(A) Experiment Vs Observational Studies/Sample Survey: ESGC 6112 - Experimental Design - Lecture 1
(A) Experiment Vs Observational Studies/Sample Survey: ESGC 6112 - Experimental Design - Lecture 1
(A) Experiment Vs Observational Studies/Sample Survey: ESGC 6112 - Experimental Design - Lecture 1
(1) to see how does the response/output change when we
deliberately changes the conditions.
(2) E.g. In a chemical process change the pressure/temperature, in
an agricultural experiment change the dose of fertilizer; in an
office change the air-cond temperature and note the
productivity; in a pharma experiment, change the level of a
carcinogenic drug and count the number of tumors.
(3) Infinite population of response.