The Gbbbo: The Great Brindlewood Bay Bake-Off
The Gbbbo: The Great Brindlewood Bay Bake-Off
The Gbbbo: The Great Brindlewood Bay Bake-Off
What do you see in Timothy’s trailer that suggests he is a For a short time, the people of Brindlewood Bay are seen
deeply lonely person? wearing featureless wooden masks.
The shadow of something unnatural crawling atop the
The judges’ tent baking tent.
The judges’ tent is normally decorated to look like a quaint A tray of gingerbread men engaging in obscene acts.
cottage somewhere in the English countryside, but has been A food canister that smells of urine, semen, and sweat.
given an “American” flair for this special episode. What sort
of “American” gewgaws do you see?
A baking sheet sprinkled with rat poison.
A text message of someone professing their love.
A cookbook authored by Jane Leaf and Paul Riviera, but
with one of Paul’s recipes torn out.
An unreasonable contractual demand.
A missing chef’s knife.
A pile of receipts suggesting extravagant expenditures.
A shattered Britty award.
A dangerously-frayed electrical cord.
A heated argument about British politics.