NARS Computer Science
NARS Computer Science
NARS Computer Science
October 2010
1st Edition
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Table of Contents
Subject Page
Preface 3
Acknowledgements 4
Methodology 5
Computing and Information 6
1. Introduction to Computing and Information 6
2. The study of Computing and Information 7
3. Computing and Information Programs 9
4. Career paths 13
5. Computing and Information discipline characteristics 14
6. National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Computing 17
and Information Disciplines
7. Curricula contents for computing and Information disciplines
National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Computing and 21
1. Information Systems. 22
2. Computer Science. 27
3. Scientific Computing. 31
4. Operations Research and Decision Support. 35
5. Computer Systems. 38
6. Information Technology. 42
7. Networks technology 47
Glossary 51
References 53
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Based on the Presidential Decree number (82) for the year 2006, the National
Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) was
founded to enhance the quality of education in Egypt.
The natural resources are no longer the backbone for development and prosperity;
instead knowledge economy has become the main base for inducing tremendous
and progressive breakthroughs in the resources of nations. In this regard,
knowledge economy requires high quality education based on well defined
reference standards.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
The National Authority for Quality Assurance in Education, (NAQAAE) would like to
thank all the stakeholders involved in this work. The stakeholders included are
representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education, National Syndicates, the
Academic university staff members and the Private Sector. All of them were
committed to make this work possible through their knowledge and experience.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
NAQAAE has invited a group of education experts, in different academic
disciplines, from state, private and Al-Azhar Universities to develop a general
framework of the guide for the national academic reference standards (NARS) in
the different sectors of higher education. The steps proceeded as follows:
1. Brain Storming
The authority held several workshops for expert groups to discuss the general
framework and elements/contents of the NARS guide and Standardization of
concepts and terms used in the NARS within a definite time table.
2. Reviewing of the International Academic Standard
Experts groups have reviewed the academic standards of some World
accreditation institutions and standard applied in the corresponding faculties at
universities from different countries in the world to have access to the global
level, taking into account the need to preserve the Egyptian identity.
3. Reviewing the Available Academic Standards in Egypt
The working groups have reviewed the academic standards which have been
developed by the sectors of the Supreme Council of Universities - Ministry of
Higher Education and Scientific Research. In accordance with the required
amendments to NAQAAE, groups developed the guidelines to meet the needs
of higher education institutions.
4. Reviewing by Technical Committee
5. Stakeholders Approval
After the completion of the draft of national academic reference standards, it
was presented to representatives from stakeholders, faculty members from
different universities and Al-Azhar institutions and representatives from the
Ministry of Higher Education and the State for Scientific Research, to take
appropriate action.
6. Dissemination
The Authority posted academic standards on its website (, to
receive feedback from students, faculty members and stakeholders.
7. Endorsement of Standards
The draft was revised according to the feedback received and introduced to
NAQAAE’s Board for approval.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Computing and Information Specialists are more in demand today than ever
before. In fact, more and more fields, from the arts and humanities to music,
medicine, linguistics and communication, architecture, and the natural sciences
rely on computing to advance their inventions and powers of discovery. And where
we are today is just the beginning!.
The information is that what computer systems can provide to aid a company, non-
profit or governmental organization in defining and achieving its goals. Information
system is concerned with the processes that an enterprise can implement and
improve using information technology. IS professionals must understand both
technical and organizational factors, and must be able to help an organization
determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can
provide a foundation for superior organizational performance. They serve as a
bridge between the technical and management communities within an
The computing and information discipline is important for the community because:
1. In the 21st century, computing and information is part of everything we do.
2. Skills in computing and information enables the graduates to solve complex,
challenging problems.
3. Computing and Information drives innovation in the sciences and also in
engineering, business, entertainment and education.
4. Computing and Information offers many types of profitable careers.
5. Computing and Information jobs are among the highest paid and have the
highest job satisfaction.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
6. Computing and Information jobs are here to stay, regardless of where
graduates are located. Statistics say: future opportunities in computing and
Information are without boundaries
7. Computing and Information is one of those fields where it is almost impossible
to predict what will happen next. This is why we cannot even begin to imagine
all the ways that student can make a contribution to it and it can make his life's
work exciting and real.
8. Expertise in computing and Information helps student even if students primary
career choice is something else.
9. Having a computing and Information major will provide student with a
foundation of knowledge, problem solving and logical thinking that will serve as
a competitive advantage to him in his career, in whatever field he chooses.
10. Computing and Information offers great opportunities for true creativity and
11. Creating high-quality computing solutions is a highly creative activity, and
computing supports creative work in many other fields. The best solutions in
computing exhibit high levels of elegance and beauty.
12. Computing and Information has a space for both collaborative work and
individual effort.
13. Computing and Information is an essential part of well-rounded academic
14. An increasing number of universities and employers see successful completion
of a computing and Information course as a sign of academic well-
The reasons for studying computing and information are as diverse as its domains
of application. Some students are attracted by the depth and intellectual richness
of the theory, others by the possibility of engineering large and complex systems;
many study computing and Information because it gives them the opportunity to
use a creative and dynamic technology. Besides being everywhere and diversely
applied, computing and Information promotes innovation and creativity assisted by
rapid technological change; it requires a disciplined approach to problem solving
that brings with it an expectation of high quality; it approaches design and
development through selection from a wide range of alternative possibilities
justified by carefully crafted arguments based on insight; it controls complexity first
through abstraction and simplification, and then by the integration of components.
Above all, it is a product of human ingenuity, and provides major intellectual
challenges; yet this limits neither the scope of computing and Information nor the
complexity of the application domains addressed.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
A traditional description of computing and Information presents a spectrum of
activity ranging from theory at one end to practice at the other. It also describes
aspects ranging from hardware through to software and from the study of
computers and computation through to applications-oriented studies. The following
headings give a high-level characterization of the whole area of computing and
Computer architecture and construction
Processor architecture
Device-level issues and fabrication technology
Peripherals and attachments.
Computer networks, distributed systems, technologies
Programming languages
Software tools and packages
Computer applications
Structuring of data and information
Operating systems: the control of computers, resources and interactions
Mathematics and Algorithms design and analysis
Formal methods and description techniques
Modeling and frameworks
Analysis, prediction and generalization
Human behavior and performance
Problem identification and analysis
Design, development, testing and evaluation
Management and organization
Professionalism and ethics
Commercial and industrial exploitation
It is difficult to define computing and information with any degree of precision given
the dynamic change that is happening within it. Certain areas within the field such
as Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Software
Engineering, Multi-media, and Networks form familiar domains of activity which are
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
represented strongly within computing and information. The overall field is wide
ranging and it is important that those working in unusual and innovative areas
recognize that they also reside within the field of computing and information.
Faculties and Institutions will produce aims and objectives that characterize their
programs and indicate that their curricula are at degree level. Degree programs in
computing and information can take various forms, each of which could prepare
their students for different but valid careers.
At one extreme a degree program might provide opportunities for its students to
attend modules on a wide range of topics spanning the entire area of computing
and information. Graduates from such courses would have great flexibility, and
might be of especial value either in emerging areas where specialist courses may
not be established or in contexts where their ability to span the field would be
At another extreme there can be programs that take one very specific aspect of
computing and information and cover it in great depth. The graduates from such
programs will typically tend to seek opportunities in the specialist area which they
studied, whether it be the development of multimedia systems, network design, the
formal verification for safety-critical systems, electronic commerce or whatever
other specialties emerge and become important. Program designers, students and
stakeholders will need to be aware of this spectrum of program identity, and the
balance of practice and theory are appropriate to the aims of the particular degree
program, such that practical activity can be supported by an understanding of
underlying principles.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Computing and
Information Degree
The common computing and information subprograms are listed in the following:
1. Computer Engineering
Typically involves software and hardware and the development of systems that
involve software, hardware, and communications.
2. Computer Science
Tends to be relatively broad and with an emphasis on the underlying science
3. Information Systems
Essentially, this is computing and information in an organizational context,
typically in businesses.
4. Information Technology
Focuses on computing infrastructure and needs of individual users; tends to
involve a study of systems (perhaps just software systems, but perhaps also
systems in support of learning, of information dissemination, etc.).
5. Software Engineering
Focuses on large-scale software systems; employs certain ideas from the world of
engineering in building reliable software systems.
6. Mixed Disciplinary Majors
Because computing and information is such an important and dynamic field, many
interdisciplinary majors, some are very recent developments, exist at some
faculties. Here are just a few examples of these opportunities.
a. Scientific Computing. Scientific Computing (SC) is the focal point of
computational science activities at the sector of computing. Computational
science involves the invention, implementation, testing, and application of
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
algorithms and software used to solve large-scale scientific and engineering
Scientific computing is now widely accepted, along with theory and
experiment, as a crucial third mode of scientific investigation and engineering
design. Aerospace, automotive, biological, chemical, semiconductor, and other
industrial sectors now rely on simulation for technical decision support. For
government agencies also, scientific computing has become an essential
support for decisions on resources, transportation, and defense. Finally, in
many new areas such as medicine, the life sciences, management and
marketing, and finance, techniques and algorithms from computational science
are of growing importance.
The field of scientific computing combines simulation, visualization,
mathematical modeling, programming, data structures, networking, database
design, symbolic computation, and high performance computing with various
scientific programs. Hence, scientific computing may be defined as a broad
multidisciplinary area that encompasses applications in science/engineering,
numerical analysis, and computer science. Computer models and computer
simulations have become an important part of the research repertoire,
supplementing (and in some cases replacing) experimentation. Going from
application area to computational results requires domain expertise,
mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithm development, software
implementation, program execution, analysis, validation and visualization of
results. Scientific computing involves all of this. Although it includes elements
from computer science, engineering and science, scientific computing focuses
on the integration of knowledge and methodologies from all of these programs,
and as such is a subject which is (in some sense) distinct from any of them.
b. Operation Research and Decision Support. Operations Research (OR) and
Decision Support (DS) emphasize optimizing organizational and system
performance using advanced analytical methods to help make better
decisions. Operations Research is used in many different industry segments—
from health care to logistics to financial services. It is also applied in different
business functions from finance to manufacturing and marketing. It helps solve
diverse business problems such as identifying best product placements in
retail establishments to ensuring appropriate inventory levels in spare parts
manufacturing. Technology, computing, and information science all leverage
OR’s historical and current intellectual thought to enhance practical
application. Operations Research employs high-performance computing
capabilities to achieve its objectives.
This program aims to produce a graduate capable of analyzing and developing
models and supporting complex decisions in different systems and operations
at all managerial levels. The program graduates should be able to play an
effective role when it comes to decision formulation in the corporate as well as
the wider societal setting, identify the salient parameters that are necessary for
decision making, and utilizing information and techniques from diverse fields.
The program aims to produce a problem solver with a sufficient grasp of the
fundamental techniques and approaches to decision support and a broad
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
intellectual outlook that would enable him/her to effectively contribute in a wide
variety of settings.
c. Bioinformatics combines elements from at least biology, biochemistry, and
computer science, and prepares students for careers in the biotechnology and
pharmaceutical industries, or for graduate school in informatics. Some
programs may also include elements from information systems, chemistry,
mathematics, and statistics. In the newer interdisciplinary areas, different
faculties use different names for the same subject. For example, one faculty'
“bioinformatics” may be another faculty “computational biology.”
d. Computational Science (or Scientific Computing) means science done
computationally, and serves as a bridge between computing technology and
basic sciences. It blends several fields including computer science, applied
mathematics, and one or more application sciences (such as physics,
chemistry, biology, engineering, earth sciences, business and others). Some
programs also include information systems.
e. Computer Science and Mathematics combines computer science with
mathematics of course. Some of these programs are found at faculties that do
not have a full major in computer science; some are found at universities with
very large computer science departments.
f. Gaming and Animation. Majors for students interested in creating computer
games and computer animations are being developed at a number of faculties.
These majors have various flavors and may combine either or both of
computer science and information technology work with either or both of art
and (digital) media studies.
g. Medical (or health) Informatics programs are for students interested in
students who want to work in a medical environment. Some students will work
as technology experts for hospitals; some in public health; some students may
be premed or pre-dental. Coursework may be drawn from any or all of
computer science, information systems, or information technology in
combination with biology, chemistry, and courses unique to this
interdisciplinary field.
h. Computer Systems. Computer systems program is concerned with the
design and construction of computers and computer-based systems. It
involves the study of hardware, software, communications, and the interaction
among them. Its curriculum focuses on the theories, principles, and practices
of traditional electrical engineering and mathematics and applies them to the
problems of designing computers and computer-based devices.
Computer systems students study the design of digital hardware systems
including communications systems, computers, and devices that contain
computers, software development, focusing on software for digital devices and
their interfaces with users and other devices. Computer System study may
emphasize hardware more than software or there may be a balanced
Computer System has a strong engineering flavor, and currently, a dominant
area within computing engineering systems is embedded systems, the
development of devices that have software and hardware embedded in them.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
This program is very similar in every aspect with the computer engineering
program presented before.
i. Network Technology: Networks technology is the knowledge of the
technologies involved in network management and operating, network &
information security, embedded networks systems, and internet and web
technology, gained by study, experience and practice, applied with judgment to
develop ways to utilize, ethically and economically, the advances in modern
technology and communication for the benefit of mankind. It is the ability to
initiate and conduct activity associated with networking processes, systems,
problems, opportunities, future, impacts, ethics and consequences. It involves
knowledge, ways of thinking and acting, and theoretical and practical
networking skills. It helps preparing individuals to make well-informed choices
in their means of communication as consumers, workers, citizens and
members of the global community.
4- Career Paths
Let us consider what is involved in a career path in each area.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Career Path 4: Planning and Managing Organizational Technology
Infrastructure. This is the type of work for which the new information
technology (IT) programs explicitly aim to educate students.
Career Path 5: Applications. This is the type of work in organizations for which
the new programs such as: operations research, scientific computing,
bioinformatics, medical applications, networking and gaming and animation,
explicitly aim to educate students.
Career path 1 is suitable for graduates from CE and computer systems programs.
Career paths 2 and 3 are undeniably in the domain of computer science and
software engineering graduates. Career paths 1 and 4 have spawned the new
majors in software engineering and information technology, respectively, and
information systems graduates often follow Career path 1, too. Computer scientists
continue to fill these positions, but programs in software engineering, information
technology, and information systems offer alternative paths to these careers.
Computing and Information is a highly diverse subject with aspects that overlap
with areas of interest to a number of adjacent subjects. Examples of such areas
are: engineering, especially parts of electrical and electronic engineering;
communications engineering, physics, with concern for multimedia and device-
level development of computing components; mathematics (logic and theoretical
models of computation); business (information services, systems management,
project management); philosophy and psychology (human computer interaction
and aspects of artificial intelligence); physiology (neural networks); linguistics; and
signal processing. Faculties and Institutions will produce aims and objectives that
characterize their programs and indicate that their curricula are at degree level. As
the field of Computing and Information develops it can be expected that other
areas of overlap will emerge.
A degree program, or a program component in the case of a mixed degree, will
count as lying within the area of computing and information if the existence of
computers and associated technology is seen as a central driving force in its
motivation. The mere fact that computers are deployed to solve problems in a
certain area does not of itself make that area fall within the field of computing and
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
information. It is expected that degree programs in computing and information have
some concern with the nature of computation, with effective ways to exploit
computation, and with the practical limitations of computation in application terms.
There will often be a pervading concern with analysis and design, with problem
solving, with the nature of information and its processing, and with the wide range
of levels of abstraction from which computation can be viewed.
Degree programs in computing and information can take various forms, each of
which could prepare their students for different but valid careers. At one extreme a
degree program might provide opportunities for its students to attend modules on a
wide range of topics spanning the entire area of computing and information.
Graduates from such courses would have great flexibility, and might be of especial
value either in emerging areas where specialist courses may not be established or
in contexts where their ability to span the field would be useful. At another extreme
there can be programs that take one very specific aspect of computing and
information and cover it in great depth. The graduates from such programs will
typically tend to seek opportunities in the specialist area which they studied,
whether it be the development of multimedia systems, network design, the formal
verification for safety-critical systems, electronic commerce or whatever other
specialties emerge and become important.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
d) Skills that are required to design and implement larger structural units that
utilize algorithms and data structures and the interfaces through which these
units communicate;
e) Software engineering principles and technologies to ensure that software
implementations are robust, reliable, and appropriate for their intended
3) Understanding of the possibilities and limitations of what computer technology
(software, hardware, and networking) can and cannot do. There are three
a) An understanding of what current technologies can and cannot accomplish;
b) An understanding of computing and information limitations, including the
difference between what computing and information and Information is
inherently incapable of doing vs. what may be accomplished via future
science and technology;
c) The impact on individuals, organizations, and society of deploying
technological solutions and interventions.
4) Understanding of the concept of the lifecycle, including the significance of its
phases (planning, development, deployment, and evolution), the implications
for the development of all aspects of computer-related systems (including
software, hardware, and human computer interface), and the relationship
between quality and lifecycle management.
5) Understanding of the essential concept of process, in at least two meanings of
the term:
a) Process as it relates to computing and information especially program
execution and system operation;
b) Process as it relates to professional activity especially the relationship
between product quality and the deployment of appropriate human
processes during product development.
6) Study of advanced computing and information topics that permit students to visit
and understand the frontiers of the discipline. This is typically accomplished
through inclusion of learning experiences that lead students from elementary
topics to advanced topics or themes that pervade cutting-edge developments.
7) The identification and acquisition of skill sets that go beyond technical skills.
Such skill sets include interpersonal communication skills, team skills, and
management skills as appropriate to the discipline. To have value, learning
experiences must build such skills (not just convey that they are important) and
teach skills that are transferable to new situations.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
8) Exposure to an appropriate range of applications and case studies that connect
theory and skills learned in academia to real-world occurrences to explicate
their relevance and utility.
9) Attention to professional, legal, and ethical issues so that students acquire,
develop, and demonstrate attitudes and priorities that honor, protect, and
enhance the profession’s ethical stature and standing.
10) Demonstration that each student has integrated the various elements of the
undergraduate experience by undertaking, completing, and presenting a
capstone project.
The graduates of the computing and Information programs should be able to:
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
6.2 National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Computing and
Information Programs.
Graduates are expected to develop a wide range of abilities and skills. These may
be divided into four broad categories:
The graduates of the computing and information programs should acquire the
knowledge and understanding of:
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
11. Requirements, practical constraints and computer-based systems
2- Intellectual Skills
The graduates of the computing and Information programs should be able to:
3- Professional / Practical
The graduates of the computing and information programs should be able to:
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
4- Transferable skills
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
1.1 Introduction
Information systems focus on integrating information technology solutions and
business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other
enterprises, enabling them to achieve their objectives in an effective, efficient way.
This discipline’s perspective on information technology emphasizes information,
and views technology as an instrument for generating, processing, and distributing
Science Information
Computer Technology
Software Applications Organizationa
The Information Systems program is designed to provide the student with the
foundations of the discipline as well as the opportunity for specialization. After
successfully completing the Information systems program, the graduate should be
able to:
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
1. Recognize problems that are amenable to computer information systems, and
knowledge of the tools necessary for solving such problems.
2. Understand fundamentals of systems development life cycle (SDLC),
information networks, information security, data mining, e-commerce,
geographical information systems, and crisis management.
3. Managing and exploiting organizational data and information; designing data
and information models, Managing information systems development resources
and projects
4. Implement solutions, including use of appropriate programming languages,
web-based systems and tools, design methodologies, and database systems.
5. Apply the principles of effective information management, information
organization, information mining, and information-retrieval skills to information of
various kinds, including text, images, sound, and video.
6. Know the fundamentals of intelligent information systems technologies.
7. Specify, design, and implement computer-based information systems, and
evaluate them in terms of general quality attributes and possible tradeoffs
presented within the given problem.
8. Apply IS solutions to functional, inter-organizational, operational, managerial,
and executive problems and opportunities.
9. Describe characteristics of various components of information systems, use the
appropriate tools and techniques to analyze, design, and construct information
10. Communicate effectively by oral, written and visual means.
11. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
12. Perform independent and efficient time management.
13. Aware of key ethical issues affecting information systems and their
responsibilities as information science professionals.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
1. Use appropriate programming languages, web-based systems and tools,
design methodologies, and database systems.
2. Use quantitative analysis techniques appropriately.
3. Justify technological, methodological and management choices for an
information system project for a given organization.
4. Plan and manage an information systems project from inception to final
implementation and cut-over.
5. Produce acceptable reports and technical and user system documentation.
6. Perform information acquisition and management, using the scientific
literature and Web sources.
7. Apply the principles of effective information acquisition, information
management, organization, and information-retrieval to text, images, sound,
and video.
8. Apply the principles of human-computer interaction to the evaluation and
construction of a wide range of materials including user interfaces, web
pages, and multimedia systems.
9. Using tools to automate IS development phases.
10. Analyze and documenting the feasibility of various options and comparing
solution options.
11. Maintaining existing information systems
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
2.1 Introduction
Computer science spans a wide range, from its theoretical and algorithmic
foundations to World Wide Web and its applications, computer vision, intelligent
systems, bioinformatics, high performance computing, distributed systems, Object-
oriented programming, grid and cloud computing and other exciting areas.
Now CS researchers are working with scientists from other fields to make robots
become practical and intelligent aides, to use databases to create new knowledge,
and to use computers to help decipher the secrets of our DNA. They develop
effective ways to solve computing problems. For example, computer scientists
develop the best possible ways to store information in databases, send data over
networks, and display complex images. Their theoretical background allows them
to determine the best performance possible, and their study of algorithms helps
them to develop new approaches that provide better performance.
Science Information
Computer Technology
Systems or
Applications Organization
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
2.2 The Attributes of Computer Science Graduate
The Computer Science program is designed to provide the student with the
foundations of the discipline as well as the opportunity for specialization. After
successfully completing the Computer Science program, the graduate should be
able to:
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
2.4.3 Professional and Practical Skills
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
3.1 Introduction
Scientific computing is now widely accepted, along with theory and experiment, as
a crucial third mode of scientific investigation and engineering design. Aerospace,
automotive, biological, chemical, semiconductor, and other industrial sectors now
rely on simulation for technical decision support. For government agencies also,
scientific computing has become an essential support for decisions on resources,
transportation, and defense. Finally, in many new areas such as medicine, the life
sciences, management and marketing, and finance, techniques and algorithms
from computational science are of growing importance.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Science & Computer
Engineering Science
After successfully completing the scientific computing and information program, the
graduate should be able to :
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
4.1 Introduction
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
1. Exhibit the fundamental models of operational research and their
computational methods.
2. Develop the algorithmic techniques for the combinatorial optimization
3. Practice the most important algorithmic techniques and its mathematical
theory to implement both linear and non-linear optimization algorithms.
4. Demonstrate strong skills in the mathematical foundation of the decision-
making methods.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical foundation of intelligent systems.
6. Understanding the Mathematical foundation of the analytical and methods
used in artificial intelligence tools.
7. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge about the methods of production control
of computer or industrial systems.
8. Deal with the different stochastic programming models and their solution
9. Exhibit the fundamentals of system approach and system thinking.
10. Exhibit the fundamentals of decision support based on computer
11. Deeping the analysis skills to reach concrete alternatives.
12. Report the results of analysis.
13. Continue on viewing and using new ideas in future problems.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
7. Understand the key concepts of Game Theory, Decision Theory and
Queuing Theory and the role of Operations Research (OR).
8. Merging both models and optimization approaches with Neural
Computation, Evolutionary Computation,…etc to enhance the solution
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
5.1 Introduction
Computer systems students study the design of digital hardware systems including
communications systems, computers, and devices that contain computers,
software development, focusing on software for digital devices and their interfaces
with users and other devices. Computer System study may emphasize hardware
more than software or there may be a balanced emphasis.
Computer System has a strong engineering flavor, and currently, a dominant area
within computing engineering systems is embedded systems, the development of
devices that have software and hardware embedded in them.
Science Information
Computer Technology
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
5.2 4.2 The Attributes of The Computer Systems Graduates
After successfully completing the Computer Systems program, the graduate should
be able to :
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
2. Perform independent information acquisition and management, using the
scientific literature and Web sources.
3. Prepare and present seminars to a professional standard.
4. Communicate effectively by oral, written and visual means.
5. Prepare technical reports, and a dissertation, to a professional standard.
6. Use IT skills and display mature computer literacy.
7. Specify, design, and implement IT and computer-based systems.
8. Evaluate systems in terms of general quality attributes and possible
tradeoffs presented within the given problem.
9. Apply the principles of human-computer interaction to the evaluation and
construction of a wide range of materials including user interfaces, web
pages, and multimedia systems.
10. Identify any risks or safety aspects that may be involved in the operation of
computing equipment within a given context.
11. Deploy effectively the tools used for the construction and documentation of
software, with particular emphasis on understanding the whole process
involved in using computers to solve practical problems.
12. Prepare technical reports, and a dissertation, to a professional standard.
13. Use appropriate computer-based design support tools.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
6.1 Introduction
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
IT programs aim to provide IT graduates with the skills and knowledge to take on
appropriate professional positions in Information Technology upon graduation and
grow into leadership positions or pursue research or graduate studies in the field.
Science Information
Computer Technology
According to the ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society – for four-year programs in
Information Technology, Computing Curricula, Information Technology Volume,
Version: Aug 22, 2008, an IT graduate must therefore acquire a skill set that
enables him or her to successfully perform integrative tasks, including the ability
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
10. Use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core
information technologies subjects.
11. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the
selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based
12. Address information technologies problems of organizations or individuals.
13. Effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment
14. Understand the best practices and standards and their application
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Upon completion of the Network Technology program, the graduate student should
be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, probablities, electornics and logic design.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
2. Analyze a problem; write a program using the fundamental concepts of
programming; with the ability to document a program and the ability to select
a particular computer language for a programming application.
3. Gain comprehensive knowledge of computer architectures, operating
systems, information retrieval and database systems, decision support and
simulation systems, software development and documentation.
4. Analyze and apply the concepts and techniques of signals processing and
pattern recognition with applications in speech and image processing.
5. Know the technology required to build networking systems of all types.
6. Have acquired knowledge of the hardware components that make up
computer networks, along with the features and specifications of these
7. Have acquired the skills of using modern methodologies and web and
networks programming tools in planning, analyzing, designing, building and
managing computer networks.
8. Have an integrated understanding of the scientific and practical principles
underlying the major fields of networks technology, which include, networks
management and operating, network and information security, embedded
networks systems, and internet and web technology.
9. Gain a solid understanding of computer graphics and multimedia systems;
then evaluate techniques of data compression and transmission concerning
the representations of sound, image and video.
10. Get familiar with the terminology and basic principles of the Internet.
11. Effectively present ideas in a logical framework in a variety of forms with
proper language structure and mechanics.
12. Work effectively in teams in designing and implementing software systems.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
5. Understand the capabilities of design, implementation and evaluation of
networking technology and its configuration and management for
6. Select between methods of securing data and networks.
7. Methods for programming computer interfaces, graphical rendering, and
speech production.
8. A detailed knowledge of the tools and techniques involved in networking
9. Knowledge of decision making, project management, software
engineering and artificial intelligence.
10. Describe the principles of mobile and wireless networking technologies.
11. The significance of the Internet to the global economy.
12. Contribute to business management processes based on knowledge and
understanding of the commercial constraints.
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
7.4.3 Professional and Practical Skills
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
1. Institution
A University, faculty or higher institute providing education
programs leading to a first university degree or a higher degree
(Master's or Doctorate).
2. Graduate Attributes
Competencies expected from the graduate based on the
acquired knowledge and skills gained upon completion of a
particular program.
4. Academic Standards
6. The Program
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
program also imparts the intended competencies required for the
award of an academic degree.
9. Intellectual Skills
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
NARS for Computing and Information
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
Barry M. Lunt (Chair), Joseph J. Ekstrom, Sandra Gorka. Gregory Hislop, Reza
Kamali, Eydie Lawson, Richard LeBlanc, Jacob Miller, Han Reichgelt,
Version: Posting Nov 2008
9. Computing Curricula Information Technology Volume Version: Aug 22,
2008, draft
10. Core Body of Knowledge for Information Technology Professionals
Alan Underwood, FACS, PCP
Approved by Council on 20 September 1997 , The Australian Computer Society
Incorporated, PO Box 534 QVB, Sydney NSW 1230, AUSTRALIA
Journal of Information Technology Education Volume 1 No. 4, 2002, Editor:
Karen Nantz
11. Designing an Information Technology Curriculum:
The Georgia Southern University Experience, Han Reichgelt, Aimao
Zhang & Barbara Price, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
30460, U.S.A.
12. The University of Tennessee, Memphis, Writing Learning Objectives
A Teaching Resource Document from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Planning and Academic Support, Prepared by Raoul A. Arreola, Ph.D.
13. Additional reference are in the attached CD.
NARS for Computing and Information