Final WKU Reviewed Industrial Project Guideline
Final WKU Reviewed Industrial Project Guideline
Final WKU Reviewed Industrial Project Guideline
Prepared by:
ii | P a g e
5.5. Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................18
5.6. Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................19
5.7. List Figures and Tables...............................................................................................................19
5.8. List of Abbreviation....................................................................................................................19
5.9. Abstracts / Executive Summary/................................................................................................20
6. MAIN BODY OF THE PROJECT WORK...........................................................................21
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT OUTLINE.......................................................................................22
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................23
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................23
1.1. Background of the Organization................................................................................................23
1.2. Statement of the Problem.........................................................................................................23
1.3. Objectives of the Project............................................................................................................23
1.3.1. General Objective..............................................................................................................23
1.3.2. Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................23
1.4. Feasibility Analysis.....................................................................................................................24
1.4.1. Technical Feasibility.................................................................................................................24
1.4.2. Operational Feasibility.............................................................................................................24
1.4.3. Economical Feasibility..............................................................................................................24
1.4.4. Other Feasibility (if any)...........................................................................................................24
1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Project................................................................................................24
1.5.1. Scope of the Project.................................................................................................................24
1.5.2. Limitation of the Project..........................................................................................................25
1.6. Significance of the Project..............................................................................................................25
1.7. Beneficiary of the Project...............................................................................................................25
1.8. Methodology of the Project............................................................................................................25
1.8.1. Data Collection Tools/Techniques...........................................................................................25
1.8.2. System Analysis and Design.....................................................................................................25
1.8.3. System Development Model....................................................................................................25
1.8.4. System Testing Methodology...................................................................................................25
1.8.5. Development Tools and Technologies.....................................................................................25
1.9. Budget and Time Schedule of the Project.......................................................................................26
1.9.1. Budget of the Project...............................................................................................................26
1.9.2. Time Schedule of the Project...................................................................................................26
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1.10. Team Composition........................................................................................................................26
1.11. Document Organization................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................27
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM...................................................................27
2.3. Introduction of Existing System.................................................................................................27
2.4. Users of Existing System............................................................................................................27
2.5. Major Functions of the Existing System.....................................................................................27
2.6. Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any)...................................................27
2.7. Drawbacks of the Existing System..............................................................................................27
2.8. Business Rules of the Existing System........................................................................................27
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................28
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM...........................................................................................................28
3.3. Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................28
3.4. Non-functional Requirements....................................................................................................28
3.4.1. User Interface and Human Factors....................................................................................28
3.4.2. Hardware Consideration....................................................................................................28
3.4.3. Security Issues....................................................................................................................28
3.4.4. Performance Consideration...............................................................................................28
3.4.5. Error Handling and Validation............................................................................................29
3.4.6. Quality Issues.....................................................................................................................29
3.4.7. Backup and Recovery.........................................................................................................29
3.4.8. Physical Environment.........................................................................................................29
3.4.9. Resource Issues..................................................................................................................29
3.4.10. Documentation..................................................................................................................29
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................30
4. SYSTEM ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................30
4.3. System Model............................................................................................................................30
4.3.1. Use Case Model.................................................................................................................30
4.4. Object Model.............................................................................................................................30
4.4.1. Class Diagram.....................................................................................................................31
4.4.2. Data Dictionary..................................................................................................................31
4.5. Dynamic Model..........................................................................................................................31
4.5.1. Sequence Diagram.............................................................................................................31
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4.5.2. Activity Diagram.................................................................................................................31
4.5.3. State Chart Diagram...........................................................................................................31
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................32
5. SYSTEM DESIGN.................................................................................................................32
5.3. Design Goals..............................................................................................................................32
5.2. Current System Architecture (if any)..............................................................................................32
5.3. Proposed System Architecture.......................................................................................................32
5.3.1. Subsystem Decomposition and Description.............................................................................33
5.3.2. Hardware/Software Mapping..................................................................................................33
5.3.4. Detailed Class Diagram............................................................................................................33
5.3.5. Persistent Data Management..................................................................................................33
5.3.6. Access Control and Security.....................................................................................................33
5.4. Packages.........................................................................................................................................33
5.5. Algorithm Design............................................................................................................................34
5.6. User Interface Design.....................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................35
6. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING.................................................................................35
6.3. Implementation of the Database...............................................................................................35
6.4. Implementation of the Class Diagram........................................................................................35
6.5. Configuration of the Application Server.....................................................................................35
6.6. Configuration of Application Security........................................................................................36
6.7. Implementation of User Interface.............................................................................................36
6.8. Testing.......................................................................................................................................36
6.8.1. Test Case............................................................................................................................37
6.8.2. Testing Tools and Environment..........................................................................................37
6.8.3. Unit Testing........................................................................................................................37
6.8.4. System Testing...................................................................................................................37
6.8.5. Integration Testing.............................................................................................................37
6.8.6. Acceptance Testing............................................................................................................37
CHAPTER SEVEN.......................................................................................................................37
7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................37
7.3. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................38
7.4. Recommendation......................................................................................................................38
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8. REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................39
Appendix I: Interview and Questionnaires (if any)......................................................................40
Appendix II: Existing System Forms and Reports........................................................................40
Appendix III: Sample Source Code...............................................................................................40
NETWORKING AND SECURITY OUTLINE............................................................................41
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................42
2.1. Background of the Organization................................................................................................42
2.2. Statement of the Problem.........................................................................................................42
2.3. Objectives of the Project............................................................................................................42
2.3.1. General Objective..............................................................................................................42
2.3.2. Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................42
2.4. Feasibility Analysis.....................................................................................................................43
2.4.1. Technical Feasibility...........................................................................................................43
2.4.2. Operational Feasibility.......................................................................................................43
2.4.3. Economical Feasibility........................................................................................................43
2.4.4. Other Feasibility (if any).....................................................................................................43
2.5. Scope and Limitation of the Project...........................................................................................43
2.5.1. Scope of the Project...........................................................................................................43
2.5.2. Limitation of the Project....................................................................................................44
2.6. Significance of the Project.........................................................................................................44
2.7. Beneficiary of the Project..........................................................................................................44
2.8. Methodology of the Project.......................................................................................................44
2.8.1. Literature Review...............................................................................................................44
2.8.2. Data Collection Tools/Techniques......................................................................................44
2.8.3. Network Design..................................................................................................................44
2.8.4. Performance Testing Methodology....................................................................................44
2.8.5. Simulation Tools and Technologies....................................................................................44
1.9. Budget and Time Schedule of the Project.......................................................................................44
1.9.1. Budget of the Project...............................................................................................................45
1.9.2. Time Schedule of the Project...................................................................................................45
1.10. Team Composition........................................................................................................................45
1.11. Document Organization................................................................................................................45
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CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................46
2. NETWORK NEEDS ANALYSIS.............................................................................................46
2.1. Data Types......................................................................................................................................46
2.2. Data Sources...................................................................................................................................47
2.3. Numbers of Users and Priority Levels.............................................................................................47
2.4. Transmission Speed Requirements.................................................................................................48
2.5. Load Variation Estimates................................................................................................................49
2.5. Storage Requirements....................................................................................................................50
2.6. Reliability Requirements.................................................................................................................52
2.7. Security Requirements....................................................................................................................53
2.8. Existing Network.............................................................................................................................54
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................56
3. Logical Network Design.........................................................................................................56
3.1. Designing a Network Topology..................................................................................................57
3.2. Designing Models for Addressing and Numbering.....................................................................58
3.3. Selecting Switching and Routing Protocols................................................................................59
3.4. Developing Network Security Strategies....................................................................................60
3.5. Developing Network Management Strategies...........................................................................63
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................66
4. Physical Network Design.......................................................................................................66
4.1. LAN Cabling Plant Design...........................................................................................................66
4.2. LAN Technologies.......................................................................................................................67
4.3. Ethernet Technology Choices....................................................................................................68
4.4. Selecting Internetworking Devices for a Organization Network Design.....................................69
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................71
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION........................................................................71
5.1. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................71
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OUTLINE.................................................................................72
PART I: EXPERT SYSTEM.........................................................................................................73
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................74
(Similar to Software Development outline)...................................................................................74
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................75
2. LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................................................75
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2.1. Subheading 1.............................................................................................................................75
2.2. Sub heading 2............................................................................................................................76
2.3. Sub heading…….. n.....................................................................................................................76
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................77
3. KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION............................................................................................77
3.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................77
3.2. Steps in Knowledge Acquisition.................................................................................................77
3.3. Conceptual Modeling.................................................................................................................78
3.4. Concepts in the choice of (for example drugs to THYPHOID AND MALARIA patients)...............78
3.4.1. Pregnancy..........................................................................................................................78
3.4.2. Tuberculosis.......................................................................................................................78
3.4.3. Renal Failure (kidney)........................................................................................................78
3.4.4. Hepatic Failure (liver).........................................................................................................78
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................79
4. KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATIONS................................................................................79
4.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................79
4.2. The Knowledge Base..................................................................................................................79
4.3. The Explanation Facility.............................................................................................................79
4.4. System‟s Control Structure.......................................................................................................79
4.5. Assignment of Certainty Factors................................................................................................79
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................80
5. KNOWLEDGE APPLICATION PHASE.................................................................................80
5.1. User Interface.................................................................................................................................80
5.2. Testing and Evaluation....................................................................................................................80
5.3. Issue of Integration into other ES and Conventional system..........................................................80
5.4. Knowledge Base Maintenance........................................................................................................80
5.5. Design Requirements......................................................................................................................80
CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................81
6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................81
9.3. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................81
9.4. Recommendation......................................................................................................................81
PART II: RESEARCH PROJECT.................................................................................................82
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................83
ii | P a g e
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................83
(Similar to Software Development Module).................................................................................83
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................84
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................84
a. Subheading 1.................................................................................................................................84
b. Sub heading 2................................................................................................................................84
c. Sub heading…….. n.........................................................................................................................85
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................86
3. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................86
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................88
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................................................................88
a. Sub heading 1................................................................................................................................88
b. Sub heading 2................................................................................................................................89
c. Sub heading n................................................................................................................................90
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................91
5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................91
5.1. Conclusions................................................................................................................................91
5.2. Recommendations.....................................................................................................................91
ii | P a g e
I. Acknowledgments
Many individuals and institutions have made significant contributions to the preparation of this
Guideline. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the
possibility to develop this Guideline.
In the first place, we would like to thank Addis Ababa University, Hawassa University,
University of Gondar, Bahr Dar University, Jimma University, and Haramaya University for
sharing with us their valuable experiences and providing us some documents, which we have
found to be very useful for our various purposes.
Our special gratitude goes to Wolkite University, College of Computing and Informatics College
Academic Council for selected us for preparation of this guideline and reviewed by another
instructor‟s member of the college. We would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation
the crucial role of the Guideline preparation team in conducting the survey and the identifying
the possible project template with support of research aspect and developing the document. Our
gratitude goes also to College of Computing dean office, CCI Instructors and department heads
for supporting our efforts in one way or another.
II. Preface
This document is a generic Industrial Project document for use by all first degree Computer
Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Information Technology Students for
their final projects. It provides guidance and template material which is intended to assist the
relevant outline to prepare documentations for System (Web and Mobile), Expert System,
Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Natural Language processing ,Image Processing and
Others), Networking and Security related final projects in the College. It describes detail outlines
of contents and their descriptions with necessary examples that help students to properly
document their project progresses in their final year senior project. It is also useful background
reading for anyone involved in developing or monitoring the final year student projects in
Wolkite University or in other universities.
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The industrial Project is intended to be a capstone experience that draws on the previous four
years of course work. The industrial Project should therefore be sufficient in scope and technical
content in order to expose students‟ technical competence developed during their education at
Wolkite University. The Project‟s specific topic can be in any field of computer Science,
Software Engineering, Information Sciences and Information Technology or similar areas. It is
also expected that the project be carried out by a team of 3-6 senior students under the
supervision of related department instructor (s). The project‟s duration is expected to run over
two semesters and graded at the end of each semester.
Industrial Project is an important part of computing discipline at undergraduate level. The main
purpose of these projects is to encourage students to apply the knowledge acquired during their
studies. Students are also expected to show how proficient they are in solving real world
problems with certain constraints for the outcome-based evaluation set by the department of
computing discipline. Consequently, all college of computing and Informatics students are
required to participate in group based industrial projects provided in the first and second
semesters of their final year. The industrial projects involve a significant software development
techniques and principles.
To this end, each departments under college of computing and Informatics requires its students
to demonstrate knowledge right from project planning to implementation. This project guideline
is to assist students on the rules and procedures that should be followed in order to plan and
execute a productive and successful industrial project. This guideline is also used as a reference
for all participants in the industrial project: department advisors and the industrial project
evaluation committee members.
This document contains information on how to successfully compile a written industrial project
report for Computing Students. This guideline plays an integral role in your project work, in your
report preparation. The sections and sub sections tries to elaborate the general report structure
including content, formatting style, and referencing style to be used. Students are encouraged to
stick to the guideline as far as possible. Badly formatted and/or nonstandard styled reports are
irritants to reading and distract attention from the main contents of the report (that is, the work
1.4. Objective
This Industrial project guideline aims to:
Help students to have a good insight on the rules and procedures that should be followed
in industrial project planning, design and implementation phases.
Assist students use consistent formatting throughout their documentation.
Inform Instructors and students about the evaluation and grading policies.
College of Computing and Informatics sets the minimum documentation preparation format for
the industrial project work, while issues like document content and length are decided by the
group and the advisor. Grammar, punctuation, spelling and other mechanical issues are the sole
responsibilities of the group members.
2.1. Language
• The industrial project document must be prepared in English.
2.3. Font
The specifications below should be strictly followed throughout your document. For the title
page(s), refer appendix II.
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
Heading 1:
• Font type: Times New Roman [UPPER CASE]
• Font size: 16[Bold]
Heading 2:
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size:14[Bold]
Heading 3:
•Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size:12[Bold]
Heading 4:
•Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size:12[Bold]
Font Color: Black (Recommended unless and otherwise other colors carry some
sort of message) for all documents.
2.4. Spacing
Document line spacing should be 1.5 with the exceptions of captions, lists, graphs,
charts, items with tables and lists in the appendices.
The alignment of each paragraph should be justified.
Lengthy tables may be 1 line spaced.
Format paragraphs with 6-point spacing after paragraph end. New paragraphs to
start on next line (that is, there is no need of an extra line between paragraphs if
paragraphs are formatted as suggested). No paragraph indents necessary.
Each chapter must start on a new page. Chapter title should be centered and a
Heading 1.
2.5. Tables
Tables should be consecutively numbered and labeled. Table numbering should
indicate the chapter where it resides in. The table label should be above the tables.
2.6. Figures
Figures should be consecutively numbered and labeled. Figure numbering should
indicate the chapter where it resides in. The figure label should be below the figures.
2.7. Margins
Use the custom margins bellow for your document
o Top : 1
o Bottom : 1
o Left : 1.25
o Right : 1
2.9. References
Reference numbers should be cited within the text as well as figure/table captions either as
superscripts or enclosed in square brackets. In this way of citation, all references should be
numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they are first cited in the report. Another
alternative is citing references using the author‟s last name and the year the material published.
Here, all references should be arranged in a chronological ascending order. Strictly avoid citing
references in chapter/section/subsection titles. References are cited to convey to the reader that
the idea, concept, formulation, data, inference or information being discussed is attributable to
the cited literature. All figures/tables, which are taken from literature, must be acknowledged by
citing the reference number or the author and the year of publication at the end of the caption.
The main reference sources include books/monographs/ handbooks, archived journal papers,
conference papers in published proceedings, institutional technical reports, theses/ project
documents, dissertations and other archived reports and standards. Internet websites are also
increasingly becoming an important source. However, it should be noted that Internet references
should not form the entire list of references. Allowing URLs as references must not be
misunderstood to mean that all Internet material is acceptable. Internet material may be
transitory, may not be technically reviewed and may have questionable authenticity, that is, it
may not be proper archival material. It may be used as secondary information source to
supplement the main sources.
List references at the end of the paper in either numerical order or chronologically ascending
order. Sample references could be as listed below:
For a book: author(s), book title (bold), publisher, city, year.
[1]. Thomas, B. (2016). OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide:
Exams 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062. John Wiley & Sons.
For a journal paper: author(s), paper title (bold), journal name, volume number, issue number,
page numbers (inclusive), publisher, year.
3.2. Font
Use Times New Roman font type with color black.
Main body contents should be coined in 20-24 pts.
Font type, size and style of the main content area on all slides except for the title slide
should be the same.
Title of your project should be maximum of 36 point-size
Each content slide should have a title and should solely reflect the comprised content.
The titles should be brief and descriptive. They should not be full sentences.
The title of each slide should be 30- point size
1. Is the data 2%
2. Is the existing 2%
system studied?
3. Do the 3%
4. Does the system 3%
analysis perform
5. Is the presenter 2%
well prepared?
6. Does the 3%
presenter respond
well to questions
and critiques?
1. Completeness and 5%
interactiveness of
GUI of the project
(Forms and control
objects like menus,
buttons, textbox,
radio buttons, links
2. Completeness of 3%
database design
(Tables and its
attributes are
designed based on
class diagrams,
relationship among
tables explicitly
3. Implementation of 5%
some functionalities
4. Participation of 2%
students and their
role compared with
other group member.
3 Completeness of 5%
system design
Security of the
system, Completeness
and inter-activeness
of GUI of the project
4 10 %
5.5. Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements are the project work member‟s statement of gratitude to and recognition of
the people and institutions that helped in project work.
5.6. Table of Contents
Include a table of contents following these guidelines:
Include the heading 1 “TABLE OF CONTENTS” in all capital letters, and center it 2″
below the top of the page.
Include one double-spaced line between the heading and the first entry.
The table of contents must list all parts of the industrial project work that follow it.
If relevant, be sure to list all appendices and a references section in your table of contents.
Include page numbers for these items but do not assign separate chapter numbers.
Page numbers listed in the table of contents must be located just inside the right page
margin with leaders (lines of periods) filling out the space between the end of the entry
and the page number. The last digit of each number must line up on the right margin.
Information included in the table of contents must match the headings, subheadings, and
numbering used in the body of the industrial project.
Subdivisions of headings should not exceed four levels.
The Table of Contents page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman
numerals. Refer Appendix V.
Reasons for studying the problem selected should be listed. Project works already done in that
area should be mentioned. In here, you need to discuss about the significance of your focus area.
Besides, the problem area and motivation to the need for your project work is described.
Moreover, if your focus area leans on a specific organization you need to say so about the
2.6. Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any)
Here the includes sample scan image of reports, forms and other related documents that used in
the existing system and the remaining forms and reports should be included in Appendix
In this chapter you are expected to discuss the overall description of your proposed system,
functional requirements, and non-functional requirements.
Here you are expected to mention what your system should do. Functional requirements specify
a function that a system or system component must be able to perform. Mention product features
or functions that developers must implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks.
In this section describe nonfunctional requirements place constraints on how the system will do
so. Depend on your project the nonfunctional requirement may be vary. So, list all the
nonfunctional requirements which are relevant to your system like:
What kind of interface should the system provide? What is the level of expertise of the users?
Are there hardware compatibility requirements? Will the system interact with other hardware
Should the system be protected against internal and external intrusions or against an authorized
user? To what level? What security algorithm applied for your system?
How responsive should the system be? How many concurrent users should it support? What is a
typical or extreme load?
3.4.5. Error Handling and Validation
How should the system handle exceptions? Which exceptions should the system handle? What is
the worse environment in which the system is expected to perform?
How reliable/available/robust should the system be? What is the client‟s involvement in
assessing the quality of the system or the development process?
How, when and where to take backup? How to recover the system when your system fail?
Where will the system be deployed? Are there external factors such as weather conditions that
the system should withstand?
3.4.10. Documentation
What level of document is required? Should only user documentation be provided? Should there
be technical documentation for maintainers? Should the development process be documented?
In this chapter, you should have discussed about use case model, object model and dynamic
Actor: Someone interacts with use case (system function), and named by noun.
Use Case: System functions, and named by verb + Noun (or Noun Phrase).
In this chapter provide a brief overview of the design goals, current and proposed software
architecture, Hardware/software mapping, Persistent data management and Access control and
Hardware Consideration
Security Issues
Performance Consideration
Quality Issues
Physical Environment
Resource Issues
5.4. Packages
This section describes the decomposition of subsystems into packages and the file organization
of the code. This includes an overview of each package, its dependencies with other packages,
and its expected usage. Here, use UML package diagram to diagrammatically depict your
5.5. Algorithm Design
For the elements found in architectural design define the algorithm required for each element to
accomplish its tasks.
In this section, students required to include pseudo code format.
In this chapter, discuss about implementation of database, detailed class diagram, application
server, application security,
6.8. Testing
In this section and subsections, you are expected to describe which kind of testing technique
you are going to apply and also should mention the test results.
6.8.1. Test Case
Matching of the conclusions with the objectives framed and fulfillment of the objectives are
taking into consideration in this part. Further scope and further enhancement of the work done
also indicated here.
7.3. Conclusion
The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your project work should matter to
them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the
main topics covered or a re-statement of your project problem, but a synthesis of key points. For
most projects, one well-developed paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion, although in some
cases, a two or three paragraph conclusion may be required.
When you write a conclusion for project, always remember that you have to make a summary of
the content as well as the purpose that you have in mind without looking way too wooden or dry.
Most conclusions of project tend to have a couple key elements. Of course there are some tactics
that you should be using if you want to write a conclusion that is effective. Plus, there are some
things that you should avoid as well.
When writing the conclusion to your paper, follow these general rules:
State your conclusions in clear, and simple language. Re-state the purpose of your study
then state how your project resolve issues in the existing system and how your system
is different from other related projects.
Do not simply reiterate your results or the activities done in the entire software
development life cycle.
Indicate opportunities for future project works if you haven't already done so in the design and
implementation section of your project work. Highlighting the need for further project works
provides the reader with evidence that you have an in-depth awareness of the existing problem.
7.4. Recommendation
Sometimes recommendations are included with a report‟s conclusion, although they serve
different purposes. Whereas a conclusion offers you the opportunity to summarize or review
your reports main ideas, recommendations suggest actions to be taken in response to the findings
of a report. You can regard recommendations as a prompt to action for your readers. As you have
seen from your planning, your report structure should lead up to the recommendations and
provide justification for them.
A word of caution about writing recommendations: you should always consider your relationship
with the reader first. If you have no authority to make recommendations, the reader may be
hostile to their presence.
List all papers, books, book sections, web sites, monographs, URLs of Internet archives or of
permanent information sources, strictly as per the specific format. The references should be ordered
in a convenient way. You should use consistent referencing style such as (IEEE, APA etc.).
Reasons for studying the problem selected should be listed. Project works already done in that
area should be mentioned. In here, you need to discuss about the significance of your focus area.
Besides, the problem area and motivation to the need for your project work is described.
Moreover, if your focus area leans on a specific organization you need to say so about the
This section of the chapter defines what kind of data to be expected in the network to be stored,
processed and transferred from one station to the other. Therefore, the team can define types of
data that are processed, stored and transferred in the company network infrastructure. The types
of data served by the network will be reports (annual, quarter, monthly and daily), bulletins,
accounting information, student information, personnel profiles, medical history, web pages and
The majority of the data will be vary company to company depending on the business domain of
the company; in mean while every company have a text (ASCII and non-ASCII) data, graphics,
audio files and possibly huge amount of voice and video (primarily for PC-based
teleconferencing, web files, and other files) data.
For example: let consider the ICT infrastructure in Tokuma IT Solutions (i.e. the company
targeted to develop software for different clients and other IT related business in Ethiopia). By
Measuring the existing network infrastructure of the company by all network need assessment (analysis)
measures to decide whether the existing network require advancement or not.
considering this, the companies have the following data sources for the local network in the
organization vicinity:
A data source is simply the source of the data. It can be a file, a particular database on a DBMS,
or even a live data feed. The data might be located on the same computer as the program, or on
another computer somewhere on a network.
Data will be created as well as used at all end stations on the network (depending on the size of
the organization, the organization can have a dedicated server to be a main data source for its
users). The data will be produced by software applications in different operating systems and
platforms, web services, different programming languages and IDEs (Integrated Development
Environment) and office application software (like Microsoft Office 2016, Office365, Open
Office and other), audio and video editing software (media player, adobe Photoshop, and other
software). Other data sources to be supported on at least a limited basis will Window10
Accessories (Paint, 3D paint, Notepad, etc.), Video conferencing, and NetMeeting (Viber,
Facebook, WeChat etc.). Therefore, the team can clearly define the data sources of the proposed
network infrastructure in the organization.
The Priority is derived from the impact and the urgency of accessing information in the network,
based on the context of an organization. The allocation of a priority code determines how the
user is being taken care of by the tool, the support staff and access to different services in the
company network.
Therefore, the team can categorize users of the infrastructure into different groups based the
rules and regulations of the organization and define their priority based on the organization
structure, privilege level and resources in the organization.
For Example: consider the network infrastructure in the Hawassa Senior Secondary and
Preparatory School. In the school network, the users will be administrators (i.e. School principal
and vice-principal), secretaries, teachers, students, students‟-family and other workers. The
maximum estimated users on the network at any given time are 260 (i.e. 200 students, 40
teachers and 20 other users in the school).
Three priority levels will be supported: administrators and teachers (top priority), students and
other workers (medium priority), and students‟ family (low priority). Note that these
designations do not correspond to administrative levels in the school; rather, they are network
service levels (i.e. services delivered to the staffs and students). Network management processes
(a packages in Simple Network Management Protocol) will receive top priority service; most
network processes will receive medium-priority service; a few processes (e.g., e-mail transfers,
backup, web access (WWW), FTP etc.) will be given low-priority service. It should be noted that
network management will usually consume a small amount of the available bandwidth; this
means that management and user processes will usually enjoy identical support. Background
processes will also usually receive more than adequate service, but they will be delayed as
needed to maintain support for management and user services.
Since the network is transparent to all users of the organization, the team is expected to calculate
the network bandwidth requirements for both LAN and WAN in the organization. To estimate
the bandwidth requirements of the organization properly, the team can consider the number of
issues that have a direct impact to the network infrastructure of the organization. Some of the
issues are listed below:
Number of users
Applications that can be accessed through connection (i.e. could the company access
any forms of cloud services)
File transfers
Quality of service
Voice, video and data transmissions percentage
Live data transmission facilities and services
Frequency to access remote servers for executing a business transaction (i.e.
transaction dependencies on remote servers).
For example: consider network infrastructure in the Hawassa Referral Hospital (suppose the
hospital have one thousand students, three hundred staffs both academic and administrative,
researchers and clients of the hospital). The hospital could provide email, video and audio file
accesses, web accesses, social network sites accesses, communication, application download,
uploads, accesses hospital specific system and other services.
By considering the number of staffs, researchers and students of the organization and services
that are deliver to them, the capacity of the sole internet service provider in the country and
budget of the organization. The following bandwidth requirement is enough to properly meet the
needs the hospital community:
Every student and instructors (staffs) require 0.1 mbps and 0.5mbps of WAN data transmission
rate respectively to access an internet service in the hospital to access all services in well-suited
manner. This network estimation is done by considering staffs are exist in a highest priority level
to access all the above-mentioned services. Therefore, the total bandwidth requirement to the
hospital will be the multiply of individual requirement with the total number of students and
staffs in the hospital (i.e. 1000*0.1mbps +300*0.5mbps=350 mbp).
Load forecasting (estimation) plays a key role in helping the company to advance a network
service and to make important decisions on network users and its priority, load switching,
network re-configuration, infrastructure development, purchasing and installing new hardware
and software to enhance a network services to its clients. In order to determine the network load
it is better to study for long period (i.e. to know the network access history), accesses the
organization ICT policy to know the current stand and to propose the future network (bandwidth)
requirement of the organization.
Therefore, the team can define the network load (usage) variation in the organization in different
day and time interval. In order to determine the users‟ characteristics (network access) the team
can conduct a serious of studies (i.e. collect necessary data to reach some conclusion about load
variation) in the organization. The team may also conduct interviews, uses networking tools in
order to know users access history and observing the LAN of the organization at different days
and time intervals.
For Example: Let consider network infrastructure in the Hawassa City Municipality. The
following cases can be considered:
The data indicate that the highest average traffic volume will occur from 8:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (since it is the normal working hours of the Municipality
offices in the city).
The network traffic reaches a peak volume at two times during the working days of the
organization: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
At nighttime and weekends, the network traffic is minimal except for the daily backups
of the PCs to the LAN servers in the districts and several batch data transfers anticipated
from the State Office.
The average required throughput on any LAN during working hours (8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m.) will be only about 10 mbps.
The average required throughput on the WAN during working hours (8:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m.) will be only 0.5 mbps.
The peak expected traffic load on any LAN would be about 100 mbps.
The peak expected traffic load on the WAN would be about 2.5 mbps.
Of course, to avoid user complaints, the network will be designed for the average of peak traffic
loads and the average throughput requirements of the organization.
Storage requirement is all about knowing and determining the requirements, or making your best
educated guess when you cannot know for sure. Factors to consider include potential data
storage requirements of future projects and tier(s) of storage. Tiered storage allows less
frequently accessed items to be moved to a lower (and less costly) tier, freeing faster (and more
expensive) tiers for those applications that need it. Techniques like data de duplication and file
compression can help reduce the amount of storage capacity needed by eliminating extra copies
of the same file and reducing the amount of space needed to store files and images [13]. The
following issues could also be taking into consideration in predicting organization storage
requirement [14]:
Business Continuity Planning Process (BCP) /Disaster Recovery (DR): so that technical
recovery strategies are tightly coupled to the business continuity objectives, and hence
enterprise risk management.
Record keeping and archival management: so that storage solutions are optimized in
parallel with a long-term view of information management in the organization.
Operations management: storage solutions can consider the memory requirements to run
day-to-day business transaction in the organization.
Consequently, the team can estimate storage requirements to the proposed network infrastructure
to meet the organizational objectives and users‟ requirements by considering the above-
mentioned issues in storage requirement prediction for the companies. In addition, the team also
defines the memory technologies (i.e. level of tiers, storage types and technologies) and
individual storage device sizes that can be configured in the network to meet the objectives.
Example: consider the network infrastructure in the university, the storage requirements need to
be large enough to store all students, instructors, and other required data (note: student data are
data about students, not data generated by students). By considering, the current trends in the
storage requirements for holding students and teachers‟ data indicate that teachers and students
will need an average of 500 MB and 100MB of server space respectively. In addition, the
university storage requirement can also consider for Departments, Faculties, college and
Institutes, registrar and other offices in the university. The maximum estimated server-side
storage requirement for any user cannot exceed 1 GB.
Additionally, the network operating system will occupy about 50GB on each LAN server.
Considering price-performance issues, each PC will have a minimum storage capacity of 500GB;
each LAN server will have a minimum storage capacity of 12TB. A main data server in the
registrar Office will have a 36 TB capacity. It is easy to calculate the total memory requirements
for the entire network (i.e. multiplying total number of students and instructors with their storage
assignment in the network). Nevertheless, the memory requirement cannot only dependent on
the current students; but it also considers the future expansion of the university and university
alumni records too.
Since, network reliability plays a major role in developing network functionality. The network
monitoring systems and network devices are necessary for making the network reliable in the
organization. The network monitoring systems detects and identifies the network problems (i.e.
there are a number of tools and hardware devices used for this purpose). The network devices
ensure that the data reaches the appropriate destination with a predefined reliability set by the
organization IT experts.
Frequency of failure - determines how frequently the network fails. This issue mainly
focuses on the repetition of network/service failures in the organization network
infrastructure due to many reasons.
Recovery time - it is the time taken by a device or network to recover from the failure. It
also includes the human capital of the organization that maintains the network facilities in
the company.
Catastrophe - network must be protected from the disasters such as fire, earthquake and
other natural/manmade disasters.
Therefore, the team is could clearly specifies the minimum network reliability requirements for
both LAN and WAN based on the above criteria‟s and consider other national and international
network reliability standards. This activity requires a deep understanding of the company ICT
policy (if exist), its business requirements and their future expansion.
Example: To kuma Broadcasting Organization wants to upgrade the existing network facility in
the organization. The Bid document specifies that, the organization wants to broadcast its Radio
Programs in live streaming to its audiences throughout the globe. The following minimum
network requirement is needed to meet the organization objectives:
The LANs are expected to operate at 99 % and the WAN is expected to operate at 95%
uptime and an undiscovered error rate of 1% and 2% for LAN and WAN respectively.
Both LAN and WAN networks could works properly in the organization broadcasting
hours (i.e. the broadcasting organization may have at least two modes of data accesses to
the Internet Service Provider).
The network could have a replica servers in other places to keep the company data save
and reliance to any kind of catastrophes.
Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and
monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and
network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a
network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Network security covers a variety of
computer networks, both public and private, that are used in everyday jobs; conducting
transactions and communications among businesses, government agencies and individuals.
Network security is involved in organizations, enterprises, and other types of institutions. The
most common and simple way of protecting a network resource is by assigning it a unique name
and a corresponding password.
Therefore, the team first studies the existing network security standards, policies and guidelines
in the organization. Then, the team can briefly specifies what kind of network security measures
to be implemented in the newly network infrastructure by considering current security trends and
organizational business objectives. Some of the security measures that can be used in the
company are:
A firewall will be used to control threats from the outside world; therefore, the internal
network is entirely secure from some unauthorized users (i.e. hackers and crackers).
Part of the security will be Users accounts and passwords that will give limited access.
There will be different access capabilities for network managers and users.
Implement physical security (like biometric identification systems, installing alarm and
fire controlling systems, CCTV system to manage activities in the centers etc.) strategies
for data centers and server rooms in order to secure the core services from any kind of
physical security challenges.
CISCO, a prominent network appliance manufacture, proposes a general security checklist that
can be taken into consideration in order to design and implement secure network infrastructure in
the organization. For detail, please refer the appendix five.
The following tips can help you develop and win support for an effective network security plan:
Focus on return on value rather than return on investment. Consider the harm a
network security breach could do to your business, such as lost revenue or customer
litigation (legal actions).
Never assume that network attacks will come only from outsiders.
Do not be tempted to confront security concerns with a gradually approach rather
than a single, unified strategy that protects your whole network.
Work with others in your company to develop and roll out security strategies,
focusing on technology, training, and physical site security with tools like
surveillance cameras.
Find the right balance between security and usability.
The team can study the status of computer network infrastructure in the organization. When the
organization has a network infrastructure, the team is expected to specify why the new network
design is required regarding different parameters that need change in the company network
infrastructure. Like:
Changes in services in the organization: the company could provide new services to
its customers to meet the interest.
Changes in computer networking and infrastructure technologies (i.e. advancements
in wireless and mobile phone needs changes the access ways and interfacing
facilities to the existing system)
Service year of the entire network: the network facility may require an upgrade due
to it is the planned service is over.
Clients (users) satisfaction: the measures of user‟s satisfaction changes dramatically
time to time. Therefore, it is necessary make changes on the company network
infrastructure to meet user‟s need from the system.
Number of users‟ increases: companies design the network infrastructure by
considering its users and its budget. Therefore, the company could upgrade the
network infrastructure in order to provide acceptable services to clients based on
national and international standards.
Advancements in network security: since security is one of a critical issue in network
services. Therefore, companies can adapt changes in security to secure their day-to-
day business transaction and secure their clients information.
Policy changes: either national or organizational level ICT policy changes due to
different reasons have a great impact to upgrade the existing network infrastructure
in the company.
The chapter also provides guidelines for assigning addresses and names to internetwork
components, including networks, subnets, routers, servers, and end systems. The section mainly
focuses on Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and naming devices in the organization network.
The third section of this chapter is to help you select the right switching and routing protocols for
your network design customer. The selections you make will depend on your customer‟s
business and technical goals. In order to select appropriate switching and routing protocols you
could consider the following attributes: network traffic characteristics, bandwidth, memory, and
CPU usage, the approximate number of peer routers or switches supported, the capability to
adapt changes in an internetwork and the capability to authenticate route updates for security
Developing security strategies that can protect all parts of a complicated network while having a
limited effect on ease of use and performance is one of the most important and difficult tasks
related to network design. To help you handle the difficulties inherent in designing network
security for complex networks, this fourth section of this chapter teaches a systematic, top-down
approach that focuses on planning and policy development before the selection of security
The last section of the chapter concludes the discussion of logical network design. Network
management is one of the most important aspects of logical network design. Management is
often overlooked during the design of a network because it is considered an operational issue
rather than a design issue. If you consider management from the beginning, however, you can
avoid scalability and performance problems that occur when management is added to a design
after the design is complete.
CISCO advices a network engineers to use a hierarchical model in order to design a network
topology. Campus network design topologies should meet a customer‟s goals for availability and
performance by featuring small bandwidth domains, small broadcast domains, redundancy,
mirrored servers, and multiple ways for a workstation to reach a router for off-net
communications. The networks should be designed using a hierarchical, modular approach so
that the network offers good performance, maintainability, and scalability.
The network can consist of access, distribution, and core layers; these layers are critical in order
to meet organizational objectives and it has specific role in the network.
If necessary implement Virtual private networks (VPN), it use advanced encryption and
tunneling to permit organizations to establish secure, end-to-end, private network connections
over a third-party network.
It is critical issue to use structured model for network layer addressing and naming. Without
structure, it is easy to run out of addresses, waste addresses, introduce duplicate addresses and
names, and use addresses and names that are hard to manage. To meet a customer‟s goals for
scalability, performance, and manageability, you should assign addresses and names
systematically. Therefore, as network designers, the group could develop policies and procedures
for addressing and naming for the proposed network infrastructure. The policies and procedure
could consider the guidelines given below for network layer addresses and naming devices in the
Network layer addresses should be planned, managed, and documented. Although an end system
can learn its address dynamically, no mechanisms exist for assigning network or subnet numbers
dynamically. The following list provides some simple rules for network layer addressing that can
help you architect scalability and manageability into a network design.
For example: let see the following decision table for routing algorithms and organization
BGP X X X 8 7 7
OSPF X X X 8 8 8
IS-IS X X X 8 6 6
After a decision has been made, you should troubleshoot the decision. Ask yourself the
This decision-making process can be used during both the logical and physical network design
phases. You can use the process to help you select protocols, technologies, and devices that will
meet a customer‟s requirements. Therefore, the team develops a company specific decision table
(i.e. company business objectives with routing algorithms) for selecting an appropriate switching
and routing protocols for the proposed infrastructure. For the detail information about routing
algorithms, please see appendix six that shows the comparison of different routing algorithms
mostly used by routers.
Following a structured set of steps when developing and implementing network, security will
help you address the varied concerns that play a part in security design. Many security strategies
have been developed in a haphazard way and have failed to actually secure assets and to meet a
Adaptability must adapt to changes in a large internetwork within seconds
Must be an industry standard and compatible with existing equipment
customer‟s primary goals for security. Breaking down the process of security design into the
following steps will help you effectively plan and execute a security strategy:
Performing required tasks in every step by considering organizational objectives and security
tradeoff (i.e. each security methods have its own tradeoffs) with respected to the current business
transaction of the organization. The successful completion each steps in security design, starting
from identifying network assets, becomes an input for the proceeding steps in the processes, so
as a team, careful design and operation of tasks is necessary. Some of the activities have an
output documents that supports how the system to be successfully accomplished in the ongoing
tasks done by the organization.
Before designing a security policy document to the organization, tasks like identify network
assets, analyze security risks, analyze security requirements, tradeoffs, and developing a security
plan designed could be accomplished successfully. Because the activities that are done in those
steps are used as inputs for the proper security policy designs. In addition, security design
document is also including the following security parameters:
An access policy that defines access rights and privileges of users in the network. The
access policy should provide guidelines for connecting external networks, connecting
devices to a network, and adding new software to systems. An access policy might
also address how data is categorized (for example, confidential, internal, and top
An accountability policy that defines the responsibilities of users, operations staff,
and management. The accountability policy should specify an audit capability and
provide incident-handling guidelines that specify what to do and whom to contact if a
possible intrusion is detected.
An authentication policy that establishes trust through an effective password policy
and sets up guidelines for remote-location authentication.
A privacy policy that defines reasonable expectations of privacy regarding the
monitoring of electronic mail, logging of keystrokes, and access to users‟ files.
Computer-technology purchasing guidelines that specify the requirements for
acquiring, configuring, and auditing computer systems and networks for compliance
with the policy.
This security policy document will be a benchmark to perform a security related tasks in the
organization to meet the company objectives. This document also considers the possible security
mechanisms to be used in order to achieve security goals of the client in the proposed network
infrastructure to the organization.
Security experts promote the security defense in depth principle. This principle states that
network security should be multilayered, with many different techniques used to protect the
network. Because there is, a security mechanism can be guaranteed to withstand every attack.
Therefore, each mechanism should have a backup mechanism4.
As part of implementing security defense in depth, security design should be modular just like
the network design. Multiple security methods should be designed and applied to different parts
of the network, whether it is the internet connection, the wireless infrastructure, server farms,
user services or the remote-access component.
The backup security mechanisms are critical issues in the design of a secure systems, because the attacker and
attacking mechanism in the network is changing dynamically.
3.5. Developing Network Management Strategies
Network management is one of the most important aspects of logical network design. A good
network management design can help an organization achieve availability, performance, and
security goals. Effective network management processes can help an organization measure how
well design goals are being met in working environment and adjust network parameters if these
goals are not being met.
Network management also facilitates meeting scalability goals because it can help an
organization analyze current network behavior, apply upgrades appropriately, and troubleshoot
any problems with upgrades. The goal of this section is to help the team to design network
management strategies and to help the team to select the right tools and products to implement
the strategies.
Most clients have a need to develop network management processes (it also true for the team
network project) that can help them manage the implementation and operation of the network,
diagnose and fix problems, optimize performance, and plan enhancements. The International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines five types of network management processes,
which are often referred to with the FCAPS acronym:
After you have discussed high-level network management processes with your customer, and
developed network management architecture, you can make some decisions on which network
management tools and protocols to recommend to your customer.
When selecting management tools, consider the flexibility of the tools and the varied audiences
that may interface with them. Network management tools6 should provide an intuitive user
interface that can react quickly to user input. In many cases, having both a browser interface and
command-line interface (CLI) is beneficial.
If the tools allow dynamic configuration of devices, configuration changes should take effect
without requiring a reboot of the device. Management software should also check the validity of
any configuration changes and automatically restore operation to the last known configuration or
Version-logging refers to keeping track of the version of operating systems or applications running on network
Popular network management tools are Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Remote Monitoring
(RMON), Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), and Cisco Netflow Accounting.
software image in case of error. Management software that supports the dynamic configuration
of devices should require authentication to avoid an unauthorized user making changes.
After you have determined which management protocols will be used, you can estimate the
amount of traffic caused by network management. When the management protocol is selected,
you should determine which network and device characteristics will be managed.
Physical network design involves the selection of LAN and WAN technologies for campus
(organization) network design. During this phase of the network design process, choices are
made regarding cabling, physical and data link layer protocols, and internetworking devices
(such as switches, routers, and wireless access points). A logical design, which Chapter III,
“Logical Network Design,” covered, forms the foundation for a physical design. In addition,
business goals, technical requirements, network traffic characteristics, and traffic flows influence
a physical design.
A network designer/team has many options for LAN and WAN implementations. No single
technology or device is the right answer for all circumstances (i.e. an appropriate device and
configuration selection is always dependent on the organization business objectives). The goal of
this chapter is to give you (team) information about the scalability, performance, affordability,
and manageability characteristics of typical options, to help you make the right selections for
your particular client.
This chapter begins with a discussion of LAN cabling-plant design, including cabling options for
building and organization networks. The chapter then provides information about LAN
technologies. The next section provides some selection criteria you can use when selecting
switches, routers, and wireless access points for a network design.
It is important to design and implement the cabling infrastructure carefully, keeping in mind
availability and scalability goals, and the expected lifetime of the design. In many cases, your
network design must adapt to existing cabling. Documenting cabling specification could include
the following issues:
Cabling Topologies
A centralized cabling scheme terminates most or all of the cable runs in one area of the
design environment. A star topology is an example of a centralized system. This cabling
topology is suitable for small networks.
A distributed cabling scheme terminates cable runs throughout the design environment.
Ring, bus, and mesh topologies are examples of distributed systems. These cabling
topologies are suitable for medium and large network.
Company‟s network implementations use three major types of cables; these are shielded copper
(including shielded twisted-pair (STP), coaxial (coax), and twin axial (twinax) cables),
unshielded copper (typically UTP) cable and fiber-optic cables. The cable selection could
consider properties of network cables, budget of the organization, and geographic span of the
network and future expansion of the organization.
After analyzing the business constraints and objectives of the client organization you could know
the issues that could be considered in order to select an appropriate networking (LAN) topology
(topologies) that meets the needs of the organization. The following issues could affect LAN
topology selection:
In addition, to the above mentioned issues in LAN topology selection the team also consider
technical goals of the organization. Technical goals have a direct impact on how the proposed
LAN can meet scalability, availability, manageability, adaptability, affordability, and other
technical issues.
The team should consider clients strict requirements about throughput, delay, and delay variation
for any network applications. The team should also consider the types of applications the
customer plans to run on the network. Applications that allow users to share videos, collaborate
with desktop sharing, watch high-definition television, and so on are more bandwidth hungry and
delay sensitive than text-based applications.
Ethernet is a scalable technology that has adapted to increasing capacity requirements. The
following options for implementing Ethernet networks are available:
Each of these technologies is a possibility for the access, distribution, or core layers of a campus
topology, although usually the higher speeds, such as Gigabit Ethernet, are reserved for the core
The choice of an Ethernet technology for the access layer depends on the location and size of
user communities, bandwidth and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for applications,
broadcast and other protocol behavior, and traffic flow. The choice of an Ethernet technology for
the distribution and core layers depends on the network topology, the location of data stores, and
traffic flow.
After team has designed a network topology and made some decisions about the placement and
scope of shared, switched, and routed network segments, you should then recommend actual
switches, bridges, and routers from various vendors. Please refer a review of the major
differences between internetworking devices that can be used to connect network segments in
appendix eight.
Number of ports
Processing speed
Amount of memory
Amount of latency introduced when the device relays data
Throughput in packets per second
Ingress/egress queuing and buffering techniques
LAN and WAN technologies supported
Autosensing of speed (for example, 10 or 100 Mbps)
Auto-detection of half- versus full-duplex operation
Media (cabling) supported
Ease of configuration
Manageability (for example, support for Simple Network Management Protocol [SNMP]
and Remote Monitoring [RMON], status indicators)
Mean time between failure (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR)
Support for packet filters and other security measures
Support for hot-swappable components
Support for in-service software upgrades
Support for redundant power supplies
Support for optimization features
Support for QoS features
Availability and quality of technical support
Availability and quality of documentation
Availability and quality of training (for complex switches and routers)
Reputation and viability of the vendor
Availability of independent test results that confirm the performance of the device
These criteria are applicable for any kind of interconnecting devices (i.e. router, switch, hub or
bridge). However, each interconnecting devices have their own specific specification that can be
taking in to consideration to select an appropriate device to meet the objective of the
Therefore, the team could analyze the advantages and disadvantages of internetworking devices
with respected to the organizational objectives and budget before deciding which devices can be
purchased and installed in the proposed network.
5.1. Conclusion
Summarize the major contributions, evaluating the current position, and pointing out flaws in
methodology, gaps in the research, contradictions, and areas for further study.
Sometimes recommendations are included with a report‟s conclusion, although they serve
different purposes. Whereas a conclusion offers you the opportunity to summarize or review
your report‟s main ideas, recommendations suggest actions to be taken in response to the
findings of a report. You can regard recommendations as a prompt to action for your readers. As
you have seen from your planning, your report structure should lead up to the recommendations
and provide justification for them.
Describe a suggested course of action to be taken to solve a particular problem that can‟t
addressed yet in the project;
Are written as action statements without justification;
Are stated in clear, and specific language;
Should be expressed in order of importance (i.e. it is better to start from the most
important recommendation and proceeded to others based on their significance to the
clients or users of the system);
Are based on the case built up in the body of the report; are written in parallel structure to
the developed system.
A word of caution about writing recommendations: you should always consider your relationship
with the reader first. If you have no authority to make recommendations, the reader may be
hostile to their presence.
An expert system is a software system that attempts to reproduce the performance of one or more
human experts, most commonly in a specific problem domain, and is a traditional application
and/or subfield of artificial intelligence. A wide variety of methods can be used to simulate the
performance of the expert however common to most or all are
The literature review is chapter two. It should be a critical analysis of relevant existing
knowledge on the research topic. It includes the strengths, the limitations and gaps of previous
studies. The literature review should be relevant with recent citations on the topic. Citations
within the past five years are ideal and generally considered current. Citations ten years and older
should be used carefully and only when necessary. Unpublished documents and lay sources like
encyclopedias are strictly discouraged. This is done by the student carefully tracking and
referencing each and every document used.
The majority of literature used should be from peer-reviewed, international journals and should
be from recent years. However, in such cases where scare literature exists, using old (past 5-10
years) literature may be appropriate. Also if there is a „classical‟ reference, you should mention
it. Try to use primary sources of literature, which originally proposed the main idea. Do not use
internet-sources, which are not reliable.
The literature review might have number of sub divisions as:
2.1. Subheading 1
Whenever you include another person's information or wording in a document, you must
acknowledge the source and include a citation that will tell the reader where you obtained it. For
example, if the following documents have been referred, cite it
McConnochie, & Nolan, 2009)
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText(Ranzijn et al., 2009)
2.2. Sub heading 2
If you use abbreviations extensively in your thesis, you must include a list of abbreviations and
their corresponding definitions. For example, if the following abbreviations have been used:
AIDS, RAM, ROM, DOS, FTP, HTML, BDU, and BIT. Make sure they are listed under lists of
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText(Sohrabi et al., 2011)
If the Table and figures are reviewed and adopted in the literature review, forexample, include
the following table as:
Note: Adapted from "Migration, Australia, 2013-14 (No 3412.0)," by the Australian Bureau of
Statistics, 2015. Copyright 2015 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
3.1. Introduction
In this section students are expected to gives an overview of what has been said, what are the
prevailing theories and hypotheses, what questions are being asked, and what methods and
methodologies are appropriate and useful. As such, it is not in itself primary research, but rather
it reports on other findings.
3.4.1. Pregnancy
3.4.2. Tuberculosis
4.1. Introduction
In this section you are expected to introduce about the chapter like explanation facility, system
control structure and assignment of certainty factors.
9.4. Recommendation
Sometimes recommendations are included with a report‟s conclusion, although they serve
different purposes. Whereas a conclusion offers you the opportunity to summarize or review
your report‟s main ideas, recommendations suggest actions to be taken in response to the
findings of a report. You can regard recommendations as a prompt to action for your readers. As
you have seen from your planning, your report structure should lead up to the recommendations
and provide justification for them.
Describe a suggested course of action to be taken to solve a particular problem that can‟t
addressed yet in the project;
Are written as action statements without justification;
Are stated in clear, and specific language;
Should be expressed in order of importance (i.e. it is better to start from the most
important recommendation and proceeded to others based on their significance to the
clients or users of the system);
Are based on the case built up in the body of the report; are written in parallel structure to
the developed system.
A word of caution about writing recommendations: you should always consider your relationship
with the reader first. If you have no authority to make recommendations, the reader may be
hostile to their presence.
In this section students are expected to write research project like machine learning, Artificial
intelligence and Natural Language processing related project should follow the following
The literature review is chapter two. It should be a critical analysis of relevant existing
knowledge on the research topic. It includes the strengths, the limitations and gaps of previous
studies. The literature review should be relevant with recent citations on the topic. Citations
within the past five years are ideal and generally considered current. Citations ten years and older
should be used carefully and only when necessary. Unpublished documents and lay sources like
encyclopedias are strictly discouraged. This is done by the student carefully tracking and
referencing each and every document used.
The majority of literature used should be from peer-reviewed, international journals and should
be from recent years. However, in such cases where scare literature exists, using old (past 5-10
years) literature may be appropriate. Also if there is a „classical‟ reference, you should mention
it. Try to use primary sources of literature, which originally proposed the main idea. Do not use
internet-sources, which are not reliable.
The literature review might have number of sub divisions as:
a. Subheading 1
Whenever you include another person's information or wording in a document, you must
acknowledge the source and include a citation that will tell the reader where you obtained it. For
example, if the following documents have been referred, cite it
McConnochie, & Nolan, 2009)
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText(Ranzijn et al., 2009)
b. Sub heading 2
If you use abbreviations extensively in your thesis, you must include a list of abbreviations and
their corresponding definitions. For example, if the following abbreviations have been used:
AIDS, RAM, ROM, DOS, FTP, HTML, BDU, and BIT. Make sure they are listed under lists of
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText(Sohrabi et al., 2011)
If the Table and figures are reviewed and adopted in the literature review, forexample, include
the following table as:
Note: Adapted from "Migration, Australia, 2013-14 (No 3412.0)," by the Australian Bureau of
Statistics, 2015. Copyright 2015 by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
c. Sub heading…......n
It describes precisely what will be done and how it will be done, what data will be recorded, the
proposed tools or instruments to be used in data collection and the methods of analyzing the data.
In this chapter, the student should give clear, specific, appropriate and credible procedures that
will be followed to attain the proposed objectives of the study. The research design planned for
use should be clearly stated. The research methods should be appropriate to the problem area,
i.e., the statement of the problem, the objectives and the hypotheses. The student should also
address the methods of data collection, data quality control and methods of data analysis.
This chapter of the work should cover the materials that were used required for the experiments
and the different procedures and protocols followed. Experimental designs and methods of
statistical analyses should be mentioned.
Clearly state the controls, treatments and design of the experiment. Someone should be able to
repeat your experiments based on what you write here, so you‟ll need to include things like the
number of times each subject was tested, how results were scored, etc. Be sure to report your
procedures as past events, not as a set of directions.
The designed questionnaire or other documents that is going to be used for data collection should
be placed at appendix VI.
In the methodology part you may also show the research procedure by using Figure
Figure 3:1 Flow Chart of the Research Methodology
The findings of the research work should be presented in this chapter. Tables and figures should
be given and important points should be explained textually. Statistical analyses should be
presented in both tables and figures with appropriate significance levels. Multiple comparisons
might reveal more information, but don‟t mess-up all results. Key results may be highlighted in
bold. This section may be broken into several sub-sections. The headings/sub-headings should be
short, informative and represent the actual message.
The discussion should not contain repetition of the results. Rather it should explore the
implications of the results by considering the relevant published research, which may be in
agreement/disagreement with your hypothesis. It should be as concise as possible, but be
provided in a logical manner. Collectively, this section should have coordination between your
results and previous literature. It is not necessary all the time that your results should support
previous reports, however, while interpreting the results should be done in an acceptable manner.
If your results have new findings that are not yet published anywhere, don‟t hesitate to discuss
those findings, but provide closely related literature to support that hypothesis. Key findings may
be kept in bold and avoid common words like good, bad, positive, negative etc. because they are
misunderstand able. For clarity and ease of tracing your finding, result and discussion should be
done in parallel
a. Sub heading 1
The table and figure used should be extensively and should be cross referenced in the paragraph
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText as shown in the Table 4:1
Table 4:1 Descriptive name of the table
b. Sub heading 2
TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText as shown in the Error! Reference source not
c. Sub heading n
When using symbols in the research project, do not start a sentence with a symbol; write out the
word or expression, or rephrase the sentence. For example, “ was found to be 0.99” should be
rephrased as: “The value of was found to be 0.99”.
Symbols should not be used in running text in the same way as abbreviations. Avoid writing: “...
and K was 71.8 ...” but say instead: “... the value of K was 71.8 ...” or “... the value of the
constant was 71.8...”
Compound symbols such as eV and ΔHF are written close up, with a space between the number
and the symbol: 12.5 eV, 25ΔHF.
5.1. Conclusions
Summarize the major contributions, evaluating the current position, and pointing out flaws in
methodology, gaps in the research, contradictions, and areas for further study.
5.2. Recommendations
Sometimes recommendations are included with a report‟s conclusion, although they serve
different purposes. Whereas a conclusion offers you the opportunity to summarize or review
your report‟s main ideas, recommendations suggest actions to be taken in response to the
findings of a report. You can regard recommendations as a prompt to action for your readers. As
you have seen from your planning, your report structure should lead up to the recommendations
and provide justification for them.
Describe a suggested course of action to be taken to solve a particular problem that can‟t
addressed yet in the project;
Are written as action statements without justification;
Are stated in clear, and specific language;
Should be expressed in order of importance (i.e. it is better to start from the most
important recommendation and proceeded to others based on their significance to the
clients or users of the system);
Are based on the case built up in the body of the report; are written in parallel structure to
the developed system.
A word of caution about writing recommendations: you should always consider your relationship
with the reader first. If you have no authority to make recommendations, the reader may be
hostile to their presence.
Appendix II: Sample Cover page
DEPARTMENT OF << Your department name >>
<<Times New Roman, 18>>
<<Times New Roman, 18>>
<Title of the Project>
<<Times New Roman, 16 [Bold]>>
<<Times New Roman, 14>>
<<Times New Roman, 12>>
This is to declare that this project work which is done under the supervision of <<Your Advisor
Here>> and having the title <<Your Title Here>> is the sole contribution of:
No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be
considered as Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been
cited properly. We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this
declaration is proven.
Group Members:
Approval Form
This is to confirm that the project report entitled <<Your Project title here>>submitted to
Wolkite University, College of Computing and Informatics Department of (Your
Department Name) by: <<list group members name here>> is approved for submission.
Questionnaire: Survey for BSc. Project on the Assessment of Extent, Causes and Effects of
Construction Materials Wastage on Selected Building Construction Projects in Wolkite
Part One: Profile of the Company
1. Type of Organization:
Contractor ,
Consultant ,
5. Address town:
6. Position of the Respondent:
Project manager _,
Site engineer ,
Contractor ,
Consultant ,