National Achievement Survey (Nas) : School Questionnaire (SQ)
National Achievement Survey (Nas) : School Questionnaire (SQ)
National Achievement Survey (Nas) : School Questionnaire (SQ)
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NAS Class X (Cycle 2) 2017-18 School Questionnaire (SQ)
Q1. Area in which the school is located: Q2. Management of the School:
(Mark only one bubble among following) (Mark only one bubble among following)
a. Rural a. Government
b. Urban b. Government-aided
c. Private
Q3. School is affiliated to: Q4. Does your school participate in the
(Mark only one bubble among following) following activities at secondary
stage in the current academic year?
a. State Education Board
(Mark one bubble Yes OR No for following)
a. Science Exhibition
b. Art Club/ Art Activity
c. Sports Activity
d. Cultural Activity
e. Quiz
Q5. Availability of following learning Q6. Which one of the following does
facilities in your school: your school have?
(Mark one bubble Yes OR No for following) (Mark one bubble Yes OR No for following)
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NAS Class X (Cycle 2) 2017-18 School Questionnaire (SQ)
Q7. How much your school is affected Q8. How would you characterize each of
by a shortage or inadequacy of the the following within your school?
following? (Mark one bubble High OR Medium OR Low
(Mark one bubble Not at all OR Some OR for following)
A lot for following)
a. Teachers' degree of success in
a. Instruction materials (e.g. implementing the curriculum
textbooks) b. Teachers' expectations for students
b. Teaching staff achievement
c. Qualified teaching staff c. Teachers' working together to
improve student achievement
d. Supporting staff
d. Teachers' ability to inspire students
e. Audio-visual resources
e. Parental involvement in school
f. Library resources relevant to
subject instruction
f. Parental support for students
g. Classrooms
h. Furniture for students
g. Students' desire to do well in school
i. Drinking water
h. Students' ability to reach school's
j. Electric connection/fans academic goals
k. Staff room for teachers i. Teacher professional development
j. Equity in School
k. Quality of teaching and learning
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NAS Class X (Cycle 2) 2017-18 School Questionnaire (SQ)
Q9. Keeping in view the latest external Q10. How much your school is affected
evaluation/assessment, answer the by following issues?
following? (Mark one bubble Not at all OR Some OR
(Mark one bubble Yes OR No for following) A lot for following)
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