walking group surpassed the young adults in the rectangular walking group in originality and had equal
performance in fluency and flexibility.

Meléndez et al. (2016) Subjects with greater cognitive reserve and openness to experience were more flexible and original when solving verbal problems,
although, to a lesser extent, graphic problems.

Simon & Bock (2016) Young people scored higher than older people in all tasks.
The AUT scores were positively associated with the adaptive performance of the young participants, but not in the older ones.
The scores were negatively associated with the adaptive performance of the older participants, not the younger ones.

Kapoula et al. (2016) Dyslexics more creative

Age: there was no effect on the creativity of the non-dyslexic participants, but there was on the dyslexic ones, who were more creative at ten years
of age (probably because they can initiate compensatory mechanisms in response to their difficulties, as occurs in adults, due to strategy).

Cassotti et al. (2016) Adults were limited using the example (flexibility) and gave more answers in the same category than the children.
In the second study, the adult control group performed better in fluency and flexibility than the control group of children. In the
experimental group (with the example) the children obtain better fluency and flexibility and originality than the adults. Thus, age does
have an influence depending on the task

Alfonso-Benlliure & Romo- The results show three types of trajectories: with highs and lows, stable, and association and development
Santos (2016)

Krumm et al. (2015) Older age, greater fluency, flexibility and originality and overall

Palmiero et al. (2014) No difference by age in the verbal part, only in visual fluency
Older adults may think more divergently than younger participants, although the former produce fewer visual ideas.

Ra ki (2015) The results showed an identifiable mastery of creative behavior in children, also, according to sex, there are differences in the averages of
mastery with respect to age, and the close relationships of commitment to the task and the acquisition of knowledge with creativity. The
conclusions of this study are related to the definition and measure of creativity in the educational context.

Karen Johanna gonzález restrepo, cristian camilo arias-castro and
verónica lópez-Fernández

(Kleibeuker et al., 2013), neuropsychologically related to the found that older children score higher on creative drawing tests,
central regions of the brain for creativity (SMG, AG and MTG), albeit with similar qualifications in general creativity.
which are constantly restored at this age. Thus, adolescence is a In an investigation carried out by Bijvoet-van den Berg and
key stage in learning processes that promote divergent thinking Hoicka (2014) it was found that, during childhood, fluency and
(Kleibeuker et al., 2016). originality tend to increase with age, perhaps as a result of the
Creativity is a process that is developed through the development of fine motor skills during this stage, between 4
neuropsychological maturity of the subject, the consolidation of and 5 years, which allows them to carry out more elaborate
the cognitive functions facilitates the performance of novel and actions, enabling them to recognize a high range of possibilities
original tasks (Ramírez Villén, Llamas Salguero, & López- to perform various tasks. On the other hand, Rubson and Rowe
Fernández, 2017). Taking the above into account, it is found (2012) found that the youngest children between 3 and 4 years
that as age increases the average in the central skills of creativity are directly influenced by their environment in the performance
also increases. Thus, when the child starts school, creative of creative tasks, thus, adult support has a fundamental role in
capacity increases thanks to sociocultural interactions and the the development of creative abilities. The results found in a study
consolidation of cognitive functions (Krumm, Filippetti, & carried out with pre-school and primary school children
Aranguren, 2015). Likewise, Wei and Dzeng (2013) in a study establishes that primary school children could organize tasks
conducted with 1,055 children between 6 and 8 years of age that involved divergent thinking more effectively, being able to


Study Results

Palmiero (2015) In particular, divergent verbal thinking seems to stabilize from 40 to 80 years of age, while the ability to create objects falls dramatically
only after the age of 70. This means that older people have the potential to express creativity and can use this potential to improve their

Agogué et al. (2014) It was proposed to model fixation as a game of restrictive heuristics where a creative task was used to apply the theoretical framework
and characterize the effects of fixation, showing how individuals are fixated in different ways according to age, and these same
individuals of the same age differ in the way they are fixated based on the type of education they received.

Woodel-Johnson et al. The results of the data analysis show that the majority of professional students have the strongest predisposition towards creative
(2012) thinking (59%). No association was found between thinking styles and gender. However, thinking style is associated with academic

Wei & Weihua (2013) Creativity decreases with age, however, factors related to education, health, daily activities and attitude are important variables of these

Madore et al. (2016) No general age-related differences were observed in any of the tasks.

Leon et al. (2014) Older adults presented more original responses than young adults.

Bijvoet-van den Berg, & The divergent thinking of children increases with age.
Hoicka (2014)

Robson & Rowe (2012) The creative aspects take place to a greater extent in activities carried out on their own initiative. On the other hand, participative activities
are associated with the direction of the adult who provides support and guidance.

Gündoğana et al. (2013) In the Creation and Transformation subscale within the test, it was found that the number of forms used increased gradually with
increasing age.

Kleibeuker et al. (2013) The conclusion was reached that in middle adolescence there are creative potentials in the visuo-spatial domain, possibly related to the
development of control functions and exploratory behavior.

Wei & Dzeng (2013) The results showed that the older children scored higher than the younger ones on the people-drawing and free drawing test, but not on
creativity in general. Drawing and creativity scores increased according to age.

Privodnovaa & Volf (2016) The elderly subjects showed lower -desynchronization of the anterior areas of the brain in the initial stage of creative thinking compared
to the young participants. Age-related changes in oscillatory activity may be the basis for different strategies for solving the creative task in
young adults and older adults.

Hui et al. (2014) The groups of middle age and the elderly thought that creative productivity would decrease at a later age.

Kleibeuker et al. (2016) The results indicate that the central regions of the brain for creativity (SMG, AG and MTG) are constantly restored in adolescence and that
changes in performance are associated with changes in activation in the lateral prefrontal cortex.

Stevenson et al. (2014) The results show that the generation of creative ideas can be improved and supports the hypothesis that adolescence is a stage of
development of greater flexibility, optimized for learning and exploratory behavior.

Articles creativity based on age

use fantasy to a large extent to reconstruct reality and their own emphasize that divergent thinking is conditioned by frontal
experiences (Delvecchio, Li, Passiagli, Lis, & Mazzeschi, 2016). functions and, when the functions of these brain regions such as
The tasks focused on playing and the construction of stories fluency begin to decline, this type of thinking can degrade. Thus,
reveal to a large extent the creative abilities in children. Thus, the responses of the subjects that are more advanced in age are
imagination and fantasy are aspects of great importance in the hindered.
performance of activities that involve divergent thinking. In studies conducted by Wei and Weihua (2013) with 140
Therefore, when this aspect is evaluated, younger children reach elderly subjects, it is established that creativity decreases with
higher scores than older children, with a high average of age; it is shown that in old age the responses to creativity tasks
originality Delvecchio, Li, Passiagli, Lis, & Mazzeschi (2016). are low, however, factors related to education and health
However, research carried out by Alfonso-Benlliure and Romo greatly influenced the averages obtained, such that adults with
(2016) establishes that imaginative potential increases with age, higher educational levels had better scores in creative tasks.
since it is with age and time that learning and cognitive functions Privodnovaa, Volf, and Knyazev (2018) establish that cognitive
are nurtured. functions during old age are conserved for a significant amount
During adolescence there is a decrease in the development of of time, while they recognize that processing speed can be
creative processes, which may be due to the attitudes and degraded to a great extent; however, the results of their studies
interests of the subjects. However, at the end of this stage such showed that older adults resolved divergent processes faster
processes will be re-established (Krumm et al., 2015). Among than young adults.
the findings made by Kleibeuker et al. (2013) it is found that According to research conducted by Palmiero et al. (2014), it
verbal divergent thinking and creative vision develop until late is affirmed that verbal skills do not decline in old age, since the
adolescence, but, fluency and flexibility tend to reach a high measure is the same as those obtained by young people,
level comparable with the adult; in the same way, divergent performing tasks of divergent verbal thinking and creativity
visuospatial thinking has a higher performance at the age of 15 significantly; on the other hand, no differences were found in
and 16 years. visual divergent thinking. Based on the above, Palmiero (2015)
Taking into account the previous postulates, it is found that the finds that during old age there is high creative potential, which
central skills of creativity that are found in greater measure in can improve the living conditions of the subject, which is why
adolescence are seen in flexibility. In addition, the performance many welfare programs for adults in old age are based on
levels of creative tasks are conditioned by the organization and performing creative tasks such as painting, writing, or acting in
maturation of the cognitive functions that take place during this order to improve health conditions and quality of life in general.
stage (Kleibeuker et al., 2016). On the other hand, for young
adults, the social and educational context plays a fundamental CONCLUSIONS
role, since creativity is manifested by their work and Although more studies are needed to homogenize the results
professional performance. For example, journalists or lawyers found regarding the relationship between age and creativity, the
have higher percentages in fluency and physicians in originality analysis carried out in this work aims to shed light on this field.
(Stevenson et al., 2014). Thus, based on the studies analyzed, it is deduced that creativity
Divergent thinking reaches its highest point at the age of 40 can be expressed in different ways during each of the stages of
and can be preserved for several more years, according to the subject, and this idiosyncrasy must be taken into account
studies conducted with 70 subjects aged between 35 and 82 together with other factors that intervene in the studies carried
years by Palmiero, Di Giacomo, and Passafiume (2014). out. When comparing the results obtained by using similar
Normally, during middle adulthood between the ages of 40 and instruments to evaluate specific skills, the results take on
60 there are important cognitive levels, produced in general meaning in conjunction with the characteristics of those studies,
knowledge or semantic memory, that allow the subject to and the consideration that creativity decreases in old age is
perform divergent thinking tasks fluently. Madore, Jing and questionable, which is why it is important to use evaluation
Schacter (2016), in general, establish that during adulthood instruments based on the physical changes of old age.
there is a stability in the divergent thinking process that may Therefore, we believe that this work is a small contribution that
depend on the social, professional or work aspects of the can facilitate our understanding of how creativity relates to age,
subject, which may even reach up to 70 years, however, the with the aim of avoiding generalizations in such a complex
generation of creative actions diminishes significantly after 70 issue.
years of age (Palmiero,2015). However, there are numerous limitations in this work, which
According to the studies conducted, it is found that divergent must be corrected in future studies, thus opening the door to new
thinking is maintained even during old age. Although flexibility research. That is, when talking about creativity, the exact
and fluency may decrease, it is also evident that the quality of characteristic to which we are referring must be made explicit,
responses is high (related to originality), so during old age in order to facilitate comparisons, using instruments that are
divergent thinking can be performed effectively, equally as well comparable and that can also be of a ludic nature to increase
as in youth (Palmiero, 2015). On the other hand, Leon, the ecological validity. In addition, it would be useful to control
Altmann, Abrams, Gonzalez-Rothi, and Heilman (2014), other variables that may influence the results such as cognitive

Karen Johanna gonzález restrepo, cristian camilo arias-castro and
verónica lópez-Fernández

reserve, processing speed, environment and context, variables sociodemográficas y datos normativos en el Test
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