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Acis 3

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Occupational therapy students rating

with the N-ACIS: Do they agree?
Av Tore Bonsaksen, Maria Fouad, Cecilia Celo, & Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas

Tore Bonsaksen er ergoterapeut og Occupational therapy students rating with the N-ACIS: Do they agree?
førstelektor ved Høgskolen i Oslo og
Akershus, Fakultet for helsefag, Institutt Abstract
for ergoterapi og ortopediingeniørfag.
E-post: tore.bonsaksen@hioa.no

Background: The Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills

Maria Fouad er forskningsassistent ved
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Fakultet (ACIS) has been shown to possess good psychometric properties, but
for helsefag, Institutt for ergoterapi og the recently translated Norwegian version of the instrument (N-ACIS)
ortopediingeniørfag. has not yet been subjected to such investigation. Moreover, the amo-
unt of training needed in order to ensure that raters’ ACIS scores are
Cecilia Celo er ergoterapeut ved Oslo reliable has not yet been explored.
Universitetssykehus HF. Methods: Twenty-six occupational therapy students (response rate
60.5 percent) participated in this study, which was performed in
Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas is associate
conjunction with a student training seminar. Each student performed
professor at Graduate School of Health,
Medicine and Welfare, Saitama Prefectu- two assessments with the N-ACIS, based on observations of students
ral University, Saitama, Japan. who had been given specific instructions for roleplaying during the
performed activities. Pairs of students were assessed for interrater
agreement on the N-ACIS total scale and subdomain scales with the
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
Results: The ICC measures were 0.92 (total scale score), 0.99 (physi-
cality), 0.76 (information exchange), and 0.80 (relations).
Conclusion: A very brief introduction to the N-ACIS appears to be
sufficient to achieve high interrater reliability on the aggregated scales
– at least under artificial conditions. Remaining questions concern the
level of interrater agreement at the item level, how item scores would
correspond with an expert opinion, and interrater agreement in real
life practice situations.

Keywords: Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills,

Denne artikkelen ble mottatt 21.12.2015.
interrater reliability, intraclass correlation coefficient, Model of Human
Den ble godtatt for publisering Occupation, observational assessment
Conflicts of interest: None

28 Ergoterapeuten 3–2016
Occupational therapists need to
have sufficient knowledge and contacts articulates collaborates
skills in some areas, whereas they
need to possess an expert level gazes asserts conforms
in others. One of the areas where gestures asks focuses
an expert level of knowledge and
maneuvers engages relates
skills is needed is occupational
performance analysis (Thomas, orients expresses respects
2012). When analyzing a person’s
postures modulates
performance, the occupational
therapist may closely examine shares
how the person executes the speaks
skills involved in the activity, i.e.,
the single action components sustains
needed to perform the activity
All items are scored 1-4, where 1 = deficit, 2 = ineffective, 3 = questionable,
successfully (Crepeau, 2003). 4 = competent.
Persons with skill limitations may
suffer from diminished capacity Table 1: Skills assessed with the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills
to perform important and valued (ACIS) and their relationship to domains of interaction.
occupations, and may resultantly
have reduced opportunity to par-
ticipate in society the way they ACIS skills and domains is provi- ACIS appears to have been used
would like to. ded in Table 1. mainly in relation to persons with
Given the importance of skills As human occupations often psychiatric disorders and intelle-
for occupational performance, are group based and performed ctual/learning disabilities (Fuller,
and ultimately for participation in a variety of social settings and 2011; Simmons, Griswold, & Berg,
in society, occupational thera- environments, communication 2010). In the first psychometric
pists have developed a range of and interaction skills are needed study introducing the ACIS to the
tools for assessing skills during for establishing and maintaining worldwide community of occupa-
occupational performance. One relationships and for coordina- tional therapists (Forsyth, Lai,
tool developed with a theoreti- ting the actions of the persons & Kielhofner, 1999), clients with
cal basis in the Model of Human involved to ensure that mutual different psychiatric disorders
Occupation (MOHO; Kielhofner, goals are met (Forsyth et al., were compared.
2008) is the Assessment of 1998; Kielhofner, 2008). Given the The results showed that the
Communication and Interaction importance of these skills for a three groups of clients had dif-
Skills (ACIS; Forsyth, Salamy, person’s occupational performan- ferent levels of skills that mirro-
Simon, & Kielhofner, 1998). The ce and participation, occupational red the severity of their mental
ACIS consists of 20 discrete skills. therapy students have been en- health problems. In addition, the
It can be used as a measure of couraged to learn about related analysis revealed the ACIS scale
the overall communication and assessment and intervention to be unidimensional, it measured
interaction level of an individual, strategies, and using the ACIS the clients’ skills in an appropri-
or it can be used to identify spe- has served as a starting point for ate way, it was able to separate
cific skills or broader skill areas such learning (Bonsaksen, Gra- study participants into six diffe-
(domains) that may need to be nå, Celo, Ellingham, & Myraunet, rent levels of communication and
addresssed as part of an inter- 2013; Bonsaksen, Myraunet, Celo, interaction skills, and there was
vention. The skills are organized Granå, & Ellingham, 2011). good level of consistency within
as belonging to three different Decreased communication and between raters (Forsyth
domains: physicality, information and interaction skills is by no me- et al., 1999). Later studies and
exchange, and relations (Forsyth ans limited to specific diagnostic reviews have continued to advo-
et al., 1998). An overview of the groups. By tradition, however, the cate for the validity of the ACIS,

Ergoterapeuten 3–2016 29
45 min Introduction EDUCATION CONTEXT
Introducing the ACIS. Its foundation in the MOHO, the content
of each skill, assessment procedure, and scoring instructions AND TRAINING
The study was conducted at the
60 min Observation 1
Activity 1 (30 min), individual scoring (10 min) and group occupational therapy education
discussions concerning the scores and the observations they program at Oslo and Akershus
build on (20 min). University College in Oslo, Nor-
60 min Observation 2 way. Approximately 250 students
Activity 2 (30 min), individual scoring (10 min) and group are enrolled in the program,
discussions concerning the scores and the observations they
build on (20 min). and approximately 70 students
graduate on an annual basis
30 min Summary
Student experiences concerning the use, scoring, and reaso- (Bonsaksen, Kvarsnes, & Dahl,
ning with the ACIS are discussed in the whole class. Comple- 2015). The education program
ted ACIS sheets are collected. is an undergraduate program
with a duration of three years
Table 2: Content and organization of the ACIS seminar. encompassing 12 study modules
(Oslo and Akershus University
College, 2011).
most frequently based on data 2008). So far, the psychometric The second year of the edu-
from persons with mental health properties of the Norwegian cation program starts with a
problems (Fuller, 2011; Hsu, Pan, version (N-ACIS) have not been 10 week study module named
& Chen, 2008; Kjellberg, Haglund, formally examined (Ellingham, «Mental health and participation».
Forsyth, & Kielhofner, 2003), and Hussain, & Bonsaksen, 2014). During this module, the students
translated versions of the ACIS Moreover, we do not know how are introduced to the N-ACIS in a
have been found to be useful for much training is needed to obtain half-day seminar. The organizati-
clinical practice as experienced reliable N-ACIS scores: the ori- on and content of the seminar is
by Scandinavian occupational th- ginal ACIS study used two days outlined in Table 2. The seminar
erapists and occupational therapy of training (Forsyth et al., 1999), instructors (Authors 1 and 3) are
students (Bonsaksen, Granå, et whereas later studies have used local experts in using the assess-
al., 2013; Bonsaksen et al., 2011; one day (Kjellberg & Haglund, ment, having used it in clinical
Kjellberg & Haglund, 2015; Niel- 2015) or as little as three hours of practice and in research over the
sen & Andersen, 2006; Petersen training (Bonsaksen et al., 2011; last six years (Bonsaksen, Celo,
& Hartvig, 2008). Research has Haglund & Thorell, 2004). In the Myraunet, Granå, & Ellingham,
continued to suggest, however, present study, we connected 2013; Bonsaksen, Granå, et al.,
that measures of intrarater and the shortcomings in the existing 2013; Bonsaksen et al., 2011). The
interrater reliability of the ACIS literature by performing a prelimi- first author has also been invol-
should be obtained (Hsu et al., nary investigation of the inter- ved in translating the ACIS user’s
2008). rater reliability of N-ACIS scores manual into Norwegian (N-ACIS)
Evidence that a measure has between pairs of occupational (Ellingham et al., 2014).
acceptable levels of validity and therapy students.
reliability is vital for the credibility SAMPLE AND PROCEDURE
of an instrument in the research AIM OF THE STUDY A total of 58 students entered
community, and consequently for The aim of this study was to as- the second year of the education
its use in occupational therapy sess the level of correspondence program in the autumn of 2015,
practice (Laver-Fawcett, 2014). between occupational therapy and 55 of these participated in
Such psychometric properties students’ N-ACIS ratings. We also the ACIS seminar. They had no
need to be re-established for explored the correspondence bet- previous knowledge of, or experi-
translated versions of instruments ween ratings related to the three ence with, the ACIS, but were so-
previously validated in other subdomains: physicality, informa- mewhat familiar with the MOHO
languages (Streiner & Norman, tion exchange, and relations. (Kielhofner, 2008). In the seminar,

30 Ergoterapeuten 3–2016
the students were organized in 12 (a highly physical game where on. In result, the sumscore of the
groups. In each of these groups, the participants assume various total scale ranges from 20 (lowest
one student had been given the body postures according to given skill level) to 80 (highest skill
task of role-playing a person who procedures), playing board ga- level). In this study, to adjust for
had specified problems related mes (such as Scrabble), visits to unequal number of items on the
to communication and interacti- a café, group compositions (like three subdomains, all scale scores
on skills (the «student-client»). drawing), and doing a quiz. (total scale and subdomains)
In some of the groups, the stu- As 12 participants in the se- were divided with the number
dent-client was encouraged to minar role-played a person with of items belonging to the scale,
behave with decreased skills decreased communication and resulting in scale scores ranging
related to the physicality domain. interaction skills, there were 43 from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest).
The student-client could then, for eligible students for inclusion as Following this procedure, direct
example, play out behaviors like participants. At the end of the comparisons across the different
inappropriate hugging (contacts), seminar, 26 students returned scales are made meaningful –
having prolonged eye-contact their completed N-ACIS sheets, for example, lower scores in the
(gazes), and using excessive hand yielding a reponse rate of 60.5 relations domain compared to
movements during interaction percent. Given that the study the scores in the physicality and
(gestures). In other groups, the only collected anonymous data, information exchange domains
student-client was encouraged to no specific information about the would indicate a lower level of
play out decreased skills related participants’ background cha- skill in the relations domain. The
to the information exchange racteristics is available. Previous Norwegian translation of the ACIS
domain. This could, for example, research, however, has described (N-ACIS) was used in the study
include behaviors like not sharing the study cohort (from which this (Ellingham et al., 2014). Table 1
relevant facts with the group sample was drawn) as relatively shows the skills and domains of
(shares), monopolizing the con- young (mean age 23 years) and the ACIS, which are the same as
versation (sustains), and expres- predominantly female (81 per- in the employed N-ACIS.
sing rapidly shifting emotions cent) (Bonsaksen et al., 2015).
with the group members (expres- DATA PREPARATION
ses). In yet other groups, the MEASURES AND ANALYSIS
student-client was encouraged to The ACIS (Forsyth et al., 1998) is When performing assessments
play out decreased skills related a 20 item assessment of commu- with the ACIS, it is not uncommon
to the relations domain, for exam- nication and interaction skills. It is to find that the activity chosen for
ple by using offensive language theoretically based on the MOHO the assessment did not provide
(conforms), being easily distrac- (Kielhofner, 2008), defining skills information about all of the 20
ted (focuses), and interacting in as «…observable, goal-directed skills (Bonsaksen et al., 2011). In
non-relating ways (relates). actions that a person uses while such cases, the item is not rated
Two group activities were performing [an activity]» (p. 103). (Ellingham et al., 2014; Forsyth et
performed during the seminar, It consists of 20 discrete skills al., 1998). In the dataset for this
followed by individually perfor- that are part of one of three sub- study, a total of 46 missing data
med N-ACIS ratings and a subse- domains: physicality, information points (representing 4.4 percent
quent discussion concerning the exchange, and relations. Based on of the maximum data that could
ratings and the observations they observation from activity situat- be obtained) were detected. In
were based on (see Table 2). The ions requiring some social inte- preparing the dataset for ana-
students were given examples of raction, each skill is rated on a 1 - lysis, it was decided, in line with
activities that they could choose 4 scale (1 = deficit, 2 = ineffective, previous research using other
from, but were also given the 3 = questionable, 4 = competent). scales (e.g., Bonsaksen, Lerdal,
option of independently selecting Generally, each rating reflects the & Fagermoen, 2012), that the
activities during which to observe extent to which the observed skill N-ACIS scale scores (total scale
the student-client. The chosen supports or hinders the flow and and the three subdomain scale
group activities included: buil- completion of the activity as well scores) could be constructed
ding with Legos, playing Twister as the ongoing social interacti- while tolerating a certain level

Ergoterapeuten 3–2016 31
No assessment 1 assessment 2 assessment 3 assessment 4 assessment
forms returned form returned by forms returned forms returned forms returned
the group by the group by the group by the group
Number of 2 2 2 4 2
groups who
returned this
number of as-
sessment forms
Total number of 0 2 4 12 8
Participants 0 2 0 4 0
removed prior (no other (paired data (3rd participant (paired data
to analysis (to assessment for achieved for all data removed achieved for all
assess rating con- measuring agree- data) – selected at data)
sistency between ment) random leaving
sets of two raters paired data for
only) analysis)
Participants 0 0 4 8 8
included in the (2 sets of paired (4 sets of paired (4 sets of paired
analysis data) data) data)
On each ACIS form, two assessments (completed at two separate occasions) were completed. 20 participants (10
pairs), each participant providing two ACIS assessments, resulted in a total of 40 ACIS assessments to be included in
the analysis.

Table 3. Overview of the obtained data from the participants, accounting for missing data.

of missing responses on single completed assessments were re- a total of 40 ACIS assessments
skill items. In this study, it was turned from four groups, whereas coming from 20 raters (10 pairs of
pragmatically decided that up to the remaining two groups retur- raters) who had each performed
25 percent missing responses on ned completed assessments from the assessment at two occasions.
items belonging to each scale was four participants. Table 3 shows an overview of the
acceptable. In effect, the N-ACIS Participants belonging to a obtained data and explains how
total scale was based on the group where only one assess- parts of the data material was
mean of a minimum of 15 items, ment was returned for analysis excluded from the analysis.
whereas the physicality, infor- were excluded (as they had no In order to estimate the level of
mation exchange, and relations other assessment against which agreement between the student
subdomain scores were based on to measure agreement). To be raters, the intraclass correlation
the mean of a minimum of 5, 7, able to use as much of the data coefficients (ICC) were produced
and 4 items respectively. as possible, we decided to assess (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979; Streiner &
Each of the twenty-six partici- the level of rating consistency Norman, 2008). This method of
pating students provided scores between sets of two raters only. estimating interrater agreement is
from two subsequent observati- Thus, we also excluded the data not sample dependent and is able
ons of the student-client, acco- provided by the third student to account for several different
rding to protocol. The 12 groups rater (randomly selected) in the sources of error simultaneously
had an unequal number of partici- four groups where three partici- (Kielhofner, 2006). Judging by
pants. In two groups, the students pants had returned their assess- the number of journal articles
did not return any completed ments. In the groups consisting of reporting ICCs as a measure of
assessments. In two other groups, four participants, we re-arranged interrater reliability, this method
one participant per group retur- the dataset so that two and two has become more common in
ned the completed N-ACIS sheets. student raters were assessed for the field of occupational therapy
From another two groups, two rating consistency. As a result, the over the last years (e.g., Donohue,
completed assessments were dataset subjected to the interrater 2007; Stigen & Page, 2012). As it
returned from each group. Three agreement analysis consisted of was the reliability of the specific

32 Ergoterapeuten 3–2016
Pair of Observation # Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 1 Rater 2
1 1 3.00 3.20 2.50 2.78 1.00 1.00 2.22 2.42
2 2.33 2.08 2.22 2.33 1.00 1.20 2.00 1.98
2 1 3.33 3.33 3.11 3.11 2.40 2.40 3.00 3.00
2 1.83 2.00 3.11 3.22 2.20 2.20 2.50 2.60
3 1 3.33 2.92 3.57 3.88 2.75 3.25 3.29 3.42
2 * * 2.89 3.75 * * * *
4 1 4.00 4.00 3.33 3.00 * * 3.40 3.35
2 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.11 2.80 3.20 3.26 3.40
5 1 2.50 2.17 2.00 2.38 2.20 2.00 2.20 2.21
2 2.83 2.83 3.00 2.33 2.00 2.60 2.70 2.55
6 1 4.00 4.00 3.33 3.11 3.40 3.00 3.55 3.35
2 4.00 4.00 3.11 2.89 3.60 2.60 3.50 3.15
7 1 1.67 2.50 1.56 2.67 1.40 2.40 1.55 2.55
2 4.00 4.00 3.89 4.00 3.80 3.60 3.90 3.90
8 1 1.33 1.17 2.11 2.56 1.60 1.60 1.75 1.90
2 1.67 1.67 2.22 2.33 1.80 2.00 1.95 2.05
9 1 4.00 4.00 3.67 2.22 3.60 1.60 3.75 2.60
2 4.00 4.00 3.11 2.56 3.40 2.20 3.45 2.90
10 1 1.33 1.50 2.22 1.67 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.65
2 1.17 1.33 2.00 2.11 1.25 1.00 1.58 1.60
ICC = 0.99 ICC = 0.76 ICC = 0.80 ICC = 0.92

Table 4. Scores on skills, subdomains, and N-ACIS total scale provided by pairs of student raters. Note: * indicates missing data.

raters that was being studied, a was constructed around the ICC participation in the study had no
mixed-effect model was employ- average measure, and the level of benefit for those who chose to
ed, treating N-ACIS scale scores statistical significance was set at take part. All data was collected
as fixed factors and raters as p < 0.05. anonymously, therefore approval
random factors. Also, given the from the Norwegian Data Prote-
interest in the raters’ consistency ETHICS ction Official for Research was
in agreement, not their absolute All of the students were informed not required.
agreement; the consistency type about the study by the resear-
was used. The ICC is interpreted chers (Authors 1 and 3) and vo- Results
similar to well-known measures of lunteered to participate. As these Table 4 shows the scale scores of
reliability, like Cronbach’s alpha. researchers also had the role of all participants after 1) adjusting
For scale consistency, a ≥ 0.70 seminar instructors, it was emp- for missing scores on single skill
is generally considered accep- hasized that study participation items and 2) having re-arranged
table, a ≥ 0.80 is good, whereas was voluntary and there would the dataset to allow for pairwise
a ≥ 0.90 is considered excellent be no negative consequences comparisons between two and
(Field, 2005). For satisfactory (e.g., related to the teaching and two student raters who had ob-
intrarater/interrater reliability, a ≥ learning experience, or to assign- served the same student-client at
0.75 is generally required. A con- ment marks) for persons who op- the same two occasions (see data
fidence interval (95 percent CI) ted not to participate. Conversely, analysis section for details). The

Ergoterapeuten 3–2016 33
number of pairwise comparisons «…examine interrater and intrara- with an expert opinion). Further
varied across domains as a result ter reliability as well as concurrent studies may ensure that interrater
of missing data on some of the and predictive validity» (p. 184). reliability is assessed with refe-
scales. The original psychometric study rence also to an expert opinion,
There was excellent consis- of the ACIS (Forsyth et al., 1999) in order to minimize the error
tency in agreement related to the had a more extensive scope, potential associated with lack of
ACIS total score between pairs and it indicated a good level adequate training (Kielhofner,
of student raters (ICC = 0.92, of reliability among the raters 2006).
95 percent CI [0.79, 0.97], p < using the ACIS. Similar positive Considering the students’
0.001). There was virtually perfect results concerning rater reliability ratings in a «face value» perspe-
inter-rater agreement related to were set forth by Kjellberg and ctive, there were different levels
the physicality subdomain scores coworkers (2003), who reported of interrater correspondence
(ICC = 0.99, 95 percent CI [0.96, from a study in which the Swe- between the three subdomain
0.99], p < 0.001). In the informa- dish translation of the ACIS has scales. Physicality was, appa-
tion exchange subdomain, the been used. However, the Rasch rently, the easiest subdomain to
scores of pairs of raters showed methodology employed in the agree on, whereas the relations
a lower level of consistency (and Forsyth (1999) and Kjellberg and the information exchange
with a wide confidence interval), (2003) studies is different from subdomains showed lower me-
yet within the limits of what is the ICC measures produced with asures of agreement. Although
generally considered acceptable the classical test-theory approach skills, according to the MOHO
(ICC = 0.76, 95 percent CI [0.38, in the present study. For example, (Kielhofner, 2008) and ACIS
0.90], p < 0.01). There was good Forsyth and coworkers (1999) (Forsyth et al., 1998) definitions
level of consistency (although found that the pattern of scores are observable actions, skills in
with a wide confidence interval) was consistent with the applied the physicality subdomain may
between pairs of raters when Rasch model for all except three be more clearly observable than
concerned with the relations of the 52 raters, whereas the pre- skills in the other two domains,
subdomain scores (ICC = 0.80, 95 sent study documented the level and therefore easier to agree
percent CI [0.47, 0.93], p < 0.001). of score agreement between pairs on. It may be harder to agree
of raters. The few studies in the on observations of «expresses»
Discussion area, and the different analytical and «sustains» (in the informa-
This study showed that occupa- approaches used in them, indi- tion exchange subdomain) and
tional therapy students, after cate that comparisons should be «relates» and «respects» (in the
only minimal training, managed made with caution. relations subdomain), compared
to score the N-ACIS in a way Given the very brief training to observations of «contacts»
that resulted in a very high level that was provided to the stu- and «gestures» (in the physica-
of interrater agreement on the dents, our study may indicate lity subdomain). The latter skills
scales between pairs of student that the ACIS has a very intuitive clearly include physical action
raters. The reliability coeffici- appeal for users, and that little and body movements, where-
ents indicated almost perfect training is required for using it as the former skills are more
agreement between the student with reliable results. This mirrors open to interpretation. Some
raters on the physicality scale, the relatively scarce amount of interpretation may be needed to
good to excellent agreement on training provided to raters in determine if a certain skill was
the relations and total score sca- previous studies (Bonsaksen et performed as part of a person’s
les, and acceptable agreement al., 2011; Haglund & Thorell, 2004; behavior, before eventually
on the information exchange Kjellberg et al., 2003). However, assessing the quality of the skill
scale. it should be noted that this study performance.
Hsu and coworkers (2008) only examined the level of cor- Across all skills in all of the
limited their research on the respondence between student ACIS subdomains, however, ob-
Chinese version of the ACIS to raters, and not the extent to servers are continually challenged
ascertain the validity of the scale, which these ratings were correct to weigh the relative importance
and encouraged future studies to or justified (i.e. in correspondence of several specific skill observa-

34 Ergoterapeuten 3–2016
tions with a view to how they STUDY LIMITATIONS level. As the scales consist of
contribute to, or detract from, The study is limited in several several items, it is possible that
the successful completion of the ways. The participants were oc- multiple inconsistencies between
activity and the ongoing social cupational therapy students, and raters have cancelled each other
interaction (Ellingham et al., 2014; thus not fully qualified therapists. out in the analysis, and that this
Forsyth et al., 1998). For example, This sample characteristic is, effect has played a part in produ-
a person may ask questions (the therefore, a limitation in itself. cing the very high measures of in-
skill «asks» in the information The small sample size, and thus terrater reliability. Further studies
exchange subdomain) several the small amount of data, limits may examine interrater reliability
times during a half-hour obser- the generalizability of the results. at the more detailed level concer-
vation, sometimes rather appro- Moreover, it prohibited a mea- ning each of the 20 specific skills
priately, at other times not so ningful comparison of interrater listed in the ACIS.
appropriately. How such multiple correspondence between the
observations are transformed first and the second observation, CONCLUSION
into a single, abstracted score which would otherwise be an The design of the study indicates
for the skill «asks» is a matter of interesting line of inquiry. Also, that the produced results concer-
skilled judgement on the part of the data as based on observati- ning interrater correspondence
the observer. The observer should ons of fellow students roleplaying should be considered preliminary.
also be aware of the limitations of a character with skills limitations However, we found a high level of
his or her skills assessment, as its related to communication and correspondence between the stu-
validity may not extend beyond interaction. It is possible that this dents’ ratings with the ACIS after
the current situation (Haglund & «laboratory experience» setting only a very brief training session.
Thorell, 2004). detracts from the reliability of the We interpret these results as
This study was performed in results, but there appears to be promising in terms of the compre-
conjunction with students’ trai- no reported study using a simi- hensibility and feasibility of the
ning in using the ACIS. In fact, the lar study design, against which ACIS for new and inexperienced
data are based on the students’ our study results can be directly users, as well as when considering
two training observations. Owing compared. the amount of training needed for
to the small amount of data avai- Interrater reliability was as- observers.
lable, it was not possible to assess sessed, whereas reliability in the
whether the interrater reliability sense of «correctness» was not.
increased from the first to the Thus, we do not know the extent
second observation. Hopefully, to which the students’ ratings
more assessment experience and were justified. The students were
the ability to discuss experiences instructed not to compare their References
related to the transformation of scores before discussing them,
activity observations into skill and were similarly instructed not Bonsaksen, T., Celo, C., Myraunet, I.,
ratings, should translate into more to change their individual scores Granå, KE., & Ellingham, B. (2013).
Promoting academic-practice part-
skilled assessment practice – and as a result of the discussion. Ho-
nerships through students’ practice
consequently, into improved wever, we had limited control over
placement. International Journal of
correspondence between raters. the students’ behaviors in this Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20(1),
Further studies may not only as- respect. It is also possible that 33-39.
sess how much training is necess- those who did not agree to parti- Bonsaksen, T., Granå, KE., Celo, C.,
ary to have raters produce similar cipate in the study were the ones Ellingham, B., & Myraunet, I. (2013). A
and correct scores, but may also whose scores diverted most from practice placement design facilita-
consider how more training, and the other group members’ scores. ting occupational therapy students’
learning. Journal of Mental Health
perhaps various modes of training If so, such a sample bias would
Training, Education and Practice,
(e.g., video rating, discussion with contribute to inflate the measures
8(4), 169-180. doi: 10.1108/JMH-
expert raters, etc.), may increase of interrater agreement. TEP-08-2012-0028
the reliability and correctness of The study addressed interra- Bonsaksen, T., Kvarsnes, H., & Dahl, M.
scores. ter correspondence on the scale

Ergoterapeuten 3–2016 35
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