BS en 1052-1 (1999)
BS en 1052-1 (1999)
BS en 1052-1 (1999)
Methods of test for |
masonry Ð |
Part 1: Determination of compressive |
strength |
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
The European Standard EN 1052-1:1998 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 91.080.30 |
BS EN 1052-1:1999
National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 1052-1:1998. It is
intended that it will partially supersede BS 5628, Code of practice for use of
masonry, BS 5628-1:1992, Structural use of unreinforced masonry, the equivalent
masonry test method of which will be withdrawn on 30 September 2000 if all of the
European Standards included in the proposed package of standards, upon which
EN 1052-1 is reliant, are available.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
B/519, Masonry and associated testing, to Subcommittee B/519/4, Tests, which has
the responsibility to:
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This British Standard, having Amendments issued since publication
been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Amd. No. Date Text affected
Committee for Building and Civil
Engineering, was published under
the authority of the Standards
Committee and comes into effect
on 15 January 1999
BSI 01-1999
ICS 91.080.30
Descriptors: masonry work, structural members, mechanical tests, determination, compressive strength
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung
1998 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 1052-1:1998 E
Page 2
EN 1052-1:1998
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 125, Masonry, the
Secretariat of which is held by BSI. Foreword 2
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 1 Scope 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical 2 Normative references 3
text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 1999, 3 Principle 3
and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn
at the latest by September 2000. 4 Definitions and symbols 3
This European Standard has been prepared under a 5 Material 4
mandate given to CEN by the European Commission 6 Apparatus 4
and the European Free Trade Association and supports
7 Preparation of specimens 4
the essential requirements of the EU Construction
Products Directive (89/106/EEC) and includes the 8 Procedure 5
performance requirements referred to in the Eurocode 9 Calculations 6
for masonry structures.
10 Evaluation of results 6
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
the national standards organizations of the following 11 Test report 7
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
countries are bound to implement this European Annex A (normative) Adjustment of mean
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, compressive strength 8
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
BSI 01-1999
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EN 1052-1:1998
units. f is the mean compressive strength of the
prEN 998-2, Specification for mortar for masonry Ð masonry, (N/mm2)
Part 2: Masonry mortar. fi is the compressive strength of an individual
prEN 1015-3, Methods of test for mortar for masonry specimen, (N/mm2)
masonry Ð Part 3: Determination of consistence of fi,min is the smallest compressive strength of an
fresh mortar (by flow table). individual masonry specimen, (N/mm2)
prEN 1015-7, Methods of test for mortar for fid is the adjusted individual masonry
masonry Ð Part 7: Determination of air content of compressive strength, (N/mm2)
fresh mortar. fid,min is the smallest adjusted compressive strength
prEN 1015-11, Methods of test for mortar for of an individual masonry specimen, (N/mm2)
masonry Ð Part 11: Determination of flexural and fk is the characteristic compressive strength of
compressive strength of hardened mortar. the masonry, (N/mm2)
fb is the mean compressive strength of masonry
3 Principle units at the time of the masonry test,
The compressive strength of masonry perpendicular to
fbd is the specified mean compressive strength of
the bed joints is derived from the strength of small
the masonry units, (N/mm2)
masonry specimens, tested to destruction. The
materials, construction and bonding pattern should fd is the mean adjusted compressive strength of
correspond to those used in practice. the masonry, (N/mm2)
The specimens are loaded uniformly in compression. fm is the mean compressive strength of the
The maximum load (Fmax) achieved is recorded. The mortar at time of the masonry test, (N/mm2)
characteristic compressive strength of the masonry is fmd is the specified mean compressive strength of
derived from the strengths of the individual specimens. the mortar, (N/mm2)
If the units, or the mortar, do not achieve the exact hs is the height of the specimen, (mm)
strengths specified, then it is permissible to adjust the hu is the height of the masonry unit, (mm)
measured values in accordance with annex A within ls is the length of the specimen, (mm)
the specified range. Any such adjustment should be lu is the length of the masonry unit, (mm)
clearly indicated in the test report. ts is the thickness of the specimen, (mm)
tu is the width of the masonry unit, (mm)
ei is the mean strain in an individual masonry
specimen at one third of the maximum
strength achieved.
BSI 01-1999
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EN 1052-1:1998
5 Material 6 Apparatus
5.1 Masonry units A testing machine that will apply load to a specimen
such that displacements are uniform across the loaded
5.1.1 Sampling surfaces. If the platens of the testing machine are
All of the masonry units for individual tests and for shorter than the specimen to be tested, loading beams
making the masonry specimens shall be taken from the having a length greater than the length of the specimen
same consignment. and a depth greater than or equal to the length beyond
the edge of the platens shall be used. The testing
5.1.2 Conditioning of the units machine shall be fitted with a self-locking ball-seating.
The conditioning of masonry units shall be as
specified: Table 1 Ð Requirements for testing machines
Record the method of conditioning the units prior to Maximum Maximum Maximum
laying. Record the age of non-autoclaved concrete permissible permissible mean permissible error
units at the time of testing the masonry specimens. repeatability of error of forces as of zero force as
forces as percentage of percentage of
Measure the moisture content by mass of autoclaved percentage of indicated maximum force
aerated concrete and calcium silicate masonry units in indicated force force of range
accordance with prEN 772-10. % % %
5.1.3 Testing 2,0 ±2,0 ±0,4
Determine the compressive strength of a sample of
masonry units, using the method given in prEN 772-1.
7 Preparation of specimens
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NOTE Where the strength of the masonry units will change with
time, the compressive strength test should be carried out on the 7.1 Masonry specimens
same day as the masonry test.
Use at least three specimens having the sizes given
5.2 Mortar in Table 2 and Figure 1.
The mortar, its mixing procedure and its flow value If the expected height of the specimen in accordance
shall conform with the requirements of prEN 998-2, with Table 2 is greater than 1 000 mm, it is allowable to
unless otherwise specified, and these shall be reported reduce the dimensions of the specimen (except for
in the test report. those made with units having perforations
Take samples of mortar from the mason's board to perpendicular to the direction of loading) by cutting
make mortar specimens and determine the flow value the units used to make the bottom and the top courses
of fresh mortar in accordance with prEN 1015-3, the provided that.
air-content of the fresh mortar in accordance with a) ls $ 400 mm and ls $ lu.
prEN 1015-7 and the compressive strength of mortar in
b) The specimens include at least one head joint in
accordance with prEN 1015-11 at the time of testing the
the central course centrally placed.
masonry specimens.
c) The height of the cut portions of the units in the
top and bottom courses is not less than the
thickness of the specimen (ts).
d) The original faces of the units shall be used for
mortar joints.
Table 2 Ð Small specimen sizes for testing the compressive strength of masonry
Face size of unit Masonry specimen size
Length Height Thickness
lu (mm) hu (mm) ls hs ts
# 150 $ 5hu $ 3 ts and # 15ts and $ ls
# 300 $ (2 3 lu)
$ tu
> 150 $ 3hu
# 150 $ 5hu
> 300 $ (1,5 3 lu)
> 150 $ 3hu
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EN 1052-1:1998
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1 Displacement measurements
Figure 1 Ð Masonry specimen
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EN 1052-1:1998
Table 3 Ð Permissible ranges of mortar strength within which masonry may be tested
Mortar class Specified compressive strength (fmd) Mean compressive strength at time of testing (fm)
N/mm2 N/mm2
last step, increase the compressive force at a constant
rate until failure. If measuring devices are available 10 Evaluation of results
that can measure the displacement whilst applying the
force continuously, select the constant loading or 10.1 Mean compressive strength
displacement rate so that the maximum force is Calculate the mean compressive strength (f) of the
attained after 15 min to 30 min. masonry specimens to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2. Where
the compressive strength of the masonry units and of
8.3 Measurements
the mortar at the time of testing deviate from the
Record the following: specified values the test results shall be converted in
Ð the dimensions of the loaded cross-section of the accordance with annex A.
specimen with an accuracy of ±1 mm;
10.2 Characteristic compressive strength
Ð the maximum load Fi,max in Newtons to the
Calculate the characteristic compressive strength of
nearest 1 kN;
masonry, to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2, from a) or b),
Ð the load at which visible cracks occur; whichever is the greater:
Ð the length of time from the start of loading until
the maximum load is achieved. a) fk = f/1,2 or fk = fi,min N/mm2 (3)
If the modulus of elasticity is to be determined, whichever is the smaller;
displacement measurements with an accuracy on the or using adjusted values as calculated from
strains of ±25 3 1026 shall be taken at the four annex A
measuring points shown in Figure 1 up to about 50 per
cent of the maximum load. fk = fd/1,2 or fk = fid,min N/mm2 (4)
whichever is the smaller.
9 Calculations b) When there are five specimens or more calculate
the 5 % fractile value based on a confidence level
9.1 Expression of strength results of 95 %.
Calculate the compressive strength of each masonry
specimen to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2, using the following 10.3 Mean modulus of elasticity
formula: When required, calculate the mean modulus of
elasticity E to the nearest 100 N/mm2.
Fi,max N/mm2 (1)
fi =
BSI 01-1999
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EN 1052-1:1998
11 Test report
The test report shall contain the following information:
a) the number, title and date of issue of this
European Standard;
b) name of the testing laboratory;
c) number of specimens;
d) date of building the specimens;
e) curing conditions (time, temperature, humidity);
f) date of testing the specimens;
g) description of the specimens, including
dimensions, number of courses, loaded
cross-sectional area, bonding pattern of the
specimen in the testing machine;
h) description of the masonry units and the mortar
(to include also details of the mortar mixing
procedure, flow value, air content and compressive
strength), preferably consisting of the appropriate
test reports, or of extracts taken from these reports;
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types of unit, the method of conditioning prior to the
time of laying;
k) maximum loads reached by the test specimens;
l) the length of time from the start of loading until
the maximum load is achieved;
m) mean compressive strength of the masonry units
in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2 and the
coefficient of variation;
n) mean compressive strength of the mortar in
N/mm2 to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2 and the coefficient
of variation, at the time of testing the masonry;
o) individual values of the compressive strength of
the masonry specimens in N/mm2 to the
nearest 0,1 N/mm2;
p) mean and characteristic compressive strength of
the masonry in N/mm2 to the nearest 0,1 N/mm2;
q) statistical treatment of the results where relevant;
r) adjusted values of mean and characteristic
strength of masonry (if appropriate);
s) stress in N/mm2 at which the first visible crack
t) mean and individual values for the modulus of
elasticity in N/mm2 (where specified) to the
nearest 100 N/mm2;
u) remarks, if any.
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EN 1052-1:1998
Annex A (normative)
Adjustment of mean compressive
If the compressive strength of the masonry units,
and/or the mortar, at the time of masonry testing
deviate from the specified strengths of the masonry
units (fbd) or mortar (fmd), then the masonry
compressive strength determined from the testing shall
be converted to the equivalent masonry strength
relevant to the specified unit and mortar strengths
using the following equation:
f 0,65 fmd 0,25
fid = fi 3 bd 3
fb fm
Calculate fd as the mean of the individual values fid.
Conversion of compressive strength values for units
shall only be carried out when the tested mean
strength of the units is within ±25 % of the specified
strength and the mortar strength falls within the range
given in Table 3 and the mortar is of the general
purpose type.
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BSI 01-1999
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 10 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
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