Abs - Ship Vibration - 2021
Abs - Ship Vibration - 2021
Abs - Ship Vibration - 2021
MAY 2021
The design and construction of the hull, superstructure, and deckhouse of a steel vessel are to be based on
all applicable requirements of the Marine Vessel Rules. Specifically, for the Container Carriers over 130
meters in length, the ABS Marine Vessel Rules require the consideration of vibratory responses of hull
structures, as applicable (5C-5-3/13.1). For the LNG Carriers, the ABS Marine Vessel Rules require special
attention to the possible collapse of membrane due to hull vibration (5C-8-4/13.5). For ship-type floating
production units with spread mooring, the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore
Installations require the flare tower/boom and hull natural frequencies to be separated to avoid resonance
or near resonance (3-3/9.17). In conjunction with the propulsion shaft alignment, the Marine Vessel Rules
require the consideration of propulsion shaft vibrations (4-3-2/7). For the cargo and passenger vessels,
ABS provides optional classification notations for crew habitability and passenger comfort (ABS Guide for
Passenger Comfort on Ships and Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships). Also ABS provides Condition
Monitoring Program for machinery vibration (7-A-14/5.1.2 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7)).
These Guidance Notes provide practical guidelines on the concept design to assist ship designers to avoid
excessive shipboard vibration at an early design stage. These Guidance Notes also assist with the finite
element analysis (FEA) based vibration analysis procedure to calculate the vibration response and evaluate
the design at detail design stage. The analysis procedure represents the current analysis practice in ABS.
These Guidance Notes also offer guidelines on the vibration measurement procedure at sea trials and the
acceptance criteria on vibration limits based on the international standards and the practice in ABS.
The 2018 edition provides guidance on quick local vibration analysis methods for ships.
The 2021 edition introduces a new coefficient of the Kumai formula for calculating the hull girder 2-node
vertical vibration mode natural frequency of ship-type floating production units.
These Guidance Notes become effective on the first day of the month of publication.
Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www.eagle.org to verify that this version of
these Guidance Notes is the most current. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically to
Terms of Use
The information presented herein is intended solely to assist the reader in the methodologies and/or
techniques discussed. These Guidance Notes do not and cannot replace the analysis and/or advice of a
qualified professional. It is the responsibility of the reader to perform their own assessment and obtain
professional advice. Information contained herein is considered to be pertinent at the time of publication,
but may be invalidated as a result of subsequent legislations, regulations, standards, methods, and/or more
updated information and the reader assumes full responsibility for compliance. This publication may not be
copied or redistributed in part or in whole without prior written consent from ABS.
SECTION 1 General..................................................................................................8
1 Introduction..................................................................................... 8
3 Application...................................................................................... 8
5 Scope..............................................................................................8
SECTION 3 Excitations..........................................................................................13
1 Introduction................................................................................... 13
3 Low-speed Main Diesel Engine.................................................... 13
5 Hull Wake......................................................................................15
5.1 Hull-Propeller Clearance..................................................18
7 Propeller ...................................................................................... 20
7.1 Alternating Thrust............................................................ 20
7.3 Hull Pressure Forces....................................................... 24
TABLE 1 ............................................................................................. 15
SECTION 6 Measurements....................................................................................57
1 General......................................................................................... 57
1.1 Scope...............................................................................57
1.3 Application....................................................................... 57
1.5 Terminology..................................................................... 57
3 Instrumentation ............................................................................ 58
3.1 General Requirements.....................................................58
3.3 Calibration........................................................................58
5 Measurement Conditions..............................................................59
5.1 Environment Condition.................................................... 59
5.3 Loading Condition............................................................59
5.5 Course............................................................................. 59
5.7 Speed and Engine Power................................................ 60
7 Measurement Locations............................................................... 60
7.1 Stern................................................................................ 60
7.3 Superstructure................................................................. 60
7.5 Main Engine and Thrust Bearing..................................... 60
7.7 Lateral Shaft Vibration..................................................... 61
7.9 Torsional Shaft Vibration..................................................61
7.11 Local Structures...............................................................61
7.13 Local Deck Transverse.................................................... 61
7.15 Local Machinery and Equipment..................................... 61
7.17 Shell Near Propeller.........................................................61
9 Data Processing Analysis............................................................. 62
9.1 Measured Data................................................................ 62
9.3 Performance of Measurements....................................... 62
9.5 Analysis Methods.............................................................63
APPENDIX 1 References..........................................................................................74
1 General References......................................................................74
3 Concept Design............................................................................ 74
5 FE Analysis...................................................................................75
7 Measurement................................................................................75
APPENDIX 2 Corrections.........................................................................................76
1 Corrective Investigations.............................................................. 76
3 General Approach.........................................................................77
5 Hydrodynamic Modifications ........................................................77
7 Structural Modifications ............................................................... 79
9 Case Study .................................................................................. 79
9.1 Determination of Model Constants.................................. 80
1 Introduction
With the increase of ship size and speed, shipboard vibration becomes a great concern in the design and
construction of the vessels. Excessive ship vibration is to be avoided for passenger comfort and crew
habitability. In addition to undesired effects on humans, excessive ship vibration may result in the fatigue
failure of local structural members or malfunction of machinery and equipment.
These Guidance Notes are to provide users, specifically shipyards, naval architects, and ship owners, with
practical guidance on the concept design to avoid excessive ship vibration at an early design stage. If
simple procedures are followed with insight and good judgment in the concept design stage, then the
difficult countermeasures and corrections at the subsequent design stages may be avoided in most cases.
These Guidance Notes also assist with the finite element analysis (FEA) based vibration analysis
procedure to predict the vibration response and evaluate the design in detail design stage. The vibration
analysis procedure represents the most current analysis practice in ABS. These Guidance Notes also offer
guidelines on the vibration measurement procedure during the sea trials and the acceptance criteria on
vibration limits based on international standards and practice in ABS.
i) Concept Design
ii) Vibration Analysis
iii) Measurements
iv) Acceptance Criteria
The concept design in Sections 2, 3 and 4 provides users with immediate, direct, and concise guidance in
effectively dealing with ship vibration in the concept design stage. In attempting to provide a sound and
no-nonsense guidelines, these Guidance Notes identify the most serious problem areas that have caused
difficulties to the industry, and concentrate on those areas. In the concept design, local vibration is not
addressed because detail information is not usually available in the early design stage. Instead, the concept
design is focused on those areas that have been known to be of critical importance in avoiding harmful
ship vibration.
The vibration analysis in Section 5 provides the FE-based vibration analysis procedure based on first
principles direct calculations. The FE-based vibration analysis is recommended to evaluate the design
during the detail design stage. If found necessary, the local vibration is to be addressed in the detail
vibration analysis. The analysis procedure provides guidelines on FE modeling, engine and propeller
excitation, and free and forced vibration analysis. The procedure for calculating slamming excitation can
be found in the ABS Guide for Slamming Loads and Strength Assessment for Vessels. Site-specific wave
scatter diagram should be used for slamming calculations.
For the assessment of ship vibration performance, the actual vibration levels at the most critical locations
are to be measured and evaluated during the sea trials. Section 6 provides guidelines on the vibration
measurement procedure on the instrumentation, measurement conditions and locations, data processing
and reporting. Section 7 provides acceptance criteria on the vibration limits for human comfort and
habitability, local structures and machinery based on international standards and practice in ABS.
The shaft alignment and torsional vibration are not directly addressed in this document. For the
requirements of the shaft alignment and torsional vibratory stress, refer to 4-3-2/7 of the ABS Marine
Vessel Rules. The overall procedure for ship vibration assessment recommended in these Guidance Notes is
shown in 1/5 FIGURE 1.
Overall Procedure for Ship Vibration Assessment
1 Introduction
Concept design is where the vibration avoidance process must begin. It is clear that if the vibration
problems, repeatedly identified by experience as the most important, are addressed at the earliest design
stage, ultimately serious problems, involving great cost in correction efforts, may be avoided.
The focus is on planning for vibration early at the Concept Design stage, where there has been no
development of details. If as much as possible can be done in concept design with the simple tools and
rules of thumb available at that level, it will help to avoid major vibration problems. The major potential
problems may often be present in the crude concept design definition. Just identifying and addressing those
potential problems in terms of the minimal technology available at the concept design stage is considered
very important to the success of ship design.
Sections 2 through 4 provide guidelines on the concept design. Some of these guidelines are presented in
Principles of Naval Architecture, Chapter 7 (SNAME, 1988) and the SNAME granted permission to be
included in this document.
3 Design Considerations
The four elements of importance in ship vibration are:
● Excitation,
● Stiffness,
● Frequency Ratio, and
● Damping
i) Reduce exciting force amplitude, F. In propeller-induced ship vibration, the excitation may be
reduced by changing the propeller unsteady hydrodynamics. This may involve lines or clearance
changes to reduce the non-uniformity of the wake inflow or may involve geometric changes to the
propeller itself. Specifics in this regard are addressed in Section 3.
ii) Increase stiffness, K. Stiffness is defined as spring force per unit deflection. In general, stiffness is
to be increased rather than decreased when variations in natural frequency are to be accomplished
by variations in stiffness. It is not a recommended practice to reduce system stiffness in attempts
to reduce vibration.
iii) Avoid values of frequency ratio near unity; ω/ωn = 1 is the resonant condition. At resonance, the
excitation is opposed only by damping. Note that ω/ωn can be varied by varying either excitation
frequency ω or natural frequency ωn. The spectrum of ω can be changed by changing the RPM of
a relevant rotating machinery source, or, in the case of propeller-induced vibration, by changing
the propeller RPM or its number of blades.ωn is changed by changes in system mass and/or
stiffness; increasing stiffness is the usual and preferred approach. Specific measures for resonance
avoidance in ships are addressed in Section 4.
iv) Increase damping, ζ. Damping of structural systems in general, and of ships in particular, is small;
ζ < < 1. Therefore, except very near resonance, the vibratory amplitude is approximately
● Minimize dominant vibratory excitations, within the normal constraints imposed by other design
variables, and
● Avoid resonances involving active participation of major subsystems in frequency ranges where the
dominant excitations are strongest.
Unlike vibration response, the excitation and frequency ratio elements involved in these objectives may be
predictable with useful reliability for making design judgments. For the most troublesome case of propeller
excitation, detailed hydrodynamic calculation procedures in conjunction with model testing have been
established, at least to the level of reliable relative predictions in the post-concept, preliminary design
stage. Natural frequencies involving the ship hull and its major subsystems are usually predictable using
judicious modeling and modern numerical structural analysis methods. Accuracy levels achievable in
predictions of propeller and engine excitation and of sub-system natural frequencies are generally
considered to be reliable to consistently achieve the two objectives cited above.
The detailed calculations and experiments required to avoid resonance and to minimize excitation are
usually performed by engineering analysis groups or model basins, and are usually not the immediate
responsibility of the ship designer. If addressed early enough while basic changes in a design can still be
made, excessive vibration may be avoided effectively. The main functions of the ship designer in this
regard are:
The quality of the concept design will be reflected in the number of detailed iterations, if any, that are
required for achieving an acceptable final design. For the purpose of establishing high-quality concept
designs, which may require time consuming calculations and model testing, the designer needs both
guidance as to the areas of the design likely to be in most need of attention, and some simple methodology
for identifying the critical aspects. Experience has shown that attention to vibration in concept design of
large ships can usually be paid to the following items:
A myriad of local vibrations, such as hand-rails, antennas, plating panels, etc., may be encountered on new
vessel trials in addition to these three. But local problems usually involve local structural resonances and
often considered as minor problems, as the correction approach by local stiffening may be easily
Section 3 and Section 4 provide general guidance on the methodology of established effectiveness in
dealing with the three critical items cited above in the concept design stage. The concept design checklist
is summarized in Appendix A4.
1 Introduction
It is appropriate that the principal vibration exciting sources be addressed first, since with high excitation
levels excessive vibration can occur almost independently of system structural characteristics. In general,
the major sources are the low-speed diesel main engine and the propeller. Gas turbines are generally
considered to give less excitation than diesel engines. Thus, in this section, attention is paid to the
excitation of the low-speed main diesel engine.
Two distinctly different types of forces can be associated with the internal combustion reciprocating
engine. These are: (a) gas pressure forces due to the combustion processes (guide force couples) and (b)
inertia forces produced by the accelerations of the reciprocating and rotating engine parts (external forces).
3/3 FIGURE 1 shows the typical external force and moments acting on a diesel engine.
External Forces and Moments
Guide force couples acting on the crosshead result from transverse reaction forces depending on the
number of cylinders and firing order. The guide force couples cause rocking (H-couples) and twisting (X-
couples) of the engine, as shown in 3/3 FIGURE 2. The engine lateral vibration due to the guide force
couples may cause resonance with the engine foundation structure. A possible solution at concept design
stage may be a consideration of lateral stays (top bracings), connecting the engine’s top structure to the
ship hull.
Guide Force Couples
The vertical force and moment, which are of primary concern with regard to hull vibratory excitation, and
the transverse force and moment as well, are due to unbalanced inertial effects. For engines of more than
two cylinders, which is the case of interest with ships, the vertical and transverse inertia force components
generally balance to zero at the engine foundation. This leaves the vertical and transverse moments about
which to be concerned. The values of the moment amplitudes are usually tabulated in the manufacturer’s
specification for a particular engine.
The majority of low speed marine diesels currently in service have 6 cylinders or more. Therefore, the 2nd
order vertical moment M2v is generally considered to contribute the most to the hull vibration. However,
depending on the specific number of cylinders, the first order or higher order moment can be as large as the
second order moment. In that case, further consideration is to be given to the first or higher order moment.
A hull girder mode up to the third or fourth can have a natural frequency as high as the twice-per-
revolution excitation of the 2nd order vertical moment. Hull girder modes higher than the first three or four
have diminishing excitability and may be of less concern. The following steps are therefore recommended
in concept design:
i) The 2nd order vertical moment M2v is the diesel engine excitation of most concern. The potential
danger is in resonating one of the lower hull girder vertical modes with a large 2nd order vertical
moment. The value of M2v is to be requested from the potential main engine manufacturer, as
early as possible.
ii) Power Related Unbalance (PRU) values may be used to determine the acceptable level of M2v
M2v N − m
PRU = EnginePower kW
120-220 Likely
Further attention is recommended in cases where PRU exceeds 220 N-m/kW. The action
recommended at the initial engine selection stage may be either change of engine selection or
installation of moment compensators supplied by the engine manufacturer. Otherwise, the vertical
hull girder response is to be checked by calculation within an acceptable level without installation
of compensators.
iii) The engine lateral vibration due to X-type and H-type moments may produce excessive local
vibration in the engine room bottom structure depending on the engine frame stiffness and engine
mounting. The installation of lateral stays on the engine room structure is to be addressed at the
early design stage.
5 Hull Wake
Hull wake is one of the most critical aspects in avoidance of unacceptable ship vibration. Propeller-induced
vibration problems in general start with unfavorable hull lines in the stern aperture region, as manifest in
the non-uniform wake in which the propeller must operate. Unfortunately, propeller excitation is far more
difficult to quantify than the excitation from internal machinery sources. This is because of the complexity
of the unsteady hydrodynamics of the propeller operating in the non-uniform hull wake. In fact, the non-
uniform hull wake is the most complicated part; it is unfortunate that it is also the most important part.
Propeller-induced vibration would not be a consideration in ship design if the propeller disk inflow were
circumferentially uniform. Any treatment of propeller excitation must begin with a consideration of the
hull wake.
For engineering simplification, the basic concepts allow for the circumferential non-uniformity of hull
wakes, but assume, for steady operation, that wake is time invariant in a ship-fixed coordinate system.
Nominal wake data from model scale measurements in towing tanks are presented either as contour plots
or as curves of velocity versus angular position at different radii in the propeller disc. 3/5 FIGURE 3 shows
the axial and tangential velocity components for a typical conventional stern merchant ship.
The position angle, θ, on 3/5 FIGURE 3 is taken as positive counterclockwise, looking forward, and x is
positive aft. The axial wake velocity vX and tangential wake velocity vT are dimensionless on ship forward
speed, U. Note that the axial velocity is symmetric in θ about top-dead-center (even function) and the
tangential velocity is asymmetric (odd function). This is a characteristic of single screw ships due to the
transverse symmetry of the hull relative to the propeller disk; such symmetry in the wake does not, of
course, exist with twin-screw ships.
The wake illustrated above represents one of the two characteristically different types of ship wakes. The
flow character of the conventional skeg-stern is basically waterline flow; the streamlines are more or less
horizontal along the skeg and into the propeller disk. The flow components along the steep buttock lines
forward of the propeller disk are small. The dominant axial velocity field of the resultant wake has a
substantial defect running vertically through the disk along its vertical centerline, at all radii.
Nominal Wake Distribution for a Typical Merchant Ship
(DTMB Model 4370, CB= 0.6)
This defect is the shadow of the skeg immediately forward. The tangential flow in the propeller disk, being
the combination of the component of the upward flow toward the free surface and any disk inclination
relative to the baseline, is much smaller.
The idealization of this wake, for conceptual purpose, is the two-dimensional flow behind a deep vertical
strut placed ahead of the propeller. In this idealization, the axial velocity distribution is invariant vertically,
and any tangential velocity distribution (due to disk inclination) is asymmetric about the vertical disk axis.
This basic characteristic is exhibited in the 3/5 FIGURE 3.
Alternative Shafting Arrangements:
Open Strut Stern (upper); Conventional Skeg Stern (lower)
A characteristically different wake flow is associated with the strut or barge-type stern, the upper of 3/5
FIGURE 4, which has a broad counter above the propeller disk and minimal irregularity immediately
forward. The engine is further forward with this stern-type to accommodate finer stern lines needed to
minimize wave resistance in high speed ships, although an open strut stern would be beneficial for
vibration minimization at any speed (provided the buttocks lines are not too steep). The flow character
over this type of stern is basically along the buttock lines, versus the waterlines. Some wake non-
uniformity may be produced by appendages forward, such as struts and bearings or by shaft inclination,
but the main wake defect, depending on the relative disk position, will be that of the counter boundary
layer overhead. In this case, assuming minimal shaft inclination, substantial axial wake again exists, but
only in the top of the disk. Generally, only the blade tips penetrate the overhead boundary layer, and the
axial wake defect occurs only at the extreme radii near top-dead-center, rather than at all radii along the
vertical centerline, as in the case of the conventional single screw stern. Just as in the case of the
conventional stern, the tangential disk velocity with the strut stern will generally be small; the vertically
upward velocity ratio through the propeller disk will have average values on the order of the tangent of the
sum of the buttock and shaft inclination angles. The idealization in the case of the barge stern, as a sequel
to the vertical strut idealization of the wake of the conventional stern, is a horizontal flat plate above the
propeller. Here, the degree of axial wake non-uniformity depends on the overlap between the propeller disk
and the plate boundary layer. The tangential (and radial) wake components are due entirely to the shaft
relative inclination angle in this idealization, as the flat plate boundary layer produces only an axial defect.
i) Wake effect. The effect of changing the wake inflow to the propeller according to a specified
propeller relocation, but with the propeller actually fixed in position relative to the hull.
ii) Diffraction effect. The effect of changing the propeller location relative to the hull, but with the
wake inflow to the propeller held fixed.
It is a common misconception that the cruciality of propeller-hull clearances has to do primarily with the
diffraction effect. To the contrary, analysis shows that for wake inflow held invariant, propeller-induced
excitation level is relatively insensitive to near-field variations in propeller location. It is the high
sensitivity of propeller blade pressure and cavitation inception to the variations in wake non-uniformity
accompanying clearance changes that dictates the need for clearance minima. In general, the wake
gradients become more extreme as propeller-hull clearances are decreased.
The conventional and strut-stern wake types are to be considered in light of the above fact. It is probable
that too much emphasis is often placed on aperture clearances in conventional stern single-screw ships.
From the point of view of vertical clearance, there is no significant boundary layer on the usually narrow
counter above the propeller with this stern type. Furthermore, from the point of view of the vertical strut
idealization of the skeg, the axial velocity distribution would be invariant with vertical disk position. The
critical item with vertical tip clearance in the conventional stern case seems to be the waterline slope in the
upper skeg region. Blunt waterline endings can result in local separation and substantially more severe
wake gradients in the upper disk than suggested by the simple strut idealization; a “blunt strut” idealization
then would be more appropriate. Fore-and-aft clearances in the conventional stern case are generally less
critical than the vertical clearances. Wakes attenuate very slowly with distance downstream. While
increasing the fore-and-aft clearances between the blade tips and the skeg edge forward certainly acts to
reduce the wake severity, the reduction will be marginally detectable within the usual limits of such
clearance variation. An exception would exist in the case of separation in the upper disk due to local
waterline bluntness. The closure region of the separation cavity in that case exhibits large gradients in axial
On the other hand, for the broad and flat countered strut stern vessel, the vertical tip clearance is a much
more critical consideration. A relatively uniform wake will result if the propeller disk does not overlap the
overhead boundary layer and the shaft inclination is moderate. This is the condition, in general, achieved
on naval combatant vessels; the usual practice in naval design is a minimum vertical tip clearance of one-
quarter propeller diameter. Vibration problems are almost unheard of on naval combatants.
Some wake non-uniformity on strut stern ships results from shaft struts and from the relatively high shaft
inclinations often required to maintain the 25 percent overhead tip clearances. With proper alignment to the
flow, shaft struts produce highly localized irregularities in the wake which are generally not effective in the
production of vibratory excitation. The main effect of shaft inclination is a relative up-flow through the
propeller disk, although separated flow from forward off of a highly inclined propeller shaft can produce a
serious axial defect. The cavitation that can result at the 3 and 9 o’clock blade positions has shown to be of
concern with regard to noise and minor blade erosion, but the hull vibratory excitation produced has not
been found to be of much significance for strut stern ships.
The minimum vertical tip clearance of 25 percent of a propeller diameter is more or less accepted as the
standard in commercial practice as well as naval. Consistent with the preceding analysis, the following lists
the recommended configuration for stern arrangements in the order of preference for avoidance of
excessive propeller induced vibration:
● The minimum vertical tip clearance is not to be less than 25% of the propeller diameter.
● The shaft inclination angle relative to the baseline is not to be more than 5 degrees.
● The shaft inclination angle relative to the buttocks angle of the counter is not to be more than
10 degrees. Refer to 3/5.1.i FIGURE 5.
Open Strut Stern Arrangement
Conventional Skeg-Stern Arrangement
● With regard to the propeller tip clearance, the conventional skeg-stern ships are less critical
than the strut-stern ships, as discussed earlier. In commercial practice, a minimum vertical tip
clearance on order of 25% of propeller diameter and forward clearance of 40% of propeller
diameter are often employed as a usual practice.
iii) In the event that these limits cannot be achieved in concept design, it is recommended that the
decision be made to proceed on to model testing and/or direct calculation for confirming or
establishing stern lines.
7 Propeller
With an unfavorable wake, propeller compromises are then usually required to achieve compensation. Two
types of excitation are of primary concern in conjunction with the three main items identified as critical in
i) Alternating thrust exciting longitudinal vibration of the shafting and machinery, and
ii) Vertical pressure forces on the stern counter exciting hull and superstructure vibration.
Misconceptions exist about the effectiveness of propeller blade “skew” in reducing vibratory excitation.
Skew is the tangential “wrapping” of the blades with radius. Positive skew is in the angular direction
opposite to the direction of rotation. For the case of the conventional single screw ship wake, it has been
discussed that the shadow of the vessel skeg produces a heavy axial wake defect concentrated along the
disk vertical centerline. The blades of conventional propellers ray-out from the hub (i.e., the blade mid-
chord lines are more or less straight rays emanating from the hub centerline). Such “unskewed” blades
abruptly encounter the axial velocity defect of the conventional stern wake at the top and bottom-dead-
center blade positions. The radially in-phase character of the abrupt encounter results in high net blade
loads and radiated pressure.
A more gradual progression of the blades through the vertical wake defect is accomplished by curving the
blades. Different radii enter and leave the wake spike at different times; cancellation results in the radial
integrations to blade loads and radiated pressure, with the result of potentially significantly reduced
vibratory excitation.
Percentage skew is the blade tip skew angle, relative to the blade ray through the mid-chord of the
propeller hub section, divided by the blade spacing angle (e.g., for 5 blades the blade spacing angle is 72
degrees; therefore, a tip skew angle of 72 degrees would be 100% skew). See 3/7.1 FIGURE 7, where ray
‘A’ is passing through the tip of blade at mid-chord line and ray ‘B’ is tangent to the mid-chord line on the
projected blade outline.
Maximum Skew Angle
Highly skewed propellers may be designed to have efficiency equivalent to propellers with minimal skew,
but there have been problems with blade strength and flexibility. The modern trend has been a movement
back toward more moderate positive tip skew, but with negative skew in the blade root regions. Here the
percent skew may be defined in terms the total angle enclosed by the angular maxima of the blade leading
and trailing edges. This provides blades with more balanced skew distributions, and highly swept leading
edges. The radial load cancellations are achieved as effectively and blade strength is less problematic. The
balanced skew is beneficial to limiting blade spindle torque with controllable pitch propellers, and is used
widely with naval combatant vessels.
Skew will inherently work less effectively with strut-stern wakes since the axial velocity defect tends to be
concentrated more in the outer extreme radii. The more radially uniform distributions of the conventional
stern case are not available with which to achieve as high a degree of dephasing and radial cancellation. Of
course, the strut stern vessel is in less need of propeller design extremes, as vibration problems are already
largely eliminated by the stern form selection, provided proper clearances are incorporated.
Care must be taken in incorporating skew, particularly in replacement propellers, that adequate clearances
between the blade tips and the rudder be maintained. As the blades are skewed in the pitch helix the tips
move downstream, closing-up blade tip to rudder clearances. The consequences can be increased hull
vibratory forces transmitted through the rudder, as well as rudder erosion caused by the collapsing sheet
cavitation shed downstream off the blade tips as they sweep through the top of the propeller disk. The
recourse is to incorporate warp into the blades along with the skew. Warping is a forward raking of the
skewed blades back to (and sometimes beyond) the propeller disk. It is equivalent to skewing the blades in
the plane of the disk rather than in the pitch helix.
It is noted that skew (and/or sweep) has a beneficial effect in reducing the effects of vibration-producing
unsteady sheet cavitation, even when such cavitation may be concentrated in the blade tips. The blade
curvature is thought to result in a radially outward flow component in the vicinity of the blade tips which
tends to sweep the cavity sheets into the tip vortex, where the critical collapse phase occurs more
gradually. Unsteady sheet cavitation is found to have minimal effect on alternating thrust, but can
dramatically amplify the hull pressure force components. This is addressed specifically in 3/7.3.
If the guidelines offered on stern lines with regard to hull wake are adopted, then moderate and acceptable
alternating thrust will result with propellers properly sized for propulsion considerations. This is without
the need, particularly at the concept design stage, for detailed analysis to quantify alternating thrust level
further along. Such quantification for detailed analysis is considered in Section 5.
Some ranges of the blade-rate alternating thrust amplitude are given below to serve as a reference for
engineering decision making at the concept design level. The values are given as percentages of steady
ahead thrust, and assume that due care has been taken with stern lines and that the propeller is properly
sized for proper propulsive performance:
More details on propeller bearing forces and moments including alternating thrust for 20 real ship cases are
given in Section 5. There is an outstanding issue here regarding proper sizing of the propeller, which is
needed in the trade-offs at the concept design level. The old Burrill (1943) cavitation criterion is still useful
in this regard. As stated, alternating thrust is not very sensitive to blade cavitation, but limiting the steady
cavitation to accepted levels assures that the propeller is not overloaded from propulsive considerations,
which is recommended as necessary to achieve the alternating thrust ranges listed above.
The Burrill chart is 3/7.1 FIGURE 8, which is a plot of a thrust loading coefficient at the 0.7 propeller
blade radius, τc, versus the blade cavitation number, σ, also at the 0.7 radius.
τc = ApqT
pa + ρgℎ − pc
σ= qT
T = propeller thrust in kN
Ap = propeller projected area in m2
qT = 1 2
2 ρVR in kPa
0 . 7π 2
VR 0 . 7R = U 1 − w 1+ J
U = ship speed
w = wake fraction
J = design advance coefficient
The cavity pressure is often taken to be pure vapor pressure at the ambient water temperature, but for
developed cavitation as is the case here, versus inception, pc is higher due to dissolved air in the water; pc
around 6-7 kPa is often assumed. The curves of 3/7.1 FIGURE 8 correspond to the degree of steady
cavitation development. The 5% back cavitation line was suggested as the limit for merchant ship
propellers back in 1943. However, for modern commercial ship propellers, which are universally designed
with aerofoil-type blade sections, the 10% back cavitation line is probably more appropriate. But either the
5% or 10% lines, considering the cavitation developments shown, may serve the purpose to avoid
overloading the propeller in steady propulsion.
Burrill Cavitation Inception Chart
An example of the use of the Burrill chart for this purpose is as follows:
● Take a single screw ship with a delivered power Pd = 22,380 kW and a max rated speed U = 22 knots,
corresponding to a thrust, T = 1,400 kN. The propeller diameter has been set at 6 meters consistent
with tip clearance maxima. The PRPM = 120 and the wake fraction is estimated as w = 0.2. The pitch
ratio at the 0.7 radius, P/D]0 . 7R = 0.9. This gives an advance coefficient, J = 0.755 and resulting qT of
399.3 kPa. For the hub centerline depth ℎ = 4.5 m, pa= 101.3 kPa, and pc= 6.9 kPa, σ = 0.35. If the 5%
back cavitation line is selected, τc ≅ 0.16. With the disk area A0 = πD2 /4, the required projected area
ratio would be:
Ap 4T
A0 =
● Substituting the values, Ap /A0= 0.775. It is preferable to work with the developed area ratio, Ad /A0,
where Ad denotes propeller developed area with zero pitch. Taylor’s approximate formula gives the
projected area in terms of the developed area as:
Ap p
Ad ≅ 1 . 067 − 0 . 229 D 0 . 7R
● The projection here is then, with a good wake, as to be achieved by following the provided
recommendations in these Guidance Notes, the subject propeller blades may not be heavily loaded in
the mean, and the alternating thrust is to be in approximately direct proportion. As an alternative, if it
was decided to use a less conservative approach and accept steady cavitation to the 10% back
cavitation at σ = 0.35, τc ≅ 0.2. Then the alternative developed area ratio would be:
A0 = 0 . 72
Of course, the more conservative propeller, with the larger blades, will have lower propulsive efficiency.
The following is recommended in concept design, in addition to the preceding stern lines recommendations
relative to hull wake, for achieving not excessive alternating thrust from the propeller design consideration:
i) Perform the Burrill cavitation calculation demonstrated above with a blade area ratio as needed to
limit the steady cavitation up to 10% back cavitation.
ii) For a conventional stern, a 5-bladed propeller is favored in reducing the alternating thrust, unless
any harmful resonant vibration is anticipated on superstructure, shafting system or local structures.
iii) In general, incorporate blade skew of no more than 50%, or if a blade with a highly swept leading
edge is adopted (negative skew in the root), use no more than 25 degrees of tip skew (for either
stern type). For a highly skewed propeller design other than the foregoing, refer to 4-3-3/5.5 of the
Marine Vessel Rules.
The sheet cavitation expands and collapses on the back of each blade in a repeating fashion, revolution
after revolution. The sheet expansion typically commences as the blade enters the region of high wake in
the top part of the propeller disk. Collapse occurs on leaving the high-wake region in a violent and unstable
fashion, with the final remnants of the sheet typically trailed out behind in the blade tip vortex. The sheet
may envelop almost the entire back of the outboard blade sections at its maximum extent. For large ship
propellers, sheet average thicknesses are on the order of 10 cm, with maxima on the order of 25 cm
occurring near the blade tip just before collapse.
The cavitation, while of catastrophic appearance, is usually not deleterious from the standpoint of ship
propulsive performance. The blade continues to lift effectively; the blade suction-side surface pressure is
maintained at the cavity pressure where cavitation occurs. The propeller bearing forces (i.e., alternating
thrust) may be largely unaffected relative to non-cavitating values for the same reason. The cavitation may
or may not be erosive, depending largely on the degree of cloud cavitation (a mist of small bubbles)
accompanying the sheet dynamics. The devastating appearance of fluctuating sheet cavitation is manifest
consistently mainly in the field pressure that it radiates, and the noise and vibration that it thereby
produces. The level of hull surface excitation induced by a cavitating propeller can be easily an order of
magnitude larger than typical non-cavitating levels. Vertical hull surface forces due to intermittent
cavitation typically exceed propeller bearing forces by large amounts.
The cavitation-induced hull surface force is, like the bearing forces, composed of the fundamental blade-
rate frequency and it harmonics. However, unlike the character of the alternating thrust discussed in the
preceding, the harmonics of the cavitating surface force typically converge very slowly. The fundamental,
at PRPM times blade number, is usually largest, but twice and three times blade-rate of the same order
typically exists, and can resonate structure and generate noise well above the normal excitation frequency
Cavitating vibratory force reduction is achievable with propeller design refinements, as sheet cavitation
dynamics is sensitive to blade geometric, as well as wake, detail. As previously noted, blade skew can be
beneficial, and tip loading can be reduced to reduce cavitation extent and intermittency by local blade tip
pitch reduction, as well as changes in blade tip chord distributions. But measures of this type do reduce
propeller efficiency and thereby compromise propulsive performance.
The occurrence of propeller blade intermittent cavitation cannot be ignored in attempts to control propeller
induced hull vibration. The issue here is again primarily a hull wake issue. With an unfavorable wake,
characterized as exhibiting high gradients in the upper disk, or even a separation pocket, the resulting large
cavity volume variations can produce hull surface force amplitudes of up to 30-40% of the steady thrust,
with significant levels out to several harmonics of blade-rate frequency. But even with a good wake, as
described in the preceding, the conventional stern ship will still exhibit a wake defect in the disk over the
depth of the skeg, and some intermittent cavitation will be unavoidable. A vertical surface force with a
blade-rate amplitude of 15% of steady thrust is probably a conservative reference for a conventional stern
ship with a “good wake” as achievable by the stern lines guidance of the preceding section.
With strut stern vessels with ample tip clearances and low relative shaft inclination, intermittent cavitation,
or any cavitation at all, might be avoided entirely. This is largely achieved in the case of radiated noise
sensitive naval combatant vessels.
Prediction of the cavitating hull forces is much more complicated, with many more factors contributing,
than is alternating thrust, which, as stated, is more or less insensitive to cavitation. Cavitating hull force
analysis is certainly not an activity for concept design. However, with any conventional stern ship of
modern power level, a propeller cavitation/hull pressure assessment program is to be initiated in the
preliminary design stage. For the direct calculation of the propeller-induced hull surface force, refer to the
vibration analysis procedure described in Section 5.
At concept design, which is the scope of interest here, the same analysis as in the preceding subsection,
using the Burrill criteria for 5-10% steady back cavitation, is to be applied to provide reasonable protection
against under-sizing the propeller blades from the standpoint of unsteady cavitation. The example of the
preceding subsection on alternating thrust is therefore proposed as applicable here as well.
1 Introduction
The three critical items in concept design are identified in Section 2. The relevant excitation having been
treated in Section 3, the three items are addressed in this section, mainly focused on resonance avoidance.
i) They can be excited to excessive levels by resonances with the dominant low frequency
excitations of slow-running diesel main engines.
ii) Vertical vibration of the hull girder in response to propeller excitation is a direct exciter of
objectionable fore-and-aft superstructure vibration.
iii) Vertical vibration of the hull girder excited by slamming can give rise to excessive vibration of
various installations on the vessel's deck, especially slender structures such as a flare tower in
hydrocarbon production and process systems.
The propeller is generally incapable of exciting the hull girder modes themselves to dangerous levels. This
is primarily because the higher hull girder modes whose natural frequencies fall in the range where
propeller excitation is significant have low excitability. However, the low-level vertical hull girder
vibration that does occur, either directly from the propeller or indirectly via the main shafting thrust
bearing, serves as the base excitation for excessive vibration of superstructures and other attached
subsystems which are in resonance with the propeller exciting frequencies. This will be addressed in a later
section. The natural frequencies corresponding to the two-noded vertical bending modes of conventional
ship hulls can be estimated using Kumai’s formula:
N2v = φ cpm
Comparison of 2-node Vertical Vibration Natural Frequencies
3/3.ii TABLE 1 gives an indication of the accuracy that can be expected from Kumai’s formula. The table
compares the prediction of the 2-noded vertical hull bending natural frequency by Kumai’s formula with
the predictions of detailed finite element calculations performed on different ships. The deviation of the
natural frequency calculated using the Kumai formula for ship-type floating production units with respect
to collected measured or calculated natural frequencies ranges between -8.6% and 14.7%.
The 2-noded hull vertical bending natural frequencies actually lie well below the dangerous exciting
frequencies of either typical diesel main engines or propellers, and are therefore of little consequence in
these considerations. As will be demonstrated further on, it is hull girder modes with typically a minimum
of 4 or 5 nodes that can be excited excessively by the diesel main engine. In the case of the propeller, the
hull girder vertical bending modes that fall near full-power propeller blade-rate excitation are typically
more than 7-noded. Full-power blade rate excitation of large ships is usually in the range of 8 to 12 Hz. As
indicated in 4/3 TABLE 1, the 2-noded vertical hull bending mode, on the order of 1 to 2 Hz, is well below
the blade-rate excitation frequency level during normal operation.
It is observed that hull girder natural frequencies increase more or less linearly with node number from the
2-noded value for the first few modes. The data shown on 4/3 FIGURE 1, from Johannessen and Skaar
(1980), provide estimates of the natural frequencies of the first four vertical bending modes of general
cargo ships and of the first five vertical bending modes of tankers. Note the good agreement for 2-noded
cases. Also note that the 6 Hz maximums represented by 4/3 FIGURE 1 still lie well below typical full-
power propeller excitation frequencies, and the accuracy of the data fits indicated on the figure is
deteriorating rapidly as modal order increases. The primary reason for the increasing data scatter with node
number is the increasing influence of local effects (i.e., approaching resonances of deckhouses, decks, etc.)
on the basic beam modes still identifiable.
Natural Frequencies of Vertical Hull Vibration
The Kumai’s formula, in conjunction with 4/3 FIGURE 1, is, however, useful in preliminary steps to avoid
resonances with a main diesel engine. The following formula, from Johannessen and Skaar (1980),
representing the 4/3 FIGURE 1 data, expresses the first few vertical bending natural frequencies in terms
of the 2-noded value:
Nnv ≈ N2v n − 1
1.02 Tankers
Here N2v is the 2-noded vertical natural frequency and n is the number of nodes; n is not to exceed 5 or 6
in order to remain within the range of reasonable validity. Note the approximate proportionality of Nnv to
node number; this is also evident in 4/3 FIGURE 1. The use of this data is demonstrated by example:
● Assuming the “reefer,” ship number 1 of 4/3 TABLE 1, for example, N2v = 92.4 cpm, and α = 0.845.
The first four vertical hull-girder modes of this vessel would then be predicted to have corresponding
natural frequencies of:
n N (cpm)
2 92.4
3 166
4 234
5 298
With the main engine RPM of 122 cpm, for example, the frequency of the 2nd order engine excitation
is 2 × RPM = 244 cpm. It is relatively close to the predicted natural frequency of the 4-noded third hull
girder mode. While the natural frequency estimate of 234 cpm is indeed rough, it provides at least
useful guideline to dictate further analysis to refine the hull girder natural frequency estimates in this
particular example.
In the case of projected high excitability in resonant vibration with the diesel engine moments, which does
develop in the course of design on occasion, the excitation moment components can usually be reduced
effectively by the incorporation of compensators or electric balancers. These devices consist of rotating
counterweights usually geared directly to the engine, or electrically powered and installed at aft end of the
ship. They are rotated at the proper rate and with the proper phase to produce cancellation with the
undesirable 1st or 2nd order engine generated moment.
An alternative that has seen some popularity is the installation of main diesel engines on resilient mounts
(Schlottmann et al, 1999). Isolating the main engine on resilient mounts can be a good approach to
minimizing hull vibration and structure-borne noise. The following steps are therefore recommended in
concept design:
i) Assuming no moment compensation on the engine, compensators geared for 2 × Engine RPM, is
to be installed on both ends of the crank if:
a) The full power second-order vertical moment amplitude exceeds the PRU (Power Related
Unbalance) value of 220 N-m/kW, as discussed in 3/3.
b) Twice RPM of the engine at full power is within 20% of any of the vertical hull modes
through at least 5-noded as predicted by the procedure of the immediately preceding
ii) Moment compensation is effective but should both a) and b) occur together, a more precise
analysis of the hull girder natural frequencies is recommended in setting structure in preliminary
design to more accurately assess the proximity of a resonance with the engine within a 20% band
around twice full power engine RPM.
i) In a resonant or near resonant condition with the system mass and stiffness, thrust reversals at the
main thrust bearing can result which, over a relatively short time period, are capable of destroying
the thrust bearing;
ii) Engine room vibration, including vibration of the engine itself, can be excessive with regard to
foundation and inner-bottom structural distress.
iii) The amplified thrust transmitted through the main thrust bearing and its moment arm relative the
hull girder neutral axis can produce vertical response of the hull girder which excites resonant
vibration of hull-mounted substructures.
Interest in longitudinal machinery vibration has a long history, starting seriously with the steam turbine-
powered battle ships in WWII. It is considered necessary that longitudinal vibration be a subject of concept
design. The main machinery items have long lead times and any problems are to be uncovered early.
Main propulsion system fore-and-aft natural frequencies tend to fall in the range of propeller blade rate
excitation frequency. For short shafting systems, the one-node (first) mode can be easily coincident with
blade rate excitation, but with the second mode well above. For long shaft systems, the system just cannot
be designed with the first mode above the blade rate excitation frequency, and must therefore be
configured so that it lies far enough below. But then the second mode becomes of concern with long shaft
The dominating uncertainly with regard to longitudinal vibration is the stiffness of the main thrust bearing
and its “foundation.” The thrust bearing “foundation” is the serial ship structure that deflects, as a spring,
in response to the thrust transmitted through the thrust bearing. The thrust bearing on a diesel is normally
located in the engine casing aft. The long engine casing provides some extra stiffness over that with the
steam plant. It is the serial stiffness in the engine room and ship bottom structure that can be the critically
weak link; recall that in serial stiffness addition the overall stiffness is less than the stiffness of the most
flexible element. This supporting structure must be carefully designed early to properly place the first two
system natural frequencies relative to blade rate excitation in order to avoid serious problems. The control
is through shipyard responsibility for the design of the engine room bottom structure and machinery
The three mass model of 4/5 FIGURE 2 can be used for first estimates of the first two shafting/ machinery
system modes. Three masses are considered the minimum number needed for estimating the first two
system modes with reasonable accuracy. Definition of the mass and stiffness data shown on the figure is as
M1 = lumped mass at the propeller in kg, composed of propeller mass, increased 60% for
hydrodynamic added mass, one half of the propeller shaft weight
K1 = stiffness of propeller shaft in N/m, from propeller to coupling with line-shaft
= AE/ℓp
3-mass Longitudinal Model of Main Propulsion System
It is convenient to view the foundation stiffness K3 as an unknown, to be determined so that the two natural
frequencies lie at appropriate levels with respect to the blade-rate excitation frequency. The coupled
equations of motion lead to the eigenvalue problem:
where ψ denotes the mode shape vector. It is necessary to expand the determinant of the coefficient matrix
to form the characteristic equation whose roots are the three natural frequencies. First define the following
for convenience of notation:
Ωn=ω2n, Ω11= M1 , Ω12= M1 , Ω22= M2 , Ω23= M2 , Ω33= M3
1 1 2 3 3
Then the characteristic equation from the determinant expansion is the following cubic in Ωn:
The unknown K3, in Ω33, can be calculated for specified distributions of Ωn in the ranges of interest.
Ωn Ω2
n+Ωn Ω11+Ω12+Ω22+Ω23 ‐ Ω11Ω22+Ω11Ω23+Ω21Ω23
n+Ωn Ω11+Ω12+Ω22 ‐Ω11Ω22
K3 = M3Ω33
K3 can then be plotted as a function of the arbitrary Ωn to decide the stiffness of the structure that the
shipyard is to design and build to provide the proper support stiffness for the system. It should be pointed
out that on increasing the Ωn from low values, K3 will increase, and then will become negative as the
second mode is reached. The stiffness subsequently turns back to positive again with further increasing
frequency in the 2nd mode. The relevant ranges are the ranges of positive K3 only.
Take the case used with the propeller example of the preceding sub-section, with the propeller RPM = 120
with 5-blades, implying a blade rate frequency of 10 Hz. The data used in this example are:
By the lumping scheme described above, the masses and springs are:
5/3.3.3 FIGURE 3 shows the plot of natural frequency versus thrust bearing and foundation stiffness for
the first two modes.
Example of Natural Frequencies vs. Foundation Stiffness
The blade-rate exciting frequency on 4/3 is 10 Hz, so that the foundation stiffness is to be either
sufficiently above or below approximately 15 × 108 N/m. The restricted frequency band is conventionally
taken to be from 20% below the resonance to 20% above. Therefore, by this criterion, the stiffness is to be
either below 9.5 × 108 N/m or above 24 × 108 N/m. Recall that Kf is the serial stiffness of the thrust
bearing and the foundation; the trust bearing stiffness is typically around 36 × 108 N/m. By the serial
addition, this gives a higher required stiffness range for the foundation proper: below 12.9 × 108 or above
72 × 108 N/m. It is desirable to set the excitable natural frequencies above the excitation frequency range.
Otherwise, a resonance falls within the operating range; in that case it must be assured that it is far enough
below the full power blade-rate frequency.
In this particular example, which is not atypical, the 2nd mode is not of relevance as it lies well above the
exciting frequency range for all foundation stiffnesses. As for the first mode, experience has shown that it
would be impractical for the shipbuilder to build a foundation with a stiffness as high as 72 × 108 N/m. The
available choice would be a foundation stiffness no higher than 12.9 × 108 N/m.
Designing a thrust bearing foundation for a specified stiffness is no simple matter, with shear deflection of
the girders and bending deflection of the inner bottom out to some distance away typically involved. The
best recourse is probably to design the double bottom to be as deep and stiff as possible within other
constraints. This then helps to limit the deflecting structure to the foundation proper above the double
bottom where it can be dealt with more reliably in detailed structural design.
i) Approximate the constants in the 3-mass model and perform the calculation of the combined
thrust bearing and foundation stiffness.
ii) Estimate the thrust bearing stiffness and perform the serial subtraction to establish a first estimate
of the foundation stiffness. Graph the result in the form of 4/5 FIGURE 3.
iii) If PRPM and blade number N have been tentatively set, select a foundation stiffness from the
graph for which neither of the natural frequencies are within 20% of the full power blade-rate
excitation frequency.
iv) If PRPM and/or blade number have not been set, or iii) above cannot be achieved, select
PRPM×N such that iii) is be achieved. Preferably, select PRPM and N such that the first mode
resonant frequency falls at least 20% above the full power blade-rate excitation to avoid a critical
in the power range. (N = 5 blades is the best choice for minimum blade-rate alternating thrust for
conventional stern ships with conventionally configured propellers, as discussed in Section 3).
v) Provide the required foundation stiffness established to the hull structural designers for effecting
in the preliminary/detailed structural design stages.
As suggested in 4/3, a hull girder beam analysis which ignores the dynamics of superstructure produces
useful estimates of the hull girder lower natural frequencies for purposes of resonance avoidance with a
main diesel engine. It is indeed fortunate that the lower rocking/bending natural frequencies associated
with stern superstructures, which usually fall in the range of propeller blade-rate exciting frequencies, can,
conversely, be estimated with useful accuracy by ignoring the dynamics of the hull girder. This is the case
when the mass of the superstructure is small, relative to the effective mass of the hull girder near the
coupled natural frequencies of interest. Any consideration of vibratory response, versus natural frequencies
alone, must, on the other hand, allow for the dynamic coupling. This is based on consideration of the fact
that, in the preponderance of cases, superstructure vibration is excited by the hull girder vibration at its
base. The superstructure vibration mode of primary concern is a fore-and-aft rocking/bending mode
excited most often through vertical blade-rate vibration of the hull girder. This mode can also be excited
indirectly at blade-rate frequency by longitudinal excitation from longitudinal resonance of the shafting/
machinery system via the main thrust bearing (4/5).
For obtaining preliminary estimates of superstructure fore-and-aft rocking/bending natural frequencies the
semi-empirical method of Hirowatari and Matsumoto (1969) has proved to have great utility (Sandstrom
and Smith, 1979). This method was developed from correlation of simple analysis and measured fore-and-
aft superstructure natural frequencies on approximately thirty ships. In this method, the fore-and-aft “fixed
base” natural frequency of the superstructure (i.e., superstructure cantilevered from the main deck) is
determined according to deckhouse type and height. The fixed base natural frequency is then reduced by a
correction factor to account for the rotational flexibility of the underdeck supporting structure. Specifically,
the procedure of Hirowatari is as follows:
Deckhouse Types
Fixed-base Superstructure Natural Frequencies
Flexible Base Correction Factors
Type fe /f∞
A, C 0.625
B 0.602
D 0.751
v) Compute fe (the expected deckhouse natural frequency in the first fore-and-aft mode) from the
following formula:
fe = f∞ fe /f∞
It is reported that this procedure generally produces results that are within 15 percent of measurements
from shaker tests. However, the method becomes inapplicable when the superstructure type varies
significantly from those given in 4/7.iv FIGURE 4. Furthermore, there is some uncertainty regarding the
use of the correction factors for superstructure support flexibility given in 4/7.iv TABLE 2, since the
supporting structure may vary from deep beams to column supports to structural bulkheads. Despite these
difficulties, the method seems to work quite well in most cases, considering the limited input that is
required. This feature makes the Hirowatari Method particularly attractive in the concept design stage
when the design data are sparse or non-existent.
The two basic effects influencing the fundamental fore-and-aft superstructure natural frequency are
exemplified in this approach:
i) Cantilever (fixed base) bending and shear of the superstructure as a beam over its height ℎ, 4/7.iv
ii) Rocking of the superstructure as a rigid box on the effective torsional stiffness of its supporting
Ordinarily, one of the superstructure main transverse bulkheads will be a continuation of one of the two
engine room transverse bulkheads. The intersection of the continuous bulkhead and the deck identified
with the superstructure base can usually be taken as the axis about which the rocking of the house occurs.
The fore-and-aft natural frequency of the superstructure due to the combined effects of rocking and
bending/shear can be estimated using Dunkerley’s equation (Thomson, 1973) as,
fe = 2 + 1/f2
1/f∞ R
Here, f∞ has been identified as the fixed base cantilever natural frequency, from 4/7.iv FIGURE 5, or by
detail analysis.fR is the rocking natural frequency of the rigid superstructure, of height ℎ, on its supporting
fR = 60/2π Kf / Jcpm
J is the mass moment of inertia of the superstructure about the rocking axis and Kf is the effective torsional
stiffness of the superstructure foundation, also about the axis of rotation. The Hirowatari procedure, in
conjunction with the above formula, has utility in design or post design corrective studies where estimates
must be made of the relative effects of structural changes. This is demonstrated by the following example:
Assume that a conventional Type A superstructure, 4/7.iv FIGURE 4, has been concept designed and that
for the selected engine and propeller at full power, PRPM = 100 and N = 5, giving a blade-rate excitation
frequency of 500 cpm. The house height, h, is 15 meters. Referring to 4/7.iv FIGURE 4 and 4/7.iv
FIGURE 5 and 4/7.iv TABLE 2:
f∞ ≅ 800 cpm
fe /f∞ = 0 . 625
This gives the estimated fore-and-aft house natural frequency, fe, as:
which is precisely the full power blade rate excitation frequency. Proceed with the idea of stiffening the
system in order to raise the natural frequency by the 20% minimum to 600 cpm. The rocking frequency is
first estimated as,
fR = = 640 cpm
1/fe2 − 1/f∞
Kf / J = 2π/60 fR2 = 4490 rad2/sec2
Now assume that the mass of the house, m, has been estimated as 300 tonnes. Also assume that the house
front is a continuation of the engine room forward transverse bulkhead, so that the house effectively rotates
about its front lower edge, 4/7 FIGURE 6. Assume a radius of gyration, r, of the house about this axis of
10 meters. The house mass moment of inertia, J, is then:
J = m r2 = 3 × 107kg‐m2
Kf = 1 . 35 × 1011N‐m/rad
Proceeding, assume that stiffening is proposed in the form of two parallel pillars made up of 20 cm extra-
heavy steel pipe, each 6 meters long, and located under the house side bulkheads, as indicated on 4/7
Deckhouse Stiffening
The effective axial stiffness of the parallel pillars is calculated to be k = 5 × 108 N/m. The pillars are
located at a distance a = 5 m aft of the forward bulkhead, so that the incremental rotational stiffness
added by the pillars is:
which represents a 9.3 percent increase. The new rocking frequency becomes
fe′ = 2 + 1/f2 = 513 cpm
1/f∞ R
This represents a 2.6 percent increase over the value of 500 cpm without the pillars, and far less than the
600 cpm judged to be needed. In order to achieve fe′ = 600 cpm, reversing this last calculation gives
fR = 907 cpm, and Kf = 2 . 72 × 1011N-m/rad. This is about double the rotational stiffness of the
original design. It would be essentially impossible to double the support structural stiffness if standard
design features were employed.
In conclusion, the simple analysis of this example demonstrates the common misconception that vibration
problems are always eliminated by stiffening the structure. This may be true for light structures such as
mast, hand-rails, and the like, but with major substructures, such as a deckhouse, once the scantlings and
principal dimensions are set incorrectly, the problem tends not to be correctable by simple stiffening, as the
preceding example suggests. It may be possible to reduce stiffness to avoid a resonance, which was the
spirit of the previous example on thrust bearing foundation stiffness in 4/5. But reductions in stiffness are
generally undesirable. Stiffness reduction can result in excessive static deflection. As in the thrust bearing
foundation stiffness example, the simplest recourse might be to change the engine RPM and/or the
propeller blade number. In this current example, a switch from a 5 to a 6-bladed propeller with no
structural changes would place the resonance in the operating range, but at the desired 20% below the new
full power blade-rate exciting frequency of 600cpm.
The following specific steps are suggested for reducing the potential danger of excessive propeller induced
deckhouse vibration at the concept design level.
i) Perform the preceding analysis on the candidate deckhouse and support structure design to predict
the fore-and-aft rocking bending/shearing natural frequency.
ii) Compare the natural frequency with the blade-rate exciting frequency of any proposed engine and
propeller characteristics. If the engine and/or propeller have not been proposed, note the blade rate
frequency to be avoided in that ultimate selection.
iii) If the engine and propeller characteristics have been proposed and there is reluctance to change
due to conflicts with other design considerations, establish the stiffness range of the deckhouse
supporting structure calculated as necessary to avoid resonance within 20% of the full power blade
rate frequency. This is just as recommended with the longitudinal vibration issue at the concept
design stage. This defers the ultimate implementation to the preliminary/detailed designers who
will at least have been made aware of the potential difficulty going in.
1 Introduction
● Stern configuration
● Main propulsion machinery
● Propeller and shafting system
● Location and configuration of major structural assemblies
The ship hull structure includes the outer shell plating and all internal members, which collectively provide
the necessary strength to satisfactorily perform the design functions in the expected sea environment. The
hull structure responds as a free-free beam (both ends free) when subjected to dynamic loads. The
vibration induced by the propulsion system is a common source of ship vibration. The vibration from this
source manifests itself in several ways. Dynamic forces from the shafting system are transmitted to the hull
through shaft bearings. The propeller induces fluctuating pressures on the surface of the hull, which
induces vibration in the hull structure. The main and auxiliary engines can directly cause vibrations
through dynamic forces transmitted through their supports and foundations. The response to this forcing
can cause the vibration of the hull girder, deckhouse, deck and other structures, local structures and
equipment. When attempting to determine the source of vibration, it is necessary to establish the frequency
of excitation and to relate the frequency of excitation to the shaft rotational frequency by determining the
number of oscillations per shaft revolution. The main engine-induced unbalanced excitations encountered
with slow-speed diesel-driven ships are the primary and secondary free engine forces and moments. The
engine manufacturer is to provide the magnitude of these forces and moments.
The response of the hull structure may be resonant or non-resonant. The hull structure will normally
vibrate in the following modes:
● Vertical bending
● Horizontal bending
● Torsional (twist)
● Longitudinal
● Coupling exists between horizontal and torsional modes, especially in containerships.
Typical major substructures include deckhouses, main deck structures and large propulsion machinery
system, etc., which because of the direct coupling with hull structure vibration can significantly influence
the total or global pattern of ship vibration. In analyzing vibration patterns of such large complex
structures, it is necessary to identify the principal reason for observed excessive vibration. Excessive
vibration of a major substructure may be the result of structural resonance in the substructure or in the
attachment detail for the substructure and hull structure.
Local structural components are the minor structural assemblies, relative to major substructures previously
referred to. Local structural component may be identified as decks, bulkheads, platforms, handrails, minor
equipment foundations, or main engine coupled with its seating and inner bottom structure, etc., and are
components of larger structures (major substructures) or of the entire hull structure. Most ship vibration
problems occur in local structural components and are the result of either strong inputs received from the
parent structure amplified by resonance effects in the local structure or are the response to vibratory forces
generated by mechanical equipment attached to the local structure.
Local structural panels are basic elements forming local structural components. Local structural panels are
identified as plate panels between stiffeners, stiffener panels enclosed by strong supports, or girder panels
enclosed by bulkheads and/or decks. Typically, the natural frequencies of local structural components or
local structural panels are to be out of the range between 85% and 115% of major excitation frequencies to
avoid resonance. Thus, local structural vibration levels will not be major contributors to vibration levels of
critical areas.
This section describes the analysis procedure for propeller and main engine induced ship hull vibration
using a three-dimensional finite element method. The objective of vibration analysis is to determine the
overall vibration characteristics of the hull structure and major superstructures so that areas sensitive to
vibratory forces may be identified and assessed relative to standard acceptance criteria on vibration level.
Procedure to Perform Ship Vibration Analysis
A three-dimensional finite element model representing the entire ship hull, including the
deckhouse and machinery propulsion system, needs to be developed for vibration analysis. If a
global model exists from any previous tasks such as stress analysis, it needs to be conditioned for
vibration analysis.
Global FE Model Example
match the engine stiffness, different Young’s moduli can be used for longitudinal and transverse
structural members, respectively, based on the engine stiffness data provided by the engine
manufacturer. An example of simplified diesel engine FE model is shown in 5/3.3.3 FIGURE 3.
An example of a turbine engine FE model is shown in 5/3.3.3 FIGURE 4. Main engine top stays
can be modeled as spring elements with spring coefficients obtained from manufacturer.
Engine Model Example
Turbine Engine and Propeller Shaft Modeling Example
Propeller Shaft
The deckhouse superstructure weight and mass distribution, longitudinally and vertically, must also be
accurately represented. Typically, the non-structural masses that account for furniture, outfitting, and deck
coverings in deckhouse superstructure are to be modeled by changing local structural density or modelled
as mass elements uniformly placed at well-supported nodes. This distribution is to be provided by the ship
designer or shipbuilder. If an accurate distribution is not available, sensitivity studies are to be conducted
to determine the most critical values between 40 kg/m2 to 100 kg/m2.
5 Loading Condition
Depending on the loading condition, the mass of the cargo and ballast is then distributed in the structural
model using mass elements. The corresponding added mass and the buoyancy springs are then calculated
and added to the model.
● Development of a hydrodynamic panel model: The hydrodynamic panel model is to represent the
geometry of the ship’s hull below the still-water line when using a linear seakeeping program. It is
recommended that a total of about 2000 panels be used for the ship’s hull surface, including port and
starboard sides. A computer program may generate the panel model using the ship’s offsets. The main
particulars required for the hydrodynamic model includes: ship displacement, drafts, location of center
of gravity and radii of gyrations.
● Hydrodynamic analysis: The purpose of the analysis is to obtain the distributed added mass. In
general, the natural frequency of the ship is much higher than the wave frequencies considered in the
seakeeping analysis. To obtain the added mass at such high frequencies, infinite frequency added mass
option is to be used.
● Mapping hydrodynamic results onto FE model: The distributed added mass from the seakeeping
analysis is represented as an added mass on each hydrodynamic panel model. An interface program
can be used to map the heave added mass onto the FE model. The user needs to check that the total
added mass on the FE model is equal to the total added mass on the hydrodynamic panel model.
7 Free Vibration
M ü t + C ü t + K u t = F t
C = damping matrix
ü = column matrix of accelerations
u̇ = column matrix of velocities
u = column matrix of displacements
F = column matrix of harmonic forces
For free vibration, damping C and forces F are zero. The solution would then be from:
K Φ = ω2 M Φ
This problem can be solved by normal mode analysis. An important characteristic of normal modes is that
the scaling or magnitude of the eigenvectors is arbitrary. Mode shapes are fundamental characteristic
shapes of the structure, and are therefore relative quantities. Examples of mode shapes of a typical LNG
carrier are shown in 5/7.1 FIGURE 6 and 5/7.1 FIGURE 7. The natural frequencies obtained from the
analysis can then be compared to the excitation frequencies to check for resonance.
First Two Vertical Mode Shapes
First Two Horizontal Mode Shapes
● The first six mode shapes are to be rigid body modes and these six rigid body mode shapes,
namely Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Surge, Heave and Sway, are not to display elastic distortion.
Frequency is generally very low, well below the first elastic natural mode. Any mixing of
rigid body modes and/or missing rigid body mode(s) would be a good indication of an
erroneous FE modeling, especially when incorrect multi-point constraints are applied to the
FE model.
● The first several elastic modes are to be for the hull structure. For typical commercial ships,
there is usually no local modes below 4 Hz. Any “local modes” with low natural frequencies
would be an indication of incorrect FE modeling. Too low frequencies are usually an
indication of too high a mass or too low stiffness, or both.
It is a usual practice to investigate mode shapes up to at least twice the blade-rate frequency.
9 Propeller Excitation
9.1 Introduction
Excitation forces from the propeller are transmitted into the ship via the shaft line and also in the form of
pressure pulses acting on the ship hull surface above the propeller. Whereas propeller shaft forces (bearing
forces) are the most significant factor for vibrations of shaft lines, the predominant factor for vibrations of
ship structures are the pressure fluctuations on the hull surface (hull surface forces).
Generally, the thrust fluctuation can be as high as 10% of the mean thrust, but it is usually between
2 to 8%. The force fluctuations in transverse and vertical directions are between about 1 to 2% of
the mean thrust. In most cases, the moment fluctuation about the transverse axis is predominant (5
~ 20% of the mean torque) compared to fluctuations of the moment about the vertical axis and of
the torque (1~10%).
Propeller bearing forces and moments can excite various modes of vibration. For computations of
axial and torsional vibrations of the shaft line, fluctuations in thrust and torque are to be taken into
account. Bending vibrations of the shaft are influenced by transverse forces in horizontal and
vertical directions as well as by bending moments about the corresponding axes.
Propeller Bearing Forces and Moments for 20 Real Ship Case Study
Blade Number
4 5 6
sake of optimizing the propeller efficiency, about 10% of propeller-induced vibration velocities
are caused by bearing forces, whereas approximately 90% are due to pressure fluctuations, or hull
surface forces. In the design of ships having propellers with weak cavitation, the ratio may be
reversed, while at the same time the absolute excitation level is much lower.
Pressure fluctuation is generally proportional to the acceleration of the propeller cavity volume.
Calculation of the cavity volume may require knowledge of the pressure distribution on the
propeller blade, both in the radial and circumferential direction. The flow condition in the tip
region of the propeller blades has a particularly strong influence on cavitation processes. The
formation and subsequent detaching of tip vortices additionally complicate the flow condition at
the blade tips. Computer programs for the prediction of cavitation volumes are correspondingly
To avoid strong cavitation-induced pressure amplitudes, the volume curve is to exhibit the
smallest possible curvatures (note that pressure fluctuation is proportional to the acceleration of
cavity volume). This can be achieved by influencing the wake (minimizing wake peaks) and by a
suitable choice of propeller geometry. However, improved cavitation characteristics are usually
offset for by reductions in efficiency. Selection of a larger area-ratio and reduction in propeller tip
loading by selection of smaller pitch and camber at the outer radii are the most effective measures.
In addition, by means of skew, a situation can be achieved where the individual profile sections of
a propeller blade are not all subjected to their maximum loading at the same time, but instead the
volume curve is rendered uniform by the offset in the circumferential direction. Some concepts
tolerate comparatively severe cavitation and are aimed at making the growth and collapse of the
cavitation layer as slow as possible.
From experience, the pressure amplitude above the propeller alone is not adequate to characterize
the excitation behavior of a propeller. Therefore, no generally valid limits can be stated for
pressure fluctuation amplitudes. These amplitudes depend not only on technical constraints such
as achievable tip clearance of the propeller, power to be transmitted, etc., but also on the
geometry-dependent compromise between efficiency and pressure fluctuation. Nevertheless,
pressure amplitudes at blade frequency of 1 to 2, 2 to 8 and over 8 kPa at a point directly above
the propeller can be categorized as low, medium, and high, respectively. Total vertical force
fluctuations at blade frequency, integrated from pressure fluctuations, would range from 10 kN for
a small ship to 1000 kN for a high performance container ship. Whether these considerable
excitation forces result in high vibrations depends on the dynamic characteristics of the ship’s
structure and can only be judged on the basis of a forced vibration analysis.
With regard to empirical methods, the most well-known and adaptable method is that of Holden,
et al (1980). This method is based on the analysis of full-scale measurements for some 72 ships.
The method is intended as a first estimate of the likely hull surface pressures using a conventional
propeller form. Regression based formula for estimation of the non-cavitating and cavitating
pressure are proposed as follows by Holden, et al.
2 Ko
po = 70
N/m2 (non-cavitating pressure)
Z1 . 5 d/R
ND Vs wTmax − we Kc
pc = 160 d/R N/m2 (cavitating pressure)
ℎa + 10 . 4
N = propeller rpm
D = propeller diameter, in m
Vs = ship speed, in m/s
Z = blade number
R = propeller radius, in m
d = distance from 0.9R to a position on the submerged hull when the blade is at the
T.D.C. (Top Dead Center) position (m)
wTmax = maximum value of Taylor wake fraction in the propeller disc
we = mean effective full scale Taylor wake fraction
ℎa = depth of shaft centerline
Ko = 1 . 8 + 0 . 4 d/R for d/R ≤ 2
Kc = 1 . 7 + 0 . 7 d/R for d/R < 1
Kc = 1.0 for d/R > 1
The total pressure impulse, which combines both the cavitating ‘pc’ and non-cavitating ‘po’
components, is then calculated from
pz = po2 + pc2
Empirical methods of this type are particularly useful as a guide to the expected pressures. They
should not, however, be regarded as a definitive solution, because differences, sometimes quite
substantial, will occur when correlated with full-scale measurement. For example, pc and po
regression formulae give results having a standard deviation of the order of 30% compared to the
base measurements from which it was derived.
cavitation tunnel comprised a simple modeling of the hull surface by a flat or angled plate above a
scale model of the propeller. Although this technique is still used in some establishments, a more
enlightened practice is to use a partial model with shortened body. Wake screens are typically used
to fine-tune the wake field when a partial model is used for wake measurements. In some large
facilities, however, a full-length ship model may be used. The advantage of using a model of the
actual hull form is twofold: firstly, it assists in modeling the flow of water around the hull surface
and does not require wake screens, and secondly it makes the interpretation of the measured hull
surface pressure easier since the real hull form is simulated.
In order to interpret model test results, reference can be made to dimensional analysis, from which
it can be shown that the pressure at a point on the hull surfaces above a propeller has a dependence
on the following set of dimensional parameters:
Kp =
In propeller cavitation tests, the test conditions are usually chosen such that the average propeller
thrust loading (expressed by KT and J-identity) is equal for model and full scale. In addition, the
pressure is lowered to such a level that model and full size cavitation number are equal at
corresponding points in the propeller disc. Furthermore, if the model test needs to fulfill Froude
number identity, the test can only be realized in a depressurized towing tank or a tunnel with free
surface. For a cavitation tunnel without a free surface, a rate of rotation for model scale is chosen
within practical limits related to the tunnel capacity, the particular test set-up and the ranges of
static pressure to be adjusted.
Although cavitation number and Froude number can be satisfied in most model tests, Reynolds
number identity can seldom be fulfilled. This causes the well-known scale effect on the model test
measurements. To take the scale effect into account in the model measurement, sometimes leading
edge roughness for model propeller is used for tripping the flow over the propeller blades to
turbulence. However, it also should be noted that scale effects exists not only on the flow around
the propeller blade surface but also on the inflow toward propeller. 5/9.5.4 FIGURE 8 shows the
comparisons of maximum propeller induced pressure between mode scale and full-scale data. As
seen, the discrepancies are notable. Usually, in order to obtain reliable model test results, model
test measurement is to be appropriately calibrated based on full-scale data.
Scale Effect due to Propeller Inflow Condition
● Propeller rpm
● Draft
● Propeller blade number
● Propeller geometry (diameter, pitch, rake, skew angle, chord length, section profiles)
● Propeller location (related to ship hull)
● Ship stern geometry
11 Engine Excitation
The excitation forces and moments of low-speed diesel engine can be a significant source of hull vibration.
Dominant forces acting on the engine structure originate from the combustion process (Guide Force
Couples) and from the inertia of mass in motion (external forces). Guide force couples result from
transverse reaction forces acting on the crosshead, causing rocking (H-couples), and twisting (X-couples)
of the engine. These forces may cause resonance with the engine foundation structure. A possible solution
for the eventual vibration problem may be installation of transverse stays (top bracings), connecting the
engine’s top structure to the ship hull.
Detailed consideration of the engine excitation forces and their effect on the ship hull structures is an
important part in prevention of damaging structural vibrations. The magnitude of these forces and
moments are to be obtained from the engine manufacturer.
13 Forced Vibration
13.1 General
Frequency response analysis is a method used to compute structural response to steady-state oscillatory
excitation. The three-dimensional FE model is subject to systems of harmonic loads which represent the
oscillatory excitation forces induced by propeller and main engine. Two different numerical methods can
be used in frequency response analysis. A direct method solves the coupled equations of motion in terms
of forcing frequency. A modal method utilizes the mode shapes of the structure to reduce and uncouple the
equations of motion. The solution for a particular forcing frequency is obtained through the summation of
the individual modal responses. The choice of the method depends on the model size, number of the
excitation frequencies and the frequency of excitation. If the modal method is used, all modes up to at least
two to three times the highest forcing frequency are to be retained.
A frequency response is obtained by applying the cyclic propeller and engine forces and moments with
varying frequencies, related to the shaft rpm and the number of blades per propeller and the order of main
engine, to the model and solving the resulting dynamic problem given by the following equation of
M ü t + C u̇ t + K u t = F t
C = damping matrix
ü = column matrix of accelerations
u̇ = column matrix of velocities
u = column matrix of displacements
F = column matrix of harmonic forces
The structural response to this harmonic load is a steady state response at the frequency of the load. (It is
assumed that the harmonic load continues long enough so that the transient response damps out).
F t = Feiωt
u t = ueiωt
K + iωC − ω2M u = F
It is noted that both F and u are complex quantities due to damping C and to the fact that the various
components of propeller and engine induced vibratory forces are not in phase with one another.
● Transom at Centerline
● Transom at Port and Starboard Side
● Point right above the propeller
● Deck house:
Depending on the ship type, there may be additional areas of investigation. Care is to be taken to model the
masses of the equipment. They are to be located on well-supported nodes as much as possible. A computer
program may be used to post process the results obtained from the forced vibration analysis.
13.5 Damping
The total damping associated with overall ship hull structure vibration is generally considered as a
combination of the following components:
● Structural damping;
● Cargo damping;
● Water friction;
● Pressure wave generation;
● Surface wave generation.
For the forced vibration analysis, it is assumed that the effects due to structural damping, cargo damping,
water friction and pressure wave generation can be lumped together. The effect of surface wave generation
needs only to be considered for very low frequencies of vibration. This effect is generally neglected. For
simplification, a constant damping coefficient of 1.5 percent of the critical damping may be used for the
entire range of propeller rpm and main engine orders. Otherwise, more detail frequency-dependent
damping coefficients may be used, if applicable.
1 General
1.1 Scope
These Guidance Notes provide general guidelines on the measurement and evaluation procedures for the
vibration of hull girder and superstructure, local structures, main propulsion machinery and shafting, other
machinery and equipment. This section covers overall procedures for acquiring, processing, and presenting
data collected during sea trials based on ISO 4867 and SNAME T & R No. 2-29.
1.3 Application
The procedures provided are applicable to both turbine and diesel-driven vessels of all lengths. Actual
items for measurements are to be determined as appropriate based on ship specifications or specific needs
requiring the measurements.
1.5 Terminology
● Average Amplitude Value: The value obtained from an Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) signal analyzer,
set in the averaging mode, equal to 2 times the value read form the amplitude spectrum, which is an
rms level. This is equivalent to the average sinusoidal value obtained during steady speed trial
conditions, and for design purposes, it is comparable to predicted response.
● Free Route: That condition achieved when the ship is proceeding at a constant speed and course with
minimum throttle or helm adjustment.
● Hull Girder: The primary hull structure such as the shell plating and continuous strength decks
contributing to flexural rigidity of the hull and the static and dynamic behavior of which can be
described by a free-free non-uniform beam approximation.
● Hull Girder Vibration: That component of vibration which exists at any particular transverse plane of
the hull so that there is little or no relative motion between elements intersected by the plane.
● Local Vibration: The dynamic response of a structural element, deck, bulkhead or piece of equipment
which is significantly greater than that of the hull girder at that location.
● Maximum Repetitive Amplitude (MRA): This is the largest repeating value of the modulated signal
obtained on sea trial. It can be observed in the envelope of peak values on a time compressed strip
chart of the modulated signal. This is the acceptance value specified in the codes.
● Conversion Factor (CF): The ratio of the MRA to the average amplitude obtained during steady speed
trial condition.
● “Peak Hold”: Most FFT analyzers include a feature called “Peak Hold” which generates a spectrum
of values which are the maximum spectral values in each frequency component for the set of all
individual spectra comprising the “Peak Hold” spectrum. This is not the same as the MRA. In
operation it represents an average value of a number of cycles of the signal evaluated rather than the
maximum value of the single largest amplitude observed. The number of cycles averaged is based on
the “window” or viewing time in seconds and, of course, increases with frequency.
● RMS Value: The root mean square value is the square root of the sum of the squares of all points of a
signal. For a sinusoid, it is .707 times the single amplitude.
● Severity of Vibration: The peak value of vibration (velocity, acceleration or displacement) during
periods of steady-state vibration, representative behavior.
3 Instrumentation
An event marker is to be provided on the propeller shaft. Its position with respect to top dead center of
cylinder number 1 and a propeller blade is to be noted.
3.3 Calibration
Calibration procedures are categorized as system calibration or electrical calibration. In general, system
calibration refers to a procedure that is done before installing instrumentation on board of the ship or as the
transducers are installed. It is to be a complete reckoning of the sensitivity of the transducers, signal
conditioning and recording equipment.
Electrical calibration refers to a procedure that can be accomplished usually at the recording center, is
considered a “spot check,” takes only a few minutes, and can be done periodically during the vibration
trials. Calibration procedures are different for different types of gauges and are discussed in this section.
3.3.1 Accelerometers
All accelerometers can be calibrated over the frequency range of interest by mounting on a shaker
table or calibration device that is oscillating at know amplitudes. Normally, this is the type of
system calibration that is used. Strain gauge and piezoresistive accelerometers can be calibrated
for zero, ±1 g by laying them on their sides, their bases and upside down, respectively. This
provides a D.C. calibration only and is useful only if the conditioning and recording equipment
operates at a frequency of zero Hz.
Once the transducers are installed, the “electrical calibration” is usually accomplished by an
internal (to the amplifier) signal of known value being applied to the conditioning and recording
equipment. In the case of strain gauge and piezoresistive accelerometers, a shunt resistor can be
applied across one arm of the bridge and the value of the resistor can be equated to a certain
acceleration. The latter results in a D.C. step being recorded.
slightly different effect on the gauge. The only practical type of “electrical” calibration would be
the substitution of a signal of known value.
In most applications on board ship, the signal leads from the strain gauges are fairly long. This
reduces the sensitivity of the gauges, requiring the shunt to be applied at the gauge rather than at
the amplifier in order to obtain accurate results.
5 Measurement Conditions
Vibration tests are to be conducted under the conditions that are agreed by the shipyard and owner. The
following measurement conditions are provided as a reference.
The actual sea state during the vibration measurement is to be clearly stated in the report.
5.5 Course
Tests are to be conducted for the following courses:
5.5.2 Maneuvers
Tests may also be conducted while completing the following maneuvers:
In general, these tests are normally required for naval combatants or small craft.
Tests for hard turns to port and starboard are to be conducted at maximum speed. The crashback test is to
be performed starting from the maximum speed and decreasing the propeller rpm at 10% of the maximum
rpm per minute or less.
7 Measurement Locations
7.1 Stern
Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal measurements of the hull girder are to be taken at the centerline and
as close as possible to the stern by means of a transducer. These measurements are to be for reference
purposes. A pair of transducers for vertical vibration are also to be placed at the deck edge (one port, one
starboard). They are to be located on the same deck and longitudinal location as the aforementioned
transducer. It is to be ensured that the vibration of the hull girder is measured, excluding local effects.
7.3 Superstructure
Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal vibrations are to be measured at the following locations:
Measurements are to be made in the range of 90 to 100 % normal shaft rotational frequency.
For the other measuring points, optional recordings may be taken at constant shaft rotational
frequency. Measurements are to be made throughout the normal operational range of the ship.
In order to eliminate possible error, shaft run-out is to be checked by rotating the shaft by the turning gear
and recording the first-order signal. This signal is to be phased and the shaft vibration measurement
corrected accordingly.
To minimize the effect of plate vibration, all transducers in the hull plating are to be located as close as
possible to adjacent frames or partial bulkheads.
If a particular data type is critical in determining damage to machinery or structure or for human
response, the appropriate data type may be used in-lieu of that above. For example:
For Measure
Do not record unwanted frequencies. This will make it difficult to separate the level of the
frequency components of interest from the “noise.” Also, do not choose a frequency analyzer with
a broader range than necessary. This will decrease the resolution and accuracy of the results.
Typical Frequencies Ranges
Major structure (deckhouses, masts, etc.) Between 1 Hz to 10 Hz for the lower modes
Propeller shaft rotation, gear frequencies, and blade To be determined from the machinery characteristics
● For the hard turns to port and starboard, recording is to commence before the turn and continue until
maximum vibration has passed (when settled into the turn).
● For the crashback test, data are to be recorded before the propeller rpm is reduced and continue until
the ship comes to rest.
9.5.1 Manual
The manual method of analysis involves measuring frequencies and amplitudes of vibration
components from an oscillograph record. The analysis of periodic waveforms is based on the
principle that any periodic record is a superposition of sinusoids having frequencies that are
integral multiples of the lowest frequency present. The lowest frequency is determined by the
smallest portion of the record that repeats itself, or one cycle.
Ship vibration often involves more than one component, so that decomposing the signal into its
separate components would mean discerning beating and modulating and applying the appropriate
analysis techniques. Thus, having magnetic tape of the actual recorded signal available for
detailed analysis, as applicable, is highly recommended.
9.5.2 Envelope
This method of analysis consists of filtering the signals to obtain the MRA of a narrow frequency
band of interest and recording the result on a chart recorder at slow play out speed. This condenses
a several minute record into an envelope just several inches long, from which the MRA can be
visually noted. Care must be taken that the filter used does not pass a significant amount of any
component other than that of the component of interest. For this reason it is important to use
precision filters.
This method is the most direct approach to the determination of the MRA of individual
components. If the MRA of the multi-frequency amplitude is required, the desired response would
be obtainable by simply recording the real-time record at a slow speed and measuring the overall
amplitude and multiplying by the sensitivity of the measuring/recording system. However, for
obtaining the amplitudes of individual components for use in evaluating design analyses and/or
developing improved crest values to be used in conjunction with spectral analyses, it will be
necessary to include filtering systems.
9.5.3 Spectral
Two common types of spectra that can be found with most analyzers are the “average” and the
“peak” amplitude. For both types, the record is broken down into segments for frequency analysis.
The segments vary in length with the frequency range of the analysis, but for ship vibration
studies they would be several seconds long. For each segment, the analyzer finds the rms level of
each frequency component (i.e., in each frequency interval, or for each “line”). The number of
lines (resolution) varies with the analyzer, but most often falls between 100 and 1000. Ship
vibration records will normally be one or several minutes long and will contain many segments. If
the “average” spectrum is chosen, the analyzer will average all the rms levels found in like
frequency intervals and produce the “average” spectra as “average rms” values. This value will
correspond to the rms value shown in the ISO-6954 formula:
MRA = CF 2 × rms value
where CF denotes “conversion factor” and CF 2 denotes “crest factor”. The average value, or
average amplitude is equal to 2 times the “average rms” value read from the “average” spectrum.
This is equal to the average sinusoidal value obtained during steady speed trial conditions and, for
design purposes, is comparable to predicted response.
The term “peak” is frequently misinterpreted when used in conjunction with the application of the
spectral analyzer in the evaluation of shipboard hull vibration. To clarify the use of the term, note
that the peak value of any vibration cycle is the difference between the mean and maximum values
of that cycle. However, in the case of a modulating signal we note that the “peak” value increases
to a “maximum” value, every few cycles. Thus, the “peak” of the modulating signal represents the
maximum repetitive value or MRA and is actually equivalent to the peak value of each segment
and corresponds to “peak hold” for that segment.
When choosing the “peak” spectrum, the largest rms values are obtained in each frequency
interval found among several segments. These values are called “peak rms” values with some
variation in results, depending on the frequency range used. A higher frequency range will involve
broader frequency intervals and yield higher results. The average spectral value will always be
less than the MRA. The relationship between the latter two will depend on the rate of modulation
compared to the length of the segment. If the modulation is very slow, the amplitude will be near
its maximum for the entire length of some segments and the two will be close. If the modulation is
fast, the peak will be closer to the average amplitude.
The amplitude variation at blade-frequency between “average spectral”, “peak spectral” and MRA
(derived by the envelope method) is shown in 6/9.5.5 TABLE 2 for example. The data represents
the average of three full-power runs measured at 114 rpm, and shows alternating pressure
measured over the propeller in psi, and alternating displacement in mills at both the stern of the
hull in the vertical direction and at the hub of the bull gear in the longitudinal direction. This data
indicates that the conversion factor (CF) of 1.8 and the crest factor of 2.5 are reasonably
satisfactory for these trials, particularly in regard to the displacement amplitudes obtained on the
hull and bull gear measurements. It also indicates that the hull and machinery vibration
measurements, on which the acceptance criteria are based, supports the position that the peak
spectral measurements will be significantly lower than the “true” MRA obtained by the envelope
method of analysis.
Second, we are concerned with the MRA of the major frequency components. The histograms are
usually obtained by sampling all the points on the record, not just the peaks. The amplitude, which
is exceeded by only one or two percent of the samples, would probably involve only the tips of the
largest cycles and may be comparable to the MRA. The amplitude, which is exceeded by some
percentage of the samples, could be determined from the cumulative probability plot.
vibration data, it would seem to be the most accurate of those discussed. However, considering the
vagaries in the total scope of effort in the measurement and analysis of ship vibration, this degree
of complexity would not be warranted.
Examples of Alternate Vibration Measurements
Bull Gear Hub, Long Disp, mils 1.87 3.22 4.79 2.56 1.81
Average 1.89
11 Measurement Report
● Severity of vibration at the propeller shaft rotational frequency for hull girder transducers
● Severity of vibration at blade rate frequencies for hull girder and machinery transducers
● Severity of vibration of each detectable harmonic of shaft rotational frequency or blade rate
for hull girder and machinery transducers, as applicable. Also the severity of each detectable
multiple of crankshaft rotational frequency in the case of geared diesel installations
● Severity of local structural vibration at all measurement locations
● Mode shape of local vibrations. Use hull girder vibration as reference for the mode shape.
● Severity of vibrations of local machinery or equipment at all measurement locations
● Phase relation between various transducers at blade rate, as applicable, using a suitable
reference datum (e.g., a hull girder or machinery transducer or event marker)
● For diesel engines, phase relation is to be provided between all transducers measuring in the
longitudinal direction and for the transducers on top of the engine measuring torsional
motions; therefore, each group is to be measured simultaneously
● Severity of vibration at hull girder and machinery resonances
If beating exists, it is to be noted by recording the maximum and minimum values of the amplitude and the
frequency of the beat.
The report is to note the hull natural frequencies and modes which have been identified. Also, the
report is to address any undesirable or unusual vibration condition encountered.
1 General
Criteria for assessing the acceptability of the vibration levels from vibration measurements on sea trials
have matured substantially in recent years. By incorporating the international standards and industry
practices, this section provides the vibration acceptance criteria covering three areas as a reference:
Vibration acceptance criteria are usually defined in ship specifications. The actual vibration acceptance
criteria are to be determined as appropriate based on the ship specifications and manufacturer’s
The criteria are based on BS 6841 (1987) and ISO 2631 (1997). The frequency weighting curves in BS
6841 (1987) are used for the vertical axis (Wb filter for x-axis). The horizontal axes use the frequency
weighting curves in BS 6841 and ISO 2631-1 (Wd filter for y- and z-axes). For motion sickness dose value
computation, a different frequency weighting curve from BS 6841 is applied (Wf for z-axis).
The maximum weighted rms acceleration level for crew habitability is shown in 7/3.1 TABLE 1. The ABS
criteria require each single axis as well as the combined multi-axes levels be less than or equal to the
values expressed in 7/3.1 TABLE 1. Note that the low frequency range below 1 Hz is included to account
for the human response to sea conditions including heave, slamming and whipping. The maximum
weighted rms acceleration level for passenger comfort is shown in 7/3.1 TABLE 2. Again, both single axis
and multi-axes levels must be less than or equal to the values expressed in 7/3.1 TABLE 2. Note that the
MSDV (Motion Sickness Dose Value) based on vertical motion for the frequency range of 0.1 to 0.5 Hz is
also included in 7/3.1 TABLE 2.
ABS provides optional classification notations for Crew Habitability and Passenger Comfort. For details
on the acceptance criteria and measurement procedure, refer to ABS Guide for Passenger Comfort on
Ships and ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships. Also refer to ABS Guide for Crew Habitability on
Offshore Installation for offshore applications.
Maximum Weighted RMS Acceleration Levels for Crew Habitability
Maximum Weighted RMS Acceleration Levels for Passenger Comfort
3.3 ISO 6954 (1984) Criteria for Crew and Passenger Relating to Mechanical Vibration
ISO 6954 (1984) has also been widely used as acceptance criteria for crew habitability and passenger
comfort. The criteria are designed to ensure vibration levels are below at which crew and passenger do not
experience discomfort. ISO 6954 criteria are shown in 7/3.3 FIGURE 1, which can be transformed into the
● For each peak response component (in either vertical, transverse, or longitudinal direction), from 1 Hz
to 5 Hz, the acceleration is acceptable below 126 mm/sec2, and adverse comment is probable above
285 mm/sec2
● For each peak response component (in either vertical, transverse, or longitudinal direction), from 5 Hz
and above, the velocity is acceptable below 4 mm/sec, and adverse comment is probable above 9 mm/
Criteria in the format of 7/3.3 FIGURE 1 characterizes ship vibration as a simple harmonic (i.e., periodic at
a single frequency). The criteria are readily applied to the evaluation of FE-based vibration analysis, as
described in Section 5. However, the ship vibration in seaways is actually random in nature (i.e., it is
composed of components at all frequencies rather than at a single one). The random character of ship
vibration is clearly evident in records from underway vibration surveys. Note that ISO 6954 (1984) criteria
are given for the peak values considering the modulation of ship vibrations in seaways. For the
measurement and evaluation of ship vibration in seaways, the Envelope method in Section 6 would be the
most direct and simple method to effectively measure the peak values.
ISO 6954 (1984)
3.5 ISO 6954 (2000) Criteria for Crew and Passenger Relating to Mechanical Vibration
ISO 6954 (1984) has been revised to reflect recent knowledge on human sensitivity to whole-body
vibration. The frequency weighting curves are introduced to represent human sensitivity to multi-
frequency vibration for a broad range of frequencies, which are consistent with the combined frequency
weighting in ISO 2631-2.
ISO 6954 (2000) provides criteria for crew habitability and passenger comfort in terms of overall
frequency-weighted rms values from 1 to 80 Hz for three different areas. The simplified presentation is
shown as 7/3.5 TABLE 3.
Overall Frequency-Weighted RMS Values (ISO 6954: 2000)
Area Classification
2 2 2
mm/s mm/s mm/s mm/s mm/s mm/s
The zone between upper and lower values reflects the shipboard vibration environment commonly experienced and
Area Classification
A: Passenger Accommodations
B: Crew Accommodations
C: Work spaces
7/5 FIGURE 2 is the vibration limits for local structures, often adopted in marine industry, below which
the risk of fatigue cracking due to vibration is generally expected to be low. The heavy lines are the
vibration limits for local structures; recommended below the lower limit, and damage probable above the
upper limit, with a “gray area” in between. Above 5 Hz, the vibration limits are specified in terms of
velocity amplitude, and below 5 Hz in terms of displacement. The local structure vibrations of main
interest are generally above 5 Hz. The vibration limits can be transformed into the following:
● For each peak response component (in either vertical, transverse, or longitudinal direction), from 1 Hz
to 5 Hz, the displacement is recommended below 1.0 mm, and damage is probable above 2.0 mm
● For each peak response component (in either vertical, transverse, or longitudinal direction), from 5 Hz
and above, the velocity is recommended below 30 mm/sec, and damage is probable above 60 mm/sec.
It is noted that the simple vibration limits described above may not be applicable to all the local
structures with different structural configurations and details. In the case of tall structures and/or softly
shaped structures such as masts, for example, the actual stress level due to vibration is generally small
and the vibration limits of 1.0 mm or 2.0 mm may be too conservative. On the other hand, in the case
of local stiffened panels with fixed ends, for example, the vibration limits of 1.0 mm or 2.0 mm may
be less conservative. Therefore, the application of vibration limits for specific local structures may
vary depending on the vessel specification agreed by shipyards and ship owners.
Vibration Limits for Local Structures
ANSI S2.27 (2002) and SNAME T & R 2-29A (2004) provide comprehensive guidelines on the vibration
limits for the main propulsion machinery. The vibration limits are provided in terms of broadband rms
values with multi-frequency components (nominally from 1 to 1000 Hz). The longitudinal vibration (rms,
free route) at thrust bearing (and bull gear hub for geared turbine drives) is to be less than 5 mm/s rms. For
other propulsion machinery components exclusive of engines, propellers and shafting aft of the thrust
bearing, the longitudinal vibration is to be less than 13 mm/s rms. For stern tube and line shaft bearing, the
lateral vibration is to be less than 7 mm/sec rms. For direct diesel engines (over 1000 HP, slow and
medium speed diesels connected to the shafting), the vibration limits are 13 mm/sec at the bearings and 18
mm/sec on the engine tops, in all three directions. For high-speed diesel engines (less than 1000 HP), the
vibration is to be less than 13 mm/sec at the bearings and engine tops, in all directions.
Vibration Limits for Main Propulsion Machinery
Slow & Medium Speed Diesel Engine on Engine Top (over 1000 HP) 18 mm/s
High Speed Diesel Engine on Engine Top (less 1000 HP) 13 mm/s
A primary concern in the longitudinal propulsion machinery vibration is the avoidance of thrust reversal at
the thrust bearing due to system longitudinal resonance, which can result in destruction of the thrust
bearing. ANSI S2.27 provides the criteria on the alternating thrust at thrust bearing. During free-route runs,
the broadband peak value of the alternating thrust on the main thrust bearing is to be less than 75% of the
mean thrust for that speed, or less than 25% of the full power mean thrust, whichever is less.
As shown in 4/3, it may not be possible to avoid a longitudinal resonance in the operating range with long
shaft ships. A critical at least 20% below the full power RPM is the usual practice. Even if the critical
occurs at an RPM less than 20% of full power, it may be very difficult to achieve the criteria proposed by
ANSI S2.27 at the resonant point, depending on the blade-rate alternating thrust amplitude and the
damping present. In this case, an RPM band around the critical might have to be restricted for operation as
the only reasonable recourse.
● For reciprocating machinery, the vibration in all directions is to be less than 10 mm/sec rms at bearings
● For rotating machinery, the vibration in all directions is to be less than 9 mm/sec rms at bearings
The machinery includes but is not limited to generators, motors, centrifugal pumps, compressors,
turbochargers, blowers and fans. The application of vibration limits may vary depending on specific type,
size, configuration, and mounting of the machinery.
ISO 10816 provides guidelines on the vibration criteria in terms of overall rms values (from 2 to 1000 Hz)
for the non-rotating and, where applicable, non-reciprocating parts of general machines, measured at the
bearings or bearing housings. It is noted that the criteria relate only to the vibration produced by the
machine itself and not to vibration transmitted to it from outside. ISO 10816 is complemented by ISO
7919, which provides guidelines on the vibration criteria for the rotating parts of the machines.
In accordance with Appendix 7-A1-14, “Surveys Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques” of the
ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), ABS Recognized Condition Monitoring Company is to
submit the measured machinery vibration data and acceptance criteria to ABS. The vibration limits for
machinery given in this section are to be used as a reference for the acceptance criteria of the Condition
Monitoring Program, if applicable.
1 General References
American Bureau of Shipping. (2018), Marine Vessel Rules
3 Concept Design
Burrill, L.C. (1934-35), “Ship Vibration; Simple Methods of Estimating Critical Frequencies,”
Transactions, NECI, Vol. 51.
Burrill, L.C. (1943), “Developments in Propeller Design and Manufacture for Merchant Ships,”
Transactions, IME London, Vol. 55
Hirowatari, T., and Matsumoto, K. (1969), “On the Fore-and-Aft Vibration of Superstructure Located at
Aftship (Second Report),” JSNA Transactions, Volume 125, June.
Holden, K.O., Fagerjord, O., Frostad, R. (1980) “Early design-stage approach to reducing hull surface
force due to propeller cavitation”, SNAME Trans.
Johannessen, H., and Skaar, K.T. (1980), “Guidelines for Prevention of Excessive Ship Vibration,”
SNAME Transactions, Vol. 88.
Kumai, T. (1968), “On the Estimation of Natural Frequencies of Vertical Vibration of Ships,” Report of
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Vol. 16, No. 54.
Sandstrom, R.E., and Smith, N.P. (1979), “Eigenvalue Analysis as an Approach to the Prediction of Global
Vibration of Deckhouse Structures,” SNAME Hampton Roads Section Meeting, October.
Schlottmann, G., Winkelmann, J. and Sideris, D. (1999). Vibrations of resilient mounted engines Jahrbuch
der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft 93, 185-193 (In German).
Sulzer Bros. (1977), RND Marine Diesel Engines, Technical Data, Sulzer Bros. Ltd., Winterthur,
Switzerland, October.
5 FE Analysis
American Bureau of Shipping (2005). Ship Vibration Analysis Procedure Guide
American Bureau of Shipping. (2005), Report RPD2005-07 An Integrated Computational Process for
Cavitating Propeller Induced Loads
American Bureau of Shipping. (2001). Report RD 2001-11 Program Development for Added Mass and
Buoyancy Spring
7 Measurement
ANSI S2.27 (2002), Guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of vibration of ship propulsion
machinery, American National Standard
BS 6841 (1987), Guide to measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body mechanical
vibration and repeated shock
ISO 2631-1 (1997), Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration -Part 1: General requirements
ISO 2631-2 (1997), Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration -Part 2: Continuous and shock-
induced vibration in buildings (1 to 80 Hz)
ISO 4867 (1984), Code for the measurement and reporting of shipboard vibration data
ISO 4868 (1984), Code for the measurement and reporting of local vibration data of ship structures and
ISO 6954 (1984). Mechanical vibration and shock- Guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in
merchant ships
ISO 6954 (2000). Mechanical vibration - Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of
vibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant ships.
ISO 7919 (2005), Mechanical vibration – Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating
ISO 10816 (2001), Mechanical vibration – Evaluation of machinery vibration by measurements on non-
rotating parts
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin No. 2-29, (1993) Guide for the analysis and evaluation of
shipboard hull vibration data, Jersey City, NJ
SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin No. 2-29A, (2004) Measurement and evaluation of structural &
machinery vibration in ships, Jersey City, NJ
Note: This Appendix is adapted from PNA Chapter 7 (SNAME, 1988) with permission from SNAME.
1 Corrective Investigations
The approach to resolving ship vibration problems, as with most engineering problems, involves two steps.
The first step is to clearly establish the cause of the problem, and the second step is to implement the
changes required to eliminate it in an efficient manner.
In about 80 percent of cases the basic cause of a ship vibration problem is its propeller. Whether or not the
vibration of a particular ship has its source in the propeller is easily established from underway vibration
measurements. If at some shaft RPM the measured frequency of the vibration is predominantly RPM times
propeller blade number, and varies directly with shaft RPM, then the propeller is definitely the exciting
source. If blade-rate frequency, or its multiples, is not strongly detectable in the records, then it is almost
certain that the propeller is not the primary excitation, unless the records exhibit a strong shaft-rate
frequency, which could indicate propeller mechanical or hydrodynamic unbalance difficulties, but these are
rather rare.
Once the excitation frequency has been established from the underway measurements, next in order is to
establish whether or not resonance with structural natural frequencies plays a significant role in the
magnitude of the vibration. For non-cavitating propellers, excessive hull vibration is expected to be
resonant vibration. Resonant vibration is established by varying shaft RPM in steps and recording vibration
amplitude successively at each RPM in the region where the problem has been identified as being most
intense. If a plot of displacement amplitude versus RPM shows a definite peak with increasing RPM
followed by decline, then resonant vibration is established and the position of the peak establishes the
natural frequency of the resonant structural mode. If the amplitude/RPM characteristic does not peak but
has an increasing trend as roughly RPM squared in the upper power range, then structural resonance is not
playing a major role. If, alternatively, the amplitude/RPM characteristic increases very rapidly only in the
immediate vicinity of full power without establishing a definite peak up to the maximum obtainable RPM,
a full power resonance may or may not be indicated. This exhibition can be entirely the manifestation of
the onset of propeller intermittent sheet cavitation, which tends to produce an almost discontinuous
amplification of the hull surface excitation at the onset RPM. The sudden appearance of strong higher
harmonics of blade-rate frequency in the vibration records, accompanied by violent pounding in spaces
above the counter, are good indications of a full-power non-resonant vibration problem caused by
excessive propeller cavitation.
If non-resonant vibration due to propeller cavitation is established, then the underway survey could
probably be discontinued, with attention then turned to hydrodynamic design changes in the stern/propeller
configuration. This course of action is considered in the next Subsection.
If the problem is established as highly localized resonant vibration of plating panels, piping, and the like,
then the vibration survey likewise need go no further. It is usually quite obvious in such cases how natural
frequency changes, through local stiffening, can be effectively and expediently accomplished to eliminate
the locally resonant conditions.
If, on the other hand, the vibration problem is established as a resonant condition of a major substructure,
such as a deckhouse, which has been all too often the case, then the vibration survey had best proceed to
obtain mode shape information in the interest of an expeditious correction program.
3 General Approach
Just as in developing a vibration-sufficient ship design, there exist three possibilities for correcting a
vibration-deficient one in normal practice:
Most of the excessive diesel engine excited hull vibration can usually be corrected by the following
The detail information necessary for the installations of above provisions is to be provided by engine or
equipment manufacturers. Otherwise the achievement of any of the three correction possibilities identified
above may involve modifications in either stern/propeller hydrodynamics or hull structure.
5 Hydrodynamic Modifications
The most effective way to reduce propeller vibratory excitation is to reduce the circumferential non-
uniformity of the hull wake in which the propeller operates, as discussed in detail in Section 3. In the early
design stage, acceptable wakes can be achieved by taking proper care with stern lines. (Refer to 3/5 for the
specific guidelines). In a post-design corrective situation, basic lines changes are, of course, not possible.
However, with good luck in the case of poor stern lines, considerable improvements in wake might be
accomplished by back fitting one of the several types of wake adapting stern appendages. The partial
tunnel A2/5 FIGURE 1, below, has been the most broadly applied of the wake adapting appendages, which
also include vortex generators and wake adapting propeller ducts.
The idea is to divert the upward-aft flow along the buttock lines forward longitudinally into the upper
propeller disc to reduce the wake spike near top-dead-center. This device will work most effectively on the
buttock-flow type of stern; the partial tunnel was applied successfully over the years on Great Lakes ore
carriers, most of which have barge-type sterns with very steep buttock angles. On the other hand, for sterns
which exhibit a basically waterline-flow character, the partial tunnel would be expected to be more or less
ineffective due to the lack of upward flow to divert. However, the effectiveness of the partial tunnel cannot
always be accurately judged by simply classifying a prospective application as one of the two limiting
cases of buttock versus waterline flow. For example, the stern shown on A2/5 FIGURE 1, from Rutherford
(1978-79) might be classified as more of a waterline flow, yet the modifications shown produced
significant improvement in the nominal wake, as exhibited by the before and after axial velocity contours.
The contour lines on A2/5 FIGURE 1 are the lines of constant wake fraction, so that 9 is 0.9, or 10% of the
axial free stream velocity, which represents a bad wake. The A2/5 FIGURE 1 modifications do however
include vortex generators as well as the partial tunnel, and the contributions of each to the wake
improvements shown are not known.
Wake Improvement with Special Lines-adapting Stern Devices Conventional
Stern Cargo Ship
The decision to retrofit a wake adapting stern appendage should not be made lightly without quantification
of the advantages and disadvantages. A price is paid for appendages in increased hull resistance. As a
minimum, model tuft-tests with and without the appendage is to be performed to observe the change in
stern surface flow. The absence of any noticeable smoothing may be misleading, however, a wake survey
can show improvements in the propeller plane not discernable in the tuft behavior. Furthermore, aside from
nominal wake considerations, it has been found that greatest wake improvements are sometimes achieved
through propeller/appendage interaction. This implies that model tuft-tests is to be conducted both with
and without the operating propeller. In these cases, the best indicator of significant effective wake
improvements from the standpoint of vibratory excitation may be an improvement by several percentage
points in the propulsive efficiency from the model SHP test conducted with and without the wake adapting
appendage. This is as explained in Hylarides (1978).
Aside from wake improvements, the only recourse for reducing propeller excitation is modification or
replacement of the propeller. Some instances of successful modifications of troublesome propellers have
been reported. For example, trimming blade tips by several centimeters to reduce wake severity at the
extreme propeller radii can produce improvements, but some degree of RPM increase must then be
tolerated. Successful modifications of existing propellers are rare because of the usually unacceptable
trade-offs of performance degradation against vibration improvement. The same disadvantages exist in
propeller replacement considerations. Replacement propellers, with modified features, such as changed
blade number, reduced diameter (for increased hull clearance), increased blade area, reduced pitch in the
blade tips, etc., may relieve the vibration problem, but often for a dear price in vessel performance. It is
unfortunate that, with the exception of moderate blade skew, essentially all of the measures available in
propeller design for reducing vibratory excitation, once the stern lines are established, act also to reduce
propeller efficiency. It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that the greatest insurance against propeller-
induced vibration problems is to place high emphasis on wake uniformity in making trade-offs in the
original establishment of vessel lines at the concept design level.
7 Structural Modifications
The most cost-effective approach for eliminating structural resonances is usually to shift natural
frequencies through structural modifications. The alternative is to shift exciting frequency by changes in
engine RPM or number of propeller blades.
Just as with hydrodynamics related problems, the most intelligent way to approach the correction of a
vibration problem that promises to involve significant structural modifications is through the use of the
tools of rational mechanics. A structural math model is to be first be calibrated to approximately simulate
the existing vibration characteristics. Modification possibilities are then exercised with the model, and their
probability of success is established on paper. In this way the probability of a “one-shot” success when
shipboard modifications are subsequently implemented is maximized. The alternative and unenlightened
“cut-and-try” approach to the solution of serious ship vibration problems is fraught with frustration, and
with the possibility of expending vast amounts of time and money without achieving complete success.
Of course, the paper-studies proposed as a tool for use in correcting a serious ship vibration problem must
be concluded quickly. Several months, or even several weeks, is not available when delivery of a vessel is
stalled, awaiting the resolution of vibration deficiencies. This places a premium on formulation of the
simplest possible structural models which still retain adequate realism to provide the basis for the required
judgments as to the relative effects of vessel modifications. This is where the collection of thorough trial
vibration data can pay for itself. Measurement of vibratory mode shape data is often a near necessity for
securing guidance in formulating calibration models of the desired simplicity, but with sufficient accuracy.
This is illustrated by the following case study.
9 Case Study
Excessive vibration of a Type A deckhouse, 4/7.iv FIGURE 4, occurs on the builder’s trials of an 80,000
DWT product carrier. Vibratory displacement amplitude data are recorded with a multi-channel recorder
via phase-calibrated accelerometers mounted at points on the house and on the main deck. The records
establish the following information.
i) The vibration occurs at predominantly blade-rate frequency, confirming the propeller as its
exciting source.
ii) The vibration amplitude peaks at 100 RPM, and the propeller has five blades. A resonance of the
house at 500 cycles per min (cpm) is therefore established.
iii) Vibration records recorded at 100 RPM show that the vibration of the house is predominantly
fore-and-aft, with fore-and-aft amplitude increasing with a quasi-linear characteristic from low
levels at main deck to a maximum of 39 mm/sec at the housetop. The housetop is 15 meters above
main deck.
iv) The 100 RPM record also shows that the amplitude of the vertical vibration at main deck is
approximately uniform at V = ωX = 5 mm/sec over the house length. The vertical vibration
amplitude is also approximately constant at this same level up the house front, which is a
continuation of the forward engine room bulkhead.
The above measured characteristics of the vibration under consideration are judged to allow the use of the
simple rocking/bending house model in conjunction with the Hirowatari method, 4/7, 4/7.iv FIGURE 4
and 4/7.iv FIGURE 5 and 4/7.iv TABLE 2.
Mass-elastic Model of Deckhouse and Support Structure
fR = 2 2 = 640 cpm
1/fe − 1/f∞
The two frequencies f∞ and fR can be used to determine the effective stiffness of the house and its under-
deck supporting structure for use in the simple model of A2/9 FIGURE 2. For a house mass established as
m = 300 t, with a radius of gyration, r, about the house forward lower edge of 10 m, the effective torsional
stiffness of the under-deck supporting structure is, from 4/7:
Kf = 2π/60 fR2 J = 1 . 35 × 1011 N‐m/rad
An approximate effective bending/shear stiffness of the house, Kℎ, is obtained by first lumping the house
mass at the radius of gyration above the assumed pin support on the main deck at the forward bulkhead.
This preserves the mass moment of inertia in the A2/9 FIGURE 2 model. Then, for the house base fixed,
2 2
Kℎ = 2π/60 f∞ m = 2 . 1 × 109N/m
The effective combined torsional stiffness for use in the equivalent reduced one-mass system is then:
K= 1
2 = 0 . 822 × 1011 N‐m/rad A2.1
1/Kf + 1/ Kℎr
This combined stiffness can also be deduced directly from the measured natural frequency and the house
mass moment of inertia as:
K = 2π/60 fe2 J = 0 . 822 × 1011 N‐m/rad
The effective exciting moment due to the vertical hull girder vibration can be estimated using the following
Me = ωmξV A2 . 2
Here, ωV is the vertical acceleration of the house via the hull girder, so that mωV is a vertically downward
inertia force acting at the house CG. ξ is the longitudinal coordinate to the house CG, measured aft from
the house front, which is 5 m. V is the velocity amplitude of the main deck vertical vibration, which is 5
mm/sec. In terms of arbitrary hull girder vibration frequency ω, the exciting moment is estimated as:
Me = 150ω2 N‐m
As a final remaining element of the A2/9 FIGURE 2 equivalent one-mass model, the damping factor ζ, is
estimated as follows using the measured 39 mm/sec house top vibration amplitude. With Φ being the
amplitude of the equivalent vibratory rocking angular velocity of the house, the fore-and-aft velocity
amplitude of the housetop is approximated as,
U = Φℎ
where ℎ is the 15 m house height above main deck. Substituting the response formula for the A2/9
FIGURE 2 model,
ωℎ Me /K
U= A2 . 3
22 2
1 − ω/ωn + 2ζ ω/ωn
ωℎ Me
U= 2ζ = 39 mm/sec A2.4
ωℎ Me
ζ= 2 KU
Me = 4 . 12 × 105 N‐m
52 . 4 × 15 4 . 12 × 105
ζ= = 0 . 05
2 0 . 822 × 1011 39 × 10−3
With the calibrated model so established as an equivalent one degree of freedom system, with constants, J,
K, ζ and M, the above formula can be reused to evaluate changes in the house-top vibratory velocity
amplitude, U, resulting from selected changes in the array of design variables included in the simple
structure is raised from the above value of 1.35 × 1011 N-m/rad to 1.475 × 1011 N-m/rad by the pillar
addition. From Equation A2.1, the increased combined stiffness of K = 0.866 × 1011 N-m/rad results in a
2.6 percent increase in natural frequency from the measured value of 500 cpm to 513 cpm. The full power
RPM of the vessel is 105, which corresponds to a full power blade-rate exciting frequency of 525 cpm.
The critical has therefore been raised only to a higher level in the operating range from 100 to 102.6 RPM.
At 102.6 RPM, the 5 mm/sec vertical hull girder vibration measured at 100 RPM would be increased by at
least the frequency increase cubed, since the propeller exciting force would vary as RPM squared. This is
assuming a flat frequency response characteristic of the hull girder (not close to a hull girder critical) as
well as a non-cavitating propeller. Assuming a frequency cubed increase in V, the hull girder vertical
vibration velocity amplitude becomes,
which would still be quite acceptable. However, the exciting moment from Equation A2.2 would be
increased to:
at the new resonant frequency ω = ωn 2π 513/60 = 53 . 72 rad/sec. The house top fore-and-aft
vibratory velocity amplitude resulting from the foundation stiffening, assuming the damping factor
unchanged, is predicted to be increased from 39 mm/sec to:
Equivalent One-mass System
This is an increase in vibration of 2.5 percent over the original 39 mm/sec level. The inadequate stiffening
has simply raised the critical to a higher point in the operating range where the excitation is more intense.
Some care is required here in order to achieve a satisfactory result.
In view of the above result, it would be intelligent at this point to evaluate the stiffness increase required in
order to achieve a satisfactory vibration level. It is most desirable to move the critical above the full power
RPM of 105, rather than decreasing stiffness to get below it. This establishes the exciting frequency at the
full power RPM:
f = 525 cpm = 8 . 75 Hz
ω = 8 . 75 2π = 55 rad/sec
For crew accommodation areas, the limiting housetop fore-and-aft vibratory velocity amplitude of 5 mm
per sec is selected at this frequency. Continuing to assume a frequency-cubed variation in the hull vertical
velocity amplitude, the exciting moment is now from Equation A2.2:
Me = 55 3 × 105 5 5 525/500 /1000 = 4 . 775 × 105 N‐m
From Equation A2.3, for 2ζω/ωn < < 1 − ω/ωn for ω/ωn < 1:
ωℎMe /K
U= 2 A2 . 5
1 − ω/ωn
K = ωℎMe /U + Jω2
K = 1 . 7 × 1011 N‐m/rad
This requires more than doubling the as-built combined effective stiffness of 0.822 × 1011 N-m/rad. Little
can normally be done to change the house stiffness; functional requirements of the house usually will not
permit the modifications necessary to accomplish any significant increases in house casing section moment
of inertia and shear area. Stiffening of the under-deck supporting structure is the only and possibly
effective structural modification that can be accommodated. The required Kf, is, from Equation A2.1:
Kf = 1
= 1 . 02 × 1012
1/K − 1/Kℎr2
Therefore, meeting the vibration limit of 5 mm/sec at the housetop will require increasing the effective
torsional stiffness of the under-deck supporting structure by a factor of:
1 . 02 × 1012
= 7.5
1 . 35 × 1011
and this would be impossible to accomplish. For example, if the two parallel pillars of the 4/7 example
were doubled in number from 2 to 4 and moved 3 meters aft to line up under the house after bulkhead,
rather than under the house sides (4/7 FIGURE 6), Kf would be increased to only:
Kf = 1 . 35 × 1011 + 2 5 × 108 8
= 1 . 99 × 1011 N‐m/rad
which is still a factor of more than 5 below the required value. At this point, the virtual impossibility of
rectifying the problem through structural modifications is clear, and attention would be turned to the
which is 25% above the critical, which meets the rule of thumb. With the foundation unchanged, the
housetop vibration at the full power RPM of 105 would be, from Equation A2.5:
The vibration at the housetop is down by almost 50%, but still too high, on the basis of the habitability
criterion. Another possibility for the propeller would be to change to 6 blades and lower the critical below
full power to:
This level might be judged to be marginally acceptable as a workspace on the bridge deck at the top of the
deckhouse. The disadvantage to 6 blades is the resonance at 83 RPM. At 83 RPM (43.5 rad/sec), the
exciting moment, Equation A2.2, goes down by at least frequency cubed, as has been previously assumed.
Me = 4 . 775 × 105 83/105 = 2 . 36 × 105 N‐m
While this predicted level is excessive, it would not necessarily disqualify a 6-bladed propeller, as
continuous operation at any particular lower RPM is usually not critical, and 83 RPM could be simply
avoided except in passing.
In this case study, it was decided to change to a 6-bladed propeller. A reconditioned propeller of the correct
diameter and pitch was refitted on the vessel. It was confirmed in advance that the blade area met the
Burrill Criteria 10% back cavitation as suggested at 4/7.iv FIGURE 5. The deckhouse vibration was judged
by the owner to be acceptable in closely enough meeting the habitability criteria from 7/3.5 TABLE 3. A
vibration increase in passing through the 80-85 RPM range was detectable by personnel in the deckhouse
but it was quite moderate and judged also to be acceptable. Successful acceptance trials were completed
within the delivery guarantee margin mandated by the contract.
1 General
Ship flexural vibration excited by the seaway can be of three types:
i) Springing
ii) Bow Flare Slamming
iii) Bottom Slamming
3 Springing
Springing is a continuous-type vibration of the hull excited by the short wave (high frequency) wave
components of the seaway. This is versus transient slamming, which is addressed in the next Subsection.
The most well-known cases of springing were with the Great Lakes Ore Carriers built in the 1970’s. There,
the locks limitations on vessel beam and depth required longer and longer shiplength to meet desired cargo
capacity. Therefore, the ships had a very low 2-noded vertical flexural natural frequency. This coupled with
the short-length (high frequency) spectrum of the Great Lakes seaway, resulted in measurable response
magnification in the first flexural mode. The level of the flexural response could, however, not be
explained by sub-resonant magnification alone. It was concluded by ABS that nonlinear hydrodynamics in
producing low frequency “difference wave” excitation also played a role. Although monitored carefully for
some years, no failures of the Great Lakes bulk carriers have ever been attributed to springing.
Springing could however be brought back to the forefront of attention by increasing vessel speed. The
higher the speed the higher the “frequency of encounter” with the sea waves. The result could be the same
as appeared on the Great Lakes 30 to 40 years ago, but for a different reason. Care needs to be exercised in
designing the new generation of high-speed ships with enough hull girder stiffness to avoid significant
dynamic magnification of hull flexure by high frequency of encounter relative to sea waves.
The inclination is to add flare in the bow to provide the hydrodynamic stiffness to avoid bow submergence
in the waves. But the price paid in bow deceleration to prevent submergence is high flare loads and
potential structural damage, both globally and locally.
Usual practice is that with high-speed ships, flare angles of the bow side shell and bulwarks are not to
exceed angles of 40 to 45 degrees relative to the vertical.
simultaneously, but to different degrees of course, depending on the spectral content of the slam impulse.
This can be particularly serious with very low natural frequency substructures base excited through the
transients from the hull girder. It can also produce local plating damage in the fore-foot due to the high
hydrodynamic impact pressure loadings.
Aside from designing for a deep forefoot, the best protection against bottom slamming damage is the
adjustment of seaway operations to suit the local sea characteristics.
The following provides a summary of the check list that is to be encountered in the typical concept design
i) During the initial engine selection, check the 2nd order vertical moment M2v from potential vendor,
by the procedure of 3/3. If the PRU (Power Related Unbalance) exceeds 220 N-m/kW, consider
either change of engine selection or installation of moment compensators. Also the installation of
engine lateral stays on the engine room structure is to be addressed at the early design stage
ii) During the initial stern lines fairing and propulsion system arrangement studies, check the
maximum angles and minimum propeller clearances in 3/5.1.i FIGURE 5 or 3/5.1.ii FIGURE 6.
iii) Check if the aperture clearance provided in ii) is adequate to accommodate a propeller diameter
satisfying the Burrill cavitation criteria for a maximum of 10% back cavitation, in 3/7.1 FIGURE
If either ii) or iii) are not satisfied, plans is to be made to perform detailed wake and propeller cavitation
studies based on model testing and/or numerical simulation.
i) Once preliminary hull principal dimensions and weight are established, check the vertical hull
girder natural frequencies up to at least 5 nodes to avoid the resonance or near resonance (20%
separation minimum) with the engine second-order vertical moment at full power. This is by the
procedure of 4/3.
If twice the RPM of the engine at full power falls within 20% of any of the estimated natural
frequencies, the more precise FE-based free vibration analysis of the hull girder natural
frequencies is recommended.
ii) At the time of propulsion machinery and foundation arrangement design, follow the procedure of
4/5 to check the thrust bearing structural foundation stiffness needed to avoid blade-rate resonance
with either of the first two system longitudinal natural modes in the upper power range.
If this cannot be achieved, the change of propeller blade number and/or RPM is to be considered
so that a minimum 20% margin on the full power PRPM is provided.
iii) In developing the scantlings and supporting structure of the deckhouse, perform the analysis of 4/7
to avoid fore-and-aft blade-rate resonance, within the 20% margin at full power.