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Remote Controlled Relay PNI CA500 For Controlling 1 or 2 Garage Doors, Gates, Bariers

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Remote Controlled Relay PNI CA500

for controlling 1 or 2 garage doors, gates, bariers

z Sesitivity: -105dBm
z Communication frequency: 433MHz
z Power supply: DC 12V ≤10mA
z Channels: 2
z NO/NC ( Normal Open/Normal Close) command no voltage , 10A max.
z Working mode:relay NO/NC manual, self-closing, dual
z Operating temperature: -26 ~ +60℃
z Compatible with the remote controls: PT2262, SC2260, EV1527

LED indicator
NC1: GND ON/OFF Button A
relay 1
Button B
COM1: +12V VDD/AC relay 2

Selection jumper
working mode Learning button Status LED
1 2 3
:RUNLQJPRGHV: manual mode mode dual mode

1.0DQXDOPRGH - press A or B on the remote; the relay closes and remains closed untill you
press the button again (doors work individually) Used to turn ON and OFF a lightbulb for example.
2. 6HOIFORVLQJ - press and hold A or B to open the door/lock/gate, when you release the button
the relay returns to its initial state ( doors work individually). Used for magnetic locks, gates etc.
3.'XDOPRGH - this mode can be used only if you connected 2 different doors (A and B) to the
relays: press button A to open door A, when you press button Bdoor A will close and door B will
open and stay open untill you open door A or power is cut off.
In this mode the relays/doors are dependent on each other.

Ÿcut off the power to the relay;
Ÿ place the jumper in corresponding position for the desired working mode;
Ÿconnect back the power.

/HDUQLQJWKHUHPRWH: short press learning button. The LED will lit. Press button A
on the remote. The LED will blink red 3 times then stays lit to confirm learning of the button A for
commanding the first relay. LED stays lit. Press button B on the remote. The LED-ul will blink 3
times then it turns off to confirm learning.
Repeat procedure to learn secondary remotes.

(UDVLQJWKHUHPRWHV: press and hold the learning button untill the LED turns off.
Release the button. The LED will blink 3 times to confirm erasing.
Releu cu telecomanda PNI CA500
pentru comanda 1 sau 2 usi de garaj, porti, bariere

Specificatii tehnice:
z Sensibilitate: -105dBm
z Frecventa comunicare cu telecomanda: 433MHz
z Alimentare: DC 12V ≤10mA
z Canale: 2
z Comanda tip NO/NC ( Normal inchis/Normal deschis) fara tensiune cu releu maxim 10A
z Mod de functionare: manual, cu autoinchidere si dual
z Temperatura de functionare: -26 ~ +60℃
z Compatibil cu telecomenzi cu chipset: PT2262, SC2260, EV1527

LED indicator
releu 1
Buton B
COM1: +12V VDD/AC releu 2

Jumper selectare
mod functionare Buton invatare LED stare
1 2 3
Moduri de functionare: mod manual autoinchidere mod dual

1. Mod manual - apasati butonul A sau B de pe telecomanda; releul declansat ramane deschis/
inchis pana cand apasati butonul din nou. Util pentru aprinderea/stingerea unui bec de exemplu.
2.Mod cu autoinchidere - tineti apasat butonul A sau B pentru a deschide usa/yala/poarta, cand
ridicati mana de pe buton releul revine in starea initiala ( usile functioneaza independent). Util
pentru comanda yale electromagnetice, uorti, usi garaj.
3. Mod dual - acest mod poate fi utilizat doar daca ati conectat 2 usi diferite (A si B) la releele
disponibile si functioneaza astfel: apasati butonul A pentru a deschide usa A, cand apasati butonul B
usa A se va inchide iar usa B se va deschide si va ramane deschisa pana cand deschideti usa A
sau se ia tensiunea. In acest mod releele / usile sunt dependente una e alta.

Selectare mod functionare:

Ÿ opriti alimentarea dizpotivului;
Ÿ plasati jumper-ul in pozitia corespunzatoare modului de functionare dorit;
Ÿ realimentati dispozitivul.

Invatarea unei telecomenzi: apasati scurt butonul de invatare. LED-ul se aprinde. Apasati
butonul A de pe telecomanda. LED-ul rosu clipeste de 3 ori apoi ramane aprins pentru a confirma
invatarea butonului A pentru comanda primului releu. LED-ul rosu ramane aprins. Apasati butonul
B de pe telecomanda. LED-ul rosu clipeste de 3 ori apoi se stinge pentru a confirma invatarea.
Repetati procedura pentru invatarea de telecomenzi suplimentare.

Stergerea telecomenzilor: apasati butonul de invatare pana cand LED-ul se stinge.

Eliberati butonul. LED-ul va clipi de 3 ori pentru a confirma operatiunea.
Опростена декларация за съответствие на ЕС
SC ONLINESHOP SRL декларира, че Дистанционно управлявано реле PNI CA500 спазва
директивата LVD 2014/35/EU и RED 2014/53/UE. Пълният текст на ЕС декларацията за
съответствие е достъпен на следния интернет адрес: https://www.mypni.eu/products/5363/

EU Simplified Declaration of Conformity
SC ONLINESHOP SRL declares that Remote Controlled RelayPNI CA500 complies with the
Directive LVD 2014/35/EU and RED 2014/53/UE. The full text of the EU declaration of
conformity is available at the following Internet address:

Vereinfachte EU- Konformitätserklärung
SC ONLINESHOP SRL erklärt, dass das Ferngesteuertes Relais PNI CA500 der Richtlinie LVD
2014/35/EU entspricht und Richtlinie RED 2014/53/UE entspricht. Sie finden den ganzen Text der EU-
Konformitätserklärung an der folgenden Internetadresse:

Declaración UE de conformidad simplificada
SC ONLINESHOP SRL declara que el Relé de control remoto PNI CA500 cumple con la Directiva
LVD 2014/35/EU y la Directiva RED 2014/53/EU. El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad
de la UE está disponible en la siguiente dirección de Internet: https://www.mypni.eu/products/5363/

Déclaration de conformité simplifiée de l’UE
SC ONLINESHOP SRL déclare que Relais télécommandé PNI CA500 est conforme à la directive
LVD 2014/35/EU et RED 2014/53/UE. Le texte complet de la déclaration de conformité UE est
disponible à l’adresse Internet suivante: https://www.mypni.eu/products/5363/download/certifications

Egyszerűsített EU Megfelelési Közlemény
SC ONLINESHOP SRL kijelenti azt, hogy a Távirányítású relé PNI CA500 megfelel az LVD
2014/35/EU és RED 2014/53/UE irányelvnek. Az EU-megfelelőségi nyilatkozat teljes szövege a
következő internetes címen érhető el: https://www.mypni.eu/products/5363/download/certifications

Dichiarazione UE di conformità semplificata
SC ONLINESHOP SRL dichiara che il Relè telecomandato PNI CA500 è conforme alla direttiva LVD
2014/35/EU e alla direttiva RED 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo della dichiarazione di conformità
europea è disponibile al seguente indirizzo Internet:

Uproszczona deklaracja zgodności UE
SC ONLINESHOP SRL oświadcza, że Przekaźnik zdalnie sterowany PNI CA500 jest zgodny z
dyrektywą LVD 2014/35/EU i RED 2014/53/UE. Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności UE dostępny jest
pod następującym adresem internetowym: https://www.mypni.eu/products/5363/download/

Declaratie UE de conformitate simplificata
SC ONLINESHOP SRL declara ca Releu cu telecomanda PNI CA500 este in conformitate cu Directiva
LVD 2014/35/EU si Directiva RED 2014/53/UE. Textul integral al declarației UE de conformitate este
disponibil la urmatoarea adresa de internet:

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