Pakistan International School Riyadh Mid Term Exam Dec 2021 (Online)
Pakistan International School Riyadh Mid Term Exam Dec 2021 (Online)
Pakistan International School Riyadh Mid Term Exam Dec 2021 (Online)
i. Which Calif sent the copies of the compiled Holy Quran to all the provincial capitals in
his reign?
a) H. Abu Bakr (R.A) b) H. Umar (R.A) c) H. Usman (R.A) d) H. Ali (R.A)
vii “ ” اعناقmeans,
a) Hands b) Necks c) Hair d) Arms
viii. There are ………….Ayaat in Surah Anfaal.
a) 72 b) 73 c) 74 d) 75
ix. After the demise of The Holy Prophet (PBUH),………………..compiled the Holy Quran?
a) H. Abu Bakr (R.A) b) H. Umar (R.A) c) H. Usman (R.A) d) H. Ali (R.A)
x. “ ” النعاسmeans,
a) Happiness b) Whistles c) Sleep d) Noise
Pakistan International School Riyadh
Mid Term Exam Dec 2021
Time: 2:15 Hours Paper: Islamiyat (Comp.) Class: Pre IX Total Marks: 40
Section-B (Marks: 24)
Q 2. Translate any three of the following Quranic verses. (3x3=9)
i. ٰ
رزقنھم ینفقون۔ ٰ
الصلوۃ و مما الذین یقیمون
ii. ئک انی معکم۔ ٰ
اذ یوحی ربک الی المل ۃ
iii. ٰذلکم فذوقوہ وان للکٰفرین عذاب النار۔
iv. ان شرالدوآب عند ہللا الصم البکم الذین ال یعقلون۔
v. ٰیا ایھا الذین آمنوا ال تخونوا ہللا والرسول وتخونوا ٰامنتکم وانتم تعلمون۔
Q3 Translate and explain any one of the following Hadith and describe how it is
related to our practical life. (2+2+1=5)