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AP Chem Syllabus 2021-2022

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AP Chemistry // Flower Mound High School AP Chemistry // Flower Mound High School

AP Chemistry Topics *order is subject to change

Instructor: Mr. Brian Dalak/ Mrs. Alexa Jones 1. Review from Honors Nomenclature and Stoichiometry (Ch. 1-4)
Room: 2575/ 2555 2. Kinetics (Ch. 15)
E-mail: dalakbm@lisd.net/ jonesal@lisd.net 3. Atoms and Electron Structure (Ch. 8)
Conference Period: 4/ 2 4. Periodic Proprieties (Ch. 9)
5. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry (Ch. 10-11)
Course Description: The AP Chemistry class is designed for students who enjoy chemistry, have demonstrated competence 6. Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids (Ch. 12-13)
in a first-year chemistry class, and are willing to tackle the challenges that are certain to be given them in this course. This is a 7. Gases (Ch. 6)
college-level chemistry course. Both the science oriented and the non-science oriented student will increase his/her skills while 8. Reactions (Ch. 5, 14)
preparing for college work or for advanced placement credit in college. Although many of the topics covered will have been 9. Equilibrium (Ch. 16)
introduced in Chemistry I, they will be covered in greater depth and with greater emphasis on quantitative analysis and results. 10. Acid and Base Equilibria (Ch. 17)
AP Chemistry is a course designed much like a college freshman chemistry course. A college textbook, college level 11. Aqueous Equilibria (Ch. 18)
laboratories, and challenging exams that require a thorough understanding of concepts will be used. 12. Thermodynamics (Ch. 7, 19)
13. Electrochemistry (Ch. 20)
Textbook: The students will have an online textbook that they will need to register at Pearsonschool.com/access the 14. Review
student code was given in the summer assignment. Also, a link to the textbook can be found on the course Canvas page. Online
Edition of Nivaldo J. Tro. 5th Edition Chemistry: A Molecular Approach *AP edition. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall

The benefits of taking an AP course: It has been statistically proven that students who take AP courses in high school or Assessment:
more successful in college than those who do not. It has also been shown that these same students are 60% Unit Tests
• Better prepared academically for college 30% Labs and Quizzes
• More likely to specialize in majors with tougher grading standards 10% Daily work and homework assignments
• More likely to complete college course work
• More likely to take subjects in their AP subject areas Homework Homework will be through their online textbook. A computer and online access are required for the
• Likely to perform significantly better over 4 years of college course work course. Please contact me immediately if this is not available and another arrangement can be made.
• More likely to be superior in terms of leadership
• More likely to make significant accomplishments in college Quizzes Often quizzes are announced, but they may be unannounced as well. Quizzes may cover homework that has
• Twice as likely to do graduate level study not yet been collected since it is expected that students are working on homework nightly.

THE AP EXAM Tests: There will be 3 to 4 tests per nine weeks. These tests are timed and comprehensive covering lecture, homework,
and material from the book. Cells phones will be put at the front of the class during test and no technology may be on your
The AP Exam:
The Advanced Placement Chemistry exam will be offered on May 2nd. Successful completion (A score of 4 or 5, and person during testing.
sometimes a 3) on the exam will garner about eight hours of credit at most universities. This represents a full year’s college
credit for freshman chemistry. Many colleges also award lab credit. The exam is extremely difficult and a 55% correct score
will receive what is often considered to be a passing score, or a “3”. However, a student who works hard all year long, and Late Work/ Make-Up Work/ Retesting
studies for the exam independently outside of class has a strong likelihood of getting a high score on the exam. Most students
in this course in the past have received passing scores, 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s. The exam is not required for each AP student, but is Late homework assignments will not be accepted. Finding out what you have missed when you have been absent is your
highly encouraged. The cost of the exam is generally around $90, but the state usually subsidizes a substantial portion of this responsibility. You should look on the assignment board, online calendar, agenda, and/or ask a fellow student what happened
cost, and many grants are also available for those who qualify. Students do not have to decide whether or not they want to take while you were away. If homework was turned in while you were away (but was assigned while you were present), it is due
the exam until second semester. immediately upon the first day of your return to class. You will have five days in which to make up missed labs, quizzes, or
It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that students sign up for the independent studies course for the last nine tests. Failure to make up missed work or show your teacher your homework will result in a zero given for that assignment.
weeks and/or attend weekly review sessions between the completion of the course in March and the exam date in May!
Indeed, it has been my experience that students who do very well in the class but then do not look at their Chemistry until May
do not do very well on the exam. Re-test Policy: If a student chooses to retest, he/she must show the teacher completion of all homework assignments for that
In order to be reenrolled in independent study a student MUST have registered and paid for the AP Chemistry unit. The same test will not be given for the re-take. Any grade over a 70 will receive a 70. Any grade less than 70 will
Test. Students who are not taking the AP Chemistry exam CANNOT be in independent study. receive the grade earned. Extra credit points earned on the first exam will not be applied to the retest.

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AP Chemistry // Flower Mound High School

You will work with assigned partners for labs. Partners will change periodically. You will be responsible for
keeping your lab area clean. Do not go into the lab area unless instructed to do so.

Lab apparel
On lab days, you need to wear closed-toe shoes, no long sleeves, and long hair pulled back. You are also
required to wear goggles and a lab apron while performing labs.

Lab performance
Experiments are a vital part of this course. All students must act safely and efficiently while performing an
experiment. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Any violations of lab procedures will result in removal form the lab and a zero.

Supplies Due August 18th

Communal Use (turn into your teacher):

• 2 rolls of paper towels
• Clorox Wipes

Personal Use (keep with you):

• Scientific or graphing calculator
• Blue/black pen
• Pencil
• Spiral, notebook, computer, or tablet.

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