Commercial Invoice: Krishen
Commercial Invoice: Krishen
Commercial Invoice: Krishen
Invoice Information
Invoice Number Exp/001/0-304 Invoice Date 05/05/2003
Order Number
Shipping Information
AWB Number Date Of Export 06/05/2003
Forwarding Agent Payment Mode
Shipment Information
Number Of Specification Of Commodities Wt (Kg) QTY Unit Price Amount
33 HDPE bags Nylon Fishing Nets 1426 Kgs 33 6294 USD
Signature KRISHEN
Commercial Invoice
The commercial invoice is a legal document between the supplier and the customer
that clearly describes’ the sold goods, and the amount due on the customer. The
commercial invoice is one of the main documents used by customs in determining
customs duties.
Invoice Information
Refers to the information regarding the commercial invoice
Shipper Information:
Refers to the information about the sender of the Goods
Consignee Information:
Refers to the information about the receiver of the goods
Shipping Information
Refers to the information about the shipping of the goods
AWB Number: The Air Way bill number under which the goods are shipped
Forwarding Agent: The shipping company name
Date of Export: The date of which the goods are shipped
Payment Mode: The paying mode of shipping that may be prepaid, collect or free
Shipment Information
Refers to the information about the goods to be shipped