Cap 3
Cap 3
Cap 3
I. Introduction
The place of a factor study in development
Recognising situations requiring a factor-influence study
Standard approaches to a factor-influence study
II. Full factorial designs at 2 levels
The 22 design - example of extrusion-spheronization
Full factorial design for 3 factors (23) - formulation of an oral solution
Full factorial design for 4 factors (24) - a mixture example
Identifying active factors in saturated designs
General forms of full factorial designs and their mathematical models
III. Fractional factorial designs
Partition of the (full) factorial design
Double partition of a complete factorial design
Generalisation: the construction and properties of fractional factorial designs
Continuation or complement to a fractional factorial design
Factorial designs corresponding to a particular model
IV. Time trends and blocking
Effect of time (time trend)
Block effects
V. Other designs for factor studies
% designs
Rechtschaffner designs
D-optimal designs
We have now covered the standard methods used for screening studies, which,
carried out early in a project's lifetime, consume only a small part of the resources
of time, money, materials, availability of equipment, etc... allocated to it. We may
therefore suppose that, having completed such a study, we are left with rather fewer
factors and are thus ready to carry out a detailed quantitative study of the influence
of these factors. In fact, a separate screening study is only justified if there are
many factors and not all are expected to be influential.
The models are not predictive. They are constructed for the purpose of
measuring the change in the response from one extreme of a factor to
another and for determining interactions, and not for mapping a response
over the domain. Experience has shown that the use of the synergistic model
for prediction is rarely satisfactory for interpolation as much as for
In other words, we strongly advise against using the methods of this chapter
for optimizing a response, or for modelling it within the zone of interest. In
chapter 5 we describe far better methods. However the experiments
conducted in this phase of the study may often be re-used at the
optimization, or response surface modelling phase.
Even though for this kind of study both quantitative and qualitative factors
(especially the latter) may be set at more than 2 levels, the number of coefficients
in the model equation, and therefore the number of experiments needed to
determine them, both increase sharply with the number of levels once we have
decided to study interactions between variables. We will therefore also limit both
kinds of variables to 2 levels, in this chapter. This is an artificial limitation and
might sometimes prove to be too restrictive, especially in the case of qualitative
We will begin by demonstrating the form and meaning of the mathematical
models used in factor-influence studies, using a simple 2 factor example. We will
go on to look at the most widely used designs, mainly factorial and fractional
factorial designs at 2 levels, but also Rechtschaffner and %-factorial designs and
D. Interactions
In contrast to the screening designs, we assume for the factor study that the effect
of a factor may well depend on the level of other factors. There may be
interactions between the variables.
For example, the effect of the presence or not of an excipient on the
formulation could be greater or less depending on whether certain other excipients
are present. So that if a drug substance is unstable when formulated, it could still
be the case that the presence of a pair of excipients might have a stabilising effect
that is greater than that which could be predicted from the individual effects of
those excipients. There is a synergy between the two factors.
The general form of the synergistic model will be demonstrated using a full
factorial design for 2 factors.
All combinations of the extreme values in table 3.1 can be tested in 4 experiments,
as shown in table 3.2. This is called a (full) 22 factorial design (1).
No. Y
A Spheronization Spheronizer Yield
l 2
time (min) speed (rpm) (%)
1 -1 -1 2 min 700 rpm 68.3
2 +1 -1 5 min 700 rpm 63.1
3 -1 +1 2 min 1 100 rpm 62.5
4 +1 +1 5 min 1100 rpm 42.1
3. Mathematical model
Up to this point we have assumed that the system is adequately described by the
first-order or additive (linear) model:
= Po + (3.1)
If this were indeed the case, and the values of (3, and (32 were -4.1% and -6%, as
previously determined in the screening experiment, the results of the 4 experiments
would be as shown in figure
In the screening study we were concerned either with qualitative variables
or with the values of a response at certain discrete levels of quantitative variables,
such as here. We did not attempt to interpolate between the upper and lower levels
of each quantitative variable to estimate the response over the whole of the
experimental domain. Whether or not such an interpolation can be justified depends
on our knowledge of the system, and to some extent on the aims of the project.
Here the variables are quantitative and normally continuous so trying to predict the
response at values between -1 and +1 at least makes theoretical sense. However, as
previously stated, factor studies are not designed for modelling or predicting
responses and extreme caution is advised in using such response surfaces as the
ones in figure 3.1b and 3.2b without proper validation of the model. They are
included only to illustrate the form of the surface.
If equation 3.1 holds, then the response surface of the dependence of the
yield has the planar form shown in figure 3.1b. The deviations between the
yield % A yield %
The calculation of these estimators ft, and b2 of the main effects (3, and (32 can be
interpreted in a different way. If we consider only experiments 1 and 2 in the above
design, only Xl varies, from level -1 to +1, and X2 remains constant at level -1. Any
change in the response (yield of pellets) can only be a result of the change in X\.
Let us define a partial effect b/'" for the variable Xl as the change in response
These are two different estimates of the effect of the variable Xl on the response,
calculated from independent experimental results. They should be equal, allowing
for experimental errors. This is evidently not the case, the difference between the
two values is too great to be attributed solely to random variation. The effect of the
variable X{ is not an intrinsic property of the factor "spheronization time", but on
the contrary the effect of the spheronization time depends on the value of the
spheronizer speed, variable X2. There is an interaction effect p,2 between the two
variables X^ and X2. This is estimated by £>,2, defined as follows:
b12 = '/2 x
x [i/2(y4 - y3) - i/2(y2 - y,)]
x [ + y 1 - y 2 - y 3 + y4] = -3.8%
This interaction effect will usually be referred to simply as an interaction. It is the
apparent change of the effect £>, of Xt, on changing X2 by 1 unit. Depending on
whether it is positive or negative the phenomenon may be described as synergism
or antagonism.
We can examine the effect on b^ of changing the level of Xlt using the same
reasoning, calculating the interaction effect bn. The same formula is found for b2l
. yield % yield %
70- •y, ,
1 - «
6oTv» : J
50- : J
-1 _-——r—-^S^U4-_
40 -^^~-~:^-*i=~~^^~— '
__Jjgieronba(ton speed (tpm) 5
+ y2 - y3 + y.) = - 6.4%
The additive linear model 3.1 is inadequate for describing the phenomenon. The
model is completed by adding the variable X^:
y (3.2)
The results of table 3.2 are shown graphically in figure 3.2a, with the response
surface corresponding to equation 3.2 in figure 3.2b.
?i = Po - Pi - P2 + Pi2 + ei
)>2 = Po + P, - P2 - Pi2 + e 2
y3 = Po - Pi + P2 - P,2 + £ 3
3>4 = Po + Pi + P2 + Pl2 + 4
These may be written in matrix form (see chapter 4 and appendix I):
f \ / \ ( \ f \
y. + 1 -1 -1 +1 Po 6,
+ 1 +1 -1 -1
P, +
?3 + 1 -1 +1 -1 P2 8
+ 1 +1 +1 +1 Rn e
v / I ) v ^j
*0 *i X* X,X2
+1 -1 -1 +1
+1 +1 -1 -1
+1 -1 +1 -1
+1 +1 +1 +1
In the case of a 2-level factorial design the different columns of the model
(effects) matrix correspond to the linear combinations for calculating the
corresponding effects.
When the number of factors k exceeds 2 the complete synergistic model contains
all the terms corresponding to the interactions of the factors, taken 2 by 2, then 3
by 3, up to k by k. There are 8 terms in the model for k = 3:
The higher order coefficients may be considered as correction terms for the
lower order coefficients:
• P, represents the mean change in the response when the variable X: changes
by 1 unit.
• P12 represents the mean change in the effect (3[ when the variable X2
changes by 1 unit.
• p,23 represents the mean change in the effect P,2 when the variable Xj
changes by 1 unit.
We will illustrate this using a study of the influence of 3 factors on the
solubility of a drug.
Senderak, Bonsignore and Mungan (2) have described the formulation of an oral
solution of a very slightly water-soluble drug, using a non-ionic surfactant. After
a preliminary series of experiments, also carried out using a factorial design, they
selected a suitable experimental region and studied the effects of polysorbate 80,
propylene glycol and invert sugar concentrations on the cloud point and the
turbidity of the solution. They used a composite design, which, as we shall see in
chapter 5, consists of a factorial design with additional experiments. We select the
8 data given in their paper for the runs corresponding to the full 23 factorial design.
The experimental domain is given in table 3.4.
We can write the equation for each of the 8 experiments either as before, or in
matrix form. The model matrix X is as shown in table 3.5b.
(b) Model Matrix X for the 23 Design and Complete Synergistic Model
No. Xn
1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1
2 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1
3 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1
4 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1
5 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1
6 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1
7 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1
8 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
The column for each of the interaction coefficients is derived from the
product of the corresponding columns in the experimental design matrix. Thus the
interaction column X^j (also noted simply as 13) is obtained by multiplying the
elements in the column X: by those in the column X3. A column X0 representing the
constant term in the model is introduced. It consists of +1 elements only.
The coefficients in the model equation 3.4 may be estimated as before, as linear
combinations or contrasts of the experimental results, taking the columns of the
effects matrix as described in section III.A.5 of chapter 2. Alternatively, they may
be estimated by multi-linear regression (see chapter 4). The latter method is more
usual, but in the case of factorial designs both methods are mathematically
The calculated effects are listed below and shown graphically in figure 3.4.
These data allow us to determine the effects of changing the medium on the
response variable (in this case the turbidity).
We see that bt and bK are the most important effects, followed by b2 and
613. Absolute values of the remaining effects are 2 to 3 times less important.
Having carried out as many experiments as there are coefficients in the
model equation and not having any independent measurements or estimation of the
experimental variance we cannot do any of the standard statistical tests for testing
the significance of the coefficients. However all factorial matrices, complete or
fractional, have the fundamental property that all coefficients are estimated with
equal precision and, like the screening matrices, all the coefficients have the same
unit, that of the response variable. This is because they are calculated as contrasts
of the experimental response data, and they are coefficients of the dimensionless
coded variables Xf. They can therefore be compared directly with one another.
polysorbate bl
PEG b2 -
invert sugar b3 •
b!2 -
b!3 -
b23 -
b!23 -
But the fact that there are interactions prevents us from interpreting the main
effects directly. We showed in paragraph II.A.3 that a factor can no longer be said
to have a single effect when it interacts with another factor. It is therefore wrong
to conclude simply that increasing the level of surfactant or of propylene glycol
leads to a decreased turbidity. The analysis should be carried out directly on the
interactions, as shown below, using the first order interaction diagrams.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.5b shows that when the sucrose is fixed at its lower level (49 mL;
X3 = -1), varying the concentration of propylene glycol has little effect - the mean
response increases from 2.95 to 3.50. On the other hand when the concentration of
sucrose is higher (X3 = +1) then the effect of increasing the concentration of
propylene glycol is to decrease markedly the turbidity (from 4.70 to 2.65).
It therefore seems that interpreting b2 alone gives only a mean value of the
effect of X2, for an untested mean value X3 = 0 of the sucrose invert medium. (This
mean value would not even exist for a qualitative variable.) The interaction of
propylene glycol with the effect of sucrose is still more visible as there is a change
of sign: with 17% propylene glycol, increasing the quantity of sucrose increases the
turbidity, whereas with 23% propylene glycol increasing sucrose leads to a slightly
decreased turbidity.
The bn interaction is of less importance, but should be considered
nevertheless (figure 3.6). Changing the sucrose concentration has much less effect
Figure 3.6 Interaction diagram (i>13) for polysorbate 80 (X,) and sucrose
2. Experimental domain
The authors first fixed the quantities (and thus the proportions) of three of the
constituents, paracetamol (500 mg, that is 15.5%), PVP (1 mg, 0.03%) and sodium
benzoate (90 mg, 2.8%). The total tablet mass was 3.22 g. There were 5 variable
components, making up 82.42% of the tablet mass.
In fact, sodium and potassium bicarbonate are not 2 separate constituents,
as the authors did not intend making tablets containing both salts at the same time.
There was therefore only a single constituent, "bicarbonate". Its nature, whether
sodium or potassium salt is therefore considered as an independent qualitative
The amount of bicarbonate was maintained at a constant molar ratio - 3
moles of bicarbonate to one mole of anhydrous citric acid in the mixture. So citric
acid and bicarbonate together can be taken as a single component.
The problem therefore becomes one of a mixture of 3 constituents that can
each theoretically vary between 0 and 82.42% of the tablet mass: the saccharose,
citric acid plus bicarbonate, and the sorbitol. The experimental domain may be
represented by the ternary diagram of figure 3.7a.
More realistically there are restrictions on the quantities or relative amounts
of the different excipients. If we were to fix lower limits for sorbitol at 100 mg
(3%), for the citric acid/sodium bicarbonate mixture at 46.6% (slightly greater when
the bicarbonate is potassium) and for the saccharose 300 mg (9%) the resulting
reduced experimental domain would be that shown in figure 3.7b. The experimental
domain remains triangular and it would be possible to treat this problem using
standard mixture designs (see chapter 8). The simplest design would involve
experiments at each of the vertices of the triangular zone of interest.
In addition to these lower limits, an upper limit of 300 mg per tablet (9.3%)
was imposed on the sorbitol, and an upper limit of 65.2% for the citric acid/sodium
bicarbonate mixture. The unshaded zone in figure 3.7c shows the resulting
experimental domain.
The complete factorial 24 design and the plan for experimentation are shown in
table 3.8, along with the experimental results.
4. Mathematical model
The (complete factorial) design allows the calculation of all the main and
interaction effects of the 4 variables. We therefore postulate the model:
Friability: The nature of the bicarbonate (£>3) and the compression force (Z?4) have
effects with similar orders of magnitude. The main effect of the citric acid (b2) and
the interaction bM (citric acid x compression force) are 3 or 4 times smaller. The
largest interaction &23 also appears to be inactive.
Effervescence time: The level of sorbitol has no effect, but the other three main
effects b2, &3, b4, those corresponding to the citric acid level, the kind of bicarbonate
used, and the compression force applied all seem to be important.
It is possible that the interaction i>23 (= 4) is also active. All other effects are
much less important and therefore probably inactive.
Volume of carbon dioxide evolved: It is clear that only the amount of citric acid
(and bicarbonate as these are in a fixed molar ratio) has an effect on this response.
The concentration of sorbitol has very little effect on any of the responses.
We may select levels for the remaining variables, that will give an improved, but
not optimized, formulation. This could in some cases mean a compromise choice,
as an increase in the level of a factor may lead to an improvement in one response
but have a disadvantageous effect on another one.
compression b4 -
b!2 - G
b!3 -
b!4 - 3
b23 • .NXVJ
b24 - K
b34 -
b!23 - S
b!24 i
b!34 - E
b234 - KS
b!234 -
It is to be expected that the large effects, whether positive or negative, are the
statistically significant ones. If none of the effects was active it would be expected
that they would be all normally distributed about zero. A cumulative plot on
"probability paper", or "probit analysis", would give an approximately straight line.
The absolute values of the coefficients are then plotted on a linear scale and
the cumulative probabilities on a "probability scale". This is known as a half-
normal plot (4). The result is shown in figure 3.9. Most of the points appear to lie
on a straight line but the last 4 points deviate from it. This suggests that:
• The effect of the sorbitol b\ is probably not active.
• The other main effects are active, as is the interaction b23 between the
amount of citric acid and the type of bicarbonate used.
• All other interactions may be ignored.
An approximate value of the standard deviation can also be obtained. It is read off
on the straight line as the absolute value of a coefficient corresponding to 0.72
probability. In this way we obtain a standard deviation of 2.6 s for the time over
which a tablet effervesces.
c i t r i c »c i
o. a
0. 2
0 .1
10 15 20 23 30 35
0 .3
o. 7
o. 6
0. 3
0. 3
0. 1
a. 05
As for the previous method the effects (except for the constant term) are set out in
order of increasing absolute values. An initial estimate sb of the standard deviation
of the coefficients is obtained by multiplying the median of the absolute values
coefficients by 1.5. Any coefficient whose absolute value exceeds 2.5 sb is
eliminated from the list. The process is then repeated until no further effect is
eliminated. Then if pr is the number of coefficients remaining in the list at the end,
the signification limit L may be calculated as:
I -17.25
m mmmm
i>. llilllil
: ; : :- 11.13
. . . . . . mmssm mi
III 1.00
lllili '; 4.13
Illl -2.00
where v = (p/3)round and t(0025 v) is the value of Student's / for a probability 0.025
and v degrees of freedom.
The list of coefficients in increasing absolute value is given in table 3.10.
The median value is 1.625, corresponding to the 8th out of the 15 coefficients. Thus
the first estimate of sb is st(1) = 1.625 x 1.5 = 2.437. Coefficients with absolute
values greater than 2.5 x 2.437 = 6.094 are eliminated from the list - that is &3 ,
b2 and i>4.
The median of the new list of coefficients is now the mid-point of the 6th
and 7th coefficients. Thus the new estimate of the pseudo-standard deviation is
sbm = 1A (1.000 + 1.125) x 1.5 = 1.594. Coefficients greater than 2.5 x 1.594 =
3.984 are eliminated from the list. The only one is £>23 = 4. At the third stage, the
median value is 1.000, s6<3> = 1.5 and the new limit is 3.75. There are no more
coefficients to leave out. There remain p, = 1 1 coefficients, and v = (1 l/3)round = 4.
A value of t - 2.78 is taken from a table of Student's t.
The significance limit is therefore L = 2.78 x 1.5 = 4.2 seconds. It
corresponds to the outer limits in figure 3.11. Any coefficient exceeding this limit
is considered active. Another confidence interval may be calculated by a similar
method - corresponding to the inner limit of figure 3.11. All coefficients not
exceeding this limit are considered as inactive. Coefficients between the two limits,
as is the case for b23, may be considered either as active or inactive.
3. Pareto charts
The effects may be represented graphically in the form of a Pareto chart (4). Three
kinds of representations are possible:
• A Pareto chart of the absolute value of each effect (figure 3.12a).
• A Pareto chart of the normalised square of each effect l(, (figure 3.12b).
• A chart of the cumulative function c, of /, (figure 3.12c).
The functions /; and c; are defined as follows:
yi. 1
= £->
where E, are defined in table 3.10, so that here also / is such that the /, are ordered
in increasing values and p is the number of coefficients. The 3 first coefficients add
up together to nearly 95% of the total of the sums of squares of the coefficients.
According to these methods the 4th coefficient, 623, does not seem to be active.
0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
bicarbonate b3 -
citric acid b2 -
compression b4 -
b23 -
sorbitol bl -
b24 -
b!23 -
b234 -
b!34 -
b!2 -
b!4 -
b!3 -
b!24 -
b!234 -
b34 -
o 10 20 30 40 50
0 20 40 60 80 100
At the end of the above study a suitable simplified model might be proposed
for the 3 responses:
y= p>4
Estimates of the statistical significance of the coefficients can and frequently should
be obtained by other means — in particular by replicated experiments (usually centre
points) followed by multi-linear regression of the data, and analysis of variance, as
developed in chapter 4. The methods we have described above are complementary
to those statistical methods and are especially useful for saturated designs of 12 to
16 or more experiments. For designs of only 8 experiments, the results of these
analyses should be examined with caution.
The complete synergistic model for k factors contains all the terms corresponding
to the interactions of the factors, taken 2 by 2, then 3 by 3, up to k by k. We have,
The coefficient P0 is the constant term. The coefficient P: is called the main
effect of the variable (or the factor) Xt. The coefficient P12 is a 2-factor interaction
or a first-order interaction effect The coefficient p123 is called a 3-factor interaction
or a second-order interaction effect. The coefficient p12 1 is called the general
interaction effect. Thus P,23 is the general interaction effect for a 3 factor model and
P,234 is the general interaction effect for a 4 factor model.
A complete synergistic model consists of:
1 constant term P0,
k main effects ft,
k(k-V)!1\ first-order interaction effects Py,
k(k-l)(k-2)/3\ second-order interaction effects p,^,
No. AY
l AY
3 AW *t
1 : ... -
2 + I - ... -
3 + ... -
4 + + ... -
2* + + + + +
In the previous section a complete factorial 24 design at 2 levels and 4 factors was
used to calculate 16 effects. This is a fairly large number of effects, but it required
an equally large number of experiments. The experimenter may well hesitate before
beginning such a study, as it involves looking at higher order interactions ((3123,etc.)
when he might not even be totally sure of the influence of the main effect. (This
particular consideration is well illustrated by the results for the effervescent
paracetamol tablet.)
It is generally true that, except in certain special cases, the probability that
a given interaction effect is significant decreases as the order of the interaction
increases. Interactions of order 2 and above are usually assumed negligible.
Fractional factorial designs allow us to carry out only a fraction (half,
quarter, eighth, etc.) of the full factorial design, obtaining the items of information
that are a priori the most important and at the same time allowing us to add all or
some of the missing experiments later on if the interpretation reveals certain
ambiguities. There are several ways of constructing them which give equivalent
results, provided they are applied correctly. According to the circumstances, one
method may be simpler than another. We will examine two such methods in this
Fractional factorial designs are especially important when there are 5 or
more variables, as the full factorial designs comprise large, or very large, numbers
of experiments with frequently many non-significant higher order effects. However,
for simplicity we will begin by looking at fractions of the 24 full factorial design
and only afterwards apply the theory to larger designs.
We take the full factorial design with the number of variables required and select
half the experiments. Each half fraction can in turn be divided into quarter
fractions. Whereas for a given number of variables at 2 levels there is only one
possible full factorial design, there can be many possible fractional factorial designs
and they are not at all equivalent to one another. We saw in paragraph II.C.3 that
the 24 design consists of 16 experiments representing all possible combinations of
We split the full factorial design in two, in the simplest possible way, and observe
what information can be obtained and what information is lost in the process.
Consider what the situation would be if only the second half of the design, had
been carried out. The reader may examine the resulting design and model matrix,
that is experiments 9 to 16, by covering up rows 1-8 of table 3.12.
We first of all see that column 4 (factor X4) is now set at the level "+1" for
all experiments. It is thus impossible to obtain b4, the estimate of p4. On the
contrary, the mean value for the 8 experiments is an estimate of the sum of the
constant term and of the effect p4, because the effect of X4, if it exists, is the same
in all 8 experiments.
E(60) = Po + P4
Therefore, this partition is not useful, as only 3 of the main effects can be
estimated. Also, we see that columns 1 and 14 are identical so that when the
variable Xt is at level -1, the variable X1X4 equals -1. It is impossible to detect the
individual effects of these variables. We measure only their sum. We can therefore
E(*t) = P, + P14
Columns 2 and 24 are also identical and so are 3 and 34. Estimates of these
variables are therefore biased. Using the same reasoning as above we obtain for all
of the effects, confounded amongst themselves:
It is the choice of the column for the partition that determines the properties of the
fractional factorial design, so the column must be chosen according to the
objectives. These may be taken to be the calculation of the constant term and the
4 main effects without them being confounded with any first-order (2 -factor)
Only 8 independent effects may be estimated from the data for 8
experiments. This leaves only 3 terms, apart from the main effects and constant
term. The model contains a total of 6 first order interactions, so these may not be
estimated independently. In general, the best way to obtain a half fraction of the
design is to partition the design on the last column of the model matrix, the one
which corresponds to the highest order interaction that is possible (1234 in this
case). The resulting design, and its associated model (effects) matrix, is shown in
table 3. 13.
As there are 16 effects but only 8 experiments, we would expect the effects
to be confounded with each other, as these are only 8 independent combinations of
terms. Thus the columns 1 and 234 are the same; so are 12 and 34. This shows us
that when we are estimating f>l we in fact obtain an estimate of f>l + P234. The
effects are confounded or aliased as follows:
But we cannot make any equivalent assumptions about the second-order terms,
confounded 2 by 2. There is in the general case no reason at all for eliminating one
as better indicating our state of incertitude. This is the nomenclature we will use
in much of this chapter.
An unambiguous interpretation of the linear combinations l,2, l,3, 123 is
impossible. If we find the values of any of these to be significant, we have three
(a) Carry out the remaining 8 experiments in the full design.
(b) We may assume that only those interactions are active, where one or both
main effects are large.
(c) We may use previous practical or theoretical knowledge of the system to
guess which of the two aliased interactions is important.
Consider a problem of drug excipient compatibility (see chapter 2) where
we wish to test a new drug formulated in a hard gelatine capsule. The aim is to
estimate the effect of changing the concentration of the drug substance in the
mixture (X^, the effect of wet granulation (X2), the effect of changing diluents (X3)
and the effect of changing the lubricant (X4). All these variables are qualitative.
They are allowed to take 2 levels, -1 and +1. This problem may be studied using
the design shown in table 3.13.
Experience tells us that of these factors, the effect of granulation is often the
most important. In cases of instability, it is the granulated mixtures which tend to
be less stable. It may well happen that all the non-granulated mixtures are relatively
stable, without great differences between them, whereas the granulated mixtures
may show considerable differences due to the excipients present. We thus expect
the coefficients of the interaction terms involving the granulation, P,2, P23, P^, to
be active. The remaining interactions can be ignored.
If we were to see that the main effect of granulation was small compared
with the effects of changing diluent and lubricant we would probably revise our
The effect used to partition the design is called the generator. The above fractional
factorial design was got by taking those experiments for which the element in
column 1234 is "+1". Its generator is thus G = +1234 and the design obtained by
choosing experiments with element "-1" has the generator G = -1234.
A half factorial design has a single generator.
3 3 _
U o E
o ra
•<* •rt -2 -2 '-rt
'£ 1 O
c/: W
c^ 1 o<o o
3 'G ^ ^
C a CO O OO •D- oo -*t oo rt- oo
o CO
c a E
fi E CO
-O b^
o ^^
£ e1 o o o o o 0 o o
t_ E o o o o o o o o
+ + + + O *~s
+ + + +
B S?
o X
+ + • + I
, + , + , + , +
5. Notation for a half factorial design
The fractional factorial design of table 3.13 is a half fraction of a complete design.
The number of experiments N is defined by:
N = 24/2 = 24'1
This notation 24"1 for the half factorial design for 4 variables at 2 levels indicates
the fractional nature of this design.
It should be noted that the design is a complete factorial design for 3 factors
(see the columns for factors X2, X3, X4). We will make use of this fact for the
second method of constructing fractional designs.
As an example we will again use the data for the effervescent tablet of section II.C.
These were for a complete 24 design. We take the half fraction partitioned on the
column 1234 as described above, (that is with generator 1234). We thus imagine
that only experiments 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 16 were carried out - those where
all elements of column 1234 are equal to +1. The experimental design, plan, and
response data are given in table 3.14. The coefficients may be calculated using the
8 different columns of the model matrix. They are listed in table 3.15
Comparison with the results for the full factorial design (table 3.9) shows
similar estimates for the main effects. The conclusions are at least qualitatively the
same for the two designs. So 8 experiments are sufficient to obtain the major part
of the information.
When a large number of factors (more than 4) is being studied then the number of
experiments in the full factorial design increases so rapidly that such a design may
become prohibitively expensive. Even the half-design may be too large, at least for
an initial study. One would like to reduce the number of experiments still further,
in fractionating the full factorial design yet again. This involves separating the
experiments according to the signs symbolising the levels for two of the columns
in the model matrix.
It is difficult to demonstrate this procedure on a 2s design because of the
page size available. We will therefore first of all demonstrate this approach using
I = 234 = 1234 = 1
The confounding pattern above may be deduced from the defining relation. It shows
directly that the effects represented by 1, 234 and 1234 cannot be distinguished
from the constant term. The second line (for £>2) is derived as follows: multiply the
defining relation by 2. We have 2 x I = 3 x 134 = 2 x 1134 = 2 x 1. A column
in the design when multiplied by itself gives a column of "+1" elements. Thus any
column appearing twice in the above expression has no effect on the final result and
22 may be eliminated from the product to give:
2 = 34 s 134 = 12
and if this model were correct the estimates of the five coefficients would be
unbiased. This model assumes that the effect of changing the value of a factor does
not depend in any way on the values of any other factor (provided of course that
these other factors remain constant).
Table 3.18 25"2 Design for Extrusion-Spheronization: Coded and Natural Variables
and Experimental Yields (adapted from reference (8), by courtesy of Marcel Dekker
No. V
A] Y
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5Spher. Spher. Extrus. Spher. Extrus. Yield
time speed speed load screen pellets
23 13 min rpm rpm kg mm %
1 + + 2 650 15 4 1.5 11.1
2 + - - + - 5 650 15 4 0.8 92.8
3 + - - + 2 1350 15 1 1.5 19.7
4 + + - - - 5 1350 15 1 0.8 55.5
5 + 2 650 59 1 0.8 75.5
6 + - + - + 5 650 59 1 1.5 45.4
7 + + + - 2 1350 59 4 0.8 46.5
8 + + + + + 5 1350 59 4 1.5 55.0
= 95.9/8 = 12.0
may be thought of as the estimate bl of P,, only if the interaction coefficients P35,
P^j, and P1234 are negligible. It would normally be reasonable to ignore the second
and third order interactions, but not the two factor interaction P3J. Therefore we
write it below as &1+35.
The estimates of the coefficients, calculated by linear combinations of the
eight data as described in chapter 2, are shown in table 3.19.
Some factors seem to have a considerable effect on the yield. The
spheronization time is important, a longer spheronization time giving an improved
yield. However, we have no way of knowing if this estimate refers to the
spheronization time only, or to the interaction between the rate of extrusion and the
extrusion screen size, or to both. The estimated effect of the diameter of the
extrusion screen is also important, but this also may contain other aliased terms,
and we have no way of knowing their relative importance.
constant b0 50.2
spheronization time ^,+35 12.0
spheronizer speed ^2+34 -6.0
extrusion speed "3+24+15 5.4
spheronizer load *4+23 1.2
extrusion screen "5+13 -17.4
"12+45 -0.9
"14+25 10.6
We choose k' = k - r factors (columns) that can be rearranged to give the standard
order of a complete 2* design. The r remaining columns must of necessity be
identified with certain products of the first k' columns, 2 by 2, or 3 by 3 etc. Take
for example the 26"3 design of table 3.20.
N° A] A2 A3 A4 Aj A6
1 + - +
2 + - + + -
3 + + - - - +
4 + - - - + -
5 + + - - -
6 + - + +
8 t ; + + ; ;
We see that taking the 3 columns Xf, Xt and X3 we have a complete 23
factorial design in the standard order. In general the order of the rows should be
adjusted to the standard order to reveal the design's structure. A systematic
examination of the remaining columns shows that the columns X2, X4 and X6 are
identical to the products of columns X}X^XS, X,Xj, and XiX5. So we may write for
all of the experiments of the design:
2 = 135 4 = 13 6 = 35
The design is defined by 3 independent generators (2k'r design with r = 3). We may
work out what these 3 generators are from the previous line. A generator
We shall see that there is a total of 2' = 23 = 8 terms in the defining relation. The
product of 2 generators is also a generator, as the product of two columns of "+"
signs is inevitably also a column of "+" signs.
Take, for example, the product of 1235 and 134. The result after
rearrangement is 1123345. Now since the product of a column by itself (11 or 33)
is a column "+" (written as I), 245 must also give a column "+". Column 245 is
therefore a generator but not independent, as it is obtained as the product of 2 other
Using the same argument, all products of the independent generators are also
Gl x G2 = 245
Gl x G3 = 1235 x 356 = 12 3* 55 6 = 126
G2 x G3 = 134 x 356 = 135 456 = 1456
Gl x G2 x G3 = 1235 x 134 x 356 = 4*23334556 = 2346
It is this defining relation that is used to determine which effects are aliased with
one another. We have seen in paragraph III.A.2 that when columns in the model
matrix are equal we cannot calculate those individual effects but only their sum.
Thus, the column X0 which consists of "+" signs is used to estimate the constant
term but is also confounded with all effects corresponding to the generators.
which gives:
P15 is thus confounded with two other first-order interaction effects, as well as a
number of higher order interactions. In addition the estimators for the main effects
show that these also are each confounded with a number of interactions of different
degrees. In practice it would probably be assumed that all second and higher order
interactions could be neglected. This still leaves each main effect confounded with
2 first-order interactions, and this fact must be taken into account in the
interpretation of the results. This may mean that certain estimates of the main
effects will be viewed with some caution. The above design is essentially used for
screening, as described in chapter 2.
With fractional factorial designs the estimates of the effects are always aliased. We
need to know how serious is the confounding. If two main effects are confounded
then the matrix is not very useful. If a main effect is confounded only with second
order interactions then it is very likely that the interaction could be neglected. The
5. Aberration of a design
The main criterion for quality in the choice of a fractional factorial design is that
it should be of maximum resolution. There could however be several fractional
designs, each of the same resolution, but with apparent differences in quality. We
take for example two 16 experiment designs for 6 factors (26'2), both of resolution
III. Their defining relations are:
In the first matrix all main effects are aliased with a first-order interaction. In the
second, only 3 main effects, 1, 2, and 3, are so aliased. The second design appears
to be better than the first.
When several designs are of equal resolution, the best design is that with the
fewest independent generators of minimum length. This is called a minimum
k 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
III 25-2
26"3 27-4 29-5 2 10-6 911-7
124 124 124 1235 1235 1235
135 135 135 1246 2346 2346
236 236 1347 1347 1347
1237 2348 1248 1248
12349 12349 12349
12.10 12.10
IV 26-2 27-3 28-4 29-4 210-5
1235 1235 1235 12346 12346 1236
1246 1246 1246 12357 12357 2347
1347 1347 12458 12458 3458
2348 13459 13459 1349
2345.10 145.10
V 25-l 28-2
210"3 2ll-4
Table 3.21 gives designs of maximum resolution and minimum aberration for a
number of factors between 5 and 11, which covers most possible problems. Certain
squares in the table are empty. There is, for example, no design of resolution V for
6, 7, or 9 factors, where it is necessary to use either a resolution IV or VI design.
Fractional factorial designs allow main effects and some interaction effects to be
estimated at minimal cost, but the result is not without ambiguity - main effects
may be confounded with first-order interactions (designs of resolution III) or first-
order interaction effects confounded with one another (resolution IV).
After analysing the results, the experimenter may well wish for clarification
and he will very likely need to continue the experiment with a second design. This
is usually of the same number of experiments as the original, the design remaining
fractional factorial overall.
If a half-fraction factorial, such as the 24"1 design for 4 factors, gives
insufficient information, it is possible to do the remaining experiments of the full
factorial design. This kind of complementary design is trivial, and will not be
discussed further.
1. Complementary design
Let us consider a design fractionated first into two blocks using G t and -G! as
generators. Each block is then fractionated again, with another generator G2 and
-G2, as shown in figure 3.14 for the 25 design. The defining relations of the 4
blocks, each a 2*"2 design, are, as we have already seen:
Block 4: I s -Gi s - G , = G t G 2
Any two blocks allows us to construct a 2*"1 design, of which the single
generator is the one that has not changed sign in going from one block to the other.
For example if we complete the experiments in block 1 by those of block 2 the
generator of the new half fraction design is Gj. Completing block 1 by block 3 will
give a design with generator G2 and adding block 4 to block 1 will give a design
with generator G,G2. Thus, starting with block 1, we have three possible choice of
generator, depending on which block is chosen for the second stage.
The new design, with twice as many experiments, allows twice as many
effects to be calculated. Since its defining relation contains only one generator the
coefficients are confounded with only one other coefficient. The nature of this
confounding depends on the generator and thus on the choice of associated block.
E0»o) = P0 E(ft' 0 ) = p0
The defining relation of the first design being I = 234 s 135 = 1245, such a
complementary design must have a defining relation I = -234 = -135 = 1245. In the
original design the main effects are confounded with first-order interactions because
of the presence of generators of length 3. If the signs of those generators with three
terms are reversed in the new design, then they will disappear from the defining
relation of the design of the two blocks added together, but leaving the longest
Table 3.22 Complementary 25"2 Design for the Extrusion-Spheronization Study (25"2
Design) of Table 3.18 [adapted from reference (8)]
Associated X, X2 X3 X4 X5 y
Spher. Spher. Extras, Spher. Extras, Yield of
time speed speed load screen pellets
No. (min) (rpm) (rpm) (kg) (mm) (%)
1 2 650 15 1 0.8 62.5
2 5 650 15 1 1.5 34.9
3 2 1350 15 4 0.8 56.9
4 5 1350 15 4 1.5 29.0
5 2 650 59 4 1.5 1.2
6 5 650 59 4 0.8 78.7
7 2 1350 59 1 1.5 10.2
8 5 1350 59 1 0.8 47.0
14-25 777-777, J
Additional effects may be calculated from the differences of the two estimates:
The results for the main effects, first-order interaction effects, and a few purely
second-order confounded interactions are listed in table 3.24 and shown graphically
in figure 3.16. Identical results can be obtained by fusion of the two matrices to a
single 25"1 design with defining relation I s 1245. The design, as we recall of
resolution IV, enables the main effects to be calculated without ambiguity, unaliased
with any second-order interaction terms. The effects may be calculated either from
the contrasts defined by the columns of the model matrix, or by multi-linear
Table 3.24 Estimated Effects Calculated from the Two 25'2 Designs
Interpretation of interactions
The authors of the paper concluded that three factors had pharmaceutically
significant effects, the Spheronization time P,, the Spheronization speed P2 and the
extrusion screen size ps. In addition there were important interactions. These
represented aliased terms. They considered that the interaction term fo14+25 was to be
attributed mainly to P14, an interaction between spheronizer load and Spheronization
time. The value of this coefficient was positive.
The second interaction bl5+-2A was attributed to the Spheronization speed and
the load, P^. The third unresolved interaction bn^45 is much less likely to be
Spher. Extr.
load screen
63.875 23T50f
Spher. Spher.
time speed
*, X,
Spher. Extr.
load screen A k
Spher. Spher.
time speed
Figure 3.17 Interaction diagrams for extrusion-spheronization showing the aliased
pairs of interactions, (a) fo14+25 (spheronization time x load aliased with
spheronization speed x extrusion screen) (b) 615+24 (spheronization time x extrusion
screen aliased with spheronization speed x load). For the explanation of the
interaction diagram see figure 3.5. The values of the real variables corresponding
to the coded variable settings -1 and +1 are given in table 3.17.
Fractional factorial designs can lead to biased estimations of the effects if certain
interactions are wrongly assumed to be negligible for the purpose of setting up the
design. This can prevent analysis of the design and lead to more information being
required in the form of a second experimental design. It is here that we come across
a problem. We need to weigh up the properties of the first block of experiments
against the properties of the final design. In the previous case we are forced to take
an inferior final design if we are to have individual blocks that can be analysed.
Here we examine a different case. We wish to study 6 factors, with 16
experiments. We would normally select a design of maximum resolution and
minimum aberration. Reference to table 3.21 shows us that the defining relation of
such a design is:
and it is of resolution IV. Now none of the main effects is biased by first-order
interactions, only by second-order interactions. However, all the first-order
interactions are confounded with one another (in pairs: e.g. 13 with 25, or in one
case threes: e.g. 12 with 35 and 46). Whatever complementary design we choose
the result will be resolution IV and the defining relation will contain one of the
Figure 3.14 summarised the partition of a 25 design into 4 blocks. Defining relations
were written down for the 4 blocks 25"2. We have shown that by taking any 2
blocks we can estimate 16 out of the 32 effects in the full synergistic model. If
having done so we take a further block we may estimate 8 further effects, that is
24 in all.
Each block of 8 experiments can be analysed separately as we saw for the
extrusion-spheronization example, and aliasing terms eliminated by combining pairs
of estimates. We examine further the extrusion-spheronization example. Since the
overall design 25"1 design was of resolution IV this resulted in certain first-order
interaction terms being confounded. We may want to clarify the position with
respect to the confounded terms in the model. The blocks are:
We used block 1 first of all, followed by block 4. Let us see what happens on
adding block 2.
Each block can be used to calculate 8 effects, using contrasts of the response
data, represented by /„, /,, ..., /7. These are estimates of the constant term, the main
effects, and 2 interaction terms, each aliased with various interactions. The aliasing
or confounding pattern will be different according to the block being analysed. The
blocks themselves are identified by a superscript, for example //4) for the linear
combinations from block 4.
They are listed in table 3.25. Interactions between more than 3 variables
have been left out.
7 Pl4 + P25 + P,23+ P345 P.4 + P25 - P,23 - P345 Pl4 ' P25 +
Pl23 ' Ps45
bn = E(bn) = pu + p1M
This design of 3 blocks, appropriately known as a % design (12, 13, 14), can be
used as we have seen in a stepwise or sequential approach using factorial design.
They may under certain circumstances be used instead of the factorial design
as an initial design. An example is the 4 factor 3/4 design of 12 experiments,
described at the end of this chapter, which allows estimation of all main effects and
first-order interactions in the synergistic model.
We have seen how a fractional factorial design may be set up by selecting all the
experiments from a complete design where one or more columns in the model
matrix have a certain structure. Thus certain effects are confounded or aliased. This
is not a problem if one can manage to confound effects which are highly probable
with those that are likely to be insignificant, main effects confounded with second-
order interactions for example. We will now demonstrate another way of dealing
with the problem, and of setting up the design.
= Po (3.7)
There are 8 coefficients in the model. The design must therefore contain not less
than 8 experiments. Is it possible to construct a fractional factorial design of only
8 (23) experiments allowing the resolution of the problem?
We are reminded first of all that a fractional factorial design 2*"r of k factors
contains a complete 2k'r design of k-r factors. The question may therefore be asked
in another way: can we take a complete 23 factorial design and use it to construct
a 25"2 design with 5 factors? If the answer is "yes", which 3 factors do we choose
for the initial design and how can we extend it to the fractional design?
Assume first of all that we have solved the problem! We call the 3 selected
variables A, B, and C. The full factorial design is therefore the design whose model
matrix as shown below in table 3.26. AB, AC, BC, ABC represent the interactions.
1 + . + + +
2 + + + +
3 + + + - +
4 + + + -I- _
5 + + + - - +
6 + + - + +
7 + + + +
8 + + + + + + + +
0 1 ^2 3 4 5 2 3 3*^ 5
1 + + + +
2 + + - + +
3 + + - + + - -
4 + + + . . +
5 + + + +
6 + + + - - + -
7 + + - + +
8 + + + + + + + +
This method is widely applicable: one sets up a full factorial model matrix,
with enough experiments to calculate all of the desired effect. The real factors and
the postulated interactions are then made to correspond to these imaginary factors
and interactions. However this does not give a solution in every case. A well known
example is the problem of 4 factors Xt, X2, X^, X4 with the interactions X:X2 and
The model is:
= Po
2. Screening designs
This method also allows the construction of screening designs for k factors each at
2 levels: the complete factorial design for k' factors is set up, 2k, with k' chosen
so that 2k'> k +1. The remaining k-k' factors are assigned to the interactions
columns in the model matrix. For example a design for screening 7 factors is based
on a 23 full factorial design, as shown in table 3.28. Factors Xlt X2 and X3 are
assigned to the corresponding columns of the full factorial design, and X4, Xs, X6
and X, are assigned to the interactions. The result is a Hadamard design of 8
experiments (in a different order from the design given by the cyclic construction
method of Plackett and Burman).
N° X, X, X} Xt Xs X, X,
1 . + + + -
2 + + +
3 + + - +
4 + + + - - -
5 + + - - +
6 + - + +
7 + + +
8 + + +
= 123
1 -1 -1 +1
2 +1 -1 -1
3 -1 +1 -1
4 +1 +1 +1
E(*,) = P, + p23
E(b2) = P2 + P13
E(63) = p3 + P12
E(b0) = po + p123
Therefore /0, /„ 12 and /3, are unbiased estimates only so long as the interaction
effects can be neglected.
Up until now we have supposed that all of the experiments of a design are carried
out in a consistent fashion under constant conditions. This means that the results
do not depend on the order in which the experiments were carried out, nor the
distance that separates them - either in time or in space. The results depend on the
experimental conditions, on the levels Xi of the factors and an experimental error
of constant variance.
However several untoward effects may arise and be superimposed on those
we are studying, perturb the results (in some cases seriously) and affect the
conclusions. We will consider here how to allow for two such phenomena.
Time may affect the response, in the sense that it may drift. This can be related to
a number of effects, such as aging of reagents, changes in the apparatus (warming
up), increasing experience of the operator, temperature or other atmospheric changes
or arrangement in an oven. That most frequently considered is a linear effect of
time. Suppose a complete factorial design of 3 factors and 8 experiments is carried
out in the standard order and a drift is superimposed on the response yf that would
have been measured for each experiment in its absence. Let the drift per experiment
be i. Therefore the actual response measured for the i* experiment is:
/, = y, + (i - 1)T
5 + /5 = y5 +4T 2
6 + - + y'f, - y6 + 5t 5
7 + + /7 = y7 +6T 3
8 + + + /. = y8 +7i 8
All the estimates of the main effects £', are more or less biased with respect
to the values they would have taken without the time trend. The most extreme
example is £>3 where:
It is easy to show on the other hand that the estimations of the interaction terms are
not biased.
If the interactions may be assumed negligible the time trend may be allowed
for by carrying out the experiments in a different order, the "corrected" order of the
right hand column of table 3.29. With this new order the time trend terms cancel
out in the contrasts for estimating the main effects. However, now the interactions
are biased and so this solution is limited to the rare cases where the interactions
may be neglected safely.
Another solution, by far the more general one, is to carry out the
experiments in a random order. If there are the same number of experiments in the
design as there are parameters in the postulated model, the effect of time is to
perturb the different estimations in a random fashion. If the number of experiments
exceeds the number of parameters to be estimated then the experimental error
estimated by multi-linear regression (see chapter 4) includes the effect of time and
is therefore overestimated with respect to its true value.
B. Block Effects
A block is a group of experiments, part of the total design, that may be considered
Similarly, for the second part of the design, 6 is a generator, so we combine this
with the defining relation already established for the 25"2 foldover design in section
III.D.2, to give:
Three of these generators are common to the two expressions and it is these that
are found in the defining relation for the overall 26"1 design.
I = 1245^-2346^-1356
We now see why the third order effect £234+135 found to be large in the
extrusion spheronization experiment. The defining relation shows that these second-
order interactions 234 and 135 are confounded with the block effect -6.
i>U. Y
A, Y
A, Y
_________________ (block)
Evidently, the certain interval of time between carrying out the 2 blocks led to a
difference between them in one or more of the uncontrolled factors. The difference
was detected by blocking, but it did not falsify the analysis of the effects of the
controlled factors.
Finally, we note that whole designs may be replicated as blocks, the results
being treated by analysis of variance (see chapter 4).
A. % Designs
Consider the synergistic model equation for 4 factors, consisting of the constant
term, the 4 main effects and the 6 first-order interactions. These can be estimated
using the % of 24 design shown in table 3.31. This consists of 12 experiments,
constructed as described in paragraph III.B.l, from 3 blocks of 4 experiments,
defined by the following relations:
In spite of not being completely orthogonal, the design is perfectly usable (12, 13,
14). The inflation factors (see section IV of chapter 4) are acceptable (between 1.33
and 1.5) and the variances of all of the coefficients are equal to o2/8. In addition
the very low redundancy and high R-efficiency (equal to 92%) makes this design
very interesting in circumstances where economy is called for. It is less efficient
than the factorial design with regard to precision, as the standard deviation of the
estimates of the effects is the same as for a reduced factorial 24'1 design of 8
We may take the results of the 24 factorial study of an effervescent table
formulation reported earlier, and select the data corresponding to the 12 experiments
of table 3.31. Estimates of the coefficients obtained either by contrasts or by the
usual method of multi-linear regression are very close to those estimated from the
No. X,
This type of design may also be used in cases where the experimenter proposes a
specific model (compare section III.E.l). Suppose that 8 factors must be studied and
the existence of 3 interaction effects, P12, (313, and p45 is suspected. We rename the
4 variables in the design of table 3.31, A, B, C, and D (table 3.32). We know that
we may estimate these 4 main effects plus the effects corresponding to the
interactions AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, and CD. We may also estimate ABC. As
previously, we establish the correspondence between these variables and those
whose effects we actually want to study (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 45). If
variables Xlt X2, and X3 are made to correspond to A, B, and C, then the interaction
effects 12 and 13 will correspond to AB and AC. X4 and X5 are in turn set to
correspond to BC and BD, and then the interaction effect 45 will correspond to CD,
which is also available. It only remains to set X6, X-,, and Xg. These are made to
correspond to the remaining factors D, AD, and ABC, which results in the design
of table 3.32.
No. Y
B. Rechtschaffner Designs
These designs are little used, or at least their use is seldom reported in the
literature, but they are sufficiently interesting to the pharmaceutical scientist to
merit a brief description. They may be used where the synergistic model is limited
to main effects and first-order interactions. Their R-efficiencies are 100%; there are
only as many experiments as effects to estimate. They are constructed as follows
• an experiment with all elements "-1"
• k experiments with 1 element "-1" and all others "+1"; all possible
permutations of this
• k(k-\)!1 experiments with 2 elements "+1" and all others "-1"; all possible
permutations of this.
See table 3.33 for the design for 6 factors.
They are not balanced and do not have the factorial designs' property of
orthogonality (except the 5-factor Rechtschaffner design, identical to the 25'1
factorial design of resolution V). With this single exception, the estimations of the
effects are not completely independent. Their main advantage is that they are
No. V
A, V
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 6
1 -
2 + + + + +
3 + - + + + +
4 + +- + + +
5 + + + -+ +
6 + + + + - +
7 + + + + + -
8 + + - - - -
9 + - + - - -
10 + - - + - -
11 + - - - + -
12 + - - - - +
13 + + - - -
14 + - + - -
15 + - - + -
16 + - - - +
17 + + - -
18 + - + -
19 + - - +
20 + +
21 + - +
22 - - - - + +
Table 3.22 showed that the only factorial designs allowing estimation of all
first-order interactions are 24, 25'1, 26'1, 27'1, 28'2, 210'3, and 211'4. Rechtschaffner
designs may be used instead, for 4, 6 or 7 factors, to give less expensive estimates
of the effects. For k = 8 a D-optimal design is probably better. See also the
discussion of these designs in terms of variance inflation factors (VIF) in chapter
4, section IV.
Comparison of the different designs for 7 factors is instructive. If only first-
order interactions are considered then the number of coefficients p = 28. Three
possible solutions are given in table 3.34. The Rechtschaffner design is far more
efficient than the full factorial design, as we have already seen, but also more
efficient than the % design, with a standard deviation of estimation of the effects
only 25% higher than that of the % design. The method of linear combinations
cannot be used to estimate the effects from a Rechtschaffner design; multilinear
least squares regression must be employed, as described in chapter 4.
C. D-Optimal Designs
Table 3.35 D-Optimal Design to Obtain the 4 Main Effects and all First-Order
In the same way as for the x 24 design, we can select the data for these
12 experiments from the experimental results of table 3.8 (24 effervescent tablet
factor study) and estimate the coefficients by multi-linear regression. (The linear
combinations method is not applicable here.) The results, given in table 3.36, are
almost identical to those found with the full design and reported in table 3.9.
Table 3.36 Estimations of Main Effects for the Effervescent Tablet Example, from
the D-optimal Design of Table 3.35 and the Experimental Data (Effervescence
Time) of Table 3.8
A number of the different designs available for factor-influence studies are given
in table 3.37. We have tried there to summarise the recommendations of this section
of the chapter and only the designs which seem to us the most frequently useful
are included. Other minimum aberration designs are listed in table 3.22.
Table 3.37 Summary of the Best Designs for Factor Influence Studies
D-optimal designs are discussed more fully in the final section of chapter 8.
All the designs of resolution V and higher for 7 or more factors require a large
number of experiments and the reader's attention is drawn, in particular, to the
resolution IV designs which may provide a viable alternative, though further
experimentation may be required where interactions are found active.
Further Reading