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• factors that affect learning

• our own preferences

• variations in our learners
• Assignment 1

Focus on the Learner

You as a learner
Discuss the questions in groups and try to find someone who would be a
good ‘study buddy’ for you.

1. What’s usually your reason for learning a new language?

2. Do you prefer to take group classes or study 1-1?
3. Do you prefer your classmates to have the same L1 as you, a different one or it doesn’t matter?
4. Do you prefer the teacher to give instructions and explain grammar and vocabulary in the
language you’re learning or in your L1?
5. Do you prefer the classes to focus on grammar and writing, or speaking and listening?
6. Do you like working in pairs and groups, or do you prefer the teacher to explain things and give
you time to work through task on your own?
7. Do you like the teacher to correct you? How?
Group Work
Learner Variation
Discuss the question in groups and try to come up with a list of factors that
affect learning.

How can you account for

the difference in their

Ana Hiro
Spanish Japanese
22 47
Upper Intermediate level Elementary Level
Has been studying English for 9 months Has been studying English for 10 years Group Work
Factors affecting learning

• Age • Exposure to L2
• Personality • Learner preferences
• Previous learning (styles)
experience • Motivation
• L1
post-graduate study
work / career
development to be able to
communicate in an
integration into a language
new country Reasons for
learning English • Write your ideas in the chat
visa / immigration
to pass an exam

partner family pressure travel

Individually Read about the students. Which would you most / least like to teach, and why?

Group Work

In groups, compare your ideas. Is one student more popular than the others?
Motivation: the 4 most common descriptors are:
Listen to the 4 descriptions and match with the labels. Match the learners to the type of motivation.

3) motivation which comes from within because of the interest in

a. Intrinsic the learning process itself. The pleasure is in the process rather
than the result. Tatiana

1)motivation which comes from outside because of the perceived

b. Extrinsic satisfaction to be gained from the rewards (and / or from avoiding
punishment), e.g. good grades, incentives, promotion, money,
winning a competition and parental approval. The pleasure is in the
result not the process. Tomás

4) students want to integrate into a target community or live in

c. Integrative
the country, or they may simple identify with, and have a love of,
the target language and culture. Marco

2) students need English to get a job / promotion, pass an exam or

d. Instrumental improve their circumstances. They have a practical goal in terms
of their language learning. Daniela
• Write your ideas in the chat box
(a =, b=, c=, d=)
Learning preferences Disagree

Read the statements about ways of learning. Stand up if

you agree; remain sitting if you disagree.

• When the teacher presents new language to the class, I immediately want to see it written down.

• I like to repeat the new language several times and quietly say it to myself.

• I love taking parting in role plays where I can use new language while I pretend to be someone else.

• I like doing exercises on my own.

• I like it when the teacher helps us to work things out for ourselves.

• I like speaking without a lot of correction.

• I like listening to the teacher telling stories etc.

• I am not enjoying this activity and don’t see the point of it.
Open the link in the chat box. In groups talk about the learner preferences
and put them into 3 groups: Visual learners / auditory learners /
kinaesthetic learners.

Group Work
Learners with a visual preference:
• find pictures, mindmaps and timelines
• like noticing language in written texts
• like to see a visual record of instructions,
answers, new language etc.… Learners with an auditory preference:
• don’t really like drilling • enjoy listening tasks
• like noticing language in audio texts,
dialogues etc.
Learners with a kinaesthetic preference: • like interviewing their partners
• like team games and competitions • love drilling and pronunciation practice
• like group and pairwork
• learn by doing
• can find it difficult to sit still – need Think about the different activities we
movement have done so far: what learner
preferences have I considered?
In groups, discuss the questions about different L1 speakers.

Group Work
• Write your ideas in the
chat box

Due date:
Sat 8th May
at 2pm

tutorial on

Read the rubric and follow the instructions in order to meet the criteria. Watch
the video tutorial. Any questions, post them on the assignment forum on Moodle.
Due date:
Sat 8th
th May

at 2pm

tutorial on

Read the rubric and follow the instructions in order to meet the criteria. Watch
the video tutorial. Any questions, post them on the assignment forum on Moodle.

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