Dräger X-Dock 5300 Dräger X-Dock 6300/6600: Technical Manual
Dräger X-Dock 5300 Dräger X-Dock 6300/6600: Technical Manual
Dräger X-Dock 5300 Dräger X-Dock 6300/6600: Technical Manual
Technical Manual
! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in physical injury, or damage to
the product or environment. It may also be used to
alert against unsafe practices.
ii Indicates additional information on how to use the
2 Description
2.1 Product overview
X-dock 5300 (X-am) X-dock 5300 (Pac) X-dock 5300 (X-am 8000) X-dock 6300/6600
1 2 4
9 14
10 13 13
16 18 19 20 22
max. 10 max. 5
1 Master The following gas detectors can be used with the X-dock and
2 Module its modules:
3 Status LED
4 Touchscreen display X-dock 5300/6300/6600
5 Function key with Pac with X-am 125 (+) with X-am 8000 (+)
6 Fresh air inlet with filter module: module: module:
7 Antitheft slot Pac 3500 X-am 2000 X-am 3500
8 Power supply Pac 5500 X-am 2500 X-am 8000
9 USB ports Pac 6xx0 X-am 5000
10 Ethernet port Pac 7000 X-am 5600
11 Mini USB port Pac 8xx0
12 Exhaust
13 Gas inlets
2.4 Limitations on use
14 Compressed air inlet
15 Type plate Dräger X-dock 5300/6300/6600 and their modules were not
16 X-am 125 module designed to meet the directives for firedamp and explosion
17 Charge status LED protection and must not be used below ground or in hazardous
18 X-am 125+ module (with charging function) locations.
19 Pac module
2.5 GPL (General Public Licence)
2.2 Feature description Some of the device software includes open-source software,
which has been published under GPL, LGPL or another open-
2.2.1 Master source licence. They include GPL GPLv2, LGPL, MIT,
PostgreSQL, Apache, Apache 2, zlib. The source texts of the
The master assumes control of the sequencing of the software can be obtained from Dräger on a CD under material
maintenance station for functional testing, calibration and number 83 21 874 for at least three years after purchase of the
adjustment, as well as functions for user management, software. The licence terms and conditions of the software are
instrument management, printing of standard reports and included on CD.
standard certificates (using PostScript, Office Jet and PCL
printers only), and also the user interface.
2.2.2 Modules
The instrument-specific interfaces such as, e. g., IR
communication, gas exposure unit and charging contact are
integrated into the modules. In addition, the modules contain
sensors for detecting the visual, audible and vibration alarms
on the instruments.
! If car adapter X-dock is used as power supply for the
maintenance station only 5 modules at the most may
be connected to the master. You might damage the car
adapter X-dock if you connect additional modules.
3 Installation NOTICE
WARNING ii Dräger recommends the use of gases below the LEL
! Risk of personal injury and damage to equipment only. Gases above the LEL and below the UEL should
through faulty maintenance of gas detectors. not be used.
Unless the maintenance station is properly set up for
the scheduled tasks, there is a risk that gas detectors Possible safety measures when using gases
are not checked and serviced as expected. >100 %LEL include:
If gases above the LEL are to be used, a risk Using the maintenance station under a suitable
assessment must be carried out first. The resulting exhaust
safety measures must be implemented prior to using Directly discharging the test gas into a suitable
the maintenance station. exhaust or into the open air via an exhaust hose
Prior to initial operation and after modifications of the (max. 10 m long).
maintenance station, the correct design and
Using pressure regulator valves with Flowstop
dimensioning of the appropriately configured
instruments must be approved by a qualified specialist. Opening the test gas cylinder only for the duration
of the test or calibration.
! Damage to the system or loss of data!
Select the "Flush" test option.
6. Ensure a supply of compressed air or fresh air: 3.1 Special features when servicing an
Connect the compressed air hose to the compressed
X-am 8000 with PID
air port (outlet pressure of pressure regulator valve
0.5 bar, flow rate >3 L/min). When using the maintenance station with an X-am 8000 with
Adjust fresh air input (see chapter 4.7.2 on page 13). PID, isobutylene must be set as test and calibration gas for the
Setting: Supplied by compressed air input. PID on the X-am 8000 via the Dräger CC-Vision PC software.
OR Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.
If required, connect the fresh air hose to the fresh air
filter. Connect the test gas cylinder with isobutylene to the first
available test gas inlet to ensure that the test gas has the
Adjust fresh air input if necessary (see chapter 4.7.2 on
highest possible quality when reaching the gas detector.
page 13). Setting: Supplied by pump.
To improve the quality of the PID calibration, and to avoid that
WARNING the sensor is unnecessarily influenced by other test gases,
! Risk of personal injury!
Dräger recommends selecting the "Flush" test option to flush
the module with fresh air after performance of a test.
Impurities of the ambient air may result in faulty
measurements. Dräger recommends not storing an X-am 8000 with PID in the
If you use the internal pump to supply fresh air through module with the cover closed for a longer period of time, to
the fresh air inlet you need to ensure that the ambient avoid drifting of the PID.
air is devoid of interfering substances.
For precise measurements with the PID LC, Dräger
ii If the maintenance station is supplied with fresh air via
recommends repeating the zero adjustment on the sampling
site with the X-am 8000 using an activated carbon pre-tube.
a compressed air cylinder, all modules should always The span calibration does not need to be repeated.
be equipped with gas detectors prior to starting a test.
Otherwise, the compressed air cylinder will empty If an X-am 8000 with a PID LC has been stored for a longer
exceptionally quickly. period of time in the X-dock, the calibration must be checked
prior to using the gas detector.
7. Connect the power pack.
Station with up to 3 modules: Power pack 24 V / 1.33 A
Station with 4 to 10 modules: Power pack 24 V / 6.25 A
The entire system is supplied with power via the master.
ii Dräger recommends the use of Dräger test gas
cylinders and Dräger pressure regulator valves (see
chapter 12 on page 29). Alternatively there is the
option of using a suitable pressure regulator valve with
0.5 bar outlet pressure and >3 L/min flow rate.
Standby mode:
Standby mode is activated after approx. 10 minutes with no
activity on the station (input via touchscreen or opening/
closing of a module cover).
When the station switches over to standby mode, any user
logged in will be logged off automatically. The user will
need to log back in again when switching back to operating
The touchscreen is switched off in standby mode.
Menu ► ◄ Favourites bar
The charging function of the X-am 125+ and X-am 8000+
modules with charging function is not affected by standby
mode. The charging process is not interrupted. Start screen: User not logged in
To switch to operating mode: (Single mode deactivated)
Tap the function key or
touch the touchscreen or Log user
◄ in or out
open or close a module flap.
Instrument field ►
4.2 Initial setup of station
1. Switch on the station, see chapter 4.1 on page 9.
2. Log in with the preconfigured "admin" user
(user name: admin, password: 123456), see chapter 4.5
on page 10.
3. Configure the test gas inlet, see chapter 4.7 on page 11.
4. Change language if necessary:
a. Select > System configuration > Language.
b. Select desired language.
c. Confirm selection with OK. ◄ Favourites bar
5. Set date and time where necessary:
a. Select > System configuration > Date & time.
b. Make the desired settings.
c. Confirm settings with OK.
6. If required, change standard tests (see chapter 4.9 on
page 15.
7. If required, set up network (see chapter 6.4.3 on page 22).
Instrument field ►
ii A User-ID is required to log in. This must be created
beforehand by the Administrator (see chapter 4.6 on
page 11).
ii Dräger recommends changing the admin password
after initial start-up.
! The gas concentrations entered must be identical to
the specifications on the gas cylinder used. Incorrect
details will result in faulty measurement results.
ii When the test gas concentration is changed, the
corresponding test gas inlet must be reconfigured.
Enter User ID ►
Enter permission level and password ►
ii User profiles can only be created by the administrator
or by users with authorisation level 5.
2. Select desired test gas inlet. 6. The following information can optionally be given:
The configuration menu will appear. Part no. of the gas cylinder
Batch number of test gas cylinder
Expiry date of the gas cylinder
7. If required, enter Further options.
Select the
test gas inlet
Enter part no. ► ◄ Enter batch no. 4.7.1 Further options
use-by date
Create Test gas NOTICE
Select test gas ►
◄ Delete
ii It is necessary to specify the volume, volume type,
configuration pressure and unit to use the gas manager.
Enter ► ◄ Select
concentration unit
◄ Set bump test
Further options ►
1. Enter the part no. of the Dräger gas cylinder. 1 Select this symbol to reset the gas cylinder level.
All the necessary details for the configuration will be filled
in automatically. The batch number and the expiry date can 1. Enter volume of gas cylinder.
be entered manually in addition.
2. Specify the type of volume:
compr. = cylinder volume
NOTICE relaxed = gas volume (cylinder volume x pressure)
ii The values entered automatically must be matched
3. If required, refresh test gas pressure.
with those indicated on the test gas cylinder. If these 4. If necessary, activate Hose > 2m if the length of the test
values are not identical, the value indicated on the gas gas hose exceeds 2 m.
cylinder is to be considered and a manual correction of NOTICE
the values must be made in the station. ii Dräger recommends not to exceed a hose length of
10 m for the gas supply hoses.
2. If necessary select Further options and , to reset the
gas cylinder level indicator. 5. If required, configure other gas inlets in the same way.
3. If required, configure other gas inlets in the same way.
When using a gas cylinder from another manufacturer: State of gas pressure:
1. Create or delete test gas component. Display Gas pressure Meaning
Create a new test gas component with . <0.4 bar Gas pressure too low.
Delete the current test gas component with .
0.4 - 0.6 bar Gas pressure correct.
ii Deleting all test gas components deletes all >0.6 bar Gas pressure too high.
information of the test gas inlet.
2. Select gas.
3. Enter the gas concentration.
4. Select gas units.
5. If required, create additional test gas components.
Gas cylinder level indicator: To select the test gas for X-am 2000:
Display Gas cylinder level 1. Select X-am 2000.
2. Select the required test gas from the list.
61 - 100 %)
The following selection is available:
Methane - CH4 (default setting)
30 - 60 %)
Propane - C3H8
Pentane - PENT
< 30 %
For propane and pentane, the "Increased sensitivity"
(vapour sensitivity) option can also be activated.
Gas cylinder level indicator deactivated
3. Confirm selection with OK.
To set the gas cylinder level indicator: A test only begins when the concentration of test gas is
appropriate for the gas in question.
ii The gas cylinder level indicator is only available for
Bump test tolerance example:
1. Connect a new test gas cylinder to a test gas connector.
2. Select > Gas configuration.
3. Select desired gas inlet.
4. Select Further options and select to reset the gas
cylinder level indicator. time [s]
Exception: Test with substitute gas: ++ very good, + good, o normal, − not being tested
If a test gas is used that is different to the measured gas, the
alarm threshold does not represent a suitable criterion.
In this case, the test threshold is recalculated. The test
threshold is set at 1/3 of the test gas concentration. ii For increased safety and in case of cross-sensitivities
to the connected test gases, Dräger recommends
4.8.2 Extended bump test (test of accuracy) using the extended bump test.
In the extended bump test, the following are checked:
Check of whether the defined concentration of test gas is
achieved within a specified tolerance. The tolerance can be
adjusted in the X-dock by the user if necessary (see
“Configuring the test gas inlet” on page 11).
Check of whether the concentration of test gas remains
within the tolerance window for a specified time.
Check of whether the test duration remains below a
specified maximum time.
Options ►
Mode Description
Favorites The Favorites mode displays the predefined tests.
mode These can be selected via the favourites bar. 2. Enter desired test name.
Single mode In Single mode, a predefined test is started by 3. Select the desired gas test.
closing the module flap. Several tests can be The following gas tests are available:
started and executed in parallel.
Test The Test scheduler enables the user to Tests with measured gas
scheduler configure the time and weekday when a - No gas test, only the activated
predefined test should be performed. To options are run.
configure the Test scheduler mode, select . Quick bump test Test threshold override test
Manual tests can only be started when the user (if test gas = measured gas,
is logged in. concentration A1; see chapter 7. on
page 16).
Extended bump test Test for reaching cylinder
To select the test mode: concentration within a tolerance
1. Select . range (see chapter 7. on page 16).
2. Select desired test mode. Calibration Zero point and sensitivity
3. If necessary, select of the test mode to be edited (only adjustment
possible with the Test scheduler test mode).
4. If necessary, edit tests (see chapter 4.9.2 on page 15).
5. Save settings with OK.
ii When the alarm functions are being tested, the
ambient noise must not be too loud as otherwise the
station will not be able to check the horn function.
ii Instruments that did not pass visual inspection must
not be inserted into the station. Otherwise the test
cannot be correctly assessed in its entirety.
Test passed:
X-am 5000
X-dock 5300
X-am 5000
This state means that partial tests of the favourite could not be
conducted due to special settings.
Confirmation is shown on the display.
The status LED flashes yellow.
If required, select the desired instrument field for additional
Confirmation is shown on the display.
Remove the instrument from the module.
The Status LED flashes green.
If required, select the desired instrument field for additional
information (e.g. test date and performed tests). ! Prior to each use of the gas detector, check whether it
Remove the instrument from the module.
is switched on and in measuring mode after removing
it from the X-dock. Otherwise the user may carry a
WARNING device that is switched off!
! Prior to each use of the gas detector, check whether it
is switched on and in measuring mode after removing
it from the X-dock. Otherwise the user may carry a Test not passed:
device that is switched off!
X-dock 5300
X-am 5000
6 Menu
6.1 Menu overview
ii Access to the individual menu items depends on the
authorisation level.
Define test
Gas configuration
Info screen
Station options
Export certificates
Mobile synchronization
Device configuration
7 Permission level
The availability of functions, tests or menu items depends on the privileges for the particular permission level.
Change password X
Define test X
Export data memory (station) X
Set Gas configuration X
Show devices X
Specifying advanced options X
Manage users X
Set date and time X
Perform SW update (station) X
Set Language X
Set network configuration X
Database operations X
8 Troubleshooting
Faults Cause Remedy
Check connections to mains supply,
Power supply not connected.
power pack and station.
Station does not start. Power pack defective. Replace power pack.
Check that the station can be started by
pressing the function key.
Module dirty. Clean module.
Instrument dirty. Clean instrument.
Gas detector not detected.
Module defective. Contact DrägerService.
SW version of gas detector out of date. Update gas detector SW.
Instrument and/or module dirty. Clean instrument and/or module.
Measuring chamber leaky. Replace seal (see chapter 9.5 on
Seal worn.
page 28)
Ethernet cable not connected correctly. Check cabling.
Ethernet cable defective. Replace Ethernet cable.
IP address incorrectly configured. Reconfigure IP address.
No communication with PC. Firewall is blocking data traffic. Configure the firewall correctly.
X-dock does not function with computers
in networks with the IP address Try other address range.
Hose connections incorrect. Check hose connections.
Gas detectors do not pass the gas tests Gas configuration not correct. Check Gas configuration.
(test gas not reaching the instrument). Test gas cylinder empty or closed. Check test gas cylinder.
Pressure regulator valve incorrectly set. Check setting of pressure regulator valve.
Pressure regulator valve incorrectly set. Check setting of pressure regulator valve.
Test gas pressure is too low. Hose connections incorrect.
Test gas cylinder empty or closed.
Test gas pressure is too high. Pressure regulator valve incorrectly set. Check setting of pressure regulator valve.
Check whether or not external light
External light sources are interferring with sources are creating interference, re-
Alarm element test not carried out.
the alarm element test. position light sources or station as
The formatting of USB storage devices
Dräger recommends using FAT32 and a
The system does not recognize the varies, depending on the manufacturer.
partitioning that contains partitioning
connected USB storage device. This applies to the file system (e.g. FAT32
tables (USB-ZIP or USB-HDD).
or NTFS) as well as the partitioning.
Touchscreen cannot be operated or only Touchscreen no longer correctly Recalibrate the touchscreen, see
with restrictions. calibrated. chapter 9.7 on page 28.
In this case, a firmware update has to be
This error can occur if a master is
performed via the master, even if the most
Module not found or Wrong connected to modules with different
current firmware is already installed on
(incompatible) SW version error software versions.
the master.
message (although everything is
connected correctly). If the modules are not connected
Check whether all connections are
correctly, the electrical connection may be
correctly connected and screwed tight.
Error message Firmware version not The firmware version of the affected gas Perform an update with the CC Vision PC
supported on module: X. detector is not compatible with X-dock. software.
To replace a test gas cylinder with a test gas cylinder with other
test gas concentration:
1. Close empty test gas cylinder valve.
2. Unscrew the pressure regulator valve from the test gas
3. Screw pressure regulator valve on full test gas cylinder with
changed test gas concentration.
4. Slowly open the test gas cylinder valve.
5. Reconfigure the corresponding test gas inlet, see
chapter 4.7 on page 11.
! The station power supply must not be disconnected
6. Following successful transfer to the station, the start is re-
started automatically and the firmware update is installed
during the installation process. The station may be immediately afterwards. During the installation process,
damaged if this is not observed. the status LEDs on the modules will be blue.
NOTICE 7. After the installation is complete, the station changes to
ii The station does not support any USB data storage
operating mode. The station is ready for operation.
device with an NTFS file system.
1. Download the firmware update from the internet: ii The master and all modules of a maintenance station
a. Go to www.draeger.com. must always be updated to the latest firmware version
b. Go to the X-dock product page and unzip the firmware It is not possible to install an older firmware version.
update to the root directory of an empty USB data
storage device.
! The USB data storage device must not contain older
firmware files!
9.8 Cleaning
1 2
! Abrasive cleaning implements (brushes, etc.),
cleaning agents and cleaning solvents can destroy the
fresh air filter.
10 Disposal
Serial no. (year of The year of manufacture is the 3rd Barcode scanner 83 18 792
manufacture): Letters contained in the factory number
shown on the name plate: H=2015, Dräger X-dock Manager Basic 83 21 860
J=2016, K=2017, L=2018 M=2019, etc. Dräger X-dock Manager Professional 83 21 870
Example: Serial number ARKH-0054,
the 3rd letter is K, i.e. the year of Dräger X-dock Manager Licence 83 21 857
manufacture is 2017. (1x, both versions)
CE mark: Electromagnetic compatibility (Directive Dräger X-dock Manager Licence 83 21 858
2004/108/EC) (5x, both versions)
13 Glossary
Abbreviation Description
ALARM Alarm element test
BTQ Quick bump test (test of alarm actuation)
BTX Extended bump test (test of accuracy)
CAL Calibration
DB Database
DBMS Database management system
DL Data logger
FAV Favourite
FW Firmware
LED Light-emitting diode
MST Master
SPAN Span calibration
T90 Response time test
TWA Time-weighted average
UEG/LEL/LIE Lower explosive limit
UNDEF Unknown
UNK Unknown info
VIB Vibration
ZERO Zero-point calibration
90 33 286 - TH 4634.600 en
© Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
Edition 11 - November 2017 (Edition 01 - August 2012)
Subject to alteration