Rooftop Units: Lennox Landmark 50Hz
Rooftop Units: Lennox Landmark 50Hz
Rooftop Units: Lennox Landmark 50Hz
1 Environ™ coil system uses up to 52% less 7 Corrosion-resistant, removable drain pan
refrigerant, is up to 59% lighter and has up provides application flexibility, durability and
to 20% fewer brazed joints than typical units. improved serviceability. Bottom drain capability
is also standard.
2 High-pressure switch improves reliability
by safeguarding the compressor from extreme 8 Independent Fan Motor Mount allows
operating conditions. for easy and efficient service access without
removing the top panel.
3 Scroll compressor is standard on all units
for reliable, long-term operation. 9 Isolated compressor compartment allows
performance check during normal compressor
4 Slide-out blower reduces time needed to adjust operation without disrupting airflow.
fan speed and belt tensioning or for blower cleaning.
10 Fork slots on three sides make it easy
5 Predefined supply-fan motor/drive to pick up and transport units.
combinations make selecting components to meet
static and airflow requirements quick and easy. 11 Full-perimeter base rail (with rigging holes)
provides greater structural integrity, so the unit is
6 Easy-access gas compartment allows easier to handle when rigging and transporting.
access to all gas components.
Landmark units come with a range of convenient features The Simple Service™ System provides easy access to
that make installation fast and easy. different parts of the unit, reducing service time and
aiding problem analysis.
• Insulated base seals the unit to the roof curb without the
need for a curb gasket. • Accessible gas compartment provides quick and
convenient access to all gas components.
• Single hookup gas connection eliminates the need for
routing the gas line inside the unit. • Removeable drain pan simplifies maintenance, while
improving application flexibility and serviceability.
• Terminal strip comes standard for easy control connections.
• Slide-out blower motor reduces installation time and
is easy to service.
• Isolated compressor allows performance check while
unit is working, without interrupting airflow.
• Low-maintenance blower belt auto-tensioner aids
longer belt life and quick belt replacement.
11 7 5 4 6 10 9 2 8 3 1
21.1 (6) KGB074H4B 12.0 13.5 — 16.7 27.8 38.7 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 313
26 (7.5) KGA092H4B 12.7 12.9 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 538
30 (8.5) KGA102H4B 12.4 12.9 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 541
35 (10) KGA120H4B 12.2 12.7 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 557
46 (13) KGA156H4B 12.2 13.6 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 968
53 (15) KGA180H4B 12.2 13.5 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,050
62 (17.5) KGA210H4B 12.2 13.0 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,107
70 (20) KGA240H4B 12.2 13.2 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,145
88 (25) KGA300H4B 10.7 10.9 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,193
21.1 (6) KCB074H4B 12.0 13.5 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 — 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 300
26 (7.5) KCA092H4B 12.9 12.9 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 516
30 (8.5) KCA102H4B 12.6 12.9 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 519
35 (10) KCA120H4B 12.4 12.7 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 45.9 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 535
46 (13) KCA156H4B 12.2 13.6 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 — 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 900
53 (15) KCA180H4B 12.2 13.5 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 — 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 982
62 (17.5) KCA210H4B 12.2 13.0 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,039
70 (20) KCA240H4B 12.2 13.2 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,077
88 (25) KCA300H4B 10.7 10.9 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,125
17.5 (5) KGB060S4B 12.0 14.0 — 16.7 27.8 38.7 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 313
21 (6) KGA072S4B 11.2 11.4 — 16.7 27 38.7 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 345
26.4 (7.5) KGA090S4B 11.2 11.4 — — 27 38.7 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,496 392
26 (7.5) KGA092S4B 11.3 11.2 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 455
30 (8.5) KGA102S4B 11.2 11.2 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 464
35 (10) KGA120S4B 11.1 11.2 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 486
44 (12.5) KGA150S4B 11.0 11.0 — 33.4 46.7 61.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 525
52.8 (15) KGA180S4B 10.9 11.0 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 903
61.5 (17.5) KGA210S4B 10.9 11.6 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 968
70.3 (20) KGA240S4B 10.9 11.0 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,080
88 (25) KGA300S4B 10.0 9.9 — 68.5 91.9 123 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,080
10.5 (3) KCA036S4B 10.9 13.0 5.7 11.5 — — — 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 253
10.5 (3) KCB036S4B 12.6 14.0 5.7 11.5 — — — 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 270
14 (4) KCA048S4B 11.1 13.0 5.7 11.5 — — — 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 270
14 (4) KCB048S4B 11.6 14.0 5.7 11.5 — — — 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 270
17.5 (5) KCA060S4B 11.3 13.0 5.7 11.5 17.2 — — 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 283
17.5 (5) KCB060S4B 12.0 14.0 5.7 11.5 17.2 — — 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 313
21 (6) KCA072S4B 11.2 11.4 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 — 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 328
26.4 (7.5) KCA090S4B 11.2 11.4 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 — 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,496 375
26 (7.5) KCA092S4B 11.5 11.4 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 433
30 (8.5) KCA102S4B 11.4 11.4 5.7 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 442
35 (10) KCA120S4B 11.3 11.4 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 45.9 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 464
44 (12.5) KCA150S4B 11.2 11.2 11.5 17.2 23 34.5 45.9 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 503
52.8 (15) KCA180S4B 11.0 11.2 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 — 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 835
61.5 (17.5) KCA210S4B 11.0 11.8 11.8 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 2,737 900
70.3 (20) KCA240S4B 11.0 11.2 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,012
88 (25) KCA300S4B 10.0 10.1 11.5 23 34.5 45.9 68.9 1,378 x 2,315 x 3,382 1,012
47 CAP. HSPF/COP 47 17 CAP. COP 17
10.5 (3) KHA036S4B 10.9 13.0 9.6 3.7 5.8 2.4 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 270
10.5 (3) KHB036S4B 11.6 14.0 9.2 3.80 5.3 2.30 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 275
14 (4) KHA048S4B 10.7 13.0 12.6 3.7 7.7 2.5 987 x 1,194 x 2,165 280
14 (4) KHB048S4B 11.3 14.0 12.5 3.96 7.5 2.49 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 309
17.5 (5) KHA060S4B 11.0 13.0 16.0 3.8 9.5 2.7 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 330
17.5 (5) KHB060S4B 12.2 14.0 14.8 3.96 8.7 2.30 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,165 330
21.1 (6) KHA072S4B 11.0 11.2 18.4 3.3 10.5 2.25 1,191 x 1,194 x 2,496 367
26 (7.5) KHA092S4B 11.2 11.2 23.3 3.5 13.9 2.33 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 516
30 (8.5) KHA102S4B 11.2 11.2 26.1 3.5 14.6 2.33 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 530
35 (10) KHA120S4B 11.2 11.2 30.4 3.5 18.8 2.32 1,191 x 1,527 x 2,572 560
44 (12.5) KHA150S4B 10.7 10.7 36.3 3.3 21.6 2.1 1,191 x 1,527 x 3,159 651
52.8 (15) KHA180S4B 10.8 11.8 46.6 3.4 27.0 2.1 1,387 x 2,315 x 3,289 975
70.3 (20) KHA240S4B 10.8 11.0 57.1 3.4 33.1 2.1 1,387 x 2,315 x 3,289 1,066
Certified in accordance with the USE certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240: 95ºF outdoor air temperature and 80ºF dB/67ºF wb entering evaporator coil air.
Certified in accordance with the ULE certification program which is based on ARI standard 340/360: 95°F outdoor air temperature and 80°F dB/67°F wb entering evaporator air;
minimum external duct static pressure.
*Nominal electric heat capacities are rated at 240V, 480V and 600V.
NOTE: Heating CFM for gas models varies dependent upon heat option selected. Minimum heating CFM for heat pumps does not include supplemental electric heat.
NOTE: Due to Lennox’ ongoing commitment to quality, all specifications, ratings and dimensions are subject to change.
These complete packages of HVAC solutions provide tools to create a healthy and comfortable environment.
• Accessories
• Elite® Series Large Split Systems
• S-Class® Air Conditioners/
Heat Pumps
• T-Class™ Air Conditioners/
Heat Pumps
• Air Handlers
• Indoor Coils