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Charts, Formulas and Web-Based Calculators For Separator Sizing

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How to Size a Moisture Separator

Charts, formulas and web-based calculators for separator sizing

By: Chris Pasquali, CEO Factory Direct Pipeline Products, Inc.

Our article “Understanding Sizing Factors for Centrifugal If you require a lower differential pressure, rewrite the
Separators” described what a centrifugal separator is, equation above to solve for maximum capacity flow, find
the key design criteria required for proper sizing and how that value on the X axis and draw a vertical line upwards
to use our web-based sizing tools. In this article we to intersect with the PSIa line; the required separator
explain the sizing charts and formulas of which the web- size to satisfy your specific ∆P requirements is the
based calculators are based upon. The two articles separator size to the right of that intersection.
combined enable you to both properly size a centrifugal
vortex separator and compare performance criteria of The full-size steam sizing chart is hyperlinked to the
liquid removal and pressure drop amongst several image on this page and it has a sizing example written
separator designs. on it already.

We use two charts for sizing

separators, one for steam and
another for all other gases. We will
review sizing for steam applications
first because it is more simplistic.

Over 50 years ago physical testing

was performed in a laboratory using
steam and compressed air to optimize
the efficiency of centrifugal
separators. The test results were
plotted on graphs to be used for sizing
separators and we have since derived
formulas from those performance
curves to enable creation of our web-
based sizing tools. These charts and
calculators indicate the maximum
capacity for removal of droplets and
particles larger than 10 microns with
99% efficiency.

The sizing charts have a X, Y and

secondary Y axis. The X axis lists the mass flow rate of
steam or the volumetric flow rate for air depending upon Moisture Separator Sizing for Air and Other Gasses
the chart. The Y axis lists absolute pressure (PSIa) and The procedure for sizing air and other gas applications is
the secondary Y axis the corresponding differential the same with respect to drawing horizontal and vertical
pressure (∆P). The diagonal lines across the chart are lines, the difference is that the volumetric air flow
the performance curves for standard separator sizes. needed to use the chart is the “Equivalent Air Flow in
SCFM (Qc)”.
Moisture Separator Steam Sizing Chart
The first step is to draw a horizontal line from the design Earlier I mentioned testing was performed many years
(maximum) PSIa across to the differential pressure ago using air and the corresponding datapoints formed
(secondary Y axis). the basis of separator sizing. The temperature of the air
used for testing was 60F. Therefore, if your application
Next draw a vertical line from your design (maximum) happens to be for air at 60F and you have the maximum
flow rate of steam in lbs/hr units. The separator size flow rate in SCFM, you can go right to the chart. If the
required is indicated by the line to the right of where your air is at another temperature, you have the mass flow or
two lines intersect. if it is a gas having a molecular weight different than air
(29 MW) then some additional calculations are required
Now draw a vertical line from the intersection of before you can use the chart. These calculations result
horizontal line and the required separator size line; in Qc “equivalent air flow SCFM”.
where it intersects the X axis is the maximum capacity
in lbs/hr for that size separator at that specific operating The formula for Qc is: Qc = Qsg x Fg x Ft.
Qsg is the rate of flow in CFM
To calculate the corresponding differential pressure for Fg is a correction factor for specific gravity (sg)
your application, use the following formula: Ft is a correction factor for temperature

We have tables and graphs for Fg and Ft and from those

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤
( ) 𝒙 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 ∆P (secondary Y axis) = 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 ∆P (PSI)
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤
we have derived formulas. There are several ways to
6.3 𝑥 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 [𝑙𝑏𝑠/ℎ𝑟]
calculate Qsg, the easiest is probably . If
Since centrifugal vortex separators have an infinite 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
turndown ratio they maintain their separation efficiency your gas is a composition of several different gasses you
at lower pressures associated with start-up and shut- will need to calculate the equivalent MW using the
down. percentage of each gas in your composition.

Factory Direct Pipeline Products, Inc. Copyright © 2020
How to Size a Moisture Separator
Charts, formulas and web-based calculators for separator sizing
By: Chris Pasquali, CEO Factory Direct Pipeline Products, Inc.

Let’s walk through an

example for natural gas
consisting of 75%
Methane (CH4: 16 MW)
and 25% Nitrogen (N2:
28 MW). The design
(maximum) pressure is
120 PSIa and the
temperature is 90F.
Our design (maximum)
flow rate is 1,000

The MW for our

calculations is 19 (75%
of 16 + 25% of 28). And
6.3 𝑥 1000 [𝑙𝑏𝑠/ℎ𝑟]
thus Qsq= =
19 𝑀𝑊
331.58 CFM.
Selecting the Best Separator Design
Now that you know the size of the separator you will
need to determine which model suits your application the
We have a table
specifying Fg for Natural Gas is 0.788 and if you use the
graph it would seem to be 0.8; when we have a value in
Additional criteria to consider include the volume of
table format, we will use that instead of interpolating
condensate to remove, your piping size and orientation,
from a graph; our calculators use a formula.
droplet size to remove and physical space available to
install the separator. This aspect of separator selection
Next is Ft, and we again have both a table and graph to
is described in our article “Efficiency of Centrifugal Vortex
consult; the table specifies Ft = 1.034 and the graph Ft
= 1.05, so we’ll go with the table. Now we can calculate
Qc = 331.58 x 0.788 x 1.034 = 270.16 SCFM.
Our web-based sizing tool automatically calculates Qc
and both rated and actual ∆P. In addition, it provides
The intersecting lines indicate a 1½” separator is
the liquid removal rate for all size separator designs. You
required and its maximum flow rate is 350 SCFM with a
can also toggle the size to adjust the liquid removal rate
rated ∆P of 1.2 PSI. Thus the actual differential pressure
and actual ∆P to quickly determine the separator size
is calculated as 0.715 ∆P.
and model for your application. If you have several
applications or want to quickly see the
effect of changing a variable such as
pressure, the online sizing tool is

Although we have provided you with

the fundamental information and tools
to properly size a centrifugal
separator for your application, we are
here to assist you! Please contact us
by phone, email or web-based inquiry
form so we can put our experience to
work for you!

Visit us at https://fdpp.com and let us

know how we can assist you with your
filtration application!

Chris Pasquali has provided sales and

engineering support for Wright-
Austin Centrifugal Separators since

Factory Direct Pipeline Products, Inc. Copyright © 2020

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