To Purchase Hard Book of From Amazon Click Here.: Chap 5 Life Processes
To Purchase Hard Book of From Amazon Click Here.: Chap 5 Life Processes
To Purchase Hard Book of From Amazon Click Here.: Chap 5 Life Processes
39. The reason for swelling of guard cell is due (b) Organic compounds
to the presence of (c) Air born viruses
(a) Sunlight (d) Fertilizers
(b) Food
Sol :
(c) Water
(d) Carbon dioxide
Sol : 44. Each organism is adapted to its
environment, the type of nutrition taken
by them depends on
40. .......... is an essential element used in the (a) Environment
synthesis of proteins and other compounds (b) Availability of food
in plants. (c) How it is obtained by the organism
(a) Oxygen (d) All of the above
(b) Water
Sol :
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Carbon dioxide
Sol : 45. Organism who break down the food outside
their body are
(a) Fungi
41. Most of the plant’s nitrogen, phosphorus, (b) Virus
iron and magnesium are taken up from the (c) Tape worm
(a) Aquatic sources (d) None of the above
(b) Soil
Sol :
(c) Mountains
(d) Sea water
Sol : 46. Organisms which derive nutrition from
plants or animals without killing them are
(a) Ticks
42. Inorganic nitrates or nitrites helps the (b) Yeast
plants for the synthesis of: (c) Mushroom
(a) Carbohydrates (d) Fungi
(b) Nitrogen
Sol :
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Protein
Sol : 47. Single cell organism take food by their
(a) Entire surface
(b) Food vacuole
43. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted into (c) Nucleus
organic matter by with plant with the help (d) Pseudopodia
(a) Bacteria Sol :
intestine contain glands which secrete 226. The complete digestion of food takes place
intestinal juice. The enzymes present in it in:
finally convert the proteins to amino acids, (a) small intestine
complex carbohydrates into glucose and (b) stomach
fats into fatty acids and glycerol. (c) mouth
(d) large intestine
222. The food coming from the stomach is made
alkaline by: Sol :
(a) Bile juice
(b) Pancreatic juice
Direction For Questions (227-231)
(c) Gastric juice
(d) Intestinal juice Nitrogenous materials formed due to
metabolic activities are need to be
Sol : removed. The biological process involved
in the removal of these harmful metabolic
wastes from the body is called excretion.
223. In small intestine proteins are decomposed Different organisms use varied strategies to
into: do this. Many unicellular organisms remove
(a) fatty acids only these wastes by simple diffusion from the
(b) glucose body surface into the surrounding water
(c) amino acids while complex multi-cellular organisms
(d) fatty acids and glycerol use specialised organs to perform the same
Sol :
235. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) which is also a three-carbon molecule.
true about transport in plants?
I. Beside water, xylem also transports 237. Athletes suffers from muscle cramps due to
amino acids and other substances. (a) conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
II. The translocation in phloem is achieved (b) conversion of pyruvate to glucose
by utilising energy.
(c) non-conversion of glucose to pyruvate
III. Transpiration helps in the absorption.
IV. This transport of soluble products of (d) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid
photosynthesis occurs in phloem. Sol :
(a) I and II only
(b) II, III and IV only
(c) I, II and III only 238. The given graph indicates the effect
(d) I, III and IV only of exercise intensity on carbohydrate
Sol :
1. Various maintenance processes are needed (d) Our body need to synthesize protein
to: to develop
(a) Survival
(b) Prevent damage and break down 6. The heterotrophs survival depends directly
(c) Routine process or indirectly on:
(d) Release energy (a) Surroundings
(b) Ecology and surrounding
2. All the sources of energy need to be broken (c) Autotrophs
down in the body and converted into: (c) Molecular structure
(a) Uniform energy
(b) Molecular energy 7. The process by which autotrophs take in
(c) Chemical reactions substances from the outside and convert
(d) Digestive process them into stored forms of energy is known
(a) Photosynthesis
3. The reason for single cell diffusion
inefficiency in multicellular organism is (b) Respiration
(a) Cell diffusion is a complex process (c) Molecular breakup
(b) Big size and complex body designs (d) Cell diffusion
(c) Cell diffusion requires lots of time
(d) Cell diffusion is rather a simple 8. Human body stores energy in form of:
process to be carried out in multi cell (a) Glucose
organism (b) Insulin
(c) glycogen
4. In multi-cellular organisms, various body (d) Fructose
parts have specialized in the functions they
perform with the help of: 9. The green organelle on surface of leaves
(a) Specialized cells containing chlorophyll are knows as
(b) Multiple organs (a) Xylem
(c) Multiple structure (b) Epidermis
(d) Specialized tissues (c) Chloroplasts
(d) Vascular bundle
5. Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) We don’t need energy while not doing 10. The purpose of closing the pores by the
any activity plants when it doesn’t need photosynthesis
(b) We release energy and feel tired while is
doing various activities (a) To save the water
(c) Energy is needed to maintain the (b) To save energy
state of body (c) To save food
(d) WBCs 28. The water which is lost through the stomata
is replaced by
22. In higher vertebrates, systemic circulation (a) water from the xylem vessels in the
takes place between .......... . leaf
(a) body parts and lungs (b) water from the phloem vessels in the
(b) body parts and heart leaf
(c) heart and body parts (c) water from the veins in the leaf
(d) lungs and heart (d) none of the above
23. Which instrument is used to measure blood 29. Trans location is the process in which
pressure? plants deliver:
(a) Thermometer (a) minerals from leaves to other parts of
the plant
(b) Electrocardiograph
(b) plant growth hormones from leaves to
(c) Pulse recorder
other parts of the plant
(d) Sphygmomanometer
(c) water and organic substance from
leaves to other parts of the plant
24. Arteries are the vessels which carry blood (d) all of the above
away from the
(a) Various body parts to the heart
30. When the materials like sucrose are
(b) Heart to various organs of the body
transferred to phloem tissue, the osmotic
(c) Heart to lungs pressure of the tissue .......... leading to
(d) Lungs to heart .......... of water into/from it.
(a) Increases, entry
25. Heart is surrounded and protected by (b) Decreases, entry
.......... . (c) Increases, exit
(a) Retro peritoneum (d) Decreases, exit
(b) Muscles
(c) Pericardium 31. The biological process involved in the
(d) Lungs removal of these harmful metabolic wastes
from the body is called
26. The colour of blood plasma is: (a) Photosynthesis
(a) Red (b) Respiration
(b) Pale yellow (c) Excretion
(c) Yellowish green (d) Translocation
(d) Pink
32. Just as CO 2 is removed from the blood in
27. Vitamin .......... helps in blood clotting. the lungs, nitrogenous waste such as urea
(a) Vitamin A2 or uric acid are removed from blood in the -
(b) Vitamin B (a) Kidney
(c) Vitamin E4 (b) Urinary bladder
(d) Vitamin K (c) Urethra
33. Which of the main toxic waste that kidney 39. Many-plant waste products are stored in:
filters from blood? (a) Chloroplast
(a) Ammonia (b) Mitochondria
(b) Uric acid (c) Cellular vacuoles
(c) Urea (d) Cytoplasm
(d) Water
40. How many pairs of salivary glands are
34. The functional unit of kidney is: found in humans?
(a) Nephron (a) Four
(b) Neuron (b) Two
(c) Glomerulus (c) Three
(d) Bowman’s Capsule (d) Six
35. An artificial kidney is a device to remove 41. Assertion : Ethanol is obtained during the
nitrogenous waste products from the blood anaerobic process of respiration.
through- Reason : This is due to presence of oxygen
(a) Diaphragm and it takes place in the mitochondria.
(b) Dialysis (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true
(c) ECG and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(d) Electrolysis
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are
true but Reason is not the correct
36. Normally, in a healthy adult, the initial explanation of Assertion.
filtrate in the kidneys is about :
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(a) 100 L/day
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(b) 150 L/day
(c) 180 L/day
42. Assertion : Carbon monoxide is injurious
(d) 200 L/day
to the health of the individual.
Reason : Carbon monoxide has very strong
37. Sweating is meant for: affinity for the blood.
(a) Regulation of body temperature (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true
(b) Removal of excess salt and Reason is the correct explanation
(c) Removal of excess water of Assertion.
(d) All of the above (b) Both Assertion and Reason are
true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
38. Oxygen is a waste product generated during
.......... in plants. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(a) Respiration (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Both respiration and photosynthesis 43. Assertion : In plants, water is transported
Direction For Questions (46-50) 48. The components which help in the
This transport of soluble products of translocation process in plants are:
photosynthesis is called translocation and (a) Amino acid
it occurs in the part of the vascular tissue (b) Sieve tubes and companion cells