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(Consultancy Division)
Room No.529, Core 6, 5th Floor, SCOPE Complex
7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India).

Ref. Engg/(E&M)/Con/Empl./11 Dated: 15.02.2011

Application for Empanelment as Architect/Consultant

(For preparation of Detailed Project Reports/Feasibility Reports/Master Plans)

India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., a Govt of India Undertaking, a premier tourism
agency in India invite application from well experienced, established and resourceful
Architects/Consultants to empanel with ITDC Ltd. for the purpose of preparation of Detailed
Project Reports / Feasibility Reports / Master Plan for development of Tourist Destinations /
Circuits / Rural Tourism Villages / Adventure Tourism / Amusement Parks / Theme Parks and
other Tourism related activities in India.

The Architects/Consultants are expected to study the tourism potential, identify tourist
destinations / circuits / rural tourist villages in the prospective State in association with ITDC and
State Govt. officials and prepare the Details Project Report / Feasibility Report / Master Plan
with mythological, environmental, technical and financial analysis to enable the Central / State
Govts. to conceive the Projects. ITDC takes up such Projects after approval from Central /
State / Govt. from concept to commissioning.

Interested Architects/Consultants having experience in the field of preparation of Detailed

Project Reports / Feasibility Reports / Master Plans for Development of Tourist Destination /
Circuits / Rural Villages / Adventure Tourism/ Amusement Park / Theme Parks and other
Tourism related activities may submit the application for empanelment by 18.02.2011 up to
14.03.2011 to the Tender Box kept at India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., Core-8, 5th
Floor, SCOPE Complex, 7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India) in the prescribed format to be
downloaded from website www.theashokgroup.com. OR http://tender.gov.ina non-refundable
registration fees of `. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) has to be enclosed with application
forms through Demand Draft payable at Delhi/Cash to be deposited at the Cash Counter at
India Tourism Development Corpn.Ltd.5th floor, Core-8, SCOPE Complex, 7-Lodhi Road, New
Delhi-110003 (India). The received application shall be opened on the same day (14.03.2011)
at 1530 hrs. in the presence of applicants whosever is present.

The application form can be had in person also from the address given below. Those
Architects/Consultants who are already empanelled with ITDC for preparation of DPRs /
Feasibility Reports/ Master Plans and for other works need to apply fresh Applications Form
duly filled in with complete information as per prescribed format.

1. Architect, India Tourism Development Corpn.Ltd., Room No.528, Core-8, SCOPE Complex,
7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India), Tel. 24307528

2. Sr.Mgr.(E&M), India Tourism Development Corpn.Ltd., Room No.529, Core-8, SCOPE

Complex, 7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India), Tel.24307529, FAX-011-24360233.

Application Form


(Consultancy Division)
Room No.529, Core 6, 5th Floor, SCOPE Complex
7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India).

(For Empanelment of Arthitects/Consultants)

(For preparation of Detailed Project Reports/Feasibility Report/Master Plans etc.)

Prescribed Application Form for empanelment in India Tourism Development

Corporation Ltd., as Architect/Consultant to be associated for preparation of Detailed
Project Reports/Feasibility Reports/Master Plans for development of Tourist
Destinations / Circuits / Rural Tourism Villages / adventure tourism Amusement Parks /
Theme Parks and other tourism related activities in India.

1. Full name of the Firm/Establishment _________________________________

2. Whether Proprietary/Partnership/Public Limited Company ________________

3. Year of Establishment ____________________________________________

4. Full Registered Office Address of the Firm ____________________________

5. Telephone/FAX/Mobile Nos./E-mail of the Firm ________________________

6. Registration No. with Council of Architects ____________________________

7. Registration of Firm with Service Tax and VAT

as required and Registration No. ___________________________________

8. Service Tax Registration No. of the Firm (for Indian Firms ________________

9. Permanent Account No(PAN). of the Firm _________________________________

10. Total Number of Full time Employees (give brief details for (i) & (ii) below as per
Format at Annexure-1

I. Architect _________________________________________
ii. Engineers______________________________________________________
iii.Non-Technical __________________________________________________

11. Work Experience

i. Experience of the Firm in similar works
(Details to be furnished as per format at Annexure-II
ii. Experience of the Firm for other works
(Details to be furnished as per format at Annexure III)

iii. Project in Hand (give brief details)

12. Attach Audited Balance Sheets of the Firm for last 3 years duly certified by
Chartered Accountant with their Seal/Stamp.

13. Have you ever been debarred/Black listed by any Government Department/Public
Sector Undertaking/Any Employer?
(If yes, please furnished details)

14. Any other relevant information

(Attach additional sheets if required)

Certified that the above information is correct to the best of our knowledge and no
relevant information is concealed. If at any time during or after the Empanelment, it is
proved that the information furnished by us is wrong, India Tourism Development
Corporation Ltd. shall have the right to take necessary action against our firm as per
applicable Laws/Rules of the land.

Signature of Authorized Representative of the Firm

Date Name __________________________________

Place Designation ______________________________

Seal/Stamp of the Firm


Personnel Data Sheet – Architects/Designers/Engineers

(S.No.10 of Application Form)

S.No. Name of Position/Area Professional Similar Project related

Architect/ of Qualification experience (Details & Time
Designer Expertise Period)

Signature of Authorized Representative of the Firm

Date Name:
Place: Seal/Stamp of the Firm


Details of work experience of Firm in similar works for preparation of Detailed Project
Reports/Feasibility Reports, Master Plans etc of Tourism Development
(S.No.11 (i) of application form). Use separate sheet for each Project

1. Project Description:

Name of Project _________________________________________

Location & Address _________________________________________

2. Employer’s Details:

Name _________________________________________

Adress _________________________________________

Telephone/Mobile/FAX No._________________________________________
E-Mail _________________________________________

3. Contact Person _________________________________________

4. Role in Contract: As Lead Consultant (or) As Associate Consultant

5. Scope of contract of the Firm (Give details about specific job activities of the Project

6. Project Cost ___________________________________________

7. Award Date ____________ Completion Date ________________

8. Whether Time Over Run or Cost Over Run in the Project ________________

Signature of Authorized Representative of the Firm

Date Name:
Place: Seal/Stamp of the Firm


Details of work experience of Firm in other works

(S.No.11(ii) of application form)

S.No. Project Employer’s Whether Leade or Scope of Contract

Description Details Association Contract Period
Consultant (give
Brief details

Signature of Authorized Representative of the Firm

Date: Name:

Place: Designation:

Seal/Stamp of the Firm

The applicant should submit the following documents for fulfilling the eligibility for
empanelment as Architect. / Consultants. (Separate Application shall be submitted for
the Senior and Junior Panel)

A SENIOR PANEL (for Mega Destination, Mega Circuit, Feasibility study and
Master Plan)
1. Proof of average annual financial turnover of firms during last 3 years ending 31st
March of previous financial year should be above than ` 30.00lac

2. Proof of having successfully executed similar works during last 7 years ending last
day of the month previous to one in which applications are invited as per the

a. Three similar executed works costing each not less than ` 6.00 lacs.
b. Two similar executed works costing each not less than ` 7.50 lacs.
c. One similar executed work costing not less than ` 12.00 lacs.
B JUNIOR PANEL (for Destination, Circuit, Rural Tourism and other smaller works)
1. Proof of average annual financial turnover of firms during last 3 years ending 31st
March of previous financial year should not be less than ` 5.00 lacs and up to ` 29.99

2. Proof of having successfully executed similar works during last 7 years ending last
day of the month previous to one in which applications are invited as per the

a. Three similar executed works costing each not less than ` 3.20 lacs.
b. Two similar executed works costing each not less than ` 4.00 lacs..
c. One similar executed work costing not less than ` 6.00 lacs.

Similar works means preparation of DPRs.

3. Copy of valid PAN

4. Copy of service tax registration.
5. History and structure of firm names of Director/Partners/Proprietors with technical

7. Audited balance sheet for previous three years.

8. All the documents shall be submitted by the firm duly signed with seal and should be
duly attested by Gazetted Officer or an officer in PSE or their C.A.
9. An Affidavit on stamp paper of ` 50.00 (non judicial) stating “in case any ambiguity is
noticed in the documents submitted at any stage, we shall be entirely responsible
and liable for any action as deemed fit under the law.

10. Original documents shall be provided as required for cross verification.

11. Enlistment processing fee of Rs.5000.00 (Non refundable) should be submitted by

the applicant with application form in the form of Demand Draft in favour of India
Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. payable at New Delhi issued by a Nationalised
or Scheduled Bank.

12. The Empanelment will be valid for 2 years and ITDC reserves the right to
accept/reject any or all the application without assigning any reason whatsoever it may

13. Definition of similar works means experience for preparation of Detailed Project
Reports/Feasibility Reports/Master Plans for development of Tourist
Destinations/Circuits/Rural Tourism Villages/Amusement Parks/Theme Parks/Adventure
Tourism and other tourism related activities in India.

14.The Application Form and Annexure duly filed in/typed along with the forwarding
Letter of the Firm and copies of all required documents in bound form shall be
submitted to the Tender Box ke pt at India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.,
Core-8, 5th Floor, SCOPE Complex, 7-Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 (India) within 21
days OR 18.02.2011 to 14.03.2011) of the date of Advertisement in the web-site/Press

15.All the pages of the Application Form and enclosures are to be signed and stamped
by the Authorized signatory of the Firm.

16.The Firm shall have to provide facility for inspection of their Projects/works in India to
the Inspection Team of ITDC Ltd. and make available further details promptly as

17. The International firms shall submit an Undertaking that they shall abide by the
rules/laws governing such contracts from the financial, legal and other aspects as
applicable on the land and pay taxes, duties and other statutory deductions as
applicable. The undertaking shall be submitted with the application from on their Letter

18. The empanelled Architects/Consultants shall agree to our standard agreement for
DPRs/Feasibility Reports/Master Plans at the time of award of work.

Architect, Sr.Mgr.(E&M),
ITDC, Room No.528, ITDC, Room No.529,
SCOPE Complex, Core-8, SCOPE Complex, Core-8,
7-Lodhi Road, 7-Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003. New Delhi-110003.


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