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Permutation and Combination

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Factorial: The important mathematical term "Factorial" has Example 2 :
10 boys and 8 girls. The class teacher
extensively used in this chapter. In a class there are

wants to select a student for monitor of the class. In how

The product of first n consecutive natural numbers is defined as
class teacher can make this selection 2
factorial of n. It is denoted by n! or in Therefore, many ways the
n!=Ix2x3x...x(n- )xn The teacher can select a student
for monitor in two exclusive

x2 x| 120
Forexample, 5!=5 x4x3

10 boys, which can be done in 10
() Select a boy among
ways OR

(i) Selecta girl among 8 girls, which can be done in 8 ways.

Hence, by the fundamental principle addition, either
of a

be selected in 10+8= 18 ways.

0!=1 boyoragirl can

The factorials of fractions and negatimgNSMe
defined. Example 3:
In a class there are 10 boys and 8 girls. The teacher wants to
Example I: select a boy and a girl to represent the class in a function. In
how many ways can the teacher make this selection?
Prove that n! + 1 is not divisible by any natural number
between 2 and 'n. Solution
Solution The teacher has to perform two jobs
Sincen!= (-1). n To selecta boy among 10 boys, which can bedone in
Therefore n! is divisible by any number from 2 to hn' ways.
in 8
Consequently n!+ 1, when divided by any number betwen () To select a girl, among 8 girls, which can be done
2 and 'n' leaves I as remainder. ways.
Hence, n!+ l is not divisible by any number betwcen 2 and Hence, the required number ofways I0x8 80.


Example 4:
FUNDAMENTALPRINCIPLESOFCOUNTING There are 6 multiple choice questions in an examination. How
. Principle of Addition: Ifan event can occur in 'm' ways and if the first three
many sequences of answers are possible,
another event can occur in'n' ways independent of the first 4 choices each and the next three have s
questions have
event, then either of the two events can occur in (m + n)
choices each?

ways. Solution
Principle of Multiplication: lfan operation can be performed Each of the first three questions can be answered in 4 ways
in 'm' ways and after it has been performed in any one of and each of the next three questions can be answered in 5
these ways, asecond operation can be performed in'n' ways. different ways.
then the two operations in succession can be performed in Hence, the required number of different sequencesofanswers
(m n)ways. =4x4x4x5x5x5=8000.
diflerent things
of n
Example S: The number of ircular
p e r m u t a t i o n s

Five persons entered a lift cabin on the

ground floor of an 8 clockwisc
floor house Suppose that each of them can leave the cabin
1aken al atimeI = ( I ) ', if
independently at any floor beginning with the first What is
the total number of nticlockWIse order ile taken as dilleren
ways in which each of the five persons around a
can leave the cab1n at any of the 7 tloors" Arrangements of beads or flowers (all different)
Solution cireular necklace or garland:
or tive
Any one of the 5 persons cun leave the cabin in 7 ways onsider live beads A. B C, D and E in a
independent of other
owers A andD nagarland etc Ifthe necklace
Hencethe required number of ways 7 7 7*7.7 the lett turned over we obtain the arrangement
garland on 1s

antic lock wise and

clockwise order
Method of Sampling: Sampling process can be divided into 0n the right. ie

following forn1s arrangenents are not ditterent

The order is IMPORTANT and the nus the umber of circular permutations of n
repetition is ALLOWED
each sample is then a SEQUENCE things taken
order is IMPORTANT and the repetition is NOT
ALLIOWED, each sample is then a PERMUTATION. D
The order is NOT IMPORTANT and repetition is
each sample is then aMULTISET
4 The order is NOT IMPORTANT and repetition is NOT
ALLOWED, cach sample is then a COMBINATION.

all ag4Me is n-1)!,
if clockwise and anticlockwise
Each of the arrangements, which be made by taking, some
can or ((
all of a number of things is called a PERMUTATION. arey t o be some.
ForExample: Formation of numbers, word formation, sitting
arrangement in a row. Example 6:
The number of permutations of'n' things taken t' at a time is denoted Provethat " P, = "-'P, + r . " P -

by P, It is defind as, Solution:
"T (n -r)!
n-lP,+P (n-1)! (n-
Pn! (n-1-r! (n-1-r+1)!
Circular permutations:
) Arrangements round a cireular table: =(n -1)!{
Consider five persons A, B, C, D and E to be seated on the (n-1-)! (n -r)!]
circumference ofa circular table in order (which has no head)
Now, shifting A, B, C, Dand Eone position in anticlockwise (n -1)!* (n-)C-",
direction we will get arrangements as follows:
Example 7:
Prove that P, (n-r+1) "P,-1

We have
(1) (ii)
A (n-+) "P,- = (n -r+1)-

(n-r+)(n -r)!

iv) (v)
we see that arrangements in all figures are same. (n-r)
Distinguishable Permutations
Example 8: kind of object, n, of
a set ofnobjects has n, of one
The number of four digit numbers with distinct digits is Suppose
a second kind, n, o fa third kind, and so on, with n =n * n

(a) 9x'C (b) 9 P n n, Thenthenumberofdistinguishablepermuta-

c) 1C (dP tions of the n objects iS

n'n!n n
(b) The thousandth place can be filled up in 9 ways with Example 12:
In how many distinguishable ways can the letters in

any oneof the digits 1,2. 3,.9. After that the other BANANA be written?
three places can be filled up in P ways, with any
A's, two are N's,
one of the remaining 9 digits including zero. Hence This word has six letters, of which three are
and one is a B. Thus, the number of distinguishable ways the
the number of four digit numbers with distinct dig1ts
letters can be written
9P 6
Example 9:
The number of ways in which l0 persons can sit round a Evample 13:

circular table so that none of them has the same neighbours is not allowed) can be
How many 4 digits number (repetition
in any two arrangements. made 1-7 if4 will always be there in the number?
by using digits
Solution: Solution:
Total digits (n) = 7
10 persons can sit round a circular table in 9! ways. But here
Total ways ofmaking the number if is always there
clockwise and anticlockwise orders will give the same
P 4 x°P,=480.
of n things taking r at a time, in
neighbours. Hence the required number of ways
umber of permutations

hich a particular thing never occurs "P


Example 10
In how many different ways can five boys and five girls form Example 14:
How many different 3 leter words can be made by S vowels,
a circle such that the boys and girls are alternate?

Solution: ifvowel 'A' will never be included?

After fixing up one boy on the Total letters(n) =5
table the remaining can be So total number of ways= n- P, =5P, =4P, 24.

arranged in 4! ways.
3 Number of permutations of n diferent things takingall at a
time, in which m specified things always come together
There will be 5 places, one
place each between two boys 4. Number of permutations of n different things taking all at a

whichcan befilled by 5girls in 5! ways time, in which m specified things never come together =

Hence by the principle of mutiplication, the required number n!-ml(n-m+1)!

ofways 4! x5! =2880.
Example 15:
In how many ways can we arrange the five vowels, a, e. i, o
Example l1:
In how many ways can 5 boys and 5 girls be seated at a
( two of the vowels e and i are always together
round table no two girls may be together ?
i) two of the vowels e and i are never together.
Leaving one seat vacant between two boys may be seated in ) Using the formula m!(n -m+ 1)!
4! ways. Then at remaining 5 seats, 5 girls any sit in 5! ways Here n=5, m=2(e& i)
Hence the required number = 4! x 5!
Required no. ofways =2!(5-2+1 =2*4!=48
Conditional Permutations Alternative:
Number of permutations of n things taking r at a time, in As the two vowels e & iare always together we can consider
them as one, which can be arranged among themselves in 2
which a particularthing always occurs= r."P- ways.
Further the 4 vowels (after
considering e & i as one) can be Solution :
(8- )'=
arranged in 41! ways
can bearranged in acircle in
Total no of ways =
2! *
4! =
48 5040
(i) No. of ways when e & i are ver together
total of ways Example 20 : can be
of arranging the 5 vowels ind the number of ways in which 18 different
of ways when e & i are together =
5! -

48 72 arranged to form a necklace

Or use n!- m'(n - m+ 1)! 51-48 72
themselves in a
diterent beads can be arranged among
in the case or
S.The number of
permutations of'n' things taken all at a time Circular order in (18 1)! =17! ways. NowclockwIse
when p'are alike of one kind, are alike necklace there is no distinct between and
q' of second, r' alike anticlockwise arrangements. So, the required
number or

of third, and so on =-
pq'r arrangements =


Each of the different selections that can be made with a givV
How many different words can be formed with the letters of
time is caled
the world MISSISSIPPI. number of objects taken soine or all of them at a

r at a
The number of combinations of 'n' dissimilar things taken
In the word MISSISSIPPI1, there are 4 1's, 4S's and 2P's. time is denoted by "C, or C(n, r). It is defined as
Thus 34650
required number of words 4 214!

6 The number of Example 21

permutations of'n' different things, taking P , . and "C, ="C, then the values of n and r are
at a tine, when each
thing can be repeated 'r times n a4,3 (6) 3,2
y 4,2 (d) None of these
Example 17: Sotation:
(b) We have, "P, = "P,
In how many ways can S prizes be given away to 4 boys,
when each boy is eligible for all the
prizes? n n!
(n-) (n-r-)!, (n-r)
Any one of the prizes can be given in 4 ways: then any one or n-r=| .()
ofthe remaining 4 prizes can be given again in 4ways, since Also, "C="C rtr-| =n~2r-n=l 2)
it may even be obtained Solving(1) and (2), we get r=2 and n = 3
by the bÙy who has already received
a prize.

Hence Sprizes can be

given 4 4x4x 4 x4=4' ways. x
Example 22
Prove that "C-2 +3. "C- +3. "C,+ "C,| ="*C+2
Example 18 Solution
How many numbers of 3 digits can be formed with the
digits C-+3 C-I+3 "C,+"Cr
1,2,3 4,5 when,digits may be rapeated?
Solution: -"C-+"C- +2( "Cr-+ C)+(°C, +"C,)
The unit place can be filled in 5
wgys and since the repetitions
ofdigits are allowed, therefore, tenth place can be filled in5
Furthermore, the hundredth
C C,)+(-c, +®*C.1)
place can be filled in 5 ways
also. n2C,C, C
23 :
heretore,requirednumberofthreedigitnumbersis5x5 w5 Erample
-125 If P, 720 'C, then r is equal to
(a) 3 (6) 7
Example 19 (c) 6 (d) 4
In how many ways 8 Solution:
persons can be arranged in a circle?
(c) P,-720"C,
6 The number of Combinations of'n diflerent things taking
n! 720(h!) some or all at a time
(n-r)! (n-r)r
rl 720-1*2x]4*56 "C+CC * "C, 2"-1
Example 25:
Example 24 In a class of 25 students, find the total number of ways to

In how many ways a hockey team of eleven can be elected select two representative,
from 16 players? )ifa particular persen will never be selected
Solution: ) ifa particular person is always there
Total number ofways = " C 6 4368. Total students (n)
A particular students will not be selected (p) = .

16x15x14x13 12 (i)
So total number ofways=
Using-PC, no. of ways = "
CC 276.
C , " C , 24

have to select only
Ifa person is always there then we

EREMEMBER from theremaining25 - I =24

t C 1, "C, =1: "P, =!C

Example 26:
C, ="C,- There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each of them can be switched on
independently. The number of ways in which the hall can be
C-+ C, ="C illuminated is
a) 102 (b) 1023
C"C,x+y=n n o

C C C) 210 (d) 10!

Since each bulb has two choices, either switched on or off,
therefore required number = 20-1 = 1023.

C(n-r*)"C-1 . The number of ways of dividing 'm + n' things into two

CCH groups containing 'm' and 'n' things respectively

Conditional Combinations m+n)!

mCm "C m
INumber ofcombinations ofn distinct things taking r (Sn)
8 The number of ways of dividing 'm + n +p' things into
atatime,when k (0sksr) particular objects always occur
three groups containing 'm', 'n' and "p' things respectively
n-C m+n+p)
mtnPC... PC
Numberofcombinations ofn distinct objects taking r(sn) m! n! p!
at a time, when k(0sksr) particular objects never occur= 0 Ifm=n=p ie. Im'thingsare divided into threeequal
groups then the number of combinations is
3m) Bm)
3 Number of selections of r things fromn things when p m! m! m!3!
(m! 3
particular things are not together in any selection (Gi) Bufif'3m'things are to be divided among three persons,
-C,--PC-p (m)
4 Number of selection of r consecutive things out of n things then the number of divisions is
in a row = n-r+l (m!
Number of selection of r consecutive things out of n things
along a circle 9 Ifmn distinct objects are to be divided into m groups. Then,
the number of combination is
n,when r<n
min when the order of prrups Is not importart and
1,when =n m! (n!

the order of groups is importiant of siZe n

(nty aNumber of rectangles of any size in a square

Example 27: and number of squares of any size is
number of ways in which 52 cards can be divided into r

Sets, three
of them having 17 cards each and the fourth one 0Nuniber of rectangles of any size in a rectangie i7
having just one card ot
p pIs ( ) (p I) and number of squares

(17!) (6 (17y' 3 anySi/e is n1-r)(p +|-r)
(17! d (17!) 3 Example 28
be formed on a chessboarc
Solution: ne nunber of squares that can

Here have to divide 52 cards into 4
sets, three of them (b) 160
having 17 cards each and the fourth one (a) 64
card. First we divide 52 cards having just one (c) 224 (d) 204
into two ot i card groups and
S1 cards. this 52!
can be done in fdh A heasut ldde up of9equispaced horizontal und
sways. vertical ine lo make a l I square, we must choose two
Now every
group of 51 cards can be divided into 3 groups consecutive horizontal and vertical lines from among
51 these. This can be done in 88 8 ways. A2 2 square
of 17 each in
(17)3 needs three consecutive horizontal and vertical lines,
and we can do this in 7 x 7=7 ways. Continuing in this
Hence the required number of ways manner. the total number of square is
52 S1! 52!
I!5! (17!)'3 (17!)'3 8+7 +6+2+1 8(8+1[(2x8)+1 204.

. If pPrah : P. =
30800:1, then the value ofr is (a) (b) 2
(a) 40 c)3
(b)41 (d) 4
(c) S4 . The number of three
(d) 56 digit numbers having only two
consecutive digits identical is
P5.P ,. then the value ofr is=
(a) 153 (b) 162
a) 5 (6) 4 (c)168 (d) 163
(c)9 () 10 The total number of
seven-digit numbers the sum of whose
The number of digits is even is
integers satisfying the inequality
(a) 9000000
n+C C, s100 is (b) 4500000
(C) 810000 (d) None of these
(2) nine
(b) eight 8 The total number of numbers of not
more than 20
(c) five dig1ts that
(d) none of these areformed by using the digits 0, 1,2,3, and 4 is
4 If mC+ C >
mC, then least value of mis (a) (b) 520-11
(c)530 (d) None of these
(a 6
(b) 7 The number of six
c) 5 digit numbers that can be formed from the
d) None digits 1,2,3,4,5.6 and 7 so that digits do
The number of values of r
satisfying the
not repeat and the
equation terminal digits are even is

C C ="C C, is (a) 144 (b) 2

(c) 288 (d) T20

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