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5.1 Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension

N Sa =n× A se ×f uta
d= Dia. of bolt
0.75 in
fya= 36000 psi
f'c = 3000 psi
Ase = Area of C/S of bolt
futa= Smaller of (1.9 fya) & 125000 psi
futa= 68400 psi

Nsa= 30203 lbs

5.2 Concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension

N cb = ψ ed ψ c ψ cp N b (Ref. D 5.2.1)
A NCO ,N ,N ,N
hef= Embedment of bolt from t.o.concrete 3.00 in Frame
14 in
ANC= Projected concrete failure area of single anchor Bolt

as per clause no. D 5.2.3, anchore is located at less than 1.5 3 in 3.00 in
hef from 3 or more edges hence,

hef = Ca,max / 1.5 (Only for Concrete breakout strength)

2.00 in

ANC = 36.00 sq.in.

ANCO = 9 hef2
36.00 sq.in.
(Ref. D 5.2.5)
ψ ed , N =1 if C a ,min ≥1. 5 h ef
C a ,min
ψ ed , N =0 . 7+0 . 3 if C a,min <1 .5 h ef
1 . 5 hef
ψed,N = 1

N b =k c× √ f ' c ×h Where Kc =24 for cast in headed bolt & 17 for post install bolt (Ref D 5.2.2)
ef 1 .5

Nb = 3718.06

Ncb = 3718.06 lbs

5.3 Pull out strength of Anchor in Tension (Applicable to cast in headed & Hooked anchor only)

N pn=ψ c , P N P (Ref. D 5.3.1)

Np = 6075.0 lbs 0.9 x f'c x eh x do eh = 3 in

ψc,p = 1.4 for Un-cracked concrete at service load & 1.0 for cracked concrete. (Ref.D 5.3.6)
Npn = 8505.00 lbs
5.4 Concrete side-face blowout strength of a headed anchor in tension

For single headed anchor with deep embedment close to an edge (Ca1<0.4 hef),

N sb=160C a1 √ Abrg √ f ' C (Ref. D 5.4.1)

Ca1 = 3.00 in
Here Ca1< 0.4 hef, above eq. is applicable

If Ca2 for the single headed anchor is less than 3Ca1, the value of Nsb shalll be
multiplied by the factor (1+Ca2/Ca1)/4



Multiplying factor = #VALUE!

Nsb = #VALUE! lbs

6.1 Steel strength of anchor in shear

V sa=n×0.6× A se ×f uta (Ref. D 6.1.2)

Vsa = 18121.73 lbs

6.2 Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear

For shear force perpendicular to the edge on a single anchor,

A vc
V cb = ψ ed , V ψ c , V V b (Ref. D 6.2.1)
A vco

Ca1 = 6 in (in the direction of force)

when 20 are inflenced by three edges,the value of Ca1 shall not exceed the
greatest of:Ca2/1.5 in either direction, Ha/1.5; and 1/3 of max. spacing between (Ref. D 6.2.4)
Hardy Frame
Ca1Allow = 13 in
Avc = Projected area of failure surface Ca1 Bolt
54 sq.in.
Avco = Projected area with a dist from edge equal to or greater than 1.5 Ca1
162 Sq.in.

ψed,V = Modification factor for edge distance

ψ ed , V =1 if Ca , 2 ≥1. 5 C a1 (Ref. D 6.2.6)

ψ ed , V =0 . 7+0 . 3 a , 2 if C a, 2 < 1. 5 Ca 1
1. 5 C a1
ψed,V = 0.800

0 .2
le (Ref. D 6.2.3)
V b =7
( ) d0
√ d 0 √ f ' c ( Ca 1) 1. 5
le = hef = 6 in

Vb = 7396.6 lbs

Vcb = 1972.4 lbs

6.3 Concrete Pryout strength of anchor in shear

V cp =K cp ×N cb (Ref. D 6.3.1)

Kcp = 1.0 for hef< 2.5 in; and kcp =2 for hef ≥ 2.5
Ncb as per given in D 5.2

Vcp = 7436.13 lbs

Strength Results:- Tension Shear

Steel Strength 30203 18122
Pull out strength in tension / conc Pryout in shear 8505 7436
Conc.Breakout strength -- -- This row N/A here, ref. note-1 below
Side face blowout -- This row N/A here, ref. note-3 below

Note1:- as per D 4.2.2 - for anchors with diameters not exceeding 2 in and tensile embedments not exceeding 25
in. in depth, the concrete breakout strength requirement shall be considered satisfied by the design procedure of D
5.2 & D 6.2

Note2:- As per D 3.3.3 - In region of moderate or high seismic risk, or for structures assigned to intermediate or
high seismic performance or design categeories, the design strength of anchors shall be taken as 0.75 ФNn and
0.75 ФVn, where Ф is given in D4.4 or D4.5.

Note3:- As per D 4.2 - we assumed the confining reinforcement in the stem wall, which will prevent the Side face
blow out & increase Concrete breakout strength of anchor also we are suggesting 15deg.bend in anchor bolt to
provide edge distance as per D8, hence both the value can be neglected for design value

Conc. Breakout, Side face

Anchor Govern by: 7436Ф
blowout,Pullout or Pryout strength

4.5 Strength Reduction factor (Ф)

Tension Shear (Ref.D 4.4)
Anchor govern by Strength of ductile steel element 0.75 0.65
Anchor govern by Strength of brittle steel element 0.65 0.6
Anchor govern by concrete breakout, sideface
0.75 0.75
blowout, pullout or pryout strength (Cond-A)

Design strength reduction factor will be 0.75 0.75

Design strength of anchore will be (lbs) 4784 4183

7 Intereaction of tensile & Shear forces:- (Ref D7)
Since both the values are present the intereaction methos has to used ,

Vua = factored shear load on each anchor bolt = 579 lbs

Nua = factored tension load on each bolt = 2195 lbs

0.2ФVn = 837 lbs

0.2ФNn = 957 lbs

Here both Vua > 0.2ФVn and Nua> 0.2ФNn, Hence as per D7.3

N ua V (Ref D7.3)
( )( )
φN n
+ ua ≤1. 2
φV n

N ua V ua
( )( )
φN n
φV n
= 0.597 < 1.2, OK

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