Earthquake Atlas
Earthquake Atlas
Earthquake Atlas
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Kalmetieva Z.A., Mikolaichuk A.V., Moldobekov B.D., Meleshko A.V., Jantaev M.M. and Zubovich A.V.
The Atlas has been worked out under the order of United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat Office in Central Asia and at financial support of the Humanitarian
Aid Department of the European Commission
K.E.Abdrakhmatov, doctorate of geology-mineralogical sciences
K.D.Dzhanuzakov, candidate of technical sciences
M.O.Omuraliev, candidate of geology-mineralogical sciences
ISBN 978-9967-25-829-7
The Atlas represents catalogue of earthquakes (К≥10) of the territory of Kyrghyzstan and nearest territories since ancient times untill 2005. It also represents the catalogue of strong
earthquakes (К≥13) since ancient times until 2008 and the catalogue of the most significant landslides.
Besides, the present issue represents description of geodynamics of the Kyrgyz part of Tien Shan and the main seismicity regularities. There is also classification of landslides processies in
mountainies areas and their examples on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The Atlas describes the history of development of instrumental seismic observations in Kyrgyzstan. There is also the scale of the
earthquake intensity and commemorative booklet how to behaive correctly before, during and after an earthquake.
In preparation of the Atlas were used archive materials and scientific publications of the Instite of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (IS NAN KR),
Ministry of Emergency (ME KR) and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Kyrgyz Republic (MNR KR).
The Atlas is recommended for the specialists and the public interested in seismicity problem on the Kyrgyzstan territory.
© UNISDR, 2009
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Preface………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50
Annex…..………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………. 55
Annex 1. Common catalogue of the earthquakes from ancient time until 2005 ……………………………………………… (see Catalogue.pdf)
Annex 2. The catalogue of strong earthquakes from ancient time until 2008……………………..…………………...……………………………… 55
Annex 3. The catalogue of most important landslides ……………….... ………………………………………………...………………..…………… 70
Annex 4. Seismic stations on the territory of Kyrgyzstan ………………………….…………………………………………………………………… 72
Annex 5. Summary of the MSK-64 Intensity scale ……………………………………………………………...……………………………………….. 74
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The United Nations declared the 1990-2000 years the International decade devoted to mitigate natural disasters. The work carried out during this decade made clear that the elimination
of consequences of different kinds of calamities only is not sufficient to provide secure life and sustainable development. It is necessary to learn how to reduce the risk related to natural
disasters that may take place anywhere and any time. After having included - the problem of risk prevention in the program of sustainable development, the United Nations developed the
“International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN ISDR)”. This strategy - aim at helping members of the world community to become more stable in their resistance to natural calamities,
and to turn from simply elimination natural calamities consequences to really managing risk. The main idea of this strategy was to make the population of any separate country or a region
aware of disasters risk, and to assist in taking measures to reduce risk.
The Central Asian region is subjected to risk related to earthquakes, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches, debris flows, floods, outbreaks of dammed lakes, and manmade catastrophes.
Taking into account the climate change, it is necessary to bear in mind that the amount of natural calamities will increase. Many countries are already facing this increase. That is why the idea
of creating the Atlas of Earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan offered by UN ISDR Secretariat Office in Central Asia is quite timely. It will help in taking real actions to reduce natural risk.
The high level of seismicity of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is an everyday threat to people’s safety influencing all the spheres of social and economic life of the country. That is why
information about earthquakes is of interest not only for academic researches, but also for state bodies (the Ministry of Emergency and other institutions) taking decisions in the domain of
prevention and elimination of consequences of emergencies. Currently information about earthquakes is mainly kept in scientific works and archives of the National Academy of Sciences of
the Kyrgyz Republic. The existing published catalogues are disconnected and are often known only to scientists. For this reason, it is hard to get a comprehensive concept of seismicity of the
territory of the Kyrgyzstan.
The main idea of the Atlas was to create a reference, aiming to inform the public about former and recent earthquakes that occurred on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, and about general
characteristics and statistics of seismicity and dangerous phenomena related to them. At the same time, the material of the Atlas is directly based on scientific results, so it may be helpful in
different kinds of researches.
For the preparation of the Atlas, archive materials were used as well as scientific publications of the Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
(IS NAS KR), of the Ministry of Emergency (ME KR) and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Kyrgyz Republic (MNR KR).
The Atlas has been prepared by the staff of CAIAG: Dr. Kalmeteva Z. A. (the principal investigator) compiled the seismological part of the Atlas, Dr. Mikolaichuk A.V. expounded the
geological aspects of the seismic activity of the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Moldobekov B.D. and Mr. Meleshko A.V. collected and generalized data on dangerous phenomena related to
earthquakes and mountain hazards of the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Jantaev M.M. and Dr. Zubovich A.V. developed the project of geo-informational system of the Atlas, its design and
publishing . Dr. Moldobekov B.D. was responsible for the general management of the work.
The authors express their deep gratitude to the staff of the IS NAS KR for their support in creating the digital version of the Atlas. We are sincerely grateful to Prof. Abdrachmatov
Kanat Ermekovich, director of IS NAS KR for his permission to use archive materials of the Institute. These contain also unpublished data for the last period that were included in the
catalogue of strong earthquakes. We also express our gratitude to Dr. Dzanuzakov Kenesh Dzhanuzakovich for discussion of materials on macroseismic research and on the development of
seismic observations within the territory of Kyrgyzstan. We are especially grateful to staff members, who presented photos of seismologists who contributed to the development of
seismological research in Kyrgyzstan. Kenesh Dzhanuzakov presented the picture of E.A.Rozova with young seismologists. The photo of P.A. Skuinsh was presented by his daughter Tatiana
Green - the head of the seismic station “Frunze”, two pictures (the group of scientists, discussing the map of detailed seismic zoning, and the picture of B. I. Ilyasov) were presented by his
wife - Ajarkul Ilyasova, the former employee of routine data processing group.
The authors express their deep gratitude to the MNR KR for the opportunity to use archive materials on landslides in the development of the e- version of the Atlas.
The creation of the e-version of the Atlas would not be possible without financial support of UN ISDR Secretariat Office in Central Asia. We are grateful for benevolence, professional
management, and favorable working atmosphere to Senior Advisor of the Secretariat Goulsara Dadojanovna Pulatova, and the project manager Vladimir Kuimov.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Anaximandr saw the reason for earthquakes in the Earth earthquakes and dynamic rupturing. They found out that
cooling and development of cracks due to that. Pliny the main seismic areas were located in the zones of
believed that the weather was the reason of earthquakes; geologically young mountains. Those are the areas with
1. Historical view on earthquakes according to him, thunder and lightning did not only occur large fault lines in the Earth crust, where tectonic (or
above the Earth, but also inside it. Efforts of lightning to formation of mountains) processes are still active. The
Strong earthquakes are the most destructive natural come out of the Earth resulted in earthquakes notion of the so-called “tectonic earthquake” was finally
phenomena. Through the history they scared people, [Encyclopedia, 1894]. confirmed. Unlike earthquakes induced by ‘collapce’ or
leaving their footprints in nature, and people told legends Earthquakes were often considered as visitations of volcanic activity, tectonic earthquakes affect greater
about earthquakes. Each civilization created its own Gods for people’s sins. Even in the XVIII century territories and are more destructive [Batyushkova, 1959].
version of earthquakes origin. One of ancient Japanese priesthood said: “Earthquakes usually occur in big cities. Agreeing with the idea that the origin of earthquakes can
legends said that the Japanese Islands were located on the The punishing whip is directed not to bare cliffs and be connected with three factors: collapse of air holes,
back of a huge sheat-fish whose movements made the uninhabited seashores but to the places where people live, volcanic eruptions and dislocations in the Earth crust, K.I.
Earth to shudder. North American Indians believed that a in order to prevent their malicious deeds.” The earthquake Bogdanovich [1909] noted: “The first two factors are clear,
huge turtle carried the Earth, so it quivered each time when that took place in Lisbon in 1755 caused a lot of deaths, as far as relation of earthquakes with tectonic processes, it
the turtle waddled. In some Asian legends the frog was because of a series of shakes, fires and huge tsunami. An can be established only theoretically as human’s life is
blamed for earthquakes, in Indian ones the gigantic mole, English priest said that the earthquake was the punishment short and we can not directly observe these processes”.
in Chinese it was the bull supporting the Earth. Russian for dissoluteness and debauchery of the Lisbon citizens. Atmospheric phenomena accompanying
chronicles said that it was a huge whale who carried the But at the same time, some people accused the damned earthquakes: thunderstorms, drop of temperature in focal
Earth. According to Turkmen’s legends, when a monstrous inquisition, emphasizing the fact that the Palace of area, rise and drop of ground, anomalous behavior of
dragon was walking on the Earth, trees around him broke Inquisition was the first building exposed to destruction animals, supported also another aspect of the nature of
with crackle making the Earth to shudder. The Georgian during the earthquake [Gere and Shah, 1988]. seismicity. Gopher (1855), for example, advanced the
epos told about a giant Amiran chained to rock, who was In the Renaissance, scientists again raised the electricity hypothesis. It was not by chance that at The
shaking the Earth trying to tear off his fetters [Gere and question about the origin of earthquakes. In 1660 Hooke International Congress of meteorologists in Rome in 1879
Shah, 1988]. defined the law of proportional relationship between stress the Italian geologist M.S. De Rossi suggested to single out
Scientific explanations or hypotheses of earthquakes and strain. In 1668, he expressed the idea, that earthquakes research of seismic phenomena into a special science and to
origin were depending on the level of development of represented an elastic reaction to geological phenomena. call it “endogenous meteorology”. At the end of the XIX
natural science, geological knowledge, and general ideas of However, only after a long period this idea was introduced and the beginning of the XX century, in some European
the structure and geological processes taking place inside into the theory of earthquake source. countries metallic cones were installed to perform the role
the Earth. In the XVIII - XIX centuries several hypotheses were of seismic conductors alike to lightning conductors. Some
The first known efforts (hypotheses) to explain proposed to explain Earth development and tectonic scientists (Branka, Gerland and others) believed that the
scientifically the origin of earthquakes were made in the movements. “Neptunists” explained geological processes importance of tectonic phenomenon was exaggerated, but
middle of the first millennium BC. The high seismicity of by water activity; “plutonists” explained tectonic the role of volcanic phenomena underestimated. They
the Greek archipelago was the reason why the ancient movements by inner fire of the Earth; A. Humboldt and L. understood “volcanic” not only as eruption of magma, but
philosophers were interested in earthquakes. The so-called Buch explained the formation of mountains by the also as aggregate of processes occurring in the bowels of
“neptunists” associated the origin of earthquakes with influence of vertical movements; a hypothesis of the Earth accompanied by sudden release of energy
water. For example, Anaximen and Anaxagoras believed contractions was based on of Kant-Laplas theory of liquid [Encyclopedia, 1894].
that water washed out hollow spaces inside the Earth, and fiery of the Earth core. According to the contractions These argues lasted for a long time. In 1910, after
their crush caused earthquakes. Aristotle considered that hypothesis, owing to gradual cooling of the Earth and the strong earthquake, which happened in San Francisco in
the origin of earthquakes was related to the pressure of decreasing of its volume, dislocation phenomena occur and 1906, H.F. Reid formulated a hypothesis of “elastic
vapor and gases inside the Earth. The so-called they lead to the formation of cracks and wrinkling of the rebound” as the model of tectonic earthquake source,
“volkanists” believed that earthquakes occurred due to Earth crust in folded mountains. which even nowadays serves as the basis for all the models
inner warmth of the planet. Heraclites and Strabon In the XIX century Gilbert and Suess were the first of earthquake source. However, Rotpletz stated a
associated earthquakes with volcanic eruptions. who clearly formulated the interrelation between supposition that this earthquake was caused not by the
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
fault motion, but by intrusion. He based his view on the This scale is still used in the countries of the former Soviet seismographs in 40 places in Europe and Japan. This event
fact that considerable shift in the fault plane was seen only Union. In Europe it was modified and is known as EMS98. may be considered the starting point of instrumental
on a small area, which could not happen if elastic In Japan they use their own 7-degrees scale of seismic observation of earthquakes and the beginning of
deformations had accumulated over a large area intensity, proposed by the Japan Meteorological Agency – accumulation of seismological data.
[Encyclopaedia, 1914]. Different phenomena, causing JMA. The prototype of modern seismic apparatus was the
shocks, were considered in works of other scientists. For The intensity of one and the same earthquake is seismograph created by Galitzin B.B. (1902). He put a
example, A.P. Orlow [1887] considered a causal relationship different in different areas. To determine the intensity(ies) pendulum into magnetic standoff, which turned mechanic
between the occurrence of earthquakes and the position of the of an earthquake, its effects are studied in the field. The movement of the pendulum into electric current with the
Earth with respect to the Sun and the Moon, changes of results are mapped, which means that the figure of degrees help of coil winding, The same way, current generated a
atmospheric pressure, terrestrial magnetism, and an electric representing the earthquake intensity in the givenplace is mirror galvanometer motion. With the help of a light spot
condition of the atmosphere. put on the map next to the name of the place. After that, directed to the galvanometer mirror it was possible to
The title “endogenous meteorology” didn’t exist for the areas of the same rate of shaking (the same degree of register the rate of motion on photographic paper. The use
a long time. A more adequate title was suggested: intensity) are delimited by lines - isoseismals. The of magnetic standoff solved such technical problem as
seismology, the science of earthquakes (from Greek – isoseismal delimiting the area of maximal shocks is called removal of eigen frequency of pendulum that provided the
seismo - shaking of the Earth). Regular observations were pleistoseismal, the territory inside the pleistoseismal is possibility to register ground motion only. This principle
determined as a primary task for seismology. “Studying called “pleistoseist area” or the area with the highest level turned to be so effective that it became the basis for the
strong earthquakes alone would not help to clarify the laws of distruction. The intensity of the earthquake inside the construction of seismographs all over the world. Moreover,
of seismic phenomena, just as the studyies of hurricanes pleistoseist area is marked as Io and the given earthquake this principle gave rise to the construction of modern
alone would not allow the meteorologist to understand is registered under this mark. digital seismographs, where the mirror galvanometer was
laws of complicated natural phenomena in the As it was mentioned above, discoveries in substituted by a digital voltmeter.
atmosphere,” said I.V. Mushketov [1899]. mathematics and mechanics became the basis for Through analyzing earthquakes records scientists
A special notion “INTENSITY” was introduced to theoretical seismology. In 1660 Hooke discovered the law obtained important data on the internal structure of the
classify the observed earthquakes. The first scale of seismic of stress-strain relationship. In 1830 with the help of the Earth within a relatively short period of time. They
intensity was introduced in 1883 by two independently equation of motion and the law of elasticity Poisson established that the Earth consists of the core (R.D.Oldham,
working geologists: M.S. De Rossi (Italy) and F.A. Forel proved that only two types of waves (longitudinal and 1906 and B.Gutenberg, 1913), inner core (I.Lehmann, 1936),
(Switzerland). Later, they united their results and created shear) can spread inside a homogeneous solid body. In mantle and crust (A.Mohorovicic, 1909). It was revealed
the Rossi-Forel X-degree intensity scale. People’s 1887 Rayleigh found the additional solution of elasticity that earthquakes might occur at a depth of several hundred
perception, degrees of damage of buildings and the earth’s equation for solid bodies with free surface. The solution kilometers. On continents, earthquakes mostly occur in
surface as well as the level of change of area relief were stated that elastic waves can spread on the Earth surface young mountain areas (of alpine age).
taken into account for classifying earthquakes according to similar to waves on a water surface caused by a thrown Small instrumentally registered earthquakes cannot
degrees. Along with the development of the technical stone. These waves are known as Rayleigh surface waves. always be felt by people and marked by effects on the
progress this scale was becoming obsolete. Besides, it In 1911 Love described mathematically another type of surface of the Earth. That is why it is impossible to
appeared too oriented to specifics of European surface waves, which are known now as Love waves. determine their intensity according to the classical method.
constructions. Many other scales were created in which Invention of devices for recording ground shaking The “Richter Magnitude” which is known nowadays all
drawbacks of previous scales, the change of construction promoted the development of seismology. In 1875 Filippo over the world was proposed in 1935. It can be explained
principles and development of seismology were taken into Cecchi created the first seismograph recording the motion on the basis of the following example. Everyone who has
account. The modified Mercalli scale (MM scale) is used in of a pendulum relatively to the Earth as time function. In observed a strong earthquake could see that hanging
the USA nowadays. Since 1905 until 1958 this scale 1889 in Potsdam (Germany) they produced the first things are waving, such as an electric bulb on the ceiling. In
underwent several modifications. In the second half of the accurate record of the distant strong earthquake in Japan. other words, it behaves like a pendulum. It was said before
XX century in Europe and the USSR scientists started to use Soon the construction of seismographs was started in Italy, that the seismograph is actually a pendulum, but the
XII-degrees MSK-64 scale of seismic intensity (see Russia, Austria and Japan. In 1892 John Milne constructed difference with the bulb is that the seismograph is
Appendix), named after seismologists, who proposed it: a rather compact seismograph, registering the horizontal equipped with the device recording these oscillations.
Medvedev (USSR), Sponheuer (GDR), and Karnik (CSSR). motion on the Earth surface. By 1900 he installed the Scientists afterwards study these records called
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
seismograms. It seems logical that the stronger the structures have natural periods close to that of Wood- - the first world map of earthquake epicentres was
earthquake the higher is the amplitude of oscillation. The Anderson instrument (0.8 sec) and the extent of earthquake created to identify the main seismic zones of the globe,
magnitude of an earthquake is a nondimensional relational damage is closely related to ML. - basic information on the inner structure of the
estimate of its size. Richter suggested to classify earthquake mb - body-wave magnitude. The Richter magnitude Earth was obtained.
magnitudes by comparing the peak amplitude of several was developed to classify regional earthquakes (for
earthquakes records that were made at the same distance distances between the seismic station and the earthquake of Table 1
from the seismic source. He defined that an earthquake less than 600-1000 km). Because of the very complicated Approximate correlation of magnitudes M and Io for shallow-
with a peak amplitude of 1 mm at a distance of 100 km, wave form in these distances, the body-wave magnitude source earthquakes (\building.htm)
registered by a standard apparatus of Wood-Anderson was scale was developed as only the very first oscillations Approximate correlation of
taken as a reading measure M=0. An increase of (longitudinal waves) amplitudes are needed to determine М and Iо
magnitude by one unit is marked by a ten times higher the mb -value. Conventional name for shallow-source earthquakes
peak amplitude in the same place. The magnitude is MS – surface-wave magnitude. In distances of more of size of event
sometimes called an energy assessment because it is than 600 km intensive surface waves appear on the Interval of Intensity
determined by amplitude measurement. The amplitude of seismogram of shallow (source depth is not more than 15 Richter ‘s Io MSK-64 scale
the wave allows calculating the amount of energy of km) earthquakes which amplitude can be measured easily. magnitudes M
seismic waves. It should be noted that mass media often MW - moment magnitude. All above mentioned
Weak 2.8 - 4.3 3-6
misuse terminology. In mass media they use the phrase: magnitude scales have some restrictions. MW is calculated
“There was the earthquake of intensity six “according to based on the seismic moment and can be determined for Moderate 4.3 - 4.8 6- 7
Richter scale”. This leads to confusion, as it is unclear the whole range of distances and source sizes. Though, the
Strong 4.8 - 6.2 7-8
whether ‘6’ refers to the magnitude or to the intensity of determination of the seismic moment is a complicated
the earthquake. An approximate correlation of these two procedure but the usage of modern digital seismic Very strong 6.2 - 7.3 9 - 10
properties is represented in Table 1. The effect of instruments allows a routine providing the MW. Today MW
Catastrophic 7.3 - 9.0 11 - 12
destruction on the surface (intensity) depends not only on is calculated for all global events larger than MW = 5.
the magnitude of the seismic event, but also on the depth In the Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology, different
of the earthquake, and the type of soil. Therfore, the kinds of magnitude are defined: local magnitude, coda However, seismology was still the science made by
correlation between M and Io should be considered for wave magnitude, surface-wave magnitude and for a very enthusiasts. Tests of nuclear bombs and the necessity to
different depths. small part of the territory also the moment magnitude. find out their location became the stimulus for the rapid
With the lapse of time, many other magnitude scales Besides the methods of earthquake classification by development of seismology to become a contemporary
were proposed, in which the mode of waves, type of intensity and magnitude, some other methods for science. In 1963, 116 countries signed the agreement on the
recording and the territory affected by the earthquake are estimation of energy of seismic waves exist. In the middle limitation of nuclear tests. The World Wide Standard
taken into account. Four basic magnitude scales are in use of the last century, on the basis of generalized empirical Seismographic Net (WWSSN) was created to develop
today: ML, mb, MS and MW. data, the soviet seismologist T.G. Rautian proposed an methods of disclosure of nuclear explosions. The Integrated
ML – local magnitude. It is the first seismic earthquake classification according to its energy class System of Seismic Observations (ISSO) was established in
magnitude scale developed by C. Richter and was [Bune and others, 1960]. She developed the nomogram to the Soviet Union. Many countries allocate considerable
motivated by his desire to issue the first catalogue of determine the energy klass K (K=1gE, joules) of funds for seismic research and the development of modern
California earthquakes. ML in its original form is rarely earthquakes in Central Asia. This characteristic was digital equipment. First international networks of digital
used today because Wood-Anderson torsion instruments applied in the USSR and China, (nowadays it is used in the seismic stations and centers for data processing were
are uncommon and, of course, because most earthquakes countries of the former Soviet Union). created in 1970-1980 years. Fig. 1 demonstrates the poster
do not occure in southern California. However, ML remains on the USA site - IRIS – Incorporation Research Institutions
a very important magnitude scale because it was the first So by the end of 1940th years the basic results of for Seismology. It represents the key points in development
widely used “size measure”, and all other magnitude seismological researches were the following: of seismology starting from the Hooke’s Law until the first
scales are tied to ML to preserve catalogue uniformity. - technical means for recording earthquakes and international network of modern digital stations IRIS.
Further, ML is a very useful scale for engineering. Many methods for interpreting records were developed,
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
mentioned, the basis for all these models was Reid’s makes about one hundred years, though temporal units
hypothesis about elastic rebound when slow tectonic used in geology are thousands and millions of years. The present publication briefly describes geological
movements (deformations) go along with the growth of Predicting earthquake hazard according to today’s processes in the Tien Shan giving rise to earthquakes, it
stress. When stress exceeds the limit of material solidity, methods means, defining the probability of future outlines the regions in Kyrgyzstan where strong
failure starts; as a result, the accumulated elastic stresses occurrence. For example, they can say that within one or earthquakes may occur and how much danger is related to
liberate (elastic rebound). This process depends not only on three months an earthquake of magnitude 6-8 may happen them. Two catalogues of earthquakes are attached in the
absolute stress values, but also on their distribution in the in the south-western part of the country with a probability appendix. One of them informs on large earthquakes, of
area. It is practically impossible to predict the scenario of of e.g. 50%. Nevertheless, the earthquake may not occur. magnitude 5-6 and higher. These earthquakes are felt by
rising instability and its development, as for that it is What to do in a situation when there is no certainty? It is people. From these events may result only small cracks on
necessary to know in detail the physical properties of the possible to sympathize with the authorities who will have the plaster or complete changes of the Earth’s surface. In
source area, the structure and physical conditions not only to take decision: to act or not to act. If to act, then it will be the other catalogue the events are enumerated starting
within the region of the forthcoming earthquake but also necessary: to reinforce buildings, to send the most from energy class K=10. People feel such earthquakes very
outside [Mukhamediev, 2008]. It is possible to fix a lot of vulnerable population to safer regions, to organize rescue seldom - when the source approaches the Earth’s surface
preliminary indications (there are more than hundred of teams, to establish supply of food, water, medicine. Many and is close to populated localities. They are not disastrous.
them), but the earthquake may still not occur when people can sell their property and leave the region where Since 1950 the network of seismic stations has become
predicted. There are cases when a large shock takes place the disaster is expected. In such situation some great social sufficiently dense to register all the events of such energy
without any preliminary harbingers. That is why and economic infringes may happen. That is why by the level.
nowadays, successful prediction of an earthquake is more end of the last century scientists of the whole world came It is very important to know about secondary
an exception than a rule. In 1975, the large Haichen to the conclusion that the best way to prevent losses due to earthquakes effects. It became clear that even high quality
earthquake was predicted in China. People were evacuated earthquakes is to get prepared for it. It means that it is construction in mountainous regions does not solve the
and nobody suffered. The next year, 100 km away from the necessary to train population, to improve the quality of problem of seismic safety. Very often deaths of people and
previously predicted one, the Tan Shan earthquake took constructions and the equipment for saving people, to material losses take place due to such secondary effects
place. The Chinese seismologists did not dare to predict it create mechanisms allowing for a rapid elimination of such as landslides, rockfalls, mountain torrents, soil
as the preliminary precursors were not clear. This earthquake consequences, etc. [Gere and Shah 1988]. liquefaction. Often earthquakes do not directly cause
earthquake killed several hundreds of thousands of people. What does it mean – to train population? People dangerous slope phenomena, but only speed up the
“Unexpected” strong earthquakes in Gazli and should understand the character of earthquakes and be development of processes, which may last over a long
Suusamyr (USSR), Tan Shan (China) illustrate the always ready for them if they are living in a seismic region. period of time. Active slope movements may not only
incompleteness of our knowledge on the nature of One of the important things to train population in is to occur close to earthquakes but also far away from the
seismicity. One of the reasons is that we do not obtain provide trustworthy information on seismic danger. No epicentre [Babaev, Ischyuk, Negmatullaev, 2008]. In the
enough data. Seismology is a comparatively young science. one can tell for certain, how to plan preparations for given issue, we publish information on activity of
As it has already been mentioned, the period when earthquakes, though understanding of their character may landslides, rockfalls, mountain torrents, and present the
observations were carried out with the help of instruments help to prevent adverse effects of earthquakes. catalogue of landslides registered in Kyrgyzstan.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
not at the border but in the internal part of the lithosphere paleomagnetic data this process started a bit later, at the end of
2. Geodynamics and seismicity of Kyrgyzstan plate. Triassic-Early Jurassic (~ 200 mln. years ago). And in Pleistocene
According to [Molnar and Tapponnier, 1975] the the movement of the Pamir indenter leads to the turn of Fergana
“…as far as the relation of earthquakes with majority of research of Tien Shan consider that orogenic block by an angle of about 20° counter-clockwise. Rotation is
tectonic processes is concerned, it can be processes here also occur due to the collision of Hindustan marked by dextral offsets along the Talas-Fergana fault.
established only theoretically as we cannot and Eurasian plates. The opponents of this concept assign a The structures of the orientation of the Chatkal range
directly observe these processes due to the determinative part in formation of mountains to changes from E-W to NE-SW. The uplift of the Fergana
shortness of a human life”. gravitational instability in the upper mantle and Range and thickening of earth's crust under it take place;a
[ K.I.Bogdanovich, 1909] lithosphere of Tien Shan [Sadybakasov, 1990; Bakirov, gentle warp of the structures of the South Tien Shan is
1999; Kurskeev, Shatsilov, 2000; Trifonov et al., 2008]. It is forming. Alpine offsets by the Talas-Fergana fault are
2.1. Geodynamics of Kyrgyzstan and geologic not really possible to select just one of the alternative differentiated by the amplitude – from zero to the west of
methods of seismic hazard evaluation scenarios of the development of Tien Shan as this mountain Chatkal triangle up to 100-120 km in the north of Fergana;
system consists of three segments; each of these segments further to the east the amplitude of the offset falls down to
Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country. Everybody possesses its structural peculiarities. zero near Tarim, where fault changes to the system of
knows from a school course of geography that the total The border between the Eastern (Chinese) and crush movements of the southern vergence [Bazhenov,
area of foothills, alpine meadows and ranges exceeds 70% Central Tien Shan is located along the meridian of 80º E 1993]. Data of GPS confirm (Fig. 5) that the pressure of the
of the Republic’s territory. Consequently, the increased longitude that passes though the highest mountain massif Pamir offset and rotation of the Fergana block counter-
seismic hazard at the mountain areas is as natural as spring with peaks of Khantengry and Pobeda. The border between clockwise continue at the present time [Zubovich, 2005;
thunderstorms or snowing in September. But if we want to the Central and West Tien Shan are the NW-SE oriented Reigber Ch. et al., 2001]. This block includes the Fergana
study the main patterns of strong earthquakes we cannot ranges (anti Tien Shan): Fergana, Atoinok, Talas and basin, Chatkal range (CHR) and a part of Alai range.
avoid an excursus into geodynamics of Kyrgyzstan (Fig. 3). Bolshoy Karatau [Burtman, 2006]. This border corresponds The mountain system of the Central Tien Shan (CTS)
The greater part of the Republic is within Tien Shan also to the Talas-Fergana fault known as one of the largest relative autonomous and is developing under the
and only the most southern territories of Alai region of Osh strike slip faults of the Eurasian continent with a conditions of transpression, [Cobbold et al., 1994; Delvaux
Province already belong to Pamir. Meaningful differences cumulated horizontal shift 200 km [Burtman et al., 1963]. et al., 2001], stimulated by sinistral shift of Tarim relative to
in the history of formation of the mountainous countries Tens of leading researchers of Tien Shan paid a particular the Kazakh platform. Transpression means a mode of
are behind these names. Pamir is included in the Alpine- attention to studying this fault. One can find full deformation combining the effect of compression and
Himalayan fold system formed at the place of paleocean information on this issue in the monography lateral shear. The main structural units of CTS are NE-SW
Tetis as a result of approaching of Hindustan and Eurasian “Geodynamics of Talas-Fergan fault…”, [Mamyrov et al., oriented zones of stable uplifts and stable subsidence (refer
plates. Paleocean Tetis was closed about 50 million years 2009]. to Fig. 3). Uplifts of a length of 340-600 km and a width of
ago, but displacement of the plate northwardly was The western Tien Shan is fully in the sphere of influence 25-70 km consist of chains of imbricate joined ranges. The
continuing later also in the so-called collision stage. As a of Pamir-Himalayan collision. According to the geological largest intermontane basins of CTS (Chui, Issykkul, Naryn
result, complexes forming the Trans Alai of Pamir were preconditions formulated already in 1964, the structure of and Aksai) have a width of 40-80 km and an extension of
moved northwardly by more than 300 km [Trifonov, 1999; the Western Tien Shan, including Fergana basin and its 250-380 km. They are filled up by Mezozoic-Cenozoic
Burtman, 2000]. According to the data of GPS this process bordering mountains, is marked by the counter-clockwise deposits while the Paleozoic basement of the basins is
keeps going on until now. Hindustan plate keeps moving rotation of the Fergana block along the Talas-Fergana submerged to the depth of 3-4 km below sea level
to the north with the velocity of ~35 mm per year strike slip fault (Fig. 4). These movements began in Late [Makarov, 1977; Sadybakasov, 1990; Chediya, 1986]. The
[Zubovich et al., 2009]. Paleozoic (~ 270 million years ago) and reactivated in the aforementioned relations of ranges and basins are being
Tien Shan, as Altai and Sayan Mountains, is related Neotectonic stage (~ 30 million years ago) [Bakirov, 2008]. Later observed in the western part of CTS. To the east,
to the category of intracontinental (or intraplate) orogens. A.A. Nikonov, V.K. Kuchai, V.G. Trifonov, V.I. Makarov approaching to Khantengri mountain massif, the ranges
The origin of the formation has not yet been entirely established in their works that tectonic deformation in the West run together (Fig. 6) and sutures are left at the continuation
understood and is in the focus of leading geologists and Tien Shan are stimulated by the pressure of Pamir offset to Tien of basins. Neotectonic faults limiting ranges and
geophysicists. The main peculiarity of the mountain Shan and especially actively developed in Pleistocene and intermountain basins of CTS completely take over the pre-
systems of this type consists in the fact that they are located Holocene (~ 2 million years ago) [Makarov, 2005]. According to existing structures corresponding to Paleozoic strike slip
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 3. Scheme of destructive earthquake source zones located on the seismo-tectonic map of the Kyrgyz Tien shan composed on the basis of data from [Djanuzakov et al., 2003;
Abdrakhmatov et al., 2001; Bajenov, Mikolaichuk, 2004; Geological map…, 1980; Ibragimov, 1980; Makarov et al., 2005; Nikonov et al., 1983; Tektonical map…, 2007; Trofimov et al., 2002;
Chedia, 1986; Geological map…, 1985]
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Late Palaeozoic but it underwent repeated reactivation Kul shores on the other side of Ananyevo village surroundings. Therefore if we want to know what the
during Cenozoic stage [Bajenov, Mikolaichuk, 2004]. The (Sazonovka.) This rupture is recorded on the surface along aftermaths of the earthquake could be if it occurred in
Aksuu fault system (4 on Fig.10) [Chediya, 1990] joins the 34 km. It gradually dips towards north with a vertical Bishkek we have to study the character of the surface
Chiliko-Kemin faults in the area of Chiliko-Kemin saddle. displacement of 3-5 m. destructions as well as failures of different types of
Its kinematics have been studied insufficiently. One work The descriptions of the Kemin earthquake buildings within the pleistoseist area of the Belovodsk
is known only [Korjenkov, 2006] which describes sinistral mentioned a wide development of landslides, rockslides earthquake and … transmit this picture 50 km eastward.
shear displacement of a few meters on the walls of Kamen and mudflows. Unfortunately these features were not To be more sure about this thesis let’s consider more
fortress of VIII-XII along the valley of Chon-Baisoorun mapped and the geographical location of many of them is detailed location of the pleistoseist area of the described
river. not known anymore. Mainly the location of two large earthquake in the geological structure of the region. As it
The Kemin earthquake was accompanied by a rockslides (>10 106 m3) is still known . They are shown on can be seen in the attached scheme (see Fig. 11) the source
complicated system of seismic dislocations which occurred the map in Fig.10. The first is the Kaindinskiy (Chon of the Belovodsk earthquake was localized in the western
on separate segments of the aforementioned active faults Kaindinskiy) rockslide located at the eastern end of the end of lower foothills which called the Sokuluk step
[Delvaux et al., 2001]. The Djil-Aryk segment, the most Chonkemin basin, and the Ananyevo rockslide situated [Trofimov et al., 1976]. This morphostructural unit is cored
western one, is located at the confluence of the Chon- near the village of the same name. The latter was by Cenozoic deposits. They have been involving in the
Kemin river and Chu river. Displacements caused by the thoroughly explored by an international group of process of uplifting since late Pleistocene and moving
earthquake are observed over the distance of 20 km. Fault engineering geologists and geophysicists [Havenith et al., along the Aksuu fault on the even-aged sediments of Chui
planes that are visible on outcrops dip 45-60° to the where 2003]. As a result of the executed work the exact location of basin (1 on Fig. 11). The Serafimov unit (2 on Fig. 11) is
the thrust component of motion dominates. There is a seismic rupture as well as morphometric parameters of upthrown (uplift) on the Sokuluk one. The Serafimov unit
small strike slip offset along steep displacement plane. Ananyevo rockslide were established. The scarp of this is bounded to the East by the following tectonic block. The
An activation of both Chiliko-Kemin southern and rockslide dips towards the south and has a height of 200 m. nature of this structural group is discussed with more
Chiliko-Kemin northern faults have been identified in the The total height and length of the rockslide from the toe to details in the article [Mikolaichuk et al., 2003]. Here we
Djay tract area (middle stream of Chon-Kemin river.) the crown are 500 and 900 m, respectively . The rockslide could note that the similar tectonic displacements look like
Seismic dislocations can be found along the faults within consists of fragments of varying in size from fine-grained ice floating on the river in spring.
an epicentral distance of 62 km for the southern and 40 km arenite to weathered granite blocks of the size of a house Movement of connected tectonic blocks is usually
for the northern one. There is also recorded vertical [Havenith et al., 2003]. caused by a large-scale regional strike-slip. Therefore, they
thrusting of up to 4-5 m and sinistral shear displacements All data certify that during the Kemin earthquake are called as strike-slip duplex separation in structural
of the river streams with an amplitude of 5-10 m. the displacements were originated as a result of connected geology. In our case such a phenomenon is a regional fault
Chiliko-Kemin saddle: A range of ruptures with a faults of sublatitudinal and southern and eastern strike. (3 on Fig. 11) separating Palaeozoic complexes of the
total extension of 46 km was mapped during the expedition The movement involved a large block of the earth's crust; Kyrgyz ranges and Cenozoic deposits of Chui basin.
of K.I. Bogdanovich in the upper river of Chon-Kemin and the seismic activity related to this movement was lasting The Belovodsk earthquake was felt over a vast
Chilik. The biggest part of this segment is located on the for about half a year. territory from Djarkent (Panfilov) in the east to Tashkent in
territory of Kazakhstan, but there is no detailed the west, from Balkhash in the north to the northern and
information about the nature of movements on this fault. western Chinese provinces in the south. This earthquake
2.2.2. The Belovodsk earthquake of 1885 ( М=6.9; Io = 9-10
The Chon-Aksuu segment of Aksuu fault stretches in E-W caused widespread destruction and human victims,
direction from Aksuu Pass in the west to Kok-Bel Pass in especially in the pleistoseist area where Belovodskoye,
the east along the southern slope of Kungei-Alatoo. The Karabalta and Sokuluk rural areas were thoroughly
Just like the Kemin seismic event the Belovodsk
total length of seismic ruptures makes 40 km. Thrusts are a destroyed and buildings in the neighbouring regions were
earthquake struck the same Tien Shan seismically
common characteristic of the described segment, where partially damaged. The force of the earthquake was so
activezone but its intensity was significantly weaker.
thrust planes dip towards the north at an angle of 60°. The Therefore one could neglect this event. But information
great that it caused damage not only in the neighbouring
maximum height of the scarp is 10.5 m but it usually about the Belovodsk earthquake may be very interesting
Pishpek, Tokmok and Boom gorge but in the Issyk-Kul
ranges between 4-6 m. Strike-slip component over fault is data for the audience because it took place in the
valley as well.
no more than 1 m. The eastern Aksuu segment of the same Neotectonics structure close to Bishkek and its
fault strikes in SE direction from Aksuu river to the Issyk-
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 10. Neotectonic scheme of 1911, M=8.2, I0=10-11 MSK64 Kemin earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 11. Neotectonic scheme of 1885, M=6.9, I0=9-10 MSK64 Belovodsk earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The fracture of 20 km in length striking along the MSK64 [Green et al, 1975]. Later, it was established that that Suusamyr valley would be seismically safe (Fig. 12).
foothills till Aksu River was formed on the left side of destructive earthquakes had been taking place here already That is why this event attracted the interest of
Sokuluk River. Its width was something between 15-20 cm in the XV century [Chediya et al., 1998]. The results of specialistsnot only from Asia, but also from Europe and
and 2 m. Earthquake shocks in the foothills caused investigations of the zone of Issykata fault (4 on Fig. 11), America. Seismological aspects were investigated by
fractures on the soil cover which were placed in parallel revealed in a series of trenches burial of petrifactions and [Mellors et al., 1997; Djanuzakov et al., 1997; et al.] while
with the strike of mountain range or, as it was seen in Ura- Paleosoils aged of 5250 ±60; 5130±50; 3530±40; 3180±40; surface effects in the epicentral area had been studied by
Bashi tract (near Belovodskoye), it created crossing systems 2830±50; 2410±50; 1850±40 years [Chedia et al., 2000; [Bogachkin et al., 1997; Ghose et al., 1997; Havenith et al.,
where blocks were put one by one in the depth of 1.5 – Thompson, 2001]. These took place during the movement 2000; Su Zongzheng et al., 1996].
2.5m. An earthquake in the foothills of Kyrgyz mountain and collapse of Pleistocene sediments. These age markers This region is located in the North-East of the Talas-
range caused a number of rockslides, screes and landslides. were also interpreted as a result of seismic events which Fergan dextral strike slip fault (1 on Fig. 13), where two
As a result of a big number of rockslides a pass close to the took place in the lower foothills of the Kyrgyz mountain systems of faults, differed by sinistral and dextral offset,
Aksu River sources was blocked [Djanuzakov, 2003]. ranges. developed. The direction of the offset was determined by
The main shock of the Belovodsk earthquake was slickenside in the zones of faults [Burg, Mikolaichuk, 2008].
accompanied by a range of aftershocks which were felt 2.2.3. The 1992 Suusamyr earthquake (М=7.3; Io = 9-10 The Suusamyr-Toluk fault (2 in Fig. 13) is parallel to the
every day in the epicentral zone during the next 5-6 MSK64) Talas-Fergan strike slip fault and is also characterized by
months. The strongest aftershocks took place in August 3 dextral offset. The faults of sub-latitudinal strike are
and October 25; the first one was recorded in Pishpek The earthquake began with a strong underground characterized by sinistral offset in the eastern part of the
(Bishkek) with almost the same force as the main shock ‘boom’ as if there was an explosion. This ’boom’ and earth region (3 and 4 on Fig. 13) and dextral offset in its western
[Goryachev, 1954; Djanuzakov et al., 2003]. cracking were so strong that it was not heard how domestic part (5 and 6 on Fig. 13). Dextral offsets of 5-6 mm/year
Seismodislocations within the epicentral zone of the things, chimney pipes, furnaces were falling; walls and [Makarov, Abdrakhmatov, 2005] occurred in Late
earthquake were studied and measured and then roofs of the houses went to pieces. The shaking of soil was Pleistocene-Holocene along the Karakol fault (6 in Fig. 13).
catalogued using GIS-technologies [Utirov, Gubrenko, throwing people sitting on the ground, and those who tried
2003]. There are 57 rockslides and landslides in the to stand up – couldn’t keep their balance. Waves ran over
interfluve of Djelamysh-Aksu that can clearly be attributed the ground, ruptures appeared, massive avalanches, rock
to the seismic event. However, special research on the falls and landslides started, pieces of up to 0.5 m in
largest rockslides (Belogorka and Aksu River) reaching a diameter were “shot” from the rocks [Djanuzakov et al.,
volume of ~ 20x106 m3 and ~ 1.5 km3, respectively, could 2003]. There are no settlements in the pleistoseist area,
not clarify if those mass movements were really associated consequently, the description is given by the evidences of
with this earthquake [Strom, Abdrakhmatov, 2004; Strom, the dwellers of villages located by the southern slope of
Stepanchikova, 2008]. The above-mentioned authors do not Suusamyr range. This unexpected event left a scar in their
reject the seismic nature of these rockslides but could not memories even until today.
find any conclusive evidence of their origination during the Large destructive earthquakes are always
Belovodsk earthquake. The Belovodsk earthquake unexpected for the population but not for the specialists..
triggered a second landslide that blocked Aksu River; Generally, specialists know where future earthquakes may
behind this dam a temporary lake had formed [Strom, occure, but they do not know when. The Suusamyr
Abdrakhmatov, 2004; Strom, Stepanchikova, 2008]. earthquake fortunately occurred in a weakly populated Fig. 12. Map of the earthquake epicenters with MLH
Consequently the seismicity of this area had been area and victims of its impact are minimal. However, it ≥4.5 occurred since historical time untill the occurrence of
reactivated several times. In this connection it is necessary completely destroyed confidence of the specialists in the the 1992 Suusamyr earthquake.
to note about the first works on detailed seismic zoning of accuracy of evaluations of seismic hazard of Tien Shan.
Chui basin. V.I. Knauf and O.K.Chedia already in 1975 Before this event multiple arguments were given in favor According to instrumental data the epicenter of the
came to the conclusion that the foothills of Kyrgyz of the fact that internal regions of Tien Shan orogene are earthquake is in the heads of the rivers Aramsu West and
mountain range would regularly affected by seismic shocks weakly seismic. In particular, seismo-statistical data for the Aramsu East, spatially related to strike-slip faults of sub-
but the force of those would not exceed intensity 8-9 whole period of instrument observations were confirming latitudinal strike South-Aramsu and Kyzyloy (7 and 8 on
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 13. Neotectonic scheme of 1992, MLH=7.3, I0=9-10 MSK64 Suusamyr earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 13 accordingly). Following the main shock there was a sub-latitudinal fault, the second one inducing a NW-SE
an aftershock with a magnitude of М=6.7. It is located in oriented rupture. As both systems are dextral thrust-strike
south-west of the Suusamyr-Toluk fault. In the same slip faults, the double shock induced a counter-clockwise 2.2.4. The Chatkal earthquake of 1946 (М=7.5; Io = 9-10
section, but in the north-east part of the Suusamyr-Toluk rotation of the range (block) of Aramsu. This model was MSK64)
fault (Djalpaksuu river) the fault activated by the suggested already by the results of primary investigation of
Suusamyr earthquake ruptured the surface. It can be traced the source area of the Suusamyr earthquake [Bogachkin et The Chatkal earthquake occurred within the
over more than 6 km and is represented by a series of al., 1997]. In confirmation we would like to add that mud Chatkal-Fergana seismic zone [Turdukulov, 1996]. This
imbricate fractures, cutting not only morains but also eruptions appeared exactly within the perimeter of the zone has in plan corner-shaped form covering parts of the
proluvial cones and touches rock outcrops. In kinematic activated Aramsu block, and the maximum density of NW-SE oriented Fergana and Atoinok ranges and the SW-
terms it is a thrust with a small (10-15 cm) dextral aftershocks was recorded in this internal part (Fig. 14). NE oriented Chatkal range. The NW-SE orientation of this
displacement. The shift plunges by an angle of 30º seismic zone is abnormal for the Neotectonics of the Tien
[Bogachkin et al., 1997; Su Zongzheng et al., 1996]. Shan and is fully controlled by the Talas-Fergan dextral
The second seismic disruption appeared 25 km to strike slip fault. The Chatkal event is the strongest one
the east, at the junction of East-Aramsu and Aigyrdjal among the known earthquakes in this region and is related
faults (9 and 10 on Fig.13 respectively). It consists of a to the junction of Talas-Fergana, Atoinok and West Karasu
series of fractures of a total extent of up to 4 km. The most faults (1, 2 and 3 on Fig.16, respectively).
prominent seismic surface rupture is located in the flood In the epicentral area the force of the earthquake was
plain of Suusamyr river, in the region of 162 km of not less than intensity 9 on MSK64 scale. This earthquake
Bishkek-Osh highway. As in the first case it is a dextral affected the whole Tien Shan and even damaged hundreds
thrust strike slip rupture. Maximum vertical displacement of buildings far from the epicenter in Tashkent city. In
was 2.7 m, horizontal offset is up to 20-30 cm [Bogachkin et Namangan city, located at half the distance from the
al., 1997; Ghose et al., 1997]. epicenter, as well as in Djambul (Taraz) city (at similar
The area of secondary disturbances of earth’s epicentral distance), the earthquake induced far less
surface covers the territory of more than 4,000 km2 square. damage. This shows that more seismic energy was
This data is generalized and presented in a view of isolines propagated along the strike of the main geological
[Korzhenkov, 2006]. structures than perpendicular to them. Therefore, isolines
Isolines usually form an ellipse with a long axis in drawn on the basis of observations are elongated in parallel
parallel to the strike of the active fault. A.M. Korzhenkov Fig. 14. Seismotectonic scheme of the Suusamyr to the strike of the Chatkal range [Goryachev, 1954]. The
[2006], analyzing the distribution of the isoline of intensity earthquake, according to [Mikolaichuk and Kalmetieva, pleistoseist area of the Chatkal earthquake (extent is 80-100
8 MSK64, clearly outlined its asymmetry. He supposes a 2008]. 1-Pre-Quaternary Cenozoic deposits; 2-Paleozoic km, average width is 15 km) covered the southern part of
progradation of the seismic rupture to the west that seems basement; 3-main faults; 4-secondary faults; 5-strike slip; 6- Ketmen-Tyube basin, the zone near Naryn river before
to be confirmed by the migration of aftershocks thrust; 7-surface rupture; 8-mud volcanoes; 9-10 – inflowing of Karasu river (western), the region of Sary-
[Djanuzakov et al., 1997]. According to our observations, epicenters of: 9-main shock; 10-aftershock with MLH=6.7; Chelek lake and At-Oinok massif as well.
however, there are two isolated sources (of earthquakes) 11-lines of equal aftershock epicenters density; 12- The most significant rock falls and landslides in clay
outlined by isolines of intensity 9. One of them is structural units mentioned in the text. and loams occurred on the right bank of the Naryn River.
latitudinal, it strikes in parallel to Aigyrdjal fault. The After the occurrence of one rockslide, Naryn River got
eastern seismic rupture falls into the pleistoseist zone. The Generalization of the materials by seismicity, paleo- dammed and formed a reservoir in the lower part of the
second pleistoseist zone is elongated in parallel to the seismology and geology of the region allowed to draw up a Ketmen-Tyube basin. A possible outbreak/filling was
Suusamyr-Toluk fault and includes the western seismic map of seismic hazard, from which it appears that the threatening the village of Toktogul The rock fall with a
rupture of Djalpaksuu river. Taking into the consideration Suusamyr earthquake is not the strongest one out of length of 30-50 m and a thickness of of 10-15 m was
that the aftershock of М=6.7 occurred shortly after the main potential ones for Aramsu seismic zone (refer to Fig. 15). observed in the zone of Toktogul-Tashkumyr. Two
shock (delayed by 1 hour and 8 minutes) ,one should speak landslides in loam deposits occurred near Karabashat
about a double shock, the first one leading to motion along settlement. Their length was 200 m, the width 50-80 m and
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 16. Neotectonic scheme of 1946, MLH=7.5, I0=9-10 MSK64 Chatkal earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Unfortunately, we do not have information about earthquakes are based on seismic statistics and studies of
the number of human losses during the Chatkal surface effects of earthquakes in the zones of active faults. It occurred within the South-Fergana seismic zone
earthquake. But considering the severity of destruction of The precision of estimates changes from hundreds up to that from a morphostructural point of view corresponds to
the infrastructure and settlementswithin the pleistoseist thousands of years. On one hand, this is not sufficient for the northern foothills of Turkestan and Alai ranges. A
area, we can get a general idea about the scale of the the practical use of these forecasts. On the other hand, strong earthquake was felt on 31st of January, 1977 at 14:26
tragedy. mapping of sites where no large rockfalls have been p.m. (by Greenwich) in many populated areas of
Only if objective information about the aftermath of observed during tens of thousands of years can provide Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. An underground
destructive earthquakes is provided, one can hope that the helpful information that should not be neglected. ‘boom’ preceded the main shock. Many people noticed
corresponding measures of prevention of the consequences The form of the pleistoseist region of the Chatkal light emission over the horizon that inclined to the peaks
of future earthquakes will be taken. And in this case data earthquake is similar to that of the Suusamyr earthquake. It and southern slopes of Guzan mountains. Inhabitants of
on the pleistoseist region of the Chatkal earthquake also was shown in the latter case that the bend of isolines is Oftobrui and Dagana noted that light emission was moving
deserves careful attention. The research by V.K. Kuchai related to the motion of two adjacent faults providing a from the east to the west. In epicentral zone people
[1971] showed that within the contours of the pleistoseist counter-clockwise rotation of the Aramsu block (see witnessed that at the beginning they felt a sharp vertical
region of the earthquake of 1946 Late Pleistocene and Early above). For this reason it makes sense to analyze the shock, and then horizontal jerks of meridional direction
Holocene seismodislocations are widely developed. In Chatkal earthquake and its Late Pleistocene predecessors in (comments by the authors) of the same force. The zone of
Upper Quaternary times the impacts of earthquakes were the structure of North-East Fergana. maximal shocks in intensity 8 by MSK64 scale is traced in a
stronger than in recent times. To the south-east of the The results of interpretation of data of GPS are form of narrow interrupted strip of a 1-2 km width and a
pleistoseist zone, along the Talas-Fergana fault, an given in Fig. 5; these data present a logical explanation total extension of about 20 km between Sokh and Isfara
aggregation of large seismodislocations were identified in why large avalanches did not occur all along the fault rivers. Settlements of Oftobrui, Kyzyl-Pilal, Dagana, Bazar-
the region of Karasu lake while in the space between these but only along some segments of it. The eccentric form Bashi, Kyzyl-Bel and Karabak were most severely
regions (in the area of Kokbel Pass) no significant of the Fergana block under rotation will locally induce damaged. The walls of constructions and fences oriented in
seismodislocations could be detected. The author comes to latitudinal and sub-latitudinal directions were the most
compression and extension. One of such compression
the conclusion that over significantly long periods of time damaged. Fractures of up to 1 m width appeared in the
zones is the northern corner of the Fergana block close ground (refer to Fig. 17). Houses made from clay and straw
the strongest earthquakes recur in the same places. The
modern research [Strom, Abdrakhmatov, 2004] discovered to the connection of Talas-Fergana and Atoinok faults were almost completely destroyed [Djanuzakov et al., 2003;
that the described sequence of the development of where accumulated tectonic stresses periodically Kasymov et al., 1981].
rockslides and landslides is regular for the whole Tien discharge in a form of catastrophic earthquakes. In this The source zone of the Isfara-Batken earthquake
Shan. These authors call this phenomenon the clustering of regard it is relevant to recall a short comment to the located in the trans-border territory was investigated by
large-scale slope failures. In particular, along theTalas- map of seismic zoning of Kyrgyzstan of 1977. The three independent groups [Kalmurzaev et al., 1977;
Fergana fault such a cluster is formed by the rockslides of authors note that in the area of mountains of Bozbutau Kasymov et al., 1981; Mirzobaev et al., 1981] who
Karasu and Kapkatash lakes. The areas of increased the North-Fergana zone (almost completely lying within published three different maps of isolines. We got the
concentration of large rockslides near the zone of Talas- the territory of Uzbekistan) branches off from Chatkal- impression that the final drawing of isolines given by these
Fergana fault are located in the lower courses of Karasu Fergana zone to the south-west [Djanuzakov et al., authors is not only based on the results of explorations of
river (eastern) and in the valleys of its left tributaries, in the 1977]. In other words the authors of the map did not see surface deformation and shaking effects, but also on a
vicinities of the Sary-Chelek lake, in the ranges of priori ideas about the orientation of earthquake source
sharp borders dividing seismogenic zones, and the
Akshiyryak-West and Djamantau [Mamyrov et al., 2009]. within the seismogenic zone. Moreover, isoseists of
names used were fixed according to administrative and
We will remind that the age of the considered intensity 7 and 8 MSK64 are not shown in these maps. By
seismodislocations cover a time interval of ~ 50000 years,
geographic names. In the light of the suggested this reason, we carried out isolines of the highest seismic
and people who are not familiar with seismo-tectonics interpretation, the seismic zones of Fergana are the intensity taking initial data published in the given works.
perceive this data rather sceptically. As a matter of fact, in borders of the rotating block and in kinematics shall For this purpose we outlined populated areas in the map
practical life we are interested in the predictions for … 20, have the same seismo-tectonic characteristics. marked, according to the aforementioned publications, by
let’s say for 50 years, maximum for 100 years. Indeed, the 2.2.5. The Isfara-Batken earthquake of 1977 ( М=6.3; Io = 7-8 maximal damage (intensity 8 MSK64), as well as intensity 7
existing methods of evaluation of recurrence of MSK64) MSK64. Starting with intensity 6 MSK64 isoseist we used
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
the drawing of the research of the Institute of Seismology component [Abramova, Lopatina, 1981]. It is relevant to
of Kyrgyzstan [Djanuzakov et al., 2003]. Isoseists received recall that the local inhabitants being in the epicentral
in such a way look rather unusual (Fig. 18). As a rule, for a region firstly felt a sharp vertical shock, and then
certain seismic event every following isoline of lower horizontal shocks of meridional direction of the same force
intensity includes a larger area which remains by the form [Kasymov et al., 1981]. The vertical shock is clearly
similar to the previous one. In this case, the isolines of associated with the motion by Katransky fault due to the
intensity 7-8 MSK64 have a clear sub-latitudinal strike, the thrust motion in meridional direction. This thrust, most
7- intensity acquires a trapezoidal form whereas a long axis likely, was associated with the activation of Paleozoic faults
of intensity 6 MSK64 isoline is already extended in NW-SE by which plastic tectonic lenses of basite-ultrabasite
direction. The first isoline, the epicenter of earthquake, as composition were thrust over granite-gneissic formations
well as a significant part of aftershocks are clearly grouped of the Middle Tien Shan. Thus, the example of Isfara-
along Katransky (North-Katransky) fault (3 on Fig. 18, А) Batken shows that active faults can be “blind”, i.e. they are
that is probably the activated one [Kalmurzaev et al., 1977; not outcropping. And it means that similar active faults
Knauf et al., 1985]. However, the following isolines cross will never be taken into account or evaluated, if the
almost orthogonally the elevations and basins of the seismotectonic zoning is restricted to studies of surface
foothill zones. A discrepancy between the isolines of the structures.
Isfara-Batken earthquake and the Neotectonics of the
region was already found by the Kyrgyz seismologists at 2.2.6. The Nura earthquake of 2008 (М=6.6; Io = 8 MSK64)
the preliminary stage of research though it may be not so
obvious [Kalmurzaev et al., 1977], and the given On 5th of October, 2008 at 15:52 p.m. Greenwich time, in the
phenomenon was studied over a period of years. By the eastern segment of Alai basin (Kyrgyzstan) a strong
results of geological and geophysical research, it was earthquake occurred. A large territory including Osh,
established that real complexes of Paleozoic basement had Batken, Jalal-Abad and Naryn Provinces of Kyrgyzstan as
a larger influence on the structure of source zone of this well as border areas of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China
earthquake [Knauf et al., 1985; Kalmetyeva, Lesik, 1983; were affected by seismic shaking. Nura settlement was
Kalmurzaev (edit.), 1984]. Here a complicated combination completely destroyed, 74 people were killed. Houses built
of granite-gneiss complexes and accretion complexes from clay and straw were completely destroyed (152
(tectonic fault zones with lenses of gabbrides and ultrabasites) constructions), panel wooden houses were only slightly
can be observed. This ensemble formed as a result of damaged. Through cracks appeared in the building of the
Hercynian orogenesis finished 270-300 mln years ago. hospital built from burnt brick. The ruptures of 5 cm width
Consequently, Mezozoic-Cenozoic cover lying on the arose on the asphalt road to the south and north of the
basement with sharp angular unconformity, opens a new bridge. They were repeated there every 90 m generating
page in the history of development of this region having folds of “consolidated” wave of deformation (Fig. 22).
nothing in common with the previous stage (refer to Fig. Between these ruptures small cracks of up to 1 cm width
18.А and B). It could be found that heterogeneities of the Fig. 17. Destruction in soil on left bank of Pastaryk river; appeared and were repeated every 30 m [Abdrakhmatov et
Paleozoic basement are at the origin of the anisotropy of fall of the end wall of the building made by clay and straw al., 2008]. Nura earthquake occurred as a result of the
the geophysical properties of the basement rocks. This in the vil. Oftobruy (in bottom), according to [Kasymov et movement of Trans Alay range onto Alai basin. due to
anisotropy at depth was responsible for a changed al., 1981]. NNW-SSE oriented compressional stresses, induced by the
emission of the seismic energy at greater distance from the One more fact attracts attention. The depth of the movement of the Indian plate towards the north with a
Isfara-Batken earthquake and, and the related orientation aftershocks, being maximal along the Katransky fault, velocity of ~35 mm/year with respect to the Eurasian plate
of isoseists [Knauf et al., 1985]. gradually decreased in the N direction. One of nodal [Zubovich et al., 2007]. The main morphostructural
planes of the earthquake source has the same orientation. elements of this region are Alai basin and Alai and Trans
Motion is determined as thrust with significant strike-slip Alay ranges.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 18. Neotectonic scheme (A) and scheme of Paleozoic basement (B) of 1977, MLH=6.3, I0=7-8 MSK64 Isfara-Batken earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 19. Neotectonic scheme of 2008, MLH=6.6, I0=8 MSK64 Nura earthquake’s source area.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Alai range is made of Paleozoic rocks of the South 6, the majority of motions are also thrusts and strike slips eastern flank. Most probably, it is not accidental. Data of
Tien Shan. Cretaceous-Paleogene sedimentary rocks of [Kalmetieva, 2005; 2006; Kuchay, Bushenkova, 2008; 2009]. GPS measurements allow detecting slow creep movements
Tajik sea and continental deposits are discordantly bedded The Nura earthquake in the region of Alai valley that are not registered by other non-geodesic methods. The
on the southern slope of the Alai range [Burtman, 2000]. was recorded by several temporary stations of the German detected zone of increased deformation at the front section
The southern part of this region is limited by a watershed Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ), equipped by of the Pamir indenter reflects, probably, creep movements
and the southern slopes of Trans Alay range. Paleozoic digital broad-band seismometers. It allowed to determine related to the thrust of Pamir on Alai that shall lead to
complexes of the North Pamir moved along Karakul thrust rather accurately the location and depth of the hypocenters constant discharge of stresses in this area. There are no
(1 on Fig. 19) to the north by more than by 300 km. They of the main shock and aftershocks [Zubovich et al., 2009]. such movements along the lateral borders of the zone.
tectonically overlapped the southern zones of the The hypocenter of the main shock is located at the depth of Therefore, elastic strain energy is not continuously
Cretaceous-Paleogene Tajik basin [Burtman, 2000; 10 km and in the place of the larger accumulation of discharged and its accumulation creates conditions for the
Trifonov, 1999; Strecker et all.,2003]. The external zone of aftershocks, formed a strip of EN-E strike of 15-20 km preparation of the earthquake. The earthquake occurred on
Pamir is represented by a cascade of overthrust masses width. Along this zone some faults rejuvenated from the 5th of October 2008 near the mountain settlement Nura
made of Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleocene deposits. These south to the north are marked. The settlement Nura when the level of stresses exceeded the limit of rock
masses are compressed into asymmetric and overtilted destroyed by the earthquake is located close to the strength.
folds formed as a result of the Pamir offset in the front part outcropping of Irkeshtam thrust fault which is the most The Nura settlement was completely destroyed (Fig.
of Karakul nappe [Trifonov, 1999]. The Northern border of northern and youngest of the aforementioned series. 21). Only the new school building was left undamaged (in
Pamir is the Vakhsh-Trans Alay nappe (2 on Fig. 19); Several shallow aftershocks occurred close to it. The the left part of the figure) and several panel houses were
related overthrust masses overlap relatively undeformed hypocenters of the other aftershocks are shifted to the less damaged. There were fractures in the ground (Fig. 22).
deposits of Cretaceous-Paleogene section of the bottom of south. Their depth is increasing towards the south. It is
Alai basin [Burtman, 2000; Trifonov, 1999; Nikonov et al. obvious that aftershocks activity is related to a fault zone
1983]. The basin is made of Neogene-Early-Pleistocene plunging obliquely to the S-SE with hypocenters located at
conglomerates along the northern slope of Trans Alay a depth of more than 15-20 km. On the basis of the depth of
range; these are also involved in uplifts, making a new the main shock and its distance from the line of Irkeshtam
series of thrusts. These are the youngest nappes (3 on Fig. thrust one can estimate the slope angle of the fault zone
19), in essence, being the further development of cascades equal to ~ 45°. This slope angle is confirmed by the solution
of nappes of the Pamir External zone. [Trifonov, 1999; of the focal mechanism of the main shock defined in the
Strecker et al., 2003]. Center of Data of the Geological Service of USA
Surface deformation in the pleistoseist areas of (
strong earthquakes show that these thrust faults have been The main source of information about modern
reactivated in modern times, thus inducing the seismicity geodynamics of this region is based on GPS data. Vectors
of the region [Nikonov et al., 1983]. The seismic zone at the of deformation velocities were calculated according to
connection of Pamir and Tien Shan is one of the most active observational data of the Scientific Station (SS RAS) and
of the world in terms of frequency of occurrence, density of Seismological Bureau of Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomuos
epicentres and intensity of earthquakes (Fig. 3) [Nikonov et Region [Abdrakhmatov et al., 1996; Zubovich et al., 2004]
al., 1983]. The intensity of earthquakes can reach Iо ≥ 9, for (Fig. 20). The results show the velocity of movement of
maximal possible magnitude of М ≥ 7,5 [Bune, Gorshkov Pamir towards the Tien Shan is at least 7 mm/year. The
(edit.), 1980; Turdukulov, 1996]. The width of the velocity of deformation is also shown in the figure. In Fig. 20. Map of velocity vectors (arrows) and
seismically active zone is 30 km. All pleistoseist areas of the contrast to vectors it does not depend on the reference velocities (in color) of deformation. Blue star is the
strongest events are part of it. Here, earthquakes of system and therefore allows us to better outline some epicenter of the Nura earthquake.
magnitude М≥6 occur more often than in other seismically details. One of the zones of increased deformation extends
active regions of Central Asia: 1949 М=7.4 Khait along the border between Pamir and Tien Shan, but as it
earthquake, 1974 М=7.3 Markasui, 1978 М=6.8 Daraut- can be seen in Figure 20, the main shock of the Nura
Kurgan and 1983 М=6.1 Alai. For the earthquakes with M < earthquake occurred outside deformation zone, at its
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
science devoted to the issue of the crust velocity structure determining the source depth is about half of the distance
3. Observations with the help of instruments in Central Asia, and to the development of methods for between two points of observation.
determining basic parameters of earthquakes. Her further Strong earthquakes in 1946 (Chatkal, MLH=7,5, Io=9-
“If we study only strong earthquakes, we work was devoted to the analysis of observation materials 10 MSK64) and in 1948 (Ashkhabad, MLH=7,3 Io=9-10
shall not be able to determine the immutable laws of in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. When she defended her MSK64) revealed serious deficiencies in the seismic service
seismic phenomena, just as the exclusive study doctoral thesis, she was sent by the Presidium of Academy in the USSR. Methods of seismic zoning were not efficient
of hurricanes would not let us understand the laws of Science of the USSR to Kyrgyzstan to establish there the (a year prior to this event, Ashkhabad was transferred from
of meteorology and the complicated phenomena of new Department of Seismology. the I0=8 zone to the I0=7one). There was no adequate
the atmosphere”. equipment for making records in the near-field zone
[ I.V. Mushketov, 1899] (during the Ashkhabad earthquake all seismic stations of
the Central Asian network failed to record the shaking; at
3.1 Historical development of instrumental the nearest stations in Andizhan and Samarkand the
observations suspensions of the galvanometers penduli were broken).
There was no service for warning about the destructive
Before the Soviet period in Central Asia and earthquakes. The government had not been informed by
Kazakhstan, instrumental seismic observations started in seismologists about the terrible Ashkabad earthquake but
Tashkent, and Verny (Almaty). During the first years under by the military men
Soviet governance the construction activity was growing In 1949, the Council for Seismology within the
rapidly in Central Asia. New cities and industrial Presidium of Academy of Sciences of the USSR was
enterprises were constructed there, that is why the task of established for the overall management and coordination
studying the seismicity of the region became very of research in the field of seismology. The two main
important. In 1927, the director of the newly established directions of research were identified: the study of
Seismological Institute of Academy of Science of the USSR, seismicity and the search for precursors of strong
Nikiforov P. M., created a device for recording regional earthquakes (seismic, geophysical and atmospheric factors,
earthquakes that was simple in use and reliable. In the electric currents, variations of the electromagnetic field of
same year, such devices were installed in the cities of 1956 year. E.A. Rosova and the staff of the Seismology the Earth, gravity and topographic changes of the Earth
Almaty and Frunze (nowadays Bishkek) in connection with Department. From left to right: Dzhanuzakov K.Dj., surface). In order to solve the problems of creating a
the construction of Turkestan-Siberian railway. Those Trubenko G., Rosova E.A. and Kurmanalieva G. network of stations, a common network of Integrated
were the first regional seismic stations in the USSR. System of Seismic Observations in USSR (ISSO) was
Between 1929 and 1939 five more stations were installed in She had to start from nothing. Prof. Rosova developed to study the seismicity in the USSR and the rest
Andizhan, Dushanbe, Chimkent, Samarkand and composed the averaged hodograph (travel-time curve) of of the world. They also started to organize regional
Semipalatinsk. By the year 1951, 24 seismic stations had the region, created a “crossing-method” for mass networks for research in seismically active regions. The
already been working in Central Asia, four of them were determination of earthquakes epicenters (1936), and studed seismic stations of Frunze, Naryn and Przhevalsk were
on the territory of Kyrgyzstan (Frunze, Naryn, Przhevalsk, seismicity [1957]. Even nowadays, her hodograph has not included in the network of ISSO. In addition, broadband
and Ribachje). lost its relevance. But, the network of stations was not seismographs of Kirnos had been installed. Data from these
In 1928-1930, the student of Leningrad University, dense at that time therefore, initially she believed that stations were processed, bulletins were compiled, and then
Rosova Evdokia Alexandrovna, who was undergoing a earthquakes sources could reach depths of 400 km in the sent to Moscow. Regional stations were equipped with
probation in the Seismological Institute of Academy of region. Later, more dense observation networks narrow-band devices named VEGIK and Kharin
Science of the USSR, was sent to process and generalize demonstrated that sources are located mainly in the upper seismograph. On the territory of Kyrgyzstan, the Aral
materials of observation of the Central Asian network. half of the Earth’s crust. Only in the Pamir earthquake station was installed in 1960 and the station Rybachje was
Until the end of her life, Mrs. Rosova’s activities were sources can be located under the earth's crust (at a depth of transferred to Kaji-Sai in 1961.
attached to Central Asia. After her studies in 1930-1935, she 60-80 km), and under the Hindu Kush their depth can At the same time, in order to solve problems of
defended a thesis of candidate of physics-mathematical reach 300 km. Nowadays, it is clear that the accuracy of prediction, the Institute of the Earth Physics of the
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
to register earthquakes with K≥8 (M≥2,2) all over the Germany and Kyrgyzstan. This provided new possibilities
territory of Kyrgyzstan. for cooperation in Central Asia. In 2008, the German
Painful years of ‘perestroika’ started after the disruption Organization for Development of International Potential
of the Soviet Union, when structures and traditional (InWent) in close cooperation with the German
connections existing before were broken – also in the field GeoforschungsZentrum (GFZ) and CAIAG and with the
of seismology. 10 stations were closed due to insufficient financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
financing. Nevertheless, perestroika brought also other started the creation of CAREMON (Central Asian Real-
kinds of changes. By 1990 all stations of the ISSO of the Time Earthquake Monitoring Network) within the project
USSR were equipped with analogue devices of Soviet “Cross Border Natural Disaster Prevention in Central
production. Since the 1970s the testing of instruments of Asia”. Broadband digital stations of GURALP type were
the new generation with digital registration has been installed in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and
carried out in the rest of the world. By the end of the 70s, Turkmenistan. Their data are being collected through the
the first world wide network of digital stations had been satellite in the central point and then transmitted to all
established. One station of this network has been installed project participants. The software SeisComP3 – the new
in 1990 in the gallery of the geophysical observatory technology of collecting and exchanging data, determining
“Alaarcha” of the Institute of Seismology of the Academy epicenter and magnitude of earthquakes in real time mode
of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic under agreement with will also be installed in each of those states. In 2008-2009,
Kyrgyzstan. Later, this station was included into the CAIAG installed in Kyrgyzstan along the border with
International Monitoring System for nuclear explosions China three own seismic stations, equipped with
verification within the framework of the Comprehensive broadband digital equipment STS-2, passing data to
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation. (CTBTO). In 1991, Bishkek via satellite in real time mode (Fig. 23 and
Skuinsh P.A., 1969. in accordance with the tripartite Agreement among the Appendix 4).
Consortium of the USA Universities, Russia and So, in 2008 a new stage of instrumental seismic
(amplitude-frequency characteristics) for them. Kyrgyzstan, the local network of digital seismic stations observations was started in Central Asia.
Dzhanuzakov K.D. and Skuinsh P.A. thoroughly thought (KNET) was established. Materials of observations
over the configuration of the network that could allows to provided by these stations were used by the Institute of 3.2. The main regularities of seismicity
solve the main tasks of seismology: research on the overall Seismology jointly with the data of analogue stations to
seismicity in the region and research in the field of form the earthquakes catalogue, which assists to increase The main practical task for seismology is seismic
seismology studing the inner Earth structure. To solve the the accuracy of the determination of earthquakes hazard assessment. Maps of seismic zoning serve as a long-
first task it was necessary to spread the stations evenly on parameters. In 2007 the Norway as the State Partie of term prediction of strong earthquakes. On the maps, parts
the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Long profiles were required for CTBTO suggested the Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology on of the territory where sources of destructive earthquakes
the solution of the second task. Looking at the scheme of the basis of gratuitous help to equip 10 stations with the can arise are marked. Maximum possible intensity of
stations location (Fig. 23 and Appendix 4) it is possible to digital apparatus - GURALP. earthquakes and their frequency of occurrence are also
see that in spite of the mountainous relief the task of Seismology does not know state borders. During the noted on the maps.
placing stations was solved perfectly. By the beginning of Soviet period, close cooperation of seismological The first maps of seismic zoning of Central Asian
the 80-s the creation of the regional network of seismic institutions in Central Asia could be explained by their territory were developed by geologists at the end of the
observations was mainly completed. The standard belonging to the same state. Nowadays, when these XIX century, and only data of tectonics of the region and
apparatus of Kirnos with the standard amplitude- institutions are located in independent states, we continue the source areas of past disastrous earthquakes were
frequency characteristics – SKM-3 (Kirnos seismograph working in close cooperation, as it gives the possibility to mainly taken into consideration. With the development of
modernized, band pass 0,3 – 1,25 sec and amplification 20 determine parameters of earthquakes on our territories instrumental observations and accumulation of earthquake
000), and SKD (Long period Kirnos Seismograph with the with greater precision. In 2004, the Central Asia Institute data, new maps were designed (maps of the years: 1933,
band pass 0,3-20.0 sec and amplification 1000) was installed for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) was established in 1035, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1957). Mainly seismostatistic data
in all stations. The creation of the regional network allowed Bishkek in accordance with the agreement between were considered in the creation of those maps, that is why
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig 23. The scheme of location of seismic stations on the territory of Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 24. The seismic zoning map for the Kyrgyz Republic territory, compiled by K.Djanuzakov, O.Chedia, K.Abdrakhmatov, A.Turdukulov with participations of I.Lemzin, K.Nurmanbetov,
A.Frolova, T.Sabitova, E.Musienko, N.Bagmanova, K.Sadykova and T.Charimov. Natural scale is 1:1 000 000. 1995 y.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
on each new map the areas where dangerous earthquakes map one can see, that actually all the territory of epicenters. A lot of earthquakes occur along the faulted
could arise became larger. As a result of heated Kyrgyzstan could be subjected to disastrous earthquakes. zones separating the basins from the ranges. For example,
discussions, a new seismic hazard mapping approach was The event of intensity 9 MSK64 and higher can affect a sources of famous earthquakes: 1883 Osh, 1902 Andizhan
developed. The idea of complex approach to seismic considerable part of it. Only in the North-West, on Kazakh and 1903 Aim coincide with the flexure-faulting zones
zoning of the territory of Kyrgyzstan was applied to the territory, the intensity of possible events is 7 MSK64. In separating basins from ranges. The tendency of grouping
map of detailed seismic zoning of Chui Basin [Green et al., section 2, some disastrous earthquakes which happened in weak earthquakes epicenters on comparatively small areas
1975; Green et al., 1980]. This approach was later developed this territory in the past were described. is clearly seen there. These territories are called
[Kalmurzaev (editor), 1984] and applied to design maps of The complex approach to produce a map of seismic seismoactive plots, when the seismicity of the territory is
detailed seismic zoning of the territories of Eastern zoning envisages that first independent research is carried being described.
Kyrgyzstan [Knauf (edit.), 1988], Issyk-Kul Basin out in three directions: seismotectonic, geophysical and When grouping small and strong earthquakes it is
[Abdrakhmatov (edit), 1993] and the general map of seismological. Then, the results of the research are possible to determine the main seismoactive zones. First of
seismic zoning of the Republic [Kalmurzaev (edit), 1977]. analyzed together. Below we explain the results of the all this is the Northern Tien Shan zone. It includes northern
On the photo, it is possible to see the leading scientists of seismological research. Issyk-Kul, Sarykamysh, southern Issyk-Kul and southern
this research. Any seismological research starts from the Chu seismoactive plots, which all have approximately the
earthquake catalogue. It enumerates all the earthquakes same level of seismic activity. To the south, in the Central
registered by seismic stations of the region, contains basic Tien Shan there are: the Son Kul zone which is in the
information about earthquakes including the occurrence middle of the Naryn river on the southern slope of
time of the event, the geographical coordinates, depth of Moldotay ridge, and the Djumgal-Suusamyr zone situated
the source and magnitude (and/or energy class). in Djumgal and Suusamyr ridges. Farther to the south
Considering the information given in the catalogue it is there is the Chatkal Fergana zone, consisting of Sary
possible to design maps of earthquake epicenters, and so to Chelek, Naryn and Karasuu seismically active points
study peculiarities of spatial distribution of earthquakes. It spatially associated with Atoinok, Chatkal and Fergana
is possible to design different temporal graphs and to study ridges. The North-Fergana zone occupies a broad strip,
temporal behaviour of seismicity. Then records of covering the northern part of Fergana mountain
earthquakes are analyzed to study special aspects. surroundings, presented by the strip of low hills at foots of
We start with the description of the map of mountains (so called “adyrs”). It also consists of several
earthquake epicenters. Fig. 25 presents the map of plots, two of which - the Andijan-Osh and Osh-Uzgen are
epicenters for only for 10 years, the period of observations located in the eastern part of the Fergana Basin, the third
when the network of analogue stations was most dense. one - Namangan-Tashkomyr is located in the north-
The map reflects the basic peculiarities of spatial location of western part of it, and covers a vast area of Namangan
earthquakes. It is clearly seen that the northern part of the region in Uzbekistan and considerable areas of Djalal Abad
1971. Discussion of the map of detailed seismic zoning of territory, where epicenters of earthquakes are located, is region in Kyrgyzstan. Within the South-Fergana zone
the Chui Basin. From left to right: Green V. P., Trofimov separated from the southern regions of high level of extending along the “basins of the 40 degrees parallel”,
A. K., Knauf V. I. and Chedia D. C. seismicity by a relatively weak active strip, passing four seismically active plots are distinguished: Isfara-
approximately through localities: Batken, Osh, Naryn, Batken, Khaidarkan, Iski-Naukat and Fergana
Figure 24 demonstrates the last reference map of Karakol. The second peculiarity is that the Talas-Fergana [Dzhanuzakov, 1984; Turdukulov (edit.), 1996]. The Gissar-
seismic zoning of the Kyrgyz Republic [Turdukulov (edit.), fault plays the role of partition of the Kyrgyz part of Tien Kokshaal active zone extends along the southern border of
1996]. The data of earthquakes that happened after 1977, Shan according to the level of its seismic activity. To the Kyrgyzstan. The western part of it (Darvaz-Karakul)
when the the previous map had been designed, were taken west of it, 3-5 times more earthquakes occur then to the occupies the Tien Shan and Pamir junction area, the eastern
into account in creating this map. Furthermore, results of east [Bune, Gorshkov (editors), 1980]. The weak seismicity one verges on Tarim basin.
special research of kinematics of faults were also taken into of the basins is one of the main peculiarities of Tien Shan. Let us now compare this map with the map of
account there [Abdrakhmatov and others, 2001]. On the Fig. 25 clearly demonstrates that within Issyk-Kul, Fergana, strong earthquakes (Fig. 3 and Fig. 26). As it has already
Naryn, Chui and other basins there are no earthquake been mentioned, we call strong earthquake events with a
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
maximum intensity of 6 or more of MSK64 scale. In other the form of temporal and spatial “clusters” of earthquakes.
words – these are the earthquakes that can damage i.e. during a long period of time earthquakes occur in
buildings (small damage in the form of cracks or total separate places. These places are not overlapping, but
collapse), induce surface effects. The epicentral areas of the located close to areas seismically activated in the past
strongest earthquakes (intensity from 8 to 11 MSK64) [Green et al., 1978]. It was also noticed that shallow
which occurred during the past 200-300 years were located earthquakes are more widespread than deep ones, i.e. the
along relatively narrow bands. Probably they occurred upper layer of the earth crust of about 10-15 kilometers is
there even earlier, because geologists see their traces seismoactive almost everywhere. Two earthquake sources
(paleoseismic dislocations) on the surface of the earth activated almost at the same time are often located far from
[Bune, Gorshkov (edit.), 1980] (Fig 9). Famous historical each other but at the same depth level and probably are
earthquakes (see the Catalogue of strong earthquakes, connected through a certain horizontal border in the Earth
Appendix 2) were also located within these bands. Areas of crust. Deeper earthquakes (15-30 km) are often related to
maximum destruction (areas inside of pleistoseismal zone) known rupture zones [Green, Kalmetieva, 1978]. It was
of these events seemed to take place along the northern and noticed that weak earthquakes could be subdivided at least
southern boundaries of the so-called Tien Shan block. In into two types. One type corresponds to movements on
the North, these are the maximal destructive areas of Chilik the existing plane of rupture. All the characteristics of
(1889, M=8,3, IO=10 MSK64), Kebin (1911, M=8,2, IO=10-11 emissions of their sources (P- and S-waves
MSK64), Verny (1887, M=7,3, IO=9-10 MSK64), Suusamyr amplitude/frequency ratio, velocity of rupture
(1992, M=7,3, IO=9-10 MSK64), and Chatkal (1946, M=7,4, propagation, fault plane solution) coincide with the results
IO=9-10 MSK64) earthquakes; in the South, the Khait (1949, Figure 27.Geophysical models of sources of strong obtained under laboratory models of shifts on an existing
M=7,4, IO=9-10 MSK64), and Kashgar events (1902, M=7,8, earthquakes. a) – Sarykamysh 1970 year Lat.=42N, Lon.= rupture. It looks like the other group represents the
IO=10 MSK64). Along the North-Eastern border of the 78.72E, Н-15 km, K=16; b) Jalanash-Tyup 1977 year, development of new ruptures. They are characterized by
Fergana Basin and along its southern edge, the earthquakes Lat.=42.88N, Lon.=78.58E, Н=10-24 km, K=15. 1– Cenozoic accumulation of epicenters in a certain area for a relatively
of smaller magnitude produced a maximum intensity of 8 deposits; 2-4 – Rocks of Upper Pre-Cambrian and short period followed by a seismic silence afterwards.
MSK64. Here can be mentioned the earthquakes of Osh Paleozoic: 2 – schist, 3 – granite, 4 - syenite, 5 – diorite, Earthquakes of the first type occur as single events or
(1883, M=5,5, IO=7-8 MSK64), Andizhan (1902, M=6,4, IO=9 effusive rocks, 6 –gabbro, ultrabasic rocks, 7 – gneisse, 8 – migrate along some definite lines [Gorbunova, Kalmetieva,
MSK64), Namangan (1927, M=6,0, IO=8 MSK64), Kurshab faults: ПТ - Predterskei, СТ - Central-Terskei, ЛН- line of 1988]. It should be noted, that records of earthquakes
(1924, M=6,5, IO=8-9 MSK64), and Isfara-Batken (1977, Nikolaev, TC –Taldysui, 9-12- Mohorovicic boarder, 10 – taking place in different parts of Tien Shan territory have
M=6,3, IO=7-8 MSK64). Two of them with intensity 9, took foot of intermediate layer, 11 – roof of intermediate layer, peculiar features. Sometimes just by looking at the record,
place close to the Earth surface that is why their destructive 12 – low resistivity layer, 13 – ruptured area of the main an experienced seismologist can determine the region,
force further from the epicenter was rapidly decreasing. shock, 14 - ruptured area of the aftershocks of energy where an earthquake has taken place. For instance, a sharp
The weakest among strong earthquakes (I0=5-6 MSK64) are class 12-9, 15 – isotherm 400◦ C. first arrival (beginning of record) of seismic waves is
relatively evenly distributed over the territory of characteristic for the northern part of the Tien Shan region.
Kyrgyzstan (see Fig. 26). investigated areas, the sources deeper than 30 km are very Records of most earthquakes in the south-western part of
Sources of earthquakes in the Kyrgyz part of the Tien rare. [Bune, Gorshkov (edit.), 1980; Turdukulov (edit), Tien Shan (to the south of Talas-Fergana fault) often start
Shan are inside the Earth crust, and they are unevenly 1996]. Sources of earthquakes in the Central Tien Shan do with a slack, vague arrival which is difficult to determine.
distributed on a vertical section. The largest number of not reach large depths. Consequently, shaking intensity at The 2008 Nura earthquake is the striking example of this
sources is located at a depth of 5-15 km. Below a depth of the surface is decreasing more rapidly than forearthquakes kind of earthquakes. Earthquakes with dual arrival occur
15 km the number of is constantly decreasing. The in the northern Tien Shan [Bune, Gorshkov (edit.), 1980]. along the South – Fergana faults system, for example 1977
maximum depth of sources (25-30 km) are observed in the Some peculiarities of seismic activity were revealed Isfara-Batken earthquake.
Kemin-Chilik and Fergana-Chatkal seismoactive plots. by detailed observations carried out by local networks. It The works carried out on F.N.Yudakhin’s initiative
Deep sources (20-25 km) are also observed in South-Chui, was noticed that seismic processes do not happen regularly on making of geophysical models of strong earthquakes
North-Fergana and South- Fergana zones. In the within a certain seismoactive plot. Seismicity develops in sources produced interesting results [Tokmulin (edit.),
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig 25. The map of the earthquakes epicenters for 1976-1985 years.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig 26. The map of epicenters of strong earthquakes of M≥5 (Io=5-6 MSK64) since historical times to 2008.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
1992]. Main shocks of all strong earthquakes, which were sources, it is possible to determine the directions of regions” [Makarov, 2005], written by the group of authors
studied (Sarykamysh, 1970, Jalanash-Tyup, 1978, Isfara- compressive and tensional forces in the area of an mainly from Kyrgyzstan and Russia. This book will help
Batken 1977, and others) were placed on the upper earthquake source. The mechanism of an earthquake to learn more about the great diversity of factors
boundary of electro-conductive layer, approximately at (fault-plane solution) is understood as two mutually determining seismic effects on the territory of our
the depth of 10-15 km. Aftershocks periodically plunge orthogonal planes; one of them is associated with the Republic.
down to the bottom of the seismoactive layer (up to 30 sliding plane of the earthquake source. The fault-plane
km), and then rise to the surface. These data appear to be solution gives us information about the orientation of
even more interesting if compared with the results of the these two planes and of the compression and tension
depth structure investigation of the Tien Shan orogen and stress axes that induced the seismic rupture. According to 3.3 Description of the catalogue of earthquakes
the weakly active Kazach shield and Turan plate geological data, the Tien Shan is developing under
[Tokmulin (edit), 1992]. Significant distinctions were horizontal submeridian compression (look chapter 2). The catalogue of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
revealed in geophysical characteristics of the Earth crust. However, data on the mechanisms of earthquake sources (Appendix 1) includes data on earthquakes since 250 BC.
They are especially different in electroconductive indicate that the compression axis is varying periodically The information about historical earthquakes was first
properties. The strongest catastrophic earthquakes between a horizontal and an inclined orientation, 6-year collected and systematized by members of the
happened in the areas where the Tien Shan orogen joins cycles of such changes could be revealed. There are also 2 Geograpical Society of Russia [Mushketov, Orlow, 1893].
the Kazach shield and Turan plate. Geophysical models of - 3-years cycles and also 15-years cycles which could be When the first seismic station in Kyrgyzstan had been
earthquakes in Sarykamysh, 1970 and Jalanash-Tjup, 1978 related to long-term changes. We cannot speak about established (station Frunze) Evdokia Alexandrovna
on Fig. 27 are given as an example. longer periods due to the short observation period (we Rosova was engaged in the processing of earthquakes
A few words should be said about temporal have data on focual mechanisms only since 1970). The records in Central Asia [Rosova, Green, 1950; 1955]. Later,
regularities. In the process of analysis of detailed following tendency is noted. During the periods when the the data processing and compilation of the catalogue in
observation data, it had been revealed that seismic activity compression axis is oriented horizontally, the seismic level Kyrgyzstan were accomplished under the leadership of
is not a stationary process. Definite cycles in activation of increases and is shown by large number of earthquakes of E.A. Rosova’s disciple Dzhanuzakov Kenesh
earthquakes of M=3.9 (I0=3-4 MSK64) happen every 15-20 moderate force M=5-6, that proves the hypothesis about Dzhanuzakovich. He elaborated the Mushketov and
years. It was observed in the northern part of Tien Shan, the collision nature of Tien Shan development. When the Orlow’s catalogue and created the unified catalogue of
along the Kyrgyz Range [Green and others, 1978]. compression axis starts to deviate from the horizontal earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan.
It appeared that the spatial-temporal behavior of position, either no strong or very strong ( M≥6.5) The first annual catalogues of earthquakes based on
seismicity within the limits of different tectonic zones earthquakes are registered. These data lead to the instrumental data were worked out in the Seismological
(plots) is different. Thus, the spatial-temporal behavior of conclusion that the Tien Shan stress field has two Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR. These
seismicity may be used as additional information, but components. Processes in the deep layers of the Tien Shan data were periodically summarized and published
sometimes more trustworthy criteria for separating determine the first component. The second one has an [Savarenski, Soloviev, Kharin (edit.), 1962; Kondorskaya,
seismogenerating zones are needed [Green and Knauf, oscillating character connected with planetary phenomena Shebalin (edit.), 1977]. In 1962, on N.V.Kondorskaya
1978]. and triggers stress release in the Earth crust as a result of initiative, they started an annual publishing of the
The study of periodicity is of great importance for tectonic activity in an area of modern orogenesis. catalogue “Earthquakes in USSR”; since 1992, this
the understanding of seismicity and for the development [Kalmetieva et al., 2003; Kalmetieva, 2005; 2006]. yearbook was renamed “Earthquakes in Northern
of prediction methods. In the last century research Eurasia”. These publications include also data on
revealed the existence of a correlation between periodic At this point, we can finish the brief description of earthquakes on the territory of Kyrgyzstan starting from
changes of the seismic activity on the planet and such the seismicity mechanisms of the Kyrgyz part of the Tien MLH ≥ 2.8 (K.D. Dzhanuzakov remained the author of this
processes as the Sun activity, changes in angular velocity Shan. A lot of interesting published works on the section until now). At the same time, information about
of the Earth rotation, variations of the absolute value of seismisity of the Tien Shan present more details than this earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan was published in other
gravity and other natural phenomena [Khain and overview. For those who would like to know more about catalogues in different years. In 1979, the Central Asian
Khalilov, 2008; and others]. All the listed processes the conditions of earthquake occurrence in the Tien Shan Center established on the basis of the Tajik Institute of
somehow influence stresses of the solid cover of the Earth. we could recommend the monograph “Modern Seismic Resistant Construction and Seismolgy started the
According to the data on the mechanisms of earthquake geodynamics of intracontinental collision orogenesis annual publishing of the catalogue “Earthquakes in
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Central Asia and Kazakhstan”. To prepare the catalogue HYPOELLIPSE developed in the USA [Lahr, 1994] was can be determined (corresponds to class “a” of local
the Central Asian Centre carried out the data processing installed in the Computing Centre of RMSE. Using observations, hereinafter refer to 3.1);
of aggregated materials of seismic stations located in computers Moldobekova S. was determining parameters 2 - the epicenter is well surrounded by seismic
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. It of earthquakes and compiling the catalogue, while stations; at the distance up to 25 km from the epicenter
included seismic events, from MLH≥3.3. The Center Sokolova N.P. headed the routine measurements on there is at least one seismic station; the depth of the
stopped functioning because of the civil war in Tajikistan. analog seismograms. Observation data of seismic stations epicenter can be determined (corresponds to class “b” );
On Iliasov’s initiative, the Institute of Seismology of the in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, located closely to 3 – one-sided surrounding of the epicenter by
Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and later the the border of Kyrgyzstan were also used to achieve higher seismic stations; at the distance up to 25 km from the
Recearch-Methodological Seismological Expedition precision in determining the earthquakes parameters (till epicenter there is at least one seismic station; the depth of
(RMSE) of the Institute of Seismology also published 1993). Some data of Xinjiang-Uigur Chinese State the epicenter can be determined (corresponds to class “c”);
catalogues including even the smallest seismic events, Seismological Bureau were used as well. 4 – one-sided surrounding of the epicenter by
registered by the network of seismic stations of Тable 3 seismic stations, the nearest station is located not farther
Kyrgyzstan [Ilyasov et al., 1980; 1992; 2003; 2004; Earthquakes representativeness development than 50 km (corresponds to the category “no class”).
Kalmetieva et al., 2006]. Usually, earthquakes on the border with Tajikistan are
It is quite natural that not all events which occurred Starting year of recording all part of this category;
before the beginning of instrumental observations, К Мc 5 – one-sided surrounding of the epicenter by
earthquakes with M>=Mc
especially those which happened in ancient times, were seismic stations, the nearest station is located at the
16 6,5 1770(separate events from 500y.)
included into the catalogue. Only the strongest distance not farther than 100 km (corresponds to class
14-15 5,5-6,1 1865
earthquakes, which were told about in mythology, or in “A”, refer to 3.1);
13 5,0 1911
written documents were included into the catalogue. Even 6 - does not correspond to any of the enumerated
12 4,5 1929
strong earthquakes of intensity 8-9 MSK64 were included conditions (corresponds to class “B”).
10 3,3 1955
into the catalogue without omission for only the last 200 .
8-9 2,2-2,8 1980
years. Gradually the density of stations network was As it can be seen, the network configuration mainly
increasing (see section “History of instrumental Mc = Magnitude of completeness determines the accuracy class, i.e. how well is surrounded
observations”), making it possible to register more and the epicenter by observation points, and how far are the
more weaker earthquakes. Table 3 shows starting years of Below follows the description of the meanings of the nearest stations from the epicenter. This agrees well with
recording all earthquakes with M>=Mc. Table 3 parameters presented in the catalogue. the results of research carried out in the Harvard Data
demonstrates that out of the weak earthquakes not always Center. To develop criteria of determining the accuracy
felt by people, the longest period of representativeness (54 N –order number class of earthquake location depending on the
years) have the events of magnitude MLH>3. Considering Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second – date and time configuration of network they used the catalogue
this, the earthquakes starting from MLH=3 were included of earthquake event. The column “Hour” shows including 2000 seismic events (earthquakes, explosions),
into the given Atlas. Greenwich Time. values of source parameter of which were known exactly
Until 1980 epicenters of earthquakes were The Geographic coordinates of earthquake epicenter: [Istvan et al., 2002]. The result was the following: it is
φ - Northern latitude
determined manually, by graphic “crossing-method” possible to claim with 95% probability that an epicenter is
λ - Eastern longitude
developed by Mrs. Rosova [1936] using regional network determined with accuracy of ± 5 km, if:
Accuracy class. Here the accuracy class has the values
stations data (Y.Shukurova headed the routine data there are more than 10 stations within a
from 1 to 6 and is attributed to the events considering the
processing). Data of local networks were processed by range of epicentral distances of 0-250 km;
following conditions:
using Yu.V.Riznichenko’s method of “isochrones scale” the maximal angle between two points of
1 – the epicenter is well surrounded by seismic
[Bune et al., 1960]. T.A. Lopatina headed the routine data observations (gap) for direct waves does not
stations; at the distance of 10 km from the epicenter there
processing. When computers appeared, a software exceed 110°;
is at least one seismic station; clear arrivals of waves were
realizing the analytical method of determining main the gap for head waves does not exceed 160°;
identified on the seismogram; the depth of the epicenter
parameters of earthquakes was developed and installed. within the epicenter distances of 0-30 km
[Dzhanuzakov, Gorbin, 1983]. In 1999 the program there is at least one point of observation.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
According to these criteria epicenters of earthquakes in if they are placed within the limits of a dense network. At depth of the source, it is possible to assess approximately
Kyrgyzstan could be determined with an accuracy of 5 km the same time epicentres of other earthquakes are defined the depth of a source [Dzhanuzakov et al., 1977]. Since
in only case, if they are located within the network of with precision of ± 2 km. And on the contrary, sometimes 2002, the depth of an earthquake-source was defined with
observation (refer to Fig. 23,25,26). Such earthquakes there are events for which initial data good coincide even respect to the sea level. Even nowadays, the low density of
make about 30% of the total number of seismic events. if there is one-sided surrounding of epicenter by stations. the stations network does not allow defining this
Then, it possible to think that all the earthquakes in the So, we should admit that the reason of such phenomenon parameter with adequate accuracy all over the
southern and South-Eastern part of the Kyrgyzstan is the character of radiation of seismic waves from sources investigated territory. That is why this parameter is not
territory are determined with an accuracy of 25, 50 or of these events. It is true even for earthquakes of Kok-Shal. marked in the catalogue for all earthquakes.
more kilometers. To be sure of this, we compared three That is why, in the catalogues [Iliasov et al., 2003; 2004; K – the energy class of the earthquake source. K= 1g E
catalogues of earthquakes of the south-eastern part of the Kalmetieva et al., 2006], besides the main parameters of (joules), where E is the energy spent for producing seismic
Kyrgyzstan territory: the catalogues of RMSE, the earthquakes, such characteristics as root-mean-square body waves in the source. A nomogram to determine K
catalogue of Seismic Bureau of China and the catalogue of residual of origin time and of epicenter coordinates were value was made by T.G. Rautian in 1960 [Bune et al.,
Renseller University in the USA. The two last meet the also shown. We included also: the distance from the 1960]. Earlier K values put in the catalogue were
foregoing criteria of 5 km accuracy. It appeared that the nearest station, the number of stations taking part in calculated in accordance with MLH magnitude by
values of epicenter coordinates coincide with each other parameters determination, and the gap. The enumerated applying a correlation ratio: K=1,8 MLH + 4.
in the limits up to 5 km for 40% of earthquakes, for 20 % - characteristics characterize both the configuration of MLH – the earthquake magnitude defined using of Love
up to 10 km, and for 20% - up to 20 km. A difference observation points with respect to the earthquake surface wave amplitude measurements [Kondorskaya et
between the data of these three catalogues makes 20 km or epicenter and the coincidence of initial data. Now in the al., 1981]. Before appearance of Rautian’s scale of energy
more for only 20 % of earthquakes [Iliasov et al., 2004]. world they refuse a class of accuracy and prefer to show class determination, the classification of earthquakes in
Therefore, an accuracy of 25 km could not be made for all values of residual. Not looking on it, we have decided to Kyrgyzstan was only made by magnitude. The magnitude
the earthquakes in the South-Eastern part of Kyrgyzstan. leave a class of accuracy to have the homogeneous of any historical earthquake was determined by an
Besides, the experience of routine data processing catalogue empirical correlation between intensity, magnitude, and
demonstrates that the precision in epicenter determination H - depth of source (in km) from the surface. For source depth according to the method mentioned above.
depends not on the configuration and condition of historical events, the depth of seismic sources was In 1960-1995 both K and M parameters were defined.
observation network only. The travel time curve of identified based on the isoseismal map. The shallower the Since 1996, three types of magnitudes were defined: MLH
seismic waves (or velocity model) is also of great source is the faster the intensity of earthquake decreases (for earthquakes of energy class K≥12), MPV and coda
importance in determining the source localization. (marking smaller distances between neighboring magnitude (for earthquakes of energy class K≥10). To
Sometimes there are earthquakes which epicenters can be isoseismal). By using an empirical correlation linking the preserve the homogeneity of the given catalogue the MLH
determined only with an acccuracy of 10 km or more even intensity of an earthquake with its magnitude and the magnitude is shown only.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
during a strong earthquake. Some research is devoted to The modern relief of Tien Shan is formed by the
4. Earthquakes and phenomena related to them studying the mechanism of such influence. For example, a interaction of endogenous and exogenous processes. This
conceptual model for the triggering of rockslides by means that the process of mountain development is still
“The aggregate of our knowledge about the earthquakes has been proposed by [Havenith, 2002; going on. The strong relief of the Tien Shan and its high
Earth must be united into one basic Havenith, 2003]. The key factor controlling the ground elevation are responsible for particular natural conditions.
science, called science of the Earth in the motion around the rockslide is the presence of superficial The mountain regions are marked by a large diversity of
broadest sense of the term. But the Earth low-velocity layer of varying thickness according to these climatic conditions, soils, and vegetation, which can induce
properties are so diverse that they cannot authors. Nevertheless, many things still remain unclear if an increased susceptibility to slope failure and thus make
be the subject of research of only one we consider the interrelation between seismic and slope the access difficult to the higher territories. The strong
science. The complexity of the Earth’s movement phenomena. For example, why rockslides are relief and high tectonic activity of the Tien Shan also
phenomena calls for detailed studies of not distributed uniformly in seismic zones? Some zones contribute to the general instability of the mountains
totally different aspects and with different with very high concentration of rockslides of different age which, combined with climatic changes, atmospheric and
methods. Therefore, the science of the Earth are located along the borders of theTien Shan while vast anthropogenic influences, can cause the development of
that was born in ancient times was divided spaces between them are practically not affected by such dangerous gravitational movements of mountainous
into separate specialized domains of
phenomena [Strom and Abdrakhmatov, 2004]. How can we slopes: landslides, rockfalls, avalanches and their transient
research due to the gradual widening of
explain the occurrence of landslide motion before (20-50 processes.
observations. Now, these fields have
hours) strong earthquakes [Torgoev et al., 2008]. There is The most active landslides processes in Kyrgyzstan
developed into independent sciences.”
also an opinion that not only strong earthquakes can cause are observed in the southern areas:
slope phenomena. Since many earthquakes affect the Jalal-Abad Province – including the basins of the rivers
[D.I.Mushketov, 1934]
mountainous regions of the Tien Shan (see the map of Kugart, Mailuu-Suu, Kara-Unkur, Kara-Suu, Sumsar and
earthquakes of 1976 – 1985, fig. 25), they are common and Chatkal;
regular natural phenomena. Without any exaggeration, we Osh Province - including the basins of the rivers Jassy,
Confirming D.I.Mushketov's words it is possible to
can say that the Earth within the Tien Shan is never quiet in Kara-Kuldja, Tar, Gulcha, Ak-Bura, and Kyrgyz-Ata;
say that recent tectonic activity is studied by a section of
terms of seismicity. Very often earthquakes do not cause Batken Province – in the South-West of Kizil-Kia town,
geology called “Neotectonics”. The science of seismology
dangerous slope phenomena directly but just speed up Kadamjai settlement, and Sulukta town.
studies earthquakes, while, e.g., landslides are studied by
such processes [Babaev et al., 2008]. In other Provinces of the Kyrgyz Republic slope
specialists of engineering geology although these processes
The tasks related to this research are very complicated processes are less active:
are inseparable in fact. Moreover, now it became obvious
due to the complex interaction between the causes of slope Chui Province – landslide can affect the area around
that it is not enough to study only the Earth to understand
instability processes in mountain areas. For example, the Bishkek city (Orto Sai, Chon-Aryk), the southern and
the nature of tectonics and seismic activity. Long-term
logic tree representing the possible development of northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge, in Suusamyr, Chon-
researches have shown a correlation between the periods of
processes depending on the steepness of the slope, Kemin basin and Boom gorge..
increasing seismic activity and the time of activation of
mechanical properties of the landslide mass, climatic Naryn Province - landslides are isolated cases there, but
such phenomena as solar activity, the tidal phenomena, etc.
influences and groundwater conditions is presented in they threaten by the damming of rivers and the burying of
And in turn, earthquakes can also cause a lot of processes
[Keefer, 1993]. roads;
which we perceive as natural disasters.
Issyk-Kul Province - landslides often occur in the mountain
As the experience shows, considerable losses and
4.1. Landslides – general information zone of the ridges Terskei and Kungei Ala-too and in the
fatalities can be associated with secondary effects of
basins of the rivers Ton and Djergalan. Their influence on
earthquakes if they occur in mountainous areas. There,
The territory of Kyrgyzstan is made of mountainous infrastructure of localities is relatively small;
earthquakes often cause rockfalls and landslides leading to
regions located between altitudes of 400 to 7000 m or even Talass Province - landslides occur in the headwater of
the formation of dammed lakes and flooding of territories
higher. 56% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is located at the left-bank tributary of the river Chiimtash but are in
or causing catastrophic flash floods and debris flows in
altitudes of 2500 m or higher. The highest absolute altitude general not dangerous for the population.
case of an outbreak. The role of the earthquake as trigger of
the landslide is obvious if a landslide or rockfall happens is 7439 m – the Peak of the Victory.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
4.2. Categories of slope processes Though each rockfall or landslide has its own peculiarities, is up to 20% higher than the average over a long period,
(1) landslides of soft and semi-hard rock layers (Mesozoic- generally an activation of existing landslides is not bserved
Rockfall – is a type of mass movement (generally Cenozoic deposits), and (2) landsliding and falling or is very small. An activation oflandslide processes is
limited in size) formed by falling rocks related to the processes in semi-hard and hard rock layers (terrigenous, higher than the average, when the level of atmospheric
instability of a steep cliff. metamorphic, more rarely intrusive formations) caused precipitations exceeds 40% of the long-term average norm.
Landslide – is a mass movement formed by rocks or mainly by seismic activity. According to the results of research of sliding
soil sliding along a surface. processes [Emeljanova, 1972; and others], each of them is at
Rockfall–landslide processes - are processes Slides of soft and semi-hard rock layers a different stage of development at a certain moment,
combining free falling and sliding of soil and rocks on a because they develop not synchronously.
surface. About 80% of active landslides take place in
Many factors influence the formation and activity of bordering parts of large depressions within the areas made The stage of preparation for the first movementcan be
sliding and falling processes, such as: the structure and of Mesozoic-Cenozoic formations. In Mesozoic-Cenozoic identified by the:
character of bedding of the unstable rocks, the morphologic formations the development of landslide processes is - appearance of water (springs, wet ground, moisture-
and morphometric characteristics of the relief, rocks related to two main factors: (1) the presence of a large loving plants) in the lower parts
fracturing, recent tectonic movements, the humidity of amount of fine dispersed rocks - clays, argillites, loams, of unstable slopes;
slopes, daily and seasonal temperature gradients, the and (2) the level of natural moisture (groundwater level, - formation of knolls, mounds, or depressions within
groundwater level, freezing characteristics, etc. precipitations) if the annual amount of precipitations the area of a developing landslide;
Many works were devoted to the issue of the exceeds the average annual norm. Such a combination of - development of ruptures within the contour of the
development of sliding and falling processes. The authors conditions is met along the rim of the Fergana Basin and forming landslide;
of these works underlined the important role of locally in the Eastern part of the Issyk-Kul Basin. - subsidence along landslide ruptures;
earthquakes in these processes that are considered as Landslides occur at different altitudes, but most of - deformations of the slope within the forming
seismic dislocations. Slides and falls do not develop them are located in the low - middle mountainous zone at landslide in the form of small earth flows and wash-
everywhere or by chance. During earthquakes and in some an altitude between 1100 and 2200 meters. Between these out
other cases, they are formed on definite parts of slopes, altitudes, along the border of large depressions, mainly The stage of the first movements:
where the interaction with other factors leads to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits are developed. Abundant - the landslide is in motion;
weakening of the slope and the initiation of failure. precipitations and the presence of Mesozoic-Cenozoic - the landslide is in temporarily stable condition,
There are more than 5000 active landslides covering the rocks covering large parts of the Fergana Basin rim create having shifted from the initial position, but not
territory of the Kyrgyz Tien-Shan (Fig. 28). If ancient and favorable conditions for landslides in these areas. More achieved a state of stability.
stabilized rockfall-landslide blocks are taken into account, than 80% of the total amount of active landslides are The stage of secondary movements:
their number is even higher. These are large-scale located there (Fig. 29-33). The secondary sliding stage is completed after the
landslides and rockfalls, which take place rarely, but their About 70% of all the landslides are developed in first displacements of the landslide body. In this
consequences are disastrous. Until now not all landslide Paleogene and Cretaceous deposits, represented by layers stage the deformation could be developed as a
movements could be mapped over the Kyrgyz territory of of clays, argillites, siltstones, sandstones, marls, limestones, failure until the slope is stable again; it can also be a
the Tien Shan. Geological surveys were only performed on gypsum and conglomerates. Those layers are often covered deformation of separate blocks influenced by newly
single sites close to populated areas, aiming to prevent by Quaternary loess deposits. Landslides mainly take place activated exogenous processes.
disasters that could affect infrastructure of localities and on the limbs of folds made of clay and argillite. The main The stabilization stage – the landslide achieved the state of
mining enterprises. Because of the inaccessibility of the reasons for the formation of slides are: the high wetness of stability, and is not influenced by exogenous and
mountainous relief and restricted possibilities of making rocks related to atmospheric precipitations and the high endogenous processes.
(or acquiring) high-resolution satellite images, we do not groundwater level. They are usually formed in places of
have full information on the location of ancient and contacts between permeable rocks and impermeable clays The duration of the total landslide cycle and its constituent
modern landslides all over the country. and argillites. When the level of atmospheric precipitations stages depends on the intensity and periodicity of the
they could be subdivided into two categories:
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 30. The landslide in loessial sediments took place in Fig 32. The Landslide in Maili-Suu city, took place in 2004,
1994, in Komsomol village of Uzgen region and killed 26 the volume is 80 000 m³. 1 house was destroyed, 2 people
people. were killed.
Landslides in bedrocks
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
rockfalls and rockslides (Fig. 35, 37) initial failure is Intensive development of rockfalls is observed on steep
immediately triggered by the seismic action. However, mountainous slopes, high rock faces of gorges and canyons
often the final mass movement develops only after some of the rivers Naryn, Kokomeren, Kara-Suu, Tar, Goulcha
time, weeks, months or years after the earthquake, and many others (Fig. 31, 34, 36, 38,39).
according to the influence of other exogenous processes. In
some cases, aftershocks or later earthquakes are the final
“trigger’ of the total failure of the rockslope that was
initiated by the main shock. The range of mass movement
velocities is rather wide, from slow creeping of several
mm/year up to 100 m/sec in case of rockfalls.
In reality, all movements of this kind take place
episodically or in cycles. During some periods, the slope
stays relatively stable, but during others its stability
decreases and the movement starts again. It becomes
catastrophic when the slope looses its stability, and kinetic
energy of the moving rockfall increases. The activation of
massive movements could be caused by such regular
phenomena as seasonal rains, snow melting, thawing
Fig. 35. Seismic rock avalanche of the 1885 earthquake in
ground, earthquakes, solar activity and so on.
Belogorka village of Sokuluk district (photo by
In conditions of strong relief, landslides are rather common
phenomena. Their sizes are not considerable, the largest are
rare and often related to the category of
seismogravitational slides. Seismically triggered
movements of large masses with a volume of 10 mln m³ or
more generally occur along fault zones. Examples of such
landslides are: a rock avalanche near Belogorka village
(Fig. 35) caused by the M=6.9 1885 Belovodsk earthquake
and rockfalls-rockslides triggered by the M=8.3 1911Kemin Fig. 34. Landslide above the railway gallery on the 115-th
earthquake the volume of one of them in Dzjarilgan-Too in km of the Bishkek – Balykchi road in Boom canyon (photo
the area of Ananievo is 7 mln m³. made by S.A.Erochin). This active landslide threatens to
Gigantic catastrophic rockfalls of the volume of destroy the gallery. They regularly clear off the blocks
more than a billion of m³ may also occur in mountains moving down to the gallery.
areas. For instance, the Sarez earthquake of 1911 triggered
the 2,2 bln m³ Usoy rockslide which dammed the river of
Murgab. The Sarez dammed lake formed with a water
volume of 16 km³, and a surface of about 89 km2. The Sary-
Chelek lake, lakes in the upper reaches of Kara-Suu river
(eastern part), Kara-Suu lake and some other in Kyrgyzstan
were formed approximately in the same way.
Landslide-prone mountain slopes are situated on some
parts along the roads: Bishkek – Osh, Osh-Horog, Ala-Buka Fig. 36. Forming landslide above the center of Goulcha
- Kanysh-Kia, along the railroad Bishkek-Balikchi, and in village of Kara-Kuldja district threatening parts of the
some open-pit mines Makmal, Kumtor and others. village (photograph by A.A. Ermolov).
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
4.3. The history of significant events The landslide service has been established in 1954
within the Department of Geology of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Different from the southern regions, the landslides based in Jalal-Abad and since year 1968 in Osh.
in the north of Kyrgyzstan (Talass, Kyrgyz, Kungei, Terskei According to the results of previous research it was
ridges, Suusamyr hollow) are not of clustered. They occur established that a large amount of landslides took place in
in separate places along the foothills, mostly in clay – marl the years when there were a lot of atmospheric
and plastic rocks of Pliocene age, Neogen – Quaternary precipitations: 1953-1954, 1969, 1978-1979, 1988, 1994, 1998,
sediments. Because of the small thickness of the 2002-2004, and also in the years when strong earthquakes
Quaternary sediments coveringthe mountainous slopes in took place. On the territory of Kyrgyzstan there are more
the north of Kyrgyzstan, the landslides are comparatively then 300 localities, which are in the zone of possible
small, and generally develop as earth flows and superficial landslides of different size. The catalogue of the most
wash-out. considerable landslides is presented in Appendix 3.
As it can be seen on the satellite images, a In the conclusion of this part, it is necessary to speak
considerable amount of ancient landslides are in a stable about the calamities caused first of all by human activity.
state. Nevertheless, the change of climatic conditions in the
last period of time, i.e. the increase of average annual Figure 40 shows the places of storage of toxic and
temperature, the increase of precipitation in spring and radioactive wastes which started in 1940. Currently there
autumn, draughts in summer, has already affected the are more than 90 dangerous burial places of radioactive Fig. 37. Seismic fall near Ylai-Tala village of Kara-Kuldja
activation of sliding processes. The research executed by and toxic wastes in Kyrgyzstan. The risk of their district (the photograph made by A.V. Meleshko).
MNR KR since 2002 shows that there was a significant destruction induces a potential danger of pollution of the
reactivation of ancient landslides in the northern region of environment. The mountainous relief and tectonic activity
the Republic, and new ones were formed. of the region determine factors, which considerably
In mountainous areas, the processes of gravitational increase the risk, among them are:
movements are not extraordinary phenomena, but reflect - earthquakes,
the naturally developing ‘geological life’ of this or that - processes of soil erosion, typical for mountainous
region. That is why it is necessary to expect in future the floods, mountain torrents, landslides,
appearance of similar phenomena and to predict them in - close locations of burial places to river-beds.
order to prevent dangerous consequences with the purpose
of reducing the economic, ecologic and social losses. Figure 41 shows the parts of the territory, which will be
In different periods, the problem of protection of the contaminated in case of damage of burial places. It is seen
population from natural disasters was solved by different that not only the territory of Kyrgyzstan is under the risk,
agencies: the Ministry of Natural resources (earlier Geology but also parts of territories of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and
Administration of the USSR), the Ministry of Agriculture Kazakhstan [Kyrgyzstan Uranium Tailings, 2008].
and Water Management Ministry, the Ministry of
Transport and Communications, the Ministry of
Construction, the Ministry of Energy of the USSR. During
the last years, the Emergency Ministry is responsible for
the protection from dangerous exogenous geological
processes and for the monitoring of dangerous rockfall and
landslide activity. Fig 38. The ancient landslide in Kara-Kuldja district on the
left bank of Tar river (the photograph made by
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Fig. 39. Ancient and recent landslide slopes. Kara-Kul city of Toktogul District (the photo made by A.V.Meleshko).
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
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The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
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The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Annex 2.
H, Io
Year Month Day Hour Min φ,ºN λ,ºE K Mlh Title Coment
km MSK64
-250 0 0 42.70 77.50 20 16.1 6.7
500 1 1 42.70 76.50 20 15.7 6.7
838 1 1 40.30 71.80 10 13.6 5.3
1475 1 1 42.60 75.20 20 15.6 6.4
1494 1 1 41.00 71.60 6 13.2 5.1
1600 1 1 40.00 76.00 30 14.8 6
1620 1 1 40.90 71.40 6 14.6 5.8
1716 1 1 43.20 81.00 30 17 7.5 - Aksuyskoe
1770 1 1 42.77 74.10 15 14.8 6
1786 6 18 44.00 80.80 15 15 6.5
1807 1 1 43.10 76.90 20 16 6.7
1822 9 0 40.30 71.50 12 15.2 6.2
1823 1 1 40.30 71.50 12 15.2 6.2
1853 11 1 39.00 76.20 13.8 5.5
1865 3 22 42.70 73.20 15 15.5 6.4
1868 4 3 21 15 41.20 69.60 18 15.5 6.5
1868 8 29 8 42.70 75.90 20 15.3 6.4
1869 3 25 39.90 69.50 30 13.9 5.5
1874 1 18 15 42.90 77.40 20 14.6 5.9
1880 12 1 23 30 43.10 76.90 14 14.3 5.7
The earthquake was accompanied by an underground ‘boom’. There were destructions
1883 11 14 17 40.60 72.80 12 13.9 5.5 7-8 Oshskoe
and victims. Strong shocks continued for 10 days.
1884 3 13 5 7 42.80 78.20 20 14.4 5.8
The villages Belovodskoe, Kara-Balta and Sokuluk were completely destroyed. Cracks
1885 8 2 21 20 42.70 74.10 15 16.5 6.9 9-10 Belovodskoe of a width of about 2 m, rockfalls, landslides and debris falls were observed. The next
day a shock of almost the same force occurred.
1885 9 19 20 41.70 75.80 14 13 5
1886 11 8 43.00 75.00 28 13.7 5.4
1886 11 29 4 13 41.40 69.50 26 15.5 6.7
5 min after a forshock of 5 MSK64 intensity an underground ‘boom’ was heard, strong
shocks also took place. Verny town was completely destroyed and about 400 repeated
1887 6 8 23 35 43.10 76.80 20 16.6 7.3 9-10 Vernenskoe
shocks, numerous cracks, landslides and surface movements occurred over one year.
330 people were killed.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
from some roofs. The tableware jingled, floors and doors creaked.
1961 4 1 15 18 39.95 77.82 20 15.5 6.6
1961 4 4 1 17 39.90 74.40 5 13 4.8
1961 4 4 9 46 39.95 77.70 15 15 6.4
1961 4 5 6 47 40.00 77.50 20 13 5.1
1961 4 6 1 33 40.00 78.00 20 13.6 5.5
A strong vertical push with a boom was felt in the zone of Sary-Mogol settlement of
1961 4 7 21 17 39.65 72.88 26 13.9 5.5 6-7 Alayskoe
intensity 6 MSK64. There were cracks in all houses.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
A boom reminding an explosion was heard. In brick buildings through cracks appeared.
1972 3 17 9 17 40.28 69.65 20 13.5 5 6-7 Leninabadskoe
A landslide occurred on one of the slopes.
1972 11 16 4 57 43.30 81.00 5 13 5
1972 12 3 8 54 39.42 75.13 13 5.2
1973 1 3 14 31 39.15 71.83 10 13.4 5.2
1973 6 10 16 8 39.55 74.83 13 5
1973 6 27 13 11 40.68 79.22 13 4.5
1974 1 4 9 27 40.78 77.62 14.2 5.1
Three vertical pushes with a boom were heard. In buildings made of sun-dried bricks
1974 1 22 6 8 40.20 71.70 24 12.7 5 7 Kadamjaiskoe
through cracks appeared, in reinforced concrete buildings cracks in plaster appeared.
A boom similar to rockfall was heard, big trees were shaking. There were through
1974 2 20 11 43 40.70 73.37 20 13.2 4.9 6-7 Kurshabskoe cracks in houses made of sun-dried bricks and breaking off of plaster in buildings
made of burnt bricks.
1974 7 2 16 41 42.23 75.32 15 12.9 4.9 6-7 Kochkorskoe
1974 7 23 7 11 39.30 72.30 15 13 4.7
Rockfalls occurred. From some mountain tops ice and snow caps fell down.
Everywhere snow avalanches and renewal of some old ruptures were observed. Bright
1974 8 11 1 13 39.23 73.83 7 16.6 7.3 7-8 Markansuiskoe
luminescence in mountains was seen, a boom reminding a cannonade was felt. Tourists
on Korjenevski glacier observed soil slides.
1974 8 11 2 37 39.30 73.40 13 4.9
1974 8 11 5 12 39.30 73.60 15 13.6 5.2
1974 8 11 5 19 39.20 73.50 15 13.6 5.3
1974 8 11 5 23 39.30 73.80 15 13.8 5.5
1974 8 11 5 33 39.30 73.60 61 13 4.6
1974 8 11 7 2 39.40 73.60 15 13.6 5.3
1974 8 11 9 8 39.10 73.70 15 13 5
1974 8 11 20 5 39.60 73.70 15 14.4 5.8
1974 8 11 21 21 39.30 73.60 15 14.7 6.3
1974 8 12 14 14 39.60 73.80 5 13 4.9
1974 8 12 21 17 39.40 73.70 20 13.1 5
1974 8 27 12 56 39.58 73.78 15 14.9 6
1974 8 27 17 33 39.40 73.80 15 13.4 5.1
1974 9 3 19 41 39.50 73.70 15 13.7 5
1974 9 29 15 51 40.45 77.85 26 13.4 5.5
A shock accompanied by a boom was felt. Through cracks appeared in houses made of
1975 2 12 13 34 43.30 78.80 10 13 5.1 6 Toruaigyrskoe rubble concrete as well as cracks in the plaster in framehouses. Rockfalls and landslides
occurred in the mountains.
1975 5 26 18 1 40.40 77.93 35 13 5
1975 9 9 18 32 40.27 78.48 20 13.6 5.5
1976 8 3 7 50 40.88 77.88 18 13 5.3
1976 11 11 2 20 39.50 74.00 13.1 5
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
A boom and a vertical push with horizontal fluctuations and luminescence above the
horizon were observed. Almost all the houses were damaged in the epicentral zone,
1977 1 31 14 26 40.08 70.87 20 15.5 6.3 7-8 many houses made of “guwalyak” broke down completely. Cracks with a width up to
1 m appeared on the ground.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Annex 3.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Kara-Kuldja district, Two landslides of size 1500000 and 2000000 м3 respectively originated. 8 houses and sheepyard were crushed; shepherd and flock
20 March, 1988 Altynkrok village of sheep were killed.
Alay, Kara-Kuldja and Uzgen
21 April, 1979 districts After continuous drizzling rain 263 landslides occurred during 4 days.
Suzak district, Landslide ‘Oloke-Kolot’ of size 5000000 м3 dammed the river Kugart. There was no damage.
22 May, 1973 Oloke-Kolot village
Suzak district, Landslide ‘Kaldarbay” of size 2500000 м3 extended on a distance in 1 km. One man was killed.
23 September, 1973 Kaldarbay village
Landslide “Sary-Bulak” (Kok-Jangak) of size 4500000 м3 extended along a valley of streamlet on a distance of 4.5 km. 180 houses
24 November,1976 Kok-Jangak city were crushed; 2 men were killed.
Landslide “Tectonic” of size 500000 м3 dammed the river; the road and city’s communication were crushed.
25 29. 02.1988 Mailisuu city
Osh province,
26 February, 988 Tokubay village Size makes 1500000 м3. There were considerable human toll and material losses.
Maylisuu city,
27 17.03.1969 Sennoy side street Size makes 500000 м3. 44 houses were crushed.
Bazar-Korgon district, Size makes 6000000 м3. Length of the landslide body makes 4.5 km. There were considerable
28 April, 1969 Beshbadam village human toll and material losses.
Issyk-Kul district, Landslide of size more then 7000000 м3 was induced by 1911 year M=8.3 Kemin earthquake.
29 1911 Ananevo village
30 1885 Sokuluk district, Belogorka village Landslide of size more then 10000000 м3 was induced by 1885 year M=6.9 Belovodsk earthquake.
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Annex 4
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Digital stations of the Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic (KRNET)
j°N l°E from till
1. Bishkek FRU 42,833 74,617 830 11.2007 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
2. Erkisay EKS 42,669 73,785 1180 11.2007 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
3. Naryn NRN 41,422 75,970 2120 06.2008 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
4. Ananievo ANVS 42,786 77,667 1860 11.2007 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
5. Aral ARLS 41,854 74,329 1540 07.2008 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
6. Osh OHH 40,524 72,785 700 03.2008 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
7. Arkit ARK 41,800 71,967 1420 03.2008 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
8. Salom-Alik SALK 40,883 73,821 1672 03.2008 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
9. Batken BTK 40,057 70,818 980 07.2009 - CMG-3ESP + DM24
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
Annex 5
Classification of damages:
The Atlas of earthquakes in Kyrgyzstan
What support is provided by the European Commission? International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Starting from year 1992 the European Commission Humanitarian Aid
The secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Department (ECHO) provided financial support to millions of those
provides coordination in
suffered from natural calamities and man caused catastrophes beyond
the UN system for development of communities resistant to natural
the bounds of the European Union. The assistance was directed to the
calamities, by means of rendering assistance in instruction on the
most vulnerable population, independently of race, ethnic group,
important function of decreasing of natural disasters as an inalienable
religion, gender, age, nationality and political views.
part of sustainable development. The aim of this program as an integral
Increase of awareness among population is a part of mission of the
part of stable development is to decrease human, social, economical and
ecological losses, which are the results of natural anthropogenic and
ecological disasters. For this purpose, the ISDR UN promotes to the
Cooperation with partners in field conditions.
development of contacts, collaboration and coordination in taking
To provide humanitarian aid the ECHO cooperates with more than 200
measures to decrease natural disasters in social-economic and
acting partners, including subdivisions of the UN, Red Cross and
humanitarian spheres and in the sphere of development.
Crescent society, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
ISDR UNO functions as the international platform for decreasing the
risk, promoting to development of complex strategies, exchange of
The basic donor
information, planning instructive activities, publishing of articles,
The European Commission is one of the largest sources of provision
journals and other propaganda materials aimed to decreasing of natural
humanitarian aid around the world. In 2008 this organization allocated
937 million Euro for humanitarian programs. This figure does not
The head office of the ISDR in Geneva provides instructive programs
include, the support, provided separately by 27 the EU member-
via its regional departments in Latin America, Africa and Central Asia.
countries. The aid of the European Commission was directed to
The Central Asian instructive office is located in Dushanbe
realization of projects in more than 70 countries. The given funds were
(Tadzhikistan). The aim of the Central Asian department of the ISDR UN
earmarked for humanitarian aid provided as food, clothes, shelters,
is to render assistance in adaptation and acceptance of the leading
medicines, drinking water, urgent repairing work and mine clearing. The
principles of the Chiog Program of Activites (CPA) in the corresponding
European Commission also finances activities for preparation and
countries and to enhance coordination both on the regional and national
alleviation of negative circumstances in regions, subjected to risk of
natural calamities.