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Hksmm5: Building Works

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Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works

Fifth Edition 2021

Draft for Industry Consultation

The SMM5 Committee (building works) welcomes any suggestions and comments.
Please submit your views to the email address: bshkho@cityu.edu.hk
before 15th June 2021

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works
Fifth Edition 2021

Authorised between
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors,
The Architectural Services Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government,
The Housing Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government,
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers,
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers,
The Association of Cost Engineers (Hong Kong Region),
The Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd., and
The Hong Kong Electrical & Mechanical Contractors’ Association Ltd.

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

First Edition, Building Works, 1962

Second Edition, Building Works, 1966

Third Edition, Building Works, 1979

First Edition, Building Services, 1993

Fourth Edition, Combined Building Works and Building Services, 2005

Fourth Edition, incorporating Corrigenda 1 and Amendment 1, 2018

Fifth Edition, Combined Building Works and Building Services, 2021

Copyright: The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

ISBN: (to be filled in later)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by the above copyright may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright

22. Suspended ceilings 107
Preface to Fifth Edition 2021 ii
23. Raised access floors 109
Preface to First Edition 1962 iii
24. Handrails, balustrades, ladders and stairs 111
Preface to Second Edition 1966 iv
25. Metalwork 113
Preface to Third Edition 1979 v
26. Carpentry 117
Preface to Fourth Edition 2005 vi
27. Joinery 119
Preface to Fourth Edition Revised 2018 vii
28. Furniture, fittings and equipment 123
29. Proofing, insulation and fire protection 127
1. General rules 1
30. Surface finishes
2. Preliminaries 5
30.1 In-situ surface finishes 129
3. Ground investigation 19
31.2 Stone facing, tiling, rubber/plastic sheet, carpet and other surface finishes 132
4. Demolition and alteration 23
31.3 Roof tiling 135
5. Piling
31. Painting and decorative papers 137
5.1 Steel sheet piling 29
5.2 Bored cast in-situ piling 32 32. Glazing 141
5.3 Driven preformed piling 38 33. Road and path pavings 145
6. Diaphragm walling 43 34. Landscaping 149
7. Geotechnical works 35. Drainage below ground 155
7.1 Pressure grouting 49 36. Water supply and disposal systems 161
7.2 Ground stabilisation 51 37. Fire service systems (excluded)
8. Excavating and filling 57
38. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (excluded)
9. Underpinning 61
39. Transportation systems (excluded)
10. In-situ concrete 63
40. Mechanical systems (excluded)
11. Formwork 69
41. Electrical systems (excluded)
12. Reinforcement 73
42. Communications, security and control systems (excluded)
13. Pre-stressing 75
43. Builder’s work in connection with building service installations (excluded)
14. Precast concrete 77
Index (excluding)
15. Masonry 81
16. Structural steelwork 85
17. Waterproofing 89
18. Curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings 91
19. Windows, louvres and shop fronts 95
20. Doors, gates, shutters and ironmongery 99
21. Partitions and linings 103

Preface to Fifth Edition 2021

The current Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement (4th edition) (HKSMM4) was published in Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd
2005. While adopting a new tabulated format as the UK’s SMM7, many measurement rules of the Kerswill, Ian
HKSMM4 were based on the previous trade practices. During the past decades, there has been a vast Yuen Chung Hou, Howard
change in the construction industry which includes widely adopting new construction materials and Lee Fook Pui, Billy
building components, utilising advanced construction technologies particularly in prefabrication, Chow Chun Yu
standardisation and mechanisation, engaging collaborative procurement approaches with more Lam, Raymond
integration and partnership among all stakeholders, using innovative building information modelling (BIM)
technologies in enhancing the design and construction process, and coping with the ever-changing and Building Service Works
more stringent legislative requirements. As a result, a new HKSMM5 has been prepared in response to
these changes. Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Cheng, Sam (Chairman)
The HKSMM5 aims to be used on all major construction projects in both the public and private sectors. Ho Hok Keung, Paul (Co-ordinating Member)
While the new HKSMM5 should take account of the current local and international construction Kam Ka Fai, Raymond
technologies and practices, it should also be a forward-looking document that would be applicable for Lee Kwan Mo, Tommy
many years in the future. It aims at rationalising the input required to produce a bill of quantities, Kwan Ka Ho, Karson
simplifying the measurement in line with the international trends, making clear the measurement, Yik, Andy
definition and coverage rules to avoid the possibility of misinterpretation and subsequent disputes, Choi Shing Lam, Sunny (in attendance)
facilitating the use of BIM and other information technologies in measurement and production of bills of Representing the Architectural Services Department
quantities, and ultimately enhancing the productivity in measurement, estimating, documentation and Cheng Seng Yip, Felix
other procurement tasks. Representing the Housing Department
Ying Chung Sau, Rex
The members of the HKSMM5 Committee were: Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd.
Chum Hin Kwong, Lesley
Building Works Lee Fook Pui, Billy (in attendance)
Representing the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Tse Wing Ning, Richard
Ho Hok Keung, Paul (Chairman) Representing the Association of Cost Engineers (Hong Kong Region)
Hon Chi Shing, Alfred Mok T.S., Daniel
Fong, William Representing the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (Hong Kong Region)
Tang Wai Kwong Ma Wing Hon, Keith
Lau, Ellen (Secretary) Representing the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Contractors’ Association Ltd.
Representing the Architectural Services Department Chan Wun Cheung, Karen
Yu Mei Ping, Rachel
Cheng Seng Yip, Felix (joined from February 2021)
Representing the Housing Department Month, 2021
Choi Shing Lam, Sunny (retired Housing Department from end 2020)
Ying Chung Sau, Rex (joined from January 2021)

Preface to First Edition 1962

The vast development of the building industry in Hong Kong during the past decade has created a wide- The members of the Joint Committee are:-
spread realisation of the importance and usefulness of Bills of Quantities. Local conditions have not
justified the adoption of the English Standard Method of Measurement, which nevertheless has been Chartered Quantity Surveyors:-
followed in a general sense in Government and private practice and adapted mainly by including most
labours with the relative items. Adaptation, however, has been completely arbitrary, depending upon the H. Miller (Chairman)
discretion or inclination of the individual surveyor. The Services have for some while had their own "Rules R. B. Hanna'
of Measurement" for the Far East which is restricted in general use and application in Hong Kong. C. R. Holmes
Building Contractors, while becoming more and more "B.Q. conscious", have at the same time been J. A. Lilley
faced with a growing diversity of methods of measurement which has not only been deleterious to J. V. Moore
scientific estimating but has in fact resulted in the occurrence of serious errors. K. E. N. Goodbourn (vice C. R. Holmes)

The time, then, has clearly arrived for the introduction of a local standard method of measurement. To Representatives of the Building Contractors' Association:-
this end a meeting of Chartered Quantity Surveyors appointed a Sub-Committee to consider ways and
means of procedure. This Sub-Committee was subsequently joined by representatives of the local S.K. Ho
building industry to form a Joint Committee which has now produced this First Edition. In general the W. L. Yau
procedure was as follows:-
(a) the surveyor members prepared a preliminary draft to be handed trade-by-trade to the builder January, 1962.
members for reference to their association for comment or amendment;
(b) the full committee met from time to time to discuss and agree progressively a secondary draft;
(c) the secondary draft was distributed to all interested parties for comment and suggestions;
(d) the full committee considered all suggestions received for adoption or rejection and agreed a final

No attempt has been made to cover every possible item which could arise but rather to produce in the
first instance a document ensuring consistency of measurement of those items normally encountered in
the Colony.

It is recommended by the Joint Committee that this document be reviewed annually to consider any
revisions or addenda that may become advisable.

Preface to Second Edition 1966

The First Edition of this Standard Method of Measurement, published in January 1962, was very well
received by quantity surveyors and building contractors and has done much to foster a growing
confidence in Hong Kong in the system of tendering on Bills of Quantities. The document has been
adopted for use by all professional surveyors throughout the Colony and has now been recognised by
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as a basis for local professional examinations.

After the First Edition had been in use for some three years a Standing Joint Committee, comprising
equal representation from surveyors and the building industry, was appointed to keep under review
possible amendments and revisions. Suggestions were invited from all local quantity surveyors and
building contractors and the Committee wishes to express its thanks to all who by their response have
contributed towards the publication of this Second Edition. It is gratifying to note that, after careful
consideration of all suggestions received, the actual number of revisions incorporated is small and of a
minor nature and will therefore cause little disturbance in adopting the later edition.

The members of the Standing Joint Committee are:-

Chartered Quantity Surveyors:-

H. Miller (Chairman)
K.E.N. Goodbourn
D. G. Levett

Representatives of the Building Contractors' Association of Hong Kong:-

S.K. Ho
W. L. Yau
G. Yeh

Mr. R. B. Hanna and Mr. G. Luk kindly served on the committee during the temporary absence of Mr. H.
Miller and Mr. W. L. Yau respectively.

June, 1966.

Preface to Third Edition 1979

The Standard Method of Measurement as first published in 1962 and revised in 1966 has provided a Bills of Quantities prepared after 31st January 1979 in Imperial measurement will be based on this Third
standard for the preparation of Bills of Quantities for a large volume of building works both in the Public Edition, but units of measurement, and any staging or sizes required to be stated, shall be as detailed in
and Private sectors; it is incorporated into the Conditions of Contract for Public Works and the Standard Appendix A.
Form of Building Contract issued under the sanction of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, The Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Hong Kong Branch) and The Society of Builders, Hong Kong; it is The Committee expresses its gratitude to the Surveyors and Builders who submitted suggestions for the
recognised by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as a basis for local professional examinations; improvement of the document and to those Specialists who contributed to the re-drafting of the insurance
and it has been translated into Chinese and published as an ancillary document. clauses and the drafting of the piling clauses.

In view of the advancement in engineering technology and architectural design and the ever increasing The Committee expresses its special gratitude to the Sub-Committee responsible for carrying out so
sophistication of the construction industry in Hong Kong it was decided that it was necessary to publish enthusiastically and so thoroughly the monumental task of translating the Second Edition into Chinese.
a revised edition. The members of this Sub-Committee were:-

The Committee appointed to administer revisions to the Standard Method of Measurement invited local Patrick D. P. Woo (Chairman),
quantity surveyors and building contractors to submit suggestions for the improvement and amplification John S. King (Secretary),
of the document in the light of their experience in its use. All of the suggested alterations were carefully W. K. Chang,
considered, revisions were made where applicable and new sections such as Demolitions and Alterations, David Y. C. Cheung,
Piling and Caissons, Prestressed Concrete Work and Proprietary Demountable Partitions were K. S. Lau,
incorporated. John H. P. Lok,
Charles C. C. Wong.
In addition the opportunity was taken to re-edit the document completely to remove uncertainties in
interpretation whilst retaining the original intent. The members of the Standing Joint Committee are:-

Whilst an appreciable number of alterations have been made, there are very few which involve Representing The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Hong Kong Branch):-
fundamental changes in the previously prescribed methods of measurement, the majority of the changes
are to update the document in line with the developments in building methods; to make clear the intention, B. J. White (Chairman)
where there appears to be possibility of misinterpretation; to improve the style or to remove K. E. N. Goodbourn
inconsistencies within the document. D. G. Levett

The proposal to change from the present system of measurement of mixed earth and rock excavation to Representing the Building Contractors' Association of Hong Kong:-
a system where rock is measured separately as an "extra over" item was discussed at length without
resolution, the Committee being divided in its views of the practicality of the separate measurement of John H. P. Lok
rock in the Hong Kong situation. The item was left for further consideration by the Committee when Charles C. C. Wong
preparing the next Edition. John W. L. Loo

The Third Edition will become operative on 1st February 1979 and is post dated accordingly. Other gentlemen who have served on the Committee during the preparation of this edition are:-

In view of the decision to adopt the use of the Metric System in the construction industry for all new H. Miller, the Chairman of the Joint Committee from its inception until his retirement from Hong
projects initiated after 1st April 1977 the Third Edition has been published in metric. It was considered Kong, R. B. Hanna and Geoffrey M. T. Yeh.
unwarranted to produce an Imperial version as well as the Metric version, although a limited number of
contracts already in various stages of planning will be based upon Imperial Units after this edition September, 1978.
becomes operative.

Preface to Fourth Edition 2005

The Hong Kong Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works, since its first Edition in 1962, has BUILDING SERVICES
evolved to meet the changing methods of construction and contracting procedures, through the second
edition in 1966 and the third edition in 1979. This fourth edition, initiated by The Royal Institution of Representing the Architectural Services Department
Chartered Surveyors. (Hong Kong Branch) was subsequently prepared under the auspices of The Hong Mr. Y. K. Chu
Kong Institute of Surveyors. It includes sections for Building Services, which were previously published Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd.
as a separate document in its first edition in 1993. Mr. C. M. Yung
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
The new tabulated format for this fourth edition is based upon the United Kingdom SMM 7, but the Mr. Sam Cheng (Chairman)
Elemental format used in SMM 7 has, by general consent, not been followed and the Trade Section Representing the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
maintained as being more suitable for the Hong Kong Contracting and Sub-contracting procedures. Mr. Howard Lok
Mr. C. K. Wong
It is hoped that the systematic tabulated format will make for easy reference and facilitate the compilation Representing the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Contractors' Association
of standard phraseology for libraries of descriptions and for computerisation. Mr. Steve Griffin
Representing the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
The members of the standing sub-committees producing this document were: Mr. Victor Cheung
Representing the Association of Cost Engineers (Hong Kong Region)
Representing the Standing Sub-committee for the Building Works SMM (as Co-ordinating member)
Representing the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Mr. K.E.N. Goodbourn
Mr. K. S. Shum
Mr. Y. Y. Ho November, 2005.
Mr. Au Kam Fai, Eric
Representing the Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd.
Mr. Peter Tann
Mr. Ambrose Chan
Mr. Eddie Toh
Mr. K.E.N. Goodbourn
Other Gentlemen who have served on the Sub-committee during the 10 years of the preparation
of this document are
Mr. Hermes K. S. Wong
Mr. Tommy Wong
Mr. Albert Cheung
Mr. Mike Ashton
Mr. C. W. Cheung
Mr. Patrick Ip Chun Po
Mr. Ricky Kwok
Mr. David K. K. Lai

Preface to Fourth Edition Revised 2018

The Fourth Edition of the Standard Method of Measurement (HKSMM4) was published in 2005. Whilst
the HKSMM4 incorporated new measurement rules for some new construction works and also adopted
the same tabulated format as the UK SMM7, the basic measurement rules of the works were still
modelled on the previous HKSMM3 published in 1979. Since there have been significant changes in
construction methods and technologies during the past few decades, it is considered desirable and
appropriate to publish a revised HKSMM5. However, it is recognised from past experience that the
publication of a completely new SMM would take several years of effort. It is therefore decided by the
SMM Committee that as an interim solution, a transitional amendment be made to the current HKSMM4
before the publication of the new HKSMM5.

The members of the SMM Committee responsible for this amendment were:-

Ho Hok Keung, Paul (Chairman)

Leung Kam Moon
Choi Shing Lam, Sunny
Tang Wai Kwong
William Fong
Hon Chi Shing, Alfred
Kerswill, Ian
Yuen Chung Hou, Howard
Lee Fook Pui, Billy
Chow Chun Yu
Lam, Raymond
Ellen Lau (Secretary)

November, 2017
1 General Rules
1. Definitions 4.2 Notwithstanding the measurement rules stated in this document, proprietary items may be
measured in a manner appropriate to the manufacturer’s practice. The method of measurement
1.1 “Bills of Quantities” means a list of items giving detailed identifying descriptions and (firm or adopted shall be specifically stated in the Bills of Quantities.
provisional) quantities of the Works comprised in a Contract.
1.2 “Daywork” means the method of valuing work on the basis of the time spent by the Contractor’s
workmen, the materials used and the plant employed. 5. Work not covered by, or deviated from, this Standard Method of Measurement
1.3 “Prime Cost Sum” means a sum provided for work to be carried out by a Nominated Sub-Contractor 5.1 Where rules for a particular work are not covered by this document, or where it is intended to deviate
or for materials or goods to be obtained from a Nominated Supplier. Such sum excludes any profit from rules stated in this document, then the method of measurement adopted for the particular work
and (general and special) attendance required by the Contractor. shall be specifically stated in the Bills of Quantities. The rule adopted for those works not covered
shall, as far as possible, conform to those given in this document for the similar work.
1.4 “Provisional Item” means an item of work identified as provisional in the Bills of Quantities to be
carried out by the Contractor if instructed by the Architect.
1.5 “Provisional Quantities” means an estimated quantity of work identified as provisional in the Bills of 6. Applicability of methods of measurement
Quantities, where the actual quantity could not be accurately determined when the Bills of Quantities 6.1 This Standard Method of Measurement equally applies to the preparation of Bills of Quantities
were prepared, to be carried out by the Contractor if instructed by the Architect. before the Works are commenced, and to the measurement of variations and finished works.
1.6 “Provisional Sum” means a sum provided in the Bills of Quantities for work or for costs, which could
not be entirely foreseen, defined or detailed when the Bills of Quantities were prepared, to be paid 7. Use of the tabulated rules
to the Contractor if instructed by the Architect to carry out such work or incur such costs.
2. Bills of Quantities
7.1 The rules in this document are set out in tables. The rules in each Section or Sub-Section comprise
2.1 The Bills of Quantities shall fully describe the quality of materials and standard of workmanship and information to be provided, classification tables and supplementary rules (including measurement
accurately represent the quantity of the Works to be carried out. Unless otherwise stated, it is rules, definition rules and coverage rules).
deemed to be prepared in accordance with this Standard Method of Measurement.
7.2 The first table in each Section or Sub-Section which comprises information to be provided and
2.2 The Bills of Quantities are read in conjunction with the relevant Drawings and Specification which supplementary rules applies to all works following in that Section or Sub-Section. The second table
amplify and supplement the descriptions in the Bills of Quantities. which comprises classification tables and supplementary rules applies to the particular group of
3. Principles of measurement 7.3 Horizontal lines divide the classification tables and supplementary rules into zones to which different
3.1 This Standard Method of Measurement provides a uniform basis for the measurement of building rules apply.
3.2 If considered necessary to define further the precise nature and extent of the work, more detailed Classification tables
information than is required by these rules may be given. 7.4 In referring to columns in classification tables, the measurement unit column has been disregarded.
The remaining four columns are referred to as the first, second, third and fourth columns.
4 Alternative and other measurement rules 7.5 The first column (level 1) lists the building components/items commonly encountered in building
4.1 Where this document provides an alternative measurement rule for a particular work (printed in works. The second column (level 2) and third column (level 3) list sub-items into which each building
italic), such alternative measurement rule is only applicable if expressly stated in the Bills of component/item is divided. These sub-items may contain one or more descriptive features of the
Quantities; otherwise the original measurement rule applies. building components/items which are not mutually exclusive. The lists in these columns are not
intended to be exhaustive. Similarly, the fourth column (i.e. level 4) lists further sub-items that may
be required to complete the description of the building components/items.

7.6 Each item description in the Bills of Quantities shall identify the work covered with respect to one or Units of billing
more descriptive feature drawn from each of the four columns in the classification table. The unit of 8.6 Where the unit of billing is the metre, square metre, cubic metre or kilogramme, quantities are billed
measurement for each item is that stated for the item in the measurement unit column. to the nearest whole unit, quantities less than a unit being rounded up to a full unit.
7.7 Within the classification table where a broken line is shown, the rules given above and below the
broken line may be used as alternatives.
9. Item descriptions

Supplementary rules
Order of dimensions
7.8 Measurement rules set out when work is measured, and the method by which the quantities are
9.1 In stating dimensions, the order is generally given in the sequence of length, width and height or
depth. Where that sequence is not appropriate, or where ambiguity could arise, the dimensions shall
7.9 Definition rules define the extent and limit of the work represented by an expression used in these be specifically identified.
rules and in the Bills of Quantities prepared in accordance with these rules.
7.10 Coverage rules define what incidental works (both labour and material) are deemed to be included
Headings and sub-headings
in items in the Bills of Quantities, whether or not expressly stated in item descriptions.
9.2 Headings and sub-headings to groups of items in the Bills of Quantities are read as part of the item
descriptions to which they apply.
8. Measurement

Hyphen between two dimensions

Work measured net
9.3 The use of hyphen between two dimensions in this document or in the Bills of Quantities means a
8.1 Unless otherwise stated, all works are measured net as fixed in its position. range of dimensions exceeding the first dimension stated, but not exceeding the second.

Minimum deductions Particulars required for item descriptions

8.2 Unless otherwise stated, where minimum deductions for voids are required in accordance with these 9.4 Where certain particulars are expressly required by these rules to be given or stated in an item
rules, they refer only to openings or wants detached from the boundaries of measured areas. description, that requirement may be fulfilled by referring to the appropriate Drawings, Specification
Openings and wants which are at the boundaries of measured areas are always the subject of or manufacturer’s catalogues. These amplify and supplement the item descriptions in the Bills of
deduction, irrespective of size. Quantities.

Circular works Dimensioned description

8.3 The term ‘circular’ includes any form of curve including conical, spherical and irregular curved 9.5 A dimensioned description for an item in the Bills of Quantities defines the item and states all the
surfaces. Unless otherwise stated, each form of curved works is described and given separately. dimensions necessary to identity the shape and size of the item or its components.

Pipe or tubing sizes

8.4 Unless otherwise stated, pipe or tubing is described by their nominal size.

Units of measurement
8.5 Each measurement is taken to the nearest 10 mm (i.e. 5 mm and over is regarded as 10 mm and
less than 5 mm is disregarded).

10. Costs deemed included in items
10.1 Unless otherwise stated or measured in the Bills of Quantities, each item is deemed to include the Materials
following: 11.4 The material costs are paid at the invoiced costs after the deduction of all discounts obtained by the
(a) labour and all costs in connection therein, Contractor. The material costs are deemed to include the costs of packing, carriage and delivery to
(b) materials, goods and all costs in connection therewith (e.g. conveyance, delivery, unloading, site by the supplier, but exclude the costs of collection, unloading, unpacking, storing and
storing, returning packings, handling, hoisting and lowering), distribution of materials on site by the Contractor.
(c) sampling and testing and all costs in connection therewith, 11.5 The measurement of materials are based on the actual quantity of materials incorporated in the
Daywork item. Where the material is only obtainable in minimum quantities, then any surplus
(d) assembling, erecting, installing, fitting and fixing materials and goods in position,
material arising therefrom which cannot be used in the Works is also included. Such surplus material
(e) plant and equipment and all costs in connection therewith, may be retained for use by the Employer or disposed of as instructed by the Architect.
(f) cutting, wastage, bulking, shrinkage and disposal of surplus material,
(g) temporary works, Plant
(h) protection of the Works against damage due to water and weather conditions, 11.6 Plant rates are paid separately for different types of plant on an hourly basis. Subject to any
(i) establishment charges, overhead charges and profit, minimum hire periods quoted by the Contractor, the plant costs are paid for the net working hours
(j) taxes, overtime, bonus and incentive payments, duties and royalties, during which the plant is engaged on the Daywork item, excluding any standing or idle time except
where the nature of the Daywork requires intermittent working. The costs of operators, drivers and
(k) submission of all shop drawings, construction method statements, technical literature, test attendants in association with the plant operation are measured separately under labour costs.
certificates and any other documents required to be submitted under the Contract, and
11.7 The plant rates are deemed to include:
(l) in the case of materials supplied by the Employer, return of surplus.
(a) transportation costs for plant not already available on site,
(b) plant hire charges, consumable stores, fuel, repairs, maintenance and insurances, and
11 Daywork
(c) site supervision.

Overhead and Profit
11.1 Labour rates are paid separately for different types of labour and different periods of overtime on an
hourly basis. Labour hours are based on the aggregate time employed on the Daywork item to the 11.8 A percentage item is given for the Contractor to include the establishment charges, overhead
nearest hour, excluding meal breaks and rest periods. charges and profit on top of the prime cost of the labour, materials and plant.
11.2 Normal working hours are usually between 8:00 hours to 18:00 hours on all days, excluding general
holidays. Daywork carried out outside normal working hours is measured as overtime. Overtime is 12. Work in existing buildings
paid at the rates for normal working hours plus a percentage inserted by the Contractor. Where 12.1 Work in existing buildings shall be separately identified. Such work is defined as work on, in or
“shift” or “night” works are envisaged, that shall be measured and given separately. immediately under work existing before the current project.
11.3 The labour rates are deemed to include: 12.2 Where the premises are occupied, this shall be stated. Any restrictions on access, timing, disposal
(a) wages, bonuses and all allowances paid to operatives directly engaged on the Daywork, of debris and disposition of plant and materials shall be given.
(b) travelling time to and from the site, 12.3 Where the Contractor is required to arrange access to individual tenanted areas, this shall be stated.
(c) site supervision, including the cost of foremen and walking gangers, Such work shall be kept separately from the work in common areas.
(d) protective clothing and safety equipment,
(e) use of existing services and temporary works, and
(f) use and maintenance of hand tools and appliances, non-mechanical plant and equipment such
as working platforms, trestles, stages, bankers, scaffolding, temporary track, wagons, skips,
tarpaulins and the like.

13. Work of special types 15. Cross-reference codes
13.1 Work of each of the following special types shall be separately identified: 15.1 Cross-references within the classification tables are given in the form:
(a) work on or in existing buildings – see rules above, Work Work Number Number Number Number
(b) work outside the curtilage of the Site, section sub-section from first from second from third from fourth
(c) work carried out in or under reservoir, river or sea water, stating the levels of high and low number . number : column . column . column . column
water where applicable, and
(d) work carried out in compressed air.
For example:
8 . 0 : 6 . 4 . 1 . 1 identifies an item as
14. Symbols and abbreviations
Excavating and filling
14.1 The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this Standard Method of Measurement:
No work sub-section
m = metre
m2 = square metre
Pits for pile caps, pad footings and similar items
m 3 = cubic metre
Depth ≤ 2.00 m
mm = millimetre
Commencing levels for excavation stated
nr = number
15.2 An asterisk within a cross-reference represents all entries in the column in which it appears. The
kg = kilogramme
digit 0 within a cross-reference represents no entries in the column in which it appears.
hr = hour
15.3 Cross-reference code numbers may be used to number the items in the Bills of Quantities, the items
≥ = equal to or greater than (or exceeding) being listed in order of ascending code number.
> = greater than (or exceeding) 15.4 The code numbers used in the Bills of Quantities do not form part of, and are not taken into account
≤ = equal to or less than (or not exceeding) in the interpretation of, the item description.
< = less than (or not exceeding)
% = percentage
- = hyphen
dia = diameter
min = minimum
max = maximum
pc sum = prime cost sum
prov sum = provisional sum


2 Preliminaries
Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
1 Drawings, Specifications and other information required by this SMM section M1. Where those C1. Where applicable, works of a temporary
2 Information to facilitate tenderers to visit the Site temporary works are left nature are deemed to include:
to the Contractor’s (a) bringing to the Site and installing,
discretion to decide their erecting or setting up the same,
type, method or extent,
these items listed are (b) maintaining and cleaning,
solely for convenience of (c) adaptations and alterations where
pricing only. necessary,
(d) dismantling and removing from the Site
including making good any damage,
(e) paying all purchase, hire, operation and
maintenance costs or expenses.

Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Project particulars item 1 Name, nature and
location of the project
2 Names and addresses
of the Employer and
3 Names of the
Contractors, Nominated
Sub-Contractors and
Nominated Suppliers
(where known)
2 The Site item 1 Description of the Site
and drawing references
showing the Site
boundaries and the
Contractor’s working


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Description of the item 1 Description of the
Works Works including the
size of the building,
height from ground floor
level to main roof level,
depth below ground
level, number of storeys
and approximate gross
floor areas
2 Description of any work
concurrently carried out
by others with the
3 Description of the works
previously completed by
4 Existing buildings and item 1 Description of existing
services on or buildings on or adjacent
adjacent to the Site to the Site and drawing
2 Description of existing
services on or adjacent
to the Site and drawing
5 Site visits item 1 Arrangements for site
6 Site investigation item 1 Availability of site
reports investigation and other
sub-soil condition
reports for the
tenderers’ inspection
7 Division of the Works item 1 Where possession of
into Sections the Site is to be given in
sections at different
dates, particulars to be
2 Where the Works are to
be executed in any
specific order or in
sections, particulars to
be stated.


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
8 Forms of Contract and item 1 Full title and version of
Sub-Contract the Standard Form of
Contract and Sub-
2 Schedules of the clause
headings in the
Standard Form of
3 Special conditions or
amendments to the
Standard Form of
Contract and Sub-
4 Particulars to be
inserted in Appendix to
Schedule of Conditions
5 Where bespoke or
uncommon forms of
contract are used, a
copy is made available
for the tenderer’s
9 Statutory obligations item 1 Compliance with, and
giving of notices
required by, any
ordinance, regulation
and bye-law, and
paying of, and
indemnifying, the
Employer against any
fees or charges legally
10 Working hours and item 1 Compliance with all
rates of wages applicable legislations
in respect of working
conditions, working
hours and rates of


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
11 Construction Industry item 1 Payment of the levy 1 Payment will be made
Levy legally demandable collectively by the
under the Construction Contractor for the whole
Industry Council Contract, but each Sub-
Ordinance Contractor will bear the
levies applicable to his
12 Pneumoconiosis Levy item 1 Payment of the levy Sub-Contract works.
legally demandable
under the
Pneumoconiosis and
(Assessment of Levy)
13 Safety precautions item 1 Preparation and
submission of safety
supervision plans
2 Provision of personal
protective equipment
such as safety helmets,
safety boots, machine
guards, eye protection,
ear protection, safety
harnesses and the like.
3 Provision of temporary
guard rails, opening
edge protection,
staircase balustrades,
lift shaft protection and
other safety measures
4 Compliance with
approved safety
supervision plans and
all applicable safety
ordinances and
14 Environmental item 1 Compliance with all
precautions applicable air, noise,
water and other
environmental control
ordinances and


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
15 Insurances item 1 Requirements for
indemnifying the
2 Requirements in
respect of the
contractor’s all risks
insurance of the Works
3 Requirements in
respect of the third
party liability insurance
4 Requirements in
respect of the
5 Requirements in
respect of the
professional indemnity
insurance for the
Contractor’s design
6 Any other insurance
required by the
Conditions of Contract
(e.g. prefabrication
works and materials
stored off-site)
7 Requirements in
respect of the minimum
acceptable limits of
liability and excesses
8 Requirements for
notifying events
16 Surety bond item 1 Requirements in
respect of any surety
bond required by the
Conditions of Contract


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
17 Prime cost and PC 1 Particular of works to be D1. General attendance
provisional sums sum covered by prime cost includes the use of the
sums Contractor’s temporary
roads, pavings and paths,
Prov 2 Particular of works to be standing scaffolding,
sum covered by provisional hoisting plant, provision
sums of temporary electric and
% 3 The Contractor’s profit water suppliers, clearing
away rubbish, provision
item 4 General attendance M2. Other Contractor’s of space for offices and
upon the works carried works in connection with storage of plant and
out by Nominated Sub- the Nominated Sub- materials, and the use of
Contractors and Contractors and messrooms, sanitary
Suppliers Suppliers (other than accommodation and
general and special welfare facilities provided
5 Special attendance 1 Special scaffolding attendances) are by the Contractor.
upon the works carried 2 Special access roads measured separately in
out by Nominated Sub- accordance with the
Contractors and 3 Special hard-standings
appropriate Sections or
Suppliers 4 Hoisting, lowering and
covered by provisional
positioning of plant or
5 Special supply of power
6 Others, details stated
18 Persons engaged by item 1 Permission for the D1 applies.
the Employer execution of works by D2. The works carried out
Specialist Contractors by Specialist Contractors
and other persons and other persons directly
directly engaged by the engaged by the Employer
Employer are those works which do
2 General attendance not form part of the
upon the works carried Contract.
out by Specialist
Contractors and other
persons directly
engaged by the


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
19 Works by government item 1 General attendance D1 applies, but, unless
departments, upon the works carried otherwise specified,
statutory undertakers out by government excludes the provision of
and utility companies departments, statutory space for offices and
undertakers and utility storage of plant and
companies such as materials.
(a) reinstating public
roads and footpaths
including run-in and
(b) fresh and flush water
main connections
(c) drainage connections
(d) electrical main supply
(e) gas main supply
(f) telephone and
(g) others, details stated
20 Variations item 1 Method of
measurement and
valuation of variations
2 Submission
requirements in respect
of daywork accounts
21 Employer’s limitations item 1 Access to the Site M3. This refers to the
or restrictions on the 2 Use of the Site Employer’s specific
execution of the limitations or restrictions
Works 3 Methods and on the execution of the
sequences of the work Works. Compliance with
4 Working hours and relevant legislative
conditions requirements is covered
5 Noise control under the Statutory
Obligations of this
6 Security control
7 Others, details stated


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
22 Employer’s site item 1 Site offices and meeting D3. These works are for
accommodation, room and Specification the Employer and the
services and facilities references Employer’s
2 Furniture and representatives such as
equipment and resident architects,
Specification references engineers, clerk-of-works
and the like.
3 Services and facilities
and Specification
4 Requirements in
respect of regular
cleaning and
5 Others, details stated
23 Contractor’s site item 1 Site accommodation 1 Where made available
accommodation, including site offices, by the Employer, details
services and facilities meeting rooms, and conditions stated
canteens, welfare
facilities, shower and
sanitary facilities, first
aid facilities and the like
2 Furniture and
equipment including
desks, chairs, meeting
table, cupboards and
3 Services and facilities
including lighting and
power, drinking water,
telephone, computers,
internet facilities and
4 Requirements in
respect of cleaning and
5 Others, details stated


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
24 Contractor’s Item 1 Mechanical plant, tools
mechanical plant, and equipment
tools, sheds and the 2 Storage sheds and
like workshops
3 Scaffolding and staging
4 Safety nets, screen
covers and catch fans
5 Others, details stated
25 Contractor’s site item 1 Construction manager
management team and his site
management and
supervisory team on the
26 Building Information item 1 BIM requirements in
Modelling (BIM) respect of design,
construction or facility
2 BIM team for
3 Internet-based
electronic document
management system for
collaborative working
27 Co-ordination of item 1 Requirements in
services installation respect of co-ordination
of services installation


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
28 Programme and item 1 Submission of
progress programmes including
formats and contents,
and of revised
2 Submission of daily and
weekly reports
3 Photographic records
including the frequency
and number of images
from specified locations
4 Monitoring progress
including reporting and
avoiding potential delay
5 Site meetings
29 Setting out item 1 Setting out the Works
2 Submission of record
3 Provision of instruments
and technical staff
required by the
Architect for checking
the setting out
30 Samples item 1 Requirements for
submission of, and tests
on, product samples
and mock-ups.
2 Retention of complying
samples and mock-ups
including storage


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
31 Tests and inspections item 1 Testing of materials as M4. Testing of materials
specified in the does not include those
Specification tests which are expressly
2 Access for inspection required to be measured
separately in accordance
3 Timing requirements for with the appropriate SMM
inspection Sections.
4 Submission
requirements in respect
of testing and
inspection results
32 Protection of public item 1 Protection of public
and adjacent property property
and the like 2 Protection of adjoining
3 Protection and
maintenance of existing
4 Protection of existing
roads, footpaths, steps
and the like
5 Protection of existing
6 Protection and
maintenance of existing
trees and shrubs
7 Protection of existing
works done by others
8 Others, details stated
33 Hoardings, covered item 1 Hoardings, covered 1 Providing and erecting M5. Alternatively, these
walkways and catch walkways, catch 2 Taking over existing works are measured in
platform platform and gantries and repairing as detail in accordance with
including temporary necessary the appropriate
lighting, approximate measurement rules.
length and drawing 3 Maintaining , duration
references stated
4 Adapting, details stated
5 Clearing away and
making good all works


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
34 Signboard nr 1 Dimensioned
description including
drawing references
35 Temporary water Item 1 Provision of temporary 1 Where made available
supply water supply for the by the Employer, details
Works including and conditions stated
temporary connections,
installation and
adaptation of
distribution pipework,
plumbing and storage
and paying all charges
36 Temporary electricity Item 1 Provision of temporary
supply electricity supply for the
Works including
temporary connections,
installation and
adaptation of
distribution wires,
cables, conduits and
equipment and paying
all charges
37 Temporary roads item 1 Temporary roads and 1 Providing and erecting
crossings and drawing 2 Taking over existing
references and repairing as
3 Maintaining , duration
4 Adapting, details stated
5 Clearing away and
making good all works
38 Security item 1 Employment of security
guards/watchmen (day
and night) on the Site
2 Provision of temporary
lighting, guards, barriers
and safeguards for
prevention of accidents
and losses


Classification table for preliminaries

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
39 Fire protection item 1 Provision of temporary
firefighting equipment
and trained staff to keep
the Works free from fire
40 Removal of rubbish item 1 Removal of rubbish,
crates, wrappings,
surplus materials and
the like during the
progress of the Works
including the
construction of rubbish
chutes and provision of
storage bins
41 Removal of water item 1 Keeping the Site and all
excavations free from
rain, storm, percolating
or running water by
pumping or otherwise,
including all necessary
water disposal works
42 Protection and item 1 Protection of all finished
cleaning of works works to project
2 Clean up all trades at
the completion of the
43 Making good defects item 1 Access arrangements
after substantial 2 Notice periods
3 Completion



3 Ground investigation
(This Section covers trial pits, boreholes, samples, site tests, instrument installations and observations for both ground investigation and settlement monitoring, and laboratory tests.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Locations of the trial pits and boreholes M1. Both trial pits and
2 Site survey plans, where available, for the Contractor’s information boreholes are measured
only where it is expressly
required under the
Contract. These works
are not to cover the
Contractor’s obligations
to establish the ground
conditions or locations of
existing utilities.

Classification table for ground investigation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Trial pits m3 1 Depth ≤ 2.00 m 1 Commencing levels for 1 Minimum plan area at M2. M4 of the Excavating C1. C2, C4 and C5 of the Excavating and
(nr 2 And thereafter in 2.00 m excavation (such as the bottom of the pit and Filling Section Filling Section apply.
stages existing ground level) stated applies. C2. Items for trial pits are deemed to further
stated) stated include:
(a) site clearance, temporary access and
working platform,
(b) determining the positions of
underground utilities,
(c) excavation in any ground encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
(d) disposal of surplus excavated material
off site,
(e) temporary fencing and protection,
(f) backfilling, compaction and
(g) taking readings, measurements,
observations and photographs, and
(h) preparation and submission of the log
of each trial pit.


Classification table for ground investigation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Boreholes m 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Vertically downwards 1 Depth ≤ 10.00 m, M3. Drilling within an C3. Items for boreholes are deemed to
(nr holes stated 2 Downwards at an angle commencing levels existing building or include:
2 Nominal diameter of 0 - 45 degrees to the stated confined working space (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
stated) rock core stated or headroom is measured
vertical 2 And thereafter in 5.00 m ancillary equipment at each borehole
stages and described separately. position including site clearance,
3 Horizontally or
downwards at an angle M4. Borehole depth is temporary access, staging and working
less than 45 degrees to measured along its centre platform,
the horizontal lines from the (b) determining the positions of
commencing levels to the underground utilities,
specified depths.
(c) drilling in any ground encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
(d) provision of temporary casing to holes,
(e) disposal of excavated materials off site,
(f) backfilling the boreholes and
reinstatement of surfaces,
(g) dismantling and removing drilling rigs
and ancillary equipment off-site,
(h) taking readings, measurements,
observations and photographs, and
(i) preparation and submission of the log
of each borehole.
3 Samples nr 1 From trial pits 1 Type of samples stated 1 Size and length (or M5. Each type of sample is D1. Samples taken from C4. Items for samples are deemed to
volume or mass) of measured and described trial pits include include:
samples stated, as separately. undisturbed and (a) taking undisturbed/disturbed samples
appropriate M6. The measurement of disturbed soft material, of cohesive/non-cohesive materials,
each type of sample is rock and groundwater, rock cores, groundwater, etc. at any
the number of samples etc. as specified. depth,
nr 2 From boreholes taken as instructed by the D2. Samples taken from (b) provision of containers for samples and
Engineer. boreholes include open boxes for rock cores,
m 2 Size of rock cores M7. The measurement of tube, disturbed, (c) extracting, labelling, photographing,
stated rock cores is the length of groundwater, etc. as boxing and transporting the samples
the specified core specified. and rock cores to the specified storing
recovered and measured areas or testing laboratories, and
in the core box. (d) keeping samples in good condition until
directed by the Engineer.


Classification table for ground investigation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Site tests nr 1 Type of site tests stated 1 Method and particulars M8. Each type of site test is D3. Site tests include C5. Items for site tests are deemed to
of site tests stated measured and described permeability, groundwater include:
separately. level, standard (a) setting up testing equipment, moving
M9. The measurement of penetration, penetration between pits or holes and removing on
each type of site test is vane, vane in borehole, completion,
the number of site tests pressuremeter, plate
bearing, California (b) conducting the tests at any depth,
carried out as instructed
by the Engineer. bearing ratio and in-situ (c) taking readings, measurements,
density, etc. as specified. observations and photographs, and
(d) preparation and submission of reports
of each test.
5 Instrument nr 1 Type of instruments 1 Installation of new 1 Method and particulars M10. Each type of D4. Instruments for ground C6. Items for instrument installations and
installations and stated instruments of instrument instrument installation investigation include observations are deemed to include:
observations for 2 Taking over existing installations stated and observation is pressure heads, (a) excavation in any ground including
ground investigation instruments installed by measured and described inclinometers, settlement backfilling, compaction, disposal of
the previous Contractor separately. gauges, resistivity, surplus excavated material off-site and
M11. The measurement of seismic, magnetic reinstatement,
6 Instrument nr 2 Frequency and overall each type of instrument extensometers, self-
installations and duration of instrument potential and gravimetric, (b) installing new instruments or taking
--------- installation and over existing instruments as specified,
observations for observations stated observation is the number etc. as specified.
ground settlement item including calibration, maintenance and,
of instrument installations D5. Instruments for ground where necessary, replacement, of
monitoring (nr
and observations carried settlement monitoring instruments,
out as instructed by the include ground settlement
Engineer or specified in markers, utility settlement (c) temporary fencing and protection,
the Contract markers, structure (d) lockable surface box where specified,
settlement markers, (e) taking measures to ensure that
building tilting markers, instruments suffer the least amount of
vibration monitoring disturbance,
points, piezometers, etc.
(f) removing the instruments unless
as specified.
specified to be left-in for the future
(g) taking readings, measurements,
observations and photographs, and
(h) preparation and submission of reports
of each instrument installation and
C7. Items for inclinometers, settlement
gauges, piezometers and magnetic
extensometers are deemed to include the
provision of special boreholes.


Classification table for ground investigation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Laboratory tests nr 1 Type of laboratory tests 1 Method and particulars M12. Each type of D6. Laboratory tests C8. Items for laboratory tests are deemed to
stated of laboratory tests laboratory test is include soil/rock include:
stated measured and described classification, chemical (a) attendance and supervision of testing
separately. content, compaction, at the laboratories,
M13. The measurement of consolidation,
permeability, soil strength (b) calibration of instruments,
each type of laboratory
test is the number of and rock strength, etc. as (c) selecting, extruding and preparing
laboratory tests carried specified. specimens from the supplied samples,
out as instructed by the (d) taking readings, measurements,
Engineer. observations and photographs,
(e) preparation and submission of reports
of each test, and
(f) retaining samples until directed by the


4 Demolition and alteration

(This Section covers demolition, alteration and repair works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Design of the demolition or alteration works including temporary hoarding, shoring and, where applicable, new additional M1. Hoarding, covered D1. Old materials arising C1. Items for demolition and alteration works
works walkway, gantry, catch from demolition or are deemed to include:
2 Any restrictions on method, sequence and/or timing of demolition or alteration works platforms and the like are alteration, unless (a) giving due notice to government
measured in accordance otherwise stated, are the departments and utility companies,
3 Any requirements on method of disposal of materials (e.g. recycling) with the Preliminaries property of the
4 Any investigation reports on asbestos or toxic/hazardous materials for the Contractor’s information Sections. Contractor. (b) provision of all temporary shoring,
propping, needling, strutting or other
5 Design and construction of temporary screens and roofs, where specified, if not at the discretion of the Contractor M2. Alteration works are D2. Any materials, fittings supports necessary for stabilising and
described and grouped and fixtures set aside and upholding the structures under
according to their retained for re-use in new demolition or alteration,
locations in an existing works are so described.
structure. (c) unless expressly required under the
Contract and measured separately
M3. New and replacement under Clauses 5 and 6, provision of all
works as a part of temporary protective wire nettings, dust
alteration works are screens, noise barriers, scaffolding,
measured separately in catch-fans and the like to protect the
accordance with the works, adjoining occupants and the
appropriate Sections. public,
M4. Demolition or alteration (d) temporarily diverting, maintaining or
involving the removal of disconnecting existing services,
asbestos, toxic or
hazardous materials is (e) taking down, setting aside and
measured separately, delivering retained materials to the
stating each type of specified store,
material. (f) demolishing and removing all attached
doors, windows, finishes and fixtures,
and all loose furniture or fittings left on
(g) cutting remaining portions of walls,
floors and the like to the line,
(h) bonding new work to existing,
(i) extending and making good finishes to
match existing,
(j) disposal of all waste materials off-site
to an approved dumping area and
paying all fees and charges,
(k) clearing away all temporary works,
(l) all other materials and works incidental
to demolition and alteration, and
(m) making good all works disturbed.


Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

C2. Items for works involving the removal of
asbestos are deemed to include:
(a) executing the works by a registered
asbestos contractor,
(b) provision of airtight enclosures,
protective clothing, dust filtering
appliances, decontamination facilities
and other equipment for protecting
workmen and adjoining occupants
including its subsequent removal,
(c) placing the waste containing asbestos
into suitable containers for temporary
storage in a safe place, and
(d) arranging a licensed collector to
remove the waste and paying all

Classification table for demolition and alteration

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Demolition works item 1 All structures 1 Description of buildings 1 Any material to be set
2 Individual structures or parts of buildings aside and retained for
stating the number of re-use
3 Parts of structures storeys, nature of their 2 Any material to be
general construction, retained as the property
other relevant details of the Employer
and the lowest level to
which structures to be
demolished (e.g. down
to the ground floor slab
2 Alteration works Item 1 Extent, nature and 1 Dimensioned
scope of alteration description sufficient to
works (e.g. pulling down identify the extent and
walls, partitions, floors, location of works, and
staircases and its type and thickness of
attachments within a existing structures
defined area)


Classification table for demolition and alteration

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Spot alteration items Item 1 Cutting openings in 1 Dimensioned M5. Inserting new works C3. Items for cutting or filling openings/
---------- existing structures description including around openings or recesses are deemed to include, where
(a) approximate size of recesses (such as lintols, applicable:
nr 2 Cutting recesses in sills, thresholds or other
existing structures each type of opening (a) removing any finishes, thresholds, sills,
or recess, and forms of support) are jambs and heads of openings,
measured separately in
(b) type and thickness of accordance with the (b) cutting all reinforcement, dowel bars,
existing structures appropriate Sections. wall ties, fixing cramps and the like,
3 Filling in openings in 1 Dimensioned (c) bonding new works to existing, and
existing structures description including (d) cutting and pinning in ends of new sills,
(a) approximate size of lintols, thresholds and the like.
4 Filling in recesses in
existing structures each type of opening
or recess, and
(b) type of filling materials
5 Removing doors 1 Details sufficient for 1 Any material to be set C4. Items for removing doors are deemed to
identification stated aside and retained for include the removal of all ironmongery,
re-use door frames, grounds, architraves, linings,
2 Any material to be glazing, holdfasts, fixing cramps and other
retained as the property items in connection.
6 Removing windows of the Employer C5. Items for removing windows are deemed
to include removal of all ironmongery,
glazing, fixing lugs, sills and other items in
7 Removing fittings and C6. Items for removing fittings and fixtures
fixtures (e.g. counters, are deemed to include cutting out all
cupboards, shelves and brackets and removing all screws, nails
the like) and other fixings.
item 8 Removing finishes (e.g. 1 Details sufficient for
---------- wall and ceiling plaster, identification including
wall and floor tiling, approximate thickness
m2 carpeting, wall and area of each type
papering, etc.) of finish
9 Removing coverings 1 Details sufficient for
(e.g. roof tiling, slating, identification including
asphalt and felt stating approximate
coverings, roof boarding thickness and area of
and cladding, etc.) each type of covering


Classification table for demolition and alteration

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Spot alteration items item 10 Removing plumbing 1 Details sufficient for 1 Any material to be set C7. Items for removing plumbing, electrical
(cont’d) ---------- installations (e.g. identification stated aside and retained for and mechanical installations are deemed
sanitary appliances, re-use to include:
nr plumbing equipment, 2 Any material to be (a) disconnecting and, if required,
water tanks and the retained as the property subsequent re-connection of plumbing,
like) of the Employer electrical, mechanical or other services
11 Removing electrical installations, and
installations (b) cutting out of all brackets and other
fixings and removing sleeves.
12 Removing mechanical
item 13 Removing other items,
---------- details stated
item 14 Re-fixing or re-using old 1 Details sufficient for C8. Items for re-fixing or re-using old
---------- materials, fittings and identification stated materials, fittings and fixtures are deemed
fixtures to include:
(a) cleaning, oiling and adjusting, where
necessary, the items,
(b) making good any damage caused to
the items during removal, and
(c) re-fixing in new positions.
4 Repair works item 1 Repairing brickworks 1 Details and nature of D3. Repair includes all
---------- 2 Repairing stone works repair including works in association with
(a) materials required, bringing the works up to
nr 3 Repairing concrete the specified standard.
works and
4 Repairing timber works (b) method of repairing (if
m2 not at the discretion of
5 Repairing metal works the Contractor)
6 Repairing finishing and
tiling works
7 Repairing fittings and
8 Repairing other works,
type stated


Classification table for demolition and alteration

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Temporary screens item 1 Dimensioned 1 Weatherproof M6. Temporary screens C9. Items for temporary screens and roofs
6 Temporary roofs ---------- description 2 Watertight and roofs are measured are deemed to include
only where it is expressly (a) providing, erecting, maintaining,
m2 3 Noise reduction required under the adapting during the course of works,
4 Fireproof Contract. clearing away and making good,
5 Any other requirement, (b) disposing rainwater, and
type stated
(c) providing temporary doors and
7 Shoring to existing item 1 Dimensioned 1 Raking shores 1. Providing, erecting, and M7. Shoring not incidental
structures description of adjoining 2 Flying shores maintaining new to demolition or alteration
buildings (not forming shoring is measured only where it
part of the demolition or 3 Dead shores is expressly required
2. Taking over existing
alteration works) to be 4 Other type of shoring, shoring, adapting as under the Contract.
shored details stated necessary and
2 Dimensioned maintaining
description of retained 3. Clearing away upon
parts of existing building completion
to be shored
4. Handing over upon



5 Piling
(This Section covers steel sheet piling, bored cast in-situ piling and driven preformed piling.)

5.1 Steel sheet piling

5.2 Bored cast in-situ concrete piling
5.3 Driven preformed piling

5.1 Steel sheet piling

(This Sub-Section covers steel sheet piling.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports for the Contractor’s information
2 Design of the steel sheet piling works including piling layouts, expected depths and cut-off levels of piles
3 Design of the temporary excavation and lateral support works
4 Any limitations on driving methods and sequences
5 The commencing levels from which measurement has been taken, and irregular ground is so described

Classification table for steel sheet piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. Providing and item C1. Items for establishment of piling plant
assembling the plant are deemed to include:
on Site and (a) bringing piling stagings, pile frames,
subsequent drilling rigs and associated equipment
dismantling and to Site,
(b) erection of and setting up piling
stagings, pile frames, drilling rigs and
associated equipment including site
preparation and levelling required, and
(c) dismantling and removal of plant and
equipment upon completion.


Classification table for steel sheet piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Supplying, handling, m2 1 Permanent steel sheet 1 Cross-sectional size, 1 Depth ≤ 10.00 m, M1. Steel sheet piles are C2. Items for steel sheet piles are deemed to
transporting, pitching piles to be left-in unit mass and section commencing levels measured by multiplying include:
and driving steel 2 Temporary steel sheet modulus or (such as existing the mean undeveloped (a) determining positions of underground
sheet piles piles to be removed manufacturer’s ground level, reduced horizontal lengths along utilities adjacent to piles,
subsequently catalogue section level or other level the centre line of the pile
reference stated specified by the walls formed by the (b) protective coating or surface treatments
Engineer) stated depths from the where specified,
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m commencing levels to the (c) moving and setting up piling plant and
stages bottom of pile toes. equipment at each piling position
including site preparation and levelling,
3 Supplying, handling, m 1 Corner piles M2. Special steel sheet
(d) initial trenching, temporary strutting,
transporting, pitching --------- 2 Junction piles piles are measured only
waling and other guides for driving,
and driving special where it is expressly
steel sheet piles m2 3 Closure piles required under the (e) provisions of non-standard make-up
4 Taper piles Contract. piles,
5 Other special steel (f) pile extensions to required lengths or
sheet piles, type stated depths,
(g) cutting or burning holes through sheet
piles for pipes and the like,
(h) breaking through and removal of any
underground obstructions encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
materials by whatever means
necessary including pre-boring at the
discretion of the Contractor,
(i) re-driving or intermittent driving
necessitated by pile extensions, or by
the removal of underground
obstructions including moving and
repositioning the piling plant,
(j) taking all necessary measures to
minimise the settlement of ground and
adjacent structures and utilities,
(k) extracting and disposal of steel sheet
piles except specified to be left-in, and
(l) monitoring the noise levels, vibration,
ground movement and groundwater.


Classification table for steel sheet piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Pre-boring for piles m 1 Cross-sectional size of 1 Depth ≤ 10.00 m 1 Commencing levels M3. Pre-boring is C3. Items for pre-boring are deemed to
(nr steel sheet piles stated 2 And thereafter in 5.00 m stated measured only where it is include:
stages expressly required under (a) setting up and moving boring rigs and
stated) the Contract. equipment at each position including
M4. Pre-boring is site preparation and levelling,
measured from the (b) boring through any ground encountered
commencing levels to the including boulders, rock or artificial hard
bottom of bores. One materials,
borehole is measured for
each steel sheet pile, (c) filling voids between sides of steel
irrespective of the actual sheet piling and bores with specified
number of boreholes for materials, and
serving the same (d) dismantling and removal of boring rigs
purpose. and equipment.

5 Cutting off surplus m 1 Cross-sectional size, M5. Cutting off surplus C4. Items for cutting off surplus lengths are
lengths unit mass and section lengths is measured the deemed to include any necessary
modulus or mean undeveloped excavation and disposal of offcuts.
manufacturer’s horizontal length along
catalogue section the centre line of the
reference stated piling (including lengths
occupied by special steel
sheet piles).
6 Temporary lateral item 1 Approximate overall 1 Providing, erecting and M6. Alternatively, where C5. Items for temporary lateral supports are
supports to steel length and maximum maintaining new lateral sufficient details are deemed to include:
sheet piles depth of exposed piling supports available, this work may (a) fabrication, handling and fixing steel
faces to be upheld 2 Taking over existing be measured in detail in waling, struts, posts, caps, bases, ties
lateral supports, accordance with the and the like to uphold the steel sheet
adapting as necessary Structural Steelwork piling,
and maintaining Section.
(b) all necessary cutting, welding, drilling,
3 Handing over upon nuts, bolts, washers, plates, couplings,
completion turn buckles and the like,
4 Clearing away upon (c) surface treatment and protective
completion coatings where specified, and
(d) removal of temporary lateral supports
including its disposal.


5.2 Bored cast in-situ concrete piling

(This Sub-Section covers bored piles, mini-piles and rock-socketed steel H-piles.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports for the Contractor’s information M1. Each type of pile is
2 Where available, details showing the characteristic features of the site including locations of ground investigation boreholes, described and measured
slopes, existing foundations, nullahs, retaining walls and the like for the Contractor’s information under a separate
3 Design of the piling works including piling layouts, structural details of pile elements, expected depths and cut-off levels of
piles M2. Trial or preliminary
piles are measured as
4 Any limitations on piling methods and sequences working piles.
5 The commencing levels from which measurement has been taken, and irregular ground is so described.

Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Providing and item 1 Bored piles C1. Items for establishment of piling plant
assembling the plant 2 Mini-piles are deemed to include:
on Site and (a) bringing piling stagings, pile frames,
subsequent 3 Rock-socketed steel H-
piles drilling rigs and associated equipment
dismantling and to Site,
(b) erection of and setting up piling
stagings, pile frames, drilling rigs and
associated equipment including site
preparation and levelling required, and
(c) dismantling and removal of plant and
equipment upon completion.


Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Boring for pile holes m 1 Type of pile and its 1. Depth ≤ 10.00 m, 1 Vertical piles M3. Boring lengths are C2. Items for boring are deemed to include:
(nr nominal diameter stated commencing levels 2 Raking piles, degree of measured along the axes (a) determining positions of underground
stated rake stated of the piles from the utilities adjacent to piles,
stated) commencing levels to the
2. And thereafter in 5.00m 3 Contiguous piles (b) moving and setting up piling plant and
stages top levels of bedrock.
equipment at each piling position
including site preparation and levelling,
(c) boring, grabbing, drilling or chiselling
for pile holes including additional
excavation required to accommodate
temporary casings and/or permanent
linings which do not form part of the
effective design diameter of the piles,
(d) maintaining the stability of excavation
by temporary casings including sinking
and withdrawal operations, (permanent
casings are measured separately),
(e) breaking through and removal of any
underground obstructions encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
materials by whatever means
(f) re-boring or intermittent boring
necessitated by the removal of
underground obstructions including
moving and repositioning the piling
(g) disposal of excavated materials off-site
to a dumping area at the discretion of
the Contractor,
(h) filling annular voids between linings or
casings and excavated faces with
specified material,
(i) all necessary pumping and bailing for
dewatering each shaft and keep it free
of water during concreting or grouting,
(j) taking all necessary measures to
minimise the settlement of ground and
adjacent structures and utilities, and
(k) monitoring the noise levels, vibration,
ground movement and groundwater.


Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Toeing or socketing m 1 Nominal diameter of M4. Toeing or socketing C3. In addition to C2, items for toeing or
into bedrock (nr piles stated lengths are measured socketing into bedrock are deemed to
along the axes of the further include:
stated) piles from the top levels (a) drilling or chiselling through bedrock to
of bedrock to the specified levels,
founding levels of piles.
(b) cleaning base of excavation and
removing all loose material from bore,
(c) removing and disposing of excavated
4 Under-reaming bored nr 1 Nominal diameter of C4. In addition to C2 and C3, items for
holes to form piles and enlarged enlarging bases are deemed to further
enlarged bases bases stated include:
(a) under-reaming to enlarge the base,
(b) removing and disposing of excavated
material, and
(c) placing and compaction of additional
concrete to fill or form the enlarged
5 Permanent linings for m 1 Internal diameter of 1 Wall thickness of linings 1 Type of material and M5. Permanent linings or C5. Items for permanent linings or casings
bored piles linings stated stated finish to external casings are measured are deemed to include:
surface stated only where it is expressly (a) fabricating linings or casings,
6 Permanent casings 1 Internal diameter of 1 Wall thickness of required under the
for mini-piles casings stated casings stated Contract. (b) protective coating or surface treatment
7 Permanent casings where specified,
M6. Permanent linings or
for rock-socketed casings are measured (c) driving heads and shoes and joint
steel H-piles from the cut-off levels to connections as necessary,
the bottom of linings or (d) handling, pitching and sinking into
casings. shafts, and
(e) any length above the cut-off levels.
8 Supply, handling, m 1 Mass per metre and M7. Steel H-piles are C6. Items for steel H-piles are deemed to
transporting, pitching (nr cross-sectional size, or measured from the cut-off include:
and installing steel H- manufacturer’s levels to the founding (a) protective coatings or surface treatment
piles stated) catalogue section levels of piles. where specified,
reference stated
(b) provision of shear bars within the rock
socket, and
(c) any pile length above the cut-off levels.


Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Concrete or grout m 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Mix or strength of M8. Concrete or grout filling C7. Items for concrete or grout filling are
filling to pile holes (nr piles stated concrete or grout is measured from the cut- deemed to include:
off levels to the founding (a) any extra concrete or grout required to
stated) levels of piles. fill any voids left when temporary
casings are withdrawn, and
(b) any concrete or grout filling above the
cut-off levels.
10 Reinforcement and M9. Reinforcement and C8. Items for reinforcement to piles are
couplers to piles couplers are measured in deemed to further include stiffening,
accordance with the supporting and lifting steel for
Reinforcement Section. reinforcement cages at the discretion of the
11 Backfilling empty m 1 Nominal diameter of 1. Type of backfill material M10. Backfilling empty
bores piles stated stated bores above the piles
after concreting is
measured only where it is
expressly required under
the Contract.
M11. This work is
measured from the
commencing levels of
boring to the cut-off levels
of piles.
12 Cutting off and nr 1 Bored piles 1 Nominal cross-sectional C9. Items for cutting off and preparing tops
preparing tops of 2 Mini-piles size of piles stated of piles are deemed to include:
piles (a) cutting through reinforced concrete or
3 Rock-socketed steel H-
piles steel to the specified cut-off levels,
(b) preparation of cut surfaces, cleaning,
straightening and bending of
reinforcement into pile caps or ground
beams, and
(c) disposal of debris.
13 Pile heads nr 1 Mini-piles 1 Dimensioned
2 Rock-socketed steel H- description of pile
piles heads


Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
14 Non-destructive m 1 Reservation tubes for 1 Diameter, thickness and M12. Unless otherwise C10. Items for sonic tubes are deemed to
integrity tests sonic logging tests material of reservation specified, the length of include grouting up holes upon completion
tubes stated reservation tubes are of test.
measured from the cut-off
levels to the founding
levels of piles.
nr 2 Sonic logging tests to 1 Nominal diameter of M13. For each type of C11. Items for non-destructive integrity tests
check the homogeneity piles and number of integrity test, one test is are deemed to include
and integrity of concrete sonic tubes stated measured for one pile to (a) providing and assembling all necessary
be tested. testing equipment and subsequently
3 Koden tests to check 1 Nominal diameters of
the verticality and piles and bell-outs dismantling and removing, and
dimension of bored stated (b) preparation and submission of test
holes and bell-outs reports.
4 Other tests, details 1 Nominal diameter of
stated piles stated
15 Drilling and coring m 1 Pre-construction drilling 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Drilling depth ≤ 10.00 M14. Pre-construction C12. Items for drilling and coring tests are
tests (nr boreholes stated m, commencing levels drilling is measured from deemed to include:
stated the commencing levels to (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
stated) the specified depth below
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m ancillary equipment at each drilling or
stages the rock head. coring position,
2 Coring tubes for post- 1 Diameter, type and M15. Coring tubes cast in (b) drilling, boring or coring through any
construction drilling quality of tubes stated bored piles and rock- ground or material encountered
socketed steel H-piles are including boulders, rock, reinforced
measured from the cut-off concrete or other artificial hard
levels to the specified materials,
depth above the bottom (c) taking samples with the specified size
of piles. at any depth including extracting,
labelling, photographing, boxing and
3 Post-construction 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Drilling or coring depth M16. Post-construction transporting the samples to a testing
drilling boreholes stated ≤ 10.00 m, drilling is measured from laboratory,
commencing at the the commencing levels
ground levels or levels (at the ground level or (d) carrying out the specified in-situ and
below the coring tubes below the coring tubes as laboratory tests,
stated appropriate) to the (e) preparation and submission of test
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m specified depth below the reports, and
stages concrete and rock (f) grouting up holes with the specified
interface. material upon completion of test.
4 Concrete coring 1 Nominal diameter of M17. Concrete coring is
cores stated measured the net length
of concrete to be cored.


Classification table for bored cast in-situ concrete piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
16 Load tests of piles nr 1 Type of pile stated 1 Type of load tests and 1 First load test C13. Items for load tests are deemed to
test loads to be applied 2 Subsequent load tests include
stated (a) the provision of temporary pile caps,
beams, anchors, stiffeners, platforms,
loading materials, hydraulic jack, dial
gauge, reference beams and the like,
(b) carrying out load tests according to the
specified methods and procedures, and
(c) preparation and submission of test


5.3 Driven preformed piling

(This Sub-Section covers precast reinforced concrete piles, precast pre-stressed concrete piles, steel H-piles and steel hollow piles.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports for the Contractor’s information M1. Each type of pile is
2 Where available, details showing the characteristic features of the site including locations of ground investigation boreholes, described and measured
slopes, existing foundations, nullahs, retaining walls and the like for the Contractor’s information separately under a
3 Design of the piling works including piling layouts, structural details of pile elements, expected depths and cut-off levels of
piles M2. Trial or preliminary
piles are measured as
4 Any limitations on piling methods and sequences working piles.
5 The commencing levels from which measurement has been taken, and irregular ground is so described.

Classification table for driven preformed piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Providing and item 1 Precast reinforced C1. Items for establishment of piling plant
assembling the plant concrete piles are deemed to include:
on Site and 2 Precast pre-stressed (a) bringing piling stagings, pile frames,
subsequent concrete piles drilling rigs and associated equipment
dismantling and to Site,
removal 3 Steel H-piles
4 Steel hollow piles (b) erection of and setting up piling
stagings, pile frames, drilling rigs and
associated equipment including site
preparation and levelling required, and
(c) dismantling and removal of plant and
equipment upon completion.


Classification table for driven preformed piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Supplying, handling, m 1 Type of pile and its 1. Depth ≤ 10.00 m, 1 Vertical piles M3. Pile lengths are C2. Items for supplying precast concrete
transporting, pitching (nr nominal cross-sectional commencing levels 2 Raking piles, degree of measured along the axes piles are deemed to include moulds,
and driving preformed sizes stated stated rake stated of the piles from the cut- reinforcement, pre-stressing cables,
piles stated) 2. And thereafter in 5.00 m off levels to the founding concrete, pile heads and shoes,
stages levels of piles. prefabricated joints, joint fittings, lifting
points and the like.
C3. Items for supplying steel piles are
deemed to include fabrication, pile heads
and shoes, slinging holes, surface
treatment and other necessary
C4. Items for driving piles are deemed to
(a) determining the positions of
underground utilities adjacent to piles,
(b) moving and setting up piling plant and
equipment at each piling position
including site preparation and levelling,
(c) handling, pitching and driving to the
given set or level including all
necessary supports and guide
arrangements, provision of followers or
dollies and any pile extensions,
(d) breaking through and removal of any
underground obstructions encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial
hard materials by whatever means
necessary including pre-boring at the
discretion of the Contractor,
(e) re-driving or intermittent driving
necessitated by pile extensions or by
the removal of underground
obstructions including moving and
repositioning the piling frame,
(f) taking all necessary measures to
minimise the settlement of ground and
adjacent structures and utilities, and
(g) monitoring the noise levels, vibration,
ground movement and groundwater.


Classification table for driven preformed piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Pre-boring for piles m 1 Nominal cross-sectional 1. Depth ≤ 10.00 m 1 Commencing levels M4. Pre-boring is C5. Items for pre-boring are deemed to
(nr size of piles stated 2. And thereafter in 5.00 m stated measured only where it is include:
stages expressly required under (a) setting up and moving boring rigs and
stated) the Contract. equipment at each position including
M5. Pre-boring is site preparation and levelling,
measured from the (b) boring through any ground encountered
commencing levels to the including boulders, rock, reinforced
bottom of bores. One concrete or other artificial hard
borehole is measured for materials,
each driven preformed
pile, irrespective of the (c) filling voids between sides of piles and
actual number of bores with specified materials, and
boreholes for serving the (d) dismantling and removal of boring rigs
same purpose. and equipment.

4 Concrete or grout 1 Mix or strength of M6. Concrete or grout filling C6. Items for concrete or grout filling are
filling to steel hollow concrete or grout is measured from the cut- deemed to include any concrete or grout
piles off levels to the founding filling above the cut-off levels.
levels of piles.
5 Reinforcement to M7. Reinforcement is C7. Items for reinforcement to steel hollow
steel hollow piles measured separately in piles are deemed to further include
accordance with the stiffening, supporting and lifting steel for
Reinforcement Section. reinforcement cages at the discretion of the
6 Cutting off and nr 1 Precast reinforced 1 Nominal cross-sectional C8. Items for cutting off and preparing tops
preparing tops of concrete piles size of piles stated of piles are deemed to include:
piles 2 Precast pre-stressed (a) cutting through reinforced concrete or
concrete piles steel to the specified cut-off levels,
3 Steel H-piles (b) preparation of cut surfaces, cleaning,
4 Steel hollow piles straightening and bending of
reinforcement into pile caps or ground
beams, and
(c) disposal of debris.
7 Pile heads nr 1 Type of piles stated 1 Dimensioned
description of pile


Classification table for driven preformed piling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
8 Drilling tests m 1 Pre-construction drilling 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Drilling depth ≤ 10.00 M8. Pre-construction C9. Items for drilling tests are deemed to
(nr 2 Post-construction boreholes stated m, commencing levels drilling is measured from include:
drilling stated the commencing levels to (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
stated) the specified depth below
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m ancillary equipment at each drilling
stages the rock head. position,
M9. Post-construction (b) drilling, boring or coring through any
drilling is measured from ground or material encountered
the commencing levels to including boulders, rock, reinforced
the specified depth below concrete or other artificial hard
the concrete and rock materials,
(c) taking samples with the specified size
at any depth including extracting,
labelling, photographing, boxing and
transporting the samples to a testing
(d) carrying out the specified in-situ and
laboratory tests and submission of test
reports, and
(e) grouting up holes with specified
material upon completion of test.
9 Load tests of piles nr 1 Types of piles stated 1 Types of load tests and 1 First load test C10. Items for load tests are deemed to
test loads to be applied 2 Subsequent load tests include:
stated (a) the provision of temporary pile caps,
beams, anchors, stiffeners, platforms,
loading materials, hydraulic jack, dial
gauge, reference beams and the like,
(b) carrying out load tests according to the
specified methods and procedures, and
(c) preparation and submission of test



6 Diaphragm walling
(This Section covers diaphragm walling and associated works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports for the Contractor’s information D1. Diaphragm walls are C1. Where appropriate, the coverage rules in
2 Design of the diaphragm walling works including limit of length of work to be carried out in one operation and maximum walls constructed using the Excavating and Filling and In-Situ
number of sections to be carried out at any one time bentonite slurry or other Concrete Sections are also applicable to
support fluids. this section.
3 The commencing levels from which measurements have been taken, and irregular ground is so described.

Classification table for diaphragm walling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Providing and item C2. Items for establishment of plant are
assembling the plant deemed to include:
on Site and (a) bringing to Site and erection of all
subsequent necessary plant and equipment
dismantling and including site preparation and levelling
removal required, and
(b) dismantling and removal of plant and
equipment upon completion.
2 Guide walls m 1 Dimensioned 1 One side 1. Limitations on design M1. The lengths of guide C3. Items for guide walls are deemed to
description 2 Two sides and construction stated walls are measured the include:
same as for diaphragm (a) excavating trenches for both straight
walls. and curved guide walls including extra
excavation for working space, breaking
up and removing any underground
obstructions (including boulders, rock
or artificial hard materials),
(b) raised guide walls to enable a head of
slurry to be maintained at a suitable
height above the water table,
(c) disposal of excavated materials off-site,
(d) concrete, reinforcement, formwork,
temporary supports and the like for
guide walls, and
(e) subsequent demolition of guide walls
including any consequent excavation,
backfilling or disposal of debris if


Classification table for diaphragm walling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Excavating trenches m3 1 Thickness of walls 1. Depth ≤ 10.00 m, M2. The volume of C4. Items for excavating trenches and
for diaphragm wall stated commencing levels excavation is calculated breaking out bedrock are deemed to
panels stated using the nominal lengths include:
2. And thereafter in 5.00 m and depths of the walls. (a) determining the positions of
stages The depths are taken underground utilities adjacent to
from the commencing diaphragm walls,
levels to the top levels of
bedrock. Unless (b) moving and setting up excavation plant
otherwise specified, the and equipment at each position
commencing level is including site preparation and levelling,
measured from the (c) grabbing, drilling or chiselling trenches
bottom of the guide walls. for all lengths of panels including the
use of support fluid to uphold sides of
4 Breaking out bedrock M3. Bedrock lengths are excavation,
measured from the top
(d) breaking through and removal of any
levels of bedrock to the
underground obstructions encountered
founding levels of the
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
diaphragm wall panels.
materials by whatever means
(e) removal and disposal of excavated
materials and contaminated slurry to a
dumping area off-site,
(f) any over excavation to be filled with
specified material,
(g) taking all necessary measures to
minimise the settlement of ground and
adjacent structures and utilities,
(h) cleaning the bottom of excavation
trench and removing all loose
materials, and
(i) monitoring the noise levels, vibration,
ground movement and groundwater.


Classification table for diaphragm walling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Concrete filling to m3 1 Thickness of walls 1 Mix or strength of M4. Concrete filling is C5. Items for concrete filling are deemed to
trenches stated concrete measured from the cut-off include:
levels to the founding (a) any concrete filling above the cut-off
levels of diaphragm walls. levels,
M5. Concrete volume is (b) any extra concrete required to fill
measured net and no trenches excavated wider than the
deduction is made for designed widths,
reinforcement and cast-in
accessories. (c) temporary stop ends to panel ends and
joints including water bars (which are
measured separately under Clause 7 if
expressly required under the Contract),
(d) installing ducts as specified,
subsequent grouting and making good.
6 Reinforcement to M6. Reinforcement is C6. Items for reinforcement to diaphragm
diaphragm walls measured in accordance walls are deemed to further include
with the Reinforcement stiffening, supporting and lifting steel for
Section. reinforcement cages at the discretion of the
7 Waterproof joints m 1 Type and method 1 Vertical M7. Waterproof joints are
stated 2 Horizontal measured only where it is
expressly required under
3 Curved, radius stated the Contract.
8 Ancillary works in nr 1 Preparing cast-in C7. Items for preparing cast-in pockets or
connection with ------ pockets or chases at chases are deemed to include removing
diaphragm walling junctions, details stated formwork and preparing cast-in
m reinforcement.
9 Backfilling empty m3 1. Type of backfill material M8. Backfilling empty
diaphragm wall stated trenches above the
trenches diaphragm walls after
concreting is measured
only where it is expressly
required under the
M9. This work is measured
from the commencing
levels of excavation to the
cut-off levels of
diaphragm walls.


Classification table for diaphragm walling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Cutting off tops of m 1 Thickness of diaphragm C8. Items for cutting off tops of diaphragm
diaphragm walls walls stated walls are deemed to include:
(a) excavating and filling including any
working space required,
(b) cutting through reinforced concrete to
the specified levels,
(c) preparation of cut surfaces, cleaning,
straightening and bending of
reinforcement into other structural
elements, and
(d) disposal of debris.
11 Trimming and m2 1 Details stated
cleaning face of
diaphragm walls
12 Non-destructive m 1 Reservation tubes for 1 Diameter, thickness and M10. Unless otherwise C9. Items for sonic tubes are deemed to
integrity tests sonic logging tests material of reservation specified, the length of include grouting up holes upon completion
tubes stated reservation tubes are of test.
measured from the cut-off
levels to the founding
levels of diaphragm
nr 2 Sonic logging tests to 1 Number of sonic tubes M11. The number of tests C10. Items for non-destructive integrity tests
check the homogeneity in each panel stated is measured once for are deemed to include
and integrity of concrete each panel to be tested. (a) providing and assembling all necessary
3 Other non-destructive 1 Nominal size of each testing equipment and subsequently
integrity tests, details panel stated dismantling and removing, and
stated (b) preparation and submission of test


Classification table for diaphragm walling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
13 Drilling and coring m 1 Pre-construction drilling 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Drilling depth ≤ 10.00 M12. Drilling depth is C11. Items for drilling and coring tests are
tests (nr through ground boreholes stated m, commencing levels measured from the deemed to include:
stated commencing levels to the (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
stated) specified depth below the
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m ancillary equipment at each drilling or
stages rock head. coring position,
2 Coring tubes for post- 1 Diameter, type and M13. Coring tubes are (b) drilling or coring in any ground or
construction drilling quality of tubes stated measured from the cut-off material encountered including
levels to the specified boulders, rock, reinforced concrete or
depth above the bottom other artificial hard materials,
of diaphragm walls. (c) taking samples with the specified size
at any depth including extracting,
3 Post-construction 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Drilling or coring depth M14. Drilling depth is labelling, photographing, boxing and
drilling through coring boreholes stated ≤ 10.00 m, measured from the transporting the samples to a testing
tubes commencing levels commencing levels laboratory,
stated (below the coring tubes)
to the specified depth (d) carrying out the specified in-situ and
2 And thereafter in 5.00 m laboratory tests,
stages below the concrete and
rock interface. (e) preparation and submission of test
reports, and
4 Concrete coring 1 Nominal diameter of M15. Coring depth is
measured the net length (f) grouting up holes with specified
cores stated
of concrete to be cored. material upon completion of test.



7 Geotechnical works
(This Section covers pressure grouting and ground stabilisation.)

7.1 Pressure grouting

7.2 Ground stabilisation

7.1 Pressure grouting

(This Sub-Section covers drilling for grout holes and injection of grouting materials.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports, where available, for the Contractor’s information M1. Pressure grouting is
2 Locations of the pressure grouting works measured only where it is
expressly required under
the Contract.

Classification table for pressure grouting

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Drilling for grout m 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Vertically downwards 1 Depth ≤ 10.00 m, M2. Drilling depth is C1. Items for drilling are deemed to include:
holes (nr holes stated 2 Downwards at an angle commencing levels measured along its centre (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
0 – 45 degrees to the stated lines from the ancillary equipment at each drill-hole
stated) commencing level to the
vertical 2 And thereafter in 5.00 m position including site clearance,
stages specified depth. temporary access, staging and working
3 Horizontally or
downwards at an angel platform,
less than 45 degrees to (b) determining the positions of
the horizontal underground utilities and modifying
drilling patterns where necessary,
(c) drilling in any ground encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
(d) provision of temporary casing to drill-
(e) cleaning drill-holes of all drill cuttings,
sludge and debris and flushing the drill-
(f) disposal of excavated materials off-site,
(g) driving injection pipes for grout holes,
(h) dismantling and removing drilling rigs
and ancillary equipment off-site, and
(i) reinstatement of surfaces.


Classification table for pressure grouting

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Injection of grouting kg 1 Cement grout M3. Grouting materials are C2. Items for injection of grouting materials
materials 2 Silicate based chemical measured by the dry are deemed to include:
grout weight of the cement, (a) trial mixes and grouting trials,
chemical or other material
3 Other grout material in the grout solution, (b) provision of grouting materials,
stated excluding mass of water. (c) carrying out single or multiple water
M4. Alternatively, the pressure tests where specified,
injection of grouting (d) injecting grouting materials in specified
materials may be number of injections and stages,
measured as an item, (e) taking all precautionary measures to
stating the approximate avoid any disturbances or damage to
grouting area in elevation adjoining structures and services, and
(in m2).
(f) preparation and submission of
monitoring, testing and grouting


7.2 Ground stabilisation

(This Sub-Section covers drilling, installation and testing of rock dowels, rock bolts, soil nails and ground anchors and slope surface protection.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports, where available, for the Contractor’s information M1. Rock dowels, rock C1. Items for testing are deemed to include
2 Locations of the rock doweling, rock bolting, soil nailing and ground anchoring works bolts, soil nails and (a) assembling testing equipment, setting
ground anchors are up at each position, moving to new
measured separately locations and subsequently dismantling
under a heading. and removing the equipment from site
M2. Temporary works are upon completion,
measured only where it is (b) calibration of the testing equipment,
expressly required under
the Contract. (c) working at any position and inclination,
M3. Trial installations are (d) testing of installed tendons at any
measured the same as diameter and length, and
production installations. (e) preparation and submission of the
results of each test.

Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Drilling for rock m 1 Nominal diameters of 1 Vertically downwards 1 Depth ≤ 10.00 m, M4. Drilling for rock dowels, C2. Items for drilling are deemed to include:
dowels, rock bolts, (nr holes stated 2 Downwards at an angle commencing levels rock bolts, soil nails and (a) setting up and moving drilling rigs and
soil nails or ground 0 – 45 degrees to the stated ground anchors are ancillary equipment at each drill-holes
anchors stated) measured separately.
vertical 2 And thereafter in 5.00 m position including site clearance,
3 Horizontally or stages M5. Drilling depth is temporary access, staging and working
downwards at an angle measured along its centre platform,
less than 45 degrees to lines from the (b) determining the location of
the horizontal commencing levels to the underground utilities,
specified depth.
(c) drilling in any ground encountered
including boulders, rock or artificial hard
(d) provision of temporary lining tubes to
holes where necessary,
(e) washing out holes on completion and
protecting the openings,
(f) disposal of excavated materials off-site,
(g) dismantling and removing drilling rigs
and ancillary equipment off-site, and
(h) preparation and submission of drilling


Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Rock dowels nr 1 Type and diameter of 1 Length of tendons ≤ 1 Type and size of heads M6. Permanent and D1. Ground anchors C3. Items for rock dowels, rock bolts, soil
3 Rock bolts tendons 12.00 m stated temporary ground include both soil and rock nails and ground anchors are deemed to
2 And thereafter in 3.00 m 2 Working loads stated anchors are measured anchors. include:
4 Soil nails separately.
stages where specified D2. Tendons include high (a) working at any position and inclination,
5 Ground anchors M7. The lengths of tendons tensile steel wires, steel
3 Corrosion protection, (b) providing anchor heads, bearing plates,
detail stated are measured between wire strands and steel locking cones, wedges, nuts, washers,
the outer ends of bars as specified. tendons, couplers, centralizers,
anchors. spacers, packers, connectors, plastic
insulating tapes, conducting wire,
grease, injection tubes, corrugated
sheathing and other necessary
(c) specified corrosion protective treatment
to all steel components,
(d) carrying out the water test and pre-
grouting where necessary,
(e) installing in position and grouting in
including temporary lining tubes where
(f) casting concrete heads including all
necessary excavation, backfilling,
disposal, concrete, reinforcement,
formwork and other associated works,
(g) preparation and submission of
installation records.
C4. Items for rock bolts and ground anchors
are deemed to further include stressing to
the specified working loads.
C5.Items for ground anchors are deemed to
further include monitoring the completed
installation until the end of the defect
liability or other specified period.
C6. Items for temporary ground anchors are
deemed to include the subsequent de-
stressing, removal of anchors, backfilling
the boreholes and reinstatement of


Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6 Tests for rock bolts nr 1 Pull-out tests, detail M8. The measurement of C7. Items for pull-out tests are deemed to
stated pull-out tests, packer include:
tests and loading proving (a) loading the rock bolts to the specified
tests is the actual number working loads, and
of rock bolts tested as
instructed by the (b) sealing the holes by grouting and
Engineer. cutting off rock bolts after the
completion of the test.
2 Packer tests, detail C8. Items for Packer tests are deemed to
stated include:
(a) testing the water loss from drill-holes
for rock bolts in accordance with the
test requirements, and
(b) grouting, re-drilling and re-testing the
drill-holes until complying with the
specified requirements.
3 Loading proving tests, C9. Items for loading proving tests are
detail stated deemed to include:
(a) loading the rock bolts to the specified
working loads, and
(b) where the test does not comply with the
test requirements, carrying out an
additional test or replacing the rock


Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Tests for soil nails nr 1 Pull-out tests, detail M9. The measurement of C10. Items for pull-out tests are deemed to
stated pull-out tests is the actual include:
number of soil nails (a) loading the soil nails to the specified
tested as instructed by working loads, and
the Engineer.
(b) filling the holes by grouting and cutting
off soil nails after the completion of the
2 Pull-out tests with creep C11. In addition to C10, items for pull-out
tests, detail stated tests with creep tests are deemed to
further include carrying out creep test and
monitoring the creep movement of the soil
3 Time Domain M10. The measurement of C12. Items for time domain reflectometry test
Reflectometry test, non-destructive tests is are deemed to include:
detail stated the actual number of soil (a) removing concrete nail heads to
nails tested as instructed expose steel nail heads,
by the Engineer.
(b) removing all loose materials from the
bar heads to ensure electrical
accessibility, and
(c) re-casting the concrete nail heads after
the tests.
4 Magnetometry test, C13. Items for magnetometry test is deemed
detail stated to include:
(a) drilling holes at the correct positions
and inclinations, in any ground
encountered, in suitable sizes to
accommodate specified pipes for
(b) providing temporary support to drill-
holes, temporary casings and specified
pipes, and
(c) grouting the drill-holes after the test.
8 Tests for ground nr 1 Suitability tests, detail M11. The measurement of C14. Items for suitability tests, extended
anchors stated suitability tests, extended acceptance tests and acceptance tests are
acceptance tests and deemed to include loading the ground
2 Extended acceptance acceptance tests is the anchors to the specified working loads.
tests, detail stated actual number of ground
3 Acceptance tests, detail anchors tested as
stated instructed by the


Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Concrete grillages m 1 Beams 1 Dimensioned C15. Items for concrete grillages are
description deemed to include:
nr 2 Beam crossings and (a) excavating trenches or pits in any
junctions ground encountered,
(b) backfilling suitable materials to make
up levels,
(c) formwork to grillage beams, crossings
and junctions,
(d) concrete works,
(e) reinforcement of any type and
(f) any necessary treatment to integrate
with rock bolts, soil heads or ground
anchor heads, and
(g) working at any position and inclination.
10 Slope surface m2 1 Chunam surfacing 1 Mix of materials stated 1 Thickness of layers M12. Slope surface C16. Items for chunam surfacing are
protections stated protections are measured deemed to include:
only where it is expressly (a) any necessary working platform,
required under the
Contract. (b) cleaning, trimming and regulating the
slope surfaces,
M13. Chunam surfacing
and sprayed concrete (c) weep holes, stub drains and rock joint
surfacing are measured relief drains, and
as the surface area of the (d) specified surface finish.
face covered and no
2 Sprayed concrete 1 Mix or strength of 1 Thickness of layers C17. Items for sprayed concrete are deemed
allowance is made for
surfacing concrete stated stated to include:
surface irregularities or
other local peculiarities. (a) any necessary working platform,
(b) carrying out trial panels,
(c) removing weak material along joints or
seams in slope surfaces,
(d) weep holes, stub drains and rock joint
relief drains,
(e) steel fabric reinforcement and anchor
(f) admixtures, colour pigments and
formwork where required,
(g) applying sprayed concrete in layers,
(h) specified surface finish.


Classification table for ground stabilisation

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Slope surface m2 3 Protective wire mesh or 1 Type of wire mesh or M14. Protective wire mesh C18. Items for protective wire mesh or mats
protections (cont’d) mats mats stated or mats are measured as are deemed to include:
the net area measured (a) any necessary working platform,
and no allowance is
made for both end and (b) clearing all rubbish, debris and loose
side laps. soils, trimming irregular spots and
areas, and filling with specified
materials to provide smooth surface,
(c) tying wire, anchor bolts, hooks, fixing
pins, steel plates and washers for fixing
the wire mesh or mats onto the slope
(d) specified surface finish, and
(e) drilling holes for embedment of anchor
bolts or steel hooks.
4 Hydroseeding M15. Hydroseeding is
measured in accordance
with the Landscaping


8 Excavating and filling

(This Section covers site topographic surveys, site clearance, removal of trees, site preparation, excavations, disposal, filling and damp proof membranes.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports, site survey plans and tree survey plans, where available, for the Contractor’s information
2 Design of the foundation, site formation and substructure works where applicable
3 Design of the temporary excavation and lateral support works if not at the discretion of the Contractor

Classification table for excavating and filling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Site topographic item 1 Surveys before the M1. Oversite topographic
surveys commencement of any survey is measured only
work and after the where it is expressly
completion of all required under the
excavation and filling Contract.
2 Site clearance item 1 Clear site of all D1. Site vegetation
vegetation and other includes tall grass,
growth and dispose off- shrubs, bushes, hedges,
site, approximate area trees and tree stumps ≤
stated 0.30 m girth and the like
unless specifically
designated to remain.
3 Removing trees nr 1 Girth > 0.30 m but ≤ M2. Tree girths are C1. Items for removing trees and tree
4 Removing tree 0.60 m measured at a height of stumps are deemed to include:
stumps 2 And thereafter in 0.30 m 1.30 m above original (a) grubbing up roots,
stages ground levels.
(b) disposal off-site of all materials arising,
M3. Stump girths are and
measured at the top.
(c) filling voids with the specified material.
5 Site preparation m2 1 Lifting turf for 1 Method and location of
preservation, average preservation stated
depth stated
2 Remove topsoil,
average depth stated
item 3 Remove specific items 1. Dimensioned D2. This work includes any
description sufficient to existing items on site not
identify size and designated to remain
location of each item including spoil heaps or
rubbish dumps left by a
previous contractor

Classification table for excavating and filling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6 Excavating m3 1 To reduce levels, 1 Depth ≤ 2.00 m 1 Commencing levels for M4. The quantities given D3. Temporary excavation C2. Items for excavating are deemed to
average depth stated if 2 And thereafter in 2.00 m excavation (such as for excavation are the and lateral supports include:
≤ 0.20 m in depth stages existing ground level, bulk before excavating mean everything to (a) keeping excavations free from rain and
2 Basements, pools and reduced level or and no allowance is uphold and maintain the percolating water,
similar excavations basement excavated made for subsequent sides of excavation by
level) stated variations to bulk. whatever means (b) excavating in any position in level or
3 Trenches for ground necessary including, but sloping and in any ground encountered
beams, strip footings M5. Excavation for including boulders and rock,
permanent structures is not limited to, steel sheet
and similar items piles, structural steel (c) taking necessary precautions to avoid
the volume which is
4 Pits for pile caps, pad occupied by the structure shoring and the like. damage to piles and other works
footings and similar and/or vertically above constructed on site and other structures
items any part of the structure. adjacent to the site,
5 Other types of No allowance is made for (d) additional excavation for working space
excavation, each extra space taken up by and temporary excavation and lateral
measured and working space or supports that the Contractor considers
described separately temporary excavation and necessary and the subsequent
lateral supports. This also backfilling of working space with
applies to the quantities specified material,
given for any subsequent (e) excavating according to designated
extra over, disposal and profiles and stages,
filling items.
(f) grubbing up old roots, removing
m 6 Trenches for service 1 Pipes or cables ≤ 200 1 Average depth of trench disused cables, drain pipes, gullies,
pipes, cables and the mm nominal diameter ≤ 0.5 m manholes and the like, sealing
like connections and backfilling with
2 Pipes or cables > 200 2 And thereafter in 0.5 m
specified material,
mm nominal diameter, stages
nominal diameter stated 3 Commencing levels for (g) getting out excavated materials by any
means necessary,
3 Multiple pipes or cables, excavation stated
number and nominal (h) trimming, levelling, grading and
diameter of pipes or compacting surfaces exposed by the
cables stated excavations,
(i) trimming exposed faces of rock,
7 Extra over all types of item 1 Breaking up, removing D4. Artificial hard materials
excavation and disposal of artificial include concrete, (j) multiple handling of excavated
irrespective of depth hard materials reinforced concrete, materials on site,
m3 brickwork, blockwork, (k) temporary excavation and lateral
stonework, coated supports (except otherwise specified in
macadam or asphalt and the contract), including any extra
the like encountered excavation, backfill and disposal
during excavation. required,
(l) temporary supports to existing drain
pipes, cables and the like,


Classification table for excavating and filling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
C2. Items for excavating are deemed to
include (cont’d):
(m) filling with specified material where
excavations have been dug wider or
deeper than specified, and
(n) protecting all works from inclement
8 Temporary excavation item 1 Method of supports 1 Approximate overall M6. Temporary excavation C3. Items for temporary excavation and
and lateral supports length and maximum and lateral supports are lateral supports are deemed to include:
depth of exposed measured only where it is (a) fabrication, handling and fixing steel
excavation faces to be expressly required under sheet piles, waling, struts, posts, ties
upheld the Contract. and the like to uphold the excavation,
M7. Alternatively these (b) all necessary cutting, welding, drilling,
works may be measured nuts, bolts, washers, plates, couplings,
in detail in accordance turn buckles and the like,
with the appropriate (c) protective coatings or other surface
sections. treatment,
(d) extra excavation taken up by working
space or temporary excavation and
lateral supports, and the subsequent
backfilling with specified material, and
(e) removal according to the specified
9 Disposing excavated m3 1 On site 1 Average distance to M8. The quantities given C4. Items for disposal are deemed to
materials spoil heap stated for disposal are the bulk include:
before excavating and no (a) all multi-handling to and from temporary
2 Off site 1 Dumping area stated if allowance is made for
not at the discretion of spoil heaps as and if necessary,
subsequent variations to
the Contractor bulk. (b) transporting to a dumping area
arranged by the Contractor, and
M9. Depositing excavated
materials on site is (c) paying all charges in connection
measured only where it is therewith.
expressly required under
the Contract.


Classification table for excavating and filling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Filling m3 1 To excavations, 1 Top soil M10. Imported material is D5. Surface treatments C5. Items for filling are deemed to include:
average depth stated if 2 Selected excavated measured only when the include: (a) selecting suitable excavated material,
≤ 0.30 m in depth material measured amount of (a) applying herbicides,
filling exceeds the (b) making good, processing and mixing
2 To make up levels 3 Imported material (b) cleaning, trimming materials to make them suitable for use
measured amount of
3 To form embankments 4 Other filling material, excavation. and compacting as filling material,
or terraces detail stated sloping surfaces and (c) removing from site any excavated
M11. The quantities given sides of cuttings and
4 To planters and the like, for filling of excavated material not suitable for filling,
position stated embankments,
material, hardcore or (d) replacing unsuitable filling materials
granular are the net void (c) preparing subsoil with imported material,
11 Filling of hardcore or m3 1 To beds, average depth 1 Type of filling materials areas for top soil,
granular stated if ≤ 0.30 m in stated to be filled and no (e) adjustment and control of moisture
depth allowance is made for (d) consolidating sub- content as specified,
subsequent variations in grade for roads and
2 To make up levels pavings, (f) multiple handling of materials on site,
bulk before and after
3 To vertical faces behind compaction. (e) protecting final (g) filling in layers, spreading, levelling,
retaining walls and the surfaces, and watering and compacting,
like (h) additional materials required to allow
(f) other specified
4 To slopes > 15 degrees surface treatment. for compaction and subsequent
from the horizontal settlement,
(i) backfilling working space with specified
(j) temporary retaining boards to edges
and slopes,
(k) hand packing at steppings, thickening
under slabs, behind retaining walls and
the like and sloping faces,
(l) overfilling and subsequent cutting back,
(m) specified surface treatments, and
(n) soil compaction tests.
C6. In addition to C5, items for hardcore or
granular filling are deemed to further
(a) blinding the surface with specified fine
fill material, and
(b) laying to falls, cross falls or cambers.
12 Damp proof m 1 ≤ 0.50 m wide, 1 Horizontal 1 Type and quality of M12. Damp proof C7. Items for damp proof membranes are
membranes thickness stated 2 Vertical damp proof membranes membranes are deemed to include all turn-ups, turndowns,
stated measured the net area laps and joints, and forming holes.
m2 2 > 0.50 m wide, 3 Sloping > 15 degrees covered.
thickness stated from the horizontal


9 Underpinning
(This Section covers excavation, temporary supports and other associated works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Ground investigation reports, where available, for the Contractor’s information M1. All works in connection C1. C2 - C3 of the Excavating and Filling
2 A description of the work shall be given stating the extent and method of the work, details of the existing structure to be with underpinning are Section apply.
underpinned, the limit of length to be carried out in one operation and the maximum number of sections to be carried out at described and measured
any one time. separately under a

Classification table for underpinning

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Excavating m3 1 Preliminary trenches M2. The quantities given D1. D3 of the Excavating C2. Except otherwise specified in the
stating commencing for excavation are the and Filling Section Contract, items for underpinning
levels and maximum bulk before excavating applies. excavation are deemed to include:
depth and no allowance is D2. The depth of (a) excavating one side, both sides or
2 Underpinning pits made for subsequent preliminary trenches other specified sequences,
stating commencing variations to bulk. extends down to the (b) temporary supports to existing
levels and maximum M3. Excavation for underside of existing structures to be underpinned, and
depth permanent structures is foundations.
the volume which is (c) temporary supports to earthwork of
D3. The depth of preliminary trenches and underpinning
occupied by the structure underpinning pits extends
and/or vertically above pits.
from the underside of
any part of the structure. existing foundations down
No allowance is made for to the base of the
extra space taken up by underpinning excavation.
working space or
temporary excavation and
lateral supports. This also
applies to the quantities
given for any subsequent
extra over, disposal and
filling items.
2 Temporary supports item 1 Existing structures to be 1 Particular requirements M4. Temporary supports
underpinned stated are measured only where
it is expressly required
2 Earthwork of 1 Method of supports 1 Approximate overall under the Contract.
preliminary trenches length and maximum
and underpinning pits depth stated M5. Alternatively these
works may be measured
in detail in accordance
with the appropriate


Classification table for underpinning

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Other works in M6. All other works in
connection with connection with
underpinning underpinning (such as
extra over excavation for
artificial hard materials,
cutting away existing
projecting foundations,
disposal, filling, piling,
concrete, formwork,
reinforcement, brickwork,
tanking, etc.) are
measured in accordance
with the appropriate


10 In-situ concrete
(This Section covers in-situ concrete to structures and non-structures, surface water channels, sprayed concrete, surface finishes and joints).

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the relative position and size of all structural and non-structural members M1. Concrete, formwork D1. Type of concrete C1. Items for in-situ concrete works are
2 Information regarding the permissible loads in relation to casting times and reinforcement are includes plain, reinforced, deemed to include:
each measured and watertight, lightweight, (a) batching, mixing, conveying, hoisting or
3 Kind and quality of materials, mix or strength requirements of concrete, tests of materials and finished work, measures to described separately non-fines and sprayed
achieve watertightness and method of compaction and curing if not stated in the specification lowering, placing, spreading,
except otherwise stated. concrete. compaction/vibration, levelling, curing
4 Any limitations on method, sequence, speed or size of pouring if not at the discretion of the Contractor M2. Concrete volume is and protection,
measured net, but no (b) admixtures used at the discretion of the
deductions are made for: Contractor,
(a) voids ≤ 0.10 m3 in (c) additional concrete required to conform
volume, except voids to structural and excavated tolerance,
in waffle slabs,
(d) forming angles, ends, intersections and
(b) reinforcement, similar labours to curbs, copings,
(c) structural steel channels and the like,
sections, except voids (e) forming holes for pipes, cables and the
created by ribs in like and openings ≤ 1.00 m2 sectional
metal decking and area including steel trimming bars to
hollow steel sections, these holes and openings,
(f) laying in bays including reinforcement
(d) cast-in accessories, and formwork to edges between bays,
joints, prestressing except those designed by the Engineer,
components and the
like. (g) laying to specified surface finishes,
levels, falls, currents and cambers,
(h) forming construction joints at pouring
breaks including the provision of
approved waterstops, except those
joints designed by the Engineer,
(i) casting kickers monolithically at
junctions between slabs and
(j) filling tie bolt holes with approved
(k) making good any uneven concrete
surfaces and defects, and
(l) preparation and submission of concrete
test cubes and submission of test


Classification table for in-situ concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Foundations m3 1 Blinding 1 Type and mix or C2. Items for blinding are deemed to include
2 Pile caps strength of concrete all necessary formwork.
3 Column or stanchion
4 Strip footings
5 Ground beams
6 Others, details stated
2 Horizontal and m3 1 Beds 1 Horizontal including M3. Slabs are measured D2. Thickenings to beds C3. Items for slabs and beams are deemed
sloping works 2 Slabs sloping ≤ 15o. across beams and non- and under walls are to include:
2 Sloping > 15o structural columns and measured and grouped (a) higher strength concrete in shoulders at
3 Beams walls. together with beds and abutment with columns or walls, and
4 Waffle or similar slabs M4. Beams include walls respectively.
(b) any additional formwork or permanent
5 Transfer plates attached beams, isolated D3. Slabs and beams mesh separation barriers required to
6 Transfer beams beams, upstand beams, include shoulders of form the shoulders.
beams with any cross higher strength concrete
7 Filling between and
sectional shapes and at junctions of
over hollow blocks in
shoulders which are walls/columns and
suspended slabs
measured and grouped slabs/beams.
8 Others, details stated together. D4. Waffle slabs include
M5. The length of beams is margins.
measured between
structural supports such
as walls, columns or main
M6. Alternatively, the
volume of beds/slabs and
beams may be measured
and grouped together if
they are of the same mix
or strength.
9 Staircases D5. Staircases include
steps, waists, supporting
beams, strings, aprons
and landings (other than
landings forming part of
main floor slabs).


Classification table for in-situ concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Vertical works m3 1 Columns 1 Type and mix or M7. Structural columns and D6. Structural columns and
2 Walls strength of concrete walls are measured from walls are those shown in
stated the top surface of lower structural drawings.
3 Retaining walls floor slabs to the top D7. Columns include posts,
4 Hanger walls surface of upper floor piers and column drop
5 Parapet walls slabs. heads.
6 Balustrade walls M8. Non-structural columns
and walls are measured
7 Others, details stated
from the top surface of
lower floor slabs to the
soffits of structural beams
or slabs.
4 Casing to structural m3 1 Stanchion bases or M9. Structural steelworks
steelworks grillages are measured separately
2 Slabs on metal decking in accordance with the
Structural Steel Section.
3 Beams
4 Columns or stanchions
5 Other steelworks,
details stated


Classification table for in-situ concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Sundry concrete m3 1 Curbs or upstands 1 Type and mix or D8. Watertanks include
works 2 Lintels strength of concrete cover slabs, bottom
stated slabs, beams, walls,
3 Watertanks internal angle fillets and
4 Ducts and trenches sump pits.
5 Architectural features D9. Ducts and trenches
and projections include walls and bases.
6 Sitting benches, D10. Architectural features
counters, bench slabs and projections include
and the like copings, heads, cills,
7 Plinths, plant and cornices, eaves, fins,
machine bases and the overhangs, hoods,
like canopies, air-conditioning
slabs and the like.
8 Filling to form raised
levels, steps, ramps D11. Sitting benches,
and the like counters, bench slabs
and the like include top,
9 Filling around Asiatic
side, intermediate and
WC pans, benching
bottom slabs and walls.
under fitments and the
like D12. Planters and
associated works include
10 Planters and associated
footings, slabs and walls.
D13. Fencing walls or posts
11 Fencing walls or posts
include footings, walls,
12 Other sundry works, posts and attached
details stated architectural features.
6 Surface water m 1 Shape, width and 1 Straight channels M10. Gratings and frames C4. Items for surface water channels are
channels formed in average depth stated 2 Curved channels to water channels are deemed to include:
concrete beds and the measured separately in (a) formwork and rendering,
like accordance with the
Metalwork Section. (b) forming angles, ends, outlets,
intersections, junctions and the like,
(c) forming rebates for channel covers.


Classification table for in-situ concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Sprayed concrete m2 1 Tops of slabs 1 Mix or strength of
--------- 2 Soffits of slabs concrete, thickness,
method of application
m3 3 Walls and finish stated
4 Beams
5 Columns
6 Slopes M11. Sprayed concrete to
slope surfaces is
measured in accordance
with the Geotechnical
Works Section.
8 Surface finishes to in- m2 1 Power floating 1 Top surfaces M12. Surface finishes are C5. Items for surface finishes are deemed to
situ concrete 2 Hacking 2 Faces measured only where include:
they are expressly (a) laying to narrow widths and small
3 Grinding 3 Soffits required under the quantities such as copings, kerbs,
4 Surface treatments 4 Sloping soffits Contract. steps, plinths, plant and machine bases
achieved by other M13. No deductions are and the like,
mechanical means after made for holes and
striking formwork, (b) temporary grounds and rules,
openings in finished
details stated (c) finishing to slopes, falls, currents and
surfaces ≤ 1.00 m2.
intersections in slopes and falls, and
5 Surface treatments 1 Surface hardeners
(d) all making good.
2 Sealers
3 Dust proofers
4 Waterproofers
5 Carborundum grains
6 other surface
treatments, details


Classification table for in-situ concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Joints in in-situ m 1 Construction joints 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight M14. Construction joints C6. Items for joints are deemed to include:
concrete ______ 2 Expansion joints description 2 Curved are measured only where (a) additional reinforcement across joints,
they are expressly
m2 3 Other structural required under the (b) all necessary formwork including
movement joints, details Contract. formation of rebates and grooves, and
stated (c) all preparation, cleaners, primers,
M15. Joints are normally
measured linearly. In fillers, sealers, backing strips and
some particular situations sealants.
such as between two wall
faces, joints may be
measured superficially.
m 4 Water stops M15. The lengths of water C7. Items for water stops are deemed to
stops are measured include all cutting, running joints, angles,
along their centre lines. ends and intersections whether they are
formed, welded or purpose-made.

10 Accessories cast into M16. Cast-in accessories

in-situ concrete are measured in
accordance with the
appropriate section.
11 Sundries m 1 Cover strips 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight
2 Cover plates description 2 Curved
3 Fire stops
nr 4 Bearing pads C8. Items for bearing pads are deemed to
5 Other similar isolated include all necessary formwork.
items, detail stated


11 Formwork
(This Section covers formwork.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the relative position and size of all structural and non-structural members M1. Except otherwise D1. Rough board finish is C1. Items for formwork are deemed to
2 Information regarding the permissible loads in relation to casting times stated, formwork is defined as a uniform include:
measured to concrete rough textured concrete (a) designing and erecting timber/metal
3 Kind and quality of materials and propping requirements for permanent formwork if not stated in the Specification surfaces of the finished surface for bonding with decking or facing panels and steel
4 Any specific formwork systems such as flying/table form, jump form, self-climbing form, manufactured panel form, slip form work which require in-situ surface, tiling or scaffolding or falsework, including
and the like if not at the discretion of the Contractor support during casting. other similar finishes. soldiers, waling, tie bolts, spreaders,
M2. While each item is D2. Fair faced finish is bracings, lacings, props, runners, joists
classified in accordance defined as an even and all other necessary supports and
with classification table, smooth finished accessories,
formwork may be erected appearance in concrete (b) provision of timber, metal or glass-fibre
together with attached surfaces. reinforced plastic linings, forms or
items such as a slab D3. Special finish is defined moulds to produce the required
integral with an attached as the specified standard concrete finishes and shapes,
beam. The formwork and/or pattern of concrete
could be measured based (c) side lap jointing between decking or
finishes (other than rough facing panels to prevent leakage of
on the entire finished board finish and fair faced
work where appropriate. grout,
M3. Each type of formwork (d) forming splayed angles, notchings,
D4. Formwork left-in is not battens, throats, fillets, chases,
finishes (such as rough designed to remain in
board finish, fair faced grooves, recesses, rebates, chamfers,
position but is drips and the like (other than on
finish and special finish) nonetheless impossible to
is measured and formwork to form ornamental features)
remove. ≤ 150mm girth,
described under a
separate heading. D5. Permanent formwork is (e) forming perforations for reinforcing
designed to remain in bars, ties, bolts and the like, holes for
M4. Formwork left-in and position such as steel
permanent formwork are all pipes, cables and the like,
each measured and (f) forming boxings for openings ≤ 1.00 m2
described separately. sectional area,
M5. Curved or circular (g) making allowance for all cambers
works are measured required on beams and slabs,
separately from straight (h) forming kickers at junctions between
works. Different radii of slabs and walls/columns,
curved or circular works
(i) cleaning, wetting and coating surfaces
are measured and
with approved release agents before
grouped together.
placing concrete, and
M6. No deductions are
(j) subsequent easing, striking, removal
made for openings ≤ 1.00
and re-propping as required.


Classification table for formwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Sides of foundations m2 D6. Foundations include
pile caps, column bases
and strip footings.
2 Sides of ground M7. Formwork to ground
beams beams is measured up to
the sides of foundations,
main beams and the like.
M8. No deduction is made
from formwork to those
intersections described in
3 Soffits of slabs m2 1 Concrete thickness ≤ 1 Horizontal 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m D7. Formwork to slabs
4 Soffits of landings 300 mm 2 Sloping 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m includes formwork to
2 And thereafter in 300 stages landings occurring at floor
5 (Sloping) soffits of 3 Curved in one direction levels.
staircases and ramps mm stages 3 Over atriums, halls, lift
6 Soffits of transfer shafts and the like,
plates overall or minimum and
maximum strutting
7 Soffits of waffle or 1 Size of mould and heights stated M9. Formwork to waffle or D8. Soffits of waffle or C2. Items for formwork to waffle or similar
similar slabs profile, centres of similar slabs is measured similar slabs include slabs are deemed to include non-typical
mould, and slab as if to a plain surface. associated margins, moulds required to suit changes in shapes
thickness stated M10. The thickness of beams and column drop of floor plans.
waffle or similar slabs heads.
stated is the overall
8 Sides and soffits of 1 Depth of beams (below M11. Formwork to beams D9. Beams include both in- C3. Items for formwork to beams are
beams soffit of slab) ≤ 1.00 m and transfer beams is situ concrete lintels, deemed to include cantilevered ends.
9 Sides and soffits of 2 And thereafter in 1.00 m measured up to the sides casings to steel beams,
transfer beams stages of columns, walls, main isolated and attached
beams and the like. beams, upstand beams,
M12. No deduction is made T-shaped beams,
from formwork to those stepped beams, cranked
intersections described in beams, haunched beams
M11. tapered beams and
beams with other cross
M13. Formwork to sides of sectional shapes.
beams associated and
flushed with formwork to
attached walls below is
measured and included in
the formwork to such


Classification table for formwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Top formwork m2 M14. Top formwork is
measured only for
surfaces sloping > 15o
from the horizontal or
where they are expressly
required under the
11 Faces of walls and the m2 1 Vertical M15. Formwork is
like 2 Sloping measured to each face of
walls requiring support.
3 Battered one or two
12 Sides of columns m2 1 Square and rectangular faces M16. Formwork to square D10. Columns include both
shapes 4 Curved in one direction and rectangular columns isolated and attached
2 Circular shapes with different sizes is columns, posts, piers and
measured and grouped casings to stanchions.
3 Other shapes together. D11. Columns with “other
nr 4 Column drop heads 1 Dimensioned M17. Formwork to circular shapes” are those
description columns with different columns with any shapes
radii is measured and other than square,
grouped together. rectangular and circular
M18. Formwork to columns shapes on horizontal
with “other shapes” is plane.
measured and grouped D12. Columns with different
together. shapes on vertical plane
M19. Formwork to sides of are measured as
columns associated and “formwork in complex
flushed with formwork to shapes”.
attached walls of the
same concrete mix or
strength is measured and
included in formwork to
such walls.


Classification table for formwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
13 Edges, steps, tops, m2 1 Width or height ≤ 300 M20. Formwork to edges of D13. Formwork to edges,
soffits, ends and the mm suspended slabs steps, tops, soffits, ends
like 2 Width or height > 300 associated and flushed and the like include:
14 Staircase risers mm with formwork to attached (a) edges of beds,
beams below or upstand
15 Open strings of beams above is (b) edges of suspended
staircases measured and included in slabs,
formwork to such beams. (c) edges of slab
M21. Formwork to edges of openings > 1.00 m2,
suspended slabs (d) edges of curbs,
associated and flushed upstands, plinths and
with formwork to attached the like,
walls below is measured (e) steps in soffits,
and included in formwork
(f) steps in walls,
to such walls.
(g) ends of walls,
M22. Formwork to edges of
suspended slabs (h) edges, soffits and
associated and flushed tops of wall
with formwork to attached openings > 1.00 m2,
beams and walls below is and
measured and included in (i) recesses, rebates,
formwork to such walls. grooves and the like >
150mm girth.
D14. Staircase risers
include vertical and
undercut risers.
16 Edges and soffits of m2 D15. Architectural features
architectural features and projections include
and projections copings, heads, cills,
cornices, eaves, fins,
overhangs, hoods,
canopies, air-conditioning
slabs and the like.
17 Edges, sides, soffits M23. Each type of fixtures D16. Fixtures include
and other surfaces of is measured and watertanks, planters,
fixtures described separately. sitting benches, counters,
bench slabs and the like.
18 Formwork in complex nr 1 Dimensioned
shapes ---------- description
m 2


12 Reinforcement
(This Section covers reinforcing bars, couplers and fabric reinforcement.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the relative position and size of all structural and non-structural members
2 Kind and quality of materials and details of tests if not stated in the Specification
3 Any restrictions on bending reinforcement on site if not at the discretion of the Contractor

Classification table for reinforcement

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Plain steel reinforcing kg 1 Nominal size stated 1 General Reinforcement 1 Straight M1. Different radii of curved C1. Items for bar reinforcement are deemed
bars ≤ 12 m in length 2 Curved bar reinforcement are to include:
2 Ribbed steel 2 And thereafter in 3.00 m 3 Helical measured and grouped (a) cutting to lengths, bending, hoisting,
reinforcing bars stages together. fixing and securely supporting in
3 Links, stirrups and M2. Different radii and rises position,
binders of helical bar (b) annealed iron tying wire, steel clips,
reinforcement are spacer blocks, spacer rods, chairs and
measured and grouped other supports (other than spacers,
together. chairs and supports expressly required
M3. Laps in bar under the Contract),
reinforcement are (c) variations in weight due to rolling
measured according to margins,
the Drawings.
(d) couplers used at the discretion of the
M4. The mass of bar Contractor as an alternative solution,
reinforcement is and
calculated based on the
bar length multiplied by (e) preparation and submission of
its theoretical mass per reinforcement samples for testing and
linear metre. provision of test certificates.

3 Spacers and chairs 1 Dimensioned M5. Spacers and chairs are

description measured only where
they are expressly
required under the
4 Couplers nr 1 Types of couplers 1 Nominal size stated M6. Couplers are C2. Items for couplers are deemed to include
stated measured only where preparing and threading ends of bars.
they are expressly
required under the


Classification table for reinforcement

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Fabric reinforcement m2 1 Fabric reference, weight 1 Strips in one width, M7. Fabric reinforcement is C3. Items for fabric reinforcement are
per m2 and minimum width stated measured the net area deemed to include:
laps stated 2 Bent to curve covered excluding side (a) allowance for extra material in laps,
and end laps.
(b) all cutting, bending and notching
M8. No deduction is made around obstructions, and
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2 in
area. (c) tying wire, spacers, chairs, and other
6 Other reinforcement m 1 Details stated D1. Other type of
---------- reinforcement include
proprietary anti-burglar
kg bars, stainless steel bars
and bars of other


13 Prestressing
(This Section covers prestressing works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the relative position and size of pre/post-tensioning concrete members M1. Prestressing concrete
2 Details of prestressing components, tendons and sheath materials, methods of installation and grouting, and testing of works are measured and
prestressing tendons, duct friction, bleeding and free expansion and crushing strength of grout if not stated in the described under a
Specification separate heading.
3 Any limitations on propping if not at the discretion of the Contractor

Classification table for prestressing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Structural in-situ M2. In-situ concrete,
concrete works formwork and
reinforcement to
prestressed concrete
works are each measured
and described separately
in accordance with the
appropriate Sections.
2 Sheaths m 1 Type, size and total 1 Straight sheaths D1. Sheath is a tube or C1. Items for sheaths are deemed to include:
number stated 2 Curved sheaths lining which is left in place (a) grout tubes, vents and taps,
and is used to form a duct
for accommodating (b) extra lengths due to sheaths being laid
prestressing tendons. to curves in the longitudinal vertical
(c) provision of supports for securely fixing
the sheaths in positions during
concreting and prestressing, and
(d) grouting to bond tendons to the
structure where required.


Classification table for prestressing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Tendons kg 1 Type, size and ultimate 1 For in-situ concrete in 1 Jacking force stated M3. Tendons are measured D2. Tendons include steel C2. Items for tendons are deemed to
strength of tendons pre-tensioning systems net lengths between outer wires, wire strands or include:
stated 2 For sheaths in post- faces of anchorages. alloy steel bars which are (a) degreasing, strengthening, cutting to
tensioning systems housed in a sheath or not lengths, assembling, hoisting, fixing
in a sheath. Strands are and laying to required profiles,
made up of several small
diameter steel wires. (b) extra lengths required at ends for
(c) checking and calibrating tensioning
apparatus and load measuring devices,
(d) tensioning tendons to the required
loads at one end or both ends including
provision of barrels, wedges and other
(e) cutting off ends of tendons, and
(f) compiling a record of stressing and
grouting operation and supplying
results to the Engineer.
4 Post-tensioning nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Type, size and number 1 Live (stressing) D3. Live (stressing) C3. Items for anchorages are deemed to
anchorages description as a of tendons to be anchorages anchorages include include:
complete assembly anchored stated 2 Dead-end anchorages anchor head, bearing (a) fixing anchorages in positions,
plate, wedges, trumpet,
grout connection, (b) provision of anti-bursting reinforcement,
protection cap and other (c) formwork to form the required
devices. recesses, and
D4. Dead-end anchorages (d) filling in anchorages and jack seating
include anchor plate, recesses with approved material.
compression fittings,
retainer plates, tension
ring, grout connection
and other devices.


14 Precast concrete
(This Section covers precast concrete units, volumetric precast concrete units, modular integrated construction units and sundry precast concrete units.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the details, relative position and size of all precast concrete members C1.All items in this Section, where
2 Kind and quality of materials, mix or strength of concrete, methods of compaction and curing and surface finishes if not stated applicable, are deemed to include:
in the Specification (a) moulds to form specified shapes
3 Drawings showing the details of reinforcement and pre/post-tensioning, methods of structural connection and weatherproof including recesses, sleeves and
joints boxouts and concrete surfaces (such
as fair face surfaces),
(b) reinforcement including additional
reinforcement and lifting inserts
required for handling purposes,
(c) cast-in accessories and pre/post-
(d) concrete placing, demoulding, curing
and handling,
(e) surface finishes (other than the off form
concrete surface) including paint, tiled
finishes and surface finishes treated by
sand blasting or acid etching,
(f) provision of waterproofing system,
(g) structural connections by in-situ or
mechanical connection methods or
both (other than the connection by
composite concrete casting) including
all temporary supports,
(h) built-in fixtures and fittings including
doors, windows, sanitary fittings and
building services, etc. as shown or
(i) weatherproof joints between adjacent
precast units including joint filler,
backup materials, bond breakers,
baffles, gaskets, sealing strips, sealant
and all other necessary accessories,
(j) all building services connection.


Classification table for precast concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Precast concrete units nr 1 Wall panels 1 Dimensioned M1. Alternatively, surface D1. Precast concrete units
2 Partitions description including finishes which can be are individual building
overall size, concrete applied after casting may components which are
3 Cladding and facade mix or strength, be measured separately prefabricated off-site and
panels reinforcement details, in accordance with the transported to site for
4 Columns and posts surface finishes, cast-in appropriate Sections. installation.
5 Decking and flooring accessories, pre- or M2. Alternatively, built-in
post-tensioning details, fixtures and fittings which
6 Beams
built-in fixtures and can be applied after
7 Balconies fittings, structural casting may be measured
8 Stair flights connection methods, separately in accordance
9 Landings joint details and drawing with the appropriate
references Sections.
10 Other precast units,
type stated
2 Volumetric precast 1 Bathrooms D2. Volumetric precast
concrete units 2 Kitchens concrete units are
complete room or
3 Lift cores structure units which are
4 Staircase core manufactured off-site and
5 Watertanks transported to site for
incorporation into
6 Other volumetric
precast units, type
3 Concrete modular M3. Loose fixtures and D3. Modular integrated
integrated fittings within modular construction units are
construction units integrated construction pre-finished building
units are measured modules which are
separately in accordance manufactured off-site and
with the appropriate transported to site for
Sections. assembly.


Classification table for precast concrete

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Sundry precast m 1 Curbs 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight units M4. Precast concrete road
concrete units (nr 2 Cills description stating 2 Curved units kerbs, edgings, channels
concrete mix or and other paving
stated) 3 Cornices strength, reinforcement accessories are
---------- 4 Caps details, surface finishes measured in accordance
nr 5 Copings and number of units as with the Roads and
appropriate Pavings Section.
6 Lintels
7 Steps
8 Surface channel covers
9 Protective cover slabs
to building services
10 Other sundry precast
units, type or name
nr 1 Bench slabs 1 Dimensioned
2 Planters description stating
concrete mix or
3 Rubbish bins strength, reinforcement
4 Other precast fixtures, details and surface
type or name stated finishes



15 Masonry
(This Section covers brickwork, blockwork, glass blockwork, and stonework, but excluding stone slab finishes and brick paving.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the plans of each floor level, major dimensions, principal sections and main structural frame members M1. Each type of masonry D1. Masonry includes C1. Items for masonry are deemed to
2 Kind, quality and size of brick, block and stone units, type of finish or facings to each face, bond, composition and mix of defined in D1 is brickwork, blockwork, include:
mortar, type of pointing and bonding to other work if not stated in the Specification measured and described glass blockwork and (a) all rough and fair cuttings, all ends and
under a separate stonework. angles, and oversailing and receding
heading. D2. Stonework includes courses,
M2 Each kind and quality of natural or cast stone, (b) forming angles, intersections, square
materials (such as solid marble and granite. and rebated reveals,
concrete block or hollow D3. The thickness stated is
concrete block and (c) cutting squints, birdmouths, splays,
the nominal thickness chamfers and the like,
natural stone or unless otherwise stated.
cast/artificial stone) are (d) labours in eaves filling, returns, ends
measured and described D4. Fair face in bricks, and angles,
separately. blocks or stone is any
work finished fair. (e) forming or cutting chases, grooves,
M3. Works of a different holes and pockets for building in pipes,
bonding pattern, conduits, sleeves and other built-in
composition and mix of items including subsequently blocking
mortar, and type of up,
jointing and pointing are (f) building in joists, bearers or similar
measured and grouped items,
(g) bedding frames, plates and the like,
M4. Curved works in 2D or
(h) centering, wedging, pinning, and
3D and with different radii
temporary supports to openings and
are measured and
grouped together.
(i) raking out joints to insert flashings and
M5. Walls are measured on
to form keys for plastering and the like,
the centre line of the
material. Walls circular- (j) forming cavities for hollow walls
on-plan are measured by including cleaning, sealing off, wall ties
the mean length. and closing cavities at ends or
M6. No deductions are
made for string courses, (k) cutting, toothing and bonding works of
lintels, sills, plates, a different construction and all extra
corbels, built-in items and materials required for bonding,
voids ≤ 0.50 m2. (l) joints including all preparation works,
cleaners, primers, fillers and sealers,
(m) reinforcement including expanded
metal mesh/lathing, bonding rods and
bar reinforcement, and
(n) preparation of all surfaces to receive
subsequent applications.


Classification table for masonry

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Walls m2 1 Type, kind and quality 1 Plain brickwork 1 Vertical D5. Columns and piers are C2. In addition to C1, items for stonework
2 Columns and piers of materials and 2 Brickwork with fair face 2 Tapered one face defined as any walls with are deemed to further include:
thickness stated one side a length on plan ≤ four (a) fair facing to all exposed faces,
3 Filling openings 3 Tapered both faces times its thickness, and
4 Dwarf walls and the 3 Brickwork with fair face 4 Battered include isolated and (b) all labours, mitres, stops, returns, fair
like both sides attached columns, piers ends, sunk joints, joggle joints as
5 Curved required,
5 Chimney stacks 4 Blockwork and projections.
5 Glass blockwork D6. Tapering walls are (c) angles, intersections, shoulders, stops,
6 Linings to flues returned ends, sunk joints, stoolings
6 Rubble masonry, walls of diminishing
7 Backing to masonry and the like,
finished face stated thickness. Thickness
8 Casings to structural stated for tapering walls (d) dressed margins to rubble work,
steel columns 7 Ashlar masonry,
is the mean thickness. (e) metal cramps, dowels, ties, plugs and
finished face stated
9 Other work of a D7. Battering walls are other mechanical and chemical fixings
different construction, sloping walls with parallel including all necessary cutting, drilling,
type or name stated sides. chiselling and grouting,
10 Hollow walls 1 Type, kind and quality 1 Face finish stated (f) levelling the top of uncoursed work, and
of materials and 2 Width of cavity stated (g) weep holes and weep pipes.
thickness of inner and
outer skins stated 3 Insulation or concrete
filling in cavity stated
11 Vaulting nr 1 Dimensioned
description including
drawing reference


Classification table for masonry

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
12 Built-in features m 1 Lintels 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight C3. C1 and C2 apply.
2 Sills description 2 Curved
3 Thresholds
4 Copings
5 Mullions
6 Transoms
7 Jambs
8 Architraves
9 Surrounds to openings
10 Bands
11 Quoins
12 Corbel courses
13 Handrails
14 Cappings
15 Kerbs
16 Treads
17 Risers
18 Steps
19 Others, type stated
m 20 Arches 1 Height on face and 1 Arches of varying M7. Arches are measured
(nr width of exposed soffit shapes stated the mean length or girth
stated) stated on face.

nr 21 Key blocks 1 Dimensioned

22 Corbels description
23 Pier caps
24 Bollards
25 Seats
26 Balusters
27 Winders
28 Landings
29 Others, type stated


Classification table for masonry

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
13 Damp-proof courses m2 1 Type, quality and 1 Number of layers stated 1 Horizontal M8. Damp-proof courses C4. Items for damp-proof courses are
in masonry thickness of materials 2 Vertical are measured net. No deemed to include:
stated allowance is made for (a) narrow width,
3 Stepped laps.
4 Curved (b) forming laps, ends and angles,
(c) pointing exposed edges, and
(d) bonding to damp-proof membranes and
the like including bedding materials.


16 Structural steelwork
(This Section covers structural steelwork, cast steel nodes, steel modular integrated construction units, space frame structures, metal profiled sheet decking and surface treatments.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the position, type and size of all structural steelwork including the detail of connections M1. Where structural D1. Structural steelwork
2 Type and grade of materials, method of fabrication and erection, details of welding tests and details of performance tests steelwork is not a major includes hot-rolled
(where required) if not stated in the Specification part of the structure, it is sections, cold-formed
measured and grouped sections, and standard
together under a separate and proprietary sections.

Classification table for structural steelwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Columns kg 1 Universal columns 1 Type and grade of 1 Castellated M2. Each type and grade of D2. Fabrication includes all C1. Items for structural steelwork are
2 Beams 2 Universal beams materials and size and 2 Tapered structural members is operations up to and deemed to include:
weight of sections measured and described including delivery to site. (a) framing, fabrication and erection of all
3 Bracings 3 Joists stated 3 Curved separately. D3. Erection includes all required steelwork,
4 Purlins and cladding 4 Channels 2 Ditto, with galvanising 4 Cambered M3. The mass of structural operations subsequent to
rails (b) working in any position, at any location
5 Angles members is measured fabrication including trial and at any height,
5 Grillages 6 Tees from their overall lengths. and permanent erection
on site. (c) all cutting, notching, drilling holes and
6 Built-up columns, 7 Hollow sections M4. No deduction is made forming openings,
trestles and towers for splay cuts or mitred
8 Plates (d) variations in weight due to rolling
7 Built-up trusses and ends, and for the mass of
9 Bars metal removed to form margins and other permissible
girders deviations from standard weights,
10 Others, type stated notches and holes.
8 Overhead crane rails (e) rivets, black bolts, high strength friction
M5. No allowance is made
for the mass of weld grip bolts, holding-down bolts and other
fillets, bolts, nuts, special bolts and fasteners complete
washers, rivets, rolling with nuts and washers,
margins, galvanising or (f) welding including provision of welding
other protective coatings. materials,
M6. The mass of steel is (g) welding tests including X rays and other
taken for measurement specified non-destructive tests,
as 785 kg/m2 per 100mm (h) packings required for connections,
thickness. The mass of caps, bases and the like,
other material is taken as
(i) wedging and grouting or bedding under
stated in the Contract.
(j) temporary bracings or supports for
erection including its subsequent
removal, and
(k) performance tests if specified under the


Classification table for structural steelwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Connections to kg 1 Type and grade of M7. Different types of D4. Connections are C2. C1 applies.
framed members --------- materials and size and connections are components for joining
weight of sections measured in weight and structural members
item stated grouped together. together including angle
2 Ditto, with galvanising M8. Alternatively, all types cleats, brackets,
of connections are stiffeners, gussets, plates
measured as an item. and other fittings.

10 Filling hollow sections nr 1 Concrete 1 Size, type and quality of

______ 2 Other material, type materials stated
m3 stated

11 Cast steel nodes nr 1 Dimensioned C3. C1 applies where applicable.

description including
drawing references
12 Steel modular nr 1 Dimensioned M9. Alternatively, surface D5. Modular integrated C4. In addition to C1, items for modular
integrated description including finishes may be construction units are integrated construction units are deemed
construction units overall size, structural measured separately in pre-finished building to further include:
and non-structural steel accordance with the modules which are (a) structural and non-structural steel
members, fire appropriate Sections. manufactured off-site and members,
protection methods, M10. Alternatively, built-in transported to site for
surface finishes, cast-in assembly. (b) provision of required fire resisting
fixtures and fittings may coatings or materials,
accessories, built-in be measured separately
fixtures and fittings, in accordance with the (c) surface finishes including paint, tiled
structural connection appropriate Sections. finishes and surface finishes treated by
methods, joint details sand blasting or acid etching as
and drawing references M11. Loose fixtures and specified,
fittings within modular
integrated construction (d) provision of waterproofing system,
units are measured (e) structural connections by in-situ or
separately in accordance mechanical connection methods or
with the appropriate both, including all temporary supports,
Sections. (f) built-in fixtures and fittings including
doors, windows, sanitary fittings and
building services, etc. as shown or
(g) weatherproof joints between adjacent
steel units including joint filler, backup
materials, bond breakers, baffles,
gaskets, sealing strips, sealant and all
other necessary accessories, and
(h) all building services connection.


Classification table for structural steelwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
13 Space frame nr 1 Single-layered space 1 Dimensioned 1 Flat C5. Items for space frame structures are
structures frames description including 2 Curved deemed to include:
2 Double-layered space type and quality of axial (a) all axial members and connectors, and
members and 3 Complex shape
frames (b) assembly, hoisting and everything else
3 Triple-layered space approximate covered necessary to complete the whole
frames area, height and installation.
4 Other, type stated drawing references
14 Metal profiled sheet m2 1 Kind, quality, profile, 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00m 1 Flat M12. The area of metal C6. Items for metal decking are deemed to
decking thickness and finish of 2 And thereafter in 1.50m 2 Sloping decking is measured as include:
decking materials and stages the finished area of (a) all cutting, notching, drilling and forming
method of fixings 3 Curved concrete cast onto the openings,
(including type, size and decking.
spacing of shear studs) (b) all accessories and fixings including
M13. No deduction is made rivets, screws, bolts, clips, nuts and
stated for voids ≤ 1.00m2. washers required to complete the
M14. The height of metal installation,
decking is measured from (c) shear studs for bonding the metal
the finished floor level decking if specified,
unless otherwise stated.
(d) provision of end and side laps and
flashing, and
(e) temporary supports for casting concrete
including its subsequent removal.
15 Edge trims m 1 Size, girth or profile of C7. Items for edge trims are deemed to
edge trims stated include:
(a) all cutting, drilling and fixing,
(b) ends, angles and intersections, and
(c) forming straight, raking or curved


Classification table for structural steelwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
16 Surface treatments m2 1 Sprayed mineral 1 Type and quality of 1 Fire rating stated M15. The area measured is D6. Surface preparation C8. Items for surface treatments are deemed
coatings surface treatments and 2 Surface finish stated based on the net area to includes blast cleaning, to include:
2 Intumescent coatings number and thickness be covered. pickling, wire brushing, (a) all surface preparation,
of coats stated M16. Painting to structural flame cleaning and the
3 Other treatment; type like. (b) application on-site and/or off-site,
stated steelwork is measured in
accordance with the (c) additional surface areas of welding,
Painting and Decorative bolts, cleats, brackets, stiffeners,
Papers Section. gussets, plates and the like in
connections, and
(d) touching up damaged surface
treatments on drilled holes, cut edges
and ends, areas adjoining welded
connections and the like.


17 Waterproofing
(This Section covers liquid applied membrane, flexible sheet membrane and other proprietary waterproofing systems)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Plans and sections showing the location and extent of work M1. Each type of D1. Waterproofing includes
2 Any work required to be carried out in sections or special orders (such as in underpinning) waterproofing is liquid applied membrane,
measured and described flexible sheet membrane
under a separate and other proprietary
heading. waterproofing systems.

Classification table for waterproofing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Tanking and damp- m2 1 Kind and quality of 1 Horizontal and sloping M2. The area measured is D2. Work inclined to more C1. Items for waterproofing are deemed to
proofing waterproofing materials, ≤ 15º from horizontal that in contact with base. than 15º to the horizontal include:
2 Flooring and underlay thickness and number 2 Sloping > 15º from M3. No deduction is made is described as sloping. If (a) carrying out the work at any height,
of coats or layers and horizontal for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. not more than 15º, it is depth, overhand or confined situations,
3 Roofing surface treatments included with horizontal.
stated 3 Vertical M4. Where surface (b) base surface preparation, primer,
4 Curved treatments (such as adhesive, undercoats and all
reflective painting, intermediate coats,
4 Planter surfaces 1 All surfaces screeding, etc.) are not D3. All surfaces include (c) all cutting, notching, bending, lapping,
an integral part of the laying in horizontal, angles, intersections, stops and the
waterproofing system, sloping, vertical, curved, like,
they are measured raking, stepped and other
separately in accordance surfaces. (d) all temporary rules, narrow widths,
with the appropriate angle fillets, fair and rounded edges,
Section. drips, arrises and turn-ins,
M5. Curved works with (e) laying to falls and currents,
different radii are (f) cutting back and jointing new to old
measured and grouped work, and jointing between sections,
together. (g) working into recesses such as
flashings, shaped insets, manhole
covers, duct covers and the like,
(h) cutting, fitting, dressing and dishing to
outlet pipes and gullies,
(i) forming collars around pipes, railing
standards and the like including arrises
and internal angle fillets,
(j) any surface treatments of final coat or
(k) provision of roof ventilators, and
(l) temporary protection measures and
subsequent removal.


Classification table for waterproofing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Skirtings and turn-ups m 1 Kind and quality of 1 Girth ≤ 0.40 m M6. The length is the mean D4. ‘Other surfaces’ include C2. In addition to C1, these items are
6 Curbs waterproofing materials, 2 And thereafter in 0.20 m length. fasciae, aprons and turn- deemed to further include laying in
thickness and number stages M7. ‘Other surfaces’ downs, gutters, valley horizontal, sloping, vertical, curved, raking
7 Channels of coats or layers and gutters and the like. and stepped surfaces.
defined under D3 are
8 Other surfaces surface treatments measured and grouped
stated together.
9 Cesspools nr C3. C1 applied.
10 Sumps
11 Other spot items, type
12 Testing item 1 Infrared thermography
2 Other, details stated


18 Curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings

(This Section covers curtain walling, glass walling, wall claddings, roof coverings, skylights, glass canopies, glazed covered walkways and fall arrest systems.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Plans and elevations showing the scope, location and profile of the work M1. Curtain walling, glass D1. Glass includes clear, C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
walling, wall claddings, laminated, toughened include:
roof coverings, skylights and low-emission (a) preparation and submission of shop
and glass canopies are glasses, double or triple drawings and structural calculations as
measured based on their glazing units, acrylic and required under the Contract, and
exposed faces. polycarbonate sheets and
the like. (b) mock-ups and tests as specified.

Classification table for curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Curtain walling m2 1 Dimensioned 1 Vertical M2. Each type of curtain D2. Curtain walling C2. Items for curtain walling are deemed to
description including 2 Horizontal and sloping wall systems is measured comprises non- include:
kind, quality and ≤ 15º from horizontal separately. loadbearing walls of (a) all framing members including mullions,
surface finish of framing M3. Where different types aluminium framing, shop transoms, stiffeners, heads, jambs,
members, type and 3 Sloping > 15º from fabricated, factory
horizontal of curtain walling occur in sills, abutments, angles, closers for fire
thickness of vision and the same plane, each prefinished, fixed as an stops and intersections and other
spandrel glass panels 4 Curved type is measured from integrated assembly necessary components, complete with
and drawing reference the centre line of the complete with vision and specified surface finish,
mullion and transom of spandrel glass panels,
vapour barrier, thermal (b) vision and spandrel panels including
the junction of the glass panels, gaskets, structural
different types. and fire insulation, related
flashings, anchorages, sealants, backer rods, isolation tapes,
M4. Alternatively, glass brackets and attachment setting blocks, back pans, vapour and
panels are measured devices. noise barriers, thermal insulations, fire
separately in accordance barriers, copings, flashings and other
2 Items extra over nr 1 Openable windows 1 Dimensioned with the Glazing Section. D3. Opening closure works necessary components,
curtain walling in description comprise all works
2 Glazed doors (c) all opening closure works, associated
which they occur associated with closing
3 Louvres ironmongeries and easing, adjusting
off claddings at the and oiling fittings,
4 Protective bearers perimeter of an opening
(d) mechanical operation or automatic
5 Other openings, type including heads, jambs,
operating equipment as specified,
stated sills, flashing pieces,
architraves, trims and (e) separation materials to aluminium and
other necessary steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
components. (f) all fixings and fastenings including cast-
in anchorage, cleats, plates, brackets
and bolts, and
(g) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.


Classification table for curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Glass walling m2 1 Dimensioned 1 Vertical M5. Each type of glass wall D4. Glass walling C3. Items for glass walling are deemed to
description including 2 Horizontal and sloping systems is measured comprises non- include:
type and thickness of ≤ 15º from horizontal separately. loadbearing glass walls, (a) glass panels including glass fixing
glass panels, structural M6. Where different types fixed as an integrated fittings, perimeter glazing channels,
glazing system and 3 Sloping > 15º from assembly complete with
horizontal of glass walling occur in structural glazing sealants, stabilisers,
drawing reference the same plane, each glass panels, structural backing rods, setting blocks and other
4 Curved type is measured from glazing system, spider necessary components,
the centre line of the arm fittings, glass
stiffeners, steel support (b) all structural supports by glass fins,
glass panel of the tension cables and/or steel frames,
junction of the different members, anchorages,
types. brackets and attachment (c) all opening closure works, associated
devices. ironmongeries and easing, adjusting
and oiling fittings,
4 Items extra over glass nr 1 Openable windows 1 Dimensioned D5. D3 applies.
walling in which they (d) mechanical operation or automatic
2 Glazed doors description
occur operating equipment as specified,
3 Louvres (e) separation materials to aluminium and
4 Protective bearers steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
5 Other openings, type (f) all fixings and fastenings including cast-
stated in anchorage, cleats, plates, brackets
and bolts, and
(g) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.


Classification table for curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Wall claddings m2 1 Metal panel claddings 1 Dimensioned 1 Vertical M7. Each type of wall D6. Boundary works C4. Items for wall cladding and roof
6 Roof coverings 2 Glassfibre reinforced description including 2 Top and soffit ≤ 15º claddings and roof comprise all works coverings are deemed to include:
plastics panel claddings kind, quality and from horizontal coverings is measured associated with finishing (a) claddings and coverings to required
surface finish of separately. off claddings or coverings shapes and profiles complete with
3 Fibre cement profiled claddings/coverings and 3 Sloping > 15º from at the external perimeter
sheet claddings or horizontal M8. No deduction is made specified integral underlay, backing or
backings (if any) and for voids ≤ 1.00m2. or at the abutment with insulation and surface finish,
coverings drawing reference 4 Curved different materials
4 Metal profiled sheet including heads, ridges, (b) all integral boundary works and
claddings or coverings valleys, hips, bottom drainage components,
5 Plastics profiled sheet edges, eaves, verges, (c) all sub-frames, structural supports and
claddings or coverings abutments, flashing fixings including cast-in anchorage,
pieces and other cleats, plates, brackets and bolts,
6 Bitumen and fibre
necessary components. (d) all boundary works, opening closure
profiled sheet claddings
or coverings works, associated ironmongeries and
7 Items extra over wall nr 1 Openable windows 1 Dimensioned D7. Opening closure works
easing, adjusting and oiling fittings,
claddings and roof 7 Malleable metal, lead, 2 Rooflights description comprise all works
coverings in which aluminium, copper, zinc associated with closing (e) side and end laps, caulking, gaskets,
they occur 3 Doors off claddings or coverings sealants and thermal and structural
or stainless steel sheet
coverings or flashings 4 Louvres at the perimeter of an movement joints,
8 Thermoplastic sheet 5 Ventilators opening including heads, (f) mechanical operation or automatic
coverings jambs, sills, flashing operating equipment as specified,
6 Protective bearers
pieces, architraves, trims (g) separation materials to aluminium and
9 Other cladding or 7 Other openings, type and other necessary
covering, type stated stated steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
(h) forming holes for all penetrations
including pipes, standards and the like,
(i) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.


Classification table for curtain and glass walling, claddings and coverings
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
8 Skylights m2 1 Dimensioned 1 Horizontal and sloping M9. M4 applies. D8. D6 applies where C5. Items for skylights, glass canopies and
9 Glass canopies description including ≤ 15º from horizontal applicable. other glazing cover systems are deemed to
type and thickness of 2 Sloping > 15º from include:
10 Other glazing cover glass panels, structural
systems, name stated horizontal (a) all framing members including purlins,
glazing system, kind, sills, rafters, flashings and other
quality and surface 3 Curved
necessary components complete with
finish of framing specified surface finish,
members and drawing
reference (b) glass panels and structural glazing
system including glass fixing fittings,
gaskets, sealants, backer rods, setting
blocks, thermal and structural
movement joints and other necessary
(c) all integral boundary works and
drainage system including gutter,
rainwater outlet and down pipes,
(d) separation materials to aluminium and
steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
(e) all fixings and fastenings including cast-
in anchorage, cleats, plates, brackets
and bolts, and
(f) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.
11 Glazed covered m 1 Dimensioned M10. Glazed covered C6. In addition to C5 where applicable, items
walkways ---------- description including walkways are measured for glazed covered walkways are deemed
overall dimensions, along its centre line if to further include structural steel columns,
item kind, quality and linear measurement is beams and other necessary framing
surface finish of framing used. members.
members, type and M11. Foundations for
thickness of glass glazed covered walkways
panels, structural are measured separately
glazing system and in accordance with the
drawing reference appropriate Sections.
M12. M4 applies.
12 Fall arrest systems item 1 Dimensioned C7. Items for fall arrest systems are deemed
description including to include:
type and quality of (a) provision of all components as
components specified, and
(b) all necessary fasteners, brackets and


19 Windows, louvres and shop fronts

(This Section covers windows, rooflights, window walls, composite windows and doors, louvres, window associated items and shop fronts, but excluding curtain and glass walling and skylights.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Schedule and drawing describing and showing the scope, location and profile of the work D1. Glasses include clear, C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
laminated, toughened include:
and low-emission glass, (a) preparation and submission of shop
double or triple glazing drawings and structural calculations as
units, acrylic and required under the Contract, and
polycarbonate sheets and
the like. (b) mock-ups and tests as specified.

Classification table for windows, louvres and shop fronts

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Windows nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Fire resistance rating M1. Alternatively, glass C2. Items for windows, rooflights, window
2 Rooflights description including panels are measured walls and composite units are deemed to
overall size, kind, separately in accordance include:
3 Window walls quality and surface with the Glazing Section. (a) all framing members including mullions,
4 Composite windows finish of framing transoms, couplings, strengtheners,
and doors members, type and glazing beads, water bars, weather
thickness of glass strips and other necessary components
panels and drawing complete with specified surface finish,
(b) glass panels and glazing compounds,
5 Glazed doors extra 1 Dimensioned M2. Ironmongery is (c) glazed doors including architraves,
over window walls or description including measured separately in trims and the like,
composite windows overall size, type and accordance with the (d) ironmongery and fittings where not
and doors in which thickness of glazed Doors, Gates, Shutters specified,
they occur door panels, kind, and Ironmongery Section. (e) separation materials to aluminum and
quality and surface M3. Alternatively, where steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
finish of door frames (if the type of ironmongery is brickwork or plaster,
any) and drawing not expressly specified,
reference (f) all fixings including screws, bolts, shot
ironmongery is deemed fired fixings, fixing lugs and anchors,
to be included.
(g) sealing all joints, bedding frames with
6 Remote control gears 1 Dimensioned 1 Manually operated water-proof cement mortar and pointing
description stating the 2 Electrically operated frames with sealant,
number of lights to be (h) cutting and fitting around obstructions
opened and forming holes for services,
(i) easing and adjusting all opening
sashes and casements, and oiling
fittings, and
(j) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.


Classification table for windows, louvres and shop fronts

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Louvres nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Fixed M4. Fire dampers C3. Items for louvres are deemed to include:
description including 2 Adjustable associated with louvres (a) heads, sills, jambs, mullions, transoms,
overall size, kind, are measured separately couplings, metal or glass blades,
quality and surface in accordance with the weather bars, gaskets and other
finish of framing and appropriate Section. necessary components complete with
blading members and specified surface finish,
drawing reference
(b) holding clips, handles, locks and other
ironmongery and fittings for adjustable
(c) all welded and screwed connections
and fixings including screws, bolts, shot
fired fixings, fixing lugs and fasteners,
(d) separation materials to aluminum and
steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
brickwork or plaster, and
(e) bedding frames with water-proof
cement mortar and pointing frames with
8 Screens 1 Dimensioned C4. C2 and C3 apply where applicable.
9 Window shutters description including
overall size, kind,
10 Sun shields quality and surface
11 Wind guards finish and drawing
12 Security guards reference
13 Insect screens
14 Others, type or name


Classification table for windows, louvres and shop fronts

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
15 Shop fronts nr 1 Dimensioned M5. M1 applies. C5. Items for shop fronts are deemed to
---------- description including include:
overall size, kind, (a) all exposed or concealed mullions,
m 2
quality and surface transoms, glazing beads and other
finish of framing necessary components complete with
members (if any), type specified surface finish,
and thickness of glass
panels and drawing (b) all angles, intersections, ends,
reference abutments, cill boards, fascia panels,
trims and the like,
16 Glazed doors extra nr 1 Dimensioned M6. M2 and M3 apply. (c) glass panels and sealing joints between
over shop fronts in description including glass and glazing beads and between
which they occur overall size, type and glass panels,
thickness of glazed
(d) glazed doors including architraves,
door panels, kind,
trims and the like,
quality and surface
finish of door frames (if (e) all associated ironmongery and fittings,
any) and drawing (f) separation materials to aluminum and
reference steel surfaces in contact with concrete,
brickwork or plaster,
(g) all welded and screwed connections,
supporting frames and fixings including
screws, bolts, shot fired fixings and
(h) bedding frames with waterproof cement
mortar and pointing frames with
(i) cutting and fitting around obstructions
and all necessary works to
accommodate holes for services,
(j) easing and adjusting all glazed doors
and oiling fittings, and
(k) strippable protective coverings or
coatings to all exposed surfaces.



20 Doors, gates, shutters and ironmongery

(This Section covers time, metal and glazed doors, shutters and ironmongery.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Schedule and drawing describing and showing the location of the work M1. Timber, metal and C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
glazed doors are include preparation and submission of
described and measured shop drawings as required under the
under a separate Contract.

Classification table for doors, gates, shutters and ironmongery

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Timber doors set 1 Dimensioned 1 Single-leaf doors 1 Fire resistance rating M2. Double-leaf doors are D1. Doors comprise door C2. Items for doors are deemed to include:
2 Metal doors description including 2 Double-leaf doors counted as one set of leafs with specified face (a) forming rebated, rounded or meeting
overall size, thickness, door. finishes, frames, trims, stiles and mouldings,
construction and 3 Swinging doors architraves, sub-frames,
M3. Except for fire rated (b) glazing panels including glass panels,
surface finish of doors, 4 Sliding doors doors, ironmongery in grounds, glass panels,
glazed panels and louvres, preservative and glazing beads and glazing compounds,
5 Folding doors association with timber,
louvres (if any), metal and glazed doors is surface treatments, (c) louvres, including louvre blades and
sectional sizes of measured separately in fixings and other frames,
frames/linings and accordance with item 12 associated works. (d) architraves, trims, frames/linings, stops,
architraves and drawing of this Section. D2. Doors include flush sub-frames, grounds and the like,
reference doors, service hatches,
M4. Wicket doors (if any) (e) galvanizing, priming or other
are described and duct access doors, trap preservative treatments and surface
included in the item. doors, transformer and painting as specified,
switch room doors and
M5. Alternatively, (f) bedding and pointing frames/linings,
the like.
architraves may be sub-frames, grounds and backings,
measured separately. (g) dowels, holdfasts, expansion anchors
and other fixing accessories, and
3 Glazed doors 1 Dimensioned M6. Glazed doors which D3. Glazed doors comprise
description including occur in the same plane metal framed or (h) assembling, fitting and hanging.
overall size, type and as window walls, frameless glass door leaf C3. In addition to C2, fire rated doors are
thickness of glass door composite windows and and any door frames. deemed to further include:
panels, kind, quality and doors, shop fronts or (a) all associated fire and smoke seals,
surface finish of door curtain and glass walling
frames (if any) and are measured in (b) all hinges, door closers/floor springs,
drawing reference accordance with the locks/latches and other ironmongery as
relevant Sections. specified, and
(c) carrying out all necessary fire tests by
M7. M2 applies.
an approved laboratory, obtaining test
certifications, and obtaining approval
from relevant authorities.


Classification table for doors, gates, shutters and ironmongery

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Gates set 1 Dimensioned 1 Manually operated D4. Collapsible gates C4. Items for gates and shutters are deemed
5 Collapsible gates description including 2 Electrically operated comprise top and bottom to include:
overall size, kind, tracks, vertical pickets, (a) assembling and framing together after
quality, construction, diagonal lattices, glide welding, bolting, screwing and the like,
surface finish and wheels, gate lock and
drawing reference other necessary (b) fitting and hanging,
accessories and fixings. (c) all necessary operating equipment,
parts and accessories,
6 Folding shutters 1 Dimensioned 1 Fire resistance rating M8. Access/pass doors (if D5. Folding and sliding
(d) motors, gearing, drive mechanism and
7 Sliding shutters description including any) are described and shutters comprise
control mechanism for electrically
overall size, kind, included in the item. specified interlocking
operated shutters,
quality, construction curtain panels, overhead
and surface finish of tracks with suspension (e) all necessary ironmongery unless
curtain panels and rods and trolley wheels, otherwise stated,
drawing reference intermediate and end (f) galvanizing, priming or other
posts, shoot bolts and preservative treatments and surface
cylinder locks and other painting as specified,
necessary accessories (g) fixings and fastenings including all
and fixings. necessary angle frames, expansion
8 Rolling shutters D6. Rolling shutters and anchors and other fixing accessories,
9 Rolling grilles grilles comprise specified (h) bedding and pointing frames, and
interlocking shutter or (i) provision of operating and maintenance
grille curtains, barrels, instruction manuals.
counterbalance springs
and weights, motors and C5. In addition to C4, fire rated shutters are
other operating devices, deemed to further include:
end plates, hoods, guide (a) all associated self-closing device
channels, bottom rails, activated by fusible links or electronic
shoot bolts, cylinder locks heat or smoke detectors as specified,
and other necessary and
accessories and fixings. (b) carrying out all necessary fire tests by
an approved laboratory, obtaining test
certifications, and obtaining approval
from relevant authorities.
10 Strong room doors 1 Dimensioned D7. Strong room doors C6. C4 and C5 apply where applicable.
11 Other doors and description including comprises doors, door
shutters, type stated overall size, kind, frames, locking system,
quality, construction hinges, bolts and other
and surface finish of necessary accessories
door/shutter and and fixings.
drawing reference


Classification table for doors, gates, shutters and ironmongery

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
12 Ironmongery, type of nr 1 Butt hinges 1 Kind and quality of M9. Ironmongery fixed to C7. Items for ironmongery are deemed to
item, unit or set stated 2 Barrel bolts materials and fixings different backgrounds include:
stating the constituent (such as timber and (a) fixing to any type of timber, building
3 Panic bolts parts of the units and metal, etc.) is measured board or other surfaces and
4 Mortice locks surface finish separately. backgrounds,
5 Mortice latches (b) fitting, cutting, housing, sinking, boring,
6 Drawer locks morticing, drilling and similar labours to
7 Overhead door closers the material to which the article is being
8 Floor springs
(c) provision of all necessary screws to
9 Keyhole escutcheons
match the ironmongery and any bolts,
10 Door chains and keeps nuts, washers, nails, pins, lugs,
11 Door stops adhesive or similar items required,
12 Ball catches (d) all drilling and plugging of concrete,
13 Magnetic door catches brick, stone or other materials,
14 Magnetic cupboard (e) welding to metal for ironmongery
catches designed for weld fixing, and
15 Pull handles (f) oiling, easing and adjusting
ironmongery and leaving in working
16 Wardrobe handles order.
17 Drawer handles C8. Items for locksets are deemed to
18 Push plates include:
19 Kick plates (a) provision of keys and/or master keys
20 Knobs and identification tags to keys, and
21 Lever handles (b) fixing forends, staples or striking plates,
and escutcheons when required.
22 Coat hooks
C9. Items for floor springs and floor channel
23 Hat and coat hooks
guides are deemed to include setting
24 Hasps and staples and/or bedding such floor spring boxes and
25 Sliding door gears channel guides in flooring.
26 Curtain tracks and rails
27 Others, type stated



21 Partitions and linings

(This Section includes fixed and demountable partitions, wall linings, sliding and folding partitions, toilet and office cubical partitions and associated fittings.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Plans, sections and elevations showing (a) the scope and location of the work and (b) where available, the services to be M1. Each type of fixed and C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
located within ceiling voids and partitions. demountable partitions, include preparation and submission of
linings, sliding and folding shop drawings as required under the
partitions, and toilet and Contract.
office cubical partitions is C2. Items with specified fire or sound rating
described and measured are deemed to include:
under a separate
heading. (a) carrying out all necessary tests by an
approved laboratory, and
M2. Unless otherwise
stated, surface finishes (b) obtaining test certificates and approval
are described and from relevant authorities.
included in the item.

Classification table for partitions and linings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Fixed partitions m 1 For solid partitions, 1 Framing above ceilings 1 Fire resistance rating M3. Partitions and linings D1. The height of partitions C3. Items for partitions and linings are
2 Demountable dimensioned 2 Unfinished partitions 2 Sound reduction rating are measured the mean and linings is based on deemed to include:
partitions description including above ceilings lengths. the height of the wall (a) all integral components complete with
kind, quality, height, M4. No deduction is made panel, not the height of wall and/or glass panels, fire barriers,
thickness and surface for voids in partitions and the framework. sound and thermal insulations, vapour
finish of panels and linings other than those D2. Fixed and demountable barriers and other necessary
drawing reference voids which extend the partitions comprise pre- components,
2 For glazed partitions, full height, full girth or full finished solid and/or fully (b) all trims, angles, tees, crosses,
dimensioned width. or semi-glazed panels, intersections, fair ends, abutments and
description including M5. Curved work is so assembled with fire the like,
kind, quality, height, described. barriers, sound and
thickness and surface thermal insulations, (c) all associated head and sole plates,
finish of panels, size, vapour barriers and other studs, runners, battens and fixings,
type and thickness of necessary components (d) extra framing members and stiffeners
glass panels and and fixed to a framework around openings and above ceilings,
drawing reference of vertical studs and (e) cutting and fitting around beams and
horizontal runners. obstructions and forming holes for
services including additional bridging
3 Linings 1 Dimensioned D3. Linings comprise
members, blockings, flanges and the
description including similar construction as
like, and
kind, quality, height, partitions, but panels on
thickness and surface one side only. (f) preservative treatments and surface
finish of panels and finishes as specified.
drawing reference


Classification table for partitions and linings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Items measured extra nr 1 Blank openings 1 Dimensioned M6. Glazed panels (if any) C4. In addition to C3, items for all openings
over the partitions 2 Doors description are described and are deemed to further include:
and linings in which included in glazed (a) additional framing components,
they occur 3 Hatches partitions. stiffeners, trims and linings, and
4 Access panels
(b) all associated frames, surrounds,
5 Windows, number of architraves, glass, ironmongery and
lights stated other necessary fittings.
6 Louvres
7 Others, details stated
5 Sliding and folding (or set 1 Dimensioned 1 Manually operated 1 Fire resistance rating M7. Access doors and D4. Sliding and folding C5. Items for sliding and folding partitions
operable) partitions description including 2 Electrically operated 2 Sound reduction rating pocket enclosure (if any) partitions comprise are deemed to include:
overall size, number, are described and pocket enclosure, pre- (a) all integral components complete with
kind, quality, 3 Open framing above included in the item. finished panels, trims,
ceilings panel framing, wall panels, sound and
construction and interlocking seals thermal insulations, fire barriers, vapour
surface finish of panels 4 Unfinished partitions between panels, top and barriers and other necessary
and drawing reference above ceilings bottom seals, suspension components,
system, top guide rails,
floor guides, hinges and (b) all associated jambs, angles, junctions,
other necessary intersections, fair ends, trims and other
accessories and fixings. framing members and accessories,
(c) vertical interlocking sound seals
between panels and horizontal top and
bottom seals,
(d) suspension system including
suspension tracks, hanger brackets
and rods, steel ball bearing trolleys,
soffit trim pans and all necessary
fixings and fastenings,
(e) top guide rails, floor guides, hinges and
other necessary ironmongery,
(f) motors, gearing, drive mechanism and
control mechanism for electrically
operated partitions,
(g) preservative treatments and surface
finishes as specified,
(h) access doors of same construction as
panels including forming and trimming
openings, door frames, surrounds and
ironmongery, and
(i) provision of pocket enclosures where


Classification table for partitions and linings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6 Toilet, shower and set 1 Cubical partitions 1 Dimensioned D5. Toilet, shower and C6. Items for toilet, shower and similar
similar cubical description including similar cubical partitions cubical partitions are deemed to include:
partitions overall size, kind, comprise pre-finished (a) all integral components complete with
quality, height, front pilasters, dividing, pre-finished wall panels, doors, access
thickness and surface end and door panels, top panels and ironmongery,
finish of cubical panels, rails, angle brackets,
number of bays and supporting legs, indicator (b) overhead channel fittings, supporting
drawing reference locks, knobs, hinges, coat legs, brackets, anchor bolts and other
hooks, door stoppers and fixing accessories, and
other necessary (c) cutting and fitting around obstructions
accessories and fixings. and cutting holes for services.

2 Back wall panels 2 Dimensioned D6. Back wall panels

description including comprise pre-finished
overall size, kind, back panels, access
quality, height, panels, skirting,
thickness and surface ironmongery and other
finish of wall panels, necessary components,
number of access assembled and fixed to a
panels and drawing steel framework.
7 Office cubical set 1 Dimensioned M8. Blank openings, doors, D7. Office cubical partitions C7. Items for office cubical partitions are
partitions description including hatches, access panels, comprises pre-finished deemed to include:
overall size, kind, windows and glazed panels, glazed panels, (a) all integral components complete with
quality, height and panels (if any) are and other necessary pre-finished wall and/or glass panels,
thickness and surface described and included in components, accessories skirting, capping and other framing
finish of cubical panels, the item. and fixings. members,
size, type and thickness
of glass panels (if any) (b) all trims, angles, tees, crosses,
and drawing reference intersections, fair ends and the like,
(c) framing, stiffening and connecting
devices, anchor bolts and other fixing
accessories, and
(d) cutting and fitting around obstructions
and cutting holes for services.
8 Proprietary fittings nr 1 Cupboards 1 Dimensioned
affixed on partitions 2 Shelves description and drawing
3 Others, details stated


Classification table for partitions and linings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Armoured glass walls set 1 Dimensioned C8. Items for armoured glass walls and
and doors description including doors are deemed to include:
overall size, type, (a) glass wall panels and fins,
quality and thickness of
glass walls, doors and (b) all necessary mullions, fixings, framing
fins, number and size of components,
doors and drawing (c) neoprene strips, sealant pointing and
reference other necessary accessories, and
(d) glass doors and associated


22 Suspended ceilings
(This Section covers suspended ceilings and associated works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Reflected ceiling plans showing (a) the scope and location of the work and (b) where available, the services to be located M1. Each type of ceiling C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
within the ceiling voids. systems (such as mineral include preparation and submission of
fibre acoustic tiles, metal shop drawings as required under the
strips, plasterboard, etc.) Contract.
is described and C2. Items with specified fire rating are
measured under a deemed to include:
separate heading.
(a) carrying out all necessary tests by an
M2. Unless otherwise approved laboratory, and
stated, surface finishes
are described and (b) obtaining test certificates and approval
included in the item. from relevant authorities.

Classification table for suspended ceilings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Ceilings m2 1 Type, thickness and 1 Depth of suspension ≤ 1 Patterned M3. The area measured is D1. Suspended ceilings C3. Items for suspended ceilings are
2 Plenum ceilings surface finish of ceiling 1.50 m and thereafter in 2 Sloping that on exposed faces. include: deemed to include:
tiles/panels, method of 1.50 m stages M4. No deduction is made (a) tiled/panelled ceilings, (a) ceiling tiles/panels, metal strips or
3 Beams and beam suspension or support 3 Curved
casings 2 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. (b) metal strip ceilings, linings complete with integral insulation
and fire resistance and thereafter in 1.50 m and vapour barriers where specified,
4 Bulkheads rating (if any) stated M5. The depth of and
stages suspension is measured (b) exposed or concealed grids/trims at
5 Upstands (c) lining ceilings.
from the underside of regular intervals within ceiling areas
6 Fascias main structural soffit to D2. Lining ceilings include and edge and angle trims around
the inner face of ceilings. plasterboard, gypsum perimeters and fittings,
7 Enclosures for board or other linings
services M6. Where the ceiling is fixed on and including (c) suspension or support systems
suspended from sloping, wooden/steel battens or including channels, rails, clips,
curved or irregular support framework. threaded suspension rods, brackets,
structure, an average expansion bolts and the like,
depth of suspension is D3. Trims include both
plain trims and floating (d) all cutting, forming openings and holes
stated. and working over and around
trims. Plain trims are
M7. The height of work is those fixed to the obstructions,
measured from the structure, whereas (e) additional supports including bridging,
finished floor level to the floating trims are those framing and hangers for air diffusers,
face of ceiling. fixed to the ceiling light fittings, sprinkler heads, speakers
system. and other fittings,
(f) joint fillers and tapes on plasterboard,
gypsum board or other dry linings, and
(g) all extra works required for isolated


Classification table for suspended ceilings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
8 Access panels nr 1 Dimensioned C4. In addition to C3, items for access
measured extra over description including panels are deemed to further include:
ceilings in which they size and composition of (a) all labours, cutting, forming and
occur panels and method of trimming openings, and
(b) all extra support works, framing, edge
trims and fixing and locking
9 Cornices m 1 Type and size stated M8. Cornices are C5. In addition to C3, items for cornices are
measured in this Section deemed to further include fitted ends,
only where they are mitred angles, corner pieces, outlets and
integral with ceilings. similar items.
10 Fire barriers m2 1 Dimensioned 1 Fire resistance rating M9. Fire barriers are C6. Items for fire barriers are deemed to
description including measured in this Section include:
type and thickness of only where they are (a) all support works, angles and ends,
materials and method of within ceiling voids.
fixing (b) working around structures, framing and
services, and
11 Collars for services nr 1 Pipes, diameter stated 1 Length of sleeve, each M10. Collars are measured (c) scribing or forming to fit.
passing through fire 2 Trunking, size stated side of barrier stated in this Section only where
barriers they are integral with fire


23 Raised access floors

(This Section covers raised access floors and associated works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Each type of raised C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
access floors (such as include preparation and submission of
wood, mineral and steel) shop drawings as required under the
is described and Contract.
measured under a
separate heading.

Classification table for raised access floors

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Raised access floors m2 1 Type, thickness, 1 Height of cavity ≤ 300 M2. Raised access floors D1. Raised access floors C2. Items for raised access floors are
modular size and mm are measured net on comprise access floor deemed to include:
cover/top finish of 2 And thereafter in 150 exposed faces. panels, adjustable metal (a) access floor panels complete with
panels stated mm stages M3. No deduction is made pedestals and stringers. integral core panels, steel sheet
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. backing, edge trims, preservative
M4. The height of cavity is treatment and specified cover/top
measured from the top finish,
surface of subfloor to the (b) supporting structures including steel
underside of panels. caps/gaskets, pedestal heads,
M5. Where the cover/top adjustable pedestal tubes, base plates,
finish is not integral with supporting plates, stringers, bracings
raised access floor and other necessary supporting
systems, it may be components fixed by adhesive or
measured separately in expansion anchors to structural floor,
accordance with the (c) additional diagonal braces and pedestal
relevant Sections. supports to meet specified loading
criteria and to bridge over obstructions,
(d) cut panels, seals and edge trims at
perimeters, and other necessary
(e) all cutting, notching and forming
openings for building service
penetrations and the like including all
necessary treatment to openings,
(f) expansion joints including threshold
coverings, and
(g) provision of lifting devices.


Classification table for raised access floors

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Ramps nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Average height of cavity M6. Ramps and steps are C3. In addition to C2, items for ramps are
description including ≤ 150 mm measured in this Section deemed to further include ramp shoe
type, thickness and 2 And thereafter in 150 only where they are assemblies, swivel pedestal heads, ramp
cover/top finish of mm stages integral with raised thresholds, fascia panels, trim angles,
panels and overall access floor systems. bottom angles and other necessary
length and width M7. The height of cavity accessories.
3 Steps 1 Dimensioned stated for ramps and C4. In addition to C2, items for steps are
description including steps is the average deemed to further include stair nosing,
type, thickness and height. fascia panels, trim angles, bottom angles
cover/top finish of and other necessary accessories.
panels, overall length
and width and number
of steps
4 Power and data floor nr 1 Dimensioned M8. Alternatively, these C5. In addition to C2, these items are
boxes description including special panels are deemed to further include cutting and
5 Air conditioning type, quality and size measured extra over the forming openings for electrical floor boxes,
diffusers raised access floors in air diffusers and similar outlets.
which they occur.
6 Grommets
7 Other special panels,
type stated
8 Plenum dividers m2 2 Dimensioned M9. Plenum dividers, fire C6. Items for plenum dividers are deemed to
description including barriers and acoustic include wall channels, bottom angles and
type and thickness of barriers are measured in other necessary accessories.
materials and method of this Section only where
9 Fire barriers fixings 1 Fire resistance rating they are within voids C7. Items for fire and acoustic barriers are
below raised access deemed to include:
10 Acoustic barriers 1 Sound reduction rating
floors. (a) all support works, angles and ends,
(b) working around structures, framing and
(c) scribing or forming to fit,
(d) carrying out all necessary tests by an
approved laboratory, and
(e) obtaining test certificates and approval
from relevant authorities where


24 Handrails, balustrades, ladders and stairs

(This Section covers handrails, balustrades, ladders and stairs.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
(a) cutting to correct lengths, splay cut
ends, drilling and countersinking and
filling of burrs around holes,
(b) welding, brazing, screws, bolts, nuts,
washers and rivets,
(c) bedding, packing and pointing in mortar
or bedding compound,
(d) all priming, galvanising, painting and
other surface finish as specified, and
(e) preparation and submission of shop
drawings as required under the

Classification table for handrails, balustrades, ladders and stairs

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Handrails m 1 Timber handrails 1 Dimensioned 1 Second handrails fixed M1. Handrails, balustrades D1. Handrails comprise top C2. Items for handrails, balustrades and
2 Plastic covered metal description including to handrails and barriers are rails and brackets fixed to barriers are deemed to include:
handrails kind, quality, size and measured the mean walls. (a) all component parts including any infill
surface finish of lengths of handrails or top panels,
3 Tubular steel handrails handrail, method of rails.
4 Other handrails, type fixings and drawing (b) joints in running lengths, bends, mitres,
M2. Curved handrails and angles, quadrants, junctions, corner
stated reference balustrades are so pieces, ramps, wreaths, plain ends,
2 Balustrades 1 Timber balustrades 1 Dimensioned 1 Second handrails fixed described. D2. Balustrades and ornamental ends and the like,
3 Barriers 2 Metal balustrades description including to balustrades M3. Second handrails are barriers comprise top (c) infill holders, clips or bolted connectors
kind, quality, size and 2 Kerbs fixed to strings measured as a part of the rails, bottom rails, infill for glass and other infill panels,
3 Metal glazed surface finish of rails, handrails or balustrades. panels and upright
balustrades (d) all fixings and fastenings including
upright supports and supports fixed to floors.
4 Structural glass cover caps, fixing brackets, clamps,
infill panels, method of D3. Infill panels include
balustrades cleats, flange plates, cast-in plates,
fixings and drawing glass panels, perforated fixing lugs and expansion bolts,
5 Other balustrades, type reference mild steel panels, weld-
stated (e) removable/openable portions including
mesh panels, ornamental
all associated ironmongery, and
panels, mid rails, tension
wires, vertical bars or (f) tactile indicators where specified.
other infill materials as


Classification table for handrails, balustrades, ladders and stairs

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Cat ladders nr 1 Galvanised steel 1 Dimensioned 1 Openable gates D4. Ladders comprise a C3. Items for ladders are deemed to include:
5 Extension ladders ladders description including 2 Hoop guards vertical or inclined set of (a) stringers, rungs, stays, step-on
2 Aluminium ladders kind, quality and rungs or steps which are platform, handrails and other necessary
6 Tripod ladders surface finish of 3 Lockable access doors self-supported or fixed to
3 Stainless steel ladders components, and
7 Loft ladders stringers and rungs, 4 Rest platforms walls.
4 Fiberglass ladders width and height of (b) all fixings and fastenings including
8 Stair ladders mounting brackets, expansion bolts and
ladders, method of
9 Other ladders, type other necessary accessories.
fixings and drawing
10 Straight stairs 1 Galvanised steel stairs 1 Dimensioned 1 Number of flights M4. In-situ and precast D5. Stairs comprises C4. Items for stairs are deemed to include:
11 Parallel stairs 2 Aluminium stairs description including between landings and concrete stairs are treads, risers, stringers, (a) all component parts of stairs including
kind, quality, number floors measured in accordance landing platforms and treads, risers, stringers, landing
12 Circular stairs 3 Stainless steel stairs and surface finish of with the relevant supporting members.
2 Fire resistance rating platforms and supporting beams and
13 Spiral stairs 4 Timber stairs treads, risers, strings Sections. columns,
14 Winder stairs 5 Composite stairs, and supporting M5. Unless otherwise
members, width of (b) fire resistant coating where specified,
15 Other stairs, type materials stated stated, handrails and and
stairs, method of fixings balustrades are
stated (c) all fixings, fastenings and other
and drawing reference measured separately
from stairs. necessary accessories.

16 Suspended walkways m 1 Dimensioned C5. Items for walkways and platforms are
description including deemed to include:
17 Platforms m2 kind, quality, width and (a) all component parts of walkways or
surface finish of platforms including rails, toeboards,
walkways/platforms, pans and all necessary accessories,
rails and supporting
members, method of (b) fire resistance coating where specified,
fixings and drawing and
reference (c) all fixings, fastenings and other
necessary accessories.


25 Metalwork
(This Section covers metal members, sheet metal linings, wire mesh, fencing and gates and sundry metal items.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope, location and construction of each item measured.

Classification table for metalwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Metal members kg 1 Posts 1 Type and grade of M1. These works are only D1. Metal members include C1. Items for metal members and
---------- 2 Struts members and size and measured independently aluminium, stainless steel connections to framed members are
weight of sections in this Section where they and other non-structural deemed to include:
m 3 Braces stated are not specified and metal work other than (a) framing, fabrication and erection of all
4 Others, type stated 2 Ditto with galvanising included as part of those defined under the required metalwork,
another Section. ‘Structural Steelwork
Section’. It includes bars, (b) working in any position, at any location
M2. Each type and grade of and at any height,
metal members is flats, rods, angles, tees,
measured and described channels and the like, but (c) all cutting, notching, drilling holes and
separately. excludes connections. forming openings,
M3. The mass of metal (d) variations in weight due to rolling
members is measured margins and other permissible
from their overall lengths. deviations from standard weights,
M4. No deduction is made (e) welding, rivets, bolts, nuts and washers
for splay cuts or mitred and other necessary fixings and
ends, and for the mass of fasteners,
metal removed to form (f) wedging and grouting under bases, and
notches and holes. (g) temporary bracings or supports
M5. No allowance is made required for erection including its
for the mass of weld subsequent removal.
fillets, bolts, nuts,
washers, rivets, rolling
margins, galvanising or
other protective coatings.
2 Connections to kg 1 Metalwork connections 1 Type and grade of M6. Different types of D2. Connections are
framed members ---------- connections stated connections are components for joining
2 Ditto with galvanising measured in weight and metal members together
item grouped together. including all metal
M7. Alternatively, all types sections in cleats,
of connections are brackets, stiffeners,
measured as an item. gussets, plates and other


Classification table for metalwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Sheet metal linings m2 1 Walls and columns 1 Kind, quality and 1 Horizontal and sloping M8. Sheet metal linings are D3. Walls include jambs C2. Items for sheet metal linings are deemed
2 Ceilings and sides and thickness of materials ≤ 15º from horizontal only measured and cills to openings and to include:
soffits of beams and surface finishes 2 Sloping > 15º from independently in this recesses in walls and (a) bending to the required shape,
and kind, quality, size horizontal Section where they are columns.
3 Pipe and service ducts and spacing of framing not specified and (b) working in any position and at any
3 Vertical D4. Columns include both height,
4 Others, name or type members stated included as part of isolated and attached
stated 4 Curved another Section. columns and posts. (c) laying to slope or diagonally,
5 Others, shape M9. Sheet metal linings are D5. Ceilings include all (d) all cutting for narrow widths,
described measured the net area faces of recesses in (e) forming holes and openings for
covered. ceilings. services, access panels and the like
M10. No deduction is made D6. Beams include both including extra trimmers and supports,
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. isolated and attached (f) welding, brazing, rivets, screws, bolts,
M11. Alternatively, surface beams and lintels. nuts, washers and other necessary
finishes are measured fixings and fasteners, and
separately in accordance (g) all priming, galvanising, painting and
with the Painting and other surface finish as specified.
Decorative Papers
Section where applicable.
4 Wire mesh m2 1 Diameter of wire (or 1 Kind and quality of 1 Surface finishes stated M12. Wire mesh is C3. C2 applies where applicable.
thickness of mesh) and materials stated measured the nett area
size of mesh stated covered.
M13. No deduction is made
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2.


Classification table for metalwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Wire fencing and m 1 Dimensioned 1 Fencing set out to a M14. Fencing is measured D7. “Supports” are posts, C4. Items for wire fencing and posts are
posts description including curve but straight the overall length over struts or the like occurring deemed to include:
kind, quality and between posts supports and special at regular intervals. (a) excavating holes for supports and
construction of fencing, 2 Fencing to ground supports, excluding any D8. “Special supports” are special supports in any ground met
height of fencing, sloping > 15º from the gates. posts, struts or the like with, including breaking up and
spacing, height and horizontal other than those removing any obstructions,
depth of supports, occurring at regular
surface finish and (b) concrete, reinforcement and formwork
intervals and include end for post foundations or bases,
drawing reference posts, angle post, integral
2 Kind and quality of gate posts, straining (c) backfilling and disposal of surplus
special supports, size, posts and the like. materials,
height, depth and D9. The height of fencing is (d) earthwork support,
surface finish stated measured from the (e) both supports and special supports,
surface of the ground or (f) making good existing pavings and
other stated base to the finishes disturbed, and
top of the infilling
(g) all priming, galvanising, painting and
material, wire or rail.
other surface finish as specified.
D10. The height of
6 Gates and nr 1 Dimensioned supports and special C5. Items for gates and independent gate
independent gate description including supports is the height posts are deemed to include:
posts overall size, kind, above the surface of the (a) gate ironmongery and accessories
quality and construction ground or other stated including hinges, gate stops, gate
of gates, surface finish base. catches, independent gate stays, hasp
and drawing reference and staple, gate latch, gate bolt, pad
D11. The depth of supports
2 Kind and quality of and special supports is lock and the like and all associated
independent gate posts, the depth below the works, and
size, height, depth and surface of the ground or (b) independent gate posts including any
surface finish stated other stated base. excavation, backfilling, disposal,
earthwork support and all associated


Classification table for metalwork

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
7 Skirtings m 1 Kind and quality of 1 Overall size and 1 Surface finish stated C6. Items for skirtings, cornices, rails, lintels,
8 Cornices materials stated thickness stated jambs and threshold guards are deemed to
9 Rails
(a) all cutting, joints in running lengths and
10 Lintels short lengths,
11 Jambs (b) mitres, ends and the like,
12 Threshold guards (c) all fixing accessories,
(d) all priming, galvanising, painting and
other surface finish as specified, and
(e) strippable protective coatings.
13 Floor ducts and C7. Items for floor ducts, gratings and mat
frames frames are deemed to include:
14 Gratings and frames (a) angles, ends and the like,
to floor channels, (b) fixing lugs and bedding mortar,
surface water
channels and the like (c) associated hardware, and
15 Others, type stated (d) all priming, galvanising, painting and
other surface finish as specified.
16 Gratings or grilles and nr 1 Dimensioned M15. Step irons are only
frames to openings, description including measured independently
ventilators and the kind and quality of in this Section where they
like materials, overall size, are not specified and
17 Mat frames thickness and surface included as part of
finish another Section.
18 Step irons
19 Manhole covers and 1 Dimensioned 1 Light duty 1 Single seal M16. Manhole covers and C8. Items for covers and frames to
frames description including 2 Medium duty 2 Double seal frames are only manholes, watertanks and the like are
kind and quality of measured independently deemed to include:
material, opening size 3 Heavy duty 3 Recessed pattern in this Section where they (a) bedding and haunching frames,
and surface finish are not specified and
included as part of (b) setting covers in grease and/or fine
another Section. sand or other sealing compound,
(c) provision of associated hardware such
20 Hinged covers and as hinges, lock plates and padlocks,
frames to water tanks and
and the like
(d) all priming, galvanising, painting and
other surface finish as specified.


26 Carpentry
(This Section covers structural or primary timbers, prefabricated timber units and timber boarding.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. All timber sizes are D1. Metal fixings and C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
nominal unless stated as fastenings includes ties, include:
finished sizes. rods, brackets, straps, (a) all labours in jointing, rebating,
M2. All timbers are wrought shoes, expansion and grooving, chamfering, splaying,
finish unless stated as chemical anchor bolts, bevelling, tapering, bullnosing,
sawn finishes. hangers, toothed moulding and the like,
connectors, split ring
M3. Each type and grade of connectors, shear plate (b) all cutting, notching, drilling holes and
timbers or timber boards connectors and other forming openings for services and the
are measured and patent connectors. like,
described separately. (c) adhesive, nails, screws, bolts, nuts,
D2. Surface finishes
M4. Alternatively, surface include preservative washers, metal fixings and fasteners
finishes are measured treatments, painting, fire and other necessary accessories,
separately in accordance retardant impregnation (d) framing, fabrication and erection in
with the Painting and treatments, fire retardant position,
Decorative Papers coatings and other
Section where applicable. (e) battens, grounds, cleats, packers,
specified treatments or wedges and other necessary supports
finishes. and backings, and
(f) wood preservative treatment, painting
and surface finish as specified.

Classification table for carpentry

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Structural or primary m 1 Joists 1 Kind, quality and size of 1 Length ≤ 6.00 m in one M5. Structural timbers are
timbers 2 Beams material and surface continuous length measured the net length
finish stated 2 And thereafter in 3.00 m as fixed in place.
3 Rafters
4 Hip and valley rafters
5 Purlins
6 Wall plates
7 Bearers
8 Wall members
9 Posts and columns
10 Strutting
11 Others, type stated


Classification table for carpentry

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Prefabricated timber nr 1 Roof trusses 1 Dimensioned 1 Length ≤ 6.00 m in one C2. Items for prefabricated timber units are
units 2 Floor trusses description including continuous length deemed to include webs, gussets and the
overall size, kind and 2 And thereafter in 3.00 m like.
3 Portal frames quality of material, stages
4 Wall panels surface finish and
5 Others, type stated drawing reference

3 Timber boarding m2 1 Floors 1 Kind, quality and 1 Horizontal and sloping M6. Timber boarding is C3. Items for timber boarding are deemed to
2 Roofs thickness of material ≤ 15º from horizontal only measured include:
and surface finish 2 Sloping > 15º from independently in this (a) working in any position and at any
3 Others, name or type stated Section where they are
stated horizontal height,
part of timber framing or
3 Curved first fixing. (b) laying to fall,
4 Others, shape M7. Timber boarding is (c) all cutting for narrow widths, and
described measured the net area (d) punching all nail and screw heads,
covered. stopping with matching filler and glass
M8. No deduction is made papering.
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2.


27 Joinery
(This Section covers wood flooring, boarding, panelling, linings and casings, unframed wood works and sundry joinery items.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. All timber sizes are D1. Surface finishes C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
nominal unless stated as include preservative include:
finished sizes. treatments, painting, fire (a) matching grain or colour,
M2. All timbers are wrought retardant coatings and
other specified treatments (b) ship-lap joints, tongued and grooved
finish unless stated as joints, heading joints, housing ends,
sawn finishes. or finishes.
angles, rebates, grooves, ends, mitres,
M3. Curved work is so intersections and the like,
described. (c) all cutting, notching, drilling holes and
M4. Alternatively, surface forming openings for services and the
finishes are measured like,
separately in accordance (d) working over and around obstructions,
with the Painting and
Decorative Papers (e) adhesive, nails, plugs and screws, bolts
Section where applicable. and nuts and other necessary fixings,
(f) framing and fixing in any position,
(g) battens, grounds, backings, packings,
bracketing and other necessary
supports, and
(h) wood preservative treatment and
specified surface finish.


Classification table for joinery

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Solid wood flooring m2 1 Floors 1 Kind, quality and size of 1 Moisture resisting M5. Wood flooring is D2. Floors include C2. Items for wood flooring are deemed to
2 Engineered wood 2 Stairs material, pattern, membrane or underlay measured the net area landings. include:
flooring method of jointing, stated covered. D3. Stairs include treads, (a) laying to specified patterns including
bedding material and 2 Sub-base, batten M6. No deduction is made risers, strings, aprons and borders,
3 Laminated wood surface finish stated
flooring system or sub-floor for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. other associated (b) bedding in mastic, adhesive or other
system stated surfaces. bonding material,
4 Other wood flooring,
type stated (c) moisture resisting membrane or
underlay as specified,
(d) sub-base, batten system or sub-floor
system as specified, and
(e) machine sanding, sealing and polishing
or pre-finished surface as specified.
C3. In addition to C2, items for stairs are
deemed to include fair edges, internal and
external angles, ends and intersections.
5 Wood boarding, m2 1 Walls and columns 1 Kind, quality and 1 Horizontal and sloping M7. Wood boarding, D4. Walls include jambs C4. Items for wood boarding, panelling and
panelling and casings 2 Ceilings and sides and thickness of material ≤ 15º from horizontal panelling and casings are and cills to openings and casings are deemed to include:
soffits of beams and surface finish 2 Sloping > 15º from measured the nett area recesses in walls and (a) working in any position and at any
stated horizontal covered. columns. height,
3 Pipe and service ducts
2 Kind, quality, size and 3 Vertical M8. No deduction is made D5. Columns include both (b) laying to fall,
4 Others, name or type spacing of framing for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. isolated and attached
stated member stated 4 Curved columns and posts. (c) all cutting for narrow widths,
5 Others, shape D6. Ceilings include all (d) forming holes and openings for
described faces of recesses in services, access panels and the like
ceilings. including extra trimmers and supports,
D7. Beams include both (e) provision of adhesives, joint cover
isolated and attached strips between sheets, internal and
beams and lintels. external corner jointers and other
jointing and fixing materials, and
(f) punching all nail and screw heads,
stopping with matching filler and glass


Classification table for joinery

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6 Skirtings m 1 Kind, quality and size of M9. Unframed wood works C5. Items for unframed wood works are
7 Architraves material and surface are only measured deemed to include tongued or housed
finish stated independently in this Sub- joints, fair or rounded edges, angles, ends,
8 Picture rails section where they are intersections, short lengths and the like.
9 Dado rails not specified and
10 Cornices included as part of
another Section.
11 Beads
M10. Unframed wood
12 Nosings
works are measured the
13 Cappings net length as fixed in
14 Stops place.
15 Grab rails
16 Shelves
17 Worktops
18 Window boards
19 Pelmets
20 Other unframed wood
works, name stated
21 Backboards nr 2 Dimensioned
22 Plinth blocks description including
overall size, kind and
23 Other sundry items, quality of material,
name stated surface finish and
drawing reference



28 Furniture, fittings and equipment

(This Section covers fixtures and furnishings, kitchen, utility and general equipment, outdoor furniture and equipment, curtains and blinds, bathroom fittings, signs and notices.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the location of the work. C1.All items in this Section are deemed to
2 Sufficient information to be provided for design, procurement and manufacture of the work. include preparation and submission of
shop drawings and samples as required
under the Contract.

Classification table for furniture, fittings and equipment

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Fixtures and nr 1 Lockers 1 Dimensioned M1. Sanitary fittings in C2. Items for fixtures and furnishings are
furnishings 2 Cabinets description including connection with fixtures deemed to include all components required
overall size, type and and furnishings are to complete the unit including:
3 Shelving units quality of materials, measured separately in (a) all joinery work and metalwork,
4 Storage racks surface finish and accordance with the carcassing, ironmongery, splashbacks,
5 Bench units drawing reference Water Supply and glass panels, mirrors, drawers, shelving
Disposal Systems and facings as specified,
6 Bookcases
7 Tables (b) fixing in position including provision of
all supports, mountings, brackets,
8 Desks
expansion bolts and sealant, and
9 Work stations
(c) preservative treatment to wood
10 Worktops surfaces or primer to metal surfaces,
11 Chairs and surface finish as specified.
12 Sofas
13 Beds
14 Wardrobes
15 Cupboards
16 Drawers
17 Counters
18 Kitchen units
19 Waste bins
20 Clothes drying fittings
21 Door mats
22 Mat wells
23 Artworks
24 Letter/suggestion boxes
25 Others, name stated


Classification table for furniture, fittings and equipment

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Kitchen and utility nr 1 Ovens 1 Dimensioned 1 Ancillary items not M2. Equipment in C3. Items for kitchen, utility and general
equipment 2 Cookers description including provided with the connection with building equipment are deemed to include:
overall size, capacity equipment stated services installations are (a) all ancillary items and integral controls
3 Refrigerators and specification measured separately in and indicators including remote controls
4 Dishwashers reference accordance with the and indicators,
5 Clothes washing appropriate Section.
(b) marking and fixing in position including
machine provision of supports, mountings,
6 Clothes dryers brackets, expansion bolts and sealant,
7 Others, name stated and
(c) all necessary connections to services
3 General equipment nr 1 Cleaning equipment
and testing.
2 Media and audio visual
3 Vending machines
4 Catering equipment
5 Sport equipment
6 Theatre and studio
7 Others, name stated
4 Outdoor furniture and nr 1 Seats 1 Dimensioned M3. All associated C4. C2 applies where applicable.
equipment 2 Benches description including excavations and concrete
overall size, type and foundations or bases
3 Tables quality of materials, (where required) are
4 Litter bins surface finish and measured separately in
5 Dustbins drawing reference accordance with the
appropriate Section.
6 Sculptures
7 Ornamental features
8 Playground equipment
9 Fitness equipment
10 Bollards
11 Tree grilles
12 Drop arm barriers
13 Others, name stated


Classification table for furniture, fittings and equipment

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Fixing furniture, nr 1 Type of furniture, fittings 1 Provision of additional C5. Items for fixing furniture, fittings and
fittings or equipment or equipment and components equipment provided by the Employer are
provided by the overall size stated deemed to include:
Employer (a) taking from the Employer, delivery to
site, unloading, storing, protecting and
transporting to required positions,
(b) provision of supports, mountings,
brackets, expansion bolts and sealant,
(c) connections to services and testing
where necessary.
6 Curtains and blinds nr 1 Window curtains 1 Dimensioned 1 Manual operation M4. The size of curtains or C6. Items for curtains and blinds are deemed
description including blinds refers to the nett to include
2 Window blinds overall size, type and 2 Motorised operation
area covered. (a) curtain tracks, rails and hanging rods,
3 Theatrical curtains quality of materials and
specification reference M5. Blackout curtains (if and
4 Medical screens/bed any) are described and
curtains (b) all necessary fixing accessories.
included as part of the
5 Others, name stated item.
7 Bathroom fittings nr 1 Toilet roll holders 1 Type, size, and surface C7. C2 applies where applicable.
2 Towel rails finish of fittings, method
of fixing and
3 Towel rings specification reference
4 Grab rails stated
5 Robe hooks
6 Soap dishes/holders
7 Soap dispensers
8 Toothbrush holders
9 Shower curtain rails
10 Shower curtains
11 Bath mats
12 Mirrors
13 Mirrored cabinets
14 Wire baskets
15 Other bathroom fittings,
type stated


Classification table for furniture, fittings and equipment

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
8 Signs and notices nr 1 Signwriting 1 Dimensioned M6. All associated C8. Items for signs and notices are deemed
2 Lettering, emblems and description including excavations and concrete to include:
symbols overall size, type, foundations or bases (a) all integral components, supporting
quality of materials, (where required) are posts and fixing accessories, and
3 Door or floor numbering method of fixing or measured separately in
or lettering supports and drawing accordance with the (b) all necessary connections to services
4 Name plates, plaques reference appropriate Section. and testing.
and identification
5 Directional signboards
6 Notice boards
7 Shop front lettering,
emblems and symbols
8 Illuminated signs,
lettering, emblems and
9 Traffic signs and
10 Others, type stated


29 Proofing, insulation and fire protection

(This Section covers waterproofing, vapour barriers, isolating membranes, sound insulation, thermal insulation and fire insulation.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the location of the work. M1. Each type of C1. All items in this Section are deemed to
waterproofing, vapour include preparation and submission of
barriers, isolating shop drawings as required under the
membranes, sound Contract.
insulation, thermal C2. Items with specified fire or sound rating
insulation and fire are deemed to include:
insulation is measured
and described separately. (a) carrying out all necessary tests by an
approved laboratory, and
M2. These works are
measured the net area (b) obtaining test certificates and approval
covered. from relevant authorities where
M3. No deduction is made
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2.

Classification table for proofing, insulation and fire protection

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Waterproofing m2 1 Kind, quality and 1 Ceiling and sides and 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m M4. These works are only C3. Items for waterproofing, vapour barriers,
2 Vapour barriers thickness of materials, soffits of beams 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m measured independently isolating membranes, sound insulation,
method of fixing and 2 Sloping ceiling and stages in this Section where they thermal insulation and fire insulation are
3 Isolating membranes supporting frame (if are not specified and deemed to include:
sides and soffits of
4 Sound insulation any) stated beams included as part of (a) provision of specified supporting frame
5 Thermal insulation 2 Ditto, with fire another Section. including battens, grounds, runners,
resistance rating 3 Walls and columns brackets, hangers and the like,
6 Fire insulation
3 Ditto, with sound 4 Floors and roofs (b) laid across or between framing
reduction rating 5 Fascias and upstands members,
6 Top, sides and soffits of (c) all cutting, notching and forming
pipes, ducts and the like necessary openings and cut-outs,
(d) working around or over framing
members, services and other
(e) all necessary fixing including screws,
nails and other accessories,
(f) extra material in laps and sags, and
(g) filling all joints, holes and other



30 Surface finishes
(This Section covers all surface finishes including in-situ surface finishes, stone facing, tiling, rubber and plastic sheet, carpet and roof tiling.)

30.1 In-situ surface finishes

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Each type or kind of in- D1. Work is deemed to be C1. All items in this Sub-section are deemed
situ surface finishes is internal unless described to include (where applicable):
measured and described as external. (a) preparation of bases including forming
under a separate D2. In-situ surface finishes keys, hacking irregularities, cleaning
heading. include: off, wetting surfaces and other base
M2. The area measured is (a) cement sand screeds, treatments as specified,
based on the net area to (b) applying spatterdash or bonding coats
be covered (i.e. before (b) concrete screeds,
as specified,
finishing). (c) plastered/ rendered/
roughcast coatings, (c) laying on concrete, brickwork,
M3. No deduction is made blockwork, plasterboard, metal lathing
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. (d) granolithic, or other backgrounds,
M4. Unless otherwise (e) terrazzo, (d) narrow widths, small quantities and
stated, curved work is so (f) sprayed monolithic overhand work,
described. coatings, (e) executing the work in bays or between
M5. The thickness stated is (g) fibrous plaster, panel strips including temporary
the nominal thickness formwork, support and rules,
(h) bitumen/ resin/ rubber
exclusive of adhesives,
latex coatings or (f) jointing between different types of work
keys, grooves or open
layers, and between new and old work,
joints in brickwork,
blockwork or metal (i) resin bound mineral (g) laying in colours and patterns including
lathing. coatings, and margins and flush, raised or sunk
M6. Works laid in (j) the like in-situ surface bands,
complicated colours finishes. (h) laying or finishing to flat surfaces, falls,
and/or patterns may cross falls, slopes, profiles and
alternatively be measured intersections in slopes, falls and curved
separately, stating the surfaces, and
drawing reference. (i) forming rounded internal and external
angles, arrises, throats, drips, coves,
angles, stops, intersections, junctions,
fairs ends, wreathed corners, mortices,
chases, edges, rebates, holes, mitres
and the like.


Classification table for in-situ surface finishes

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Walls and columns m2 1 Type of finish, 1 Admixtures including 1 Laid monolithically in M7. Where screeds are of D3. Columns include both C2. Items for floors, pavings and roofs are
2 Floors and pavings composition and mix of bonding agents, one operation with varying thicknesses to isolated and attached deemed to include forming shallow
materials, thickness and waterproofing agents, concrete base provide the required falls columns and piers. channels within the thickness of the
3 Roofs number of coats and air entraining agents or cross falls, the screed, flooring or paving.
2 Work in repairs D4. Floors include
4 Treads and risers surface finish stated and the like thickness stated is based landings.
5 Fitments 2 Surface dressings on the average thickness
including carborundum rounded up to the nearest D5. Fitments include all
6 Water tanks and other surfaces such as counter
grains, stone chippings 10 mm.
confined spaces tops, seats, shelves,
and the like vanitory slabs, associated
7 Fillings to covers
3 Sealers including water- fascias, skirtings and
8 External wall features
proofers, hardeners, splashbacks and the like.
9 Others, details stated dust-proofers and the D6. Fillings to covers
10 Ceilings and sides like 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m M8. Height of ceiling is includes fillings to pipe
and soffits of beams 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m measured from the trench covers, recessed
11 Sloping ceilings and stages structural floor level to the manholes covers, shaped
sides and soffits of structural soffit of ceiling. insets, mat sinkings and
beams the like.
12 Coffered and similar D7. External wall features
ceilings include fins, cills, copings,
louvres, sun-breakers,
13 Sloping soffits of air-conditioner boxes or
stairs platform and the like.
14 Flewing soffits of D8. Beams include both
stairs isolated and attached
15 Wall, open and kerb m 1 Girth, height or depth ≤ M9. The length measured beams. C3. Items for strings, aprons, skirtings,
strings 300 mm is based on the mean kerbs, upstands and channels are deemed
16 Aprons 2 And thereafter in 200 length to be covered (i.e. to include laying to:
mm stages before finishing). (a) level, vertical, raking, sloping and
17 Skirtings
curved surfaces,
18 Kerbs and upstands
(b) sloping surfaces with stepped base,
19 Linings to channels of and
different finish to floor
(c) stepped surface following profile of
20 Angle fillets treads and risers.
21 Cornices m 1 Type of finish, C4. Items for cornices, mouldings,
22 Mouldings composition and mix of architraves, ceiling ribs and other
materials, cross- ornaments are deemed to include laying to
23 Architraves sectional size and the required dimensions, shapes or profiles
24 Ceiling ribs surface finish stated including horizontal, raking, vertical,
m enrichments, undercut, bracketing, flat tops
25 Other ornaments, M10. Running ornaments
--------- and weathered tops.
characters described are measured in linear.


Classification table for in-situ surface finishes

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
26 Plaster and gypsum m2 1 Kind, quality and 1 Ceilings and sides and 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m C5. Items for plaster and gypsum boards are
boards thickness of materials, soffits of beams 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m deemed to include:
method of fixing and 2 Sloping ceilings and stages (a) provision of specified supporting frame
supporting frame (if sides and soffits of including battens, grounds, runners,
any) stated beams brackets, hangers and the like,
2 Ditto, with fire 3 Sloping soffits of stairs (b) all cutting, notching and forming
resistance rating stated necessary openings and cut-outs,
4 Flewing soffits of stairs
3 Ditto, with sound (c) all fixings including screws, nails and
reduction rating stated 5 Walls and columns plaster adhesive,
6 Floors and roofs (d) preparation of cut edges including sand
7 Fascias and upstands papering, forming scrimmed joints,
8 Top, sides and soffits of tapes, jointing and stopping compounds
pipes, ducts and the like and fillers, and
(e) filling all joints, nail holes and other
27 Metal mesh lathing m 1 Kind and quality of 1 All surfaces C6. Items for metal mesh lathing and fabric
strips ≤ 300 mm wide material, mesh and wire reinforcement are deemed to include:
sizes and method of (a) all cutting, bending and folding to the
28 Metal mesh lathing > m2 fixing stated
300 mm wide required shapes or profiles,
29 Fabric reinforcement (b) specified lapping at joints,
(c) tying, stapling, mechanical fasteners
and tack welding, and
(d) specified treatment to all cut ends.


30.2 Stone facing, tiling, rubber and plastic sheet, carpet and other surface finishes

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Each type or kind of D1. Work is deemed to be C1. Items in this Sub-section are deemed to
stone facing, tiling, rubber internal unless described include (where applicable):
and plastic sheet, carpet as external. (a) laying on different backgrounds
and other surface finishes D2. Stone slab finishes including the base preparation,
is measured and include:
described under a (b) laying and fixing in the specified
separate heading. (a) natural stone slabs, method including bedding mortars,
(b) cast, reconstituted or sealants, adhesives, bonding agents,
M2. The area measured is supporting frame and mechanical fixing
based on the net area to engineered stone
slabs and the like. devices,
be covered (i.e. before
finishing). D3. Tile finishes include: (c) coloured (including white colour)
grouting, filling, pointing and other
M3. No deduction is made (a) cement/concrete tiles, treatment to joints as specified,
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. (b) quarry tiles, (d) cutting and fitting up to frames and
M4. Unless otherwise (c) ceramic tiles, metalwork and around sanitary fixtures,
stated, curved work is so pipes, bracket ends and other
(d) mosaic sheets/tiles,
described. obstructions,
(e) porcelain tiles,
M5. Stone works (excluding (e) narrow widths, small quantities and
stone tiles and slabs) are (f) homogenous tiles,
overhand work,
measured in accordance (g) natural and artificial
with the Masonry Section. (f) executing the work in bays or between
stone tiles,
panel strips including temporary
M6. The thickness stated is (h) precast tiles and the formwork, support and rules,
the nominal thickness like.
exclusive of keys, (g) jointing between different types of work
D4. Rubber/plastic sheet, and between new and old work,
grooves, bedding mortars carpet and other surface
or adhesives, supporting (h) provision of the manufacturer’s
finishes include:
frame, fixing devices and standard colour range for coloured
the like. (a) synthetic rubber tiles, products,
M7. Alternatively, works (b) linoleum tiles, (i) laying in colours and patterns including
laid in complicated (c) cork tiles, margins and flush, raised or sunk
colours and/or patterns (d) PVC/vinyl tiles/sheets, bands and panels in contrasting colour
may be measured and of differing finishes,
(e) carpet tiles/sheets,
separately, stating the (j) laying or finishing to flat surfaces, falls,
drawing reference. (f) acoustic sheets, cross falls, slopes, profiles and
(g) fibreglass membrane, intersections in slopes, falls and curved
(h) ball court finishes, surfaces, and
(i) artificial turfing and (k) forming rounded or chamfered internal
the like. and external angles, arrises, throats,
drips, coves, angles, stops,
intersections, junctions, fairs ends,
wreathed corners, mortices, chases,
edges, rebates, drainage and other
holes, mitres and the like.


Classification table for stone facing, tiling, rubber/plastic sheet, carpet and other surface finishes
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Walls and columns m2 1 Type of finish, 1 Admixtures including 1 Laid monolithically in D5. Columns include both C2. Items for stone slab finishes are deemed
2 Floors and pavings thickness, size and bonding agents, one operation with isolated and attached to further include:
shape of units, method waterproofing agents concrete base columns. (a) fair edges, rounded and bullnosed
3 Treads and risers of bedding/fixing and and the like 2 Work in repairs D6. Floors include edges,
4 Fitments jointing stated 2 Surface treatments landings. (b) curved cutting for special edge tiles,
5 Water tanks and other including wax polishing, D7. Fitments include all
confined spaces sealing coats and the (c) all kinds of sinking, labour embossing,
surfaces such as counter carving and dressing to the required
6 Fillings to covers like tops, seats, shelves, shapes and profiles,
7 External wall features vanitory slabs, associated
fascias, skirtings and (d) corner pieces and special units, and
8 Others, details stated (e) coating backs, cleaning, sealing and
splashbacks and the like.
9 Wall, open and kerb m 1 Girth, height or depth ≤ M8. The length measured D8. Fillings to covers polishing faces and exposed edges.
strings 300 mm is based on the mean includes fillings to pipe C3. Items for tile finishes are deemed to
10 Aprons 2 And thereafter in 200 length to be covered (i.e. trench covers, recessed further include:
mm stages before finishing). manholes covers, shaped (a) rounded edge tiles and nosing bead
11 Skirtings
insets, mat sinkings and tiles, and
12 Kerbs and upstands the like.
(b) special tiles, slabs or blocks.
13 Linings to channels D9. External wall features
C4. Items for rubber/plastic and carpet
14 Angle fillets include fins, cills, copings,
finishes are deemed to further include:
louvres, sun-breakers,
air-conditioner boxes or (a) seams and fair joints,
platform and the like. (b) rounded, beaded and moulded ends,
15 Cornices 1 Type of finish, cross- (c) coved junctions, ends, angles and
sectional size or shape ramps,
16 Mouldings
of units, method of (d) regular and irregular mitred angles, and
17 Architraves bedding/ fixing and (e) provision of underlays for carpets
18 Other ornaments, m jointing stated M9. Running ornaments where specified.
characters described --------- are measured in linear. C5. Items for strings, aprons, skirtings,
nr kerbs, upstands and channels are deemed
to include laying to:
(a) level, vertical, raking, sloping or curved
(b) sloping surfaces with stepped base,
(c) stepped surface following profile of
treads and risers.
C6. Items for cornices, mouldings,
architraves and other ornaments are
deemed to include laying or finishing to the
required shapes or profiles.


Classification table for stone facing, tiling, rubber/plastic sheet, carpet and other surface finishes
Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
19 Warning/stop tactile m2 1 Kind and quality of
tiles --------- materials, size and
20 Direction/go tactile method of fixing stated
21 Turning/positional stated)
tactile tiles
22 Non-slip inserts m D10. Movement joints C7. Items for cover strips and dividing strips
23 Movement joints include expansion joints. are deemed to include:
24 Cover strips (a) cutting to the required lengths, splay
cut ends, bending, drilling and fixing
25 Dividing strips with screws, and
26 Stair rods and similar (b) countersinking the heads of all exposed
fixings screws.
27 Speed bumps
28 Other accessories,
types stated


30.3 Roof tiling

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Each type or kind of D1. Work is deemed to be C1. Items in this Sub-section are deemed to
roof tile finishes is external unless described include (where applicable):
measured and described as internal. (a) laying on different backgrounds
under a separate D2. Roof tile finishes including the base preparation,
heading. include: (b) laying and fixing in the specified
M2. The area measured is (a) Chinese roof tiles, method including battens, bedding
based on the net area to mortars, adhesives, sealants and
be covered (i.e. before (b) ceramic roof tiles,
mechanical fasteners,
finishing). (c) clay roof tiles,
(c) all cutting at square and raking
M3. No deduction is made (d) stone roof tiles, abutments, top edges, verges and the
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. (e) concrete roof tiles, like,
M4. Screed, waterproofing, (f) insulating concrete (d) bedding and pointing eaves, verges
insulation layers and roof tiles, and the like,
other roof finishes (other
(g) slate roof tiles, (e) cutting, fitting and making good around
than roof tiles) are
measured separately in (h) bituminous roof tiles, outlets, pipes and the like,
accordance with the (i) polymer-sand roof (f) carrying out the work at any height,
relevant Sections. tiles, (g) all laps of any dimensions, narrow
M5. The thickness stated is (j) wooden shingle roof widths, small quantities and overhand
the nominal thickness tiles, work,
exclusive of keys, (k) composite roof tiles (h) forming fair ends, stop ends,
grooves, bedding mortars and the like. intersections and the like, and
or adhesives, supporting
(i) abutments, eaves, ridges, hips, valleys,
frame, fixing devices and
verges and special fittings including
the like.
undercloaks and all bedding and
M6. Alternatively, works pointing.
laid in complicated
colours and/or patterns
may be measured
separately, stating the
drawing reference.


Classification table for roof tiling

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Roof tiling m2 1 Type of finish, 1 Horizontal and sloping 1 Work in repairs
thickness, size and work ≤ 15º from
shape of tiles and horizontal
method of fixing 2 Sloping work > 15º from
including any batten horizontal
system stated
3 Curved work
2 Ornamental tiles, m
characters described ---------


31 Painting and decorative papers

(This Section covers painting, clear finishes, polishing, signwriting and decorative papers.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Painting on different D1. Work is deemed to be C1. Items for painting are deemed to include:
bases (such as fair faced internal unless described (a) preparatory works to any nature of
concrete, brick, block, as external. bases,
stone, plaster, metal, D2. Painting includes
wood or other surfaces) (b) application on-site and/or off-site,
polishing, clear finishing
are each measured and liquid applied (c) working on small quantities, sloping
separately. coatings. surfaces, isolated surfaces and
M2. Work required to be confined spaces,
D3. Multi-coloured work is
applied on members defined as the application (d) rubbing down between coats with
before fixing is measured of more than one colour glass, emery or sand papers,
and described separately. on an individual surface. (e) multi-coloured work on differing
M3. The area or girth surfaces including cutting to line,
measured is based on the (f) removing all ironmongery before
net area or girth of painting and reinstalling the same after
receiving surfaces to be painting, or protecting all ironmongery
covered. Unless by approved means,
otherwise stated,
(g) painting on glazing beads, butts,
additional allowance is
hinges, brackets, bolts, lugs, fastenings
made for edges,
and other fittings, and
mouldings, panels,
sinkings, corrugations, (h) additional works on attached pipework
flutings, carvings, and conduits painted at the same time
enrichments and the like and in the same material and colour as
(where applicable). the surface to which they are attached.
M4. No deduction is made
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2.
M5. This work does not
apply to pre-finished
items or components
which have included
painting or other surface
M6. Work on existing
surfaces is measured
separately, stating the
preparatory treatment of
existing decoration such
as scraping, wire
brushing, rubbing down
and the like.


Classification table for painting and decorative papers

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Painting on general m 1 Nature of base, type 1 Surface girth ≤ 300 mm D4. General surfaces are
surfaces and number of priming those not included in
m2 or sealing coats, and 2 Girth > 300 mm other classifications.
type and number of
2 Painting on ceilings undercoats and 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m M7. Height of ceiling is
and beams finishing coats stated 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m measured from the
stages structural floor level to the
structural soffit of ceiling.
3 Painting on walls and
4 Painting on concrete M8. The area measured is C2. Items for painting on concrete grilles and
grilles and the like based on the overall flat the like are deemed to include painting to
area on both sides of all surfaces.
concrete grilles, stating
the thickness of grilles.
5 Painting on structural M9. Surface treatments to C3. Items for painting on steelwork and
steelwork structural steelwork other metalwork surfaces are deemed to include
than painting are additional surface areas of welding, bolts,
measured in accordance cleats, brackets, stiffeners, gussets, plates
with the Structural and the like in connections.
Steelwork Section.
6 Painting on general
metalwork surfaces
7 Painting or clear
finishing on general
woodwork surfaces
8 Polishing or clear
finishing on marble
and granite surfaces
9 Painting on irregular M10. The area measured is D7. Irregular surfaces
surfaces based on the overall flat include corrugated, fluted,
area on both sides of panelled, carved or
irregular surfaces, ornamental surfaces.
describing characters of
surfaces and drawing


Classification table for painting and decorative papers

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Painting on pipes and m 1 Nature of base, type 1 Nominal diameter ≤ 50 C4. Items for painting on pipes, conduits and
conduits and number of priming mm services are deemed to include additional
or sealing coats and 2 Nominal diameter > 50 painting on pipe clips, holders, saddles,
type and number of mm and ≤ 100 mm hangers, conduit boxes, fittings,
undercoats and accessories and the like.
finishing coats stated 3 And thereafter in 100
mm stages
11 Painting on services m 1 Surface girth ≤ 300 mm D8. Services includes
gutters, lagged pipes,
ductwork, trunking, trays,
m2 2 Girth > 300 mm ladders, cables and the
12 Painting on air bricks nr
13 Painting on rainwater
14 Painting on ventilating
15 Painting on other
sundry items, type
16 Signwriting m 1 Lines 1 Width, size, nature of 1 Straight M11. Signwriting in form of D9. Signwriting includes C5. Items for signwriting are deemed to
base, type and number 2 Curved materials other than line marking, letters and include:
2 Broken lines of painting coats stated painting is measured in figures on sports, pavings (a) cleaning and preparation of
nr 3 Arrow heads or tails accordance with the and other surfaces. backgrounds, and
Furniture, Fittings and D10. Lines include lines
4 Letters and numerals Equipment Section. (b) marking out.
forming hatched areas,
5 Stops and punctuation M12. Double lines are chevrons, zig-zag lines
marks measured as two single and boxed areas
lines. including their enclosing
6 Chinese characters lines.
7 Symbols or logos


Classification table for painting and decorative papers

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
17 Decorative papers on m2 1 Nature of base, kind 1 Height to soffit ≤ 5.00 m M13. M7 applies. D11. Decorative papers C6. Items for decorative papers are deemed
ceilings and beams and quality of materials 2 And thereafter in 1.50 m include vinyl, fabrics and to include:
and method of fixing stages other fine coverings. (a) preparatory works to backgrounds,
and jointing decorative
18 Decorative papers on papers stated (b) working on small quantities, isolated
walls and columns surfaces and confined spaces,
(c) cutting and fitting around holes,
openings, pipes, switches, brackets
and other projections and obstructions,
(d) cutting to profile,
(e) matching patterns,
(f) mitres, intersections, end angles and
scribing, and
(g) specified lining papers, border strips,
corners and motifs.


32 Glazing
(This Section covers glazing, glazed units, glass face processing and mirror wall linings.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. M1. Glazing supplied as an C1. Items for glazing are deemed to include:
integral part of the (a) fixing to different types of frame or
following items or surround,
components is not
measured separately: (b) painting metal or wood rebates with
specified primer before glazing,
(a) curtain and glass
walling, (c) painting edges of wired glass with
specified paint,
(b) skylights, glass
canopies and glazed (d) raking and curved cutting to regular and
covered walkway, irregular shaped panes,
(c) windows, rooflights, (e) polishing plain, rounded or bevelled
glazed doors, louvres edges of glass,
and shop fronts, (f) bedding in sealing tape, wash leather,
(d) fixed and rubber gasket and the like,
demountable (g) glazing compounds, sealants and the
partitions, like,
(e) cubical partitions, (h) glazing sprigs, clips, strips, channels
(f) metal glazed and and the like,
structural glass (i) taking down, setting aside and
balustrades, and subsequently refixing the glazing
(g) fixtures and beads,
furnishings. (j) drilling or forming holes for fixings,
M2. Where glazing to the finger slots, ironmongery and the like,
above items is specifically and
stated to be measured (k) setting flat panes to curve.
separately, the relevant
measurement rules
stated in this Section is
M3. Each pane is
measured separately for
multiple glazed panes,
except in sealed glazed
M4. Glass blocks are
measured in accordance
with the Masonry Section.


Classification table for glazing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. Sheet glass m2 1 Quality and thickness of 1 Panes area ≤ 1.00 m2 1 Irregular shapes M5. The area measured is D1. Irregular shapes are
2. Wired glass glass stated 2 Panes area > 1.00 m2 2 Bent panes based on the net glass shapes other than square
and ≤ 3.00 m2 area glazed into or rectangular.
3. Float glass openings.
4. Sandblasted glass 3 Panes area > 3.00 m2
M6. Panes of irregular
5. Laminated glass shape are measured
6. Toughened glass according to the smallest
rectangle size from which
7. Tinted glass
the pane can be
8. Tempered glass obtained.
9. Low-emissivity glass
10. Solar control glass
11. Lead glass
12. Stained glass
13. Bullet resistant glass
14. Acrylic and
polycarbonate sheets
15. Others, type stated
16 Sealed glazed units nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Double-pane units C2. Items for sealed glazed units are
description including 2 Triple-pane units deemed to include spacer frame, edge
type, quality and seals, gas filling and other necessary
thickness of individual components.
panes, airspace width,
overall thickness, length
and width of sealed
glazed units
17 Glass face processing m2 1. Grinding 1 Plain work M7. Glass face processing
2. Sandblasting is measured over the
whole area of the panes.
3. Embossing
nr 4. Engraving 2 Design work 1 Dimensioned D2. Design work includes
5. Acid etching description including the art work, lettering and the
overall size and drawing like.
6. Others, type stated


Classification table for glazing

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
18 Mirror wall linings m2 1 Dimensioned 1 Panes area ≤ 1.00 m2 M8. Mirrors are measured C3. Items for mirror wall linings are deemed
description including 2 Panes area > 1.00 m2 in accordance with the to include:
type, quality and and ≤ 3.00 m2 Furniture, Fittings and (a) silvering to mirrors,
thickness of glass, Equipment Section.
bevelled edge, 3 Panes area > 3.00 m2 (b) mirror backings and protective coats,
backings, edge frames (c) sealant pointing, edge frames and other
and framing supports integral components, and
(d) all necessary fixings including framing
supports for wall linings as specified.



33 Roads and pavings

(This Section covers roads and pavings.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work. D1. The thickness stated is
nominal or finished after
laying and compacting.

Classification table for roads and pavings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Precast concrete m 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight and curved > C1. Items for precast concrete kerbs,
kerbs description including 10.00 m radius edgings, gutter channels and other paving
2 Precast concrete mix or strength of 2 Curved ≤ 10.00 m accessories are deemed to include:
edgings concrete, size and radius (a) excavation in any materials, backfilling
shape of units, and disposal of surplus excavated
3 Precast concrete foundation and
gutter channels materials off site,
4 Other precast (b) foundation and haunching including
concrete paving formwork,
accessories (c) moulds to form specified shapes,
reinforcement, concrete and fair faced
5 Precast concrete nr finish to all exposed surfaces,
(d) cutting, bedding, jointing and pointing,
6 Precast concrete
drops (e) ends, angles, outlets, intersections,
pegs and supports, and
7 Precast concrete
transitions (f) building in gully grating and frames,
overflow weirs and the like.
8 Sub-base m2 1 Dimensioned M1. All excavations, C2. Items for sub-base and roadbase are
9 Roadbase description including disposal and filling for deemed to include:
type and grade of forming road sub-grade (a) preparation of sub-grade surfaces to
materials and thickness and ground below are receive sub-base materials,
measured in accordance
with the Excavating and (b) sealer, primer and tack coats,
Filling Section. (c) edge supports,
M2. The areas measured (d) grading, measuring, mixing and
are at the top surface of deposition of materials,
that course. (e) spreading and compaction of deposited
M3. No deduction is made materials in layers,
for openings ≤ 1.00 m2. (f) laying to cambers, falls and crowns,
(g) making joints, and
(h) curing materials.


Classification table for roads and pavings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Concrete pavements m2 1 Carriageways 1 Dimensioned M4. M2 and M3 apply C3. Items for concrete pavements are
2 Footways description including where applicable. deemed to include:
mix or strength of M5. Line markings, letters (a) layer of polythene sheeting,
3 Running tracks concrete, thickness, and figures are measured (b) formwork and reinforcement,
4 Cycle tracks reinforcement detail in accordance with the
5 Outdoor sports courts Painting and Decorative (c) concrete mixing, depositing, spreading
Papers Section. and compaction,
6 Other paved areas
M6. Traffic signs and (d) regulating and texturing the surfaces by
supports are measured in evenly brushing with a wire broom,
accordance with the (e) laying to cambers, falls and crowns,
Furniture, Fittings and (f) forming recesses, openings and bays,
Equipment Section. and
(g) construction joints unless specified by
the Engineer.
11 Bituminous 1 Base course 1 Dimensioned C4. Items for bituminous pavements are
pavements 2 Wearing course description including the deemed to include:
type and mix of (a) preparation of surfaces to receive
3 Friction course materials, thickness and bituminous materials,
4 Surface dressing number of coats
(b) grading, measuring, mixing and
deposition of materials,
(c) spreading and compaction of deposited
materials in layers,
(d) making joints,
(e) edge supports,
(f) laying to cambers, falls and crowns,
(g) finishing up to abutting surfaces, and
(h) protection of kerbs, drainage channels,
manhole and catchpit covers, gully
gratings, expansion joints, road studs
and the like.


Classification table for roads and pavings

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
12 Precast concrete and m2 1 Roads 1 Dimensioned 1 Laid to level ≤ 15º from M7. M2 and M3 apply D2. Precast concrete and C5. Items for precast concrete and brick
brick paving slabs, 2 Pavings description including horizontal where applicable. brick paving blocks paving slabs, blocks and setts are deemed
blocks and setts (a) type, kind and quality 2 Laid to slope > 15º from include interlocking to include:
3 Treads and risers blocks.
of materials, horizontal (a) all cutting, fair joints, working over and
4 Channels around obstructions,
(b) size, shape and
5 Others, type stated thickness of units, (b) laying and compacting sand bed or
(c) Surface finish, and other specified bedding materials,
(d) Method of bedding (c) laying, bedding and compacting the
and jointing units and filling joints,
(d) laying to the required patterns and to
falls, crossfalls and slopes,
(e) filling up gaps between units and
adjacent kerbs, edgings, quadrants,
covers, frames and other hardware with
cement mortar or concrete,
(f) forming finishes into shallow channels,
(g) ends, angles, outlets and intersections,
(h) setting into recess manhole covers and
the like.
13. Liquid applied m2 1 Dimensioned D3. Sports courts include C6. Items for liquid applied surfacings, sheet
surfacings description including basketball courts, tennis surfacings and sports court surfacings are
14. Sheet surfacings type and quality of courts, badminton courts, deemed to include:
materials, number of multi-purpose courts and (a) preparation works to receive surfacing
15. Sports court coats/layers, method of other game courts.
surfacings materials,
application/fixing and
surface finish (b) forming or working surfacings into
shallow channels, and
(c) laying to falls, crossfalls and slopes.
16. Joints in concrete m 1 Transverse joints 1 Dimensioned 1 Straight M8. Construction joints are C7. Items for joints in concrete pavements
pavements 2 Longitudinal joints description including 2 Curved measured only where are deemed to include (where applicable):
width and depth of joint, they are specifically (a) formwork, formation of rebates and
3 Expansion joints dowel/tie bar detail, joint required under the grooves and bond breaker,
4 Contraction joints filler and joint sealant. Contract.
(b) dowel/tie bars across joints, sleeves,
5 Warping joints epoxy resin grout and crack-inducer,
6 Isolation joints and
7 Construction joints (c) all preparation, cleaners, primers, joint
fillers, joint sealants and sealing strip.



34 Landscaping
(This Section covers landscaping works.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the scope and location of the work M1. All site clearance, tree C1. Landscaping works in this Section are
2 Requirements in respect of the timing of planting operations felling and excavation deemed to include:
and filling works are (a) all preparatory works,
measured in accordance
with the Excavating and (b) working internally and externally at any
Filling Section. height including level or sloping
grounds, podium levels, roof levels and
M2. Unless otherwise external walls,
stated, irrigation
installation is measured in (c) working on any locations including
accordance with the general areas, beds, planter boxes and
appropriate Section. containers,
M3. The areas measured (d) temporary protective fencing and other
are the net areas precautionary measures to avoid
covered. damage to trees and plants,
M4. No deduction is made (e) control of pests, fungal infestation and
for voids ≤ 1.00 m2. disease,
(f) regular watering, weeding, mulching,
fertilizing and other specified
maintenance works before completion,
(g) safety precautions in carrying out all

Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Tree survey item 1 Tree survey records M5. Tree survey is C2. Item for tree survey is deemed to
before the measured only where it is include:
commencement of site specifically required (a) tree survey plans showing locations of
clearance under the contract. all existing trees within the site,
(b) tree schedules, together with
photographic records, showing
botanical names, stem diameters,
crown spreads, heights, conditions and
existing ground level of individual trees,
(c) identification labels, and
(d) updating reports and photographic
records at specified interval.


Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
2 Preserving existing item 1 Number and botanical C3. Item for preserving existing trees is
trees name of preserved deemed to include:
trees at their existing (a) pruning of preserved trees,
locations stated
(b) repair of damage to preserved trees
including tree surgery works, and
(c) replacement planting of damaged trees.
3 Transplanting existing nr 1 Botanical name of 1 Size designation 1 Direct planting in M6. Stem diameter is D1. Tree size designations C4. Items for transplanting existing trees and
trees species stated ----------------------------------- receptor sites measured at a height of include seeding trees, other plants are deemed to include:
2 Temporary storing in 1300 mm from the root whips, light standard (a) pre-transplant protection,
2 Height and stem collar. trees, standard trees,
diameter stated nursery and then (b) crown pruning,
replanting in final M7. Tree height is heavy standard trees and
receptor sites measured from above the semi-mature trees. (c) root pruning in specified stages and
root collar. periods,
(d) excavating trenches for the preparation
of root balls,
(e) wrapping of root balls,
(f) provision of containers for root balls,
(g) protection during transit,
(h) transportation to temporary nursery (if
required) or final receptor sites,
(i) preparation of planting pits at receptor
(j) firming up trees, backfilling with
specified materials, watering, fertilising,
mulching and securing at receptor
sites, and
(k) backfilling and making good the donor
4 Cultivating soil m2 1 Depth or average depth C5. Items for cultivating soil are deemed to
stated include:
(a) removal of all weeds, stones, rubbish,
metals, deleterious materials and other
debris, and disposal off site,
(b) excavation and disposal of
contaminated soil and replacement with
imported soil, and
(c) protection against compaction, erosion,
and siltation.


Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Drainage layers m2 1 Type and size of 1 Thickness stated D2. Drainage materials
drainage materials include aggregate,
stated lightweight aggregate,
gravel, pea gravel and
the like.
6 Filter layers 1 Type of filter materials 1 Thickness stated
7 Soiling 1 Topsoil 1 Thickness or average M8. The thickness of C6. Items for soiling are deemed to include:
2 Fabricated soil mix thickness stated soiling stated is (a) mixing, depositing, spreading, levelling,
measured after laying and consolidation,
3 Lightweight soil mix and natural settlement.
4 Others, type stated (b) all necessary multiple handling, and
(c) protection against compaction, erosion,
and siltation.
8 Surface applications m2 1 Herbicides 1 Type and rate of M9. Surface applications to C7. Items for surface applications to soil are
to soil 2 Selective weedkillers application stated soil are measured only deemed to include:
where they are not (a) storage and multiple handling,
3 Peat included as part of other
4 Fertilisers items. (b) spreading and levelling, and
5 Compost (c) applying treatments around individual
trees and plants and against buildings
6 Mulch and structures.
7 Soil ameliorants /
8 Others, details stated
9 Turfing m2 1 Type of turf species 1 Thickness stated M10. Spot and close turfing C8. Items for turfing are deemed to include:
stated are measured and (a) surface preparation including removal
grouped together. of stones, fine tilth cultivation and final
(b) applying pre-turfing fertiliser at the
specified rate,
(c) fixing with pegs or other means,
(d) applying specified top dressing,
(e) watering, post-turfing fertilising,
weeding, cutting and rolling before
completion, and
(f) patching up those areas where
germination has been unsuccessful.


Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Broadcast seeding m2 1 Grass seed 1 Type of seed mix stated 1 Rate of application C9. Where applicable, items for seeding are
2 Tree seed stated deemed to include:
11 Hydroseeding 3 Shrub seed (a) surface preparation including removal
of stones, fine tilth cultivation and final
4 Others, type stated grading,
(b) applying seed mix, mulch, pre-seeding
fertiliser, soil binding agent and dye at
specified rates,
(c) covering the seed by lightly working
into soil surfaces or spreading sufficient
(d) laying biodegradable fabric netting or
other protective layers including spiking
or stapling in positions,
(e) watering, post-seeding fertilising,
weeding, cutting and rolling before
completion, and
(f) patching up those areas where
germination has been unsuccessful.
12 Trees nr 1 Botanical name of 1 Size designation M11. M6 and M7 apply. D3. D1 applies. C10. Items for planting are deemed to
species stated ---------------------------------- include:
2 Height, stem diameter (a) excavating pits, holes or trenches and
and root ball size stated backfilling with specified material or
growing medium,
13 Shrubs nr 1 Height or size stated (b) multiple handling of excavated
14 Herbaceous plants --------- ---------------------------------- materials,
m2 2 Height or size and (c) disposal of unsuitable and surplus
15 Ground cover plants number per m2 stated excavated materials off site,
(d) fertilising, soil conditioning, mulching
16 Bamboos nr 1 Height or size and
and top dressing,
number of shoots stated
17 Climbers (e) watering, weeding and pruning,
18 Bulbs, corms and 1 Size of plant stated 1 Type and size of (f) labelling plants in English and Chinese
tubers containers or pots names,
stated (g) stakes, ties, guys, sleeves and
19 Container or potted adjusters including supports for non-
plants self-clinging climbing plants,
20 Aquatic plants (h) replacing damaged trees or plants, and
(i) reinstatement of adjacent paved areas.


Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
21 Artificial plants nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Type and size of
description including containers or pots
type and size of plants stated
22 Plant containers or 1 Dimensioned M12. Plant containers or
pots description including pots are measured only
type and size where they are not
included as part of other
23 Vertical green wall m2 1 For proprietary M13. Plants are measured C11. Items for green wall and roof systems
systems --------- systems, dimensioned separately in accordance are deemed to include:
24 Horizontal green roof description including with this Section. (a) submission of shop drawings, method
set catalogue reference,
systems M14. Alternatively, statement and structural load
component of systems irrigation and drainage calculation if required,
method of fixing and installations are
irrigation and drainage (b) construction of mock-up on site if
measured separately in specified,
installations accordance with the
2 For other systems, each relevant Sections. (c) supporting system, planting media and
component of systems any additional components, fittings,
is measured in accessories and the like, and
accordance with the (d) irrigation and drainage where specified.
appropriate Sections
25 Boulders nr 1 Type and size of 1 Method of placing and 1 Imported source C12. Items for boulders and stones are
26 Stones materials stated securing in positions 2 Selection on site deemed to include:
stated (a) securely fixing in positions,
(b) wedging with small rocks,
(c) partially sunk below ground, and
(d) concrete base and haunching.
27 Statues nr 1 Dimensional description C13. Items for statues, sculptures, stone
28 Sculptures --------- including type of features and other features are deemed to
material, method of include the provision of any additional
29 Stone features set fixing and drawing framing support for fixing securely into
30 Other features, details reference position.


Classification table for landscaping

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
31 Post-completion item 1 Scope and period of M15. Maintenance of soft C14. Items for post-completion
establishment or establishment or landscaping works before establishment or maintenance works are
maintenance works maintenance works completion are deemed deemed to include:
stated to be included in relevant (a) watering, weeding, firming up and
items stated under C1. securing and readjusting stakes, ties
and guys,
(b) pruning, grass cutting and thinning,
(c) fertilising, aeration and mulching,
(d) control of pests, fungal infestation and
(e) temporary protective fencing, and
(f) patching up grass and replacing plants
which have not successfully grown.


35 Drainage Below Ground

(This Section covers surface water drain system at ground and storm and foul water drain systems below ground.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the layout of the drainage and details of manholes, inspection chambers and other tanks. M1. Each of the following
2 Ground investigation reports, where available, for the Contractor’s information. types of system or work is
measured and described
under a separate
(a) surface water drain
(b) storm water drain
(c) foul water drain
system, and
(d) sub-soil drain system.
M2. Works outside the site
boundary are measured

Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Surface water m 1 Mix or strength of 1 Straight channels M3. Surface water C1. Items for surface water channels in level
channels concrete, shape, width, 2 Curved channels channels in level and grounds, slopes and concrete beds are
thicknesses of sides sloping ground are deemed to include:
and base and average measured together. (a) excavation, backfill, disposal of surplus
depth stated M4. Channel covers and excavated materials, concrete,
2 Stepped surface water 1 Height of steps and gratings are measured formwork and rendering,
channels to slopes gradient of channel separately in accordance (b) expansion joints if required,
between steps stated with the appropriate
section. (c) forming angles, ends, outlets,
intersections, junctions and the like,
M5. Surface water
channels formed in (d) forming rebates for channel covers, and
concrete beds are (e) weep holes in stepped surface water
measured in accordance channels.
with In-situ Concrete


Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 Excavating trenches m 1 Pipes ≤ 200 mm 1 Average depth of trench 1 Commencing levels for M6. Depths are based on C2. Items for excavating trenches are
for drain pipes nominal diameter ≤ 0.5 m excavation stated actual depths of deemed to include:
2 Pipes > 200 mm 2 And thereafter in 0.5 m excavation (i.e. depth to (a) excavating in any position in level or
nominal diameter, stages invert levels of pipe plus sloping ground and in any ground
nominal diameter stated pipe wall thicknesses and encountered including boulders and
bedding materials under). rock,
3 Multiple pipes, number
and nominal diameter of M7. Lengths for each run of (b) getting out excavated materials by any
pipes stated trench are calculated means necessary,
between external faces of
two manholes, between (c) removing localised hard and soft spots
external face of a and other unsuitable soils underneath
manhole and an trench bottoms, and replacing with
accessory, or between compacted granular bedding material,
two accessories. (d) temporary lateral supports to uphold
M8. Average depth is and maintain sides of excavations by
calculated for each run, whatever means necessary,
irrespective of the total (e) trimming, levelling, grading or
depth. compacting sides and bottoms of
(f) backfilling with suitable excavated
materials to required levels,
(g) disposal of surplus excavated materials
(h) keeping excavations free from rain and
percolating water, and
(i) temporary supports to existing drain
pipes, cables and the like.
4 Item extra over item 1 Breaking up, removing D1. Artificial hard materials C3. Items for excavation in artificial hard
excavating trenches, and disposal of artificial include concrete, materials are deemed to include:
irrespective of depth hard materials reinforced concrete, (a) cutting through reinforcement, saw
brickwork, blockwork, cutting, trimming and other necessary
stonework, coated means, and
macadam or asphalt and
the like encountered (b) making good over-break and adjacent
during excavation. works distributed.


Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
5 Beds m 1 Plain concrete, mix or 1 Width and thickness of M9. Lengths of beds, C4. Items for beds, haunches, surrounds
strength stated bed stated haunches, surrounds and and vertical casings are deemed to
2 Reinforced concrete, casings are measured (1) include:
6 Beds and haunches 1 Nominal diameter of along the centre lines of
mix or strength stated pipes stated (a) formwork and reinforcement,
pipes over all bends,
3 Selected granular junctions and other pipe (b) concrete blinding layer or polythene
7 Beds and surrounds materials stated 1 Overall dimensions of sheeting to bottom of trenches as
bed and surround fittings, and (2) between
4 Other filling materials, external faces of two required,
type stated manholes or accessories. (c) supports to drain pipes and fittings,
8 Vertical casings 1 Overall dimensions of
(d) compaction of concrete or fill materials,
vertical casing stated
(e) forming any construction and
movement joints including joint filler.
9 Drain pipes m 1 Cast iron pipes 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Laid in trenches M10. Pipes are measured C5. Items for drain pipes are deemed to
2 Vitrified clay pipes pipes 2 Laid in ducts along the centre lines of include:
2 Wrapping or lining to pipes over all bends, (a) flexible or rigid pipes with appropriate
3 Precast concrete pipes 3 Suspended from soffits junctions and other pipe
pipes joining systems,
4 Ductile iron pipes 4 Fixed to walls or fittings.
3 Painting to pipes columns (b) short lengths and all cuttings including
5 Polyvinyl chloride pipes M11. Lengths of pipes preparation of cut ends of pipes for
6 Concrete porous pipes 5 Laid on floors entering manholes and jointing,
6 Others, detail stated accessories are
7 Unglazed clayware (c) jointing to new and existing pipes,
measured to inside
pipes manholes, accessories and the like,
surfaces of manholes and
8 Perforated plastic pipes accessories. (d) provision of all brackets, supports,
9 Other pipes, type stated M12. Alternatively, all pipe hangers and the like,
fittings are enumerated. (e) pipe fittings including bends, branch
Pipework is measured junctions, reducers, rodding eyes and
along the centre lines of the like, and
pipes only (i.e. not (f) pipe sleeves including filling and
through pipe fittings). sealing annular spaces between pipes
M13. Alternatively, drain and pipe sleeves with specified fire
pipes fixed to different rated materials and sealant.
backgrounds are not
measured separately
according to level 4 but
are grouped together.


Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
10 Pipe accessories nr 1 Back inlet gullies 1 Dimensioned C6. Items for pipe accessories are deemed
2 Road gullies description including to include:
type, size and internal (a) additional cutting on pipes and all
3 Kerb type gullies diameter of each inlet additional joints,
4 Running traps and outlet
(b) bedding and surrounding with concrete
5 Intercepting traps including all necessary excavation,
6 Fresh air inlets backfill, disposal of surplus materials
7 Balloon gratings and formwork, and
8 Other pipe accessories, (c) gratings and frames, strainers and all
type stated other integral and associated fittings.

11 Manholes nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Manhole depth ≤ 1.00 M14. The manhole depth is C7. Items for manholes, inspection
description including m measured between the chambers, grease traps, petrol
internal sizes, 2 And thereafter in 0.50 m cover level and the invert interceptors, soakaways, cesspools, septic
construction details of stages level. tanks and the like are deemed to include:
base slab, wall and M15. Alternatively, these (a) excavation in any materials
12 Inspection chambers cover slab, sizes of works are measured in encountered, filling in and ramming with
13 Grease traps main and branch detail in accordance with selected excavated material, and
channels, internal the relevant Sections. disposal of surplus excavated material
14 Petrol interceptors
finishes, accessories off site,
15 Septic tanks and drawing references
(b) blinding layer, in-situ and precast
16 Soakaways
concrete, brickwork, blockwork,
17 Cesspools formwork and moulds, reinforcement
18 Catch pits and structural steel joists,
19 Service chambers (c) forming main and bench channels and
20 Other tanks and pits, benchings,
type stated (d) building in ends of pipes,
(e) backdrops, pipework, foot-holes, step
irons, access ladders, hand-railing,
intercepting traps, rodding arms,
chains, hooks, stoppers, sediment
buckets and the like,
(f) covers, frames, gratings, handles, lifting
keys and other necessary accessories,
(g) bedding and surrounding intercepting
traps with concrete and setting
stoppers in cement mortar,
(h) bedding and haunching manhole cover
frames and setting covers, and
(i) all preparatory works, rendering,
painting and other finishes.


Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
21 Alterations and nr 1 Dimensioned C8. Items for alterations and connections to
connections to description including existing manholes and the like are deemed
existing manholes size of pipes, wall to include:
and the like thicknesses and (a) temporary diversion of or plugging up
alterations to concrete drains as required,
main and benching
channels (b) forming holes including trimming steel
(c) building in ends of new drain pipes,
(d) cutting concrete benching for new main
or branch channels,
(e) making good concrete walls, rendering
and all other works disturbed to match
existing, and
(f) removing debris off-site.
22 Drainage works - M16. Where this part of
between last drainage works is to be
manholes and carried out by the
government’s sewers contractor, these works
are measured separately
in accordance with
measurement rules of this
item M17. Where this part of
drainage works is to be
carried out by a separate
contractor, these works
are covered by a
provisional sum.
23 Testing the complete item 1 Detailed description C9. Items for testing the underground
underground drainage including type of test drainage system are deemed to include:
system and specification (a) provision of testing instruments,
references equipment, water and other supplies,
(b) preparation and submission of testing
(c) remedying any defects and re-testing
as necessary, and
(d) leaving the drainage system in sound


Classification table for drainage below ground

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
24 Preparation of 2D item 1 Detailed description 1 Working drawings
drawings and/or 3D including information and/or models
BIM models required, format in 2D 2 As built drawings and/or
drawings or 3D BIM models
models or both, and
number of hard and soft


36 Water Supply and Disposal Systems

(This Section covers condensation disposal systems for window air-conditioning units, rainwater disposal systems, soil, waste and ventilation pipe systems, pumped drain systems, sanitary fittings, cold water
systems, hot water systems, flushing water systems, water supplies for irrigation systems, fountain and water feature systems, fire service systems and other water related systems.)

Information to be provided Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules

1 Drawings showing the schematic, plans and sections of the above water supply and disposal systems. M1. Each of the following D1. Condensation disposal C1. Items in this Section are deemed to
types of system is systems for window air- include:
measured and described conditioning units do not (a) marking positions of and leaving or
under a separate include the condensate forming all holes, mortices, chases and
heading: drain systems from the like,
(a) condensation disposal central air-conditioning
systems which are (b) all necessary fixings to any background
systems for window including sealing rings, holderbats,
air-conditioning units, measured under the
Mechanical Installations clips, brackets, clamps, supports,
(b) rainwater disposal Section. hangers, bolts, nuts, plugs, screws,
systems, shot fired pins and the like,
D2. Equipotential bonding
(c) soil, waste and is defined as the (c) working in high or low levels, internal
ventilation pipe permanent jointing of and external positions, plant rooms or
systems, metallic parts to form an confined working space,
(d) pumped drain electrically conductive (d) plates, discs, labels, tapes, bands,
systems, path to assure electrical charts and diagrams for identification of
(e) sanitary fittings, continuity. equipment, appliances, pipes and the
(f) cold water systems,
(e) instruction notices and warning signs
(g) hot water systems, for indication of equipment, appliances,
(h) flushing water pipes and the like, and
systems, (f) connection points for the connection of
(i) water supply for equipotential bonding conductors by
irrigation systems, the electrical installation contractor.
(j) water supply for
fountain and water
feature systems,
(k) water supply for fire
service systems, and
(l) other water related
M2. Works outside the site
boundary are measured


Classification table for water supply and disposal systems

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 Sanitary fittings nr 1 Basins 1 Type, size, surface 1 Ancillaries included as C2. Items for sanitary fittings are deemed to
2 Sinks finish and capacity of part of sanitary fittings include:
sanitary fittings and stated (a) all integrated components, accessories
3 Baths specification references and ancillaries,
4 Water closets stated
(b) everything necessary for jointing to
5 Urinal bowls/stalls services, overflow, soil, waste and vent
6 Urinal divisions pipes including couplers, adapters,
7 Shower trays enlarged pipe sockets, WC connector
and the like,
8 Shower enclosures
(c) sealing or pointing around sanitary
9 Bidets
fittings, and
10 Drinking fountains
(d) wiring and connections to the nearest
11 Other sanitary fittings, electrical power point where required.
type stated
2 Ancillaries (not nr 1 Taps 1 Type, size and surface C3. Items for ancillaries are deemed to
included as part of 2 Mixers finish of ancillaries and include everything necessary for jointing to
sanitary fittings) specification references sanitary fittings.
3 Shower heads, arms stated
and rails
4 Faucets
5 Other ancillaries, type
3 Equipment nr 1 Pumps 1 Type, size, surface 1 Thermal insulation to C4. Items for equipment are deemed to
2 Pneumatic tanks finish and duty/capacity equipment stated include:
of equipment and 2 Sound insulation to (a) all integrated components, accessories
3 Heaters specification references equipment stated and ancillaries,
4 Boilers stated
(b) setting and fixing in position on any
5 Cisterns background including all supports,
6 Tanks fixings, brackets, hangers, shims and
7 Control panels packing pieces and holding down bolts,
8 Others, type stated (c) everything necessary for jointing to
(d) flow and return header pipes,
(e) anti-vibration mountings including anti-
vibration materials in base,
(f) all necessary protective or decorative
painting or finishes, and
(g) conduit, wiring and connections to the
nearest control panels and electrical
power points.


Classification table for water supply and disposal systems

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Pipework m 1 Copper pipes 1 Nominal diameter of 1 Laid in trenches M3. Pipework is measured C5. Items for pipework and fittings are
2 Coated cast iron pipes pipes stated 2 Laid in ducts along the centre lines of deemed to include:
2 Ditto, wrapping or pipes over all bends, (a) all cuttings, short lengths, made bends
3 Ductile iron pipes 3 Laid in chases elbows, junctions and
insulation to pipes and connections and jointing materials,
4 Galvanised mild steel stated 4 Embedded in in-situ other pipe fittings, but not
pipes concrete through pipe accessories (b) different types of pipe joints including
3 Ditto, painting to pipes and ancillaries. threaded, brazed, soldered, flanged,
5 Lined galvanised mild stated 5 Embedded in screeds compression, grooved and other
steel pipes 6 Suspended from soffits M4. Excavating trenches specified joints,
6 Unplasticised polyvinyl for pipes laid in trenches
7 Fixed to walls or (c) joints in running lengths,
chloride pipes is measured in
columns (d) joints between pipes of different
accordance with the
7 Stainless steel pipes 8 Laid on floors materials and/or different grades of
Excavating and Filling
8 Other pipes, type stated 9 Others, detail stated Section. same materials,
M5. Alternatively, pipework (e) joints to sanitary fittings, equipment,
fixed to different pipe fittings, pipe accessories, pipe
backgrounds is not ancillaries and instruments,
measured separately (f) provision of loose collars, couplings,
according to level 4 but adapters, connectors, expansion joints
are grouped together. and the like,
5 Items extra over nr 1 Copper pipe fittings 1 Bends 1 Nominal diameter of M6. Reducing fittings are (g) screwed sockets, tapping, bosses,
pipework for fittings > pipe fittings stated identified by the largest welding necks welded to pipes and
2 Coated cast iron pipe 2 Long radius bends
110 mm nominal diameter. puddle flanges,
fittings 3 Elbows 2 Ditto, wrapping or
diameter insulation to pipe fittings M7. Pipe fittings with (h) pipe fittings ≤ 110 mm nominal
3 Ductile iron pipe fittings 4 Single junctions stated access doors or diameter, and
4 Galvanised mild steel 5 Single reducing inspection units are
3 Ditto, painting to pipe (i) wrapping or painting on pipe clips,
pipe fittings junctions described in item
fittings stated holders, hangers, and the like.
5 Lined galvanised mild 6 Double junctions descriptions.
steel pipe fittings M8. Alternatively, all pipe
7 Double reducing
6 Unplasticised polyvinyl junctions fittings are enumerated.
chloride pipe fittings Pipework is measured
8 Tees
7 Stainless steel pipe along the centre lines of
fittings 9 Reducing tees pipes only (i.e. not
10 Crosses through pipe fittings).
8 Other pipe fittings, type
stated 11 Reducing crosses
12 Reducers
13 Caps/stop ends
14 Cleaning eyes
15 Shoes
16 Other pipe fittings,
name stated


Classification table for water supply and disposal systems

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
6 Pipe accessories (for nr 1 Roof drain outlets 1 Kind and quality of 1 Nominal size stated D3. Roof and floor drain C6. C5 applies where applicable.
drainage systems) 2 Floor drain outlets materials stated outlets and rainwater
heads include removable
3 Rainwater heads gratings, collars and other
4 Aprons assemblies.
5 Vent cowls
6 Balloon gratings
7 Bottle traps
8 “P” traps
9 “S” traps
10 “W” traps
11 Bath traps
12 Other pipe accessories,
type stated
7 Pipe ancillaries (for nr 1 Strainers 1 Kind and quality of 1 Nominal size stated D4. Valves include
water supply systems) 2 Flexible connectors/ materials stated manually operated valve
expansion joints actuators such as
handwheels, levers,
3 Non-return valves chains or gear wheels.
4 Gate valves
5 Globe valves
6 Check valves
7 Ball valves
8 Ball float valves
9 Drain valves
10 Butterfly valves
11 Diaphragm valves
12 Pressure reducing
13 Other ancillaries, type
8 Instrumentation nr 1 Pressure gauges 1 Kind and quality of 1 Size of pipes connected
complete with cocks materials stated
2 Flow meters complete
with cocks


Classification table for water supply and disposal systems

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
9 Gutters m 1 Kind and quality of 1 Nominal size stated 1 Straight M9. Gutters are measured D5. Special joints and C7. Items for gutters are deemed to include:
materials stated 2 Curved along the centre lines of connections are joints (a) all cuttings, short lengths and joints in
gutters over all fittings. which differ from those running lengths,
M10. Alternatively, all generally occurring in
running lengths or are (b) jointing, bending, welding, soldering
gutter fittings are and the like,
enumerated. Gutters are connections to existing
measured along the gutters or gutters of a (c) preparation of outlet openings,
centre lines of gutters different profile or (d) special joints and connections,
only (i.e. not through material.
(e) fixings to any backgrounds including
gutter fittings). rails, brackets, clips, fasteners, hooks,
bolts, nuts and the like,
(f) gutter fittings including angles, stopped
ends, outlets, overflows, tapers,
reducers and the like, and
(g) caulking and sealants.
10 Pipe sleeves item 1 Detailed description C8. Items for pipe sleeves are deemed to
including drawing include:
and/or specification (a) provision of specified pipe sleeves
references passing through walls (including
basement walls), floors or roofs,
(b) provision of fire collars for non-metal or
plastic pipes passing through fire
(c) provision of approved cover plates to
ends of sleeves,
(d) filling and sealing annular spaces
between pipes and pipe sleeves with
specified materials including fire rated
materials, and
(e) pointing with approved mastic sealant.
11 Testing the complete item 1 Detailed description C9. Items for testing the complete systems
systems including type of test are deemed to include:
and specification (a) provision of testing instruments,
references equipment, water and other supplies,
(b) preparation and submission of testing
and commissioning reports,
(c) remedying any defects and re-testing
as necessary.


Classification table for water supply and disposal systems

Measurement rules Definition rules Coverage rules
Level 1 Unit Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
12 Preparation of 2D item 1 Detailed description 1 Working drawings
drawings and/or 3D including information and/or models
BIM models required, format in 2D 2 As built drawings and/or
drawings or 3D BIM models
models or both, and
number of hard and soft
13 Provisions of item 1 Detailed requirements
operation and including information
maintenance manuals required, method of
presentation and
number of hard and soft
14 Training to items 1 Detailed facilities,
maintenance durations and syllabus
operators and/or of training


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